
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS) is a rare autosomal recessive auto-inflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent febrile attacks with lymphadenopathy, abdominal distress, skin eruptions, and joint involvement [13]. Febrile attacks usually last for 3–7 days and are interrupted by asymptomatic intervals of several weeks’ duration [46]. Symptoms appear in early infancy and may persist throughout life with gradual increases in serum IgD [7, 8]. The diagnostic hallmark of HIDS is a constitutively elevated level of serum IgD, although parts of the patients have been reported to have normal amount of serum IgD levels.

The HIDS is caused by mutations on mevalonate kinase gene (MVK), which encodes an enzyme involved in cholesterol and non-sterol isoprenoid biosynthesis. We present herein a Japanese family, eldest son and monozygotic twin younger sisters, with HIDS that had compound heterozygous mutations on MVK gene, one of which was the disease-causing splicing mutation and the other was a novel missense mutation. Serum concentrations of IgD were repeatedly within the normal range. These cases demonstrate that detail analysis with more specific diagnostic tests such as urinary excretion of mevalonic acid and MVK genetic analysis should be performed not to miss the correct diagnosis in patients, especially younger children with HIDS.

Case reports

Patients are the eldest son and monozygotic twin younger sisters of parents of Japanese origin. The eldest son (patient 1) had presented with recurrent fever from 5 months of age. The twin younger sisters (patient 2 and 3) presented with fever from 1 month of age. Vomiting and diarrhea were presented in the younger sister (patient 3). Febrile episodes appeared every 4–8 weeks and lasted for 3–5 days on all the three patients. During febrile episodes, peripheral blood leukocytosis and CRP elevations (more than 10 mg/dl) were observed. In intermittent period between fever episodes, serum CRP levels decreased, but did not always become negative. Their parents had no history of recurrent fever. Sepsis work-up did not show any foci and any pathogens causing the febrile episodes. The repeated bacterial cultures resulted in negative, and administration of the antimicrobial agents did not change the clinical courses of the febrile episodes, indicating that the fever was not induced by pathogen. In addition, immunological analysis such as serum IgA, IgM, IgG, and IgD, lymphocytes counts including T, B, NK cells, and mitogen proliferation assays of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were normal.

Due to the recurrent high fevers caused most unlikely by pathogen and the heavy family history of the periodic fevers, we suspected hereditary periodic fever syndromes and performed genetic study. After written informed consents approved by institutional review board of the Kyoto University Hospital were obtained, peripheral blood samples were collected from the patients and their parents for isolating genomic DNA and total RNA.

First, we performed genomic DNA sequencing for MEFV gene for familial Mediterranean fever, MVK gene for HIDS, NLRP3 for cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome, and TNFRSF1A for TNF receptor-associated periodic syndrome. Genomic DNA sequencing analysis of the MVK gene revealed the presence of heterozygous mutations of c.227-1 G > A at the exon/intron border of exon 4 and c.833T > C (p.Val278Ala). Subsequent amplification of the cDNA by RT-PCR showed that the former mutation caused deletion of exon 4 (Fig. 1a). Genomic DNA sequence analysis on their parents revealed that the parents inherited c.227-1 G > A from their father and c.833T > C from their mother, indicating that the three patients were compound heterozygous for MVK gene (Fig. 1b). The patients had markedly elevated excretion of mevalonic acid in urine, especially in febrile periods, and their mevalonate kinase enzyme activities were very low, which confirmed that all the three patients suffered from HIDS (Table 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Molecular genetic findings in the study patients. a Agarose gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products for exon 2 to exon 5 of MVK shows the normal 505-bp alleles in samples from normal healthy control (lane 6) and mother (lane 2), as well as both the normal allele and the mutant 362-bp allele in the sample from father (lane 1), patient 1 (lane 3), patient 2 (lane 4), and patient 5 (lane 5). Subsequent cDNA sequencing confirmed that this 144-bp deletion in cDNA corresponds to codon 303–407 (exon 4). The molecular size marker was a 100-bp ladder. Lane 7 represents PCR with distilled water added but not with DNA, indicating that there was no background amplification. b Pedigree of the affected family. The three patients are heterozygous for del exon 4 and V278A

Table 1 Urinary mevalonic acid and mevalonate kinase levels in the study patients

While the patients did not have any mutations on TNFRSF1A and NLRP3, we identified MEFV non-synonymous nucleotide alterations on the elder brother, who was a heterozygote for L110P, E148Q, and R202Q, and the younger twin, who was a heterozygote for R202Q in addition to MVK gene mutations. These MEFV gene nucleotide alterations were regarded as SNPs, and the clinical diagnosis of FMF was not compatible with the patients, although the complex MEFV gene alterations of L110P/E148Q/R202Q have been reported on the clinically-diagnosed FMF patients.


We present herein a sibling of HIDS that demonstrated compound heterozygous for two novel mutations of MVK gene. All the patients had the same compound heterozygous mutations c.227-1 G > A and c.833T > C, which resulted in exon 4 skipping and p.Val278Ala. The mutations are novel, especially the splicing mutation of MVK gene was identified at the genomic DNA level.

Cuisset et al. [9] reported that HIDS mutations were evenly distributed along the coding region of the MVK gene, in contrast to mutations causing MA, which clustered between 243 and 334. The sequence variations seen in MA are missense mutations that are in the same region as the variants described in HIDS. Further studies will be needed to clarify the association of phenotypical differences with MVK gene mutations. Over 80% of patients with HIDS were reported to have compound heterozygous mutation in the MVK gene. To our knowledge, both the skipping of exon 4 and V278A mutation have not been reported previously in HIDS. Moreover, this is the first case in which exon skipping mutation of the MVK gene has been certainly identified at the genomic DNA level. Only few groups reported HIDS patients with the skipping of exon in the cDNA of the MVK gene [10, 11]. They suggested that these exon skipping was probably due to the presence of a potential splice site mutation, but could not identify mutations responsible for these altered splicing through the sequence analysis at the genomic level. Most MVK mutations in patients with HIDS and MA have only been determined at the cDNA level; however, analysis of cDNA sometimes appeared troublesome, probably due to instability of the MVK mRNA. More detailed studies through the sequence analysis at the genomic level lead us to elucidate the role of MVK mutations in HIDS and MA, and expression studies in E. coli will be necessary to evaluate the effect of each mutation.

HIDS is classically defined as a high concentration of mevalonic acid in the urine and is characterized by a high serum IgD concentration during each febrile episode, but some reports from the Netherlands stated that high levels of serum IgD levels were not seen and affirmed that other diseases also showed high serum IgD levels [12]. In our cases, the analysis of enzymes and molecular genetics of MVK gene yielded the correct diagnosis, although serum concentrations of IgD were within the normal range. Thus, it should be now common practice to examine the MVK gene in order to diagnose this disease.

In conclusion, we present a Japanese family with HIDS that appeared to have novel mutations of MVK gene. Most of the HIDS cases were reported from European, especially Dutch, whereas only one HIDS case of Japanese patient was reported by Naruto et al. [13], which is only one report of Asian patient. Cases of HIDS may so far have been overlooked or misdiagnosed as infectious diseases or autoimmune disorders in Japan, besides there may be difference in race. It is necessary that accumulation of case in hereditary mutation and in other race leads to solve a detailed cause of HIDS.