1 Introduction

1.1 Problem and background

We are interested in understanding the computational power of distributed systems consisting of simple autonomous robots. The robots move on the plane, can see each other but cannot explicitly communicate with one another. This lack of direct communication capabilities means that all synchronization, interaction, and communication of information among the entities take place solely by observing the position of the robots in the plane. Each robot has a local coordinate system (a set of Cartesian axes, an origin, and a unit of distance); however there might be no relationship between the coordinate items of different robots. There is no central coordinator; the robots are indistinguishable, they have the same capabilities, and execute the same (deterministic) algorithm. Each robot computes its next location based on the visual information and moves to this location.

These systems have been extensively investigated by researchers from robotics, AI, control and, more recently, distributed computing (e.g., [1, 2, 4, 613, 16, 19, 22, 2527]).

A particular class of these systems are those in which the robots are oblivious: they have no memory of the past, and do not rely on it for their computations. In other words, the current behavior of an oblivious robot depends only on the presently observed configuration of the robots but not on past history of observations and computations by the robot. Thus, a system of oblivious robots is inherently self-stabilizing; each robot may start from any arbitrary initial state and there is no need to initialize the system. For this reason there has been a strong interest in the study of such systems (e.g., [1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 19, 21, 26, 27]); for a recent account of the current research on oblivious robots see also [14]. Designing algorithms for oblivious robots is specially challenging and some simple tasks such as the gathering of two robots, are known to be impossible for oblivious robots [26].

The studies on the computational power of systems of oblivious robots have focused on determining what minimal capabilities are necessary so that the robots can perform simple basic tasks e.g. gathering at a point [2, 4, 8], or scattering uniformly in a given region [9]. Many such problems can be generalized to the abstract problem of (geometric) pattern formation. A pattern is represented by a set of points in the Euclidean plane that form some geometric figure such as a circle, a line, or some other arbitrary shape. Given a particular pattern as input, the robots must position themselves with respect to each other such that the location of the robots correspond to points in the pattern. Notice that point formation (i.e., formation of a single point) corresponds to the well known gathering or rendezvous problem, extensively studied in the literature (e.g., [1, 2, 8, 15, 2123]). The arbitrary pattern formation problem, that is forming any pattern given in input, has also been studied [3, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 28]. Characterizations of patterns formable from a given initial configuration under various conditions have been given in [18, 26]. Formation problems have been investigated also for specific patterns in the case of oblivious robots, in particular for the circle [7, 10, 12]. Another problem that has been studied is that of moving in formation, called flocking [19, 24].

At a more general level, the research has focused on the characterization of which patterns are possible under what conditions [3, 16, 18, 26]. For example, if there is agreement about the local coordinate system (e.g., a compass), oblivious robots can form any pattern even if they are totally asynchronous [16]. It has been recently shown [27] that oblivious semi-synchronous robot can form exactly the same patterns that non-oblivious robot can, with one exception: point formation by two robots. These results indicate that, in most settings, simple robots can form a single geometric pattern, however arbitrary, in spite of their obliviousness. In other words, obliviousness is not a limiting factor to form a single pattern.

This naturally brings to the front the question of whether the robots can form not just a single pattern but a series of patterns in a particular order, and if so, what series can be formed. Notice that obliviousness limits what can be remembered. On the other hand, to enable a series of pattern to be formed, a protocol must guarantee that a robot that wakes up in an arbitrary configuration can still join the others in performing the required tasks. Thus, a formable series of patterns provides some form of memory in an otherwise memoryless system of robots. The problems examined here are integral components of the crucial research question on what are the computational limits imposed by the robots being oblivious.

1.2 Contributions and organization

We study the series of patterns that may be formed by oblivious robots starting from any arbitrary configuration. An immediate observation (c.f. Lemma 1) is that no algorithm that terminates within a finite time can completely form any non-trivial series of distinct patterns; as explained later, an adversary can force any protocol to produce at most a single pattern, by appropriately choosing the initial configuration. Thus, in this paper, we concentrate on periodic (or cyclic) series \(S^\infty \), i.e. the periodic repetition of a finite series \(S\) of distinct patterns.

We consider the case of anonymous identical robots as well as that of distinguishable robots, i.e. robots having visibly distinct identities. We also consider the case of robots that are visibly indistinguishable from each other but each robot has distinct (invisible) identity; this allows the robots to execute distinct algorithms. When the robots have distinct visible identities, we prove that any series of distinct patterns can be formed provided that there are sufficiently many robots. The same result holds for robots having invisible but distinct identities. In case of anonymous robots, the series that may be formed depends on the symmetry in the initial configuration, quantified by the parameter called symmetricity. We characterize the series of patterns formable by anonymous, oblivious and unoriented robots. We also consider the special case when the robots agree on directions.

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section the model, terminology and basic properties are introduced. In Sect. 3 we study the most general (thus weaker) case of anonymous robots. The strongest case when robots have distinct visible identities is examined in Sect. 4. Finally the series of patterns formable when the robots have distinct but invisible identities is investigated in Sect. 5. We conclude the paper in Sect. 6 with some directions for future research.

2 The model

2.1 The robots

Each robot in the system has sensory capabilities allowing it to determine the location of other robots in the plane, relative to its own location. The robots also have computational capabilities which allow them to compute the location to move to. Each robot follows an identical algorithm that is preprogrammed into the robot. This algorithm may contain description of patterns that the robots are required to form. The robots may start from arbitrary locations in the plane.

The behavior of the robots can be described as follows. Each step taken by a robot consists of three stages: LOOK, COMPUTE and MOVE as described below. Between two steps taken by a robot, the robot may go to sleep for an arbitrary amount of time. We assume that time is discretized into rounds and at each round an arbitrary subset of the robots (selected by an adversarial scheduler) are active. The robots that are active in a round complete exactly one step in that round. This model of synchronization is called the semi-synchronous or SSYNC model in the literature and there exists many variants of this model depending on assumptions about the powers or limitations of the scheduler or the adversary. In our case, we impose only the following fairness constraint on the scheduler: In any infinite execution, each robot must be activated in infinitely many rounds.

We now describe the actions of the robot during each step.

  • During the LOOK stage of a step, an active robot \(r\) gets a complete snapshot of the environment showing the current location of all the other robots. These locations are observed by robot \(r\) in terms of the local coordinate system and unit distance used by robot \(r\) at the time of observation. The coordinate system used by a robot may change at the beginning of each LOOK-COMPUTE-MOVE step, but remains invariant during the step.Footnote 1

  • During the COMPUTE stage, an active robot executes an algorithm that determines its next location. The algorithm takes as input the information obtained from the LOOK operation and the identifier of the robot (if any), and outputs the next location of the robot in terms of the robot’s current coordinate system. Note that the actions of each robot \(r\) depend only on the current configuration of robots as seen by \(r\) and do not depend on the previous history of moves (i.e. the robots are oblivious).

  • During the MOVE stage of the step, the robot moves to the location computed during the COMPUTE stage. We assume rigidity of movements (as in [12, 21, 22, 24]) which means that a robot always reaches its intended destination in each step regardless of the distance.

The local coordinate system of a robot \(r\) in round \(t\) is denoted by \(Z_{r,t}\). The origin of the coordinate system \(Z_{r,t}\) is always the current location of the robot. The robots may not agree on a common sense of direction, but they agree on left-right orientation with respect to any given direction, i.e. the robots can distinguish clockwise from counter-clockwise. The visual capabilities of the robots allows them to detect multiplicity (i.e. they can count how many robots are at the same location). The robots may have distinct identities, and these identities may be visible, allowing other robots to identify and distinguish between robots; or, the robots may be all identical.

We denote by \(n\) the number of robots in the system and the \(i\)th robot will be denoted by \(r_i\). The robots are viewed as points in the plane. This means that multiple robots may occupy the same location in a plane. In order to describe our algorithms and the global configuration of robots during the algorithm, we shall use a fixed coordinate systemFootnote 2; in this system, the location of robot \(r_i\) is denoted by \(L(r_i)=(x_i,y_i)\) and the Euclidean distance between the robots \(r_i\) and \(r_j\), by \(d(r_i,r_j)\).

A configuration of the \(n\) robots on the plane is denoted by the multi-set \( \gamma = \{ ( label(r_i), L(r_i)): 1 \le i \le n \} \) where \(label(i)\) is the identity (or label) assigned to robot \(r_i\). If the robots are anonymous then \(label(r_i)=1\), for all \(i\). On the other hand, if the robots are all distinct then we assume that \(label(r_i)= i\), for all \(i \in \{ 1,2,\dots , n \}\). The configuration at a specific time \(t\) is denoted by \(\gamma (t)\). Given a configuration \(\gamma \), we denote by \(L(\gamma )\) the set of points occupied by robots in the configuration \(\gamma \), i.e. \(L(\gamma ) = \{ (x,y): \exists {l}, (l,x,y) \in \gamma \}\). Recall that multiple robots may occupy the same location, thus the cardinality of \(L(\gamma )\) may sometimes be strictly less than \(n\).

Given any set of points on the plane, the smallest enclosing circle (SEC) of the points is the circle of minimum diameter such that every point is either on or in the interior of this circle. For a configuration \(\gamma \), we define SEC(\(\gamma \)) to be the smallest enclosing circle for the set of points in \(L(\gamma )\).

2.2 Patterns, series and formation

A pattern \(P\) is represented by a set of distinct points \((x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2), \dots , (x_s,y_s)\) in the two-dimensional Euclidean plane. A pattern \(P_i\) is said to be isomorphic to a pattern \(P_j\) if \(P_j\) can be obtained by a combination of translation, rotation and uniform scaling of pattern \(P_i\). Two patterns that are not isomorphic to each other are said to be distinct. The size of a pattern \(P_i\) is its cardinality, and is denoted by \(n_i=\,\)size(\(P_i\)). We define some special patterns below:

  • POINT: The pattern consisting of a single point.

  • TWO-POINTS: The only possible pattern consisting of exactly two points.

  • \(\mathtt{POLYGON }(k)\): For any \(k \ge 3\), this is the pattern consisting of points \(p_1, p_2, \dots , p_k\) that are vertices of a regular convex polygon of \(k\) sides.

For any pattern \(P\), with size(\(P\))\(>1\), the bounding circle of \(P\) is the smallest circle that encloses all points in \(P\). We define the symmetricity \(\rho (P)\) to be the largest integer \(q\ge 1\) such that the area inside the bounding circle of \(P\) can be partitioned into exactly \(q\) equiangular sectors (each making an angle of \(2\pi /q\) at the center), and containing the sets of points \(s_1,s_2,\dots , s_q\), respectively, where each \(s_{i+1}\) is a rotation of \(s_{i}\) with respect to the center of the circle. We define \(\rho \)(POINT) to be infinity.

We say that a system of robots \(R\) have formed the pattern \(P\), if the current configuration \(\gamma \) is such that \(L(\gamma )\) is isomorphic to \(P\). Two configurations \(\gamma _i\) and \(\gamma _j\) are said to be analogous if \(L(\gamma _i)\) is isomorphic to \(L(\gamma _j)\) (i.e. the two configurations form the same pattern \(P\)).

We are interested in ordered series of patterns that can be formed by a system of robots. We consider two types of pattern series: A linear pattern series \(L\) is any (possibly infinite) ordered sequence \(S = \langle P_1,P_2,\dots \rangle \) of patterns, where \(P_i\) and \(P_j\) are non-isomorphic whenever \(i \ne j\). A cyclicly ordered series is any periodic sequence \(S^{\infty } = \langle P_1,P_2,\dots , P_m\rangle ^\infty \) where \(S = \langle P_1,P_2,\dots , P_m \rangle \) is a finite linear pattern series.

A system of robots executing an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\), starting from a configuration \(\gamma (t_0)\) is said to completely form a pattern series \(S=\langle P_1,P_2,P_3 \dots , \rangle \) if during any possible execution of \(\mathcal {A}\), there exists time instances \(t_1,t_2, t_3 \dots \), where \(t_0 < t_j < t_{j+1}\) such that for all \( 1 \le j \le |S|, L(\gamma (t_j))\) is isomorphic to \(P_j\). A pattern series \(S\) is completely formable if there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) for a system of \(k>0\) robots such that starting from any initial configuration, the system of \(k\) robots completely forms \(S\). It is immediate that no finite linear pattern series is completely formable by a terminating algorithm:

Lemma 1

Given any finite linear series of patterns \(S=\langle P_1,P_2,P_3 \dots , P_m \rangle \), where \(m \ge 2\), no deterministic algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that terminates in finite time can completely form \(S\) from all possible starting configurations.


In any deterministic algorithm for oblivious robots, actions taken by the robots depend only on the current configuration. By contradiction, let \(\mathcal {A}\) be a deterministic protocol that always completely forms the finite linear series of patterns \(S=\langle P_1,P_2,P_3 \dots , P_m \rangle \), where \(m \ge 2\). Consider an execution of \(\mathcal {A}\) from an arbitrary initial configuration \(\gamma \). Let \(\gamma _t\) be the configuration when the algorithm terminates. Consider now the execution of \(\mathcal {A}\) when the starting configuration is \(\gamma _t\), Because of obliviousness, the robots can not distinguish between the two executions; thus, this execution will immediately terminate without forming \(S\): a contradiction.

\(\square \)

The above lemma does not forbid the formation of trivial series consisting of a single pattern. However for longer series (\(m\ge 2\)), any terminating algorithm can form only a suffix of \(S\), depending on the starting configuration. This means that, for any linear series \(S=\langle P_1,P_2,P_3 \dots , P_m \rangle \), any protocol that just forms the single pattern \(P_m\) will be deemed to be forming \(S\). It may be however possible to construct non-terminating algorithms that form the entire given series: this is the case if \(S^{\infty }\) is completely formable. Thus our focus will be on determining which cyclic series are completely formable by a team of oblivious robots.

3 General case: anonymous robots

3.1 Preliminaries

In this section, the robots are assumed to be anonymous and oblivious, having no other additional capabilities. Central to the anonymous case is the notion of symmetry in a configuration, which is quantified using the concept of centred view, and symmetricity, a slight modification of the notion of local view and of symmetricity introduced in [26].

Definition 1

The centred view of a robot \(r\) at a time \(t\) is defined with respect to the coordinate system \(Z_{r,t}\), as the set of tuples \(CV_r(t)\) = {\((x_i, y_i, k_i)\): \(k_i>0\) robots are located at \((x_i,y_i)\)}.

In the above definition, the coordinate system \(Z_{r,t}\) of robot \(r\) is computed with respect to the current configuration, as follows. Let \(\gamma \) be the current configuration of robots. If a robot \(r_i\) is not located at the centre \(c\) of the smallest enclosing circle \(SEC(\gamma )\), it builds its coordinate system \(Z_{r_i,t}\) by considering its own position as the origin \((0,0)\) and by considering the position of the center \(c\) as the point with coordinate (1,0). On the other hand, if robot \(r_i\) is located at the centre of the smallest enclosing circle, its coordinate system \(Z_{r_i,t}\) has still its own position as origin, and the robot \(r_j \) whose view \(CV_{r_j}(t)\) is minimum among all the other robots is considered to be at coordinate \((1,0)\). Clearly, if all robots are located at \(c\), then \(CV_{r_i}(t) = \{(0,0,k)\}\) for all robots \(r_i\).

According to the above definition, no information about the local coordinate system of the robots is included in the centred viewsFootnote 3 because such information is neither globally known nor necessarily consistent between two rounds. In the following, when no ambiguity arises, we will refer to the centred view simply with the term view. Our definition ensures that the view of a robot is independent of the local coordinate system used by the robot. Thus, robots that are co-located have identical views, i.e. \(L(r_i)=L(r_j) \Longrightarrow CV(r_i) = CV(r_j)\).

Notice that, given any arbitrary configuration \(\gamma \), there is a total order of the distinct views of the robots in \(\gamma \), in spite of their anonymity. The elements of \(CV_r\) can be ordered lexicographically to obtain an ordered sequence \(Q(CV_r)\), for each robot \(r \in \gamma \). For any two robots \(r_i\) and \(r_j\), the ordered sequences \(Q(CV_{r_i})\) and \(Q(CV_{r_j})\) contain the same number of elements and these sequences can be ordered lexicographically. So, \(CV_{r_i} < CV_{r_j}\) if and only if \(Q(CV_{r_i})\) is lexicographically smaller than \(Q(CV_{r_j})\). \(CV_{r_i} = CV_{r_j}\) if the views of \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) are identical.

An obvious consequence of anonymity is that from a configuration \(\gamma \) consisting of anonymous robots at \(w\) distinct locations, a configuration \(\gamma ^{\prime }\) where the robots occupy more than \(w\) distinct locations might not be reachable, which restricts the size of patterns in any formable series of patterns.

Property 1

From a configuration \(\gamma \) consisting of anonymous robots at \(w\) distinct locations, it is not always possible reach a configuration \(\gamma ^{\prime }\) where the robots occupy more than \(w\) distinct locations.

Based on our definition of views of robots, we define the symmetricity of a configuration \(\gamma \). Examples of configurations with various symmetricities are shown in Fig.  1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A configuration \(\gamma \) where robots occupy distinct locations, such that: a the symmetricity \(\rho (\gamma )=1\) and each robot has a distinct view; b the symmetricity \(\rho (\gamma )=1\) and only one robot (the shaded one) has a unique view; c the symmetricity \(\rho (\gamma )=4\) and no robot has a unique view

Definition 2

The symmetricity, \(\rho (\gamma )\) of a configuration \(\gamma \) consisting of \(n\) robots, is the largest integer \(q\) such that for each robot \(r\), the number of robots having the same view as \(r\) (including itself) is a multiple of \(q\); i.e. \( \rho (\gamma ) = \max \{q: \forall r_i \in \gamma , q \text{ divides } |\{ r_j \in \gamma : CV (r_j) = CV (r_i) \}| \} \)

A configuration \(\gamma \) is said to be asymmetric if \(\rho (\gamma )=1\). The following properties follow from the above definition and the earlier results in [26].

Property 2

For any configuration \(\gamma \) containing \(n\) robots \(\rho (\gamma )\) divides \(n\).

Property 3

For any configuration \(\gamma \) where robots occupy distinct locations, the following holds: (i) If a robot is located at the center of SEC(\(\gamma \)) then \(\rho (\gamma )=1\); (ii) If \(\rho (\gamma )=q>1\), then the robots are located at the vertices of regular polygons of \(q\) sides, each of which is concentric to SEC(\(\gamma \)).

Lemma 2

If the current configuration \(\gamma \) has symmetricity \(q=\rho (\gamma )\) then, for any algorithm, there exists an execution where all subsequent configurations \(\gamma ^\prime \) satisfy \( \rho (\gamma ^\prime ) = l \cdot q\), for some integer \( l \ge 1 \).


Any deterministic algorithm must specify the actions of a robot based on its current view. Thus, two robots having the same view would take the same action (if they are activated simultaneously). For the sake of argument, we assume an adversary that decides which robots are activated at each step. Whenever a robot \(r\) is activated, the adversary also activates all other robots that have the same view as \(r\). The new location computed by each such robot \(r^{\prime }\) with respect to its coordinate system \(Z_{r^{\prime }}\), would be the same as location computed by robot \(r\) with respect to its coordinate system \(Z_r\). In other words, any two robots having identical views would continue to have identical views after moving to the new location. In this case, the symmetricity of the new configuration must be a multiple of the previous one. \(\square \)

3.2 Robots starting from distinct locations

As mentioned in the previous section, Property 1 restricts the size of patterns in any formable series of patterns. To form repetitively any series \(S\) of patterns, all the patterns in \(S\) should be of the same size. Thus, we consider only patterns of size \(n\), where \(n\) is the number of robots. Each robot starts from a distinct location and during the pattern formation, no two robots should occupy the same location (i.e. we can not allow points of multiplicity). Due to Property 1 and Lemma 2, we know the following impossibility result:

Lemma 3

A cyclic series of distinct patterns \(\langle P_1, P_2, \dots , P_m \rangle ^{\infty }\) is formable only if \(size(P_{i}) = size(P_{j})\) and \(\rho (P_i) = \rho (P_j), \forall i,j \in \{1,2,\dots m\}\).

We now show that exactly the above type of series are formable, by providing algorithms for forming any such series. Note that there exists exactly one pattern P such that \(\rho (P)=\hbox {size}(P)=n\) and this is the pattern \(\mathtt{POLYGON }(n)\). Thus, no non-trivial series may be formed starting from any configuration having symmetricity exactly equal to \(n\). In the following, we will consider configurations with \(\rho (\gamma )<n\). The formation algorithm for forming the type of series mentioned in the lemma, is based on the identification of special configurations: the bi-circular and the \(q\) -symmetric-circular configurations. Before giving an intuition of the technique employed in the algorithms, we define these special configurations.

Definition 3

(BCC) A configuration is called bi-circular (denoted by BCC) if: \((i)\) there is a unique location (called the pivot), such that the smallest enclosing circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\) containing all the robots, has diameter more than three times the diameter of the circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) that encloses all robots except those at the pivot; \((ii)\) \(\mathcal{C}_1\) and \(\mathcal{C}_2\) intersect at exactly one point: the point directly opposite the pivot (called the base-point or, BP).

Definition 4

(SCC) A configuration \(\gamma \), having \(n\) robots, is called \(q\) -symmetric-circular or, SCC(\(q\)), \(1<q <n\), if: \((i)\) the smallest enclosing circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\)=\(SEC (\gamma )\) has exactly \(q\) robots on its circumference forming a regular polygon; \((ii)\) all the other robots lie on or in the interior of a smaller circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) that is concentric to \(\mathcal{C}_1\) such that \(Diameter(\mathcal{C}_1) \ge (5+\sin ^{-1}(\pi /q))\cdot Diameter(\mathcal{C}_2)\); \((iii)\) there are no robots at the center of \(SEC (\gamma )\).

In both configurations, the former circle (\(\mathcal{C}_1\)) is called the primary enclosure while the latter circle (\(\mathcal{C}_2\)) is called the secondary enclosure. The ratio of the diameter of the primary enclosure over the diameter of the secondary enclosure is called the stretch of the configuration. For a BCC configuration, the point on the secondary enclosure directly opposite the base-point is called the frontier-point (FP). Starting from an asymmetric configuration of robots, it is possible to form a BCC by moving a single robot to the pivot location (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

a An asymmetric configuration of robots and the smallest enclosing circle. b A bi-circular configuration formed by moving one of the robots. c An SCC(q) configuration with \(q=4\)

An interesting property of the bi-circular configuration is that in such a configuration the robots can agree on a coordinate system and define a unique way to order the robots, as we show below (Lemma 6). Another property that can be shown is that starting from an arbitrary initial configuration either a particular type of BCC configuration or a particular type of SCC(\(q\)) configuration can always be formed. More precisely:

Lemma 4

Starting from any configuration \(\gamma \) with symmetricity \(\rho (\gamma )=q, q<n\), and for any \(k \ge (5+\sin ^{-1}(\pi /q))\) we can reach a configuration \(\gamma ^\prime \) such that either (i) \(\gamma ^\prime \) is SCC(\(q^\prime \)) having stretch \(k\), where \(q^\prime > 1\) is a factor of \(q\), or, (ii) \(\gamma ^\prime \) is \(\mathtt{BCC } \) having stretch \(k^\prime = (k+1)/2\).


If \(q=1\) then the configuration \(\gamma \) is asymmetric and there exists a robot having a unique view. Thus, it is possible to elect a leader among the robots (e.g. the robot with the minimum view); this elected robot can move to a pivot position to form the BCC configuration having the required stretch. In this case the lemma holds. For the rest of the proof, we assume that \(1<q<n\) and we show algorithms to reach one of the configurations \((i)\) or \((ii)\). First notice that, since the robots start from distinct locations and \(\rho (\gamma )>1\), no robots are located at the center \(c\) of SEC(\(\gamma \)). Further, all robots lie on circles concentric to SEC(\(\gamma \)) and the robots can be partitioned into classes (each containing exactly \(q\) robots) such that the robots in the same class have identical views and robots in distinct classes have distinct views (see Property 3). Consider the class \(R\) of robots (called leaders) that have the minimum view among all robots, according to some predefined ordering on the views. Note that there exist robots that do not belong to \(R\) (If all robots were in \(R\), then the symmetricity would be \(\rho (\gamma )=n\): a contradiction). Further, we can choose the class \(R\) of leader robots in such a way that some of the remaining robots are located on SEC(\(\gamma \)). The algorithm instructs only the robots in \(R\) to move. Each robot in \(R\) computes its next destination on the circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\) whose diameter is \(k\) times the diameter \(D\) of the smallest circle (\(\mathcal{C}_2\)) enclosing the remaining robots (Note that \(\mathcal{C}_2\) is identical to SEC(\(\gamma \))). If robot \(r \in R\) is activated by the scheduler it moves to the farthest point on \(\mathcal{C}_1\) that lies on the straight line joining \(c\) to \(r\).

First consider the case when exactly one robot \(r \in R\) is activated by the scheduler and it moves to \(\mathcal{C}_1\). In this case, the resulting configuration would be \(\mathtt{BCC } \) with stretch \(k^\prime =(k+1)/2\) as in the lemma (Note that \(k^{\prime } > 3\) as required in the definition of \(\mathtt{BCC } \)). Now, let us consider the case when exactly \(q^\prime >1\) robots from the set \(R\), are activated by the scheduler (where \(q^\prime \) is a factor of \(q\) as in the lemma) and these robots form a regular polygon of \(q^\prime \) sides centred at \(c\). When all these robots move to the computed circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\), they would continue to form a regular polygon of \(q^\prime \) sides. The resulting configuration is SCC(\(q^\prime \)) and the lemma holds in this case too. We now consider the case when either the number of robots that move to \(\mathcal{C}_1\) is co-prime with \(q\) or, these robots do not form a regular polygon. In both these cases the symmetry is broken, i.e. the new configuration has symmetricity one. This new configuration \(\gamma ^*\) is neither \(\mathtt{BCC } \) nor \(\mathtt{SCC }\); However we show that the robots can easily revert to a bi-circular configuration (BCC). First, notice that configuration \(\gamma ^*\) can be identified by each robot as a failed attempt to form an \(\mathtt{SCC }\) configuration. Let us call as failed robots, the robots that moved to the circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\). Due to the following facts, each of the failed robots is twice as far from any other robot, compared to the robots that did not move, i.e. those that are on or inside \(\mathcal{C}_2\).

  1. 1.

    The distance between any two failed robots is at least

    $$\begin{aligned} k \times D \times \sin (\pi /q) \ge (2+5\sin (\pi /q)) \times D > 2D \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    The distance between a failed robot and a robot on or inside \(\mathcal{C}_2\), is at least \((k-1)D/2 >2D\).

Thus, it is possible to identify the failed robots by looking at configuration \(\gamma ^*\). Moreover, there exists a unique ordering on the failed robots (since configuration \(\gamma ^*\) has symmetricity one). According to this ordering, each of the failed robots, one after the other, returns to some unoccupied location in the interior of \(\mathcal{C}_2\); By choosing the ordering, the algorithm can ensure that each intermediate configuration has symmetricity one. When only one of the failed robots remains outside the circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\), then the resulting configuration is \(\mathtt{BCC } \) with stretch \(k^\prime \) as in the lemma. Thus we have arrived at the required configuration (ii) and the lemma holds.

The only remaining case we need to consider is when \(q* < q\) robots from the set \(R\) move to the circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\), but the resulting configuration \(\gamma ^*\) has symmetricity \(q^\prime \), where \(q^\prime \) is a factor of both \(q\) and \(q*\). In this case, again it is possible to identify the configuration as a failed attempt at forming \(\mathtt{SCC }(q)\), and the failed robots can be identified, as before. Moreover, the failed robots can be classified into distinct classes having \(q^\prime \) robots each. In the next step of the algorithm, one of these classes is chosen and each robot in that class is instructed to move to some point inside \(\mathcal{C}_2\) that lies on the line segment from current location of the robot to the center of \(\mathcal{C}_1\). This process is repeated until there is exactly one class of \(q^\prime \) robots that are located on the outer circle \(\mathcal{C}_1\). The resulting configuration is SCC(\(q^\prime \)) with the appropriate stretch as required by the lemma. Thus in all cases, we arrive at a configuration of type (i) or (ii) and the lemma holds. \(\square \)

Lemma 5

Starting from a configuration of type SCC(\(q\)), \(q>1\), with \(n\) robots occupying distinct locations we can form any pattern \(P\) such that size(\(P\)) \(=n\) and the symmetricity \(\rho (P)=q\cdot a\), for some integer \(a \ge 1\).


We begin forming the pattern \(P\) within the secondary enclosure (\(\mathcal{C}_2\)) of the \(\mathtt{SCC }\) configuration, while the robots on \(\mathcal{C}_1\) remain stationary. The points in \(P\) are mapped to locations on or in the interior of \(\mathcal{C}_2\), in such a way that the circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) corresponds with the \(SEC \)(\(P\)). The robots are assigned to these locations. The circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) is partitioned into \(q\) equiangular sections and the assignment of robots within each sector is unique. There are at least \(q\) robots on \(\mathcal{C}_2\) which do not need to move as they correspond to \(q\) points in \(SEC \)(\(P\)). Thus, the configuration SCC(\(q\)) is maintained during the movement of the other robots. As a final step, the robots located on \(\mathcal{C}_1\) need to move inside \(\mathcal{C}_2\) to complete the pattern. During this step the \(\mathtt{SCC }\) configuration may be broken (since all the robots on \(\mathcal{C}_1\) may not be activated simultaneously). However, the robots can still identify the resulting configuration as pattern \(P\) with at most \(q-1\) points missing and an equal number of additional robots. These additional robots can be distinguished as they are located a large distance apart from each-other (at least twice the distance between any two robots that form the pattern). Moreover these robots can be uniquely mapped to the missing points to complete the pattern \(P\). \(\square \)

Lemma 6

The following properties hold for BCC configurations: (i) In any bi-circular configuration, the robots can agree on a unique coordinate system. (ii) Starting from a bi-circular configuration with \(n \ge 4\) robots in distinct locations, any pattern \(P\) of size \(n\) can be formed.


(i) In a bi-circular configuration, there is a unique diameter of the primary enclosure (the diameter containing the pivot). We can define the positive x-axis as the line containing this diameter, in the direction from the base-point to the pivot. Due to the agreement on left-right orientation, we can now define the line perpendicular to the x-axis in the left direction, to be the positive y-axis. Thus, the base-point represents the origin and we have a unique coordinate system, where the length of the diameter of the secondary enclosure is taken as the unit distance.

(ii) Due to the agreement on a unique coordinate system, the robots can be ordered lexicographically according to their coordinates, as \(r_1, r_2, \dots , r_n\) where \(r_1\) is the robot at BP and \(r_n\) is the robot at the pivot position. If \(r_{n-1}\) is not at FP, it moves to the FP position (note that there can not be any other robot at this location). While \(r_1, r_{n-1}\) and \(r_n\) remain in these positions, the BCC configuration is maintained. The other robots compute their destination according to the following algorithm. The points in the pattern P are mapped to locations in the bi-circular configuration such that the bounding circle of pattern P coincides with the secondary enclosure \(\mathcal{C}_2\) of the configuration and the base-point coincides with the lexicographically smallest point \(p_i\) on the bounding circle of P. Notice that this mapping is unique and every robot can obtain the same set \(\varGamma (P)\) of locations on or inside \(\mathcal{C}_2\) that correspond to points in the pattern P. Let us assume first that at least three points of P lie on the bounding circle BC(P). The robot \(r_{n-1}\) is assigned to the location lexicographically largest among those on the bounding circle BC(P) of P. If there are more than three points on BC(P), the robot \(r_{n}\) is assigned to the location that is second-largest (lexicographically) among these; Otherwise the robot \(r_{n}\) is assigned to the location lexicographically largest among those in the interior of BC(P). Now, the remaining robots \(r_{2}\) to \(r_{n-2}\) are assigned to the remaining locations in \(\varGamma (P)\), according to the lexicographic order. The robots \(r_{2}\) to \(r_{n-2}\) move to their respective destination in such a way as to maintain the relative order among them based on their positions. Now the robot \(r_{n-1}\) moves to its assigned location (which lies on \(\mathcal{C}_2\)). After this move the BCC configuration is still maintained since there are at least three robots on the \(\mathcal{C}_2\) at distinct locations. At a final step, the robot \(r_n\) can move to its destination to complete the pattern \(P\).

We now consider the remaining case when only two points of P are on BC(P), which implies that these two points are on the opposite ends of a diameter of BC(P). This case is simpler since the robots \(r_1\) and \(r_{n-1}\) as defined above, are already on the required locations (after the first step). Thus the robots \(r_{2}\) to \(r_{n-2}\) move to their respective destinations without disturbing the BCC configuration. As a final step, robot \(r_n\) moves to its assigned location to complete the pattern \(P\). \(\square \)

Based on the above results, we now describe the algorithm for forming a cyclic series of distinct patterns \(S^{\infty }= \langle P_1,P_2,\ldots P_m \rangle ^{\infty } \), with \(n\) robots starting from a configuration \(\gamma \), under the condition that \(\forall i\) size(\(P_{i}\)) \(= n\) and \(\rho (P_i)=q\), a fixed multiple of \(\rho (\gamma )\).

We only need to consider the case \(q < n\) and \(n>2\), since for \(q=n\) or for \(n=2\), there is a single possible pattern: the regular \(n\)-gon and the robots already form that. The scenarios (\(q=2, n=3\)) is impossible due to Property 2. The scenario (\(q=1, n=3\)) is easily solved because every transformation from one pattern to another requires only one robot to move and since the symmetricity is one, the algorithm can select exactly one robot to move in each configuration. Thus, we now focus on the case when \(n \ge 4\) and \(q < n\).

Let \(F\) be a function that maps each pattern \(P _i \in S\) to a real number \(k_i=F(P _i)\) that satisfies the condition of Lemma 5. To signal the formation of pattern \(P _i\), one of the following configurations is unambiguously used: either SCC(\(x\)) with stretch \(k_i\), where \(x\) is any factor of \(q\), or configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } \) with stretch \(k^{\prime }_i = (k_i +1)/2\). Due to Lemma 4 it is possible to form one of these configurations starting from an arbitrary configuration of symmetricity \(q\). By computing the stretch of the configuration, the robot can then identify which pattern \(P _i\) is being formed. By Lemmas 6 and 5, the robots can then form pattern \(P _i\). Once the pattern has been completed, the resulting configuration has symmetricity \(q\). Hence, by Lemma 4, it is again possible to form a \(\mathtt{SCC }\) or \(\mathtt{BCC } \) configuration having the appropriate stretch \(F(P _{i+1})\) for the next pattern \(P _{i+1}\) in the series. Using this technique, the robots can move from one pattern to the next, and thus they can form the required series of patterns.

From Lemma 2, Lemma 3 and from the algorithm described above, we obtain the following characterization.

Theorem 1

A set of \(n\) anonymous robots starting from distinct locations in an arbitrary configuration \(\gamma \), can form a cyclic series of distinct patterns \( \langle P_1,P_2, \ldots , P_m \rangle ^\infty \), each pattern of size \(n\), if and only if \(\forall i,j \in \{1,2,\dots m\}, \rho (P_i) = \rho (P_j) = a \cdot \rho (\gamma )\), for some integer \(a\ge 1\).

3.3 Special case: agreement on directions

In this section, as a special case we consider robots that agree on directions (i.e. they have common notion of North, South, East and West). This is the case if each robot is provided with a consistent compass, for example. Thus, the robots in this section, besides agreeing on a common clockwise direction, also agree on the directions of a fixed coordinate system. We say such robots have common sense of direction.

In this case, as long as the robots occupy distinct locations, there exist a total order on the robots. However whenever two robots gather at the same point, we lose the order relationship between these two robots. Note that Property 1 still holds. For robots having a common sense of direction, we have the following results.

Lemma 7

With \(n\) anonymous robots having common sense of direction, any single pattern \(P\) of size \(n' \le n\) can be formed, if the robots start from distinct locations.


As mentioned before, there is a total order on the \(n\) robots, say \(r_1,r_2,\dots , r_n\) based on their locations (e.g. ordered left to right and then bottom to top). Suppose the points \(p_1,p_2,\dots p_{n^\prime } \in P\) are also ordered similarly. Thus, the location of \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) can be matched to points \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) and all other other robots \(r_3\) to \(r_{n}\) simply move to the points \(p_3\) to \(p_{n^\prime }\), in this order (i.e. robots \(r_{n+1}\) to \(r_n\) all move to the same location \(p_{n^\prime }\)). During these movements, the ordering of the robots is preserved, thus every robot can unambiguously determine the location where it should move to, to form the pattern \(P\). \(\square \)

In case all robots do not start from distinct locations, it is easy to see that any pattern \(P\) of size \(n^\prime \) is formable whenever at least \(n^\prime \) out of the \(n\) robots are initially in mutually distinct locations. We now show which series of patterns are formable starting from any arbitrary configuration.

Theorem 2

With \(n\) anonymous robots having a common sense of direction and occupying \(w\) distinct locations, we can form any cyclic series of distinct patterns \(S^\infty = \langle P_1,P_2,\ldots P_m \rangle ^\infty \), if and only if \(\forall i \in \{1,2,\dots m-1\} \), size(\(P_{i}\)) = size(\(P_{i+1}\)) \(\le w\).


The “only if” part follows from Property 1. We only need to show how to form the given series. Let \(r_1,r_2,\dots , r_w\) be the order among robots based on their locations. Note that robots located at the same place share the same identity. We use the technique of fixed ratios, where robots \(r_1,r_2\), and \(r_w\) form a specific ratio to signal the formation of a pattern \(P_i\). We employ a function \(F\) that associates each pattern \(P_i\) to some real number \(F(P_i)>1\) and to form the pattern \(P_i\) we maintain a configuration where the ratio of distances \(d(r_1,r_l)/d(r_1,r_2) = F(P_i)\) where \(r_l\) denotes the last robot in the current configuration. Note that such a configuration, called configuration FormRatio(\(F(P_i)\)), can be formed in one step, by movement of one or more robots from the location \(L(r_w)\) to the new location satisfying the ratio constraint. Each robot can determine which pattern is being formed by computing this ratio. Once the configuration FormRatio(\(F(P_i)\)) is formed the pattern \(P_i\) can be formed easily using the same techniques as in the proof of Lemma 7. \(\square \)

4 Visibly distinct robots

Let us consider now the case when each robot \(r_i\) has a unique identity \(\text{ ID }_i\) (w.l.o.g, \(\text{ ID }_i=i\)) and any other robot can see this identity. During the LOOK operation, a robot \(r_i\) obtains a snapshot containing tuples of the form \((j, x_j,y_j)\) where \(1\le j \le n, j \ne i\) and \((x_j,y_j)\) is the location of the \(j\)th robot, with respect to the local coordinate system of robot \(r_i\). The view of a robot contains the information observed by the robot, including the identities and locations of robots. Thus, the view of each robot is unique in this case, and even in absence of agreement on directions, the symmetry among the robots can be broken by the use of distinct labels. In other words, there can be no symmetric configurations. Moreover, as opposed to the anonymous case, robots can be allowed to form dense points, since the robots can be separated later, if required.

As we showed in Sect. 3.3, having an order on the robots allows us to form any pattern of size \(n^\prime \le n\). However, for labelled robots, the order among is preserved even if the robots are not in distinct location. So, the assumption that the robots start from distinct locations, is no longer necessary.

Lemma 8

With \(n\) robots having visibly distinct identities, starting from arbitrary locations, any single pattern \(P\) of size \(n' \le n\) points can be formed.


This is achieved by Algorithm 1. The case for \(P= \mathtt{POINT }\) is trivial; all robots except \(r_1\) simply move to the location of \(r_1\). Let us consider patterns where \(size(P) > 1\). If robots \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are at the same location, then \(r_2\) will be the first robot to move. Once these two robots are in distinct locations, they remain there until the end of the algorithm. Taking \(L(r_1)\) as point \(p_1 \in P\) and \(L(r_2)\) as point \(p_2 \in P\), the locations corresponding to all the other points in the pattern can be uniquely determined with respect to these two fixed points. Whenever the robot \(r_i, i>2\) becomes active, it can determine the correct location, corresponding to the point \(p_i\) (or \(p_{n^\prime }\) if \(i>n'\)) and move there. Thus, after every robot has executed at least one computation cycle, the pattern \(P\) would be formed. \(\square \)

figure a
figure b

When there is only one robot, the only pattern that can be formed is obviously \( \mathtt{POINT }\). With \(n=2\) robots, only two patterns can be formed: \(\mathtt{POINT }\) and \(\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\) and it is easy to form the series \((\mathtt{POINT }, \mathtt{TWO-POINTS })^\infty \), by movement of a single robot (say \(r_2\)). There are no other possible series of patterns for \(n=2\). The more interesting cases occur when there are at least three robots (i.e., \(n \ge 3\)), in this case any series of distinct patterns \(S^{\infty }=\langle P _1, P _2, \ldots P _m \rangle ^{\infty }\) can be formed, with the only restriction that each pattern \(P _i\) has at most \(n\) points. We describe below an algorithm that achieves this.

Robots \(r_1, r_2\) and \(r_n\) have special roles. In particular, \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) remain fixed in distinct locations for the entire algorithm serving as fixed points of reference for the other robots. If the robots \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are initially co-located then robot \(r_2\) must move away from \(r_1\) during the first step of the algorithm. As before, we use some known function \(F\) to map each pattern \(P _j\) to a distinct real number \(w_j = F(P _j), w_j \in (1,\infty )\). Before forming pattern \(P _j\), robot \(r_n\) moves to a location between \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) such that the ratio of distances \({dist(r_1,r_2) \over dist(r_1,r_n)}\) is equal to \(w_j\). This is the signal for the other robots to indicate which pattern is being formed. Each robot \(r_i, 2<i<n\) can compute the location where it should move to in order to form pattern \(P _j\). Once each of these robots has moved into the correct positions, robot \(r_n\) moves to complete the pattern. During the execution of the algorithm every configuration of the robots (excluding at most the first two configurations) either corresponds to some pattern \(P _l \) in the series, or is an intermediate configuration which signals the formation of \(P _l\) (i.e. where \(r_1, r_2\), and \(r_n\) maintain a ratio of \(w_j=F(P _l)\)). The function \(F\) must be chosen in such a way that the ratio \({dist(r_1,r_2) \over dist(r_1,r_n)}\) in an actual pattern never matches any values in the range of \(F\). Thus, each robot can unambiguously determine the location that it needs to move to, by looking at the current configuration.

In order to include \(\mathtt{POINT }\) in the series of patterns formed, we need to make some modifications to our scheme. Notice that the penultimate configuration just before forming \(\mathtt{POINT }\) must necessarily have all robots except one at the same location. The same holds for the configuration immediately after forming \(\mathtt{POINT }\) . In these two situations, we can not use the ratio of distances to signal the formation of a pattern. So, we use the following convention. When forming the \(\mathtt{POINT }\) pattern, the robot \(r_n\) is the last robot to join and when breaking away from the \(\mathtt{POINT }\) pattern, robot \(r_2\) is the first robot to move. We define the following special configurations:

  1. (i)

    PrePoint: Robots \(r_{1}\) to \(r_{n-1}\) in the same location and \(r_n\) in a different location.

  2. (ii)

    PostPoint: All robots except \(r_2\) in the same location and robot \(r_2\) in a different location.

  3. (iii)

    TwoPoints: Robots \(r_{2}\) to \(r_{n}\) in the same location and \(r_1\) in a different location.

  4. (iv)

    FormRatio(\(w\)): This is the set of configurations where robots \(r_1, r_2, r_n\) lie on distinct locations on the same line such that the ratio \(dist(r_1,r_2)/dist(r_1,r_n)\)=\(w\). (The other robots may be located anywhere.)

The algorithm for forming a given series \(S=\langle P_1, P_2, \dots , P_m \rangle ^\infty \) is called Form-Series and is sketched below and presented in Algorithm 2. The algorithm recognizes the above configurations as special configurations. In particular, the PrePoint configuration is recognized as the configuration immediately before forming \(\mathtt{POINT }\) . In this case, the algorithm proceeds to form \(\mathtt{POINT }\). Similarly, the algorithm recognizes the special configuration PostPoint as the configuration immediately after \(\mathtt{POINT }\) formation. In this case, the algorithm proceeds to form the next pattern \(P_{(i\mod m)+1}\) if \(P_i = \mathtt{POINT }\in S\). On the other hand, if \(\mathtt{POINT }\) does not belong to the series \(S\) then the algorithm proceeds to form the first pattern \(P_1\) in \(S\). Notice that the configurations PrePoint, PostPoint and TwoPoints are analogous; however only the configuration TwoPoints is considered to correspond to the pattern TWO-POINTS. Whenever the current configuration corresponds to some pattern \(P_i \in S\), the algorithm proceeds to form the next pattern \(P_{(i\mod m)+1}\) by first forming a configuration of type FormRatio(\(t\)) where \(t=F(P_{(i\mod m)+1})\).

Lemma 9

Given a cyclic series of distinct patterns \(S^\infty =\langle P_1,P_2,\dots , P_m \rangle ^\infty \), Algorithm Form-Series forms \(S^\infty \) if size(\(P_i\)) \(=n_i \le n\), for all \(i=1,2,\dots ,m\).


We show that during the algorithm, the set of robots goes through a series of configurations \(\gamma _0,\gamma _1, \dots \), where for all \(i>1\), either \(\gamma _i\) corresponds to some pattern \(P_i \in S \bigcup \{ \mathtt{POINT }\}\) or \(\gamma _i\) is one of the following configurations: PrePoint, PostPoint, TwoPoints, or any configuration of the type FormRatio(\(w\)) for \(w=F(P_i), 1 \le i \le m\). If the initial configuration \(\gamma _0\) is none of those described above, then the system reaches such a configuration in just one or two steps with a single movement of robot \(r_2\) or \(r_n\) or both (one after the other). If all robots are co-located, \(r_2\) moves away to form configuration PostPoint. If \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are initially co-located, then \(r_2\) first moves out and followed by robot \(r_n\) to form configuration FormRatio(\(F(P_1)\)). Otherwise \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are initially separated and in this case only \(r_n\) needs to move to form FormRatio(\(F(P_1)\)).

We now need to show that from a configuration \(\gamma _i\) that is one of the types discussed above, the algorithm eventually forms the entire series of patterns. It is easy to see that if \(\gamma _i\) is of type FormRatio(\(F(P_j)\)), \(1 \le j \le m\), then the algorithm forms the pattern \(P_j\). On the other hand if \(\gamma _i\) corresponds to some pattern \(P_j\) in \(S, P_j \ne \mathtt{POINT }\) then \(\gamma _{i+1}\) is a configuration of type FormRatio(\(w\)) where \(w=F(P_{(j mod{m})+1})\) which implies that eventually pattern \(P_{(j mod{m})+1}\) will be formed. This implies that the algorithm forms the complete series in this case. Note that if \(\gamma _i\) is TwoPoints, it is considered to correspond to the pattern \(\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\) and the thus the above argument holds in that case too. This leaves us with only the special cases when \(\gamma _i\) is either PrePoint, PostPoint or corresponds to \(\mathtt{POINT }\). If \(\gamma _i\) is PrePoint then \(\gamma _{i+1}\) would correspond to \(\mathtt{POINT }\) and \(\gamma _{i+2}\) would be PostPoint. This further implies that \(\gamma _{i+3}\) would be the configuration FormRatio(\(t\)) where \(t = F(P_j)\) if \(P_{j-1} = \mathtt{POINT }\) and \(t=1\) otherwise. This combined with the previous argument implies that the algorithm forms the series \(S\) even in these special cases. \(\square \)

The Algorithm Form-Series forms any cyclic series \(\langle P_1,P_2, \dots , P_m \rangle ^{\infty }\) for \(n \ge 3\) robots, if size(\(P_i\))\(\le n\). For \(n=2\) robots, it is easy to form the only possible series \(\langle \mathtt{POINT },\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\rangle ^\infty \), by movement of a single robot (as mentioned before). For \(n=1\), no non-trivial series are possible. To summarize, we have the following result:

Theorem 3

With \(n > 1\) robots having distinct visible identities, any cyclic series of distinct patterns \(\langle P_1, P_2, \dots , P_m \rangle ^\infty \) is formable if and only if for all \(i, 1\le i \le m\), size(\(P_i\)) \(\le n\).

5 Distinct robots with invisible identities

In this section, we consider robots that have distinct identities but the identities of the robots are not visible to other robots. The robots are assumed to be ordered with labels \(1,2,3,\dots , n\) and each robot \(r_i\) knows its own label \(i\), but it can not visibly identify the label of other robots. In this case, the information contained in the views of the robots is similar to the anonymous case. Thus, two robots may have identical views (in particular, robots at the same location have identical views). However, since the robots have distinct identities, they can execute different algorithms depending on the value of their own identifier.

Consider first the case when there are at least four robots (i.e. \(n \ge 4\)). The BCC configuration, defined for the anonymous case, is used here as well to signal the formation of specific patterns in a series. However since dense points are allowed in this case, there may be more than one robots at the pivot and at the base-point of the bi-circular configuration.

Lemma 10

From any arbitrary configuration \(\gamma \) with \(|L(\gamma )|\ge 3\), a bi-circular configuration of any given stretch \(k>3\), can be formed by the movement of a single robot (this single robot will place itself in a pivot position).

The technique for forming any given pattern \(P \) starting from a bi-circular configuration of stretch \(k_i\) is as follows: As before, the bi-circular configuration can be formed by robot \(r_n\) jumping to the pivot location. Once the robots form a BCC configuration of stretch \(k_i\), robot \(r_1\) and robot \(r_{n-1}\) would move to the base-point and the frontier-point, respectively. Now, these three robots remain in their location while the other robots move to the required positions for forming pattern \(P \). The positions are assigned in the following manner. The points in the pattern \(P \) are mapped to locations in the bi-circular configuration such that the bounding circle of pattern \(P \) coincides with the secondary enclosure of the configuration and the base-point coincides with the lexicographically smallest point \(p_i\) on the bounding circle of \(P \), i.e., \(p_i \in BC(P)\) and \(p_i \le p_j\), for any \(p_j \in BC(P)\). Notice that this mapping is unique. Let \(\varGamma (P)\) be the unique mapping obtain by each robot (i.e., the locations that correspond to points in the pattern \(P \)). The elements of \(\varGamma (P)\) are sorted in such a way that the first point is the base-point of the current BCC configuration of the robots, and all points which lie on the secondary enclosure \(\mathcal{C}_2\) precede those that are located in the interior of \(\mathcal{C}_2\). For \(1\le i \le size(P) \) robot \(r_i\) is assigned the \(i\)th location in \(\varGamma (P)\) and for \(size(P) < j \le n\) robot \(r_j\) is assigned to the last location in \(\varGamma (P)\).

The algorithm that implements the above strategy is called algorithm Form-Series-2 (See Algorithm 3). During the formation of a pattern \(P_i\), the algorithm ensures that the BCC configuration is maintained by keeping the robots \(r_1, r_{n-1}\) and \(r_n\) stationary at the BP, FP and pivot positions, respectively. When all other robots have moved to their assigned location, robot \(r_{n-1}\) finally moves to its assigned location. If \(r_{n-1}\) is assigned a location inside the secondary enclosure \(\mathcal{C}_2\), then all the points on the circle BC(\(P_i\)) are already occupied by robots; So, the circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) (and thus the BCC) is preserved after the move of \(r_{n-1}\). Otherwise, if \(r_{n-1}\) is assigned another position on \(\mathcal{C}_2\), then there must be already two other robots on the circle \(\mathcal{C}_2\) (since \(n \ge 4\)) and thus, the BCC is preserved after the move of \(r_{n-1}\) (Since any three points uniquely determine the only circle passing through them). Thus, after the move of \(r_{n-1}\), the BCC configuration of appropriate stretch is still maintained. Hence robot \(r_n\) can unambiguously move to the required position to complete the pattern.

When the BCC configuration is initially formed, the robots \(r_1\) and \(r_{n-1}\) may not be present at the base-point(BP) and frontier-point (FP), respectively. In that case, these robots move to these locations during the first step when they are activated. Only after this the robots that were originally at BP and FP are allowed to move to other locations. In case \(r_1\) is at FP and \(r_{n-1}\) is at BP, then none of these robots can move without breaking the BCC configuration. In this special case, the robots \(r_1\) and \(r_{n-1}\) simply reverse their roles (i.e. \(r_{n-1}\) performs the algorithm for \(r_1\) and vice versa).

For the above algorithm, the special configuration PrePoint is defined similarly as before, while the configuration PostPoint is defined as the configuration where \(r_1\) is alone and all other robots are together. The configuration TwoPoints that corresponds to \(\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\) is defined as the configuration where \(r_1\) and \(r_n\) are together and all other robots are co-located at a separate location. Since \(n \ge 4\), these three special configurations can be distinguished from each-other by both robot \(r_1\) and robot \(r_n\) (which are the only two robots that make the decisive move for changing from one pattern to the next).

figure c
figure d

We now introduce a few lemmas to show that Algorithm Form-Series-2 is correct.

Lemma 11

Given a series \(S=\langle P_1,P_2,\dots ,P_m\rangle \) as input, \(n\ge 4\) robots executing Algorithm Form-Series-2 starting from any arbitrary configuration, always reach a configuration \(\gamma \), such that \(L(\gamma )\) is isomorphic to some \(P_i \in S\).


During any execution of the algorithm 3, the series of configurations satisfies the condition that each configuration \(\gamma \) other than the initial configuration is one of the following:

  1. (i)

    \(L(\gamma )\) is isomorphic to \(P_i \in S\) and size(\(P_i\))\(>2\).

  2. (ii)

    \(\gamma \) is a bi-circular configuration with stretch \(t_i=F(P_i)\).

  3. (iii)

    \(|L(\gamma )|=1\) (i.e. all robots are co-located).

  4. (iv)

    \(|L(\gamma )|=2\) and \(r_1\) is alone. (The configuration after \(\mathtt{POINT }\) formation).

  5. (v)

    \(|L(\gamma )|=2\) and \(r_n\) is alone. (The configuration before \(\mathtt{POINT }\) formation).

  6. (vi)

    \(|L(\gamma )|=2\) and \(r_1\) is co-located with only \(r_n\). (The configuration for TWO-POINTS).

If the initial configuration is not one of the above then, during the next active cycle of robot \(r_n\), it moves to a location such that the resulting configuration is \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_1)\). (Note that this is possible because there are at least two robots other than \(r_n\) that are located at distinct locations). If POINT, \(\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\notin S\), then all subsequent configurations will be of the type (i) or (ii). If \(\mathtt{POINT }\) \(\notin S\) and the initial configuration is of the type (iii) or (v), then robot \(r_1\) moves to a location distinct from its current location, such that after the move, at least two of the robots other than \(r_n\) are at distinct locations. Starting from such a configuration (including configurations of type (iv) and (vi)) robot \(r_n\) moves to form the configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_1)\). (Note that if the configuration has robot \(r_i, 1<i<n\) alone and all other robots together, then both \(r_1\) and \(r_n\) could potentially move at the same time. However, the resulting configuration would still be \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_i)\), since \(r_1\) moves inside the current SEC.) On the other hand, if \(\mathtt{POINT }\) \(\in S\) and the current configuration is of type (iv), then robot \(r_n\) moves to form the configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_i)\) where \(P_{i-1}=\) POINT. If \(\mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\in S\) and the current configuration is of type (vi), then robot \(r_n\) moves to form the configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_i)\) where \(P_{i-1}=\) TWO-POINTS. Thus, starting from any configuration, we eventually reach a configuration of type \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_i)\) for some \(t_i=F(P_i), P_i \in S\). Once the configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_i)\) is formed, each robot can correctly determine the location that it needs to occupy in order to form pattern \(P_i\). The robots move to respective locations in order. While robots \(r_2\) to \(r_{n-2}\) are moving to their respective locations, robots \(r_1, r_{n-1}\) and \(r_n\) occupy the base-point, frontier-point and pivot locations, ensuring that the bi-circular configuration is maintained. Note that when the robot \(r_{n-1}\) moves to its designated location, the bi-circular configuration is still maintained. This holds because the points on SEC2 are occupied earlier than the points in the interior of SEC2 and, since \(n\ge 4\), there must be at least three robots on the SEC2 (including robots \(r_1\) to \(r_{n-1}\)). In the final step, robot \(r_n\) moves from the pivot location to its assigned location and the pattern \(P_i\). \(\square \)

Now, we show that after forming \(P_i\), Algorithm Form-Series-2 forms the next pattern \(P_{(i \mod m)+1}\), for any \(i \in [1,m]\).

Lemma 12

From a configuration \(\gamma \) representing \(P_i \in S\), the algorithm eventually reaches a configuration \(\gamma ^{\prime }\) such that \(L(\gamma ^{\prime })\) is isomorphic to \(P_{(i mod{m})+1}\).


We only need to show that starting from the configuration representing \(P_i\), a configuration of the type \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_j), j=(i mod{m})+1\) is eventually formed. The rest follows from the previous Lemma.

Suppose \(P_i\) = \(\mathtt{POINT }\), then all the robots are colocated. In this case, only robot \(r_1\) is allowed to move. Once robot \(r_1\) moves away, we have the configuration (iv) above. This is recognized as the configuration just after \(\mathtt{POINT }\) formation. So, robot \(r_n\) moves to the pivot location to form \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_j)\). If \(P_i= \mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\) then the configuration is of type (vi) mentioned above. In this case, robots \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) occupy distinct locations, so the SEC of all robots other than \(r_n\) is well-defined and can be computed by robot \(r_n\). Thus, robot \(r_n\) can move to form \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_j)\). In all other cases (i.e. for any other pattern \(P_i\)), there are at least two robots other than \(r_n\) which occupy distinct locations. Thus, robot \(r_n\) can form configuration \(\mathtt{BCC } (t_j)\) by directly moving to the corresponding pivot location. \(\square \)

From Lemmas 11 and 12, we have:

Theorem 4

Algorithm Form-Series-2 executed by \(n \ge 4\) robots forms any cyclic series of distinct patterns \(S^\infty =\langle P_1,P_2,\dots ,P_m \rangle ^\infty \), if size(\(P_i\))\(\le n, 1\le i\le m\).

The remaining cases are when there are exactly \(2\) or \(3\) robots. For \( n = 2\), the case of invisible identities is same as that of visible identities. For the case of \(n = 3\), the transformations between any two patterns of size \(3\) is straightforward and requires the movement of a single robot, as mentioned before. The only challenging scenario involves the formation of \(\mathtt{POINT }\) and \( \mathtt{TWO-POINTS }\), where the intermediate configurations before and after forming \(\mathtt{POINT }\) must be distinguished from the configuration forming TWO-POINTS. In contrast to the scenario in Sect. 4, it is not possible for any single robot to distinguish between the special configurations PrePoint, PostPoint and TwoPoints. This difficulty can be overcome by using the technique presented recently in [5]. The idea is to allow robot \(r_3\) to move in each of these three configurations. Recall that robot \(r_3\) is alone in the configuration PrePoint and thus can distinguish this configuration from the other two configurations. In order to distinguish between the configurations PostPoint and TwoPoints, robot \(r_3\) moves to a location forming a particular scalene triangle with respect to the other robots such the smallest of the interior angles is at the location of the robot that was earlier co-located with \(r_3\). If the previous configuration was PostPoint, this robot would be \(r_1\) and otherwise this robot would be \(r_2\). Thus, both robots \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) can now distinguish between these two scenarios and take the appropriate action to form the next pattern in the series. With this minor modification, the algorithm from Sect. 4 can be used to form any series of patterns of size at most three, for \(n=3\) robots. In conclusion:

Theorem 5

With \(n>1\) robots having distinct invisible identities, a cyclic series of distinct patterns \(\langle P_1, P_2,\dots , P_m\rangle ^\infty \) is formable if and only if size(\(P_i\))\(\le n, 1\le i\le m\).

6 Conclusions

We studied the formation of geometric patterns by a system of oblivious mobile robots in a plane and showed that a set of oblivious, asynchronous robots may form a cyclic series of distinct patterns. Thus it is possible to encode the state of the system in the form of a pattern and “remember” this global state information even though the individual robots have no memory of the past. This implies we can build a self-stabilizing system of mobile robots that can perform a sequence of tasks in a given order. The computational power of such robot systems is an important area of investigation.

In this paper we considered three types of robots—robots having distinct and visible identities, robots having invisible identities and also robots that completely anonymous (and indistinguishable from each other). If the robots have distinct visible identities then any series of patterns can be formed provided that there are sufficiently many robots. The same result holds for robots having invisible but distinct identities. However, in the case of anonymous robots, the series of patterns that may be formed depends on the symmetricity of the initial configuration.

The power of the robots in our model comes from their unlimited vision and mobility. If the movements of the robots are bounded to a maximum distance \(\delta \) that the robot can move in each step, as in the ATOM model [26], then we could modify our algorithms as follows. First the robots would use some convergence algorithm to move closer to each other, while avoiding collisions. Once all robots are within a circle of small diameter (depending on the value of \(\delta \), assuming that it is known), then the robots can execute the same algorithms as in this paper without ever having to move a distance longer than \(\delta \), i.e. all movements would be within a circle of diameter \(\delta \). A similar approach has been used recently in [28] where the robots are assumed to have limited visibility.

A challenging problem that is left open by the current investigation is how to form a sequence of patterns in an asynchronous setting. For example, in the asynchronous CORDA model studied in the literature, forming even a single pattern seems difficult unless either the robots share a common coordinate system [16] or the points of the pattern are visibly marked by some external agent [17].