Marine Biology (2003) 143:369–379

Due to an unfortunate error Table 1 has been printed incorrect. The correct table is printed below.

Table 1. Morphological characters, their perceived reliabilitya for identifying species of Aurelia (✓ reliable; [✓] inconsistent; ✗ unreliable), and the corresponding features measured in this study. Form of bell margin includes rhopalium structure, notch pattern, and number of lobes. Bell height by Mayer (1910) appears to be vertical distance from margin to apex of bell when medusae is contracted, possibly analogous to “vaulting” mentioned by Kramp (1965). For Kramp (1965), bell height is the “thickness of jelly”. Bell width used by Mayer (1910) is the range of values while bell width used by Gershwin (2001) appears to be the maximum measured. Gershwin (2001) refers to differences in the point of origin of mouth-arms, which may be an artefact of manubrium size, whereas other authors refer to shape, size, frilliness, etc. Canals at genital sinus is the number of primary branches arising from each lobe of the gastric pouch