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11.1 Introduction

The nano-era, a period starting since 1985 with the discovery of C60, is dominated by the carbon allotropes, studied for applications in nano-technology. Among the carbon structures, fullerenes (zero-dimensional), nanotubes (one dimensional), graphene (two dimensional), diamond and spongy nanostructures (three dimensional) were the most studied (Diudea 2005; Diudea and Nagy 2007). Inorganic compounds also attracted the attention of scientists. Recent articles in crystallography promoted the idea of topological description and classification of crystal structures (Blatov et al. 2004, 2009; Delgado-Friedrichs and O’Keeffe 2005).

Diamond D6 (Fig. 11.1), the classical, beautiful and useful diamond has kept its leading interest among the carbon allotropes, even as the newer “nano” varieties. Along with electronic properties, the mechanical characteristics appear of great importance, as the composites can overpass the resistance of steel or other metal alloys. A lot of efforts were done in the production and purification of “synthetic” diamonds, from detonation products (Decarli and Jamieson 1961; Aleksenskiǐ et al. 1997; Osawa 2007, 2008) and other synthetic ways (Khachatryan et al. 2008; Mochalin and Gogotsi 2009).

Fig. 11.1
figure 1

Diamond, a triple periodic network: Ada(mantane) D6_10_111 (left), Dia(mantane) D6_14_211 (central) and Diamond D6_52_222 net (right)

However, the diamond D6 is not unique: out of the classical structure, showing all-hexagonal rings of sp3 carbon atoms in a cubic network (space group Fd3m), there is Lonsdaleite (Frondel and Marvin 1967; He et al. 2002) a rare stone of pure carbon discovered at Meteor Crater, Arizona, in 1967 and also several hypothetical diamond-like networks (Sunada 2008; Diudea et al. 2010). The Lonsdaleite hexagonal network (space group P63/mmc) is illustrated in Fig. 11.2.

Fig. 11.2
figure 2

Losdaleite, a double periodic network: L6_12_111 (left), L6_18_211 (central) and L6_48_222 net (right)

Dendrimers are hyper-branched nano-structures, made by a large number of (one or more types) substructures called monomers, synthetically joined within a rigorously tailored architecture (Tomalia et al. 1990; Newkome et al. 2001; Diudea and Katona 1999). They can be functionalized at terminal branches, thus finding a broad pallet of applications in chemistry, medicine, etc.

Multi-tori MT are structures of high genera (Diudea 2010a), consisting of more than one tubular ring. They are supposed to result by self-assembly of some repeat units (i.e., monomers) which can be designed by opening of cages/fullerenes or by appropriate map/net operations. Multi-tori, rather than dendrimers, appear in processes of self-assembling of some rigid monomers. Zeloites and spongy carbon, recently synthesized (Barborini et al. 2002; Benedek et al. 2003) also contain multi-tori.

Structures of high genera, like multi-tori, can be designed starting from the Platonic solids, by using appropriate map operations (Diudea 2010a). Such structures have before been modeled by Lenosky et al. (1992) and Terrones and Mackay (1997) etc.

11.2 Dendrimer Design and Stability

A tetrapodal monomer M1(Fig. 11.3, left), designed by Trs(P 4(T)) sequence of map operations (Diudea and Ilić 2011) and consisting of all pentagonal faces, can self-arrange to a dendrimer M5, at the first generation stage (Fig. 11.3, right).

Fig. 11.3
figure 3

Tetrapodal unit designed by Trs(P 4(T)) and the corresponding dendrimer, at first generation stage

The “growing process” is imagined occurring by identification of the trigonal faces of two opposite M1 units; at the second generation, six pentagonal hyper-cycles are closed, as in molecule M17, Fig. 11.4 (Diudea and Ilić 2011).

Fig. 11.4
figure 4

Dendrimer at second (left) and fifth (right) generation stage; M57 = 4S_MT; v = 972; e = 1770; f 5 = 684; g = 58 (infinite structure); adding f 3 = 40, then g = 38 (finite structure)

The process is drown as a “dendrimer growth”, and is limited here at the fifth generation (Fig. 11.4), when a tetrahedral array results: 4S_MT = M57.

Multi-tori herein considered can be viewed either as infinite (i.e., open) structures or as closed cages; then, it is not trivial to count the number of simple tori (i.e., the genus g) in such complex structures.

The Euler’s formula [Euler (1758)]: \( v - e + f = 2(1 - g) \), where v, e and f are the number of vertices/atoms, edges/bonds, and faces, respectively, is applicable only in case of single shell structures. In multi shell structures (Diudea and Nagy 2008), have modified the Euler formula as: \( v - e + r - p(s - 1) = 2(1 - g) \), where r stands for the number of hard rings (i.e., those rings which are nor the sum of some smaller rings), p is the number of smallest polyhedra filling the space of the considered structure while s is the number of shells. In case of an infinite structure, the external trigonal faces are not added to the total count of faces/rings. The calculated g-values are given in Fig. 11.4.

The number of tetrapodal monomers, added at each generation, up to the fifth one, realized as M57, is: 1; 4; 12, 24, 12, 4. The connections in M57 are complex and to elucidate the large structures up to the fifth generation, the design of the corresponding reduced graphs (Fig. 11.5) was needed (Diudea 2010b, 2011).

Fig. 11.5
figure 5

Reduced graphs at 2nd (left) and 5th (right) generation stage; C57: v = 57; e = 94; r 5 = 42; g = 0.5; R(C57,x) = 42x5 + 82x9 + 144x10

The structure C17 (Fig. 11.5, left) we call the “seed” of all the hereafter structures. The structure C57 (Fig. 11.5, right) corresponds to the above M57 and is equivalent to 4 “condensed” dodecahedra, sharing a common point. By considering this common point as an internal shell s, the modified (Diudea and Nagy 2008) Euler formula will give (for v = 57; e = 94; r = 42; p = 4 and s = 2) a (non-integer) genus g =0.5. The ring polynomial R(x) is also given, at the bottom of Fig. 11.5.

11.3 Diamond D5 Networks

11.3.1 Spongy D5

A monomer C81, derived from C57 and consisting of four closed C20 units and four open units, and its mirror image (Fig. 11.6) was used by (Diudea and Nagy 2011a) to build the alternant network of spongy diamond SD5 (Fig. 11.7). The nodes of diamond SD5 network consist of C57 units and the network is triple periodic.

Fig. 11.6
figure 6

Monomer C81 unit (left-up), and its mirror image-pair (right-up); the monomers as in the triple periodic network of diamond SD5

Fig. 11.7
figure 7

SD5 (C57) triple periodic network: top view (left) and corner view (right)

The number of atoms v, bonds e, and C57 monomers m, and the content in sp 3 carbon, given as a function of k – the number of monomers along the edge of a cubic (k,k,k) domain. At limit, in an infinitely large net, the content of sp 3 carbon approaches 77% (see Appendix 2, Table 11. 4). The density of the net varies around an average of d = 1.6 g/cm3, in agreement with the “spongy” structure of D5 net (Fig. 11.7).

A possible pathway to D5 was proposed by Diudea and Nagy (2011a) (Fig. 11.8):

Fig. 11.8
figure 8

Pathway to D5

The main intermediate structures in this scheme are: C17 (the “seed” of D5), C41, C53 and C81(5) (see Fig. 11.8). The stability of these structures was evaluated as hydrogenated species. The C81 monomer has a C57 core and contains 12 flaps which represent half of the junctions between the SD5 nodes.

To avoid the non-wished side products C65(6) to C81(6) (containing six-membered rings), the suggested way is through C53. In a next step, one can reach either C57 as a final structure (which can, however, lead to some dense species of D5) or go to C81(5), the monomer of SD5 network.

Of course, the scientist will choose the most convenient route in an attempt to synthesize these structures.

11.3.2 Dense D5

There is a chance to reach D5 just from C17, a centrohexaquinane (Paquette and Vazeux 1981; Kuck 2006) which can dimerize (Diudea and Nagy 2011b; Eaton 1979) to 2 × C17 = C34 and this last condensing to 4 × C17 = C51 (Fig. 11.9, top row).

Fig. 11.9
figure 9

Way to Ada_20: 2 × C17 = C34 (top-left and central), 4 × C17 = C51 (top-right), 3(4 × C17) = C119 (bottom-left) and Ada_20_170 (bottom-right)

A linear 4 × C17 = C57 is also energetically possible (see Table 11.1). The angular tetramer 4 × C17 = C51 will compose the six edges of a tetrahedron to form the corresponding Adamantane-like Ada_20_170, bearing six pentagonal wings (in red – Fig. 11.9, right, bottom), or without wings, as in Ada_20_158 (Fig. 11.10, left). Compare this with Adamantane (Fig. 11.1, left) in the structure of classical diamond D6. In the above symbols, “20” refers to C20, which is the main unit of the dense diamond D5 (Figs. 11.1011.12) while the last number counts the carbon atoms in the structures.

Table 11.1 Single point calculation results (HOMO-LUMO gap in eV and total energy Etot in a.u.) at the B3LYP/6-31 G(d,p) levels of theory; C60 is taken as reference structure
Table 11.2 Omega polynomial in Diamond D6 and Lonsdaleite L6 nets, function of the number of repeating units along the edge of a cubic (k,k,k) domain
Table 11.3 Examples, omega polynomial in diamond D6 and lonsdaleite L6 nets
Table 11.4 Topology of the spongy SD5_20
Fig. 11.10
figure 10

Adamantane-like structures: Ada_20_170 (left) and Ada_28_213 (right)

A diamantane-like unit is evidenced, as in Fig. 11.11 (see for comparison the diamantane, Fig. 11.1, central). Since any net has its co-net, the diamond D5_20 net has the co-net D5_28 (Fig. 11.12, right), of which corresponding units are illustrated in Figs 11.10 (right)–11.11 (right), respectively. In fact is one and the same triple periodic D5 network, built up basically from C20 and having as hollows the fullerene C28 (Diudea and Nagy 2011b). The co-net D5_28 cannot be reached from C28 alone since the hollows of such a net consist of C57 units (a C20-based structure, see above) or higher tetrahedral arrays of C20 thus needing extra C atoms per Ada-like unit. The C28-based hyperdiamond reported by Bylander and Kleinman (1993) consists of only C28 fullerenes joined by the tetrahedrally disposed neightbors by only one covalent bond.

Fig. 11.11
figure 11

Diamantane-like structures: Dia_20_226 net (left) and Dia_28_292 co-net (right)

Fig. 11.12
figure 12

Diamond D5_20_860_333 net (left) and D5_28_ 1022_333 co-net (right)

Our D5_20/28 hyperdiamond mainly consists of sp3-bonded carbon atoms building Ada-like repeating units (including C28 as hollows), the cohesive bonds of these units being the same sp3 covalent (and the same distributed) bonds as within the repeating units. This is in high contrast to the (Bylander and Kleinman 1993) hyperdiamond. The ratio C-sp3/C-total trends to 1 in a large enough network. The topology of the D5 networks is detailed in the last section.

Since the smallest C20 fullerene is the highest reactive one, it is expected to spontaneously stabilize in an sp3-crystalline form, e.g., bcc-C20 (Chen et al. 2004; Ivanovskii 2008) or D5_20/28 (Diudea and Nagy 2011b). A similar behavior is expected from the C20-derivative 2 × C17 = C34 (Fig. 11.9) to provide the Ada-like repeating units of the proposed D5-diamond.

As the content of pentagons R[5] per total rings trend to 90% (see Table 11.5, entry 9) we called this, yet hypothetical carbon allotrope, the diamond D5. Since the large hollows in the above spongy diamond are not counted, and the small rings are all pentagons, we also called it (S)D5.

Table 11.5 Omega polynomial in Diamond D5_20 net function of k = no. ada_20 units along the edge of a cubic (k,k,k) domain
Table 11.6 Examples, omega polynomial in D5_20 net
Table 11.7 Omega polynomial in D5_28 co-net function of k = no. ada_20 units along the edge of a cubic (k,k,k) domain
Table 11.8 Examples, omega polynomial in D5_28 co-net
Table 11.9 Omega polynomial in Lonsdaleite-like L5_28 and L5_20 nets function of k = no. repeating units along the edge of a cubic (k,k,k) domain

The presence of pentagons in diamond-like fullerides and particularly the ratio R[5]/R[6] seems to be important for the superconducting properties of such solid phases (Breda et al. 2000). In D5 this ratio trends to 9 (see Table 11.5).

Energetic data, calculated at the DFT level in Table 11.1 – (Diudea and Nagy 2011a, b) show a good stability of the start and intermediate structures. Limited cubic domains of the D5 networks have also been evaluated for stability, data proving a pertinent stability of the (yet) hypothetical D5 diamond.

The calculated data show these structures as energetic minima, as supported by the simulated IR vibrations. All-together, these data reveal the proposed structures as pertinent candidates to the status of real molecules.

Density of the D5 networks was calculated with the approximate (maximal) volume of a cubic domain. The values range from 1.5 (SD5) to 2.8 (D5).

11.4 Lonsdaleite L5_28 Network

By analogy to D5_20/28, a lonsdaleite-like net was built up (Fig. 11.13).

Fig. 11.13
figure 13

Losdaleite, a double periodic network: L5_28_134 (left), L5_28_134 (top view, central) and L5_28_250 (side view, right)

As a monomer, the hyper-hexagons L5_28_134 (Fig. 11.13, left and central), in the chair conformation, of which nodes represent the C28 fullerene, was used. Its corresponding co-net L5_20 was also designed. The lonsdaleite L5_28/20 is a double periodic network, partially superimposed to the D5_20/28 net (Diudea and Nagy 2011b).

11.5 Omega Polynomial

In a connected graph G(V,E), with the vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G), two edges e = uv and f = xy of G are called codistant e co f if they obey the relation [John et al (2007)]:

$$ d(v,x) = d(v,y) + 1 = d(u,x) + 1 = d(u,y) $$

which is reflexive, that is, e co e holds for any edge e of G, and symmetric, if e co f then f co e. In general, relation co is not transitive; if “co” is also transitive, thus it is an equivalence relation, then G is called a co-graph and the set of edges \( C(e): = \{\, f \in E(G);\;f\;co\;e\} \) is called an orthogonal cut oc of G, E(G) being the union of disjoint orthogonal cuts: \( E(G) = {C_1} \cup {C_2} \cup... \cup {C_k},\;\;{C_i} \cap {C_j} = \oslash, \;i \ne j \). Klavžar has shown (Klavžar 2008) that relation co is a theta Djoković-Winkler relation (19731984).

We say that edges e and f of a plane graph G are in relation opposite, e op f, if they are opposite edges of an inner face of G. Note that the relation co is defined in the whole graph while op is defined only in faces. Using the relation op we can partition the edge set of G into opposite edge strips, ops. An ops is a quasi-orthogonal cut qoc, since ops is not transitive.

Let G be a connected graph and \( {S_1},{S_2},...,{S_k} \) be the ops strips of G. Then the ops strips form a partition of E(G). The length of ops is taken as maximum. It depends on the size of the maximum fold face/ring Fmax/Rmax considered, so that any result on Omega polynomial will have this specification.

Denote by m(G,s) the number of ops of length s and define the Omega polynomial as (Diudea 2006; Diudea et al. 2008; Diudea and Katona2009):

$$ \Omega (G,x) = \sum\nolimits_s {m(G,s) \cdot {x^s}} $$

Its first derivative (in x = 1) equals the number of edges in the graph:

$$ \Omega ^{\prime}\left( {G,1} \right) = \sum\nolimits_s {m\left( {G,s} \right)} \cdot s = e = \left| {E(G)} \right| $$

On Omega polynomial, the Cluj-Ilmenau [John et al (2007)] index, CI = CI(G), was defined:

$$ CI(G) = \{ {[\Omega ^{\prime}(G,1)]^2} - [\Omega ^{\prime}(G,1) + \Omega ^{\prime\prime}(G,1)]\} $$

This counting polynomial found utility in predicting stability of small fullerenes (Diudea 2010a) and in description of various polyhedral nanostructures.

11.5.1 Topology of Diamond D6 and Lonsdaleite L6 Nets

Topology of the classical diamond D6 and Lonsdaleite L6 are listed in Table 11.2. Along with Omega polynomial, formulas to calculate the number of atoms in a cuboid of dimensions (k,k,k) are given. In the above, k is the number of repeating units along the edge of such a cubic domain. One can see that the ratio C(sp3)/v(G) approaches the unity; this means that in a large enough net almost all atoms are tetra-connected, a basic condition for a structure to be diamondoid. Examples of calculus are given in Table 11.3.

11.5.2 Topology of Spongy Diamond SD5

In describing the topology of the spongy diamond SD5, we considered only the pentagons, the larger hollows being omitted. Thus, only the basic data of the net are presented in Table 11.4; the ratio C(sp3)/v(G) is here far from unity, because of many carbon atoms are exposed to exterior.

11.5.3 Topology of Dense Diamond D5 and Lonsdaleite L5

Topology of the dense diamond D5 and lonsdaleite L5 is presented in Tables 11.511.10: formulas to calculate Omega polynomial, number of atoms, number of rings and the limits (at infinity) for the ratio of sp3 C atoms over total number of atoms and also the ratio R[5] over the total number of rings (Table 11.5). Numerical examples are given.

Table 11.10 Examples, omega polynomial in L5_28 and L5_20 nets

11.6 Conclusions

A novel class of (hypothetical) carbon allotropes, consisting mostly of pentagon rings (going up to 90% in the total number of pentagon/hexagon rings), was here presented. The seed of these allotropes, C17 and the adamantane-like repeating-units, as hydrogenated species, show a good stability, comparable with that of C60 fullerene, as calculated at DFT levels of theory. The main representatives of these allotropes are the diamond D5 and lonsdaleite L5, in fact hyper-structures corresponding to the classical diamond D6 and lonsdaleite L6. The topology of the networks was described in terms of the net parameter k and Omega polynomial.