
Brain metastases are the most common type of intracranial tumors in adults; they occur in 20–40% of patients with systemic cancer and are the major cause of morbidity and mortality [1, 2]. For managing patients with brain metastases, early and accurate diagnosis is crucial to determine the treatment strategy and patient prognosis. Surgical resection, stereotactic radiosurgery, and whole brain radiation therapy have been shown to increase survival in eligible patients compared with untreated ones [2,3,4,5]. However, manual detection and segmentation of brain metastases is not only laborious and time-consuming but also erroneous; interobserver variability in target volume delineation has been reported [6], and manual segmentation of all of the lesions may be challenging.

Several previous studies have proposed various deep learning (DL) methods for the detection and/or segmentation of brain metastases. These studies have applied convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [7,8,9,10], fully convolutional networks [11], or single-shot detector models [12]; however, most of the studies showed substantial numbers of false-positive (FP) findings with generally low segmentation performance (Dice coefficients lower than 0.8) [9, 10, 12]. Furthermore, the sensitivity was low in detecting small metastases (smaller than 6–7 mm), with a maximum sensitivity of 70% [9, 12]. Considering the fact that the presence of even small brain metastases may change the whole treatment plan [13], the detection of small brain metastases is crucial in the real-world implementation of DL algorithms.

The low performance and limited clinical feasibility of previous DL approaches may be partially attributed to the fact that most previous studies have focused on DL approaches using contrast-enhanced three-dimensional (3D) gradient echo (GRE) imaging. For the detection of brain metastases, either contrast-enhanced 3D GRE or spin echo (SE) imaging with black-blood (BB) imaging techniques, such as motion-sensitized driven-equilibrium (MSDE) or improved MSDE (iMSDE), is commonly used [14,15,16]. A previous meta-analysis has shown that brain metastases can be more easily detected in contrast-enhanced SE images than GRE images, especially small lesions (< 5 mm) [17]. Moreover, a recent consensus recommendation has stated that 3D SE imaging is preferable to 3D GRE imaging in a brain metastases imaging protocol [18]. Compared to 3D GRE images, the 3D SE with BB imaging technique can suppress blood vessel signals, which enables clearer delineation and better detection of small brain metastases [15]. We hypothesized that addition of 3D BB imaging to 3D GRE imaging in DL models may improve the detection and segmentation performance of brain metastases.

Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a DL model using both 3D BB imaging and 3D GRE imaging may improve the detection and segmentation performance of brain metastases compared to that using only 3D GRE imaging.

Materials and methods

Patient population

The institutional review board waived the need for obtaining informed patient consent and ethical approval was obtained for this retrospective study. Between January 2018 and December 2019, 188 consecutive patients who followed our brain metastasis protocol including 3D BB imaging and were diagnosed with a newly developed brain metastasis were included in the training set. For the test set, between January 2020 and May 2020, 45 consecutive patients with a newly developed brain metastasis were included. Additionally, 49 patients without a brain metastasis were included after age and sex matching (detailed information of the exclusion criteria can be found in Supplementary Material S1). Brain metastases were determined based on the review of both initial and follow-up images by two radiologists (4 and 9 years of experience, respectively). In the rare case of ambiguity, a senior radiologist (with 15 years of experience) was consulted for the final decision.

MRI protocol

MRI was performed using various 3.0-T MRI scanners (Achieva/Ingenia/Ingenia CX/Ingenia Elition X, Philips Medical Systems) with an eight-channel sensitivity-encoding head coil. Five minutes after administering a gadolinium-based contrast (0.1 mL/kg gadobutrol; Gadovist, Bayer Schering Pharma), a 3D fast SE sequence with the iMSDE (BB imaging) was performed, followed by 3D GRE imaging (Supplementary Material S2).

Image pre-processing and segmentation

Image resampling to 1-mm isovoxels, low-frequency intensity non-uniformity correction by the N4 bias algorithm and coregistration of 3D GRE images to 3D BB images were performed using Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs) (version 2.3.4., Skull stripping was performed using the Multi-cONtrast brain STRipping (MONSTR) [19]. Signal intensity was normalized using the z-score.

A junior radiologist (with 4 years of experience) independently segmented the brain metastases on the 3D BB images while referring to 3D GRE images, while another neuroradiologist (with 9 years of experience) modified the segmented lesions if necessary or confirmed the segmented lesions. In the rare case of ambiguity, a senior radiologist (with 16 years of experience) modified and confirmed the segmented lesions.

DL architecture

To segment the brain metastasis, 3D U-net-based DL models were used. The overall architecture of our DL model is presented in Fig. 1. The input of the model was 3D GRE, 3D BB, or combined 3D GRE and 3D BB images, and the output was the segmentation maps. The size of the inputs and outputs of the model was 184 × 184 × 152 by cropping the background areas of the brain. Three DL models were constructed depending on the input images (combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model, 3D BB model, and 3D GRE model). For a combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model, two 3D images were concatenated along a channel dimension (184 × 184 × 152 × 2). The model was trained with a fivefold cross-validation.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of the deep learning (DL) algorithm. The DL model is based on 3D U-net, which consists of an encoder and two decoders: a segmentation decoder that reconstructs the segmentation maps and a reconstruction decoder that regularizes the shared encoder by reconstructing the input images

The original U-net consists of (1) an encoder that extracts the features of the input images using several convolutional blocks and max-pooling layers and (2) a decoder (“segmentation decoder”) that reconstructs the desired segmentation maps using the extracted features, convolutional blocks, and up-scale layers [20]. To regularize the encoder, an additional decoder (“reconstruction decoder”) that reconstructed the input images from the extracted features was added at the end of the encoder, inspired by an autoencoder network [21]. The model reconstructed both the segmentation maps and the input images using the shared encoder. The reconstruction decoder was used only during the training phase and not used during the inference phase.

The encoder and decoders had several convolutional blocks, and each convolutional block consisted of a 3D convolutional layer, leaky rectified linear unit (ReLU), and group normalization layer (detailed information of the DL architecture in Supplementary Material S3) [22, 23].

The DL model was implemented using the Python Keras library with a TensorFlow backend [24]. It was trained using the Adam optimizer with β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999 for 500 epochs with a learning rate of 0.0001 [25]. The training took approximately 48 h using an Intel i9-9820X central processing unit (CPU) and an Nvidia TITAN RTX graphics processing unit (GPU) with CUDA version 10.0. In addition, training data augmentation and test-time augmentation were performed during the training and inference phase, respectively (detailed information of data augmentation in Supplementary Material S3).

Statistical analysis

The performances of the three models, including the models trained with both 3D BB and 3D GRE images, and with 3D BB only or 3D GRE only, were assessed by using lesion-based sensitivity, precision, and Dice coefficient (definitions are shown in Supplementary Material S4). The sensitivities were also evaluated with respect to the size of the metastases (< 3 mm, ≥ 3 mm and < 10 mm, and ≥ 10 mm). For patient-by-patient analysis, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, sensitivity, and specificity were obtained. In addition, the detection performance was also evaluated by calculating the number of FPs per patient. Because all MRI scans from test patients were integrated as one data set, the within-patient correlation for patients with multiple lesions was not considered.

The sensitivities of the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model and the other two models were compared pairwise using a logistic regression analysis with the generalized estimating equation in a per-lesion analysis [26]. We also analyzed the interaction between the subgroups with different sizes of metastases (< 3 mm, ≥ 3 mm and < 10 mm, and ≥ 10 mm) and DL models in the logistic regression analysis to assess whether the sensitivities differed based on the different subgroups on the DL models. Identical analysis was performed in subgroups with different numbers of metastases (1 to 3, 4 to 10, > 10). The FPs per patient among DL models were compared by using Poisson regression with a generalized estimating equation in a per-patient analysis [27].


Patient characteristics and characteristics of the brain metastases

A total of 282 patients were included in our study (mean age, 61.7 ± 13.1; 129 females and 153 males). The total number of brain metastases was 1120 (917 and 203 in the training and test sets, respectively). The distributions of the number and sizes of the metastases across patients are shown in Fig. 2. Clinical characteristics and characteristics of the brain metastases (mean volume, number, and size) are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Bar charts showing the distribution of the (a) sizes and (b) number of brain metastases in the training and test sets, respectively

Table 1 Patient clinical characteristics and brain metastases information

Detection performance of the DL models

The detection sensitivities and precisions for the DL models in the patients with brain metastases are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model achieved an overall detection sensitivity of 93.1% and precision of 84.8% for the patients with brain metastases in the test set. Specifically, for metastases < 3 mm, ≥ 3 mm and < 10 mm, and ≥ 10 mm, the sensitivities were 82.4%, 93.2%, and 100%, respectively. Examples of true-positive inferences in various sizes that were detected on all three models are shown in Supplementary Figure 1.

Table 2 Diagnostic performance of the deep learning (DL) models per lesion according to different sizes of brain metastases in the test set
Table 3 Diagnostic performance of the deep learning (DL) models per lesion according to different numbers of brain metastases in the test set

The overall sensitivity of the combined 3D GRE and 3D BB model was significantly higher than that of the 3D GRE model (93.1% vs 76.8%, p < 0.001) (Fig. 3), and this effect was significantly stronger in subgroups with small metastases, but not in subgroups according to number of metastases (p interaction < 0.001 and p interaction = 0.686, respectively). Specifically, the sensitivities of the combined 3D GRE and 3D BB model were significantly higher than those for the 3D GRE model in the subgroup with metastases < 3 mm (p < 0.001) as well as the subgroup with metastases ≥ 3 mm and < 10 mm (p = 0.014). The sensitivities of the combined 3D GRE and 3D BB model were significantly higher than those for the 3D GRE model in the subgroup with 4 to 10 metastases (p = 0.014) as well as the subgroup with > 10 metastases (p < 0.001). On the other hand, the overall sensitivity of the combined 3D GRE and 3D BB model was similar to that of the 3D BB model (93.1% vs 92.6%, p = 0.847).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Examples of true-positive inferences that were detected on the combined three-dimensional (3D) black-blood (BB) and 3D gradient echo (GRE) model on representative test patients. a A 4.4-mm metastasis and b a 1.7-mm metastasis that were missed on the 3D GRE model but detected on the 3D BB model as well as the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model

The overall area under the curve, sensitivities, and specificities for the DL models in patient-by-patient analysis are summarized in Supplementary Table 1. The overall sensitivity and specificity for the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model in detecting brain metastases in the patient-by-patient analysis were 100% and 69.4%, respectively, in the entire test set (including both patients with and without brain metastases).

The number of FP lesions for the DL models is shown in Table 4. The FP per patient was 0.59 in the test set. The majority of FP lesions were insufficiently suppressed blood signals from peripheral vessels (48 of 55 [87.3%] FP lesions) as shown in Fig. 4 (detailed information of FP lesions in Supplementary Material S5). The number of FP lesions per patient was significantly lower in the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model compared with that in the 3D BB model (p = 0.004). However, the number of FP lesions per patient was significantly higher in the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model compared with that in the 3D GRE model (p < 0.001).

Table 4 Number of false-positive (FP) lesions for all patients in the test set according to different deep learning (DL) models
Fig. 4
figure 4

Examples of false-positive (FP) inferences. a An FP inference of an insufficiently suppressed blood signal from the peripheral vessel that was misclassified as a brain metastasis on the three-dimensional (3D) black-blood (BB) model but not on the combined 3D BB and 3D gradient echo (GRE) model or the 3D GRE model. b An FP inference of an insufficiently suppressed blood signal from the peripheral vessel that was misclassified as a brain metastasis on the 3D BB model as well as the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model but not on the 3D GRE model

Segmentation performance of the DL models

The Dice coefficients for the DL models for the patients with brain metastases are summarized in Table 5. Compared to the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model with a Dice coefficient of 0.822, the 3D BB and 3D GRE models showed similar or lower Dice coefficients of 0.827 and 0.756, respectively.

Table 5 Segmentation performance of the deep learning models in the test set


In our study, the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model showed promising results for detecting and segmenting brain metastases. The DL model was able to detect 189 of 203 (93.1%) brain metastases in the test set, with a Dice coefficient of 0.822. The Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Brain Metastases (RANO BM) suggests a target lesion size criterion of 10 mm [28]. Therefore, our model showing a sensitivity of 100% and Dice coefficient of 0.822 in detecting and segmenting brain metastases ≥ 10 mm may be suitable for response assessment of brain metastases. Furthermore, compared with previously reported DL studies for detecting and segmenting brain metastases, there were three major findings in the current study. First, we combined both 3D BB and 3D GRE imaging in our DL algorithm, resulting in a high sensitivity of 82.4% for detecting small metastases (smaller than 3 mm), which is the highest reported sensitivity, to the best of our knowledge. Second, we demonstrated that the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model shows superior performance over the 3D GRE models. Third, the Dice coefficient of 0.822 shows the highest performance reported in segmenting brain metastases [8, 9, 11].

Several studies have attempted to identify methods and algorithms for the detection and/or segmentation of brain metastases [8,9,10,11,12, 29], but a majority of the previous DL models on the detection and segmentation of brain tumors were focused on gliomas [30,31,32,33]. Compared with gliomas [34], brain metastases present several unique challenges. Brain metastases may be smaller than gliomas; however, it is important to note that the detection of even small lesions is essential for treatment planning [35]. Moreover, brain metastases near the peripheral vessels may be missed or, conversely, peripheral vessels may be mislabeled as metastases [14, 36, 37]. Our combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model showed a sensitivity of 93.1% and precision of 84.8% in detecting brain metastases, indicating that this model is one of the best performing models among previously reported ones [8,9,10,11,12, 29]. Although a previous DL model showed a slightly higher sensitivity of 96% [10] in detecting brain metastases, it also showed a higher number of FP lesions per patient of 19.9 [10]; however, we showed a substantially lower number of FP lesions (0.59) per patient in the test set. Considering the trade-off between sensitivity and precision, our model may be more optimal for clinical application. Compared to previous studies that used 2D- or 2.5D-based detection models [9, 10, 12], our model was based on 3D U-net, which utilizes 3D information for detecting and segmenting brain metastases. In our model, deep supervision loss, which was computed at the low-resolution feature maps, and an additional reconstruction decoder could guide the final segmentation of metastases. In addition, by using test-time augmentation as well as data augmentation, it was possible to increase the sensitivity in detecting metastases and reduce the number of FP lesions.

In our study, a substantial proportion of brain metastases were small in size (< 3 mm). Specifically, the overall proportion of small metastases (< 3 mm) in our dataset was 27.4% (307 of 1122 lesions), whereas previous studies have either reported a lower proportion of small metastases (< 3 mm) (11.1%, 127 of 1147 lesions) [12] or did not report on the proportion of small metastases [8,9,10,11]. A previous meta-analysis has shown that BB images show superior performance for detecting small lesions (< 5 mm) [17]. In accordance with this, the 3D GRE model showed a substantially lower performance of 23.5% in detecting metastases < 3 mm than the 3D BB model or the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model. Because 3D GRE imaging does not suppress blood signals and has a lower contrast-to-noise ratio compared to 3D BB imaging, brain metastases that are small in size may be easily missed in the DL model [17]. When 3D BB was added into the model, the sensitivity in detecting metastases < 3 mm increased to 82.4%, highlighting the importance of 3D BB imaging in detecting small metastases. Our reported sensitivity of detecting small metastases is by far the highest among previous studies, some of which reported sensitivities of 15% for identifying brain metastases < 3 mm [12] and 50% for identifying lesions smaller than < 7 mm [9]. On the other hand, the sensitivities of the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE model as well as the 3D BB model for small metastases (< 3 mm) were similar, but the number of FPs was significantly lower when the former model was used. This may be due to the fact that, when only 3D BB imaging is used, some blood vessels that are incompletely suppressed may mimic brain metastases [36], leading to an increased number of FPs. A previous study implemented multiparametric MRI, which included 3D BB, 3D GRE, and 3D fluid-attenuation inversion recovery imaging, for the detection and segmentation of brain metastases [9]; however, the overall performance was lower, with a sensitivity of 83% and FP lesions per patient of 8.3; furthermore, the model’s performance with and without 3D BB was not compared.

Our study showed a Dice coefficient of 0.822 in segmenting brain metastases, which suggests that our model performed well. Previous studies have reported Dice coefficients of 0.77 [8], 0.79 [9], and 0.85 [11] in segmenting brain metastases, respectively. However, the previous study that had reported a Dice coefficient of 0.85 had not included brain metastases smaller than 5 mm for this calculation [11]. Thus, we speculate that the Dice coefficient in their study might have been lowered if small metastases had been included, because smaller lesions have shown to be associated with lower Dice coefficients [38, 39]

In the test set, we included not only patients with brain metastases but also those without brain metastases to evaluate specificity. Previous studies on DL models of brain metastases did not include patients without brain metastases, which may limit the evaluation of true performance of the DL model. The reported incidence of brain metastases in patients during the diagnosis of primary cancer is low [40], and many patients undergoing an MRI for brain metastases may not have brain metastases. Our results show that there are FP lesions in patients without brain metastases; most of these are insufficiently suppressed blood signals. Thus, the DL results should be reviewed by the radiologist with caution.

Our study has several limitations. First, this was a single center, retrospective study with a relatively small data size. Evaluations of patients at external locations with different hardware implementations are necessary to validate the model’s robustness. Second, our approach implemented both 3D BB and 3D GRE imaging, which may have limited availability in certain MRI scanners. Although 3D BB imaging is ideally recommended in MRI protocols for brain metastases [18], it is not technically available in all MRI instruments sold by all vendors; furthermore, it may require additional scan time. Future DL models implementing synthetic 3D BB imaging without additional scan time may be an alternative approach [41]. Third, because our model was mostly trained and tested on patients with brain metastases, our results may be unlikely to represent true systematic model inaccuracies. Nonetheless, we believe that our results could establish a foundation for future prospective research for the verification of our DL model in actual clinical practice. Fourth, segmentation of the lesions was performed in consensus rather than by multi-readers, which may limit the robustness and reliability of deep features.

In conclusion, the combined 3D BB and 3D GRE DL model may improve the detection and segmentation performance of brain metastases, especially for the detection of small metastases.