1 Introduction

Over the past decades, the world's Web has undergone an unprecedented increase in hackers, malware, ransom wares, and other harmful bugs or groups who are actively attempting to find a way to access user data. This state goes without saying that security has become one of the most critical activities that can be addressed, irrespective of the position we usually perform (Adrian et al. 2015). The general necessity to avoid unauthorized access to confidential, private/otherwise vital details is something every end-users, database operators, system managers, and so on can acknowledge: The disagreements are primarily linked to what we ought to secure and how we can do it.

The process of deciding the best route to secure our data always includes a well-conducted risk analysis supported by a cost–benefit analysis, which is an effective model for the order to assist us in identifying the appropriate technological and operational measures to be followed in our given scenario (Aviram et al. 2016). The control system or processor must use adequate processes and technologies to maintain a minimum level of security to minimize the costs, taking into account communications systems, the cost of implementation and design, the scope, description, and objective, the threat of varying probability and the impact on human freedoms and privileges.

As the name suggests, in-transit data can be treated just like a medium of transmission: A perfect illustration of in-transit data is a standard Web page that we receive from the internet while we browse the internet. In a nutshell, this is what happens under the hood (Flavel et al. 2015):

  1. 1.

    We submit a request for HTTP (or HTTPS) to the server, which runs the Web site we use.

  2. 2.

    The Web server acknowledges our request, processes it by identifying the (static/dynamic) information that we have requested, and then sends it to us as an HTTP (or HTTPS) address over a specific TCP port (usually 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).

  3. 3.

    Our application, typically a Web browser such as Google Chrome and Firefox receives the response(s) in HTTP, stores it in their internal cache, and displays it to us.

Now, let us assume for granted that both the server and the client at rest introduced a high degree of data encryption: This ensures that the first and fifth states are internally secure, as any attempt at penetration against encrypted data is created. However, the third condition is that the data-in-transit may or may not be authenticated based on the application protocol. The client currently utilizes the data to be transmitted.

This is what usually happens under the hood when the HTTP protocol is being used:

As we can see, the security risks become quite clear. When the Web server reads the incoming request and decrypts the data, the submitted data become transparent, and the route used to send it to the Web client (HTTP) is not encrypted (Liu et al. 2015). As an outcome, any unauthorized party that effectively performs an attack (Fig. 1) directly accesses our encrypted information.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Weak spot (open to malicious attacks)

2 Related works

Additional conventional cryptographic protocols (e.g., TLS/SSL) do not always address the increasing security requirements in cloud communications. These motivations are mainly related to maintaining compatibility with the middlebox, backward compatibility with older systems, reduction due to non-availability of the selected protocol version, and some recent attacks (e.g., BEAST, CRIME, DROWN, WeakDH, and SSLv3 fallback, BREACH, POODLE, Logjam, and ROBOT threats) (Cangialosi et al. 2016).

Recently, the final draft of the TLS v1.3 was published. This reports some enhancements in terms of security and efficiency over TLS v1.2. TLS v1.3 excludes both existing symmetric encryption processes and the static RSA and the Diffie–Hellman cipher suites from helping. This is applied to the base requirements DHE (Bittau et al. 2010). It also uses only related data Authentic Encryption with the Accompanying Data (AEAD) processes to authenticate the encryption.

However, it has specific weaknesses. In TLS v1.3, the first two handshake round-trip messages are combined into a single round-trip address. The mixed message contains the approved cipher suites details, the network key exchange details, and the "Client_Hello_Msg" response together in the unencrypted form (Cramer and Shoup 2004; Kodali and Sarma 2013). Most notably, both transactions are conducted in unencrypted form until the Web gets a "Server_Hello_Msg" reply. The Client key exchange knowledge is one-half of the key exchange process provided by the server-side algorithm random presumption. As a result, if the server does not accept the algorithm or does not send any key share data, the user creates and re-submits key exchange data using the recognized algorithm, helping to reduce the round-trip time. Along with the above improvements, it also uses Pre-Shared Key (PSK) cipher suites. The Redundant messages like "Change_Cipher_Specification" are often omitted, and thus, it keeps backdoor support available for the middle-box applications (Tillich and Großschädl 2005).

TLS (Transport Layer Security), as well as related protocols such as QUIC, depending on the third-party repositories—Certificate Authorities (CA), is used to guarantee the authentication of the cryptographic keys shared between two exchanging parties (e.g., client and server), thereby defending beside successful Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) assaults. However, we have seen several issues in this program in recent years (Megouache et al. 2020): (a) CA's need to be tricked into granting certificates to the untrusted user; (b) CA servers have compromised; (c) the process to revoke weak or stolen certificates is troublesome; and (d) CA transfers the hidden keys to another possibly dangerous user. Consequently, the security offered by current TLS, contrary to successful MITM attacks, is maximally debatable.

On the other side, opportunistic encryption protocols like Tcpcryp offer an enhanced security standard for Internet communications. Instead of utilizing any cryptography, these protocols encrypt and authenticate the data without allowing communicators to authenticate each other's public keys (PBK). It offers security against proactive threats but leaves the door open for aggressive others (Failed 2020). Essentially, this is equivalent to utilizing a corrupted CA certificate or the self-signed one.

3 Proposed methodology

Throughout this segment, we suggest extensive stable data-in-transit defender (DiTD) architecture for cloud communication. This design effectively reduces cloud communications’ risks that occur within cloud entities. DiTD guarantees security Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) (Mohiuddin and Almogren 2020) and Cloud Users (CUs) in-transit data and validity. It has no middlebox or backward compatibility. If the two parties interact using the NIST-recommended cipher suites, then the protected connection cannot be created. They carry out Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) vulnerability monitoring (including eavesdropping, name spoofing, sniffing, code tampering), confidential knowledge leakage, compromised-key, repeat, repudiation, and device hijacking assaults (Elazhary 2019). But we are demonstrating that this design prevents such attacks effectively. DiTD defends the cloud contact networks with the significantly less overhead agreement and capacity, fair resource utilization, and better access than standard authentication protocols (e.g., TLS v1.3) (Almogren 2019).

Our key contribution in this work is a comprehensive stable infrastructure for cloud communication named DiTD. More precisely, the article refers to the following:

  • DiTD offers a novel security framework based on the high-performance cloud. The power and speed of symmetric block encryption, PUKC, cryptographic hash, and brief key exchange function are used efficiently by this protocol.

  • Using modern and concise message architectures facilitates reconnection, stable session configuration, and data transfer. Such message architectures support achieving reduced bandwidth utilization and reasonable memory use associated with the TLS v1.3 (the current regular variant of SSL successors) and implement other communication protocols within it (Shailendra et al. 2018).

  • DiTD guarantees data-in-transit confidentiality and all related hidden keys. By conducting Secured Key Exchange (SECKEX) for each client and encrypting the client with a fresh hidden key, it retains Perfect Backward Secrecy (PBS) and Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)

  • Secured Key Exchange (SECKEX) is a key exchange protocol, expanding key exchange Diffie–Hellman. By exploiting cloud communication channels between interacting parties, SECKEX offers opportunistic encryption with partial security, contrary to successful MITM attacks. Therefore, our protocol has all the usability advantages of opportunistic encryption while providing security against many active attackers.

4 DiTD architecture

This segment discusses, in detail, the suggested secure infrastructure for cloud communication. Within the following segment, we address the nature of this architecture and its various stages of communication. In this, we clarify the chain of activities executed at all ends of users and servers.

4.1 Design specification

DiTD tackles data-in-transit security in cloud computing. Utilizing a modern Key Management Server (KMS) framework ensures the validity of cloud entities (Gawannavar et al. 2015; Veerabathiran et al. 2020). The KMS is built to protect, delete, and securely spread public root keys. DiTD successfully incorporates symmetric block encryption intensity and time, PUKC, cryptographic hash, and ephemeral key exchange system. Symmetric encryption helps to guarantee confidentiality, cryptographic hashing helps to ensure integrity, and PBK cryptography ensures trustworthiness and non-repudiation. It includes these four critical security mechanisms into communication systems. A Cloud Service User (CSU) may provide a safe channel of contact with Cloud Front End (CFE), and it ensures that data and cryptographic keys are still secure.

No long-term keys are used on the network. The session is encrypted along with a new secret key guaranteeing Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS). DiTD is specific to interactions focused on both TCP and UDP. It operates in the layer of operation. It can therefore be effectively implemented in most of the protocols and application networks. DiTD utilizes seven different message architectures, which are extremely compact: (i) To publish (PUB), (ii) To acknowledge (ACK), (iii) To reconnect (RECON), (iv) For request (REQ), (v) For response (RES), (vi) To expire (EXP), and (vii) To find the error (ERR). We render DiTD more effective bandwidth usage, memory usage, and integration with existing protocols. Thus, these message architectures enable safe session configuration, reconnection, data transfer, and cloud-based error handling (Hamad et al. 2020).

The design consists of six separate communication phases: registration, configuration, creation of a session, transmission of data, termination, and reconnection. Throughout the registration process, the cloud organizations must first report the root PBKs to the Key Management Server (KMS). In the setup process, the partial cryptographic key pairs and the Hash Function (HF) are designed to create an encrypted session before any cloud user chooses to communicate to the private cloud. Instead, all organizations share their shared temporary keys signed by their respective private root key. Hybrid-crypto protocol secures the key exchange of temporary PBKs using AES/ECC Code for device encryption and SSDH/ECDH for key exchange of the session creation process.

After that, all organizations use SECKEX to produce a standard symmetric encryption key. Then, in the data transmission process, they continue sending coded signed data to each other. The cloud server dismisses the link, called the termination process, after successfully transmitting the answer payload to the cloud customer. At this stage, the server retains the session details protected before the client expires. The cloud user submits a reconnection request during that time and recovers the encrypted session for further data transfer, called the reconnection process. Figure 2 Illustrates specific interaction steps used by DiTD that are addressed in depth in the following section.

Fig. 2
figure 2

DiTD architecture communication phases

4.2 Registration phase

Before every communication, all cloud entities are registered with root PBKs on the Key Management Server (KMS) (Jurcut et al. 2020) of the DiTD. PBKs for the KMS will consistently be implemented in the cloud agency applications to guarantee the data's security and reliability between the KMS and the server. At this stage, it is assumed that the KMS, along with all its correspondences (Key Registration, Key Revocation, and Key Distribution), is secured.

4.2.1 DiTD’s key management server

A Data Encryption Key (DEK) is the device used to encrypt the data in a piece. Such keys are placed close to the data they encrypt, leading to the need for low latency and high availability. The DEKs are authenticated with a Standard Encryption Key (SEK) (or "wrapped by"). For Cloud Platform providers, one or more KEKs exist (Vijaya Kumar et al. 2020). Such KEKs are centrally maintained in Key Management Server (KMS), a server specifically designed to hold keys. With a reduced number of KEKs than DEKs and a single key management tool, DiTD's encryption data exchange is more scalable. It enables user access from a central point to be managed and regulated.

4.3 Setup phase

In the case of Cloud service Instance (CI), CI is started at the very beginning. Nevertheless, for the Cloud User (CU), interactions with the Cloud Front End (CFE) server begin when a new cloud link is established. A growing cloud entity creates a couple of temporary PUK-PK pairs during this process. One key pair (AES/ECC) is the reliability and validity of the payloads. For protected key exchange, the other leading pair is (SSDH/ECDH). Every cloud entity often initializes the cryptographic HF as defined in the specification.

4.4 Session creation phase

When CU first links with CI, a temporarily authenticated connection between CU and CI is initialized. A pair of messages are exchanged among them during this process. In the short session, secured by a 64-byte hashed session key, all parties store the pair of PBKs from the other side. Then, they produce a specific secret key for the data transmission process to begin. After each valid transaction, the 64-byte hashed session key (request-response) is modified. The CU regularly gets a modified session key concealed within the encrypted response. Once the session ends, all the established PBKs are immediately deleted, and a new secret key is created.

4.5 Data transmission phase

Once the protected session has been created, all parties use the proposed 2-TCA algorithm to execute hybrid block encryption to preserve the payloads' secrecy for request and answer. The agreed temporary key pair (AES/ECC) is used during the session to conduct payload signing and verification, which guarantees the payload's validity and legitimacy. Each signing procedure carried out in this architecture requires timestamps to defend in contrary to replay attacks. The cloud-focused cryptographic HF is mainly used to secure the privacy of the data during this process.

4.6 Termination phase

During this step, the contact channel is terminated when the CI successfully sends the encrypted response back to CU. The current session stays valid until it expires for reconnection.

4.7 Reconnection phase

This process is not seen directly in Fig. 2. Within the design, it has an implicit operation. When the CU connects the server again and directs a legitimate reconnection (RECON) packet with the last obtained session key during the termination process, the encrypted link is reset among CI and CU. CFE provides a database of session key CIs. It reconnects CU to correct CI, depending on the session key. All sides use the PBK pair previously exchanged, and the specific hidden key held. So, it is not appropriate to re-key the block cipher throughout the session.

5 The proposed 2-tier cryptography algorithm (2-TCA)

Draft 2-TCA is discussed in this segment. This 2-TCA incorporates a modern process of integrating symmetric and asymmetric methods across two parallel processes. Such iterations mitigate the drawbacks of current hybrid algorithms by attaining a high degree of reliability without increasing execution time.

5.1 Encryption process

The Data in the Encryption is broken into n blocks, Bi. Every block is composed of 128 bits. This is separated into two sections of Msgi (0:n/2–1) and Msgi (n/2:n − 1). If n is not an integer number and has a fraction, then the 2-TCA algorithm uses padding with null to be 128 bits for the last row. The encryption cycle is divided into two phases: The first n/2 fragments are secured using the hybrid encryption method (ECC and AES) in Phase I. The ECC algorithm is used to protect the secret key; subsequently, it is the PBK's first stable algorithm.

ECC requires smaller key sizes than the other methods, leading to fewer memory spaces, depending on the mathematical question. The ECC solved entirely exponential rather than the sub-exponential for the other public-key schemes (Hamad et al. 2020). ECC allows contact nodes to accommodate the more considerable number of queries for the lowest number of packets lost.

Meanwhile, ECC uses more energy than the symmetrical process; the AES system's usage decreases resource consumption and improves the device’s efficiency. Applying AES with ECC needs to save up to 25% more energy and optimize the encryption and decryption procedures by approximately 20%. The first n/2 number of blocks is encrypted as subsequent: ‘mi is encrypted using AES through the key Ki, an undisclosed key of AES encryption procedure with 128 bits. Ki is encrypted through ECC for producing Kj with the length L.

$$ m_{i} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{{i = \frac{n}{2 - 1}}} \left( {Bi} \right) ,0 \le i \le \frac{n}{2 - 1} $$
$$ K_{j} = {\text{ECC}}_{{{\text{enc}}}} \left( {{\text{TC}}_{{{\text{PK}}}} ,k_{i - 1} } \right) ,0 \le j \le L - 1 \ldots. $$

The ECC utility is ECCenc; the input ciphers with the Trust Center Public Key (TCPK) are used to substantiate the key function.

$$ C_{i} = E_{{{\text{AES}}}} \left( {K_{j} ,B_{i} } \right) $$

where EAES is the AES encryption function.

Phase II is implemented in conjunction with Phase I to raise the degree of security without raising the execution period. The remaining n/2 chains in Phase II are secured by the XOR-DUAL RSA method. The DUAL RSA method allows maximum encrypting and decrypting and is four times faster than the standard RSA technique. The XOR Encryption algorithm is a symmetric method of encryption and decryption that uses the same key. The XOR-DUALRSA algorithm ensures the creation of a more trusted algorithm shown as follows:

$$ M_{i} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = n/2}^{i = n - 1} \left( {B_{i} } \right)n/2 \le i \le n - 1 \ldots. $$

In this algorithm, two large prime numbers, viz. p and q, have been selected randomly. Here, x = p × q, and the function φ(x) = (p − 1) × (q − 1). A number comparatively prime to φ is chosen; d and e are considered so that e × d = 1 MOD φ(x), yet, the PBK (e,x) is used for the encryption.

$$ R_{i} = \left( {Bi} \right)^{e} \bmod x. $$

ASCII for (Bi) is received and converted into binary values

$$ L_{i} = {\text{ASCII}} \left( {B_{i} } \right) $$

where Li is the utility for transferring message block to ASCII. Ri is ciphered text by using DUAL RSA.

$$ C_{i} = \left( {R_{i} } \right){\text{XOR}} \left( {L_{i} } \right). $$

MD5 is applied to the ciphertext Ci. The optimized performance of the hashing function is security.

$$ d_{i} = {\text{MD}}5 \left( {c_{i} } \right) $$
$$ D_{i} = {\text{MD}}5 \left( {C_{i} } \right). $$

During the last stage of the encryption process, consistent hash values (di and Di) along with a size of 128 bits are concatenated, and two n/2 blocks are combined to produce n block ciphertext. The encryption process is described in the algorithm.

$$ Q = c_{i} + C_{i} $$
$$ H = d_{i} + D_{i}. $$

5.1.1 Algorithm of 2-TCA


CD (Cloud Data), SK (AES Secret KEY), T(128-bit size of the block)


ED (Encrypted Data), AD( AES/ECC Hybrid Encrypted Data), DRD ( XOR dual RSA Encrypted Data), H (Hash value for the Encrypted Data)

Step 1

Divide the data into defined 128-bit blocks, b = CD/T;

Step 2

Assign loop threshold i = 0;

Step 3

If i < b/2, execute the following steps. Else go to Step 14;

Step 4

Starting with the first block of the cloud data, mi = \({\sum }_{i=0}^{i=b/2}(Bi)\);

Step 5

Assign loop threshold j = 0;

Step 6

If j < b − 1, execute the following steps. Else go to Step 10;

Step 7

Kj = ECCenc \(({TC}_{{\mathrm{C}}_{\mathrm{D}}K}, {S}_{ki-1})\);

Step 8

Increment loop threshold, j = j + 1;

Step 9

GOTO Step 6;

Step 10

AES/ECC hybrid encrypted data, Ad = EAES(Kj,Bi);

Step 11

Apply an HF over the encrypted data, di = MD5(Ad);

Step 12

Increment loop threshold, i = i + 1;

Step 13

GOTO Step 3;

Step 14

Assign loop threshold i = b/2;

Step 15

For public-key encryption, choose two large prime numbers, p, q;

Step 16

x = p*q;

Step 17

φ(x) = (p − 1) × (q − 1)

Step 18

The prime value is relatively chosen φ, r;

Step 19

Calculate e × r = 1 MOD φ(x);

Step 20

DUAL RSA encryption uses (e, x) as the PBK

Step 21

If i < b, execute the following steps. Else GOTO Step 14;

Step 22

Starting with the second block of the cloud data, \({M}_{i}=\sum_{i=n/2}^{i=n}\left({B}_{i}\right)\);

Step 23

\({R}_{i}={(Bi)}^{e}\mathrm{MOD x}\);

Step 24

\({L}_{i}=\mathrm{ASCII} ({B}_{i})\), ASCII for (Bi) is got and converted to binary

Step 25

\({DR}_{i}=\left({R}_{i}\right)\mathrm{ XOR} ({L}_{i})\);

Step 26

Apply an HF over the encrypted data, Di = MD5 (DRd);

Step 27

Increment loop threshold, i = i + 1;

Step 28

GOTO Step 21;

Step 29

The two n/2 blocks are incorporated to create ciphertext of n blocks, ED = Ad + DRd;

Step 30

The corresponding hash values (diand Di) with the size of 128 bits for every data is concatenated, H = di + Di;

5.2 Decryption method

In decryption, ciphertext Q is separated into n blocks; it consists of 128 bytes, and then again, it is divided into two subsections, ci(0:n/2 − 1) and Ci(n/2:n − 1) blocks. Hashing is used to determine whether or not the recipient gets some text in cipher. In both the encryption and decryption of data, the hash algorithm values can be compared. If they are equivalent, then the algorithm precedes the cycle of decryption. Otherwise, it discards the message that the first n/2 blocks have been decrypted by using ECC and AES algorithms, while hash values are equal at the source and sink nodes as follows:

$$ c_{i} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{i = n/2 - 1} \left( {Bi} \right)0 \le i \le n/2 - 1 $$
$$ k_{i} = {\text{ECC}}_{{{\text{dec}}}} \left( {{\text{TC}}_{{{\text{PK}}}} ,K_{j - 1} } \right) 0 \le i \le n/2 - 1 $$
$$ 0 \le j \le L - 1. $$

The key of AES kj along with bits length the ECC decrypts L for generating that is in used DAES (AES decryption function) for decrypting cipher document.

$$ m_{i} = D_{{{\text{AES}}\left( {K_{j} ,c_{i} } \right)}}. $$

Mi is at the first portion of plain text, and the remaining n/2blocks have decrypted by using the following XNOR-DUAL RSA process:

$$ C_{i} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = n/2}^{i = n - 1} \left( {Bi} \right)n/2 \le i \le n - 1 \ldots. $$

Private Key (d,p,q) is used for decrypting the data. For decryption process, various parameters are computed dp = d MOD (p − 1), dq = d MOD (q − 1), Rpi = Ridp MOD p, Rqi = Ridq MOD q,

$$ S_{{0{ }}} = \left( {R_{qi} - { }C_{pi} } \right)p^{ - 1} {\text{ MOD }}q $$
$$ S_{i} = { }R_{pi} + { }S_{0} P. $$

ASCII for (Ci) is converted to binary

$$ W_{i} = {\text{ASCII}} (C_{i} ) $$

where Liis a function used for converting the block of ciphertext to ASCII.

$$ M_{i} = S_{i} {\text{XNOR }}W_{i}. $$

Mi is the second, plain text portion. The two n/2 blocks are inserted into the decryption cycle's final stage to generate plain text of n pieces.

$$ P = m_{i} + M_{i}. $$

5.2.1 Decryption algorithm


ED (Encrypted Data), H (Hash value for the encrypted data), T (128-bit size of the block), L(Key Length), di, Di, K (encrypted key using ECC)


CD (Cloud Data);

Step 1

Divide the encrypted data into defined 128-bit blocks, b = ED/T;

Step 2

Assign loop threshold i = 0;

Step 3

If i < b/2, execute the following steps. Else go to Step 15;

Step 4

Starting with the first block of the encrypted data, mi = \({\sum }_{i=0}^{i=b/2}(Bi)\);

Step 5

\(\stackrel{\sim }{{d}_{i}}=MD5({A}_{d})\)

Step 6

\(\stackrel{\sim }{{D}_{i}}=MD5({DR}_{d})\)

Step 7

Compare the hash values generated with the ones received

If (di = \(\stackrel{\sim }{{d}_{i}})\) and (Di = \(\stackrel{\sim }{{D}_{i}})\)

Step 8

Assign loop threshold j = 0;

Step 9

If j < L-1, execute the following steps


GOTO Step 13;

Step 10

Kj = ECCdec \(({TC}_{{\mathrm{C}}_{\mathrm{D}}K}, {S}_{ki-1})\);

Step 11

Increment loop threshold, j = j + 1;

Step 12

GOTO Step 9;

Step 13

Increment loop threshold, i = i + 1;

Step 14

GOTO Step 3;

Step 15

Assign loop threshold i = b/2;

Step 16

Obtain the PK values, d, p, q;

Step 17

Measure the HFs:

\({d}_{p}=d \mathrm{MOD} (p-1)\)

\({D}_{p}=d \mathrm{MOD} (q-1)\)

Step 18

If i < b, execute the following steps. Else go to Step 24

Step 19

Starting with the 2nd Block of the cloud data, \({DR}_{{d}_{i}}=\sum_{i=n/2}^{i=n}\left({B}_{i}\right)\);

Step 20

\({S}_{0 }=\left({R}_{qi}-{C}_{pi}\right){p}^{-1} \mathrm{MOD} q\);

Step 21

\({S}_{i}= {R}_{pi}+ {S}_{0}P\);

Step 22

ASCII for (Ci) is converted to binary, \({W}_{i}=ASCII ({C}_{i})\);

Step 23

For the second plain text portion, calculate: \({M}_{i}= {S}_{i} XNOR {W}_{i}\);

Step 24

Increment loop threshold, i = i + 1;

Step 25

GOTO Step 18;

Step 26

The two n/2 blocks are inserted into the final stage of the decryption cycle to generate plain text of n pieces,\(P= {m}_{i}+ {M}_{i}\);

6 Secure multipath key exchange

6.1 Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) key exchange protocol

The ECDH primary protocol is implemented on the discrete logarithm problem of the Elliptical Curve, which is faster than the nonlinear logarithm of the same security measure. A generates the Private Key (PK) nA, and the PBK = nA*G, where G represents the elliptical curve generator if users A and B select their secret key, which is used in private encryption. A public channel transfers PA to B. Using the same method (Fig. 3), B converts PB to A.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Sequence diagram for MECDH key exchange protocol

After obtaining the message from B, A chooses a specific hidden key KAB = nA*PB = nA*nB*G, which is the point on the specified elliptic curve.


Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman

Step 1

Users A and B agree on a standard shared key for encryption

Step 2

Users A and B calculate their respective PBK and PKs

Step 3

Users A and B interchange their respective PBKs

Step 4

Users A and B possess PKs along with other users’ PBKs

6.2 Key Exchange Model

Four distinct structures, including the Certificates Authority (CA), customers, multi-owners, and Cloud Service Providers (CSP), are associated with the research investigation. The following are described in the competitive phase:

a. CA

CA is a reputable organization that provides credentials for the general public. The credential is a crucial component of safe contact, which serves a critical function in the main public networks. This usually contains the secret key, the name, the expiry date, and other confidential material.

b. Multi-Owners

The word multi-owners implies that several individuals own identical records. Each owner may change the data/file at any time. They also have licenses to read, compose, and delete. The owner may handle all (or part) of the records, i.e., reading, writing, editing, and storage. The primary proprietor is responsible for initializing the device and authorizing the user. When the primary owner validates with CA, the primary owner can connect other owners to the cloud and grant approvals for entry, such as reading, writing, and alteration. Our suggested modified elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman (MECDH) algorithm uses a file encryption technique for getting each file submitted with the Access Control List (ACL) to the server to avoid the MITM attack.

c. Users

Users are organizations that can quickly interact with various cloud services and proprietary software. They can update and decrypt encrypted data from the cloud storage service if their characteristics meet the access control policy. The client is a specified individual who can read the file but not write or delete it.

d. CSP

The CSP offers enormous support for the clients. This helps the owners to build, upload, and exchange data with other owners and users (documents, folders, photos, videos, etc.).

6.3 Overview of proposed MECDH algorithm

  • MECDH indicates workflow in Fig. 4.

  • The primary owner of the data (O1) signs with CA.

  • After the primary owner (O1) has been licensed with CA, it includes a PBK certificate. After completing the credential, the primary owner may connect other users to the cloud and access permissions (such as reading, editing, and writing) to the data via ACL. Owners can also connect with users that require learning.

  • CA authorization of owners uses passwords (Email ID, User Name) to exchange data with the other users and proprietors.

  • If two connection holders attempt to authenticate each other, they must trigger mutual authentication.

  • For example, the shareholders (O2, O3, given two shareholders) seek entry from the primary Owner (O1). Using the MECDH algorithm, the primary exchange value is determined. Both proprietors build and validate the signature using the ECDS algorithm to stop the MITM attack.

  • Owners share a shared hidden authentication key. This approach lets the owners authenticate each other, and anonymity is protected while exchanging cloud data.

  • The proprietors encrypt and transfer the data/file to the server using the MECDH.

  • CSP proprietors/users request data/files to access the data owners' policies for expected users. Next, the users open the ciphertext. The user submits the decryption key request to the principal owner to decrypt the data/files.

  • If owners/users require a cloud connection to data, the CSP must verify whether the owner or customer is an approved entity or not. Once owners or customers have been approved, they may again access cloud data. Users would be able to retrieve the cloud's ciphertext if their attributes match the owners' defined access tree.

Fig. 4
figure 4

MECDH data are sharing between users and owners

6.4 Multi-owner mutual authentication using MECDH

The central agreement on the EMCDH is not restricted to agreeing to a main that only two parties share. Any number of users/owners participate in an organization by conducting contract protocol iterations and intermediary data exchange. For examples, Owner 1, Owner 2, and Owner 3 (O1, O2, and O3) may engage in Diffie–Hellman deal and measure the mutual secret keys (R1, R2, and R3) as follows:

  1. 1.

    The session's symmetric key are the parties that agree on the highest first number ‘p’ and points on the elliptic curve P and K.

  2. 2.

    The parties create PKs, called nA, nB, and nC.

  3. 3.

    O1 computes R1 = nA*P%p and transfer it to O2 and O3.

  4. 4.

    O2 computes R2 = nB*P%p and transfer it to O3 and O1.

  5. 5.

    O3 computes R3 = nC*P%p and transfer it to O1 and O2.

  6. 6.

    O1 computes K = nA*R2*R3P%p.

  7. 7.

    O1 computes K = nA*nB*nCP%p.

  8. 8.

    O2 computes K = nB*R1*R3P%p.

  9. 9.

    O2 computes K = nA*nB*nCP%p.

  10. 10.

    O3 computes K = nC*R1*R2P%p.

  11. 11.

    O3 computes K = nA*nB*nCP%p.

6.4.1 Authentication and mutual key interchange appliance

As shown in Fig. 5, the owners (O1, O2, and O3) use their passwords (Email ID, User Name) to authenticate with CA. It verifies the credentials and then reacts with the PBK certificate of owners when credentials are legitimate. Therefore, they would not grant the certificates. To stop the MITM attack, the transmitting owners test themselves for reciprocal security utilizing the Diffie–Hellman key exchange before exchanging their keys, determining their common key values. This approach lets the owners authenticate each other, and anonymity is protected while exchanging cloud data.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Owner authentication and key exchange

7 Experimental environments

Cloud Instances (CI's) are configured as needed. Every CI has one hyperthreaded CPU core (4.0 GHz turbo boost frequency), 4 GB RAM, and a 20 GB local SSD disk. The cloud example runs CentOS 7 (minimum version) to use fewer approaches from other systems, and the software examples are configured and managed by the front-end Web server. The CFE server has a simple load balancer that operates in a simplistic round-robin fashion.

The Cloud Instances log files the client's execution time (if any), request, and reply for plaintext, TLS v1.2, and v1.3, and the DiTD, with and without the availability of the user to connect to the cloud service. The Cloud User (CU) thus tracks round-trip time details for more review on the client-side. All CUs run iteratively, and each time submits requests with a different size (100 KB, 500 KB, 1 KB, 500 KB, or 1 MB) of the data. A dedicated protected system for the authentication and delivery of shared keys acts as a Key Management Server (KMS) to handle collective root keys. In KMS, all cloud organizations are registered with their parent PBKs in contradiction to the unique identifier. In DiTD, the server CFE and CUs file the cryptographic keys with their IP addresses and allocate tokens with random strings. Both tests are carried out in iterative form (1000-fold). That request is appropriate to short encrypted sessions with the hashed session key created from the property of the link and details received by the client.

8 Results and discussion

This segment discusses the findings, and the solution is analyzed. The standard cryptographic methods (digital signature, PUKC and authentication, cryptographic hash, and symmetric block encryption) are iteratively tested for various payload sizes (100 to 200 MB) for choosing the best option for implementing high-performance cloud-based secured protocol (i.e., DiTD), which utilizes such technologies effectively concerning their length. The next segment provides a detailed DiTD vulnerability review toward multiple forms of threats. Before that, we analyze DiTD's output in terms of server-side execution time, plaintext bandwidth overhead, client-side round-trip time, server-side memory consumption, and the effect of different payload sizes in the scenarios mentioned above.

8.1 Server-Side Execution Time

Figure 6 shows the average time in ms for the public clouds. It examines average execution times in various cloud examples such as TLS v1.3, TLS v1.2, and DiTD for different payload sizes (Ex., 100 KB, and 500 KB; 1 KB, 500 KB, and 1 MB). DiTD mechanism outperforms TLS v1.3 considerably for all payload sizes. DiTD performs about 90% faster than TLS v1.3 communication. The proposed model produces better outcomes with the DiTD mechanism, which depends upon TLS v1.2.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Server-side execution time

8.2 Client-side round-trip time

On the client side, it measures average round-trip time (in ms) using the sum of experimental durations for the session establishment, the connection creation (if it occurs present), request-response time of different payload sizes. Figure 7 represents the average round-trip time for examined client instances under plaintext, TLS v1.2, TLS v1.3, and DiTD for different payload sizes (100 KB, 500 KB, 1 KB, 500 KB, and 1 MB). While observing the client-side average round-trip time's performance curves, the DiTD mechanism shows promising performance against TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Client-side execution time

8.3 Bandwidth overhead

The bandwidth of the graph shown in Fig. 8 is considered based upon the bandwidth utilization of plaintext communication. By this, it immediately notifies the bandwidth overhead of the 100 bytes based upon the payload size, which is higher than 28% for TLS v1.3. Fortunately, for DiTD, the overall process with plaintext communication alone displays 80% and provides a 54% advance over the TLS v1.3.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Bandwidth while overhead occurs

For 1 KB of payload size, the DiTD mechanism delivers 32% increases over bandwidth utilization of TLS v1.3. This graph displays diminishing payload sizes, and increases for payload size overhead (500 KB) turn into nearly 1% in all the types of communications according to the plaintext. Hence, the large volume of data is negligible in an overhead process—however, DiTD is implemented prominently well in lesser payload sizes and greater payload sizes.

8.4 Server-side memory consumption

Figure 9 represents server-side memory usage of DiTD considered in cloud instances depending upon the plaintext, TLS v1.3, and TLS v1.2 communications. Figure 9 shows the DiTD mechanism, which displays the memory usage with a reasonable quantity of dissimilar payload sizes that lie much closer to TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3 communications. And the pattern usage images have similar behavior, which increases proportionately with increasing payload size in all scanned cloud cases and memory usage.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Server-side memory consumption

Overall, the DiTD mechanism performs significantly well than TLS v1.3 at the server-side performance, bandwidth overhead, memory usage at server side, and client-side round-trip time.

A 256-bit encrypted channel is conclusively recognized during the session development phase without affecting the overhead performance, memory, or bandwidth.

9 Conclusion

In this paper, we have suggested a comprehensive, secure architecture for cloud communication. In DiTD, the security in data-in-transit and the legitimacy of the cloud entities have guaranteed and determinedly incorporated into communications for protecting, in contrast to the full range of the cloud assaults. A unique high-performance cloud dedicated to the 2-TCA algorithm is intended and also applied. It takes seven highly closed new message organizations that establish more secured performance and the bandwidth-efficient protocol along with practical memory usage. It is highly successful and secure Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) (with identity spoofing, eavesdropping, sniffing, data intrusive), replay, compromised-key, sensitive information disclosure, session hijacking attacks, and repudiation. DiTD produces 90% execution time, which is more than that of the TLS v1.3 (latest version between SSL successors) on the server side, and it shows similar performance at the client-side. It produces 54% more than the TLS v1.3 and overall reasonable memory usage, contrary to the dissimilar payload sizes in bandwidth consumption. As a basis of the security aimed at the data transit in cloud computing, it enforces the NIST recommendation.