1 Introduction

Nowadays, MapReduce [1] and its public available implementation, Hadoop,Footnote 1 have emerged as the de facto standard programming framework for performing large scalable and parallel tasks with a community cluster of machines. This programming framework is scalable, fault tolerant, cost-effective and easy to use. The successes of MapReduce and its variants have resulted in their deployments in the industry [26] and academic communities [715]. As one of the improvements of MapReduce, ComMapRedcue [16, 17] adds simple lightweight communication mechanisms to generate the certain shared information and then enhances the performance of query processing applications with large-scale datasets in the cloud. In addition, three basic and two optimization communication strategies of ComMapReduce framework are proposed to illustrate how to communicate and obtain the shared information of different applications.

ComMapReduce is a successful improvement of the original MapReduce framework. Numerous query processing applications can largely enhance the performance with the communication strategies of ComMapReduce. However, through the abundant experiments and further analysis of the execution course of ComMapReduce framework, the characteristics of ComMapReduce are further summarized as follows. First, not all the query processing applications are appropriate for ComMapReduce framework. In other words, the performance of certain queries in MapReduce framework is optimal to the performance in ComMapReduce framework. Second, different communication strategies of ComMapReduce can substantially affect the performance of query processing applications. In ComMapReduce framework, the performance of one query processing application is different with the different communication strategies of ComMapReduce framework. Third, in MapReduce programming, the configuration parameters can fully specify how the job should execute, such as the number of Map and Reduce tasks, the size of block, whether adopting Combiner, and so on. ComMapReduce is the improvement of MapReduce and inherits the basic programming framework of MapReduce, so these configuration parameters also have a sharp impact on the performance of ComMapReduce jobs.

Therefore, for a query programm, whether processing in ComMapReduce and adopting which communication strategies of ComMapReduce framework are urgent problems to be resolved. If we can adopt efficient classification algorithm to optimize the implementations of query processing applications, the whole ComMapReduce framework can reach an excellent performance. Extreme learning machine (ELM) [18] proposed by Huang et.al is exactly developed for generalized single hidden-layer feedforward networks (SLPNs) with a wide variety of hidden nodes. ELM can provide classification performance at an extremely fast training speed. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an efficient query processing optimization approach based on ELM in ComMapReduce framework, named ELM_CMR approach. Our ELM_CMR approach can effectively analyze the query processing applications and obtain the most optimal solution. First, after analyzing the overview of our ELM_CMR approach, we choose the adaptive feature parameters to train the ELM model for query processing optimization. Then, we propose two implementations of our ELM_CMR approach, one query implementation and multiple queries implementation. The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows.

  • We propose an efficient query processing optimization approach in ComMapReduce framework based on ELM and select the adaptive feature parameters to generate our ELM Classifier.

  • Two implementations of ELM_CMR approach, one query and multiple queries, are proposed to optimize the performance of query processing applications.

  • Our experimental studies using synthetic data show the effectiveness and efficiency of our ELM_CMR approach.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly introduces the ELM and ComMapReduce framework. Our ELM_CMR approach and two implementations for query processing applications are proposed in Sect. 3. The experimental results to show the performance of ELM_CMR are reported in Sect. 4. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 5.

2 Background

In this section, we describe the background for our work, which includes a brief overview of the traditional ELM and a detailed description of ComMapReduce framework.

2.1 Review of ELM

Recently, with the characteristics of excellent generalization performance, rapid training speed and little human intervene, extreme learning machine (ELM) [18] and its variants [1934] have attracted increasing attention from more and more researchers. ELM is originally developed for single hidden-layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) and is then extended to the “generalized” SLFNs. ELM first randomly assigns the input weights and hidden-layer biases and then analytically determines the output weights of SLFNs. Contrast to the other conventional learning algorithms, ELM reaches the optimal generalization performance with a sharply fast learning speed. ELM is less sensitive to the user-defined parameters, so that it can be deployed faster and more conveniently than the others.

For N arbitrary distinct samples (x j t j ), where \({{\bf x}_j = [x_{j1}, x_{j2}, \ldots, x_{jn}]^{T} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}}\) and \({{\bf t}_j = [t_{j1}, t_{j2}, \ldots, t_{jm}]^{T} \in \mathbb{R}^{m}}\), standard SLFNs with hidden nodes L and activation function g(x) are mathematically modeled as

$$\sum_{i=1}^{L}{{\varvec{\beta}}_i g_i({\bf x}_j)} = \sum_{i=1}^{L}{{\varvec{\beta}}_i g({\bf w}_i \cdot {\bf x}_j + b_i)} = {\bf o}_j \qquad (j = 1, 2, \ldots, N)$$

where L is the number of hidden-layer nodes, \({\bf w}_i = [w_{i1}, w_{i2}, \ldots, w_{in}]^{T}\) is the weight vector between the ith hidden node and the input nodes, \({\varvec{\beta}}_i = [\beta_{i1}, \beta_{i2}, \ldots, \beta_{im}]^{T}\) is the weight vector connecting the ith hidden node and the output nodes, b i is the threshold of the ith hidden node and \({\bf o}_j = [o_{j1}, o_{j2}, \ldots, o_{jm}]^{T}\) is the jth output vector of the SLFNs [34].

The standard SLFNs can approximate these N samples with zero error. The error of ELM is \(\sum_{j=1}^{L} {||{\bf o}_j - {\bf t}_j||} = 0\) and there exist \({\varvec{\beta}}_i, \,{\bf w}_i\)and b i such that

$$\sum_{i=1}^{L}{{\varvec{\beta}}_i g({\bf w}_i \cdot {\bf x}_j + b_i)} = {\bf t}_j \qquad (j = 1, 2, \ldots, N)$$

The equation above can be expressed compactly as follows:

$${\bf H} {\varvec{\beta}} = {\bf T}$$

where \({\bf H}({\bf w}_1,{\bf w}_2,\ldots, {\bf w}_L,b_1,b_2,\ldots, b_L,{\bf x}_1,{\bf x}_2,\ldots, {\bf x}_L)\)

$$= \left[ \begin{array}{c} h(x_1)\\ h(x_2)\\ \vdots\\ h(x_N)\\ \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} g({\bf w}_1 \cdot {\bf x}_1 + b_1) & g({\bf w}_2 \cdot {\bf x}_1 + b_2) & \ldots & g({\bf w}_L \cdot {\bf x}_1 + b_L) \\ g({\bf w}_1 \cdot {\bf x}_2 + b_1) & g({\bf w}_2 \cdot {\bf x}_2 + b_2) & \ldots & g({\bf w}_L \cdot {\bf x}_2 + b_L) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ g({\bf w}_1 \cdot {\bf x}_N + b_1) & g({\bf w}_2 \cdot {\bf x}_N + b_2) & \ldots & g({\bf w}_L \cdot {\bf x}_N + b_L) \\ \end{array} \right]_{N \times L}$$
$${\varvec{\beta}} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} {\beta}_{1}^{T} \\ {\beta}_{2}^{T} \\ \vdots \\ {\beta}_{L}^{T} \\ \end{array} \right]_{L \times m} \qquad {\rm and} \qquad {\bf T} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} {t}_{1}^{T} \\ {t}_{2}^{T} \\ \vdots \\ {t}_{N}^{T} \\ \end{array} \right]_{N \times m}$$

H is named the hidden-layer output matrix of the neural network. The ith column of H is called the ith hidden node output with respect to inputs \({\bf x}_1, {\bf x}_2, \ldots, {\bf x}_N\). The smallest norm least-squares solution of the above multiple regression system is:

$$\hat{\varvec{\beta}} = {\bf H}^{\dagger} {\bf T}$$

where \({\bf H}^{\dagger}\) is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H. Then, the output function of ELM can be modeled as follows.

$$f({\bf x}) = {\bf h}({\bf x}){\varvec{\beta}} = {\bf h}({\bf x}){\bf H}^{\dagger} {\bf T}$$

The computational process for ELM training is given in Algorithm 1. Only after properly setting the related parameters, ELM can start the training process. Step one is to generate L pairs of hidden node parameters (w i b i ) (Lines 1–3). Step two actually calculates the hidden-layer output matrix H by using Eq. (4) (Line 4). Step three mainly computes the corresponding output weight vector \({\varvec{\beta}}\) (Line 5). After completing the above training process, the output of the new dataset can be predicted by ELM according to Eq. (7).

figure a

2.2 ComMapReduce framework

MapReduce is a parallel programming framework processing of the large-scale datasets on clusters with numerous commodity machines. An overview of the execution course of a MapReduce application is shown in Fig. 1. When a MapReduce job is processed in the cluster, as the brain of the whole framework, the Master node schedules a number of parallel tasks to run on the Slave nodes. First, in Map phase, each Map task independently operates a non-overlapping split of the input file and calls the user-defined Map function to emit its intermediate <key,value> tuples in parallel. Second, once a Map task completes, each Reduce task fetches all the particular intermediate data remotely. This course is called the shuffle phase in MapReduce.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Framework of MapReduce

In the actual applications of MapReduce, when the final results are much smaller than the original data, such as a top-k query, there are a large number of unpromising intermediate data to be transferred in the shuffle phase, leading to the waste of disk access, CPU resources and network bandwidth. ComMapReduce [16, 17] is an optimized MapReduce framework with lightweight communication mechanisms. In ComMapReduce framework as shown in Fig. 2, a new node, named the Coordinator node, is added to store and generate the certain shared information of different applications. The Coordinator node can communicate with the Mappers and Reducers with simple lightweight communication mechanisms.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Framework of ComMapReduce

In Map phase, after each Mapper completes, it computes its local shared information according to the features of the application and sends it to the Coordinator node. After that, the Coordinator node gains the most optimal one as the global shared information from the local shared information it receives according to the features of the application too. Simultaneously, the Mappers receive the global shared information to filter out their unpromising intermediate data to be transferred in the shuffle phase. The amounts of the intermediate data can be decreased, so as to shorten the latency time and improve the utility of bandwidth and CPU resources. Three basic communication strategies are designed to illustrate how to communicate with the Coordinator node to obtain the global shared information, respectively, lazy communication strategy (LCS), eager communication strategy (ECS) and hybrid communication strategy (HCS). Two optimization communication strategies are proposed to enlarge the ways of receiving and generating the shared information, respectively, prepositive optimization strategy (PreOS) and postpositive optimization strategy (PostOS).

In summary, without affecting the existing characteristics of the original MapReduce framework, ComMapReduce is an efficient parallel programming framework with global shared information to filter out the unpromising data. It can not only process the one pass massive data applications, but also implements the iterative massive data analysis applications.

3 ELM-based query processing optimization

In this section, the overview of our ELM_CMR approach is introduced first in Sect. 3.1, and then, we propose an efficient feature subset selection method to train the ELM model in Sect. 3.2. In Sect. 3.3, two implementations of ELM_CMR are presented, one query and multiple queries.

3.1 Overview of ELM_CMR approach

There are four main components of Our ELM_CMR approach that can optimize the query processing programs effectively in ComMapReduce framework. Figure 3 shows the flow of information through the approach. The four main components are, respectively, the Feature Selector, the ELM Classifier, the Query Optimizer and the Execution Fabric. The Feature Selector examines the training data and selects the features that can wholly affect the query performance. There are many features that can be used to describe a ComMapReduce job, but not all of them can drastically affect the performance. Therefore, it is important to select the main features. How to select the main features is to be illustrated in Sect. 3.2 in detail. After selecting the features of training data, the Feature Selector sends the extracted training data to the ELM Classifier. The ELM Classifier uses the training data to construct the ELM model by the traditional ELM algorithm. After that, when there are one or multiple queries to be processed, the ELM Classifier can rapidly obtain the classification results of the queries, and then sends them to the Query Optimizer. The Query Optimizer applies the classification results of the ELM Classifier and combines the implementation patterns to choose an optimized execution order. How to choose the execution order will be presented in Sect. 3.3. After gaining the execution order, the Query Optimizer sends it to the Execution Fabric. The Execution Fabric implements the program in ComMapReduce framework.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of ELM_CMR approach

For the query processing applications, we can identify the most optimal communication strategies of ComMapReduce framework by using our ELM_CMR approach. With the optimal communication strategy, the processing cost of the shuffle phase can be reduced drastically. Although the computation of ELM_CMR approach adds the whole processing cost, the computation cost of ELM_CMR approach is relatively cost-effective and time-efficient contrast to the processing course with the other communication strategies of ComMapReduce framework. So, we can realize the optimized query processing implementation so as to further enhance the performance of ComMapReduce framework by ELM_CMR approach.

3.2 Feature subset selection

A query processing program q of MapReduce or ComMapReduce is regarded as job j =  <qdrc>, where d is the original input data; r is the cluster resource; and c is the configuration parameter setting of q. In this situation, because d, r and c can have different configurations, a number of selections can be made to fully specify how the job should execute. For example, d contains the data size and distribution of the input data; r contains the number of Slave nodes and the network configuration. Moreover, c in j =  <qdrc> comes from a high dimensional space of configuration parameters settings that contain (but are not limited to):

  • The number of Map and Reduce tasks.

  • The size of the memory buffer to use while sorting mapout.

  • Whether adopting Combiner function to aggregate map outputs.

We call these parameters the feature parameters of a query program q. Figure 4 shows the impact of execution time of a skyline [35] query in ComMapReduce framework by changing two feature parameters. We can see that the execution time changes a lot with different feature parameters. Therefore, it is important to specify the proper settings of feature parameters for the submitted job j. Due to the high dimensional property of c in j, we should identify the configuration parameters that can largely affect the performance of q. For any parameter whose value is not specified explicitly during job submission, either is shipped with the system or specified by the system administrator. Finding the proper configuration parameter setting is a time-consuming course, which requires extensive knowledge of the whole framework. In this paper, we adopt the execution time as the performance metric, but is not limited this metric.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Execution time in different feature parameters

The first problem is to obtain the proper configuration parameters of program q by dynamically generating the concise statistical summaries of MapReduce job execution. In this paper, we use the job profiles to obtain the configuration parameter settings. The job profile is a vector where each field captures some unique features during the job execution. We use task-level sampling to generate the appropriate job profiles while keeping the run-time overhead low. In order to collect a job profile for j, the profile can be gained by only selecting small samples of j’s tasks. For example, for a job containing 50 Map tasks, it is only to run 5 tasks of them to generate the profile.

The second problem is to minimize the number of parameters in the near-optimal configuration parameter settings. All configuration parameters form a space of parameter settings S. There are so many parameters in S that the high dimensionality space of S affects the scalability of our approach. If the individual parameters in S can be grouped into clusters, S i , the globally optimal setting in S can be computed from the optimal settings of the clusters S i as shown in Algorithm 2. Step one divides the high dimensional space S into the lower dimensional subspaces S i (Line 1). Step two considers an independent optimization problem in each smaller subspace (Lines 2–4). Step three combines the optimal parameter settings found in per subspace S i (Line 5).

figure b

Naturally, the parameters of program q can be divided into three clusters, parameters that predominantly affect Map task execution; parameters that predominantly affect Reduce task execution and the cluster parameters. For example, Hadoop’s io.sort.record.percent parameter affects the storing record boundaries of the Map outputs, while mapred.job.shuffle.merge.percent only affects the shuffle phase in Reduce tasks. The dfs.hearbeate.interval determines the interval of sending the heartbeat information of the whole system, and so on. In this paper, we adopt the minimum-redundancy-maximum-relevance (mRMR) [36] feature selection to find the optimal parameters sharply affecting the performance in each cluster. The mRMR is a first-order incremental feature selection to select a compact set of superior features at very low cost. And then, we generate the globally optimal configuration parameter settings by combining the results of the each subspace.

The globally optimal configuration parameter settings, combining with the input data d and the cluster resource r, form the feature parameters of the ELM Classifier. Table 1 lists the feature parameters in our experiments along with their default values that can impact the performance of jobs, but not all the configuration parameters in the system. We can use the ELM algorithm to generate the ELM model. When a new query or multiple queries come, the ELM model can effectively classify them to identify whether adopting ComMapReduce framework and determine which communication strategies of ComMapReduce to be adopted. After obtaining the feature parameters of the ELM_CMR approach, the ELM Classifier can generate classification results of the query processing applications. Then, the implementations of our ELM_CMR are introduced in Sect. 3.3.

Table 1 Feature parameters in the experiments

3.3 Implementations of ELM_CMR

After generating the ELM Classifier, the pending queries may be one query or multiple queries. In this section, we first propose the implementation of one query, and then the implementation of multiple queries.

3.3.1 Implementation of one query

When there is one query to be processed, the Feature Selector abstracts its feature parameters of this query, and then, the ELM Classifier generates its classification result. After obtaining the classification result, the Query Optimizer can make a decision of adopting which communication strategy of ComMapReduce framework is suitable. The Execution Fabric then implements the query processing application according to the result of the Query Optimizer.

The implementation of one query is shown in Algorithm 3. First, the feature parameters of query processing job j are extracted using the above feature selection method (Line 1). Second, after obtaining the feature parameters of job j, the ELM Classifier generates the classification of j (Line 2). Third, according to the classification result of j, the Query Classifier ensures how to implement the program and sends it to the Execution Fabric. The Execution Fabric uses the optimization result to implement the query program (Line 3).

figure c

For example, for a top-k query, after abstracting its feature parameters, the ELM Classifier generates its classification and then identifies the communication strategy of this top-k query, such as ECS. After that, the top-k query is implemented with ECS in ComMapReduce framework.

3.3.2 Implementation of multiple queries

When there are multiple queries to be processed, the Query Optimizer can design an execution order of the queries without considering the situation of concurrently executing queries. Under the execution order, the performance of the multiple queries can reach the most optimal status. So the execution order is important to enhance the performance of our ELM_CMR approach.

With the same method as one query, the multiple queries can be classified by ELM Classifier and gain its best communication strategy of each program. After that, during the course of obtaining the job profile, a Task Scheduler Simulator is used to simulate the scheduling and execution of Map and Reduce tasks of each q. The implementation of the Task Scheduler Simulator is a lightweight discrete event simulation, only requiring a small task of job j. The output from the simulator is a complete description of the execution of job j in the cluster, such as the estimated job completion time, the amount of local I/O or even a visualization of the task execution time. Therefore, according to the classification results, the execution time of a job j can be estimated by the Task Schedular Simulator. So, according to the common principle of Shortest Job First (SJF), we suppose that the shorter the execution time of a query is, the better priority order the query is. We can generate an execution order (O s ) of the multiple queries with the ascending order of the simulated execution time. According to O s , the multiple queries can be implemented. Algorithm 4 illustrates the complete implementation course of the multiple queries. First, we can obtain the classification and simulate its execution time of each query (Lines 1–4). Then, the execution order is generated by Shortest Job First (SJF) principle (Line 5).

figure d

Figure 5 shows an example of the multiple queries implementation course. Suppose that there are eight queries to be proposed by our ELM_CMR approach. We want to confirm the final execution order. After classified by the ELM Classifier, these queries obtain their classification results as shown in Fig. 5. According to the simulated execution time of the queries and SJF principle, we can get an execution order O s ,  q 2,   q 5,  q 3,   q 1,   q 6,  q 4,   q 7,  q 8.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Implementation of multiple queries

4 Performance evaluation

In this section, the performance of our ELM_CMR approach is evaluated in detail with various experimental settings. We first describe the platform used in our experiments in Sect. 4.1. Then, we present and discuss the experimental results in Sect. 4.2.

4.1 Experimental platform

Our experimental platform is a cluster of 9 commodity PCs in a high-speed Gigabit network, with one PC as the Master node and the Coordinator node, the others as the Slave nodes. Each PC has an Intel Quad Core 2.66GHZ CPU, 4GB memory and CentOS Linux 5.6. We use Hadoop 0.20.2 and compile the source codes under JDK 1.6. The ELM algorithm is implemented in MATLABR2009a. The data in our experiments are synthetic data. Table 1 summarizes the parameters used in the experiments including the default values. The ELM Classifier divides the communication strategies into 7 classifications, respectively, ECS, HCS-0.5, HCS-1, HCS-2, PreOS, PostOS and MapReduce (MR). HCS-0.5 means the preassigned time interval of HCS is 0.5s. We evaluate the performance of ELM_CMR in different implementations for one query and multiple queries.

4.2 Experimental results

First, four typical query processing applications are adopted to evaluate the implementations of one query, top-k, kNN, skyline and join. We use the ELM_CMR to identify the most optimal communication strategy of each query and then implement the query under different communication strategies to test their performance. Figure 6 shows the performance of a top-k query (k = 1,000). We can see that the performance of this top-k query is different in different communication strategies, and PreOS is the best one. This is same as the classification result of our ELM_CMR. When k is much smaller than the original data, the global shared information can reach the most optimal one quickly, so the Mappers can retrieve the shared information in the initial phase to filter out the unpromising data.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Performance of top-k query

Figure 7 shows the performance of a kNN query. The classification of this kNN query is HCS-0.5 and the running time of HCS-0.5 is the shortest in the experiment. HCS can obtain the shard information in a preassigned time interval. It does not only have to wait for all Mapper completed wasting extra time, but also receives the shard information after each Mapper completes.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Performance of kNN query

Figure 8 shows the performance of a skyline query in anti-correlated distribution. We can see that the performance of different communication strategies is not obviously different, but PostOS is a little better. The classification result of this skyline query is just PostOS. The reason is that the original data are skewed to the final results in anti-correlated distribution. The percentage of filtering is low, so the performance difference is not obvious. In this situation, although ELM_CMR can obtain the classification, the query can also choose the other communication strategies.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Performance of skyline query

Figure 9 shows the performance of a join query of small-big tables with its classification ECS. The performance of ECS is much better than MR. By the communication strategy, ECS, the join attributes of the small table can be set as the shared information to filter out the unpromising intermediate results.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Performance of join query

Second, we evaluate the performance in different execution orders of multiple queries. Figure 10 illustrates the performance of four top-k queries in the group. The running time of our optimized execution order is shorter than the running time of the original order. Our ELM_CMR can identify the proper classifications of the queries to enhance the performance. In the original order, the queries do not have the most optimal classification and implement with random communication strategies.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The same query type

Figure 11 shows the performance of the multiple queries about different types under different execution orders, respectively, top-k, kNN, skyline and join. There are four queries in the multiple queries group. We can see that the running time under our optimized execution order is much optimal than the original order. In our ELM_CMR approach, according to the classification results of the ELM Classifier, the Query Optimizer can generate the optimized execution order of the queries. Under the optimized execution order, the performance is much better than the original one.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The different query types

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we propose an efficient query processing optimization based on ELM in ComMapReduce framework. Our ELM_CMR approach can effectively analyze the query processing applications, and then generate the most optimized implementations of query processing applications. After analyzing the implementation of ComMapReduce framework, we train the ELM model to classify the query processing applications in ComMapReduce framework. Then, we propose two implementations of our ELM_CMR, one query and the multiple queries. The experiments demonstrate that our ELM_CMR approach is efficient and the query processing applications can reach an optimal performance.