
The severe toxicity of arsenic (As) accounts for its ranking at the top of the Substance Priority List of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act ( Frequent exposure to arsenic species is associated with various pathologies, including diabetes and cancer. These typically develop after chronic exposure, such as the daily consumption of water with arsenic levels higher than the established limit of 10 ppb (EPA-2006, USA). In Bangladesh, for example, consumption of arsenic-contaminated well water accounts for a mortality rate of around 20 % (Argos et al. 2010). Two inorganic arsenic species are generally found in soils and in surface waters: arsenite (AsIII) and arsenate (AsV). Under oxic conditions, AsV is the most prevalent form. Its toxicity can be explained by the resemblance of its tetrahedral oxyanion structure to phosphate, such that it uncouples conversions in intermediary metabolism, e.g., oxidative phosphorylation (Kruger et al. 2013). AsIII is more toxic than AsV, disturbing redox homeostasis because of its ability to react with free thiols; in addition, it promotes the generation of reactive oxygen species, which can damage proteins and DNA (Liu et al. 2001; Tsai et al. 2009).

Although chemical and physical arsenic remediation processes are widely available, they are expensive and in undeveloped countries difficult to apply. Moreover, they are not completely effective, leaving behind trace quantities of the metal (Chwirka et al. 2000). Therefore, over the years, several alternative arsenic bioremediation strategies have been developed. The most common biological processes make use of eukaryotic microorganisms, such as yeast (Shah et al. 2010; Singh et al. 2008a; Tsai et al. 2012), but others have used aquatic or terrestrial plants (Wojas et al. 2010) to achieve arsenic dispersion from contaminated water or soil by phytoremediation (Tsai et al. 2009).

The specific advantages of microbial remediation depend on the microorganism used as sorbent, but they include the small size of the microorganisms, their metabolic capacity, the large number of available genome sequences that can be exploited, and the simplicity and low cost of the process (Tsai et al. 2009). Some microbial species serve as unspecific chelators, binding arsenic species to the cell surface; however, there are also species that while they take up AsV, they extrude the more toxic AsIII (Tsai et al. 2009). Nevertheless, there are only a few studies describing the use of bacteria, mostly Escherichia coli, for arsenic immobilization-accumulation and/or speciation analysis. Three strategies have so far been developed, and they can be combined to obtain a higher accumulation yield: the expression of arsenic-chelating proteins that retain arsenic inside the cell, the expression of membrane channels or porins that increase arsenic uptake, and the deletion of genes involved in AsIII efflux. Chelating proteins include those that are arsenic-specific, such as the arsenic repressor protein (ArsR), but also those that chelate several metals (Kostal et al. 2004; Singh et al. 2008a, b). Both can result in significant arsenic accumulation. For example, recombinant E. coli strains overexpressing metallothioneins (metal-chelating proteins) from the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus accumulated 30- and 26-fold more AsIII and AsV, respectively, than the original strain (Singh et al. 2008b). The same authors described a three-fold increase in accumulated arsenic by the overexpression in E. coli of the EcglpF gene, encoding the aquaglyceroporin GlpF (involved in AsIII uptake). The heterologous coexpression in E. coli of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe phytochelatin synthase (SpPCS) and the γ-glutamylcysteine synthase (Spgsh) genes increased arsenic accumulation 36-fold (Singh et al. 2010). Removal of genes involved in AsIII efflux was also shown to enhance accumulation by 80-fold in an E. coli strain coexpressing Spgsh and EcglpF genes (Singh et al. 2010). However, E. coli is not a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) microorganism according to the US FDA, thus hindering its release into the environment for remediation purposes.

Corynebacterium glutamicum is a gram-positive GRAS bacterium (Meiswinkel et al. 2013) of the actinobacteria-corynebacteria group. Its two functional and inducible ars operons (ars1 and ars2) are organized as a larger arsR-acr3-arsC operon (with slight modifications) that encodes the repressor proteins [ArsR1 (NCgl1452) and ArsR2 (NCgl0257)], the arsenite permease efflux pumps [Acr3-1 (NCgl1453) and Acr3-2 (NCgl0258], and the arsenate reductases [ArsC1 (NCgl1454) and ArsC2 (NCgl0259)] (Villadangos et al. 2011). ArsC1 and ArsC2 reduce AsV using the mycothiol/mycoredoxin-1 redox system (Ordoñez et al. 2009). In addition, the C. glutamicum ars1 operon constitutively expresses the gene for ArsC1’ (NCgl1455) at very low levels. ArsC1’ reduces AsV to AsIII using electrons from the thioredoxin/thioredoxin reductase system (Villadangos et al. 2011). Cellular exposure to AsV is followed by its entry into the cell via phosphate uptake systems (Pst/Pit), its reduction to AsIII by the arsenate reductases ArsC1/ArsC2 (principally), and the extrusion of this reduced form by the arsenite permeases Acr3-1/Acr3-2, with energy supplied by the membrane potential (Villadangos et al. 2012).

In previous reports, we described the kinetic uptake of AsV and AsIII in C. glutamicum wild-type and mutant strains (Feo et al. 2007; Villadangos et al. 2010) and determined their intracellular equilibrium parameters. Most of the mutant strains used in those studies were further exploited in the present work (see Table 1), in particular C. glutamicum 2Δars (lacking the two ars operons; Ordóñez et al. 2008), C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2 (double mutant of arsenate reductases; Ordoñez et al. 2009), C. glutamicum MshA/C (mutants unable to synthesize mycothiol; Ordoñez et al. 2009), and C. glutamicum 2Acr3 (double mutant of arsenite permeases; Villadangos et al. 2012). Based on the knowledge obtained with those strains, we re-engineered C. glutamicum to obtain AsV- and AsIII-accumulating cells and then examined the potential of these newly created strains as effective biocontainers to decontaminate arsenic-polluted water sources.

Table 1 Bacterial strains and plasmids

Materials and methods

Bacterial strains

The bacterial strains and plasmids used in this work are described in Table 1. All the strains (wild type and mutants) described in the present work are deposited in the public strain collection located at the Microbiology Area of the University of León (Spain).

Cell cultures, chemicals, and general methods for nucleic acid, proteins, and staining

E. coli was grown in Luria-Bertani (LB) complex medium and incubated at 37 °C with shaking (220 rpm). C. glutamicum was grown in complex medium TSB (tryptone soy broth) at 30 °C or with 2 % agar (TSA; Oxoid, Hampshire, UK) added as needed (Ordóñez et al. 2005). The cells were cultured in minimal medium for corynebacteria low in phosphate (MMCLP) when AsV resistance was assayed (Villadangos et al. 2010). As required, the medium was supplemented with 50 μg kanamycin/ml, 100 μg ampicillin or apramycin/ml for E. coli, and 8 μg chloramphenicol/ml, 12.5 μg kanamycin or apramycin/ml for C. glutamicum. Cell growth was evaluated by monitoring the absorbance of the cultures at 600 nm (A600nm) on a UV-visible spectrophotometer (Hitachi V-200, Tokio, Japan).

All chemicals were of analytical reagent grade and obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) or Sigma-Aldrich (Gillingham, UK). Arsenic stock solutions were freshly prepared by dissolving sodium arsenite (NaAsO2; AsIII) or disodium hydrogen arsenate (HNa2AsO4·7H2O; AsV) in water. Freshly prepared transport assay buffer (TAB), containing 75 mM HEPES-KOH (pH 7.3), 150 mM K2SO4, and 1 mM MgSO4, was used in the arsenic retention analyses (Villadangos et al. 2010).

The Neisser staining technique was carried out as previously described (Alcántara et al. 2014).

DNA purification and manipulation, plasmid constructions, E. coli transformation, and plasmid transfer from E. coli to C. glutamicum strains by conjugation were carried out as previously described (Mateos et al. 1994; Ordóñez et al. 2005).

For protein analysis, appropriate C. glutamicum was grown in TSB until A600nm = 1. The harvested cells were broken using Fast Prep FP120 (Thermo BIO101, MA). The amount of protein present in the samples was measured in a Bradford assay. The protein pattern was verified by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie blue staining (Villadangos et al. 2012).

Construction of recombinant plasmids

The gene structure of the ars1 and ars2 operons from C. glutamicum is depicted inside the Fig. 4. The following genes were PCR-amplified using the corresponding primer pairs described in Table 2 and DNA from C. glutamicum ATCC 13032, Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC 13129, Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), or plasmid pET28a-ArsD109 as templates: (i) Cgppk2A (NCgl0880), Cgppk2B (NCgl2620), CgarsR1, and CgarsR2 from C. glutamicum; (ii) glpF from C. diphtheriae (CdglpF; DIP2236) and S. coelicolor (ScglpF; SCO1659); and (iii) the E. coli arsD109 gene (a truncated functional fragment) from the E. coli R773-ars operon (EcarsD; GenBank: U13073.1). The PCR-amplified fragments (993-bp Cgppk2A; 951-bp Cgppk2B; 368-bp CgarsR1; 469-bp CgarsR2; 768-bp CdglpF; 822-bp ScglpF; 327-bp EcarsD) were NdeI-XhoI digested and subcloned into the E. coli plasmid pXHisNpro. The recombinant derivatives of this plasmid were BglII-digested, yielding expression cassettes that were cloned into the bifunctional vector pECM2 (BamHI-digested). The resulting plasmids, pEppk2A, pEppk2B, pEarsR1, pEarsR2 pEglpCd, pEglpSc, and pEarsD (Table 1), were used to transform E. coli S17-1 and then individually transferred to C. glutamicum background strains (Ordóñez et al. 2005).

Table 2 Primers used in the present work

Arsenic accumulation by “resting cells”

C. glutamicum was grown overnight in TSB medium containing the appropriate antibiotics. The preculture was used to inoculate TSB (AsIII assays) or MMCLP (AsV assays) medium; these cultures were grown until A600nm = 2. The cells were harvested, washed, and resuspended to a density corresponding to A600nm = 60; under these conditions, the cells are in a nongrowing state and hence considered as resting cells.

Arsenic accumulation was assayed by adding 100 μl of “resting cells” to 900 μl of TAB containing the desired AsIII or AsV concentration, for a total reaction mix volume of 1 ml. At the indicated times, 100-μl aliquots of the reaction mix were withdrawn and filtered through 0.45-μm nitrocellulose filters (Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany). Cells retained on the filters were washed twice with 5 ml of TAB. Filtering and washing were carried out using a “ten place filter manifold” (Hoefer-FH 225V, San Francisco, CA, USA). The filters, which contained the retained cells, were treated with 70 % nitric acid at 70 °C until total digestion. The digested material was diluted with HPLC-quality water to bring each sample to a final volume of 10 ml. The amount of arsenic accumulated by the resting cells was directly quantified by ICP-MS (Varian, San Francisco, CA, USA). All experiments were carried out in triplicate.

Arsenic resistance analysis

C. glutamicum controls and mutants were grown overnight in TSB medium with the appropriate antibiotics. This preculture was then used to inoculate TSB or MMCLP medium containing the indicated concentrations of AsIII or AsV, respectively. After about 16 h of incubation, cell growth was evaluated at by measuring the A600nm. The arsenic resistance value for a strain cultured in broth was defined as the arsenic concentration that accounted for a 20 % of the A600nm compared to the value obtained for the same strain grown in the same medium without arsenic (100 %; Villadangos et al. 2012). All experiments were carried out in triplicate.

Cellular dry weight calculation

Different volumes of resting cells were added to preweighed nitrocellulose filters (0.45-μm pore diameter; Millipore). The filters were dried at 65 °C and weighed again (Mettler AE240, Illinois-USA; sensitivity of ±0.01 mg). The reported results are the average of ten independent assays. A relationship between the cell volume and dry weight of the resting cells was determined with respect to a standardized curve; thus, the dry cell weight (DCW) of a 100-μl resting cell suspension (A600nm = 6) was 0.24 mg.


Engineered C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2 mutants specifically accumulate arsenate

The natural Asv resistance of C. glutamicum is mediated by its efficient arsenate reductases, ArsC1 and ArsC2 (each from one ars operon), two major cellular mycothiol-based single-cysteine reductases (Ordoñez et al. 2009). By contrast, the three-cysteine homodimer ArsC1’ (encoded by CgarsC1’ of the ars1 operon) is constitutively expressed but at low basal levels (Villadangos et al. 2011). To determine whether arsenate reductase mutant strains accumulate AsV, resting cell suspensions were incubated with 0.1 mM AsV for 2 h. The three tested C. glutamicum mutant strains carried single or double mutations obtained by independent or double disruptions of CgarsC1 and CgarsC2 (respectively, C. glutamicum ArsC1, ArsC2, and ArsC1-C2; Table 1) (Ordoñez et al. 2009). AsV retention by the C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2 mutant (28.50 nmol As/mg DCW) was about 28-fold higher than that of the control strain RES167 (Fig. 1a and Supplemental Table S1). Differences between C. glutamicum RES167 and either of the single mutants (C. glutamicum ArsC1 or ArsC2) were not significant (Fig. 1a). The mutant C. glutamicum 2∆ars, lacking both the ars1 and ars2 operons (Table 1), accumulated the same amount of AsV (28.80 nmol/mg) as the ArsC1-C2 mutant. The increase in AsV accumulation by the ArsC1-C2 and 2∆ars mutants was concomitant with their hypersensitivity to this arsenic species (0.10 mM; Fig. 1a). Moreover, their ability to accumulate relatively large amounts of AsV suggested that the constitutively expressed arsenate reductase ArsC1’ is hardly involved in the reduction of AsV to AsIII, as noted elsewhere (Villadangos et al. 2011).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Arsenate accumulation/resistance of C. glutamicum ars and msh mutant strains. The AsV contents (white columns) of C. glutamicum RES167 (control) and the (a) arsC and (c) msh mutants were determined 2 h after the cells were incubated with AsV (0.1 mM). AsV resistance (black columns) was assayed by culturing the strains in MMCLP medium for 16 h at the indicated AsV concentrations. Error bars indicate the standard deviation from three independent assays. RES167 C. glutamicum RES167; ArsC1 C. glutamicum ArsC1; ArsC2 C. glutamicum ArsC2; ArsC1-C2 C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2; 2∆ars C. glutamicum 2∆ars; MshA C. glutamicum MshA; MshB C. glutamicum MshB; MshC C. glutamicum MshC; MshD C. glutamicum MshD. (b) Time course of the AsV accumulated by C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2 exposed to the following: AsV 0.1 mM (black circle), AsIII 0.2 mM (white circle), AsIII 1 mM (inverted black triangle), or combinations of AsV (0.1 mM) and AsIII [0.2 mM (white triangle) or 1 mM (black square)]

To investigate whether the mutant C. glutamicum ArsC1-C2 can be used for arsenic speciation, the time-dependent accumulation of arsenic was analyzed in the presence of AsIII, either alone or in combination with AsV. In the ArsC1-C2 mutant, the presence of AsIII did not affect AsV accumulation, as even when the concentration of AsIII was 10-fold higher than that of AsV, the amount of retained arsenic was the same as in the absence of AsIII (Fig. 1b). This result suggested that incorporated AsIII is rapidly removed from the cell by functional arsenite permeases (Acr3-1/Acr3-2), whereas AsV accumulates because of the absence of functional arsenate reductases (Villadangos et al. 2011; Ordoñez et al. 2009). Similar results were obtained in a study of Arabidopsis thaliana, in which silencing of the arsenate reductase gene Atacr2 led to AsV hyperaccumulation (Dhankher et al. 2006).

Msh mutants accumulate arsenate

Mycothiol (MSH) is a glutathione surrogate present at millimolar concentrations specifically within actinobacteria (Ordoñez et al. 2009). It plays a critical role in cellular protection against oxidative stress and, as indicated above, in providing electrons for AsV reduction by some arsenate reductases. Therefore, we asked whether AsV accumulation could be improved under conditions of MSH depletion. Because MSH biosynthesis involves the genes CgmshA, CgmshB, CgmshC, and CgmshD (Newton et al. 2008), we analyzed AsV resistance and accumulation in the respective mutant strains, all of which showed increased AsV sensitivity. The MshA and MshC mutants were the most sensitive of the msh mutant strains, with sensitivities similar to that of the ArsC1-C2 double mutant (0.05 mM; Fig. 1 and Supplemental Table S1), whereas the AsV sensitivities of the MshB and MshD mutants were lower (40–45 mM; Fig. 1c). These findings are in agreement with previous results showing that MSH is a cofactor of the C. glutamicum arsenate reductases ArsC1 and ArsC2 (Ordoñez et al. 2008).

In the accumulation analyses, the highest retention values were likewise those of the MshA and MshC mutant strains: 27.50 and 30.00 nmol/mg, respectively (Fig. 1c), whereas retention by MshB or MshD was not significantly different than by the control strain RES167 (Fig. 1c).Our results are in agreement with those of Newton et al. (2008), in their study of MSH mutants in Mycobacterium smegmatis: In those strains, MshA and MshC activities were shown to be essential for MSH production, in contrast to the “leaky” behaviors of the MshB and MshD mutants.

Polyphosphate accumulation has no effect on arsenate accumulation or resistance

One of the mechanisms for metal tolerance is the sequestration of metal cations by long polymers of poly-phosphate (poly-P) (Pan-Hou et al. 2002), whose presence seems to alleviate cell stress (Alcántara et al. 2014). Since C. glutamicum has been shown to synthesize poly-P granules (Lindner et al. 2007), we examined whether they are involved in AsV accumulation and/or resistance.

C. glutamicum contains two enzymes involved in poly-P biosynthesis, PPK2A and PPK2B (Lindner et al. 2007). Thus, we engineered C. glutamicum strains to express the Cgppk2A or Cgppk2B gene in multicopy plasmids (pEppk2A and pEppk2B; Table 1) that were then transferred to the AsV-accumulating strains ArsC1-C2 and 2∆ars. An analysis of AsV resistance and retention by these Cgppk2-carrying strains failed to show any differences compared to the parent strains (Supplemental Fig. S1), which suggests that the overexpression of poly-P biosynthesis genes in C. glutamicum is not involved in AsV resistance or accumulation. To verify that AsV has an effect on polyphosphate granule structure, ArsC1-C2 and 2∆ars mutant strains with or without pEppk2A and pEppk2B plasmids were grown in the presence of different AsV concentrations. Engineered C. glutamicum cells were stained using the poly-P specific Neisser technique and then observed under the microscope. Mutant strains overexpressing the Cgppk2 genes contained large poly-P granules that clearly disaggregated in proportion to the presence of AsV (data not shown). These results showed that in C. glutamicum, poly-P granules do not contribute to arsenic resistance or accumulation.

Arsenite accumulates in arsenite permease mutant strains

C. glutamicum RES167 is highly tolerant of AsIII, as shown by its resistance to concentrations up to 12.00 mM (Fig. 2a). This is likely due to the following: (i) the presence of two functional arsenite Acr3 permeases, Acr3-1 and Acr3-2, which actively extrude AsIII from C. glutamicum cells (Villadangos et al. 2012), or (ii) the apparent lack of genes used for AsIII uptake. To determine whether, in the first case, disrupting this efflux mechanism would increase the amount of intracellular AsIII, we analyzed AsIII accumulation in C. glutamicum RES167 (control) and in the 2Acr3 and 2Δars mutants (Table 1). AsIII accumulation was assayed using resting cells, either by (i) AsIII addition (1 mM) to the reaction mix or (ii) AsV addition (0.1 mM) only to the reaction mix used to assay the mutant 2Acr3, which contains functional arsenate reductases and therefore should accumulate AsIII.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Arsenite accumulation/resistance of C. glutamicum acr3 mutant strains. The AsIII contents (white columns) of C. glutamicum RES167 and the 2Acr3 and 2∆ars mutants were determined after 2 h of incubation with AsIII (1 mM) or AsV (0.1 mM). AsIII (a) and AsV (b) resistance (black columns) was assayed by culturing the strains for 16 h in, respectively, TSB or MMCLP medium containing different AsIII or AsV concentrations. Error bars indicate the standard deviation from three independent experiments. RES167 C. glutamicum RES167; 2Acr3 C. glutamicum 2Acr3; 2∆ars C. glutamicum 2∆ars

The results showed that the resistance of the 2Acr3 and 2Δars mutants to AsIII (0.40 and 0.10 mM, respectively; Fig. 2a) was very different from that of the control strain RES167 (12.00 mM). However, they retained significantly more AsIII, 3.60 and 1.94 nmol/mg, respectively (7.2- and 4-fold) than the control RES167 (0.50 nmol/mg; Fig. 2a). When strain 2Acr3 was assayed in the presence of AsV, the AsIII retention values were even higher, 7.44 nmol/mg (15-fold vs strain RES167; Fig. 2b). These results are in agreement with those reported for growing cells of C. glutamicum strain 2Acr3 (Feo et al. 2007), which mostly accumulated the AsIII form, independent of the arsenic species (AsIII or AsV) present in the medium. This increased accumulation of AsIII by strain 2Acr3 when assayed in the presence of AsV was shown to be due to the facilitated entry of the latter species (in the absence of phosphate) in cells containing functional ArsC1 and ArsC2 arsenate reductases.

Overexpression of arsenite uptake porins, but not chelators, improves arsenic accumulation

In aqueous solution and at neutral pH, AsIII usually enters bacterial cells through aquaglyceroporins (GlpF). This reflects the fact that AsIII is for the most part protonated to form arsenic hydroxide [As(OH)3], which structurally resembles glycerol [C3H5(OH)3] (Meng et al. 2004), the latter the main compound taken by GlpF.

Since no glpF homologs were found in the C. glutamicum genome, we attempted to increase cellular AsIII uptake/accumulation by the heterologous expression in C. glutamicum of glpF genes from two actinobacteria: C. diphtheriae NCTC 13129 (CdglpF) and S. coelicolor A3(2) (ScglpF). The AsIII resistance of cells overexpressing CdglpF or ScglpF decreased (6.00 and 8.00 mM, respectively) compared to the control strains (12.00 mM; Fig. 3a). An analysis of the AsIII uptake rate in these strains showed that the expression of CdglpF and ScglpF in C. glutamicum RES167 improved AsIII uptake by 2.6- and 2.1-fold, respectively (Fig. 3a). This result provides evidence for the involvement of GlpF in AsIII uptake, as observed in other bacteria and eukaryotes (Liu et al. 2002; Meng et al. 2004).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Arsenite uptake, accumulation, and resistance assays in C. glutamicum mutants. AsIII accumulation was evaluated in cultures grown in the presence of 1 mM AsIII for (a) short (7 min; uptake) or (b), (c) long (2 h) time periods. Resistance was determined in cultures grown in TSB medium with increasing AsIII concentrations. (a) AsIII uptake (white columns) and resistance (black columns) assays using C. glutamicum RES167 as the following: (i) the control strain; (ii) the background strain containing the multicopy control (pECM2) or recombinant plasmids containing the glpF genes: pEglpCd or pEglpSc. (b) AsIII accumulation assays using C. glutamicum 2Δars (white columns) or 2Acr3 (black columns) as (i) control strains; (ii) the background strain for plasmids pECM2, pEglpCd, or pEglpSc. (c) AsIII accumulation (white columns) and resistance (black columns) assays using C. glutamicum 2Δars as (i) the control strain; (ii) the background strain for plasmids pECM2, pEarsR1, pEarsR2, or pEarsD. Error bars indicate the standard deviation

Next, we asked whether the expression of glpF led to additional AsIII accumulation in the 2Acr3 and 2∆ars strains. Indeed, strains 2Acr3 and 2∆ars expressing CdglpF or ScglpF accumulated between 1.5- and 2-fold more arsenic than the background strains, with the expression of CdglpF more effective than that of ScglpF in terms of arsenic accumulation (Fig. 3b). AsIII accumulation was highest (11-fold vs the RES167 control strain) in strain C. glutamicum 2Acr3 harboring plasmid pEglpCd (Figs. 2 and 3). Cellular extracts from RES167 and the recombinant strains 2Δars and 2Acr3, each containing plasmids pECM2 (control), pEglpCd and pEglpSc, were analyzed by SDS-PAGE in order to visualize the possible incremental expression of GlpF proteins. In all cases, extracts from the strains containing recombinant plasmids yielded an additional band (related to controls) of around 25 kDa, very close to the expected size of CdGlpF (25.6 kDa) or ScGlpF (26.8 kDa). The band was more intense when strain 2Δars was used as the background (see Supplemental Fig. S2).

An additional strategy to increase AsIII accumulation in C. glutamicum is the cellular expression of chelating proteins (acting as possible biosorbents) containing thiol groups such as those present in cysteines. A similar affinity has been shown between metals such as AsIII and SbIII and certain cellular metallorepresors, which regulate downstream gene expression depending on their presence. In E. coli, there are two well-known proteins capable of binding AsIII: the regulator ArsR and the metallo-chaperone ArsD. Therefore, we examined whether AsIII retention was enhanced when strain C. glutamicum 2Δars (used as background) contained either additional copies of the genes CgarsR1/CgarsR2 or expressed the functional fragment of the protein encoded by the EcarsD gene; the latter protein is a truncated version of native E. coli ArsD but has the same affinity for AsIII (Yang et al. 2011). None of the recombinant strains increased AsIII accumulation (Fig. 3c) nor was there an apparent change in the protein expression pattern, as determined by SDS-PAGE of the recombinant strains (see Supplemental Fig. S2). In our system, the overexpression of CgarsR1/CgarsR2 genes in C. glutamicum 2Δars was apparently toxic, as the growth of this strain was delayed in the presence of AsIII; however, we also cannot rule out that the cause was problems with the expression (transcription or translation) of plasmids containing metalloregulatory genes.


The abundance of arsenic in the Earth’s crust and the toxicity of this metal for all forms of life have highlighted the urgent need for bioremediation measures (Drewniak and Sklodowska 2013). However, despite the growing interest in bacteria as effective tools for bioremediation, thus far, there have been very few such efforts with respect to arsenic bioremediation (Tsai et al. 2009).

Among the many possible arsenic bioremediation processes, the preferred method has been intracellular accumulation by bacteria or yeasts, either exponentially growing cells (Singh et al. 2010; Dhankher et al. 2006) or resting cells (Singh et al. 2008b; Kostal et al. 2004). In growing cells, exposure to high concentrations of arsenic can hamper growth, leading to suboptimal accumulation (Shah et al. 2010). Therefore, in this work, we examined arsenic accumulation in resting cells suspended in TAB containing the appropriate arsenic concentration. This system is more readily reproducible, and the results are more homogeneous between replicates. The chemical and physical conditions used to assess arsenic accumulation in C. glutamicum were established in two previously published studies (Feo et al. 2007; Villadangos et al. 2010). An AsV concentration of 0.1 mM was shown to be the adequate to perform accumulation assays in the absence of phosphate, whereas for AsIII a 10-fold higher concentration (1 mM) is needed for accumulation, even though the cellular toxicity of AsIII is much higher than that of AsV (Tsai et al. 2009). This is likely due to the lack of GlpF in C. glutamicum, as in most organisms, this protein is involved in both glycerol and AsIII uptake (Meng et al. 2004). In agreement with this line of reasoning is the recent observation that C. glutamicum is unable to grow on glycerol as the unique carbon source (Meiswinkel et al. 2013).

The aim of this study was to design genetically modified C. glutamicum strains able to accumulate and/or speciate different arsenic species (AsIII or AsV), for their eventual use as specific biocontainers. Our efforts to improve arsenic accumulation in the GRAS bacterium C. glutamicum met with varying degrees of success. Thus, whereas arsenic retention was improved by the removal of the arsenic reduction (ArsC) or efflux (Acr3) systems or by the expression of cloned genes for arsenic uptake proteins (GlpFs), this was not the case for the expression of biosorbents, in contrast to previous work on the homologous overexpression of E. coli EcarsR or the expression of the F. vesiculosus metallothionein (Kostal et al. 2004; Singh et al. 2008b).

The prevalence of AsV in contaminated water reservoirs (more than 50 % of total arsenic; Shen et al. 2012) makes AsV an important target of bioremediation. Efficient AsV biocontainers in C. glutamicum were obtained by the removal of either both arsenate reductase genes (CgarsC1 and CgarsC2; ArsC1-C2 mutant) or the genes involved in MSH synthesis (CgmshA or CgmshC; MshA and MshC mutants). None of these mutant strains were able to reduce AsV to AsIII, and they accumulated AsV in amounts (27.50–30.00 nmol/mg) that were 28- to 30-fold higher than accumulated by the RES167 control strain (Supplemental Table S1). Furthermore, our mutants are the most efficient bacterial AsV biocontainers described to date: at working concentrations (10 μM of AsV) equivalent to those used to study an E. coli arsenate reductase mutant (strain AW10; Singh et al. 2008b), C. glutamicum mutants accumulated 9- to 10-fold more AsV (5.8 nmol/mg; data not shown). Finally, these strains are specific for AsV accumulation, since they did not accumulate additional AsIII (Fig. 1b).

In addition, by removing the systems that allow AsIII extrusion (Cgacr3-1 and Cgacr3-2 genes), we obtained effective AsIII biocontainers. The expression of genes involved in AsIII uptake and transport also increased AsIII accumulation, with overexpression of the arsenite transporters CdglpF and ScglpF in these AsIII biocontainers having a significant effect on AsIII retention. The expression of CdglpF in the 2Acr3 mutant led to improved AsIII bioaccumulation, with 2- and 11-fold increases over the amount retained by the background 2Acr3 and the control strain RES167, respectively (Supplemental Table S1). However, the amount of AsIII retained cannot be directly compared with that achieved using other microbial biocontainers because the absence of “optimal” AsIII uptake systems makes wild-type corynebacteria very resistant to this arsenic species. How AsIII is incorporated by C. glutamicum is unclear, but the absence of glpF genes may constitute an evolutionary survival mechanism for this saprophytic bacterium. In assays in which E. coli recombinant strains were used as biocontainers, the AsIII working concentrations were much lower (10–100 μM; Singh et al. 2010; Kostal et al. 2004) than those used in this study with corynebacteria (1 mM) and would have been insufficient concentrations to achieve significant accumulation rates. In E. coli recombinant strains overexpressing the genes arsR, PCS, glpF, or MT, AsIII accumulation increased by 10- to 50-fold (Sauge-Merle et al. 2003; Singh et al. 2010).

In summary, our engineered C. glutamicum strains have the potential to serve as bioremediation tools, by accumulating large amounts of arsenic. In addition, since these strains differentially accumulate AsV and AsIII, a bacterial consortium based on C. glutamicum mutant strains and bacteria able to oxidize AsIII to AsV, such as Ochrobactrum tritici (Branco et al. 2009), would offer a novel and efficient bio-tool for arsenic bioremediation using a two-step system for arsenic detoxification. In the first step, AsIII would be oxidized to AsV by O. tritici (Fig. 4a); in the second, AsV and the remaining AsIII would be accumulated by engineered C. glutamicum strains (mutants ArsC1-C2, Msh or Acr3-1/2; Fig. 4b). C. glutamicum mutant strains are therefore a promising and safe approach to arsenic bioremediation in contaminated environments, given that, with appropriate controls, they can be safely released into the environment.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Proposed microbial consortium system for the bioremediation of inorganic arsenic species. (a) In aquatic environments and at neutral pH, some species of bacteria (e.g., Ochrobactrum tritici) use periplasmic arsenite oxidases (Aso/Aox proteins) to oxidize arsenite [As(OH)3; AsIII] to arsenate (AsO4 3−; AsV), which provides an energy source. (b) When phosphate levels (PO4 3−) in the environment are low, engineered C. glutamicum strains can use the Pst/Pit system to incorporate AsV. Strains lacking functional arsenate reductases (ArsC1/C2; involved in biochemical conversion of AsV to AsIII) or unable to synthesize MSH (UP) accumulate AsV; mutant strains lacking arsenite permeases activities (Acr3-1/2; involved in cellular extrusion of AsIII) and expressing heterologous GlpF proteins (CdGlpF/ScGlpF) (DOWN) incorporate both arsenic species, but only AsIII is finally accumulated. The gene structure of the ars1 and ars2 operons of C. glutamicum is indicated: CgarsRs encode the repressor proteins; CgarsC1’ encodes the thioredoxin-dependent arsenate reductase