1 Introduction

Changes in the Earth’s climate throughout the twenty-first century and their potential impacts have become a global concern during the last years. In this context, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. The IPCC has produced a series of reports which show abundant evidence of changes in the global climate system during the twenty-first century. Moreover, most of these changes are larger than those observed during the twentieth century (AR4, IPCC 2007).

The output of global climate models (GCMs) has been one of the most important sources of information since the first IPCC assessment in 1990. The outcomes from GCMs are extensively used in many studies to understand changes in climate dynamics and determine the affects of climate change on a range of impacts. Furthermore, GCMs are used as the basis for many dynamical and statistical downscaling experiments, providing refined information on variables that GCMs do not simulate directly, such as waves or storm surge (e.g. Marcos et al. 2011) or do not simulate at enough resolution (e.g. snow or precipitation). One of the main challenges associated with using GCMs is model structural uncertainty. Notwithstanding the uncertainty of the forcings for the climate change scenarios, the skill of different GCMs is determined by the different methods used to solve the equations that describe atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. A systematic evaluation of the performance of the models is, therefore, required to provide greater confidence in the use of GCMs.

One of the first opportunities for climate scientists to compare the skill of a large group of GCMs was phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) (Meehl et al. 2007). The archived data, officially known as WCRP-CMIP3 multi-model dataset, has been widely studied. For example, analysis of temperature simulations in Australia based on probability density functions (Perkins et al. 2007; Maxino et al. 2008) or studies of precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula (Nieto and Rodríguez-Puebla 2006; Errasti et al. 2011). In these studies, different statistical measures (e.g. RMSE, KS-test, BIAS, correlation indices) are used for objective spatial and quantitative comparison. There are even some studies that aggregate several statistical measures to form a single metric (e.g. Gleckler et al. 2008). Similar studies based on later coordinated multi-model experiments have helped to the process of ongoing improvement of the models. For example, the analysis of the two generations of models used in ENSEMBLES project (van der Linden and Mitchell 2009) conducted by Brands et al. (2011). Recently, the efforts to reduce model uncertainty have led to a new generation of global climate models called Earth System Models as they incorporate the capability to explicitly represent biogeochemical processes that interact with the physical climate (Flato 2011). These models are the basis of the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5, Taylor et al. 2012) constituting the most current set of coordinated climate model experiments. Several authors have analyzed subsets of CMIP5 models obtaining different rankings of models; e.g. Yin et al. (2012) studied the precipitation over South America, Brands et al. (2013) analyzed several variables in Europe and Africa and Su et al. (2013) studied precipitation and temperature over the Tibetan Plateau.

The main aim of this study is to define a methodology for evaluating the quality of GCMs in a region. The method can therefore assist GCM users in the choice of the most appropriate model to study changes in climate dynamics, to evaluate impacts or to downscale surface variables. A common procedure to evaluate the ability of GCMs is to compare outputs of model simulations against historical reconstructions (reanalysis) or observations. This can be achieved by analyzing differences between mean climatologies or even the whole probability density functions. Recent works have evaluated the skill of GCMs to reproduce synoptic climatology (e.g. Lorenzo et al. 2011; Belleflamme et al. 2012) by using classification methods. The circulation classification method has demonstrated to be a useful and computational efficient tool for the validation of GCMs (Huth 2000). The study of synoptic climatology from circulation patterns or weather types takes into account the natural climate variability and allows the evaluation of spatial relations between different locations.

In this work, we characterize the synoptic patterns from sea level pressure (SLP) fields. SLP provides information of surface climate conditions and it has been found to be a better predictor for downscaling purposes than other variables (e.g. von Storch et al. 1993; Busuioc et al. 2001; Frías et al. 2006). Taking this into account, we have evaluated the performance of a range of GCMs within the north-east Atlantic Ocean region. The methodology, based on weather types and statistical metrics, analyzes not only the skill of the GCMs to reproduce mean climatologies but also the interannual variability. Moreover, the consistency of future simulations is also evaluated. This method has been applied to 68 models from CMIP3 to CMIP5, providing useful information about the quality of the GCMs over the European region.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, the data from the model reanalysis databases used for comparison and the analyzed GCMs are presented. Section 3 explains the methodology that has been developed, describing the analyzed region, the weather type classification approach and the statistical analysis of the performance of the GCMs. The study is completed with the presentation of the results in Sect. 4, and the conclusions in Sect. 5.

2 Data

2.1 Atmospheric reanalysis data

The evaluation of the performance of the GCMs requires the comparison against historical observations. Atmospheric reanalyses are long historical climate reconstructions that can be considered to be quasi-real data as they integrate multiple instrumental measurements and have been widely validated against independent observations. Nowadays, there are several global atmospheric reanalysis databases. In this work, we use 6-hourly SLP data obtained from the three global reanalysis covering the most extensive period of the twentieth century: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I (NNR, Kalnay et al. 1996), ECMWF 40 year Reanalysis (ERA-40, Uppala et al. 2005) and NOAA-CIRES twentieth Century Reanalysis V2 (20CR, Compo et al. 2011).

NNR (1948-present), created by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has been widely used by the scientific community. This global reanalysis is generated by numerical simulation using models similar to those used for weather forecasting, and includes a data assimilation process. ERA-40 (1957–2002) was created by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), with one version of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). 20CR (1871–2010) has been created by the NOAA ESRL/PSD (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory/Physical Sciences Division). In this reanalysis, pressure observations have been combined with a short-term forecast ensemble of an NCEP numerical weather prediction model. In this study, NNR has been selected to characterize the synoptic patterns of atmospheric circulation because it has been widely validated by the scientific community, covers a large historical period and is an up to date database, nevertheless, ERA-40 and 20CR reanalyses have also been compared with the GCMs.

2.2 Global climate models

In this study, the available information on daily sea level pressure from 68 GCMs has been catalogued and subsequently stored. These models have been divided into two groups depending on which generation of scenarios have been simulated. One group includes 26 models from CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES projects and the other one includes 42 CMIP5 models. Tables 1 and 2 show the names of the models that have been used as well as the research centers and countries that they belong to, the atmospheric resolution and the number of future simulations analyzed (runs). Data from 1961 to 1990 (reference period) have been used to characterize recent past conditions and projections from 2010 to 2100 have been taken to represent future conditions, as they are time periods available from most models.

Table 1 Analyzed CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES GCMs names, institutions, countries, atmospheric resolutions and runs
Table 2 Analyzed CMIP5 GCMs names, institutions, countries, atmospheric resolutions and runs

The simulations analyzed in the CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES models are called 20C3M (Twentieth Century Climate in Coupled Models) for recent past conditions and SRES B1, SRES A1B and SRES A2 (Special Report on Emission Scenarios, Nakicenovic et al. 2000) for future scenarios. The three selected scenarios are generally taken to represent low, medium and high CO2 concentrations, respectively. A total of 44 20C3M simulations, 43 of A1B, 19 of A2 and 26 of B1 are studied. Eighteen models belong to CMIP3 and eight models (CNRM-CM33, ECHAM5C/MPI-OM, EGMAM, EGMAM2, IPSL-CM4v2, UKMO-HadCM3C and UKMO-HadGEM2) belong to the ENSEMBLES project. Data are obtained from the results of the models sent to the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the USA (http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ipcc/about_ipcc.php) and from the CERA database of the World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) in Hamburg (http://cera-www.dkrz.de/CERA/).

For the 42 CMIP5 models, the experiments analyzed are called historical for recent past conditions and RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Pathways, Moss et al. 2010) for the future. The four selected RCPs included one mitigation scenario leading to a very low forcing level (RCP2.6), two medium stabilization scenarios (RCP4.5/RCP6.0) and one very high baseline emission scenario (RCP8.5) leading to high greenhouse concentration levels (van Vuuren et al. 2011). This makes a total of 136 historical simulations, 48 of RCP2.6, 83 of RCP4.5, 31 of RCP6.0 and 63 of RCP8.5. CMIP5 data are available through the Earth System Grid—Center for Enabling Technologies (ESG-CET), on the page (http://pcmdi9.llnl.gov/).

3 Methods

The methodology developed to study the skill of the GCMs is summarized in a diagram in Fig. 1. Data from reanalysis and GCMs are collected first. The study area is then defined and SLP fields are preprocessed to the spatial domain in the selected region (chart upper level). In order to get the estimated indicators of the performance of the GCMs, a weather type (WT) classification from the reanalysis data is carried out. The occurrence rate of each synoptic situation group is assessed from both the reanalysis data and the GCMs for several time periods (chart middle level). Finally, different statistical indices are computed to compare the occurrence rates (chart bottom level). The comparison between the observed and simulated historical WT frequency indicates the skill of the GCMs to simulate the recent past climate. The results of this comparison are used to analyze the similarity of the synoptic situations and the ability of the GCMs to reproduce the interannual variability. On the other hand, the comparison between the historical and future WT frequency from GCMs determine the simulated rates of change. These rates of change are used to analyze the consistency of future projections.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart representing the methodology

3.1 Study area

The domain of interest in this work is the North Atlantic. This region is dominated by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which is one of the most prominent climate fluctuation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere (Hurrell et al. 2003). NAO is usually described with an index based on the pressure difference between Iceland and the Azores and it has important influence on climate from the United States to Siberia, and from the subtropical Atlantic to the Arctic. We have therefore selected an area in the north-east Atlantic from 25°N to 65°N and from 52.5°W to 15°E. In this region, many surface variables are highly correlated with pressure fields, such as wind waves (Izaguirre et al. 2012), precipitation (Rodríguez-Puebla and Nieto 2010), snow (Seager et al. 2010) and cereal production (Rodríguez-Puebla et al. 2007). Given the fact that data from GCMs are provided in different spatial resolution grids, in order to make a coherent comparison, all SLP data have been interpolated by means of bilinear interpolation to a grid of 2.5° latitude by 2.5° longitude, identical to the mesh of the NNR results. The analyzed spatial domain and resolution is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Spatial domain of the study area

3.2 Classification of weather types

Non-initialized simulations by GCMs aim to simulate long-term statistics of observed weather rather than day-to-day chronology. For this reason, mean climatologies from GCMs are usually compared against reanalysis to evaluate the ability of the GCMs. However, mean climatology comparison ignores the climate variability of the atmospheric circulation, which causes a wide variety of meteorological situations, even severe storm conditions. The evaluation of GCMs throughout a classification of weather types reduces this problem, since classification aims to group similar meteorological situations minimizing the variability within each group. Therefore, each group is more or less homogeneous and distinct from other groups. Many authors are aware of the importance of the models to reproduce climate variability over a region and have used atmospheric circulation type classifications; e.g. (Belleflamme et al. 2012; Lee and Sheridan 2012; Pastor and Casado 2012). Here, the circulation type classification is developed by applying the non-hierarchical clustering technique K-means (MacQueen 1967) over the SLP fields in the study region. To do this, 3-daily averaged SLP fields, SLP(x,t), from the NNR are analyzed. The 3 days time scale is chosen to be able to capture mid- latitude cyclogenesis situations.

First, we process each 3-day averaged SLP field anomaly, \(SLPA(x,t) = SLP(x,t) - \overline{SLP(t)}\), where t represents each 3-days interval and \(\overline{SLP(t)}\) is the mean SLP in the 3-days interval in the spatial domain. So, two situations with similar patterns but slightly different mean SLP can be grouped together. Then, we apply principal components analysis (PCA) to the processed 3-daily SLP fields of NNR from 1950 to 1999. PCA helps the clustering technique reduce dimensions whilst conserving the maximum data variance. That is, the covariance of the SLP anomalies in the study region is used to obtain uncorrelated principal components. In this case, eleven components have explained more than 95 % of variance. In order to get a set of synoptic climatologies (weather types), the K-means algorithm has been applied over these modes. The K-means technique divides the data space into N classes, which are represented by their centroids. Each class represents a group of atmospheric states of similar characteristics. We force the K-means algorithm to start with dissimilarity-based compound selection (Snarey et al. 1997) and the number of classes has been set to N = 100. Tests with a different number of classes revealed that this choice does not impact our results in a significant manner. The selection of a hundred classes is made based on the compromise between the best possible characterization of synoptic climatologies, represented by the largest number of clusters and including an average number of 40 data per group. A proximity criterion is applied over the N = 100 obtained WTs, and the centroids are visualized in a 10 × 10 lattice (Fig. 3). The proximity criterion is based on minimizing the sum of Euclidean distances between each centroid and its neighbors. This organization helps to interpret results since weather types of similar characteristics appear near to one another. For example, the dominant winter pattern is characterized by a low pressure center over the Azores Islands, while a high pressure center dominates the summer synoptic situation. The weather types located in the right side of Fig. 3 are characterized by low pressures in Iceland and high pressures in the Azores Islands, which is usually associated with a positive phase of NAO.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The 100 weather types represented by the SLP fields (mbar). Right panels show the most frequently occurring weather types in winter and summer

3.3 Evaluation of the performance of GCMs

3.3.1 Similarity of synoptic situations

Here, the climate information obtained from the synoptic classification of NNR has been used to evaluate the skill of GCMs. First, the relative frequency of each of the one hundred weather types has been calculated for NNR, as the reference pattern (Fig. 4). The relative frequencies are estimated from the number of 3-day atmospheric states that can be attributed to each WT, characterized by its centroid, during the reference period of 30 years (from 1st January 1961 to the 31st of December 1990). The Euclidean distance in the reduced EOF-space has been used to assess which centroid is the closest. Then, the ERA40, 20CR and GCMs databases are projected onto the one hundred WTs derived from NNR, and their relative frequencies for each WT are estimated.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Relative frequency of the 100 weather types in the reference period for NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (quasi-observations) and four GCMs. The darker blue colors being weather types with high frequency and the lighter blue the less frequent weather types

Objective indexes to measure the differences between frequencies of the reference pattern and those for the GCMs during the same period in the historical/20C3M simulations have been applied. The scatter index and a metric based on the relative entropy have been used for this purpose. The scatter index (SI) is the root mean square error normalized by the mean frequency:

$$SI = {{\sqrt {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(p_{i} - p_{i}^{{\prime }} )^{2} } }}{N}} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sqrt {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(p_{i} - p_{i}^{{\prime }} )^{2} } }}{N}} } {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(p_{i} )} }}{N}}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(p_{i} )} }}{N}}}$$

being p i the relative frequency of the ith weather type from the reanalysis for the reference period, p′ i the relative frequency of the ith weather type from a GCM simulation for the reference period and N the number of weather types. This index has been used to compare the relative frequencies of each simulation of each GCM with the ones of the reanalysis during the reference period. The metric based on the relative entropy (RE) is defined here as:

$$RE = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N} {p_{i} \left| {\log \frac{{p_{i} }}{{p_{i}^{'} }}} \right|} ,$$

Lower values of SI and RE therefore indicate a high degree of similarity and hence a better performing GCM. The RE index has been used to analyze the skill of the different GCMs to simulate weather types of low probability of occurrence. The analysis of these situations, which could be associated to extreme events, requires a relative index, such as RE since the scatter index analysis gives more importance to commonly occurring situations. However, RE can easily diverge if a model has zero occurrences for one particular WT. In these cases, we assume a minimum value of 0.5 occurrences.

This analysis has been done both for annual time-scale as well as seasonal time-scales, considering the following distribution: winter (December, January and February), spring (March, April and May), summer (June, July and August) and fall (September, October and November). An example of the application of these indexes is shown in Fig. 4. The reference pattern represents the relative frequency of each characterized synoptic situation (weather type) for the recent past conditions. NNR has been used to derive this pattern although ERA-40 and 20CR show similar characteristics.

The frequencies obtained from ECHAM5 (CMIP3) and ACCESS1.0 (CMIP5), provide low SI and RE since the most common and unusual situations are well reproduced. These models show only small variations between occurrence of neighboring weather types which represent near synoptic situations and probability of occurrence. Alternatively, CNRM-CM3 (CMIP3) and FGOALS-g2 (CMIP5) show less similarity with the reanalysis reference pattern and consequently larger SI and RE. These models tend to overestimate the frequency of particular WT′s associated to synoptic situations with weaker gradients between low and high pressure centers. Note that here and henceforth, SI and RE are interpreted in relative values (i.e. lowest values versus highest values across the ensemble).

3.3.2 Interannual variability

The skill of a model to represent the climate state is the most important test to evaluate its quality. It is for this reason that mean climatologies over several decades are often used to compare GCMs with observations. It is however, important to note that the variance (i.e. interannual variability) is also a requirement for good model performance. We have analyzed the skill of GCMs to represent interannual climate variability because it is an indicator of their ability to respond to changing conditions. The magnitude of the interannual variability has been measured for each WT by assessing the standard deviation of the 30 annual values of relative frequency over the reference period (1961–1990). The comparison of the variability values of the reanalysis with those that correspond to each GCM is conducted by the scatter index of the standard deviations of the N weather types (stdSI).

$$stdSI = {{\sqrt {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(std(p_{i} ) - std(p_{i}^{'} ))^{2} } }}{N}} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sqrt {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(std(p_{i} ) - std(p_{i}^{'} ))^{2} } }}{N}} } {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(std(p_{i} ))} }}{N}}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {(std(p_{i} ))} }}{N}}}$$

The lower the stdSI the better the performance of the GCM to simulate the interannual climate variability.

3.3.3 Consistency of future projections

We have evaluated the skill of GCMs to reproduce historical climate and its variability. However, good model performance evaluated from the present climate does not necessarily guarantee reliable predictions of future climate (Reichler and Kim 2008). This is mainly due to projections consider future greenhouse gas forcings outside the used range in the historical period of validation. Consequently, the skill of GCMs to reproduce future climate projections cannot be directly evaluated. However, multi-model ensembles are often used to analyze future projections. In order to provide information about uncertainty on the ensembles, we have evaluated the consistency between GCMs during future projections.

To assess the consistency between future projections of GCMs, we have divided the twenty-first century in three different periods: short term (2010–2039), mid-term (2040–2069) and long-term (2070–2099), while evaluating which models predict inconsistent variations in each of these periods, i.e. magnitudes of change much larger or much lower than those of most models. We assume the stationary hypothesis over climate dynamics, that is, the WT classification remains valid throughout the twenty-first century. For every analyzed simulation and future time period, we have calculated two metrics of the magnitude of change towards the simulations in the reference period. The magnitude of change in the frequency of synoptic situations has been evaluated through SI and the magnitude of change in the interannual variability has been analyzed through stdSI. The mean magnitude of change has been used in case of several simulations of the same model. For each scenario, future period and metric, we have computed the quartiles of the magnitudes of change. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the upper quartile (Q3, 75 percentile) and the lower quartile (Q1, 25 percentile). IQR is a robust statistic to measure the dispersion of a set of data. In this study, models with magnitudes of change lower than Q1 − 1.5(IQR) or higher than Q3 + 1.5(IQR) are considered outliers, i.e. GCMs of a very different behavior compared with the rest of GCMs.

4 Results

4.1 Skill of GCMs to perform climatologies

The ability of the GCMs to represent the relative frequency of synoptic situations in the reference period can be assessed by direct comparison with the reference pattern. Figure 5 summarizes the bias of the GCMs for the 20C3M simulations (CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES) and the historical simulations (CMIP5). Dots in the WTs indicate agreement on the sign of the bias for more than 80 % of the models. Small bias has been estimated on GCMs over all WTs, indicating a good ability of the models to reproduce common synoptic situations, i.e. mean climatologies. The performance of these ensembles has been measured using the SI and RE indices. CMIP5 simulations (SI = 0.37, RE = 0.07) show a general better agreement than CMIP3 (SI = 0.45, RE = 0.08). Some discrepancies, however, are found on unusual events associated to deep low pressures centered over different areas of the North Atlantic (right hand side of the figure) and relatively stable atmospheric states (WTs at the bottom of the figure). The former are over-estimated, whilst the latter tend to be slightly underestimated. Note that the overestimated WTs might be associated to extreme storm events during intense Northern Annular Mode (NAM). This overestimation is in agreement with previous studies. For instance, Gerber et al. (2008) found that climate models vaguely capture the NAM variability, over-estimating persistence on sub-seasonal and seasonal timescales.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Bias of 20C3M (left) and historical (right) ensembles. The small dots indicate agreement on the sign for more than 80 % of the models

The results of individual GCMs are summarized in Fig. 6 for 20C3M simulations and in Fig. 7 for historical simulations. In both figures the models have been sorted according to their SI and the number of simulations analyzed for each model is shown between brackets. The SI score of the models with only one simulation is represented by the small vertical black lines. When several simulations are available these vertical black lines represent the mean value of the SI while the horizontal ones represent the range between the minimum and the maximum SI. The mean RE is represented by a black dot. The SI and RE scores have also been obtained for the reanalyses ERA-40 (SI = 0.16, RE = 0.10) and 20CR (SI = 0.26, RE = 0.14) during the reference period. 20CR has also been analyzed in 1901-1930 (SI = 0.30, RE = 0.18) and in 1931-1960 (SI = 0.30, RE = 0.19). The similar scores for different periods of the twentieth century support the use of the same synoptic classification in the twenty-first century. These values provide an indicator of SI and RE values which better represent the performance of GCMs. The SI scores of the reanalyses have been represented in the figures by vertical dotted lines. It can be observed that ERA-40 is very similar to NNR whereas 20CR present larger differences. This was expected since 20CR only assimilates surface pressure data.

Fig. 6
figure 6

GCMs of CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES sorted out by performance to model synoptic situations (the higher performance, the lower SI). The mean RE is represented by a black dot

Fig. 7
figure 7

GCMs of CMIP5 sorted out by performance to model synoptic situations (the higher performance, the lower SI). The mean RE is represented by a black dot

The models that best reproduce the occurrence rate of synoptic climatology for 20C3M simulations with SI lower than 0.5 and RE lower than 0.3, are: UKMO-HadGEM2 (SI = 0.37, RE = 0.22), ECHAM5/MPI-OM (SI = 0.46, RE = 0.26) and MIROC32HIRES (SI = 0.49, RE = 0.28). Alternatively, the five models which have SI larger than 1 and, therefore, have a lower simulation performance with regard to the frequency of the different synoptic situations, are: CCSM3, GISS-ER, FGOALS-g1.0, CNRM-CM3 and CNRM-CM33. For CMIP5 models, there are nine models with SI lower than 0.5. Three of them: ACCESS1.0 (SI = 0.33, RE = 0.19), EC-EARTH (SI = 0.36, RE = 0.21) and HadGEM2-CC (SI = 0.37, RE = 0.21) have both SI and RE lower than the best model for 20C3M simulations. The other six: HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-P, CMCC-CM, GFDL-CM3, MPI-ESM-LR and CMCC-CMS have SI slightly larger but RE is still lower than 0.3. Note that, only two CMIP5 models: IPSL-CM5B-LR (SI = 1.03, RE = 0.57) and FGOALS-g2 (SI = 1.17, RE = 0.60) show SI larger than one.

The differences between runs of a single model are one order of magnitude lower than the differences between models. This shows that the internal variability is well taken into account by using a 30-year period. Moreover, results are qualitatively similar for the two indicators (RE and SI) that have been used to analyze the representation of the synoptic situations, indicating that the model performance is consistent across the two performance measures. The mean values of both indexes reveal an improvement in CMIP5 models (SI = 0.61, RE = 0.34) with respect to the analyzed set of models from CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES (SI = 0.76, RE = 0.41). In addition, the values of RE are smaller for CMIP5 models than for CMIP3 models with similar values of SI, indicating that CMIP5 models have improved their capacity to detect synoptic situations with low relative frequency.

4.2 Skill of GCMs to perform climate variability

The results of the diagnosis in each season are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, with the models and simulations analyzed as in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The SI scores for ERA40 and 20CR are very similar in fall (0.34 vs. 0.35, respectively) and winter (0.34 vs. 0.39), being the differences slightly larger in spring (0.30 vs. 0.40). The largest differences can be found in summer (0.31 vs. 0.59). The RE scores cannot be included because several WTs have zero occurrences in some seasons.

Fig. 8
figure 8

GCMs of CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES performance to model synoptic situations on each season 1 UKMO-HadGEM2; 2 ECHAM5/MPI-OM; 3 MIROC3.2(hires); 4 MRI-CGCM2.3.2; 5 ECHAM5C/MPI-OM; 6 CGCM3.1(T63); 7 INGV-SXG; 8 CSIRO-Mk3.5; 9 CGCM31T47; 10 CSIRO-Mk3.0; 11 ECHO-G; 12 EGMAM; 13 GFDL-CM2.0; 14 GISS-AOM; 15 IPSL-CM4; 16 EGMAM2; 17 UKMO-HadCM3C; 18 IPSL-CM4v2; 19 INM-CM3.0; 20 PCM; 21 BCCR-BCM2.0; 22 CCSM3; 23 GISS-ER; 24 FGOALS-g1.0; 25 CNRM-CM3; 26 CNRM-CM33

Fig. 9
figure 9

GCMs of CMIP5 performance to model synoptic situations on each season 1 ACCESS1.0; 2 EC-EARTH; 3 HadGEM2-AO; 4 HadGEM2-CC; 5 HadGEM2-ES; 6 MPI-ESM-P; 7 CMCC-CM; 8 GFDL-CM3; 9 MPI-ESM-LR; 10 CMCC-CMS; 11 CESM1(CAM5); 12 MIROC4h; 13 CSIRO-Mk3.6.0; 14 GFDL-ESM2M; 15 MPI-ESM-MR; 16 HadCM3; 17 GFDL-ESM2G; 18 CNRM-CM5; 19 ACCESS1.3; 20 INM-CM4; 21 CanESM2; 22 CanCM4; 23 NorESM1-M; 24 CMCC-CESM; 25 GISS-E2-R; 26 MRI-ESM1; 27 GISS-E2-H; 28 IPSL-CM5A-MR; 29 BCC-CSM1.1; 30 CCSM4; 31 MRI-CGCM3; 32 CESM1(BGC); 33 CESM1(FASTCHEM); 34 MIROC5; 35 IPSL-CM5A-LR; 36 BNU-ESM; 37 MIROC-ESM; 38 MIROC-ESM-CHEM; 39 FGOALS-s2; 40 BCC-CSM1.1(m); 41 IPSL-CM5B-LR; 42 FGOALS-g2

For CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES models (Fig. 8) the diagnosis in spring and fall is analogous to the annual one except for minor differences. In both seasons, most models show very similar performance with SI between 0.5 and 1. Only three models in spring and seven models in fall show noticeably larger SI. On the contrary, in winter and summer the differences are larger. In winter some ENSEMBLES models: EGMAM (SI = 0.76), EGMAM2 (SI = 0.71) and UKMO-HADCM3C (SI = 0.80) perform as well as the best models. FGOALS-g1.0 shows results of lower quality (SI = 3.70) in summer and hence performs poorly on the annual scale. On the other hand, CCSM3 and PCM only show low SI in summer, and perform with lower quality in the rest of the seasons. A similar observation occurs with models from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), with the SI of CSIROmk35 and CSIROmk30, the first and third lowest on this season. For CMIP5 models (Fig. 9) the seasons that show larger discrepancies with respect to the global evaluation shown in Fig. 7 are also winter and summer, with the diagnosis in spring and fall similar to the global evaluation. Interestingly, the CMIP5 models which provide the worst diagnostic in winter (SI larger than 1.4), namely CCSM4, CESM1(BGC), CESM1(FASTCHEM), BNU-ESM and BCC-CSM1.1(m) are some of the best models in summer. Note that the SI in summer of CCSM4 is 0.62, only slightly larger than the one of 20CR. On the contrary IPSL-CM5B-LR and FGOALS-g2 are the poorest performing models at the annual scale and during summer season but they perform well in winter. Curiously, the model with the third largest SI in summer INM-CM4 is one of the best models in the other seasons. The seasonal analysis show that the performance of the models depends on the season, especially in summer and winter, indicating that, in some cases, the most adequate models depend on the purposes.

The interannual variability analysis has been based on the stdSI score described in Sect. 3.2. As shown in Fig. 10, in which the order of GCMs of the previous figures has been kept, the stdSI scores for ERA-40 (stdSI = 0.17) and 20CR (stdSI = 0.21) are more similar than their SI. The results for 20C3 M simulations (Fig. 10a), show that UKMO-HadGEM2 (stdSI = 0.24) and ECHAM5/MPI-OM (stdSI = 0.27) provide the highest quality results, with stdSI lower than 0.3, while CNCM33 and GISS-ER are the ones that provide results of lower quality with stdSI larger than 0.6. For the historical simulations of the CMIP5 models (Fig. 10b) the values of stdSI are slightly better than the ones for 20C3M simulations. Five models ACCESS1.0, MPI-ESM-P, EC-EARTH, HadGEM2-CC and HadGEM2-ES have stdSI lower than 0.3. Furthermore, there are no models with stdSI larger than 0.6 and only two models: IPSL-CM5B-LR and FGOALS-g2 exceed 0.5. Results obtained for interannual variability confirm those obtained from the similarity of synoptic situations, with the models with the highest and lowest performance the same for both analyses.

Fig. 10
figure 10

GCMs of CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES (a) and CMIP5 (b) performance to simulate interannual variability (the higher performance, the lower SI)

4.3 Consistency of future projections

Analysis of future projections is made in a different way to the analysis of past climate. Historical simulations can be compared with reanalysis data, but the future projections can only be compared to each other. The analysis of future projections can be used to detect models with anomalous behavior but not to determine which models are best. The results of the consistency of future projections have been synthesized in Fig. 11 for the three SRES scenarios considered (B1, A1B and A2) and Fig. 12 for the four RCP (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5). For each scenario, the magnitudes of change of the frequency of the synoptic situations and the magnitudes of change in the interannual variability are shown for three future time periods. On each box, the central mark is the median, the edges of the box are the lower and upper quartiles and the whiskers extend to the most extreme magnitudes of change within the range defined by Q1 − 1.5(IQR) and Q3 + 1.5(IQR). The numbered red dots represent models with magnitudes of change outside this range.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Box plots of the two indicators of consistency for scenarios B1, A1B and A2. Numbering in accordance with Fig. 8

Fig. 12
figure 12

Box plots of the two indicators of consistency for scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5. Numbering in accordance with Fig. 9

For SRES scenarios (Fig. 11) only the mid-term and long-term periods are shown because few simulations cover the short term period. For these scenarios, INM-CM3 (19), GISS-ER (23) and CNRM-CM3 (25) show magnitudes of change notably high for some combinations of scenario, indicator and time-period. For CMIP5 (Fig. 12) short-term, mid-term and long-term can be shown because information for the full twenty-first century is available. In this case there are two different groups of models with anomalous magnitudes of change. HadGEM2-AO (03), GFDL-CM3 (08), IPSL-CM5A-MR (28), IPSL-CM5A-LR (35), MIROC-ESM-CHEM (38), FGOALS-s2 (39) and FGOALS-g2 (42), show in several cases high magnitudes of change whereas MPI-ESM-MR (15), INM-CM4 (20), MRI-CGCM3 (31) and BCC-CSM1.1(m) (40) show in some cases low magnitudes of change. Results indicate that the magnitudes of change and their spread are larger in the long-term period than in the short-term period and for high-emissions scenarios, e.g., A2 and RCP8.5, than for low-emission scenarios. It is interesting to note the connection between the ability of models to reproduce the present climate (the higher the number, the worse the performance) and the consistency of their future simulations. The models with anomalous magnitudes of change mostly belong to the group of models with low skill in the reference period. Consequently, the spread is reduced when considering models with high skill in the reference period. For instance, a 30 % reduction in spread is obtained by considering only the top half of the models; those with the best skill. However, some of the models with anomalous magnitudes of change perform reasonably well in the recent past. It may indicate that these models are unable simulate the climate variability associated to larger changes in the forcings during the twenty-first century.

Figure 13 shows in detail the long-term changes of CMIP3 and CMIP5 ensembles for the scenarios RCP8.5 and A2, respectively. Dots in the WTs indicate agreement on the sign of the change for more than 80 % of the models. Note that both, CMIP3 and CMIP5, show a similar pattern of change in the synoptic classification, with three discernible changes: i) a frequency decrease of the WTs (WTs in low right side) associated to slight positive NAO situations (modest intensification of the high and low pressure systems); ii) an increase of synoptic situations with dominance of a high center of action, very often during summer (top and middle WTs); and iii) a decrease on WTs with a clear low pressure system in the mid-North Atlantic basin (WTs in the left side). Furthermore, CMIP3 models under A2 scenario provide more homogeneous and intense changes than CMIP5 models under RCP8.5.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Changes of A2 (left) and RCP8.5 (right) ensembles in 2070–2099 towards the reference period (20C3M, historical). The small dots indicate agreement on the sign for more than 80 % of the models

5 Conclusions

A methodology to analyze the performance of GCMs based on weather types (WTs) and statistical metrics has been developed. The method analyzes the ability of the models to reproduce three characteristics: the historical synoptic climatologies, the interannual variations and the consistency of future projections. The use of statistic metrics based on the scatter index and the relative entropy allow a quantitative estimation of the GCMs performance.

The method has been applied to the Northeast Atlantic region. The three models that best simulate the recent past climate conditions from the CMIP3 and ENSEMBLES datasets are: UKMO-HadGEM2, ECHAM5/MPI-OM and MIROC3.2 (hires). Furthermore, these models are consistent during the twenty-first century for the SRES simulations analyzed. For CMIP5, seven models perform above the rest during the twentieth century: ACCESS1.0, EC-EARTH, HadGEM2-AO, HadGEM2-CC, HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-P and CMCC-CM. During the twenty-first century five of them are consistent but HadGEM-AO overestimates the changes for RCP45 in the short term and there are no future simulations for MPI-ESM-P.

These results are consistent with other studies of SLP in the Northern Hemisphere. For example, Walsh et al. (2008) evaluated 15 GCMs of CMIP3 over the Northern extratropical domains focusing in Greenland and Alaska. They found that ECHAM5/MPI-OM is one of the top-performing models. Errasti et al. (2011) found ECHAM5/MPI-OM and MIROC3.2 (hires) as the best CMIP3 model in the Iberian peninsula. Brands et al. (2011) found similar results within ENSEMBLES models in the Northeast Atlantic region for the two best models (UKMO-HadGEM2 and ECHAM5/MPI-OM) and they also concluded that the two worst performing models are CNRM-CM3 and CNRM-CM33. Brands et al. (2013) also obtained HadGEM2-ES outperforming the remaining models in a group of seven CMIP5 models.

These results are also fairly consistent with Cattiaux et al. (2013) that choose the geopotential height at 500 mb rather than SLP for depicting the large-scale circulation. It is important to highlight, however, that an evaluation of the quality of the GCMs depends on the study area and the considered variable, showing different results to those obtained for other variables or regions. Note that the performance of the GCMs also varies depending on the analyzed season. Therefore, the choice of the most adequate models depends on the specific purposes (e.g. studies focus on extreme wave heights during winter or ice melting during summer). On the contrary, from the analysis carried out the importance of the atmospheric resolution is not clear. The models with the highest resolution are not always performing the best.

The small differences in the skill indexes among runs of the same model indicate that the methodology is robust because it is not considerably affected by the natural variability of climate. In spite of this, notable differences can be observed in future simulations, even among the best rated models. Therefore, the use of ensembles or multi-model groups is recommended since it diminishes the effects of individual simulations allowing us to have greater confidence on the results.