1 Introduction and literature review

Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018, according to World Health OrganizationFootnote 1 (WHO) report. Based on this report, men are mostly confronted with lung, prostate, colon, stomach and liver cancer, while in women, breast, colon, lung, cervical, and stomach cancer are the most prevalent. Among all different types of cancers, breast cancer is the second cause of cancer death after lung cancer which is the most prevalent among women.

One of the most basic obstacles in treating breast cancer is lack of appropriate method for early diagnosis. Today, due to advancements in medical field and the complexity of decisions related to diagnosis and treatment, the attention of experts is drawn to the use of smart equipment and Medical Decision Support Systems (MDSS), especially in the critical field of breast cancer diagnosis. The use of various types of smart systems in medicine is increasing. Also, the use of these equipment and systems can reduce potential mistakes caused by the fatigue or lack of experience of clinical professionals in detecting this type of cancer and deciding whether to be benign or malignant (Milovic 2012). Cancer diagnosis is a classification problem including complex and nonlinear relationships among its data sets. A wide range of data mining methods have been proposed so far in the literature to predict the diagnosis of breast cancer. Quinlan (1996) used C4.5 decision tree method to classify this cancer and achieved a classification accuracy of 94.74%. Nauck and Kruse (1999) used neuro-fuzzy method and obtained an accuracy of 95.06%. Pena-Reyes and Sipper (1999) applied fuzzy genetic method and achieved 97.36% classification accuracy. Albrecht et al. (2002) used a combination of perceptron with simulated annealing (SA) method and reported an accuracy of 98.8%. Abonyi and Szeifert (2003) implemented supervised fuzzy clustering technique to achieve an accuracy of 95.57%. Polat and Günes (2007) used Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS) and fuzzy resource allocation mechanism to achieve 98.51% accuracy and they also applied least square-support vector machine (LS-SVM) to obtain 98.53% accuracy.

Übeyli (2007) applied five different classifiers, i.e., SVM, probabilistic neural network, recurrent neural network, combined neural network and multilayer perceptron neural network, which respectively, achieved accuracies of 99.54%, 98.61%, 98.15%, 97.4%, and 91.92%. Örkcü and Bal (2011) compared performance of back-propagation neural network (BPNN), binary-coded genetic algorithm, and also real-coded genetic algorithm on breast cancer dataset and acquired accuracies of 93.1%, 94%, and 96.5%, respectively. Marcano-Cedeño et al. (2011) proposed a new artificial metaplasticity multilayer perceptron algorithm that outperformed BPNN on similar breast cancer dataset with 99.26% accuracy compared to BPNN with 94.51% accuracy rate for 60–40 training–testing samples. Similarly, Lavanya and Rani (2011) used decision tree algorithms and achieved 94.84% accuracy on Breast Cancer Wisconsin—Original (WBCO) dataset and 92.97% on Breast Cancer Wisconsin—Diagnostic (WDBC) dataset. Malmir et al. (2013) reported 97.75% and 97.63% accuracies by training a multilayer perceptron network, through applying imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), respectively. Koyuncu and Ceylan (2013) achieved a higher classification accuracy of 98.05% by using nine classifiers in a Rotation Forest-Artificial Neural Network (RF-ANN). Xue et al. (2014) applied PSO algorithm for feature selection using novel initialization and updating mechanisms, which resulted in 94.74% accuracy rate. Sumbaly et al. (2014) also used decision tree to achieve 94.56% accuracy. Zheng et al. (2014) obtained 97.38% accuracy through applying a combination of K-means and SVM algorithms on WDBC dataset. Bhardwaj and Tiwari (2015) obtained 99.26% accuracy on WBCO dataset using tenfold cross-validation method in genetically optimized neural network (GONN) model.

In Karabatak’s research (2015), a new classifier, namely weighted naïve Bayesian, was proposed which achieved a classification accuracy of 98.54% on WBCO dataset. Abdel-Zaher and Eldeib (2016) also achieved an accuracy of 99.68% through using of DBN composition along with Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm on the WBCO dataset considering 54.9–45.1% of data for training–testing partitions. Kong et al. (2015) also presented the jointly sparse discriminant analysis (JSDA) for feature selection and reached an accuracy of 93.85% for the WDBC dataset. Table 1 summarizes these methods.

Table 1 A list of data mining methods in breast cancer diagnosis literature

Among the various approaches in the field of medical diagnosis, ANN is one of the data mining techniques, which has attracted the attention of many researchers for medical decisions support. The ANNs are flexible mathematical structures that can identify complex relationships between input and output data. The learning ability of ANNs has made them a powerful tool for various applications, such as classification, clustering, control systems, prediction, and many other applications (Ahmadizar et al. 2015). The feed-forward back propagation (BP) is the most commonly used architecture among various types of neural networks. In the literature, the BP’s three-layer networks (including one hidden layer) are used as a global approximator for cancer diagnosis (Çinar et al. 2009; Saritas et al. 2010).

The most of machine learning techniques applied are shallow architectures, so far. Çınar et al. (2009) presented a system for early detection of prostate cancer using ANN and SVM with a structure containing one hidden layer. Saritas et al. (2010) also applied single-hidden-layer ANN for the detection of prostate cancer. Many other researchers also used architectures for neural networks, which typically had at most one or two layers of nonlinear feature transformations (Bhardwaj and Tiwari 2015; Chen et al. 2011; Flores-Fernández et al. 2012; Park et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2011; Zheng et al. 2014). It has been observed that shallow architectures have been effective in solving many simple or finite problems, but their limited capacity in modeling and representation can trigger problems in dealing with more complex real-world applications (Deng and Yu 2014). In fact, cancer diagnosis problems with complex, high-dimensions and noisy data cannot be solved simply by using conventional shallow methods that contain only a few nonlinear operations, and these methods do not have the capacity to accurately model such data (Längkvist et al. 2014). The complicated information processing mechanisms require deep architectures to extract complex structures and make input representations. Therefore, researchers became interested more in using deeper structures for the network (Asadi et al. 2012, 2013; Kazemi et al. 2016; Razavi et al. 2015; Shahrabi et al. 2013).

Learning techniques in deep neural networks refer to a class of machine learning techniques that model high-level abstractions in input data with hierarchical architectures and multiple layers. In these structures, hierarchical extraction of the features is possible, so that high-level features are formed in a combination of low-level features at several levels (Bengio 2009). Different types of deep neural networks are used for classification in the literature (Abdel-Zaher and Eldeib 2016; Cao et al. 2016; Ciompi et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016; Yu et al. 2015). Deep belief network (DBN) (Hinton et al. 2006) is one of the deep networks that have achieved remarkable performance in prediction and classification problems using restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) for layer-wise unsupervised learning (network’s weights pre-training), and supervised back-propagation algorithm for fine-tuning.

There are two major challenges in applying DBN: (1) Taking which method for training the network; (2) How many hidden layers and neurons should be included in the network? Since in usual DBN, after network unsupervised pre-training stage, the weights between the last hidden layer and output layer is randomly assigned, it sounds that selecting a method which opts these weights in a more intelligent way improves the classification’s performance. ELM (Huang et al. 2006) is a competitive learning method having a considerable performance in terms of accuracy and computational time. One of the main objectives of this paper is to employ ELM in DBN in order to select the weights between the last hidden layer and output layer intelligently than randomly. Moreover, it has already been shown in the literature that combination of ELM with SVM yields desirable consequences. Liu et al. (2008) and Frénay and Verleysen (2011) provided a considerable contribution through presenting a method in which ELM was employed within SVM which resulted in better generalization performance. Huang et al. (2010) showed that optimization constrains of SVM can be lowered, if the core of ELM is used and the optimal solution could be consequently more effectively found. Therefore, one can expect that combination of ELM with DBN yield acceptable outcomes. In the present study, two new structures are presented by applying ELM classifier to improve DBN training.

On the other hand, due to very large solution space of deep network weights, it seems necessary to apply a method with global search characteristic. Genetic algorithm (GA) is incredibly capable of global search in solution space. Therefore, in the third proposed method in this research, a combination of GA and DBN has been used for fine-tuning and acquiring suitable DBN weights.

Architecture of a neural network is crucially important, as it affects learning capacity and generalization performance of network (Ahmadizar et al. 2015). Although deep learning methods has acquired acceptable results in different applications, it is difficult to determine which structure with how many layers or how many neurons in each layer is suitable for specific task, and also, a special knowledge is required for choosing reasonable values for necessary parameters (Guo et al. 2015). Therefore, a method for finding optimized architecture of DBN is required that be suitable for cancer diagnosis.

To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no method in the literature to determine the number of hidden layers and neurons in DBN. Researchers also used pre-determined structures for applying DBN in their applications (Abdel-Zaher and Eldeib 2016; Hrasko et al. 2015). Manual search is another strategy which has been widely used to do so (Hinton 2010; Larochelle et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2015). In this method, the DBN is frequently tested by different structures, and finally, a structure with the best performance is selected.

Discovering optimal architecture for a deep network is a search problem in which determining the optimized topology for neural networks is the goal. Evolutionary algorithms are appropriate choices for solving the neural networks architecture problem. GA is an evolutionary search method that is capable of finding optimal or near optimal solutions (Asadi 2019; Mansourypoor and Asadi 2017; Mehmanpazir and Asadi 2017; Tahan and Asadi 2018a, b). The most attractive GA characteristic is its flexibility in handling various types of objective functions. The main reasons for this success are as follows. GAs are capable of solving difficult problems quickly and confidently. They are also quite easy to interface with existing simulations and models. Moreover, they are extensible and easy to hybridize. All of these reasons can be summarized into one reason: GAs are robust. In spite of this fact that they do not guarantee to find the global optimum solution of a problem, they are generally suitable for finding acceptably good solutions to problems in a reasonable amount of time (Asadi and Shahrabi 2017). So, in this article’s proposed models, i.e., E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, and E(TW)-DBN, GA has been used for the first time in the DBN architecture optimization.

In summary, the present research suggests three new evolutionary methods called E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, and E(TW)-DBN, to find the optimal or near optimal network architecture using GA. Additionally, to improve the DBN training, the new and different learning algorithms in each proposed method are presented.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The used materials, proposed models, and its novelties are detailed in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, evaluation of experimental results is presented. A discussion is provided in Sect. 4. Finally, the conclusion and future works are given in Sect. 5.

2 Methodology

In this paper, the DBN classic model is improved by applying the efficient classifier ELM, and two new combinations, E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, are then presented. The third proposed model, E(TW)-DBN, effectively utilizes the advantages of GA for DBN fine-tuning. In all three methods, the appropriate network architecture is evolved by employing GA. In order to understand more about the proposed models, first, Sect. 2.1 introduces DBN and ELM, and then, the proposed models are presented in Sect. 2.2, comprehensively.

2.1 Material

The infrastructure of DBN includes several layers of the RBMs. The layers of RBMs are placed on top of each other to build a DBN, forming a network that can extract high-level abstractions from the raw data. The DBN is detailed in Sect. 2.1.1. ELM is another method that has been used in the two proposed models of this paper and described in Sect. 2.1.2. ELM is an efficient learning algorithm for SLFN, which has a higher scalability and less computational complexity than the error back-propagation (BP) algorithm.

2.1.1 Deep belief network

A DBN is created with several layers of the RBM. RBM is an artificial neural network that has a single visible layer and a single hidden layer, in which unsupervised learning is performed. The visible layer represents the data, while another layer of hidden units represents features that capture higher-order correlations in the data. In a DBN, the hidden layer of each RBM is considered as the visible layer of the next RBM, with the last RBM hidden layer, as an exception. RBMs use the hidden layer for the probability distribution of visible variables (Hinton et al. 2006). A DBN for a problem with m input, C output and N RBM is shown in Fig. 1. Also, b and c in the first RBM are the biases of visible and hidden layer, respectively, that are not shown in other RBMs for the sake of simplicity.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The network structure of deep belief network

The RBM (Smolensky 1986) is a generative stochastic neural network that can learn the probability distribution of input data sets. RBM is a type of Boltzmann machine with this limitation that visible and hidden units form a bipartite graph (there is no connection between nodes in a layer).

A RBM consists of a set of visible units, \( v \in \left\{ {0,1} \right\}^{n} \), and a set of hidden units, \( h \in \left\{ {0,1} \right\}^{m} \), where n and m represent the number of visible and hidden units, respectively. In a RBM, the joint configuration \( \left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right) \) considering bias has the following energy, as Eq. (1):

$$ \varvec{E}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right) = - \sum\limits_{{\varvec{i} \in visible}} {\varvec{b}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} } - \sum\limits_{{\varvec{j} \in hidden}} {\varvec{c}_{\varvec{j}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } - \sum\limits_{\varvec{i}} {\sum\limits_{\varvec{j}} {\varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} \varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } } , $$

where vi and hj are the binary state of the visible unit i and the hidden unit j. Also, bi and cj are, respectively, biases of visible and hidden layers, and Wij is the connection weight between them. Lower energy indicates that the network is in a more desirable state. This network, for each possible state of visible and hidden vectors pairs, assigns a probability value using energy function as Eq. (2):

$$ \varvec{P}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right) = \frac{1}{\varvec{Z}}\exp \left( { - \varvec{E}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right)} \right), $$

where Z is a partition function that can be obtained from total of \( \exp \left( { - \varvec{E}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right)} \right) \) on all possible configurations, and it is used for normalization:

$$ \varvec{Z} = \sum\limits_{{\mathbf{v}}} {\sum\limits_{{\mathbf{h}}} {\exp \left( { - \varvec{E}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right)} \right)} } . $$

The probability that the network assigns to the visible vector v is given by Eq. (4):

$$ \varvec{P}\left( {\mathbf{v}} \right) = \frac{1}{\varvec{Z}}\sum\limits_{{\mathbf{h}}} {\exp \left( { - \varvec{E}\left( {{\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{h}}} \right)} \right)} $$

The derivative of the log probability of a training vector with respect to a weight can be computed as Eq. (5):

$$ \frac{\partial }{{\partial \varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} }}\log \varvec{P}\left( \varvec{v} \right) = \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } \right\rangle_{\text{model}} , $$

where \( \left\langle { \cdots } \right\rangle_{p} \) indicates the expected value according to the distribution P. This means that the training rule for updating the weights in the log probability of training data is as Eq. (6):

$$ \Delta \varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{v}}_{{\mathbf{i}}} {\mathbf{h}}_{{\mathbf{j}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } \right\rangle_{\text{model}} } \right) $$

where ε is the learning rate. Similarly, the weight-updating rule in the bias parameters is given through Eqs. (7) and (8):

$$ \Delta \varvec{b}_{\varvec{i}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{v}}_{{\mathbf{i}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} } \right\rangle_{\text{model}} } \right) $$
$$ \Delta \varvec{c}_{\varvec{j}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{h}}_{{\mathbf{j}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } \right\rangle_{\text{model}} } \right) $$

Since the RBM is a bipartite graph, it is easy to calculate \( \left\langle {{\mathbf{v}}_{{\mathbf{i}}} {\mathbf{h}}_{{\mathbf{j}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} \), called “positive phase.” The hidden unit activations are mutually independent with respect to the visible unit activations (and vice versa):

$$ \varvec{P}\left( {{\mathbf{v}}|{\mathbf{h}}} \right) = \prod\limits_{{\varvec{i} = 1}}^{\varvec{m}} {\varvec{P}\left( {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} |{\mathbf{h}}} \right)} $$

The individual activation probabilities, i.e., the state of a visible node with respect to the hidden vector is shown by Eq. (10):

$$ \varvec{P}(\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} = 1|{\mathbf{h}}) = {\text{sigm}}\left( {\varvec{b}_{\varvec{i}} + \sum\limits_{\varvec{j}} {\varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } } \right) $$

where “sigm” is the logistic sigmoid function defined as (\( {\text{sigm}}\left( x \right) = 1/(1 + \exp ( - x)) \)). Similarly, for the randomly selected training input v, the binary state hj of each hidden unit j is set to 1 with the probability according to Eq. (11):

$$ \varvec{P}(\varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} = 1|{\mathbf{v}}) = {\text{sigm}}\left( {\varvec{c}_{\varvec{j}} + \sum\limits_{\varvec{i}} {\varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} \varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} } } \right). $$

By calculating this probability, this hidden unit is turned on (value is changed to 1), if a random generated number from uniform distribution over range (0, 1) be less than the probability value.

The accurate calculation of Eq. (6), called “negative phase,” is difficult because it involves all possible states of the model (Palm 2012). Researchers have presented various algorithms for calculating negative phase (Hinton 2010; Keyvanrad and Homayounpour 2015; Le Roux and Bengio 2008; Tieleman 2008; Tieleman and Hinton 2009). These algorithms differ in the choice of approximation for the gradient of the objective function. Currently, one of the most popular methods is Contrastive Divergence (CD-k),Footnote 2 especially CD-1 (Hinton 2010). The CD-1 method uses one step of Gibbs sampling. The advantages of this method include: (1) it is fast; (2) it has low variance; and (3) it is an acceptable approximation for likelihood gradient (Keyvanrad and Homayounpour 2015).

In the CD-1, for computation \( \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}} \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}} } \right\rangle_{\text{model}} \), firstly, the visible units vi are set to the input sample. Then the hidden states of hj are calculated according to Eq. (11). By one-step reconstruction of visible and hidden units, \( v_{i}^{\prime } \) and \( h_{j}^{\prime } \), are produced using Eqs. (10) and (11). Therefore, the weights can be updated according to Eq. (12):

$$ \Delta \varvec{W}_{{\varvec{ij}}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{v}}_{{\mathbf{i}}} {\mathbf{h}}_{{\mathbf{j}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}}^{\prime } \varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}}^{\prime } } \right\rangle_{\text{reconstruction}} } \right) $$

Also, the updating rules for the biases of visible and hidden layers are as Eqs. (13) and (14):

$$ \Delta \varvec{b}_{\varvec{i}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{v}}_{{\mathbf{i}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{v}_{\varvec{i}}^{\prime } } \right\rangle_{\text{reconstruction}} } \right) $$
$$ \Delta \varvec{c}_{\varvec{j}} = \varepsilon \left( {\left\langle {{\mathbf{h}}_{{\mathbf{j}}} } \right\rangle_{\text{data}} - \left\langle {\varvec{h}_{\varvec{j}}^{\prime } } \right\rangle_{\text{reconstruction}} } \right). $$

Algorithm 1 indicates the CD-1 pseudo-code to train a RBM, which includes one step of Gibbs sampling (Palm 2012). The rand() function produces random uniform numbers over range (0, 1). This procedure is repeatedly called with v0 = t sampled from the training distribution for RBM. In this algorithm, ε is a learning rate for the stochastic gradient descent in contrastive divergence.

figure a

2.1.2 Extreme learning machines

The ELM is a simple and efficient learning algorithm of the single-hidden-layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFN) family, which aims at avoiding duplicate and costly training process as well as improving the generalization performance (Qu et al. 2016). In the ELM, the hidden layer does not need to be tuned (Huang et al. 2012). That is, the connection weights between the input layer and the hidden layer of the SLFN, as well as the hidden biases and neurons, are generated randomly and without additional tuning. Also, the connection weights between the hidden layer and the output layer are calculated using the efficient least squares method (Qu et al. 2016). Figure 2 shows the structure of the ELM.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Extreme learning machine

The output function of ELM is as Eq. (15).

$$ f_{L} \left( {\mathbf{x}} \right) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{L} {\beta_{i} h_{i} \left( x \right)} = {\mathbf{h}}\left( {\mathbf{x}} \right)\varvec{\beta} $$

where \( \varvec{\beta}= \left[ {\beta_{1} , \ldots ,\beta_{L} } \right]^{T} \) is the vector of output weights between the hidden layer with L nodes and the output nodes. Also, \( {\mathbf{h}}\left( {\mathbf{x}} \right) = \left[ {h_{1} \left( x \right), \ldots ,h_{L} \left( x \right)} \right] \) is the output vector of the hidden layer with respect to the input x. Actually, \( {\mathbf{h}}\left( {\mathbf{x}} \right) \) maps the data from the d-dimensional input space to the L-dimensional hidden layer feature space H. For binary classification applications, the ELM decision function is as Eq. (16).

$$ f_{L} \left( {\mathbf{x}} \right) = {\text{sigm}}\left( {{\mathbf{h}}\left( {\mathbf{x}} \right)\varvec{\beta}} \right). $$

Unlike conventional learning algorithms (e.g., the BP algorithm), ELM tends to reach not only the smallest training error but also to the smallest norm of output weight, which leads to better network performance (Huang et al. 2012):

$$ {\text{Minimize:}}\;\left\| {{\mathbf{H}}\varvec{\beta} - {\mathbf{T}}} \right\|^{2} ,||\varvec{\beta}|| $$

where H is the hidden layer’s output matrix:

$$ {\mathbf{H}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {h\left( {x_{1} } \right)} \\ \vdots \\ {h\left( {x_{N} } \right)} \\ \end{array} } \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{1} \left( {x_{1} } \right)} & \cdots & {h_{L} \left( {x_{1} } \right)} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ {h_{1} \left( {x_{N} } \right)} & \cdots & {h_{L} \left( {x_{N} } \right)} \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

If desired matrix \( {\mathbf{T}} = \left[ {\varvec{y}_{1} , \ldots ,\varvec{y}_{N} } \right]^{T} \) (Huang et al. 2012) is composed of labeled samples, the output weight \( \varvec{\beta} \) can be defined as Eq. (19):

$$ \varvec{\beta}\varvec{ = }{\mathbf{H}}^{\varvec{\dag }} {\mathbf{T}}\varvec{ = }{\mathbf{H}}^{T} \left( {{\mathbf{HH}}^{T} } \right)^{ - 1} {\mathbf{T}} $$

where \( {\mathbf{H}}^{\varvec{\dag }} \) is the Moore–Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H (Huang et al. 2006). The ELM output layer behaves like a linear solver in the new feature space H, and the output weights are only the system parameters that need to be tuned and can be mathematically calculated using Eq. (19).

2.2 Proposed models

BP algorithm has yielded acceptable and desirable results in shallow network. Random assignment of network initial weights in BP learning algorithm resulted in occurrence of several problems in training of deeper networks, where training of networks with more than one or two hidden layers using BP was indeed impossible. The main idea of unsupervised pre-training of DBN using RBMs was rectifying this problem and assignment of appropriate initial weights to network (to provide a good start in fine-tuning stage using BP). The process of DBN training involves three stages: (1) pre-training: training a sequence of learning modules, in a greedy layer-wise way, using unsupervised data; (2) the first fine-tuning: using random weights for the last layer; and (3) the second fine-tuning: applying back propagation for fine-tuning of the network, using supervised data. The unsolved problem here is random selecting the weights between the last hidden layer (in the last RBM) and output layer. One of the goals of E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP model is to use ELM in the first fine-tuning stage for intelligent selecting of these weights which provide a more appropriate initial point for BP algorithm. Actually, ELM similar to RBMs provides an initial weight to network and the network main training in the second fine-tuning stage is happened using BP algorithm.

The second proposed method to improve the fine-tuning steps is E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM model, which uses the BP and ELM algorithms in the first and second fine-tuning steps, respectively. Finally, the third proposed method, E(TW)-DBN, uses the advantages of GA in DBN training. The all three proposed models, described in following subsections, use GA to optimize the network architecture, which is a challenging problem in using deep neural networks.

2.2.1 Topology evolving of DBN-ELM-BP algorithm: E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP

To have a better understanding about this model, first, the new training method, DBN-ELM-BP, is described. Given the local search property of the error back-propagation algorithm, if we can use non-random and more appropriate network weights instead of using random weights at the beginning of this algorithm, the algorithm converges earlier and leads to better classification performance. This is also the philosophy of DBN pre-training; however, the problem is that the network can be pre-trained only up to the last hidden layer and the weights between the last hidden layer and the output layer are randomly selected.

DBN-ELM-BP solves this problem using the ELM classifier. In this model, after an unsupervised pre-training of network and a supervised ELM classification, a supervised BP stage is added to the DBN-ELM network. Figure 3 illustrates the process of training this model graphically. In the methodology of this model a DBN unsupervised pre-training stage is first performed. Then, the ELM classifier is used to calculate the weights between the last hidden layer and the output layer (the first fine-tuning stage), so that the matrix H is considered equal to the weights matrix obtained from the last RBM of the DBN (i.e., WN) and the matrix β is calculated. Finally, the error is computed, and BP updates the weights matrix (shown below the dash arrows) and trains the entire network (second fine-tuning stage). The dash arrows in Fig. 3 represent the update of the weights matrix by the BP algorithm.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The network structures and the training steps of the DBN-ELM-BP

In the evolutionary model E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, network topology is optimized by GA. The fitness function of this model for each chromosome is the classification accuracy obtained from the DBN-ELM-BP network.

2.2.2 Topology evolving of DBN-BP-ELM algorithm: E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM

In the DBN-BP-ELM training method, after the pre-training stage of the network, the first fine-tuning stage is performed by the BP and then the ELM classifier is used for the second fine-tuning stage. The network structure and training process of this model are graphically illustrated in Fig. 4. The evolutionary model E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM uses GA to find the optimal or near optimal architecture for the network. The fitness function for evaluating the chromosomes of this model is the classification accuracy obtained from the network trained by the DBN-BP-ELM method.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The network structures and the training steps of the DBN-BP-ELM

In the following, the steps and operators of these two evolutionary models to find the optimal structure of the DBN are described. The steps needed for evolving network topology are described below:

Step 1. Chromosomes encoding

In the two described models, each chromosome is a deep neural network with direct coding, i.e., the network topology is directly represented by the vector of positive integers. The number of genes in each chromosome indicates the number of hidden layers of the deep network and the value of each gene represents the number of neurons in the corresponding hidden layer. Figure 5 illustrates an example of the chromosome representation and its corresponding DBN for a problem with nine input features x1, x2, …, and x9, as well as an output C specifying the class label.

Fig. 5
figure 5

An example of chromosome encoding in E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM

Step 2. Population initialization

The population size (number of chromosomes) is M which are randomly generated. To reduce the very large search space of the problem, the maximum number of genes of the initial population (chromosomes) is assigned to five genes. The value of each gene is also initialized randomly in a given interval considering the number of input features of each data set. It is possible to increase or decrease the number of genes and the value of each gene by genetic operators, during the running the algorithm.

Step 3. Evaluation

In order to evaluate and obtain the fitness value for each chromosome in each model, the accuracy percentage of the training data with respect to the relevant model is calculated. The classification accuracy percentage is calculated using confusion matrix elements as Eq. (20):

$$ \text{Accuracy} = \frac{{\text{TP} + \text{TN}}}{{\text{TP} + \text{TN} + \text{FP} + \text{FN}}} \times 100 $$

where TP, TN, FP and FN are true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative, respectively.

Step 4. Selection

In order to select the parents for crossover, the well-known roulette wheel selection mechanism is used. A random selection mechanism is also used so as to select a chromosome for mutation.

Step 5. Crossover

After the parent selection process, a single-point crossover, which is the most popular crossover operator in the literature, is used to generate the new offsprings and search in the solutions space. This operator, via random selection of the crossover point, generates chromosomes of varying lengths. Figure 6 shows an example of the single-point crossover in these two topology evolving models. The random point of the crossover is shown with a blue arrow.

Fig. 6
figure 6

An example of one-point crossover in E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM

Step 6. Mutation

First, a chromosome is selected randomly. Then, the mutation operator generates a new chromosome by randomly selecting a gene (a layer) and reducing or increasing its value (the number of neurons in that layer). The aim of this operator is to avoid being trapped in local optima, through exploration of new solutions space. Figure 7 shows an example of the mutation operator in the two topology evolving models. In this example, the mutation operator reduces the number of hidden neurons in the third hidden layer of the network from 14 to 98.

Fig. 7
figure 7

An example of mutation in E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM

Step 7. Survivor selection

At this step, the current population’s chromosomes and the chromosomes obtained from the crossover and the mutation are all sorted in descending order based on their fitness values. Then, M chromosomes with better fitness value/rank are used to form the new populations as survivors.

Step 8. Stopping criteria

When the number of generations (iterations) reaches to the predefined maximum number of generations, the algorithm stops; otherwise, it returns to Step 4 to generate a new generation. Figure 8 summarizes the GA framework for obtaining an optimal or near optimal topology from the two E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM models.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The GA framework for E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM

2.2.3 Topology and weights evolving of DBN: E(TW)-DBN

The third proposed model of this paper is called E(TW)-DBN, in which GA is used to optimize network topology and weights, simultaneously. In this model, a number of initial population chromosomes are pre-trained by DBNs. The GA steps for evolving of network topology and weights in E(TW)-DBN model are described below:

Step 1. Chromosome encoding

The used chromosome in E(TW)-DBN includes two parts: topology and weight. The number of genes in the topology part represents the number of hidden layers and the value of each gene signifies the number of neurons in that layer.

Step 2. Population initialization

In the initial population, the maximum number of genes in the topology part of a chromosome is limited to five genes, and the value of each gene is selected randomly in an interval according to the number of features of the input data set. To generate the initial population, the topology is first generated randomly. Then, based on the generated topologies, a vector of real numbers is generated randomly over range (0, 1), for the chromosome’s weight part. The pre-trained DBN weights are used for weight part of \( K = \frac{1}{5}M \) chromosome (M is the number of initial population chromosomes). Figure 9 illustrates a simple example of chromosome encoding in the E(TW)-DBN model.

Fig. 9
figure 9

A simple example of chromosome encoding in E(TW)-DBN

Step 3. Evaluation

The fitness of each chromosome is obtained through a feed-forward pass and calculating the classification accuracy percentage for training data.

Step 4. Selection

Parent selection for crossover and generating two new offsprings are carried out using the roulette wheel selection mechanism. A random selection method is also used to select the chromosomes for mutation.

Step 5. Crossover

Given that the chromosomes have two parts, the crossover operator with a predefined probability is applied to the weight part of two parents, while with another probability is applied to the topology part. This means that, a random number is firstly generated over (0, 1). If this value is less than or equal to 0.7, then crossover is applied to the weight part of the two parents, otherwise to the topology part.

Intermediate crossover is used for weight part crossover. In this operator, due to the unequal length of the weight parts and dependence of the length of this part to the topology part, a point in the parent with a shorter length is first randomly selected. Then, the mean is taken from the genes of the two parents up to the crossover point. The remaining genes of the two generated offsprings will be the same as their parents. In this way, the new weights are still proportional to the topology part (since the number of genes of each offspring is equal to its parent).

Figure 10 schematically shows the crossover operator for the weight part of the two parents, through a simple example. The randomly selected crossover point is shown with blue arrow. For the topology part of the chromosomes, the single-point crossover shown in Fig. 6 is used. By changing the child’s chromosome length or the genes value, which occurs when the crossover is applied to the topology part, the weights part should also be regenerated and updated according to the new topology. Due to this reason, the crossover probability of the weight part is initially considered more.

Fig. 10
figure 10

An example of crossover in weight part of two chromosomes for E(TW)-DBN

Step 6. Mutation

The mutation and crossover operators with a given probability are applied to the weight part, while with another probability are applied to the topology part. In the case of mutation in the weight part, for each gene a random amount drawn from a Gaussian distribution, with mean zero and standard deviation selected at random from {0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5}, is added to the current gene value (Ahmadizar et al. 2015). Figure 11 graphically illustrates an example of the mutation on the weight part. In this case, the topology part of the offspring will be the same as that of its parents. Mutation in the topology part of chromosome is applied by random selection of a gene and increasing or decreasing its value. This is done through increasing or decreasing a number in range of [1, the amount of that gene] (as in Fig. 7). In this case, the weigh part needs to be updated according to the topology part.

Fig. 11
figure 11

An example of the mutation in weight part of E(TW)-DBN

Step 7. Survivor Selection

To select the survivor, the ranked-based selection mechanism is used.

Step 8. Stopping criteria

The GA stopping criteria in the E(TW)-DBN model is to reach to a certain number of generations. If the stopping criteria are not met, the algorithm returns to Step 4 so as to create the new population.

3 Experimental results

In this section, performance evaluation of the proposed models is carried out using classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity measures on breast cancer data sets. The calculating of classification accuracy is shown in Eq. (20), while the sensitivity and specificity are also calculated as Eqs. (21) and (22):

$$ \text{Sensitivity} = \frac{{\text{TP}}}{{\text{TP} + \text{FN}}} \times 100 $$
$$ \text{Specificity} = \frac{{\text{TN}}}{{\text{TN} + \text{FP}}} \times 100 $$

In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Bradley 1997) and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) (Huang and Ling 2005) are also applied for models evaluation.

The performance of the proposed algorithms (E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM and E(TW)-DBN) is investigated using two breast cancer data sets. For further evaluation, the results of the proposed algorithms are compared with the results of E(T)-DBN-BP and E(T)-DBN-ELM models (proposed and implemented by the authors). The E(T)-DBN-BP model optimizes the architecture for a DBN which uses BP to fine-tuning the network (the inner part of Fig. 4 depicts the DBN-BP training process graphically). The network training process in E(T)-DBN-ELM model is also shown in the inner part of Fig. 3.

3.1 Data sets

To evaluate the proposed algorithms’ performance, two available and most popular breast cancer data sets, namely Breast Cancer Wisconsin—Original (WBCO) and Breast Cancer Wisconsin—Diagnostic (WDBC) on UCI machine learning repository are used in the experiments. The main features of these data sets are summarized in Table 2, including the number of benign instances, the number of malignant instances, the total number of instances, the number of attributes, as well as the number of classes for each data set. The total number of samples in WBCO data set is 699. Among them, 16 samples were rejected due to incomplete features. So, we reduced the used samples down to 683 entries to compare our results easier with the others.

Table 2 Properties of the datasets used in the experiments

3.2 Implementation

MATLAB R2013a software has been used to implement the proposed models. The partition of training–testing data in each data set is considered 80–20% for all models (Garro et al. 2016; Pham and Sagiroglu 2000). In each run, the training and testing data are selected among the main data sets randomly for each neural network.

3.3 Performance evaluation of the proposed models

This subsection evaluates the classification performance of the three proposed evolutionary algorithms: E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, and E(TW)-DBN. For further evaluation, the results of the E(T)-DBN-BP and E(T)-DBN-ELM models implemented by the authors are also compared with the proposed algorithms.

3.3.1 Parameters tuning

Many parameters may impact how algorithm yields appropriate solutions. Various combinations of parameters can lead to a variety of solutions. Therefore, in this subsection, the focus is on tuning the parameters of E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, E(TW)-DBN, E(T)-DBN-BP, and E(T)-DBN-ELM models. Table 3 shows the GA parameters used for evolutionary models. These parameters are set through trial-and-error method.

Table 3 Genetic algorithm parameters for evolutionary models

3.3.2 Classification performance

Each proposed evolutionary model is run 20 times and the average results are then calculated and shown in Table 4, including the average classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the models. In this table, the topology obtained from the best run of the algorithms is also shown for each model.

Table 4 Classification performance of topology evolving models and their optimized topology

According to the results presented in Table 4, following observations and analysis can be extracted:

  1. (a)

    The highest classification accuracy for the WBCO data set is 99.75%, which is derived from the proposed E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP. In the WDBC data set, the highest accuracy is 99.12% obtained from the proposed E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM. These good results are due to the two steps of the DBN fine-tuning and the use of an efficient ELM classifier.

  2. (b)

    The E(TW)-DBN model has the least accuracy (98.05%) compared to other models on the WBCO data set, but the accuracy of this model on the WDBC data set ranks the third (with an accuracy of 98.54%).

  3. (c)

    The best possible sensitivity, 100%, has been derived for the WBCO data set by E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM and E(T)-DBN-ELM models. This output is also yielded for the WDBC data set by E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP model.

  4. (d)

    In general, in both experimental data sets, classification performance of models that use only one fine-tuning step (i.e., E(T)-DBN-BP and E(T)-DBN-ELM) has been lower than that of the proposed models.

  5. (e)

    The proposed model E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP outperforms the other methods in “accuracy” and “sensitivity” measures on the WBCO data set and has yielded a deep topology of 9-48-19-1.

3.3.3 ROC curves and AUC values

The ROC curve is a graphical plot and a fundamental tool for evaluating a diagnostic classification system. This curve has two dimensions: true positive rate (x-axis) versus false positive rate (y-axis). Each point on the ROC curve shows a pair of sensitivity–specificity related to a specific threshold of a decision. The AUC is a suitable measure for evaluating the performance of a disease diagnostic system. The AUC value ranges over [0, 1]. The closer this value to 1 is, the more reliable the diagnostic system is Asadi and Shahrabi (2016, 2017), Asadi et al. (2013), and Fotouhi et al. (2019).

Figures 12 and 13 show ROC curves and their AUC values for WBCO and WDBC data sets, respectively. According to these figures and the AUC value shown in each ROC curve, one can conclude that the two proposed models E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM and E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP, with two steps of fine-tuning and using the ELM in one of these two steps, can obtain the highest AUC (i.e., AUC = 1) in both data sets.

Fig. 12
figure 12

ROC curves and AUC values of classifiers for WBCO

Fig. 13
figure 13

ROC curves and AUC values of classifiers for WDBC

4 Discussion

In this section, at first, the classification accuracy of the proposed methods is compared to some of the data mining techniques since 2011 introduced in Sect. 1. Then, performance analyses of the proposed models are presented.

Table 5 presents the abbreviation of the data mining techniques existing in the WBCO classification literature, along with its accuracy. Due to the use of decision tree method in two separate studies, the numbers 1 and 2 are located next to the abbreviated name.

Table 5 Accuracy of data mining methods in WBCO classification since 2011 until now

Figure 14 graphically shows the classification performance results of the proposed methods and the techniques presented in Table 5 belonging to the WBCO.

Fig. 14
figure 14

The comparison of classification accuracy percentages of proposed models with other models in the literature for WBCO

According to Fig. 14, the superiority of E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP method with a mean accuracy of 99.75% is evident compared to other methods in classification of WBCO. Subsequently, the DBN-NN-LM method with an accuracy of 99.68% and the proposed E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM technique with an accuracy of 99.45%, had the best performances, respectively.

It should be noted that the providers of the DBN-NN-LM method have tested different partitions for training–testing data and achieved an accuracy of 99.68% at a specific partition 54.9–45.1%, while the proposed models in this article use a partition 80–20% for training–testing data sets, which randomly select among the main data set at each run.

In Table 6, the classification accuracy of different data mining methods is shown on the WDBC data set.

Table 6 Accuracy of data mining methods in WDBC classification since 2011 until now

Figure 15 presents the proposed methods’ performance in graphical form compared to other methods in the cancer detection literature that is presented in Table 6 on the WDBC data set.

Fig. 15
figure 15

The comparison of classification accuracy percentages of proposed models with other models in the literature for WDBC

According to Fig. 15, the proposed E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM method with a mean accuracy of 99.12% ranks first in the classification performance, compared to other methods. Subsequently, two other proposed methods, E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(TW)-DBN, stand on the second and third positions, respectively. Figures 14 and 15 suggest that combining the DBN with ELM for the diagnosis of breast cancer is very attractive, having two steps of the DBN fine-tuning using an efficient ELM classifier.

In general, one can claim that the proposed methods in this paper, especially E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, improve the classification performance in both WBCO and WDBC data sets.

5 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, three models for the diagnosis of breast cancer were developed based on DBN. A common method for DBNs training is using an unsupervised pre-training phase (restricted Boltzmann machine training with a layer-wise manner using CD-1 algorithm) and a supervised fine-tuning phase (applying back-propagation algorithm). In the two presented models in this paper called E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM, the extreme learning machine (ELM) and the back-propagation (BP) algorithm were applied in the DBN fine-tuning. In the third proposed model, E(TW)-DBN, the genetic algorithm (GA) was applied to the DBN fine-tuning. In addition, these models use the GA to optimize the DBN structure in order to answer this question: how many hidden layers and how many neurons in each layer in DBNs should be used.

To evaluate the proposed models, extensive experiments were carried out and models were compared in different aspects. Classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC measurements for classifiers were used to evaluate the proposed models. In summary, the following results were obtained concerning classification performance of the proposed models:

  1. (a)

    The first two proposed models in the breast cancer diagnosis have achieved remarkable performance over E(TW)-DBNs and existing approaches in the literature, with an accuracy of 99.75% through E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP model on WBCO data set and an accuracy of 99.12% through E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM on the WDBC data set.

  2. (b)

    The high AUC value of the E(T)-DBN-ELM-BP and E(T)-DBN-BP-ELM (i.e., AUC = 1), indicates a very good diagnostic performance of these two models in detecting breast cancer.

Considering the impressive performance of the first two proposed models for cancer diagnosis, it can be expected that these models also perform well in other cancer data sets. Consequently, it is suggested that the proposed models be used to diagnose other types of cancer data. Also, to improve individual performance of the classifiers, using these models in providing an ensemble learning approach seems appropriate.

Due to the success combination of the ELM with DBN, its combination with a different kind of deep network such as autoencoder is suggested for future researches.