
Statistical techniques like multivariate regression have been used to develop outcome prediction models like APACHE, SAPS and MPM where age, pre-existing chronic diseases, clinical parameters, physiological derangements, surgical status and acute problems requiring ICU admission have been used to predict survival or death [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. However, these statistical methods are constrained by the types of mathematical relationship between independent variables and outcomes that can be supported [6, 7]. Several models of artificial intelligence techniques have been used in the ICU [8, 9]. One such technique suited to predict mortality is the artificial neural network [8, 9] (See Appendix A for details on artificial neural networks). The commonest learning mechanism in artificial neural networks is the back-propagation algorithm, wherein the system predicts the outcome for each patient based on past experience (memory) and compares this with actual outcome. In this algorithm, an error is propagated backwards to update nodes and thus improve the prediction accuracy [6, 7].

Three previous studies have attempted to compare artificial neural network models with logistic regression models in small data sets in ICU settings [10, 11, 12]. However, these models have not been validated extensively. Our goal in this paper is to compare neural networks with an already validated and commonly used outcome prediction model. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) is a logistic regression model that is widely used and is considered the benchmark scoring system [13]. Moreover, besides in the US, it is applied in various countries including UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Japan, New Zealand, Brazil and India [4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22].

The question remains whether a model such as APACHE II is better at predicting hospital outcome than a model derived from Indian patients treated in an Indian hospital. We therefore attempted to compare the predictive accuracy of artificial neural networks derived from Indian patients with the APACHE II scoring system.

Material and methods

The patients were aged more than 12 years and admitted to the 17-bedded Medical-neurological Intensive Care Unit of King Edward Memorial, Mumbai, India between January 1996 and May 1998. The King Edward Memorial Hospital is an 1,800-bed municipal hospital and tertiary referral center. In addition to patients with medical disorders, the medical intensive care unit also admits critically ill neurosurgical patients. The raw data used to obtain the APACHE II score were prospectively collected in all patients admitted to the ICU. The values recorded were the most abnormal/extreme physiological values during the first 24 h of ICU admission. The variables used in our study are given in Fig. 1. The hospital outcome (discharge or death) was also recorded. The probability of hospital mortality, p, was derived from the APACHE II equation [6]:

Fig. 1
figure 1

Graphic representation of variables and their information gain using the training set of 1,962 intensive care unit patients

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {{{\text{Ln}}\;{\text{p}}/{\left( {{\text{1}} - {\text{p}}} \right)}} \hfill} & {{ = - {\text{3}}{\text{.517}} + {\left( {{\text{0}}{\text{.146}}*{\text{APACHE}}\;{\text{II}}\;{\text{score}}} \right)}} \hfill} \\ {{} \hfill} & {{ + {\left( {{\text{0}}{\text{.603}}*{\text{post - emergency}}\;{\text{operation}}\;{\text{status}}} \right)} + {\text{disease}}\;{\text{category}}\;{\text{coefficient}}} \hfill} \\ \end{array} $$

The artificial neural network architecture used was a feed-forward, back-propagation network with two hidden layers. A hidden layer is a layer of nodes between the input layer and output layer. Each hidden layer had 15 hidden units (nodes). Control for over-fitting was based on a 30% holdout subset of the training set. A learning rate of 0.01 was used. The hidden units weights were initialized with random numbers. Other parameters like momentum and number of iterations were optimized in an internal holdout set to obtain the best performance. The training was stopped when the predictive error reached a minimum on this set. All the artificial neural networks were implemented and tested using the DB2 Intelligent Miner software by IBM. The details of the technique are provided in Appendix A (Electronic Supplementary Material).

Two neural network models were developed, one with all the 22 variables and the other with 15 variables. These 15 variables were the variables with the highest information gain. Information gain is measured by calculation of entropy, which quantifies the effectiveness of a single variable or attribute in classifying the data that is used for training the artificial neural network [23]. The higher the information gain, the better is the variable in classifying the data into different categories. An example of this is discussed in Appendix B (Electronic Supplementary Material)

In the present study, 1,000 cases (of the total of 2,962 cases) were randomly selected and kept aside to serve as the test set (previously unseen cases in whom the artificial neural network would be used to see if it could correctly predict outcome). The remaining 1,962 cases were taken as the training set and a neural network model was developed based on these 1,962 cases. Initially all the 22 variables (attributes) that are used to predict mortality in the APACHE II model were taken to develop the network. While the APACHE II system uses PaO2 for calculating the APACHE II score when the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) is less than 0.5 and the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient when the FIO2 is 0.5 or more, we used the PaO2 and FIO2 as input variables for the neural network. The APACHE II system considers the presence of any one chronic system disorder in assigning chronic health points, while we considered each of these five system disorders (namely chronic liver, renal, respiratory and cardiovascular dysfunction and immunocompromised state) separately in the artificial neural network model. Actual values were used for all variables except presence and absence of acute renal failure and the chronic disease variables.

A subsequent review of the entropy or information gain of the 22 variables revealed that 7 variables contributed very little to outcome prediction. Therefore only 15 variables with highest entropy were selected for building the next neural network model. All three models, namely the APACHE II, artificial neural network model with 22 input variables (ANN22) and artificial neural network model with 15 input variables (ANN15) were then used to predict the outcome in the validation set of 1,000 patients and the accuracy of these three methods in outcome prediction was compared.

As a statistical method, the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) was used to study the calibration (the accuracy of the system in predicting group outcomes over the entire range of outcome risks) [24]. The Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) was tested on a chi-square distribution with eight degrees of freedom for the developmental set and ten degrees of freedom for the validation set [25, 26]. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was used to assess discrimination (the ability of the system to distinguish between individual patients who lived and those who died). The calculation for the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was made using the method described by Hanley and McNeil [27, 28].


We studied 2,962 ICU patients (Table 1). Of these cases, 1,000 cases were randomly selected and kept aside as the test cases. Using data from the remaining 1,962 cases, the ANN22 was built taking 22 variables. The entropy (information gain) for all the variables are given in Fig. 1. From these data, it can be inferred that Glasgow Coma Score is the factor that would best predict prognosis, followed by the FIO2, PO2 and so on. As a second stage we then eliminated the seven variables with least information gain and included only the top 15 variables according to their information gain. Another artificial neural network model was built with these 15 variables using data from the same 1,962 patients.

Table I Characteristics of 2,962 patients admitted to the Medical ICU of the King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India

All three models, the APACHE II, ANN22 and ANN15, were then used to predict the outcome in the test set of 1,000 patients and the accuracy of these three methods in outcome prediction were compared (Table 2). Using the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) for evaluating the calibration of the three systems, the value of Ĥ for the ANN22 was 22.4, for the ANN15 it was 27.7 and for APACHE II it was 123.5 (Fig. 2). Even though the values of Ĥ for the two artificial neural network models were less than that for the APACHE II model, all the three models displayed significantly poor fit (p<0.05) on the validation database when the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) was tested on a chi-square distribution with ten degrees of freedom. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for APACHE II was 0.77. This was significantly less compared to ANN22, which was 0.87(p<0.002), and ANN15, which was 0.88 (p<0.001), suggesting that the artificial neural network models were able to distinguish between survivors and non-survivors more reliably that APACHE II.

Table 2 Data of 1,000 patients (test set) grouped in deciles of risk of death, along with the predicted and actual deaths in each category using all the three prediction models
Fig. 2
figure 2

Calibration curves for the APACHE II system and the two artificial neural network models in 1,000 Indian ICU patients (test set). ANN 22 is the artificial neural network model which uses 22 variables used by the APACHE II system and the ANN 15 model uses only those 15 variables from the ANN22 model that had the highest information gain

On the developmental set, the ANN22 had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.887 and Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) of 39.4. For the ANN15, the model on the developmental set had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.884 and Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) of 52.1. For the APACHE II, the area under receiver operating characteristic curve on the development set was 0.767 and Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) was 248.7.


We found that the performance of the two models of neural networks was significantly superior to that of the APACHE II model when applied to the given data set. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the artificial neural networks models showed better discriminative capabilities (accuracy of predicting whether an individual patient would survive or die) as compared to APACHE II model. However, the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (Ĥ) showed that overall goodness-of-fit with the artificial neural network models was comparable to the APACHE II model. This statistical test is used to compare prediction of group outcomes over the entire range of predicted outcomes [4, 24].

While some studies have shown neural networks superior to regression models for some medical problems [10, 11, 29], others have shown no significant differences between the regression and neural network models [12]. Three previous papers have compared the artificial neural networks with the logistic regression model to predict ICU outcome [10, 11, 12]. All three studies collected clinical data needed for the APACHE score, but they did not use the APACHE equation to predict outcome. Instead, they used this raw data to develop their own logistic regression equation to predict survival or death. All three found that the predictive performance of artificial neural networks was comparable to the derived logistic regression, but was not superior. However, the logistic regression equations developed by these authors were trained on relatively small data sets and have not been validated elsewhere [10, 11, 12]. On the other hand, the original APACHE II equation for predicting outcome was derived from a very large cohort of American ICU patients and it has been extensively used in inter-hospital and international comparisons of ICU outcome. APACHE II is currently the most commonly used prognostic model in Indian ICUs. The performance of artificial neural network models has not been compared with that of a currently accepted and internationally validated logistic regression model such as APACHE. We compared our artificial neural network models with APACHE II for outcome prediction.

Two previous studies have attempted this comparison. Wong and Young [29] compared prediction by APACHE II with that of an artificial neural network in patients admitted to ICUs in the UK. Their study showed that there was no significant difference between the two approaches for predicting survival. Additionally, they showed that an artificial neural network could predict outcome without using the disease category coefficient, which is required by the APACHE II equation [29]. Frize et al. [8] studied 1,491 patients admitted to a Canadian ICU. Data from two-thirds of these patients were used for training the neural network and the remaining one-third for validation. These authors, too, found similar accuracy in predicting outcome using the artificial neural network model and APACHE II. However, the artificial neural network could predict outcome using only six variables used by APACHE II.

In another study from the UK, predicted outcomes of patients with trauma using the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) model and neural networks were compared. In this study, TRISS had a better discrimination while the artificial neural network had better calibration/goodness-of-fit [30]. The authors observed that the TRISS model, which assumes a linear relationship between the predictor variables and outcome, had better discrimination than the neural network. However, the neural network was able to deal with non-linear variables better and had better calibration than the TRISS model. As in our study, these authors found that the artificial neural network could predict outcome using fewer variables [30].

There are several possible explanations for the apparent superiority of the artificial neural network models over the APACHE II model in our patients. Although the APACHE II variables have points assigned by experts, the final APACHE II mortality prediction equation is derived using a logistic regression approach, which assumes a semi-linear relationship between the predictor variables and outcome. Neural networks are good at building non-linear models and, therefore, may offer at least a theoretical advantage. More importantly, the APACHE II model has been primarily derived based on a western cohort that is not representative of the ICU patient population of the Indian subcontinent [22, 31]. There is a significant difference between the case-mix in Indian and American ICUs (Table 1); this may also have affected the accuracy of the APACHE II model. Indian ICU patients also differ from American and European ICU patients with respect to other factors which influence outcome, including lead-time bias and differences in organization and utilization of health care resources [22, 31]; one such organizational difference was inclusion of patients aged 13–18 years, who are normally treated in “adult” medical facilities in India.

Standards of care and the availability of human and material resources are also likely to be different in American and Indian ICUs. Hence the APACHE II score, with its existing weights, showed good discrimination, but poor calibration in Indian patients. On the other hand, our artificial neural network models were trained using Indian patient data and may, therefore, have outperformed the APACHE II system on this basis alone. This could also explain why Wong and Young did not find artificial neural networks to be superior to APACHE II in patients from the UK [29], nor did Frize et al. [8] in Canadian patients. The demographic characteristics and case-mix of their patients may have been relatively similar to the original APACHE II cohort. Hence the APACHE II system may have accurately predicted outcome in their cohort such that little additional benefit could have been accrued from artificial neural networks.

Another significant observation in our study was that some of the variables used by the logistic regression model were redundant and did not contribute to improving the accuracy of prediction and, hence, could be eliminated from the model-building process. Least information gain was obtained from the chronic health evaluation variables, and the variables that were most useful were ones that assessed acute physiological status. Moreover, the artificial neural network models remained fairly accurate despite the exclusion of the diagnostic disease category for which a patient was admitted to the ICU. Wong and Young were able to eliminate some variables from the APACHE II model without loss of accuracy. Clermont et al. [12] also found outcome prediction was good, even after the exclusion of some variables like admission diagnosis and location prior to ICU admission. Frize et al. [8] could predict outcome with artificial neural networks using only six variables used by the APACHE II system. It therefore appears that, while artificial neural network models may be as good if not better than APACHE II for outcome prediction, their greatest strength may be in their ability to do so with fewer variables.

Variable selection is important in model development because the presence of too many inputs in a prediction system can decrease its performance by leading to model over-fitting and by adding more complexity to the model. For k number of variables, there are 2k models that need to be evaluated to find the most optimal model. This problem is computationally intractable. For example, with 10 variables, the number of possible models is 1,024 and when the variables grow to 20, the number of models becomes 1,048,576. Variable selection methods that have been used in predictive model development include backward selection, forward selection and stepwise regression in logistic regression models, automatic relevance determination in Bayesian neural networks, rough sets and genetic algorithms [32, 33, 34]. We used the measure of entropy for variable selection. The application of entropy variable selection in forward, backward and stepwise procedures is possible and actually implemented in statistical packages such as SAS by selection using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) [35].

In conclusion, our study shows that, in the Indian ICU cohort, artificial neural network models built from a single-center Indian cohort showed better discrimination than the APACHE II model in predicting hospital outcome; the calibration (goodness-of-fit) of both models was poor. Our study and previous reports have shown that it is possible to predict outcome reliably using fewer variables than those needed in APACHE II. This could be an important benefit as the use of fewer variables will decrease the time, effort and cost involved in the collection of prognostic data [8, 10, 29]. Studies in larger, more heterogeneous ICU patient populations are needed to confirm our observation.