1 Introduction

When the location of food resources are not known with certainty, organisms need to develop a search strategy to find these resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. Foraging success is vital for survival and organisms with better-quality foraging strategies will be preferentially selected in the process of evolution. This observation has led to the development of a significant literature in computer science which takes inspiration from the foraging strategies of various organisms to design powerful search algorithms. Examples of these algorithms include ant colony optimisation (Bonabeau et al. 1999; Dorigo 1992; Dorigo and DiCaro 1999; Dorigo et al. 1996; Dorigo and Stützle 2004), bacteria foraging algorithms (Passino 2000, 2002), and honey bee algorithms (Chong et al. 2006; Le Dinh et al. 2013; Nakrani and Tovey 2004; Pham et al. 2006; Yang 2005) to name but a few.

1.1 The context of foraging

Real-world foraging behaviours are context-sensitive and depend on the nature of exploited resources as characterised by their location, size and quality, the degree of competition for these resources, the predation risk faced whilst foraging, the locomotion capability of an organism, its sensory and cognitive capabilities, its daily energy requirements, the energy cost of finding, subduing and digesting food resources, and the ability of the organism to store energy (Anderson 1991; Benoit-Bird and Au 2009; Deygout et al. 2010; Emlem 1966; Serfass 1995). As would be expected, there has been heavy interaction of these factors in evolutionary time and it is plausible that advances in sensory capabilities and mobility have been driven, at least in part, by their adaptive impact on resource capture capability.

Another aspect of foraging is that it takes place in a dynamic environment as food location, and quality, changes over time as a result of factors such as consumption and degradation due to environmental influences. This suggests that higher-quality food foraging strategies need to be adaptive to changing conditions and to feedback based on their degree of past success. This aspect of foraging makes it particularly interesting as a source of inspiration for the design of optimisation algorithms. Many real-world problems are ‘hard’ precisely because they occur in a dynamic environment.

1.2 Social foraging

Foraging for food can be an individual activity where each individual in a species forages on its own (solitary foraging), or a social activity where foraging is a group behaviour. Social foraging was long thought to be confined to higher-level animals such as primates; however, it is now known that co-operative foraging behaviours exist in many species of mammals, fish, birds, and insects (Lonnstedt et al. 2014).

Social foraging, a subfield of behavioural ecology, has attracted substantial research interest (Giraldeau and Caraco 2000; Stephens and Krebs 1986; Viswanathan et al. 2011) and topics of interest include

  1. 1.

    how do members of the group search for food,

  2. 2.

    how are food finds communicated to other members of the group, and

  3. 3.

    how are food finds divided up between members of the group.

The first two of these topics have particular relevance for the design of foraging inspired optimisation algorithms.

1.3 Communicating information about food

A key aspect of social foraging is the transmission of information between conspecifics about food finds using ‘food calls’ or other behavioural cues and signals. Although a huge array of specific natural mechanisms for social communication of information about food finds exist, these have been broadly categorised into four main groupings in the social foraging literature. The forager who finds a food resource may (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 2011) (p. 591),

  1. 1.

    take up position at the food and broadcast an easily localisable signal to fellow foragers,

  2. 2.

    generate a chemical or visible trail between the food and a central location and then induce fellow foragers to follow this trail to the food,

  3. 3.

    return to a central location and provide directions to fellow foragers on how to find the food, or

  4. 4.

    return to a central location, recruit fellow foragers, and lead them back to the food site.

The economic balance of benefits and costs of the four options vary. Broadcasting an advertisement for a food resource from its location is relatively easy, and the related signal can be optimised for maximum range and localisation. The major cost (risk) is that of eavesdropping as both intraspecific and interspecific competitors could use the signals to locate the advertised food resource. Predators could also use the signal to find the animal advertising the food resource.

The use of chemically mediated trails are common in species of ants, termites, and stingless bees. These trails can create large aggregations of foragers at a food find within a short period. One risk of such trails is their interception by eavesdroppers and predators. Some insects such as stingless bees reduce this risk by creating a broken (as distinct from a continuous) trail wherein pheromone is only laid down every 5–10 m.

Perhaps the best-known example of recruitment at a central location (such as a hive) and providing directions to fellow foragers is provided by the honeybee dance (Seeley 1995; von Frisch 1967). The private nature of this dance (it is performed within the hive) minimises the risk of eavesdropping by non-hive members. The system is costly in that it imposes a significant cognitive burden on both senders and receivers (to produce and to process the information in the dance) and the waggle dances are also an energetically expensive display.

The final mechanism of ‘communication, recruitment at a central location and subsequently leading followers back to the food site’, creates fewer eavesdropper risks than broadcast signals from the food site. However, a potential leader requires a mechanism for locating likely recruits, the ability to find the food again, and sufficient compensation for the extra time and energy that leading imposes on it.

1.3.1 Why communicate information about food?

Although the transmission of information which advertises the existence of and in some cases, the location and quality of food discoveries, is common, an interesting question is why this is so. The benefit to the recipient of the information is evident but it is less clear why an animal would wish to transmit this information. The sender of a food call bears costs, including the risk that a predator will use the signal to locate and attack the sender, and of course, the sender incurs a cost in that the food resource will be shared.

A number of potential benefits to the sender of the signal have been suggested (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 2011). Having more conspecifics at a feeding location means that vigilance and predator defense duties can be shared, and it also dilutes the risk to an individual if a predator attacks. There may also be other payoffs in that food sharing behaviour may attract potential mates to the food site. In cases where prey items are large in size or dangerous, animals may send food calls to recruit a group of conspecifics to attack the prey item.

The topological distribution of food resources also plays an important role in determining whether a species will tend to group together and forage socially. Species that feed on large, ephemeral, clumps of food such as seeds or fruit often live in groups, as in this case, the key limitation in foraging tends to be finding the location of good food sites (Davies et al. 2012).

Hence, the decision as to whether or not it makes sense to forage socially and/or to alert conspecifics to food resources when found, can be viewed through an economic lens of costs and benefits and many species vary their propensity to give food calls depending on the amount and divisibility of food found (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 2011).

1.4 A taxonomy of foraging algorithms

The classification of four methods of communicating information about food finds from the behavioural ecology literature (see Sect. 1.3) provides a useful and novel taxonomy which we can use to distinguish between the best-known families of foraging inspired optimisation algorithms.

In bacteria foraging optimisation an important mechanism in the algorithm is the attraction of other conspecifics to good resource locations via emission of a simulated ‘attractant’ chemical, akin to broadcasting a food signal (communication mechanism 1). In ant-colony optimisation, the communication is via a chemical trail (mechanism 2), whereas in honey bee optimisation algorithms, the emphasis is placed on provision of detailed information as to location via a simulation of the dance process (mechanism 3).

The fourth communication mechanism, namely recruitment at a central site with subsequent ‘leader’ behaviour to bring the conspecifics to the food resource, has not attracted much attention in the design of foraging-inspired optimisation algorithms to date.

Several examples of this foraging behaviour exist in nature including tandem running by ants. For example, when an ant of the species Temnothorax albipennis finds food, it leads another (naïve) ant from the nest to the food source to ‘teach’ it the route to the food resource (Franklin and Franks 2012).

1.5 Focus of this study

In this study we take an example of the fourth communication mechanism above, drawing on an example of a social roosting behaviour. Several species of animals engage in social roosting including some species of birds and bats. These roosts can potentially serve as information centres for the exchange of information concerning the location of food and other resources. We examine one instance of social roosting and associated foraging behaviour, namely that of juvenile common ravens, where information is exchanged at a nocturnal roost, and foragers with knowledge of the location of good food resources recruit for those resources and subsequently lead conspecifics back to them. We design a series of optimisation algorithms drawing inspiration from these behaviours and test them on a series of benchmark functions.

The remainder of this contribution is organised as follows: Sect. 2 provides some background on roosting behaviour and the associated information centre hypothesis. Section 3 outlines the design of the raven roost optimisation (RRO) algorithm. In Sect. 4 we outline the experimental design and present results. Finally, conclusions and opportunities for future work are discussed in Sect. 5.

2 Roosts as information centres

A social behaviour which is exhibited by many animals is ‘roosting’ where multiple conspecifics come together to rest. This naturally leads to the question as to what evolutionary advantages this behaviour produces. Initial explanations centred on possible anti-predatory benefits, increased opportunities for mate choice, enhanced care of young, increased opportunity for status display and thermal benefits during overnight roosting (Dall 2002; Marzluff and Heinrich 2001).

An alternative explanation, the Information Center Hypothesis (ICH), was proposed by Zahavi (1972) and Ward and Zahavi (1973). This hypothesis suggested that birds join colonies and roosts to increase their foraging efficiency by means of the exchange of information regarding the location of food. The author(s) made a strong claim that enhanced food foraging success was the primary reason for the evolution of gregariousness in birds.

The core tenet of the ICH is that birds which successfully find food advertise this fact at the roost site and are subsequently followed by several conspecifics to the food resource (i.e. they ‘recruit’ for the food resource they have found).

Interest in the ICH is not restricted to bird roosting behaviours. The possibility that information transfer could also occur in communally roosting bats was first suggested by Fleming (1982). Later work by Wikinson (1992) examined the foraging behaviour of the bat species Nycticeius humeralis and found that poorly performing foragers tend to subsequently follow previously successful foragers and that the foraging success of putative followers is greater than that of unsuccessful bats which depart solitarily. The author concluded that information transfer concerning good foraging sites was taking place, potentially via echolocation pulses, although the exact mechanism of information transfer was not isolated in the study.

2.1 Raven roosts

Raven roosts consist of juvenile, non-breeding, unrelated common ravens. Ravens normally arrive at roosts shortly before sunset and typically leave the roost in highly synchronised groups at dawn the next day. The first comprehensive study of information transfer in raven roosts was undertaken by Marzluff et al. (1996) who examined roosting behaviours of the common raven (Corvus corax) in the forested mountains of Maine (USA). Ravens in this region are specialist feeders on the carcasses of large mammals in winter, sometimes scavenging the kills of large carnivores such as wolves (Stahler et al. 2002). These food sources are ephemeral as they degrade or are consumed quickly, and the location of carcasses is unpredictable. Hence, the search for food resources is continuous.

The typical food discovery process observed commenced with a small number of birds feeding at a carcass site, followed by a rapid (overnight) doubling in numbers with most of these birds arriving simultaneously at dawn. The carcass would be consumed over several days and at the final stage of carcass depletion, feeding group size declined rapidly as many birds left the carcass in the afternoon (prior to sunset) and did not return to it the next day.

Marzluff et al. (1996) undertook careful observation at both roosting and foraging sites and monitored the change in the number of ravens at a carcass from one day to the next. Control experiments, in which naïve birds (birds introduced into the roost with no knowledge of the location of food locations) were released at roosts demonstrated that these birds found feeding locations by following their roost mates, providing evidence for the existence of information sharing. Observations by the authors also indicated that the same individuals in a roost are not always knowledgable, suggesting that information sharing rather than mere parasitism (wherein ‘excellent’ foragers were simply followed by less-skilled conspecifics) was taking place. The study concluded that information sharing did take place at roosts and that ravens which successfully found a new food resource recruited other members of the roost to that resource.

These findings were extended in a study by Wright et al. (2003) which examined the behaviour of ravens in a large roost in North Wales in the United Kingdom. In contrast to North America, raven roosts in Europe are typically larger and have more stable membership. The researchers deposited baited carcasses at various locations around the roost and found that most carcasses were consumed within five days. Observational evidence suggested that recruitment started for each carcass via a single bird on day zero with subsequent recruitment of about six to seven birds per day. Birds that first discovered the baited carcasses recruited conspecifics using pre-roost (evening) acrobatic flight displays and vocalisations. The ‘discoverer’ birds spent the night surrounded in the roost by the group that would follow them out the next morning to the food source. Recruitment appeared to be a competitive activity which was more successful for geographically closer carcasses, consistent with the idea that the pre-roost displays accurately reflected the energetic state of the displaying bird and, therefore, the relative distance and profitability of the carcass discovered. The authors considered that the findings ‘provide strong circumstantial evidence for raven roosts as structured information centres’ (Wright et al. 2003).

Considering the reason as to why ravens may share information on food location, one suggestion is that many carcasses will be located within the territory of a mated pair of ravens (the birds become territorial on mating). If a juvenile raven recruits other birds to the carcass in sufficient numbers, the non-territorial group may be able to take the carcass away from the usually dominant territorial pair (Bradbury and Vehrencamp 2011).

Of course, the foraging process of ravens has a number of additional features. Just like other organisms (Grüter et al. 2013; Grüter and Leadbeater 2014; Leadbeater and Florent 2014; Wray et al. 2012), a bird may have private knowledge of food resource locations and hence may place different weight on socially acquired information depending on its private knowledge. In addition, birds can visually survey a wide terrain while flying (Stahler et al. 2002) and may decide to deviate if an alternative food source is seen whilst in flight. In common with many animals, ravens are known to suffer from ‘neophobia’ (a fear of new things) and have initial reluctance to forage at new carcasses which they have not seen before, particularly if no other birds are feeding there already (Davies et al. 2012; Stahler et al. 2002). This suggests that ravens will have some reluctance to abandon existing feeding locations for new ones, even if the new locations offer good resources.

In the next section we develop a high-level model of foraging, inspired by the activities of ravens, which is then used to formulate a variety of specific optimisation algorithms.

3 Algorithm development

As discussed in the introduction to this paper, there are a number of elements which contribute to the foraging behaviour of animals (Giraldeau and Caraco 2000; Stephens and Krebs 1986; Viswanathan et al. 2011), namely

  1. 1.

    an individual’s perception capability, depending on the acuity of its senses such as vision, touch, smell, etc.,

  2. 2.

    an individual’s memory of previously successful / unsuccessful food foraging locations,

  3. 3.

    the capability of an animal to broadcast or receive information about food locations from conspecifics, and

  4. 4.

    a stochastic element to animal movement when searching for new food resources.

All foraging-inspired algorithms embed these components in differing degrees, typically linking them together in a ‘foraging strategy’ and, therefore, will have some high-level similarities. For example, canonical ant colony optimisation algorithms emphasise socially transmitted information via a pheromone trail combined with a random element in that an individual ant is not restricted to follow the strongest pheromone trail when it leaves the ant nest. In most honey bee optimisation implementations, the emphasis is on stochastic recruitment of foraging bees by social transmission of information via the dance language.

Below we propose an algorithm, named the raven roost optimisation (RRO) algorithm, which includes all four of the above components. The algorithm draws metaphorical inspiration from the process of raven foraging in that in each iteration of the algorithm, a percentage of the simulated flock of birds (denoted as \(\mathrm{Perc}_\mathrm{follow}\)) are recruited (mimicking social transmission of information at a roost) and follow the bird which found the best location in the last iteration of the algorithm back to that location. The remaining birds return to the best foraging location that they have found so far (simulating a memory). In both cases, if a bird perceives (sees) a ‘better location’ whilst en route to the relevant location they may stochastically decide to stop there instead of continuing with their flight. The details of the operationalisation of the algorithm are provided in the next subsection.

3.1 Description of algorithm

Initially, a randomly located (in the input space) roosting site is chosen and this roost location is then fixed for the remainder of the algorithm. Each of the population of \(N\) ‘ravens’ is placed at a random initial location (a potential food location) in the search space. The fitness values of the \(N\) locations are assessed, and the bird at the location of the best solution is denoted as “LEADER”.

A roosting process is then simulated by mimicking an information-sharing step. In the next iteration of the algorithm, a proportion of the ravens (\(\mathrm{Perc}_\mathrm{follow}\)) are recruited to leave the roost site and follow the LEADER to the best-so-far location. The follower bird then selects a random point within a hypersphere of radius (\(R_\mathrm{leader}\)) around the location previously found by LEADER at which to forage.

As in real-world raven roosting, only a portion of the roost members will be recruited to a new food source and other roost members will continue to return to a ‘private’ food location. On leaving the roost, unrecruited birds travel to the best location that they have personally found to date (\(p_\mathrm{best}\)) and continue to forage there. The inclusion of a personal best ‘memory’ for each bird embeds a concept of ‘private information’ as unrecruited birds in essence are choosing to rely on private information rather than piggy-back on socially-broadcast information from the LEADER.

Whilst in flight to their intended destination, all birds maintain a search for new food sources en-route. We simulate this process by dividing their flight into \(N_\mathrm{steps}\). The length of each step is chosen randomly, and the bird’s position in flight is updated using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} x_{i,t} = x_{i,t-1} + d_{i,t}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_{i,t}\) is the current position of the \(i\)th raven, \(x_{i,t-1}\) is its previous position, and \(d_{i,t}\) is a random step size. At each step, a raven senses (perceives) the quality of its stopping point and also of its surrounding environment in the range of radius \(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\). In the latter case it samples \(N_\mathrm{pcpt}\) perceptions randomly within this hypersphere. If a better location is perceived amongst these locations than the bird’s personal best, there is a \(\mathrm{Prob}_\mathrm{stop}\) percent chance that the raven stops its flight at that point and forages at the newly found location; otherwise, it takes another flight step and continues to move to its destination. At the conclusion of the algorithm, the highest quality location found is returned. Pseudocode for the algorithm is provided in Algorithm 1, supplemented by Fig. 1 which illustrates the step process.

figure a
Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the following and the step process in the RRO algorithm

3.2 Comparison of algorithm with other optimisation algorithms

At a surface level the RRO algorithm bears some similarities with other optimisation algorithms. It is useful to compare its workings with those of some well-known optimisation algorithms (here we consider ACO and PSO algorithms) to clarify what features it shares with existing algorithms and what features are distinct.

To provide a framework for this comparison we employ the four elements of a foraging behaviour described in Sect. 3 above. Table 1 provides a synopsis of how the four elements can be mapped to ACO, PSO, and RRO, respectively. While PSO is not typically considered as a foraging algorithm, it is included in this table for discussion purposes.

Table 1 Mapping of four foraging behaviours to the ACO, PSO, and RRO algorithms

3.2.1 Perception

In ACO and PSO, the insects/particles do not have an explicit perception mechanism for sampling (perceiving) the quality of multiple locations on the landscape as they traverse it. They only assess the worth of a single location (or ‘solution’ in ACO) in each iteration, in essence obtaining feedback information to a location decision rather than feedforward information which they can use before selecting a location. In contrast, a simple perception mechanism is embedded in RRO whereby followers, or birds returning to a ‘private’ location, can sample other locations en route and stochastically stop at these if they find a better location than their \(p_\mathrm{best}\).

3.2.2 Memory

Memory is implemented in distinct ways in each algorithm. In the canonical ACO algorithm, individual ants do not maintain a personal memory as to good solutions they have found; instead, the memory of good solutions found by all ants is maintained via pheromone trails in the simulated search environment. PSO embeds a concept of personal memory in which each particle ‘remembers’ the location of the best solution it has found to date (\(p_\mathrm{best}\)). RRO embeds a similar concept as each bird remembers the best resource location that it has found to date.

3.2.3 Social transmission of information

A core component of all three algorithms is the social transmission of information. From the discussion in Sect. 1.4 it can be seen that the mechanisms of transmission in each algorithm are quite distinct. In ACO, feedback as to the quality of solutions is transmitted socially via pheromone deposits in the environment. In PSO, all particles are aware of the best location found to date by any member of the swarm (\(g_\mathrm{best}\)) and this information is blended with personal information and a momentum factor to produce the position update for each particle. Hence, it can be considered that \(g_\mathrm{best}\) is ‘publicly broadcast’ to all members of the swarm and this information always impacts on the position update of particles. In RRO, a distinct ‘follower’ mechanism is implemented, whereby the bird who has found the ‘best’ location to date recruits a number of followers and leads them back to this site. However, not all birds in the roost are recruited. Therefore, unlike PSO, the best-so-far location does not influence the search process of all birds in each iteration of the algorithm.

3.2.4 Stochastic search

All three algorithms embed stochastic search using different mechanisms. In canonical ACO, the decision as to which arc to follow when leaving a node in the construction graph is typically determined by two pieces of information, the relative amount of pheromone deposited on each arc and information from a problem-specific heuristic which attempts to assess which outgoing arc may be ‘better’. The ant stochastically selects its next arc based on a blending of these pieces of information, tending to favour arcs which are heavily reinforced with pheromone and arcs which are considered good using the heuristic guide to arc quality. During position updates for particles in the PSO algorithm, the relative weight accorded to \(p_\mathrm{best}\) and \(g_\mathrm{best}\) is also varied stochastically. In RRO, a stochastic element is embedded in the algorithm as the length of each step taken is randomly chosen as each bird flies, and the perception samplings at each step are drawn randomly from within a hypersphere at each of these locations.

4 Experiments and results

In this section we describe the experiments undertaken and present the results from these experiments. Four standard benchmark problems (see Table 2), at three levels of dimensionality (20, 40 and 60), were used to test the developed algorithms. Two of these functions namely, DeJong and Rosenbrock, represent unimodal problems. Griewank and Rastrigin are more complex functions which contain multiple local optima. The aim in all the experiments was to find the vector of values which minimise the value of the test functions. In total, 192 separate experiments are undertaken. The results of each experiment are averaged over 30 independent runs.

Table 2 Optimisation problems

No single study can simultaneously investigate, benchmark, and concisely report results from experiments covering a multiplicity of test functions of varying dimensionality and differing parameter settings. Hence we have had to make choices in deciding where to focus our work. In this initial exploration of the RRO algorithm we have placed most focus on gaining insight into the relative importance of each of the components of the RRO algorithm. Accordingly, we design and test a canonical version of the algorithm (denoted as RRO0) and 13 variants of this (the thirteen variants are denoted as RRO1–RRO12 and RROv, respectively) to undertake an analysis of the relative importance of different parameter settings and of each of the key mechanisms in the algorithm. Details of these variants are set out in Table 3 and are discussed in detail below.

Table 3 Parameter setting of algorithms

4.1 Overview of experiments

In the first set of experiments we undertake an initial assessment of the performance of the canonical version (or ‘full’ version) of the RRO algorithm (RRO0) on the four test problems. We benchmark these results against those of a canonical version of the PSO algorithm (Ganesan et al. 2012; Kennedy and Eberhart 1995; Kennedy et al. 2001), and against random search (RS). Our rationale for selecting the PSO algorithm is that, like the RRO algorithm, it explicitly incorporates a concept of social and private information and blends this information in the search process. In our implementation we use the canonical version of the PSO algorithm, with the following update steps:

$$\begin{aligned} v_{i}(t)&= \omega v_{i}(t-1) + c_1\mathrm{rand}(0,1)(p_\mathrm{best}(t-1) \!-\! x_{i}(t\!-\!1)) \nonumber \\&+\,\,c_2\mathrm{rand}(0,1)(g_\mathrm{best}(t-1) - x_{i}(t-1))\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} x_{i}(t)&= x_{i}(t-1) + v_{i}(t), \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_{i}(t)\) and \(v_{i}(t)\) are the position and velocity of particle \(i\) at time \(t\), \(\omega \) is the inertia weight (initially set to 1), and \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are set to 2. Many variants of the PSO algorithm exist in the literature and could have been chosen for implementation in our study. The focus of these experiments was to obtain initial insight into the performance of RRO0 and assess whether it appears reasonably competitive against other heuristics. No claim is made that the canonical version of PSO used in this study produces the best possible performance from the entire family of PSO algorithms on the test problems.

These experiments are then followed by an investigation of the importance of the perception mechanism in the RRO algorithm. Accordingly, we test a variant of the RRO algorithm in which the perception mechanism is switched ‘off’ (this variant of the RRO is denoted as RROv) and compare its performance against that of the canonical RRO0 algorithm which includes the perception mechanism. In RROv, the bird still makes its multi-step flight, however, no perceptions are made in the hypersphere surrounding each stopping location.

The next set of experiments examine the sensitivity of RRO0 to changes in the values of six of its parameters. In each case, we select two or three values for each of these parameters, producing 12 variants of the RRO0 algorithm (denoted as RRO1–RRO12). The specific values of the parameters for each algorithm variant are set out in Table 3. Whilst the values for the parameters are chosen judgementally, we note that values chosen for the two radii (\(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\) and \(R_\mathrm{leader}\)) are problem-specific, as they are influenced by the choice of the number of ravens (\(N\)), the radius (size) of the search space (\(R\)), and the dimensionality of this space (\(D\)). In this study, the values of both \(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\) and \(R_\mathrm{leader}\) for the canonical version of the algorithm (RRO0) were chosen after initial experimentation as \( \frac{R}{3.6 \root D \of {N}} \). The choice of parameter settings for \(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\), \(N_\mathrm{pcpt}\), \(N_\mathrm{steps}\) and \(\mathrm{Prob}_\mathrm{stop}\) govern the importance of ‘perception’ in the algorithm. If all are set to low values, individual perception by a bird will play little role in their foraging and reliance will instead be placed on search around the best point found by the LEADER or the bird’s \(p_\mathrm{best}\). Conversely, if higher values are set for these parameters, the emphasis on perception is increased, and the algorithm will place less reliance on social information and memory.

4.1.1 Stopping criteria

The experimental parameters are shown in Table 4. In each experiment, 30 ravens in the case of RRO, or 30 particles in the case of PSO, are used. When assessing the relative effectiveness of multiple algorithms against one another, particularly when the algorithms have distinctly different internal processes, it is often not a trivial matter to design a perfect basis for comparison. A common approach is to allocate an equivalent number of fitness function evaluations to each algorithm on the basis that each algorithm then has access to the same amount of information from the environment. While this approach appears reasonable, it ignores the issue that a more complex algorithm will have a longer run time than a simpler one, for the same number of fitness function evaluations. This is a particular issue when random search is used as a benchmark as the computational overhead of a random search algorithm (excluding the cost of fitness function evaluation) will be low.

Table 4 Parameter setting for experiments

In our experiments we seek to provide a balance between these issues. We adjust the number of iterations for which each algorithm is run to produce a similar number of fitness function evaluations across all experiments. Hence the stopping criterion for each algorithm was set at a maximum number of fitness function evaluations in each case. RRO has some additional computational overhead over and above RS or PSO due to its implementation of a ‘step’ flight process. The computational overhead of this relative to the computational cost of fitness function evaluation varies depending on the complexity of the fitness calculation, which in turn is impacted by the complexity and dimensionality of the test problems examined. In order to present a conservative assessment of the performance of RRO and its variants, we, therefore, allow RS and PSO to undertake a slightly greater number of fitness function evaluations.

Table 5 sets out the number of iterations used for each algorithm. As a baseline, we run RRO0–RRO4 for 500 iterations as (with 30 ravens, this produces a maximum of approximately 3,300 fitness evaluations per iteration, leading to a maximum of some 1,650,000 fitness function evaluations over 500 iterations of the entire algorithm). In the case of RRO5, the number of perception samples taken at each step is halved (5 samples vs the 10 samples taken in RRO0-RRO4) and hence we run the algorithm variant for 1,000 iterations (rather than 500 iterations). In the case of RS and PSO, there are 30 fitness function evaluations per iteration of the algorithm, and the maximum number of iterations for each algorithm is set at 60,000 (giving a maximum of 1,800,000 fitness function evaluations). All reported results are averaged over 30 independent experiments for each problem and algorithm pairing and we test the statistical significance of all differences in performance at a 95 % level using a \(t\) test.

Table 5 Iteration settings for each trial

4.1.2 Type of computer system used

The experiments were undertaken on a PC Intel Core i7 (2.93 GHz) system with 12 GB RAM.

4.2 Hypotheses tested

In our tables of results, we provide a statistical analysis of the difference in the mean performance of each algorithmic variant against the canonical version of RRO0 and also of the performance of each version of RRO against PSO and RS. In all cases, the null hypothesis is that there is no difference in performance. The notation used is as follows:

In assessing the performance of the 13 variants of RRO with different parameter settings (RRO1–RRO12 and RROv) against the performance of the canonical algorithm (RRO0):

  • \({H}_{0}\): the RROi (\(i\):1–12) algorithm performs as well as the RRO0 algorithm.

In considering the performance of the various versions of RRO against PSO:

  • \({H}_\mathrm{PSO}\): the RRO algorithm performs as well as the PSO algorithm.

In considering the performance of the various versions of RRO performs against RS:

  • \({H}_\mathrm{RS}\): the RRO algorithm performs as well as the RS algorithm.

4.3 Analysis of raven roost algorithm

Initially, we focus attention on comparing the results obtained by RRO0 against those of PSO and RS. Figures 4 and 5 provide boxplots of the best-of-run results for each algorithm over the 30 trials. Figures 2 and 3 provide a graphic showing the evolution of the average best for each algorithm for the 40 and 60D cases (the illustrations for the 20D case are qualitatively similar and are, therefore, omitted to save space).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Average best performance (averaged over 30 trials) of each algorithm variant on test problems (40D) case

Fig. 3
figure 3

Average best performance (averaged over 30 trials) of each algorithm variant on test problems (60D) case

Fig. 4
figure 4

Boxplot of best results obtained by each algorithm variant (plotted over 30 runs) on DeJong and Rosenbrock Functions. The x axis shows the algorithm variant identifier RRO0–RR012, RROv, RS and PSO

Fig. 5
figure 5

Boxplot of best results obtained by each algorithm variant (plotted over 30 runs) on Griewank and Rastrigin Functions. The x axis shows the algorithm variant identifier RRO0–RR012, RROv, RS, and PSO

A practical issue in preparing Figs. 2 and 3 is that the number of fitness function evaluations in each iteration varies from one algorithmic variant to another. In order to produce these figures we standardise the comparisons based on the 250 iterations of RRO5 and RRO7 and plot the best fitness value obtained at the end of each of these 250 iterations (averaged over all 30 runs) for RRO5 and RRO7. In the case of RRO0–RRO3 and RRO8–RRO12 (which run for 500 iterations), the best fitness is plotted every second iteration, and for RRO4 and RRO6 the best fitness from each fourth iteration is plotted. Hence, (for example) iteration 1 in Figs. 2 and 3 plots the average best performance after the first iteration of algorithms RRO5/RRO7, after the second iteration of algorithms RRO0–RRO3 and RRO8–RRO12, and after the fourth iteration for algorithm RRO 4. Similarly, for RROv, PSO, and RS, the plotted fitnesses are sampled and plotted from an interval determined by dividing the total number of iterations for that algorithm by 250.

4.3.1 Effectiveness and efficiency of canonical RRO

From the end-of-run boxplots (Figs. 4, 5) we can observe that the RRO0 algorithm generally outperforms both random search and PSO, and in eleven out of twelve cases the difference is statistically significant for PSO (and in 12 out of 12 cases for RS). The relevant p values are shown in the two right-most columns in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Examining the evolution of the performance of each algorithm in Figs. 2 and 3, it can be noted that RRO0 quickly outperforms both PSO and RS and hence appears to make more efficient use of information on the search environment gathered from fitness function evaluations.

Table 6 Results of algorithm comparison (DeJong 20D)
Table 7 Results of algorithm comparison (DeJong 40D)
Table 8 Results of algorithm comparison (DeJong 60D)
Table 9 Results of algorithm comparison (Griewank 20D)
Table 10 Results of algorithm comparison (Griewank 40D)
Table 11 Results of algorithm comparison (Griewank 60D)
Table 12 Results of algorithm comparison (Rastrigin 20D)
Table 13 Results of algorithm comparison (Rastrigin 40D)
Table 14 Results of algorithm comparison (Rastrigin 60D)
Table 15 Results of algorithm comparison (Rosenbrock 20D)
Table 16 Results of algorithm comparison (Rosenbrock 40D)
Table 17 Results of algorithm comparison (Rosenbrock 60D)

4.3.2 Convergence and stability of canonical RRO

The boxplots (Figs. 4, 5) indicate that the results for the RRO0 algorithm show reasonable convergence to similar values by the end of the run (across all 30 trials) suggesting robustness to the (random) initial raven positions for each trial and to (random) choice of roosting site location. It is also noted that the results from the RRO0 algorithm (see Figs. 2, 3) have converged reasonably quickly across each problem examined. From the same figures it can also be observed that the results for PSO and RS show a high degree of convergence from quite early in their runs and hence, the results obtained from these algorithms are not particularly sensitive to the precise choice of number of iterations.

4.4 Analysis of perception mechanism in RRO

In order to assess the effect of the perception mechanism on the performance of the RRO algorithm, two algorithms, RRO0 with a perception mechanism and RROv (identical, except for the removal of the perception mechanism), are examined.

Figures 2 and 3 compare the evolution of the average best fitness of the three algorithms for the tested problems, and Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show the best fitness value obtained from all 30 runs (‘Best’), and the average of the best fitnesses (‘Mean’) and its standard deviation over all 30 runs. The results show that RRO0 outperforms the RROv algorithm on all problems and that in eleven out of twelve instances the difference is statistically significant (the relevant p values are shown in the third from right-most column in each Table). Hence, we conclude that the perception mechanism is an important component of the RRO algorithm.

4.5 Parameter sensitivity analysis

Figures 2 and 3 also enable us to visually assess the results of sensitivity analysis of the six parameters of the RRO. Column \({H}_{0}\) in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show the p values of the statistical tests used to determine whether there are any differences in mean performance between the RRO0 algorithm and the other variants of RRO algorithm.

Columns \({H}_\mathrm{PSO}\)\({H}_\mathrm{RS}\) in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show the p values of the statistical tests used to test whether there is any difference between the performance of the RRO algorithm variants and PSO and RS, respectively.

4.5.1 Impact of varying perception radius

Initially we compare the performance of RRO0 with three variants (RRO1–RRO3) which have larger perception radii for \(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\) and/or \(R_\mathrm{leader}\). In general, across most problem instances, the performance ranking on the four algorithm variants is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{RRO}0,1 > \mathrm{RRO}2,3 \end{aligned}$$

Relatively little difference is noted between the performance of RRO0 and RRO1, or between RRO2 and RRO3 on the various problem instances. This indicates that the performance of the RRO algorithm is sensitive to the changes on parameter \(R_\mathrm{pcpt}\) and not as sensitive to the changes in the parameter \(R_\mathrm{leader}\). Comparing the performances of RRO1, RRO2, and RRO3 against that of PSO, all are found to outperform PSO, and the difference in mean performance is statistically significant in virtually all problem instances.

4.5.2 Impact of varying the number of perception samples

Next, we consider the parameter which governs the number of perception samples that the ravens can utilise. In essence, this proxies elements of the animal’s cognitive processing ability, as in addition to the radius of sensory perception being finite, assessments of resource quality within the range of sensory perception are likely to be imperfect due to time and cognitive limitations. In RRO0, ten samplings are made in each ‘perception’ and in algorithm variants RRO4 and RRO5 this number is altered to 5 and 20, respectively. Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show that the performances of the three algorithms, RRO0, RRO4, and RRO5, are similar over all problem instances with no clear evidence that increasing or decreasing the number of samplings (within the range tested) makes a notable difference. This suggests that the RRO algorithm is not highly sensitive to the changes in the parameter \(N_\mathrm{pcpt}\). Both RRO4 and RRO5 outperform PSO and RS on all problem instances, significantly so on eleven of the twelve instances in the case of PSO (in all twelve in the case of RS).

4.5.3 Impact of varying the number of flight steps

The parameter \(N_\mathrm{steps}\) governs the number of flight steps taken by a raven. At the end of each step, a ‘perception’ is made of the landscape by the bird. In RRO0 we set the value of this parameter at ten. In order to examine the sensitivity to this setting we compare the results of RRO0 (10 steps) with RRO6 (5 steps) and RRO7 (20 steps). Again we control for the number of total fitness function evaluations of all algorithm variants.

Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show that algorithm performance is slightly sensitive to changes in the parameter \(N_\mathrm{steps}\), as increasing the value of this parameter tends to improve performance. However, the differences between RRO0 and RRO7 are not found to be statistically significant. Both RRO6 and RRO7 are found to outperform PSO and RS on all problem instances, with the difference in mean performance being significant on 11 of the 12 instances in the case of PSO (in all 12 in the case of RS).

4.5.4 Impact of varying the proportion of followers

The parameter \(\mathrm{Perc}_\mathrm{follower}\) determines the proportion of the population that follow the LEADER from the roost to its food find and serves as a tunable ‘recruitment’ propensity parameter. The parameter setting also governs how intensively the roost population ‘exploits’ the food find of the LEADER or in other words, the level of reliance of the roost on social as distinct from private information. In RRO0 the value of this parameter is set to 0.2, compared with values of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 in RRO8, RRO9, and RRO10, respectively. Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show that the performance ranking across the algorithm variants is generally

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{RRO}0 > \mathrm{RRO}8 > \mathrm{RRO}9 > \mathrm{RRO}10 \end{aligned}$$

The results show that algorithmic performance is sensitive to the setting of the parameter \(\mathrm{Perc}_\mathrm{follow}\), with increasing reliance on social information leading to a degradation in the performance of the algorithm. Plausibly this occurs as high values of this parameter will encourage heavy exploitation of LEADER information, thereby reducing the diversity of the search process. All three variants (RRO8, RRO9, and RRO10) outperform PSO and RS on all problem instances, with the difference in mean performance being significant on 11 of the 12 instances in the case of PSO (in all twelve in the case of RS).

4.5.5 Impact of varying the probability of stopping

The parameter \(\mathrm{Prob}_\mathrm{stop}\) governs the probability that a raven will stop at a location that it ‘sees’ during flight if it has better food resources than the bird’s personal best location. In essence, this parameter governs the propensity of a bird to change feeding location. It also proxies a ‘noisy’ assessment of resource quality by a bird, as it allows for the case that a good food source is found by a bird but is incorrectly assessed as to its quality. Obviously, the value of this parameter can vary between 0 and 1, the former case corresponding to the situation where in-flight perception is (effectively) turned off, the latter to a ‘greedy’ search under perfect assessment of resource quality. In RRO0, the probability of stopping is set at 0.1. Two variants on this are examined, RRO11 and RRO12 where the value is 0.2 and 0.4, respectively.

Tables 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show that the performance ranking across the algorithm variants is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{RRO}0 > \mathrm{RRO}11 > \mathrm{RRO}12 \end{aligned}$$

These results indicate that performance is enhanced when the probability of stopping is low and that the performance of the algorithm is sensitive to the parameter value for \(\mathrm{Prob}_\mathrm{stop}\). Whilst this may appear a counter-intuitive result, in that good feeding sites are bypassed, a lower stopping probability will encourage longer flights from the roost and, therefore, greater traversal of the search space. Comparing the performance of RRO11 and RRO12 with PSO and RS, the two variants of RRO generally outperform PSO and RS (except for two instances of RRO12) with the differences being statistically significant in most problem instances.

4.5.6 Effectiveness and efficiency of RRO variants

From the end-of-run boxplots in Figs. 4 and 5 we can see that RRO0 typically performed as well or better than most of the variants (RRO1–RRO12) tested, although the differences in mean performance were usually only significant when compared with the performance of RRO2–RRO3 and RRO10–RRO12, as discussed in the subsections above. The differences in performance stem from the way that the fitness function evaluation budget is shared between the components of each algorithmic variant, and in the case of RRO2 and RRO3 the radius of perception. The general conclusion that can be drawn from the results is that the canonical version of the algorithm is not outperformed by any of the variants of it that were tested. Assessing the performance of the variants (RRO1–RRO12) against that of PSO and RS, while there is some variability in the results produced by each of the variants, most perform quite competitively against PSO and RS. This suggests that the performance of RRO is reasonably robust with respect to choice of parameter settings, at least for the range of test problems and settings examined.

4.5.7 Convergence and stability of RRO variants

Figures 4 and 5 also allow us to assess the end-of-run convergence of each of the RRO variants (RRO1–RRO12). In general, most variants apart from RRO9–RRO12 show a good degree of convergence. The greater dispersion in results produced by RRO9 and RRO10 is not unexpected, as these variants allocate high portions of the raven population to act as followers (60 and 80 % respectively). As this proportion increases, the balance of the algorithm shifts towards exploitation around the location found by the LEADER and this increases the risk of the algorithm becoming trapped in a local optimum. In RRO11 and RRO12, the propensity of a raven to stop during their flight if they perceive a better location than their own \(p_\mathrm{best}\) is increased. While on the one hand this increases the chance that a new good location will be harvested by a bird, it has the side-effect of reducing the degree of exploration of the terrain. The results suggest that the latter factor acts to increase the variability of the performance of the algorithm.

5 Conclusions

A significant stream of literature which draws inspiration from the foraging activities of various organisms to design optimisation algorithms has emerged over the past decade. As with many natural computing algorithms, these algorithms are populational in nature and a key component of them is a social communication mechanism which transfers information about good locations on the search landscape between members of the population. To date, relatively little attempt has been made to compare and contrast the communication mechanisms embedded in the various foraging-inspired algorithms.

In this study, drawing on the social foraging literature, we outline a taxonomy to help categorise existing optimisation algorithms which have been inspired by foraging metaphors using the nature of the underlying communication mechanism. In doing so, it is apparent that one mechanism, namely ‘recruitment at a central location and subsequently leading followers back to the food site’ has not attracted much attention thus far for the design of optimisation algorithms. We take inspiration from one example of the use of this communication mechanism in nature, the social roosting and foraging behavior of ravens, to develop a novel algorithm.

The performance of the resulting RRO algorithm is tested on a number of standard benchmark optimisation problems and is found to be competitive. A series of analyses were also undertaken on the RRO algorithm to gain insight as to the importance of its component elements. These experiments indicate the importance of the perception mechanism. An exploration of the sensitivity of the algorithm’s performance to various parameter settings was also undertaken.

The study opens up a door for follow-on work in a number of areas. This study presents an initial examination of the RRO algorithm and as already noted, no single study can exhaustively examine and benchmark all aspects of a new algorithm. Further work remains to be undertaken to expand the range of target problems/performance benchmarks examined, to further explore the sensitivity of the results of the RRO algorithm to the choice of parameter settings, and to assess scalability. As described in Sect. 4.1, certain of these such as perception range need to be scaled for the size of the search space, and hence, we would expect the results to be impacted by choice of parameter. With reference to the mechanisms in the algorithm, it is evident that elements such as perception could be operationalised in a variety of ways and it would be interesting to examine the impact on the algorithm’s performance of alternative implementations of these mechanisms.