1 Introduction

How can we protect a network against adversarial attack? A traditional approach provides robustness through redundant components. If one component is attacked, the remaining components maintain functionality. Unfortunately, this approach incurs significant resource cost, even when the network is not under attack.

An alternative approach is self-healing, where a network detects the damage made by attacks, inspects the corruption situation and automatically recovers. Self-healing algorithms expend additional resources only when it is necessary to repair from attacks.

In this paper, we describe self-healing algorithms for the problem of reliable multiparty computation (RMC). In the RMC problem, there are n parties, each with an individual input, and the parties want to jointly compute a function f over n inputs. A hidden 1 / 4-fraction of the parties are controlled by an omniscient Byzantine adversary. A party that is controlled by the adversary is said to be bad, and the remaining parties are said to be good. Our goal is to ensure that all good parties learn the output of f.Footnote 1

RMC abstracts many problems that may occur in high-performance computing, sensor networks, and peer-to-peer networks. For example, we can use RMC to enable performance profiling and system monitoring, compute order statistics, and enable public voting.

Our main result is an algorithm for RMC that (1) is asymptotically optimal in terms of total messages and total computational operations; and (2) limits the expected total number of corruptions. Ideally, each bad party would cause O(1) corruptions; in our algorithm, each bad party causes an expected \(O((\log ^*{m})^2)\) corruptions.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe our model. Our main theorem is given in Sect. 3, and we provide a technical overview in Sect. 4. The related work is discussed in Sect. 5. Section 6 describes our algorithms. The analysis of our algorithms is shown in Sect. 7. Section 8 gives empirical results showing how our algorithms improve the efficiency of the butterfly networks of [1]. Finally, we conclude and describe problems for future work in Sect. 9.

The theoretical result of this paper was first presented as an extended abstract in [2]. This paper is the full version of that extended abstract.

2 Our model

We assume a static Byzantine adversary that takes over \(t \le (\frac{1}{4} - \epsilon ) n\) parties before the algorithm begins, for any constant \(\epsilon >0\). As mentioned previously, parties that are compromised by the adversary are called bad, and the remaining parties are good. The bad parties may arbitrarily deviate from the protocol, by sending no messages, excessive numbers of messages, incorrect messages, or any combination of these. The good parties follow the protocol. We assume that the adversary knows our protocol, but is unaware of the random bits of the good nodes. We make use of a public key cryptography scheme, and thus assume that the adversary is computationally bounded.

We assume a partially synchronous communication model, where any message sent from one good node to another good node requires at most h time steps to be sent and received, and the value h is known to all nodes. Note that we assume partial synchronous communication, but with a rushing adversary. The adversary is rushing in the sense that the bad nodes can wait to receive all messages in a round, before they need to send out their own messages for that round.

We further assume that each party has a unique ID. We say that party p has a link to party q if p knows q’s ID and can directly communicate with node q in the overlay network.

In the reliable multiparty computation problem, we assume that the function f can be implemented with an arithmetic circuit over m gates, where each gate has two inputs and at most two outputs.Footnote 2 For simplicity of presentation, we focus on computing a single function multiple times (with changing inputs). However, we can also compute multiple functions with our algorithm.

3 Our result

We describe an algorithm, COMPUTE, to efficiently solve reliable multiparty computation. Our main result is summarized in the following theorem.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Quorum Graph

Theorem 1

Assume we have n parties providing inputs to a function f that can be computed by an arithmetic circuit with depth \(\ell \) and containing m gates. Then COMPUTE solves RMC and has the following properties.

  1. (1)

    In an amortized sense,Footnote 3 any execution of COMPUTE requires \(O(m + n \log n)\) messages sent by all parties, \(O(m + n \log n)\) computational operations performed by all parties, and \(O(\ell )\) latency.

  2. (2)

    The expected total number of times COMPUTE returns a corrupted output is \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\).

Our experimental results in Sect. 8 show that our algorithms (Sect. 6) reduce the message cost, compared to the naive algorithm (Sect. 4.3), by a factor of 432 for \(n = 8191\).

4 Technical overview

In this section, we briefly describe a quorum graph as well as a naive (no self-healing) computation algorithm and our self-healing approach.

4.1 Quorums and Quorum graph

Our algorithms make critical use of quorums and a quorum graph. We define a quorum to be a set of \(\varTheta (\log {n})\) parties, of which at most 1 / 4 are bad. Many results show how to create and maintain a network of quorums [1, 3,4,5,6,7,8]. All of these results maintain what we will call a quorum graph in which each vertex represents a quorum. The properties of the quorum graph are:

  1. (1)

    each party is in \(\varTheta (\log n)\) quorums;

  2. (2)

    for any quorum Q, any party in Q can communicate directly to any other party in Q; and

  3. (3)

    for any quorums Q and \(Q'\) that are directly connected in the quorum graph, any party in Q can communicate directly with any party in \(Q'\) and vice versa.

Moreover, we assume that for any two parties x and y in a quorum, x knows all quorums that y is in.

4.2 Computing with Quorums

We maintain a quorum graph with \(m+n\) nodes: m nodes for the gates of the circuit and n nodes for the inputs of the parties. The input nodes are connected to the gates using these inputs, and the gate nodes are connected as in the circuit. Quorums are mapped to nodes in this quorum graph as described above.

Figure 1 shows the quorum graph in which the computation is performed from the left to the right. In particular, the input quorums are the leftmost quorums and the output quorum is the rightmost quorum in the quorum graph. Note that \(s_i\) is the \(i\mathrm{th}\) party that seeds an input \(a_i\) to the quorum network, for \(1\le i \le n\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The parties provide n inputs to a circuit of quorums via all-to-all communication in the Naive Algorithm

4.3 Naive computation

A correct but inefficient way to solve RMC is as follows. Each party \(s_i\) sends its input to all parties of the appropriate input quorum. Then the computation is performed from left to right. All parties in each quorum compute the appropriate gate operation on their inputs, and send their outputs to all parties in the right neighboring quorums via all-to-all communication. At the next level, all parties in each quorum take the majority of the received messages in order to determine the correct input for their gate. At the end, the parties in the rightmost quorum will compute the correct output of the circuit (See Fig. 2). They then forward this output back from right to left through the quorum graph using the same all-to-all communication and majority filtering (See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The output quorum sends back the result, \(b_{m+n}\), to the n parties through a circuit of quorums via all-to-all-communication in the Naive Algorithm

Unfortunately, this naive algorithm requires \(O((m+n) \log ^{2} n)\) messages and \(O(m\log {n})\) computational operations. Our main goal is to remove the logarithmic factors.Footnote 4

4.4 Our approach

A more efficient approach is for each quorum to have a leader, and for this leader to receive inputs, perform gate computations, and send off the output. Unfortunately, a single bad leader can corrupt the entire computation.

To address this issue, we provide CHECK (Sect. 6.3). This algorithm determines if there has been a corruption, and if so, it calls RECOVER (Sect. 6.4), which identifies at least one pair of parties that are in conflict. Informally, we say that a pair of parties are in conflict if they each accuse the other of malicious behavior. In such a situation, we know that at least one party in the pair is bad. Our approach is to mark both parties in each conflicting pair, and these marked parties are prohibited from participating in future computation but they still can provide the inputs of the circuit.Footnote 5

The basic idea of CHECK is to redo the computation through subsets of parties; one subset for each gate. CHECK runs in multiple rounds. Initially, all subsets are empty; and in each round, a new party is selected uniformly at random from each quorum to be added to each subset. We call these parties the checkers. For convenience of presentation, we will refer to the leaders as the checkers for round 0. For each round \(i\ge 1\), all i checkers at gate g: (1) receive inputs to g from the checkers at each input gate for g; (2) compute the gate output for g based on these inputs; and (3) send this output to the checkers at each output gate for g. If a good checker ever receives inconsistent inputs, it calls RECOVER. Unfortunately, waiting until a round where each gate has had at least one good checker would require \(O(\log n)\) rounds.

To do better, we use the following approach. Let G be the quorum graph as defined above and let the checkers be selected as above. Call a subgraph of G bad in a given round if all checkers in the nodes of that subgraph are bad; note that such a subgraph consists of the new checkers that are added to the subsets in that round.

When the adversary corrupts an output of a bad subgraph of G in one round, it has to keep corrupting this output by nesting levels of bad subgraphs of G in all subsequent rounds.

Recall that in each round, new checkers are selected uniformly at random. When CHECK selects a good checker at a quorum, it is as removing the node associated with this quorum from the quorum graph. Thus, we can view CHECK as repeatedly removing nodes from increasingly smaller subgraphs of G until no nodes remain, at which the corruption is detected. A key lemma (Lemma 3) shows that for any rooted directed acyclic graph (DAG), with m nodes and maximum indegree 2, when each node is deleted independently with probability at least \(1/2 + \epsilon \), for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\), the probability of having a connected DAG, rooted at one node, with surviving nodes of size \(\Omega (\log {m})\), is at most 1 / 2. By this lemma, we show that CHECK requires only \(O(\log ^*{m})\) rounds to detect a corruption with constant probability.Footnote 6

CHECK requires \(O((m+n\log {n})(\log ^*{m})^2)\) messages. Then, we can call it with probability \(1/(\log ^*{m})^2\) and obtain asymptotically optimal resource costs for the RMC problem, while incurring an expected \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\) corruptions.

5 Related work

Our results are inspired by recent work on self-healing algorithms. Early work of [9,10,11,12,13] discusses different restoration mechanisms to preserve network performance by adding capacity and rerouting traffic streams in the presence of node or link failures. This work presents mathematical models to determine global optimal restoration paths, and provides methods for capacity optimization of path-restorable networks.

More recent work [14,15,16,17,18,19] considers models where the following process repeats indefinitely: an adversary deletes some nodes in the network, and the algorithm adds edges. The algorithm is constrained to never increase the degree of any node by more than a logarithmic factor from its original degree. In this model, researchers have presented algorithms that ensure the following properties: the network stays connected and the diameter does not increase by much [14,15,16]; the shortest path between any pair of nodes does not increase by much [17]; expansion properties of the network are approximately preserved [18]; and keeping network backbones densely connected [19].

This paper particularly builds on [20]. That paper describes self-healing algorithms that provide reliable communication, with a minimum of corruptions, even when a Byzantine adversary can take over a constant fraction of the nodes in a network. While our attack model is similar to [20], reliable computation is more challenging than reliable communication, and hence this paper requires a significantly different technical approach. Additionally, we improve the fraction of bad parties that can be tolerated from 1 / 8 to 1 / 4.

Reliable multiparty computation (RMC) is closely related to the problem of secure multiparty computation (MPC) which has been studied extensively for several decades (see e.g. [21,22,23,24,25] or the recent book [26]). RMC is simpler than MPC in that it does not require inputs of the parties to remain private. Our algorithm for RMC is significantly more efficient than current algorithms for MPC, which require at least polylogarithmic blowup in communication and computational costs in order to tolerate a Byzantine adversary. We reduce these costs through our self-healing approach, which expends additional resources only when corruptions occur, and is able to “quarantine” bad parties after \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\) corruptions.

6 Our algorithms

In this section, we describe our algorithms: COMPUTE, EVALUATE, CHECK and RECOVER.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The senders provide the network with the inputs to perform the computation through a circuit of leaders

Our algorithms aim at detecting corruptions and marking the bad parties. Note that the parties that are marked are not allowed to participate in the computation; but they still can provide inputs to the circuit. Note further that all parties are initially unmarked.

Recall that there are n parties, each provides an input to an input quorum, \(Q_i\), for \(1 \le i \le n\); and then the computation is performed through m quorums, \(Q_j\)’s, for \(n+1 \le j \le m+n\). The result is produced at an output quorum \(Q_{m+n}\), and it is sent back to the senders through the m quorums.

Before discussing our main COMPUTE algorithm, we describe that when a party x broadcasts a message msg, signed by the private key of a quorum Q, to a set of parties S, it calls \({ BROADCAST} (msg, Q, S)\).


In BROADCAST (Algorithm 1), we use threshold cryptography to avoid the overhead of Byzantine Agreement. In a (\(\eta , \eta '\))-threshold cryptographic scheme, a private key is distributed among \(\eta \) parties in such a way that (1) any subset of more than \(\eta '\) parties can jointly reassemble the key; and (2) no subset of at most \(\eta '\) parties can recover the key. The private key can be distributed using a Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol [27].

In particular, we use (|Q|, \(\frac{3|Q|}{4} -1\))-DKG to generate for each quorum Q the following: (1) a (distributed) private key of Q, where a private key share is generated for each party in Q; (2) a public key of Q to verify each message signed by the (distributed) private key of Q; and (3) a public key share for each party in Q in order to verify any message signed by the private key share of this party.

Note that for each quorum, Q, the public key of Q and the public key share of each party in Q are known to all parties in Q and all parties in the neighboring quorums.

Recall that a party x calls \({ BROADCAST} (msg, Q, S)\) in order to send a message msg to all parties in S after signing msg by the private key of quorum Q. Signing a message msg, by the private key of Q, is formally stated in SIGN (msgQ) (Algorithm 6.1). Note that we let the message msg be signed by the private key of Q in order to fulfill the following: (1) at least 3 / 4-fraction of the parties in quorum Q have received the same message msg; (2) they agree upon the content of msg; and (3) they give permission to x to broadcast this message.

figure a

Lemma 1

Any call to BROADCAST has \(O(\log {n} + |S|)\) messages and \(O(\log {n})\) computational operations for signing the message msg by \(O(\log {n})\) parties in Q, with latency O(1).


The proof is immediate from the algorithm description of BROADCAST and SIGN. \(\square \)

figure b
Fig. 5
figure 5

The output quorum sends back the result of the computation to the senders through the same circuit of leaders


Now we describe our main algorithm, COMPUTE (Algorithm 3), which calls EVALUATE (Algorithm 4). In EVALUATE, the n parties broadcast their inputs to the input quorums; note that we assume that all parties provide their inputs to the circuit in the same round. The input quorums forward these inputs to a circuit of m leaders in order to perform the computation and provide the result to the output quorum (See Fig. 4). Then this result is sent back to all senders (all parties) through the same circuit (See Fig. 5). Note that we define a leader of a quorum as a representative party of all parties in this quorum, and its leadership is known to all parties in this quorum and the neighboring quorums.

figure c

In the presence of an adversary, EVALUATE is vulnerable to corruptions. Thus, COMPUTE calls TRIGGER-CHECK (Algorithm 5), in which the parties of the output quorum decide together, to trigger CHECK (Algorithm 7) with probability \(1/(\log ^*{m})^2\), using secure multiparty computation (MPC) [23,24,25]. Note that we assume the standard RAM model of computation: the number of bits in the real number chosen, in step 1 of Algorithm 5, is logarithmic in \(m + n\). CHECK is triggered in order to detect with probability at least 1 / 2 if a computation was corrupted in the last call to EVALUATE.

Unfortunately, while CHECK can determine if a corruption occurred, it does not locate where the corruption originally occurred. Thus, when CHECK detects a corruption, RECOVER (Algorithm 11) is called. In each call to RECOVER, two neighboring quorums in the circuit are identified such that at least one pair of parties in these quorums is in conflict and at least one party in this pair is bad. Then the parties that are in conflict are marked in all quorums they are in, and in their neighboring quorums. Moreover, for each pair of leaders that are in conflict, their quorums elect a new pair of unmarked leaders uniformly at random. Note that if at least \((1/2 - \gamma )\)-fraction of parties in any quorum have been marked, for any constant \(\gamma > 0\), e.g., \(\gamma = 0.01\), they are set unmarked in all their quorums and in all their neighboring quorums.

figure d

Moreover, we use BROADCAST in EVALUATE and CHECK in order to handle any accusation issued in RECOVER against the parties that provide the inputs to the input quorums, or those that receive the result in the output quorum.

figure e

Our model does not directly consider concurrency. In a real system, concurrent executions of COMPUTE that overlap at a single quorum may allow the adversary to achieve multiple corruptions at the cost of a single marked bad party. However, this does not effect correctness, and, in practice, this issue can be avoided by serializing concurrent executions of COMPUTE. For simplicity of presentation, we leave the concurrency aspect out of this paper.


In this section, we describe the CHECK algorithm, which is stated formally as Algorithm 7. In this algorithm, we make use of subquorums, where a subquorum is a subset of unmarked parties in a quorum. Let \(U_{k}\) be the set of all unmarked parties in quorum \(Q_{k}\), for \(1\le k \le m+n\).

figure f
figure g

CHECK runs for \(O(\log ^*{m})\) rounds. For each round i, the parties of the output quorum \(Q_{m+n}\) elect an unmarked party \(\mathbf{r} \) from \(Q_{m+n}\) to be in charge of the recomputation in round i. The election process is stated formally in ELECT (Algorithm 6).

The elected party \(\mathbf{r} \) selects u.a.r. a set of unmarked parties to participate in round i. It may not know how many unmarked parties in each quorum, but we assume that it knows \(m'\), which is the maximum number of parties in any quorum. Party \(\mathbf{r} \) constructs an m by \(m'\) array of random integers, \(A_i\), selected uniformly at random. \(A_i\) represents a selection to a set of unmarked parties to be added to a DAG of subquorums, \(S^A_{j}\)’s, for \(n+1\le j \le m+n\), in round i. Note that \(A^i[k, k']\) refers to an unmarked party in a quorum \(Q_k\), of size \(|Q_k| = k'\), for \(1\le k \le m\) and \(1\le k' \le m'\). Note further that \(A^i\) has a size of \(O(m \log {n}\log {\log {n}})\) bits.

After \(\mathbf{r} \) constructs \(A_i\), it calls REQUEST to send a request through the DAG of subquorums, to the n senders in order to recompute (See Fig. 6).

The recomputation process is stated formally as RECOMPUTE (Algorithm 9) and is shown in Fig. 7. In this process, each sender that receives this request provides its input to redo the computation through a DAG of subquorums, \(S^A_{j}\)’s, producing the result at the output quorum. When \(\mathbf{r} \) receives this result, it calls RESEND (Algorithm 10) in order to send the result back to the senders through a DAG of subquorums \(S^A_{j}\)’s, for \(n+1\le j \le m+n\) (See Fig. 8).

Fig. 6
figure 6

The output quorum sends a request to the senders to provide the circuit with the inputs in order to redo the computation through a circuit of unmarked parties selected u.a.r.

figure h

Note that in ELECT (Q), the parties of quorum Q perform MPC [23,24,25] to elect an unmarked party uniformly at random from Q. We know that at least half of the unmarked parties in Q are good. Thus, the elected party is good with probability at least 1 / 2. MPC requires a message cost and a number of computational operations that are polylogarithmic functions in n, and it runs in O(1) time.

Note further that during CHECK, if any party receives inconsistent messages or fails to receive and verify any expected message in any round, it initiates a call to RECOVER.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The n parties provide n inputs to a circuit of unmarked parties selected u.a.r. to redo the computation producing the result at the output quorum

figure i
Fig. 8
figure 8

The output quorum sends back the result of the computation to the senders through a circuit of unmarked parties selected u.a.r.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Example run of CHECK

Fig. 10
figure 10

A corruption is detected after the deception DAG shrinks to size zero

figure j

CHECK detects message corruptions with probability at least 1 / 2. It requires \(O((m + n\log n) (\log ^* n)^2)\) message cost and \(O(\ell \log ^* n)\) latency. But since CHECK is triggered with probability \(1/(\log ^*{m})^2\), it has expected message cost \(O(m + n \log n))\) with expected latency \(O(\ell / \log ^*{n})\).

An example run of CHECK is illustrated in Figs. 9 and 10. These figures show that in each round, a circuit of parties is formed, where one party is selected u.a.r. from each quorum in the quorum graph. Each of these parties performs the appropriate gate operation on its inputs providing an output which is an input for the next gate in the circuit.

For a given circuit of parties and a given round, there is a white or black node depending on whether the party selected in that particular round and that particular gate (quorum) is good (white) or bad (black).

Informally, we define a deception DAG, \(D_i\), in a round, i, as a rooted DAG of bad nodes that are selected in this round to be added to the subquorums in the quorum graph.

In Fig. 9, we show the deception DAGs that are chosen by the adversary to corrupt the computation over rounds. In particular, the adversary’s strategy is (1) to corrupt the output of the maximum deception DAG in the first round; and (2) to keep corrupting this output by nesting levels of deception DAGs in all subsequent rounds. These nesting levels of deception DAGs are outlined in this figure.

There are two key points by which CHECK detects corruptions: (1) any deception DAG in any round never extends in any subsequent round; and (2) any deception DAG is expected to shrink logarithmically in size from round to round. This will imply that any deception DAG shrinks to size zero after \(O(\log ^*{n})\) rounds, at which the corruption is detected.

Deception DAGs never extend We know that each good party that receives an input message in any round has to receive the same input message in all subsequent rounds; otherwise, it will call RECOVER. Moreover, for each round, we know that all parties in each subquorum send their output message to the new party that is added in this round to the next subquorum in the circuit. Thus, those good parties that provide their output message to the deception DAG of this round will provide the same output message to all subsequent deception DAGs.

Recall that in each round, every party that is added to each subquorum, S, sends its output message to all parties in the next subquorum, \(S'\), in the quorum graph. Thus, all good parties in \(S'\) that receive an input message through a deception DAG in any round expect to receive the same input message in all subsequent rounds. Also, each good party that did not receive the correct input message in any round must not receive this message in all subsequent rounds; otherwise, it will initiate a call to RECOVER.

Deception DAGs shrink logarithmically A key lemma (Lemma 3) shows that given a rooted DAG of size m, in which each bad node is selected u.a.r. with probability at most 1 / 2, the probability of having a rooted subgraph of \(\Omega (\log {m})\) bad nodes is at most 1 / 2. Intuitively, we could expect that \(O(\log ^{*} m)\) rounds will suffice to shrink any deception DAG to size zero in a quorum graph of m gates.

When any deception DAG shrinks to size zero, the corruption is detected Figure 10 shows that when the deception DAG shrinks over rounds to size zero, node x in the last round receives correct input messages. Then node x computes a correct output and sends it to node y; however, node y has not previously received it as an input in this call to CHECK. As a result, node y calls RECOVER declaring that it has received inconsistent input messages.

Even if all parties in some subquorums are bad, CHECK is still being able to detect corruptions

Recall that CHECK runs in \(O(\log ^*{m})\) rounds. In each round, new parties are selected u.a.r. to be added to the subquorums. This limits the adversary to know, before all rounds finish, if all parties of any particular subquorum are bad. Thus, the adversary would rather corrupt the output of the maximum deception DAG in the first round and keeps corrupting this output over all subsequent deception DAGs. Note that if the adversary corrupts more than one output in the same round, it will increase the chance of detecting corruptions. Figure 10 shows that even though all parties in some subquorum are bad, some of these parties behave as good parties since they are out of the deception DAGs selected by the adversary.


When a computation is corrupted and CHECK detects this corruption, RECOVER is called. The RECOVER algorithm is described formally as Algorithm 11. When RECOVER starts, all parties in each quorum in the circuit are notified.

figure k
figure l

The main purpose of RECOVER is to (1) determine the location in which the corruption occurred; and (2) mark the parties that are in conflict.

To determine the location in which the corruption occurred, RECOVER calls INVESTIGATE (Algorithm 12) to investigate the corruption situation by letting each party involved in EVALUATE or CHECK broadcast all messages they have received or sent. Note that the message size that each participating party broadcasts is \(O((m \log {n}\log {\log {n}} + b) (\log ^*{m})^2)\) bits, given that any input message \(a_i\) that is provided by sender \(s_i\) has a size of O(b) bits.

Then, RECOVER calls MARK-IN-CONFLICTS (Algorithm 13) in order to mark the parties that are in conflict, where a pair of parties is in conflict if at least one of these parties broadcasted messages that conflict with the messages broadcasted by the other party in this pair. Note that each pair of parties that are in conflict has at least one bad party. Recall that if at least \((1/2 - \gamma )\)-fraction of parties in any quorum are marked, for any constant \(\gamma >0\), e.g., \(\gamma = 0.01\), they are set unmarked. Also, for each pair of leaders that get marked, their quorums elect another pair of unmarked leaders.

figure m

7 Analysis

In this section, we prove the lemmas required for Theorem 1. Throughout this section, all logarithms are base 2.

Recall that in each round of CHECK, a new unmarked party is selected u.a.r. from each quorum in the circuit forming a new DAG of unmarked parties.

Definition 1

A Deception DAG, \(D_i\), is the maximal subgraph of the new DAG of unmarked parties that are selected u.a.r. in round i, with the following properties: (1) it has only bad parties; (2) it receives all its inputs, and each input is provided correct by at least one good party; (3) it is rooted at one party, which does not provide a correct output to at least one good party; and (4) all other outputs of this DAG are provided correct.

If the adversary corrupts the output of the root party in a deception DAG in any round, then it has to keep corrupting this output by a deception DAG in each subsequent round; otherwise, the good parties that expect to receive this output in each round will call RECOVER due to receiving inconsistent output messages.

We say that a deception DAG, \(D_i\), in round i extends in round \(i+1\) if there exists a deception DAG, \(D_{i+1}\), in round \(i+1\) such that (1) there is at least one subquorum that has a party in \(D_i\) and a party in \(D_{i+1}\); and (2) there is at least one subquorum that has a party in \(D_{i+1}\) but has no party in \(D_i\).

Also, we say that a deception DAG, \(D_i\), in round i shrinks in round \(i+1\) if there exists a deception DAG, \(D_{i+1}\), in round \(i+1\) such that (1) each subquorum that has a party in \(D_{i+1}\) has a party in \(D_i\); and (2) there is at least one subquorum that has a party in \(D_{i}\) but has no party in \(D_{i+1}\).

Further, we say that a deception DAG, \(D_i\), shrinks logarithmically from round i to round \(i+1\) if \(|D_{i+1}| = O(\log {|D_i|})\).


In the following lemmas, we first show that any deception DAG in any round never extends in any subsequent round. Then we show that with probability at least 1 / 2, any deception DAG shrinks logarithmically from round to round. This will imply that the expected number of rounds to shrink any deception DAG to size zero is \(O(\log ^*{m})\).

Note that in any round i, if a deception DAG, \(D_{i}\), shrinks to a deception DAG, \(D_{i+1}\), of size zero in round \(i+1\), then the good party that did not receive the correct output from \(D_{i}\) in round i will receive the correct output in round \(i+1\). As a result, this good party will call RECOVER declaring that it has received inconsistent output messages.

Lemma 2

Any deception DAG in any round never extends.


We know by definition that any deception DAG is confined by (1) the good parties that provide the inputs to this deception DAG; and (2) the good parties that receive the outputs from it.

In each round i, all i parties in each subquorum send their outputs to the new party that is added to the next subquorum in this round. Thus, the good parties that provide the correct inputs to a deception DAG in round i, will provide the correct inputs to all nesting levels of deception DAGs in all subsequent rounds.

Moreover, in each round i, each new party that is added to a subquorum in this round sends its output to all i parties in the next subquorum. Thus, the good parties that receive an output from a deception DAG in round i, must receive the same output from all nesting levels of deception DAGs in all subsequent rounds. Similarly, the good parties that did not receive the correct output from a deception DAG in round i must not receive this output from any nesting level of deception DAG in any subsequent round; otherwise, they will call RECOVER.

Further, if a good party has previously received \(k_{p}\) (the public key of \(Q_{m+n}\)), then it verifies each subsequent message with it; also if a party receives inconsistent messages or fails to receive and verify an expected message, then it initiates a call to RECOVER.

Therefore, all good parties that confine a deception DAG in any round will restrict all subsequent deception DAGs. \(\square \)

Now we show that any deception DAG shrinks logarithmically from round to round with probability at least 1 / 2.

Definition 2

Rooted Directed Acyclic Graph (R-DAG) is a DAG in which, for a vertex u called the root and any other node v, there is at least one directed path from v to u.

Lemma 3

Given any R-DAG, of size n, in which each node has indegree of at most d and survives independently with probability at most p such that \(0 < p \le \frac{1}{d} - \epsilon \), for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\), then the probability of having a subgraph, rooted at some node, with surviving nodes, of size \(\Omega (\frac{\log {n}}{(1-pd)^2})\) is at most 1 / 2.


The basic ideas of this proof come from [28,29,30]. This proof makes use of the following three propositions, but first we define some notations.

Given an R-DAG, D(VE), with size n and maximum indegree d, after each node survives independently with probability at most p such that \(0 < p \le \frac{1}{d} - \epsilon \), for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\), we explore D to find a subgraph with only surviving nodes, of size more than k, rooted at an arbitrary node v (assuming that node v survives).

Each node in D has a status. The node status is either inactive, active or neutral. A node x is inactive if node x and its children are explored. Note that a node is explored when it is determined whether this node survives or dies. A node x is active if node x is explored but its children are not explored yet. A node x is neutral if it is neither active nor inactive, i.e., node x and its children are not explored yet.

The exploration process runs in at most \(k>0\) steps. Initially, all nodes are set neutral, and we pick an arbitrary node, \(v \in D\), and set it active (assuming that node v survives).

In each exploration step i, we pick an active node, \(w_i\), in an arbitrary way, and we explore all its children as follows. For all \((w_i,w'_i) \in E\), if \(w'_i\) survives and is neutral, we set it active; otherwise \(w'_i\) remains as it is. After all children of \(w_i\) are explored, we set \(w_i\) as inactive. Note that in any exploration step, if there is no active node, the exploration process terminates.

Now we define a list of notations to be used in the following propositions. Let \(d_i\) be the maximum number of children of node \(w_i\) for \(1\le i \le k\), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} d_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} deg(w_i) - 1 &{} \quad \text{ if } w_i \in V - root(D),\\ deg(w_i) &{} \quad \text{ otherwise. }\\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(deg(w_i)\) is the degree of node \(w_i\) and root(D) is the root node of D. For \(1\le i \le k\), let \(X_i\) be a random variable for the number of surviving neutral children of \(w_i\), and let \(Y_i\) be a non-negative random variable for the number of surviving non-neutral children of \(w_i\). Note that \(Y_1 = 0\). So \(X_i\) follows a binomial distribution with parameters \((d_i - Y_i)\) and p, i.e., \(X_i \sim Bin(d_i - Y_i, p)\). Let \(A_i\) be a non-negative random variable for the total number of active nodes after i steps, for \(1\le i \le k\). \(\square \)

Proposition 1

For \(1\le i \le k\), \(A_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \sum _{j=1}^{i} X_j - (i-1) &{} \quad \mathrm{if } \;A_{i-1} > 0,\\ 0 &{} \quad \mathrm{otherwise.}\\ \end{array} \right. \)


Since the process starts initially with one active node v, \(A_0 = 1\). Now we have two cases of \(A_{i-1}\) to compute \(A_i\), \(1\le i \le k\):

Case 1 (process terminates before i steps): If \(A_{i-1} = 0\), then \(A_j = 0\) for \(i\le j\le k\).

Case 2 (otherwise): If \(A_{i-1} > 0\), then \(A_i = A_{i-1} + X_i - 1\), where after exploring \(w_i\), the total number of active nodes is the number of new active nodes (\(X_{i}\)) due to the exploration of \(w_i\) in addition to the total number of active nodes of previous steps (\(A_{i-1}\)) excluding \(w_i\) that becomes inactive at the end of step i. \(\square \)

Let \(D'(v)\) be the maximal subgraph of surviving nodes, rooted at node v. Also let \(|D'(v)|\) be the number of nodes in \(D'(v)\).

Proposition 2

\(Pr(|D'(v)| > k) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i \ge k\right) \).


To prove this proposition, we first prove that \(Pr(|D'(v)|> k) \le Pr(A_k > 0).\)

In order to do that, we prove that \( |D'(v)|> k \implies A_k > 0. \) If \(|D'(v)| > k\), then the exploration process does not terminate before k steps. This implies that after k steps, there are k inactive nodes and at least one active node remains. This follows that \(A_k > 0\). Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)|> k) \le Pr(A_k > 0). \end{aligned}$$

Now we prove that \(Pr(A_k> 0) \le Pr\Big (\sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i - (k-1) > 0\Big )\). To do that, we prove that \( A_k> 0 \implies \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i - (k-1) > 0. \) If \(A_k > 0\), then \(A_j > 0\) for all \(1\le j\le k\). By Proposition 1, we obtain that \(\sum _{i=1}^{j} X_i - (j-1) > 0\) for all \(1\le j\le k\). This follows that

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(A_k> 0) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i - (k-1) > 0\right) . \end{aligned}$$

By Inequalities 1 and 2, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)|> k) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i - (k-1) > 0\right) , \end{aligned}$$

or equivalently,

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)|> k) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i > k - 1\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Since k is a positive integer, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)| > k) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i \ge k\right) . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Proposition 3

\(Pr(\sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i \ge k) \le e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2 k}{1+pd}}.\)


To prove this proposition, we first make use of stochastic dominance [31, 32]. For \(1 \le i \le k\), let \(X_i^+ \sim Bin(d, p)\), and let \(X_1^+, \ldots , X_k^+\) be independent random variables. We know that \(Y_i \ge 0\) and \(d_i \le d\) for \(1 \le i \le k\).

By Theorem (1.1) part (a) of [33], for all \(1 \le i \le k\), \(X_i^+\) first-order stochastically dominates \(X_i\), i.e., \(X_i^+\) is stochastically larger than \(X_i\). Hence, \(\sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i^+\) is stochastically larger than \(\sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i\). Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i \ge k\right) \le Pr\left( \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i^+ \ge k\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Now let \(S_k = \sum _{i=1}^{k} X_i^+\). By Chernoff bounds, for \(\delta > 0\), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(S_k \ge (1+\delta )E(S_k)) \le \left( \frac{e^\delta }{(1+\delta )^{(1+\delta )}}\right) ^{E(S_k)} \le e^{-\frac{\delta ^2}{2+\delta }E(S_k)}. \end{aligned}$$

We know that \(S_k \sim Bin(kd, p)\). Thus, \(E(S_k) = pdk\). Therefore, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(S_k \ge (1+\delta )pdk) \le e^{-\frac{\delta ^2}{2+\delta }pdk}. \end{aligned}$$

For \(\delta = \frac{1-pd}{pd}\), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(S_k \ge k) \le e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2 k}{1+pd}}. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Now by Propositions 2 and 3, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)| > k) \le e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2 k}{1+pd}}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that we initially assumed that node v survives. However, node v survives with probability at most p. By definition if node v does not survive, \(|D'(v)| = 0\). Note further that \(k > 0\). Thus, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|D'(v)| > k) \le p e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2 k}{1+pd}}. \end{aligned}$$

Union bound over n nodes, we have

$$\begin{aligned} n Pr(|D'(v)| > k) \le n p e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2k}{1+pd}}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(n p e^{-\frac{(1-pd)^2k}{1+pd}} \le 1/2\) when \(k \ge \frac{1+pd}{(1-pd)^2 \log {e}} \log (2pn)\). Thus, the probability of having such a subgraph of size more than \(\frac{1+pd}{(1-pd)^2 \log {e}} \log (2pn)\), or equivalently, \(\Omega \left( \frac{\log {n}}{(1-pd)^2}\right) \), is at most 1 / 2.

Corollary 1

For any R-DAG, of size n, the probability of having a subgraph, rooted at one node, with surviving nodes, of size at least n / 2 is at most 1 / 2.

Now, if a deception DAG shrinks logarithmically in a successful step, then how many successful steps to shrink this deception DAG to a deception DAG of size zero or even of a constant size?

Let \(g(n) = c\log {n}\), and let \(g^{(i)}(n)\) be the function of applying function g, i times, over n. Also, we let \(\log ^{(i)}(n)\) be the function of applying logarithm i times over n.

Fact 1

\(\forall i\ge 1: \log ^{(i)}(n) \ge \log {c} + 1\), \(g^{(i)}(n) \le 2c \log ^{(i)}(n).\)


We prove by induction over \(i\ge 1\) that for \(\log ^{(i)}(n) \ge \log {c} + 1\),

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(i)}(n) \le 2c \log ^{(i)}(n). \end{aligned}$$

Base case: for \(i=1\), by definition, \( g(n) = c\log {n} \le 2c\log {n}. \)

Induction hypothesis: for \(\log ^{(j)}(n) \ge \log {c} + 1,\) \( \forall j<i, g^{(j)}(n) \le 2c \log ^{(j)}(n). \)

Induction step: by definition, \( g^{(i)}(n) = g(g^{(i-1)}(n)). \) By induction hypothesis, for \(\log ^{(i-1)}(n) \ge \log {c} + 1\), \( g^{(i-1)}(n) \le 2c \log ^{(i-1)}(n). \) Then, we have

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(i)}(n) \le g(2c \log ^{(i-1)}(n)) = c\log (2c \log ^{(i-1)}(n)), \end{aligned}$$

or equivalently,

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(i)}(n) \le c(1+\log {c}+\log ^{(i)}(n)) \le 2c\log ^{(i)}(n), \end{aligned}$$

for \(\log ^{(i)}(n)\ge \log {c} + 1.\) \(\square \)

Now let \(g^*(n)\) be the smallest value i such that \(g^{(i)}(n) \le c(2c+\log {c}+1)\).

Fact 2

\(\forall n > c(2c+\log {c}+1), g^*(n) \le \log ^*{n} - \log ^*(\log {c}+1)\).


Let \(k = \log ^*n - \log ^*{(\log {c}+1)} - 1\). Then, \(\log ^{(k)}(n) \ge \log {c} + 1\). By Fact 1,

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(k)}(n) \le 2c\log ^{(k)}(n). \end{aligned}$$

With a further application of g to \(g^{(k)}(n)\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} g^{(k+1)}(n) \le c\log (2c\log ^{(k)}(n)) = c(1+\log {c} + \log ^{(k+1)}(n)). \end{aligned}$$

We know that \(\log ^{(k+1)}(n) \le 2c\). Thus, we obtain \( g^{(k+1)}(n) \le c(1+\log {c} + 2c). \) Therefore, by definition, \( g^*(n) \le k+1 = \log ^*n - \log ^*{(\log {c}+1)}. \) \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Assume that any deception DAG of size \(n'\) shrinks to a deception DAG of size \(c\log {n'}\) in a successful step, for any constant \(c \ge 1\). Then, for a deception DAG of size \(n>c(2c+\log {c}+1)\), after \(\log ^*n - \log ^*{(\log {c}+1)}\) successful steps, it shrinks to a deception DAG of size at most \(c(2c+\log {c}+1)\).


Fact 2 proves this lemma. \(\square \)

Let p be the probability of selecting an unmarked bad party uniformly at random in any quorum. Recall that the fraction of bad parties in any quorum is at most 1 / 4, and at any time the fraction of unmarked parties in any quorum is at least \(1/2+\gamma \), for any constant \(\gamma >0\). Thus, \(p \le \frac{1/2}{1+2 \gamma }\).

Now we show the expected number of rounds to shrink any deception DAG to size zero.

Lemma 5

With probability at least 1 / 2, any deception DAG of size m shrinks to size zero in \(8(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))\) rounds, where \(c = \frac{2(1+2p)}{\log {e} (1-2p)^2}\) and \(p \le \frac{1/2}{1+2 \gamma }\), for any constant \(\gamma > 0\).


Given a deception DAG, of size m. By Lemma 2, the deception DAG never extends over rounds. For shrinking deception DAGs over rounds, we make use of Lemma 3 to shrink logarithmically any deception DAG of size more than \(c(2c+\log {c}+1)\); otherwise, deception DAGs shrink geometrically using Corollary 1.

Let \(X_{i}\) be an indicator random variable that is equal 1 if the deception DAG in round i shrinks logarithmically in round \(i+1\); and 0 otherwise.

By Lemma 4, after having at most \(\log ^{*} m - 1\) of \(X_i\)’s equal 1, the deception DAG of size at most m shrinks to a size of at most \(c(2c+\log {c}+1)\).

Also let \(Y_j\) be an indicator random variable that is equal 1 if the deception DAG of size at most \(c(2c+\log {c}+1)\le 4c^2\) in round j shrinks geometrically by at most half the size in round \(j+1\); and 0 otherwise.

Thus, in order to shrink the deception DAG of size n to 0, we require at most \(\log ^{*} m - 1\) of \(X_i\)’s equal 1 and at most \(2\log {c} + 3\) of \(Y_j\)’s equal 1.

Note that in each round, the receiver that is elected by the output quorum is good with probability at least 1 / 2. Then, by Lemma 3, \(X_i = 1\) with probability at least 1 / 4; and by Corollary 1, \(Y_j = 1\) with probability at least 1 / 4.

Now let

$$\begin{aligned} X = \sum _{i=1}^{8(\log ^{*} m - 1)} X_i \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} Y = \sum _{j=8(\log ^{*} m - 1)+1}^{8(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))} Y_j. \end{aligned}$$

Also let \(Z_k\) be an indicator random variable that is 1 with probability 1 / 4; and 0 otherwise, for \(1 \le k \le 8(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))\); and let

$$\begin{aligned} Z = \sum _{k=1}^{8(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))} Z_k. \end{aligned}$$

We know that for all ijk, both \(X_i\) and \(Y_j\) are stochastically larger than \(Z_k\). Thus, \(X + Y\) is stochastically larger than Z. Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned}&\Pr \left( X+Y \ge \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) \\&\quad \ge \Pr \left( Z \ge \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) , \end{aligned}$$

or equivalently,

$$\begin{aligned}&1- \Pr \left( X+Y< \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) \\&\quad \ge 1 - \Pr \left( Z < \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Thus, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&\Pr \left( X+Y< \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) \\&\quad \le \Pr \left( Z < \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(E{(Z)} = 2 (\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))\). Since the \(Z_{k}\)’s are independent random variables, by Chernoff bounds,

$$\begin{aligned}&\Pr \left( Z < 2(1-\delta )(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))\right) \\&\quad \le \left( \frac{e^\delta }{(1+\delta )^{1+\delta }}\right) ^{2(\log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1))}. \end{aligned}$$

For \(\delta = \frac{1}{2}\) and \(m \ge 3\),

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left( Z< \log ^{*} m + 2(\log {c} + 1)\right) < \frac{1}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the probability that CHECK succeeds in finding a corruption and calling RECOVER is at least 1 / 2. \(\square \)

Now we show that for the adversary to maximize the number of rounds in which no corruption is detected, is to select the maximum deception DAG of the first round.

Lemma 6

The best strategy to maximize the expected number of rounds in which no corruption is detected, is for the adversary to select the largest deception DAG present in the first round.


Let \(D_m\) be the maximum deception DAG in the first round, and let \(d_m\) be the expected number of rounds that \(D_m\) shrinks to size zero.

For any deception DAG, D, that the adversary selects in the first round, by Lemma 5, D shrinks to size zero in an expected number of rounds that is at most \(d_m\). If the adversary selects two or more deception DAGs in the first round, then each of these deception DAGs shrinks in an expected number of rounds that is at most \(d_m\).

Therefore, for the adversary to maximize the expected number of rounds in which no corruption detected, is to select the maximum deception DAG in the first round of CHECK. \(\square \)

The next lemma shows that CHECK catches corruptions with probability \(\ge 1/2\).

Lemma 7

Assume some party selected uniformly at random in the last call to EVALUATE has corrupted a computation. Then when the algorithm CHECK is called, with probability at least 1 / 2, some party will call RECOVER.


Recall that the number of gates in the circuit is m.

Case 1: REQUEST has corruptions:

When a corruption occurs in any round of REQUEST, by Lemmas 5 and 6, this corruption is detected with probability at least 1 / 2.

Recall that in REQUEST, for each round j, \(REQ^j\) that has \(([j, A^j, \mathbf{r} ]_{k_s}, k_p)\) is sent from the output quorum to the senders through a graph of subquorums. If any good party in any subquorum receives \(REQ^j\) and has not received all \(REQ^i\), for \(1\le i < j\), then it will call RECOVER.

Case 2: REQUEST has no corruptions and RECOMPUTE has corruptions:

When no corruption occurs in any round of REQUEST, all request messages REQs are correctly received at the input quorums in all \(O(\log ^*{m})\) rounds and RECOMPUTE must be called \(O(\log ^*{m})\) times by all input quorums.

When a corruption occurs in any round of RECOMPUTE, by Lemmas 5 and 6, this corruption is detected with probability at least 1 / 2.

Recall that in RECOMPUTE, for every round j, \(REC^j\) that has \(([j, A^j, \mathbf{r} ]_{k_s}, k_p)\) is propagated with the computation result from the senders to the output quorum through a graph of subquorums. If any good party in any subquorum receives a computation result with \(REC^j\) and has not received \((j-1)\) results with all \(REC^i\), for \(1\le i < j\), then it will call RECOVER.

Case 3: REQUEST has no corruptions, RECOMPUTE has no corruptions and RESEND has corruptions:

When no corruption occurs in any round of REQUEST and RECOMPUTE, all parties in the output quorum receive all computation results correctly in all \(O(\log ^*{m})\) rounds and RESEND must be called \(O(\log ^*{m})\) times by the output quorum.

When a corruption occurs in any round of RESEND, by Lemmas 5 and 6, this corruption is detected with probability at least 1 / 2.

Recall that in RESEND, for each round j, \(RES^j\) that has \(([j, A^j, b^j_{m+n}, \mathbf{r} ]_{k_s}, k_p)\) is sent from the output quorum to the senders through a graph of subquorums. If any good party in any subquorum receives \(RES^j\) and has not received all \(RES^i\), for \(1\le i < j\), then it will call RECOVER.

Otherwise: no corruption occurs.

Therefore, the probability that CHECK succeeds in finding a corruption and calling RECOVER is at least 1 / 2. \(\square \)


Lemma 8

If some party selected uniformly at random in the last call to EVALUATE or CHECK has corrupted a computation, then RECOVER will identify a pair of neighboring quorums Q and \(Q'\) such that at least one pair of parties in these quorums is in conflict and at least one party in such pair is bad.


First, we show that if a pair of parties x and y is in conflict, then at least one of them is bad. Assume not. Then both x and y are good. This implies that party x would have truthfully reported what it received and sent; any result that x has computed would have been sent directly to y; and y would have truthfully reported what it received from x. But this is a contradiction, since for x and y to be in conflict, y must have reported that it received from x something different than what x reported sending.

Now consider the case where a selected unmarked bad leader corrupted the computation in the last call to EVALUATE. By Lemma 7, with probability at least 1 / 2, some party, \(q' \in Q'\), will call RECOVER. Recall that in RECOVER \(q'\) broadcasts all messages it has received to all parties in \(Q'\). These parties verify if \(q'\) received inconsistent messages before proceeding.

In RECOVER, we know that each party, \(q \in Q\), participated in the last call to COMPUTE broadcasts what it has received and sent to all parties in Q. Thus, all parties of Q verify the correctness of q’s computation. Thus, if the corruption occurs due to an incorrect computation made by a bad party, this corruption will be detected and all parties will know that this party is bad.

Now if all parties compute correctly and CHECK detects a corruption, then we show that there is some pair of parties that will be in conflict. Assume this is not the case. Thus, by the definition of corruption, there must be a deception DAG, in which all inputs are provided correct and an output is corrupted at party \(q'\). Then each pair of parties, \((q_{j}, q_{k}) \in (Q_{j}, Q_{k})\), in the deception DAG that is rooted at \(q'\), is not in conflict, for \(n+1\le j<k \le m+n\). Thus, we have that (1) this DAG received all its inputs correct; (2) all parties compute correctly; and (3) no pair of parties is in conflict. This implies that it must be the case that \(q'\) received the correct output. But if this is the case, then \(q'\) that initially called RECOVER would have received no inconsistent messages. This is a contradiction since in such a case, this party would have been unsuccessful in trying to initiate a call to RECOVER. Thus, RECOVER will find two parties that are in conflict, and at least one of them will be bad. \(\square \)

The next lemma bounds the number of calls to RECOVER before all bad parties are marked.

Lemma 9

RECOVER is called O(t) times before all bad parties are marked.


By Lemma 8, if a corruption occurred in the last call to EVALUATE, and it is caught by CHECK, then RECOVER is called. RECOVER identifies at least one pair of parties that is in conflict, and each of such pairs has at least one bad party.

Recall that p is the probability of selecting an unmarked bad party uniformly at random in a quorum. Now let b be the number of marked bad parties; and let g be the number of marked good parties. Also, let

$$\begin{aligned} f(b, g) = b - \left( \frac{p}{1-p}\right) g. \end{aligned}$$

Note that at least \((1/2+\gamma )\)-fraction of parties is unmarked in any quorum at any time, for any constant \(\gamma >0\). Note further that \(t \le (\frac{1}{4}- \epsilon ) n\) parties, for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\). Thus, for any constant \(\delta >0\),

$$\begin{aligned} 0< p \le 1/2 - \delta . \end{aligned}$$

This implies that

$$\begin{aligned} 0< \frac{p}{1-p} <1. \end{aligned}$$

Now we show that for any corruption detected, f(bg) monotonically increases, i.e., \(\varDelta f(b,g) > 0\). For each corruption caught, at least one bad party and at most one good party are marked. Thus, b increases by at least 1, and g increases by at most 1. This implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta f(b, g) \ge 1- \frac{p}{1-p} = \left( \frac{1-2p}{1-p}\right) > 0. \end{aligned}$$

After the corruption is detected and the in-conflict parties are marked, if the fraction of marked parties in any quorum Q reaches or exceeds \((1/2-\gamma )\), then these parties are set unmarked. This implies that b decreases by at most \(p|Q|(1/2-\gamma )\) and g decreases by at least \((1-p)|Q|(1/2-\gamma )\), or equivalently, f(bg) increases further by at least 0.

Hence, for each corruption caught,

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta f(b, g) \ge \left( \frac{1-2p}{1-p}\right) > 0. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(0 \le b \le t\) and \(g \ge 0\), f(bg) never exceeds t; and when all bad parties are marked, f(bg) is at most t. Therefore, all bad parties are marked after RECOVER is called at most \(\left( \frac{1-p}{1-2p}\right) t\) times, or equivalently, at most \(\left( \frac{1+2\delta }{4\delta }\right) t\) times, for any constant \(\delta >0\). \(\square \)

7.3 Proof of Theorem 1

We first show the message cost, the number of operations and the latency of our algorithms. By Lemma 9, the number of calls to RECOVER is at most O(t). Thus, the resource cost of all calls to RECOVER is bounded as the number of calls to COMPUTE grows large. Therefore, for the amortized cost, we consider only the cost of the calls to EVALUATE and CHECK.

When a computation is performed through a circuit of m gates with a circuit depth \(\ell \), EVALUATE has message cost \(O(m + n\log {n})\), number of operations \(O(m + n\log {n})\) and latency \(O(\ell )\). CHECK has message cost \(O((m + n \log {n})(\log ^*{m})^2)\), number of operations \(O((m+n\log {n})\log ^*{m})\) and latency \(O(\ell \log ^*{m})\), but CHECK is called only with probability \(1 / (\log ^*{m})^2\). Hence, the call to CHECK has an amortized expected message cost \(O(m + n \log {n})\), amortized computational operations \(O(\frac{m+n\log {n}}{\log ^*{m}})\) and an amortized expected latency \(O(\ell / \log ^*{m})\).

In particular, if we call COMPUTE \(\mathcal {L}\) times, then the expected total number of messages sent will be \(O(\mathcal {L} (m + n\log n) + t(m \log ^{2} n))\) with expected total number of computational operations \(O(\mathcal {L} (m + n\log n) + t(m\log {n}\log ^*{m}))\) and latency \(O(\ell (\mathcal {L}+t))\). This is true since RECOVER is called O(t) times and each call to RECOVER has message cost \(O(m\log ^2{n})\) with computational operations \(O(m\log {n}\log ^*{m})\) and latency \(O(\ell )\).

Recall that by Lemma 9, the number of times CHECK must catch corruptions before all bad parties are marked is O(t). In addition, if a bad party caused a corruption during a call to EVALUATE, then by Lemmas 7 and 8, with probability at least 1 / 2, CHECK will catch it. As a consequence, it will call RECOVER, which marks the parties that are in conflict. \({ RECOVER} \) is thus called with probability \(1/(\log ^*{m})^2\), so the expected total number of corruptions is \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\).

8 Empirical results

8.1 Setup

In this section, we empirically compare two algorithms via simulation. We evaluate the following resource costs of these algorithms: message cost, latency, probability of computation corruption and expected total number of corruptions.

The first algorithm we simulate is no-self-healing (Sect. 4.3). This algorithm simply computes via all-to-all communication between quorums that are connected in binary-tree circuits. The second algorithm is self-healing, wherein we apply our self-healing algorithm in binary-tree circuits (Sect. 6).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Number of messages per call to COMPUTE versus number of calls to COMPUTE, for \(n = 4095\) and \(n = 8191\)

Fig. 12
figure 12

Latency per call to COMPUTE versus number of calls to COMPUTE, for \(n = 4095\) and \(n = 8191\)

Fig. 13
figure 13

The probability that the computation is corrupted versus number of calls to COMPUTE, for \(n = 4095\) and \(n = 8191\)

In our experiments, we consider two quorum graphs. The first quorum graph has a number of parties \(n = 4095\) with a number of gates \(m = 4095\); and the second quorum graph has \(n = 8191\) with \(m = 8191\). The two quorum graphs are perfect binary-tree of depth \(\ell = \lfloor \log n\rfloor \). We let the quorum be of size \(\lfloor 4\log n\rfloor \) and the subquorum be of size \(\lfloor 2 \log ^*{n} \rfloor \). Also, we let COMPUTE call CHECK with probability \(1/(\log ^*{n})^2\). Moreover, we do our experiments for several fractions of bad parties such as \(f=\Big \{\frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{32}, \frac{1}{64}\Big \}\), where \(f = t/n\).

Our simulations consist of a sequence of calls to COMPUTE over the network. Note that in each call, we let the output quorum request that the n input quorums provide inputs to a circuit of m gates in the same round.

We simulate an adversary who at the beginning of each simulation chooses uniformly at random without replacement a fixed number of nodes to control. Our adversary attempts to corrupt computations, where it drops messages or it changes the bits of messages sent between parties whenever possible. Aside from attempting to corrupt computations, the adversary performs no other attacks.

8.2 Results

The results of our experiments are shown in Figs. 11, 12 and 13. Our results highlight two strengths of our self-healing algorithms (self-healing) when compared to algorithms without self-healing (no-self-healing). First, the message cost per COMPUTE decreases as the total number of calls to COMPUTE increases. Second, for a fixed number of calls to COMPUTE, the message cost per COMPUTE decreases as the total number of bad parties decreases. In particular, when there are no bad nodes, self-healing has dramatically less message cost than no-self-healing.

8.2.1 Expected number of messages

Figure 11 shows that before all bad parties are marked or all selected leaders are good: (1) the expected number of messages per call to COMPUTE decreases as the total number of calls to COMPUTE increases; and (2) for a fixed number of calls to COMPUTE, the expected number of messages per call to COMPUTE decreases as f decreases.

Table 1 shows that when all selected leaders are good, self-healing has dramatically less expected number of messages per call to COMPUTE than no-self-healing. Also it shows the improvement factor of the number of messages for our self-healing algorithm compared to the naive algorithm.

Table 1 Expected number of messages per call to COMPUTE in self-healing and no-self-healing for \(n=4095\) and \(n=8191\)

8.2.2 Expected latency

Figure 12 shows that the latency of \(self-healing \) is less than the latency of \(no-self-healing \) due to the expected latency of CHECK. Note that in any call to CHECK, if a corruption is detected at any round, then CHECK is terminated in this round and RECOVER is called. This figure shows that when all bad parties are marked (no more corruptions occur), each call to CHECK will run all \(O(\log ^*{n})\) rounds.

Table 2 Expected latency per call to COMPUTE in self-healing and in no-self-healing for \(n=4095\) and \(n=8191\)

Table 2 shows that for \(n = 4095\) and \(n = 8191\), self-healing has latency that is at most twofold the latency of no-self-healing.

8.2.3 Probability of computation corrupted

Figure 13 shows that the probability of computation corrupted per a call to COMPUTE decreases as the total number of calls to COMPUTE increases. Also, for a fixed number of calls to COMPUTE, this probability decreases as the total number of bad nodes decreases.

Even though our self-healing algorithm has a probability of corrupted computation that declines over the number of calls to COMPUTE, it always sends fewer messages than the naive algorithm.

8.2.4 Expected total number of corruptions

In Fig. 13, for each network given the number of parties and the fraction of bad parties, if we integrate the corresponding curve, then we obtain \(\Sigma (n)\), which is the experimental total number of corruptions occurred in a network of n parties.

Table 3 Expected total number of corruptions for \(n=4095\) and \(n=8191\)

Now we calculate the theoretical total number of corruptions, \(\sigma (n)\), given the parameters of our experiments. Then, we compare between \(\Sigma (n)\) and \(\sigma (n)\), for different fractions of bad parties, f. Recall that p is the probability of selecting an unmarked bad party u.a.r. in a quorum. We know that at least 1 / 2-fraction of parties is unmarked in any quorum at any time. Thus, \(p \le 2t/n = 2f\). By Lemma 9, the total number of calls to RECOVER is at most \(\left( \frac{1-p}{1-2p}\right) t\). Note that in our experiments, CHECK is triggered with probability \(1/(\log ^*{n})^2\), and it detects corruptions with probability at least 1 / 2. Therefore, the theoretical total number of corruptions is at most

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma (n) = 2\left( \frac{1-2f}{1-4f}\right) t (\log ^{*} n)^2. \end{aligned}$$

Table 3 shows a comparison between the theoretical and experimental results of the expected total number of corruptions. It shows that \(\Sigma (n) \le \sigma (n)\) for \(n=\{4095, 8191\}\) and \(f=\Big \{\frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{32}, \frac{1}{64}\Big \}\).

9 Conclusion and future work

We have presented algorithms for reliable multiparty computations. These algorithms can significantly reduce message cost and number of computational operations to be close to asymptotically optimal. The price we pay for this improvement is the possibility of computation corruption. In particular, if there are \(t\le (\frac{1}{4}-\epsilon )n\) bad parties, for any constant \(\epsilon > 0\), our algorithm allows \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\) computations to be corrupted in expectation.

Several open problems remain. It seems unlikely that the smallest number of corruptions allowable by an attack-resistant algorithm with optimal message complexity is \(O(t (\log ^*{m})^2)\). Can we improve this to O(t) or else prove a non-trivial lower bound?

In CHECK, we provide an array of random integers in each round to select parties uniformly at random in order to participate for detecting corruptions. Each array has \(O(m \log {n}\log {\log {n}})\) bits. If the input message has O(b) bits, then the communication complexity per call to COMPUTE is \(O((m + n\log {n})(m \log {n}\log {\log {n}} + b))\) and the communication complexity of the naive algorithm is \(O((m+n) \log ^2{n} \cdot b)\). Can we reduce the number of bits required to represent these arrays to \(O(m \log \log {n})\) in order to improve the communication complexity of our algorithms?

Moreover, in INVESTIGATE, each party that has participated in COMPUTE broadcasts a message of size \(O((m \log {n}\log {\log {n}} + b)(\log ^*{m})^2)\) bits, how can we optimize the message size?

We allow the inputs of parties to be revealed. Can we enhance our algorithms to maintain the privacy of these inputs? If we could, we would have a self-healing algorithm for reliable multiparty computation.

Also, we assume partially synchronous communication, which is crucial for our CHECK algorithm to detect computation corruptions over rounds. Can we extend this algorithm to fit for asynchronous computations?

Finally, we assume the presence of a static adversary. How can we change our algorithms to self-heal computation in the presence of churn or an adaptive adversary?