Correction to: Int J Colorectal Dis

The publisher regrets that the following errors were introduced during the production process:

The value in Table 1 for Caecum originally reading “35(36.1%)” should have read “45(47.4%)” and in Table 3, the value for Prolonged ileus was “2(2.1%) should be “0(0.0%)” under the column “non-CME (n = 95)”.

The correct Tables are as follows:

Table 1 Clinicopathological characteristics
Table 3 Postoperative complications and mortality

In the figures, the legends for Fig. 3 should have read “a OS t 3 years (88% vs 71%) b DSS at 3 years (92% vs 80%)” and Fig. 4 was changed to “a DSS at 3 years in stage II (97% vs 86%) b DSS at 3 years in stage III (86% vs 67%)”. The images for Fig. 3a and b was inverted. The correct presentation of the images and legends are shown below:

Fig. 3
figure 1

a OS at 3 years (88% vs 71%) b DSS at 3 years (92% vs 80%)

Fig. 4
figure 2

a DSS at 3 years in stage II (97% vs 86%) b DSS at 3 years in stage III (86% vs 67%)

The original article has been corrected.