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The Role of Hormones In Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Tuberization

  • Chapter
Plant Hormones


Tuber initiation in the potato plant is accompanied by extensive morphological and biochemical changes above and below ground. Plants that are capable of tuber initiation are said to be “induced” to tuberize. It has long been postulated that the changes leading to induction are mediated hormonally. Before considering the evidence, it is helpful to summarize what is known about the tuberization process, its genetic and environmental control, and the techniques that have been employed to study it. For a more comprehensive treatment of these topics and for literature citations, see the recent review article by Ewing and Struik (8).

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Ewing, E.E. (1995). The Role of Hormones In Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Tuberization. In: Davies, P.J. (eds) Plant Hormones. Springer, Dordrecht.

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