
1 Introduction

Stream Cipher is an important branch in symmetric key cryptography. The goal of a stream cipher design is that it must provide high-speed encryption and less design overhead in comparison with block ciphers. The conventional stream ciphers used linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) for randomness and sufficiently large period. However, attempts are made to replace LFSR with linear CA to get excellent random sequences with a high speed of execution. Nonlinearity is another essential property for security, which is typically introduced by nonlinear feedback shift registers (NFSR) in stream cipher designs. The challenge of designing a crypto-system is, in addition to providing the required security, the crypto-system should be easy to implement in both hardware and software together with high performance and minimal resource usage. Stream ciphers have gained a lot of attention in the past few years. The eSTREAM [4] project was launched in 2004 in search of a good stream cipher. The eSTREAM project has been instrumental for this attention. The eSTREAM portfolio ciphers fall into two profiles. Profile 1 contains stream ciphers more suitable for software applications with high throughput requirements. The winners in this profile are HC-128 [11], Rabbit [6], Salsa20/12 [5], SOSEMANUK [3]. Profile 2 stream ciphers are particularly suitable for hardware applications with restricted resources such as limited storage, gate count, or power consumption. Grain v1 [10], MICKEY 2.0 [1] and Trivium [7] are the winner in this category.

The basic philosophy of a stream cipher is to generate pseudo-random sequences from a secret key or a seed. There is an optional provision for an initial value (IV) which provides security for multiple encryptions using the same secret key. This fact is the motivation of designing fast pseudo-random sequence generators. The cellular automata (CA) provide very good pseudo-random sequences which exhibit excellent statistical properties. A necessary requirement for such a sequence generator is large period. In our design, both linear and nonlinear part are maximum length sequence generator. Moreover, scalability is an important aspect any cryptographic design. Due to advancement of computing speed, the current security standard may be obsolete after a few years. Only for a scalable design, the new security standard can be achieved by increasing the key size without discarding the whole algorithm.

Our Contribution: In this paper we have designed a new CA-based scalable stream cipher CASca. The design specification and design rationale of the cipher is portrayed. Crypto properties of CASca is shown in detail which proves its security against all existing attacks. The design is shown to be suitable for constrained hardware environment.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 draws the idea about some notions, definitions, and basic studies on CA. The design of CASca is depicted in Sect. 3. Section 4 shows the scalability and initialization of the cipher. Section 5 gives a security analysis of CASca against some popular cryptanalysis techniques. Finally Sect. 6 concludes the work.

2 Preliminaries

In this section we discuss some basic notions required for security analysis. Some definitions and properties related to CA are also highlighted. Based on these theoretical studies, we further proceed to our proposed scheme.

2.1 Notions

Throughout the paper, we use ’+’ to represent Boolean XOR operation in GF(2). In this subsection, some basic security properties for evaluating a cryptographic primitive are given. The entire theoretical studies and analysis of our scheme is done based on these properties.

Definition 1

Hamming Weight: Number of Boolean 1’s in a Boolean function’s truth table is called the Hamming weight of the function.

Definition 2

Affine Function in GF(2): A Boolean function which can be expressed as XOR of some or all of its input variables and a Boolean constant is an affine function.

In this paper the term Affine Function simply refers to Affine Function in GF(2).

Definition 3

Nonlinearity: Let, f be a Boolean function of variables, \(x_1, x_2,\) \(\cdots , x_n\) and A be the set of all affine functions in \(x_1, x_2, \cdots , x_n\). The minimum of all the Hamming distances between f and the Boolean functions in A is the nonlinearity of f.

Definition 4

Algebraic Normal Form: Any Boolean function can be expressed as XOR of conjunctions and a Boolean constant, True or False. This form of the Boolean function is called its Algebraic Normal Form (ANF).

Definition 5

Correlation Immunity : A function \(f:\mathbb {F}_2^n\rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2\) is kth order correlation immune if for any independent n binary random variables \(X_0\ldots X_{n-1}\), the random variable \(Z=f(X_0,\ldots ,X_{n-1})\) is independent of any random vector \((X_{i_1}\ldots X_{i_k})\) with \(0\le i_1<\ldots <i_k<n\).

Definition 6

Resiliency : A function \(f:\mathbb {F}_2^n\rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2\) is kth order resistant if it is balanced and correlation immune of order k.

2.2 CA Basics

Cellular automata are studied as mathematical model for self-organizing statistical systems. CA can be one-dimensional or multi-dimensional. In this paper, we discuss only one-dimensional two state CA. They can be considered as an array of cells where each cell is a one-bit memory element.

The neighbor set \(\mathbf {N}(i)\) is defined as the set of cells on which the ith cell is dependent on each iteration. The simplest class of CA are elementary CA or three-neighborhood CA where each cell evolves in every time step based on some combinatorial logic on the cell itself and its two nearest neighbors. More formally, for a three-neighborhood CA, \(\mathbf {N}(i) = \{i-1,i,i+1\}\). So, if the value of ith cell at tth time step is \(q_i(t)\), then

$$\begin{aligned} q_i(t+1)=f(q_{i-1}(t),q_{i}(t),q_{i+1}(t)) \end{aligned}$$

where f denotes some combinatorial logic. We call the set of all feedback functions as ruleset and express as \(\mathcal {F}\). The state transition of one iteration of a CA is expressed as \(\mathcal {S}_{t+1} = \mathcal {F}(\mathcal {S}_t)\) where \(\mathcal {S}_t\) is the set of all cells in the CA at tth time step.

Since, a three-neighborhood CA having two states (0 or 1) can have \(2^3=8\) possible binary states, there are a total of \(2^{2^3}=256\) possible rules. Each rule can be represented as an decimal integer from 0 to 255. If the combinatorial logic for the rules have only Boolean XOR operation, then it is called linear or additive rule. Some of the three-neighborhood additive CA rules are 0, 60, 90, 102, 150 etc. Moreover, if the combinatorial logic contains AND/OR operations, then it is called nonlinear rule.

An n cell CA with cells \(\{x_0,x_1,\cdots ,x_{n-1}\}\)is called null boundary CA if \(x_n=0\) and \(x_{-1}=0\). Similarly, for a periodic boundary CA \(x_n=x_0\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

4-cell 3-neighborhood null boundary LHCA with ruleset 1011

A CA is called uniform, if all its cells follow the same rule. Otherwise, it is called nonuniform or hybrid CA. For a hybrid CA, the sequence of the rules followed by the cells in a particular order (MSB to LSB or vise versa). If all the ruleset of a hybrid CA is linear, then we call the CA linear hybrid cellular automata (LHCA), otherwise it is called nonlinear hybrid cellular automata (NHCA). In Fig. 1, a four-cell null boundary LHCA is shown.

The shifting operation [9] on an NHCA is defined as follows.

Definition 7

The one-cell shifting operation, denoted by \(f_{i}\xrightarrow {P} f_{i\pm 1}\) moves a set of ANF monomials P from ith cell of an NHCA to all the cells from \((i-1)\) to \((i+1)\)-th cell, according to the dependency of the affected cells upon the ith cell. Each variable in P is changed by its previous state. Similarly, a k cell shifting is obtained by applying the one-cell shifting operation for k times upon the initial NHCA and symbolized as \(f_{i}\xrightarrow {P} f_{i\pm k}\).

For example, we have a 5-bit 3 neighborhood CA with the following initial ruleset:

$$\begin{aligned} f_0= & {} (x_1 \oplus x_0)\\ f_1= & {} (x_2 \oplus x_1 \oplus x_0) \\ f_2= & {} (x_3 \oplus x_2 \oplus x_1) \oplus x_4 \\ f_3= & {} (x_4 \oplus x_3 \oplus x_2) \\ f_4= & {} x_3 \\ \end{aligned}$$

It is clear from the equations that \(x_3\) is the previous state of \(x_4\). Now applying the shifting \(f_2 \xrightarrow {x_4} f_{2 \pm 1}\), the new ruleset becomes:

$$\begin{aligned} f_0= & {} x_1 \oplus x_0 \\ f_1= & {} (x_2 \oplus x_1 \oplus x_0) \oplus x_3 \\ f_2= & {} (x_3 \oplus x_2 \oplus x_1) \oplus x_3 \\ f_3= & {} (x_4 \oplus x_3 \oplus x_2) \oplus x_3 \\ f_4= & {} x_3 \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Operations of cipher

3 Design of Scalable a Stream Cipher

The design of the proposed stream cipher consists of three parts, a maximum length sequence generator, a nonlinear sequence generator, and a final combiner function. Their design rationale and construction are discussed below. The overall scheme is depicted in Fig. 2.

3.1 Maximum Length Sequence Generator

The necessity of maximum length sequence is to prevent low period attack. We designed the maximum length sequence using linear hybrid cellular automata(LHCA) as it is widely known that linear functions provide good diffusion properties. To synthesize a maximum length LHCA rule a primitive polynomial is needed. From that primitive polynomial, a ruleset is generated using the algorithm described in [8]. In our design, the polynomial \(x^{128} + x^{29} + x^{27} + x^2 + 1\) is used. We call this LHCA as \(\mathcal {L}\). The individual bits of \(\mathcal {L}\) is denoted by \(s_i\) where \(i\in \{0,127\}\). It is trivial that \(\mathcal {L}\) is a null boundary CA.

3.2 Nonlinear Sequence Generator

Linear functions alone cannot provide cryptographic security as they can be easily cryptanalyzed. To introduce nonlinearity, a nonlinear sequence generator is needed. The design the nonlinear sequence generator should be in such a way that it has a long period. In this case, we use Algorithm 1 depicted in [9]. This algorithm takes a maximum length LHCA as input and injects required nonlinearity into some given positions of the CA while retaining the period of \(2^n - 1\). In our design we synthesized the nonlinear sequence generator from an LHCA, the same as \(\mathcal {L}\) and then injected nonlinearity at positions {20, 42, 79, 117}. For each position i, the nonlinear function \(\mathbf {f_N}\), injected at ith position is, \((x_{i+2}.x_{i-2})\). We will call this nonlinear sequence generator as \(\mathcal {N}\). The individual bits of \(\mathcal {N}\) is denoted by \(b_i\) where \(i\in \{0,127\}\). The bit \(b_{0}\) is bounded by null value, whereas \(b_{127}\) is bounded by \(s_{0}\).

figure a

3.3 Final Combiner Function

Some suitable tap bit positions are chosen from both \(\mathcal {L}\) and \(\mathcal {N}\). We call the set of these tap bit positions as \(\mathcal {T}\). The final combiner function \(\mathcal {H}\) is defined as \(\mathcal {H}:{0,1}^{\{|\mathcal {T}|\}}\rightarrow \{0,1\}\) where the input to \(\mathcal {H}\) is \(\mathcal {T}\). The construction of \(\mathcal {H}\) has two primary parts, a bent function \(h_{bent}\) and a linear part \(h_l\). The bent function provides high nonlinearity,Footnote 1 whereas the linear part increases the correlation immunity and resiliency of \(\mathcal {H}\). The Boolean xor of l and b generates the required value of \(\mathcal {H}\). The function b is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} h_{bent}(x)&= x_0x_2+x_0x_6+x_1x_3+x_1x_7+x_2x_4+x_3x_5+x_4x_6+\\&\quad x_5x_7+x_0x_2x_5+x_0x_3x_5+x_0x_3x_6+x_1x_3x_6+\\&\quad x_1x_4x_6+x_1x_4x_7+x_2x_4x_7+x_2x_5x_7 \end{aligned}$$

where \(x=\{b_{17},s_{12},s_{35},s_{58},s_{78},s_{97},s_{117},b_{97}\}\). Similarly, l is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} h_l&= \displaystyle \sum _{k\in A} b_k \end{aligned}$$

where \(A=\{21, 43, 80, 118\}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Initialization of cipher

4 Scalability and Key Initialization

Before generating any keystream, the cipher is initialized with a key k and initial vector IV . The number of bits in IV is 96 and we denote the bits of IV as \(IV_i\), \(0\le i \le 95\). The size of k is variable and can vary from 80 and 128. The size is chosen by the user according to the security parameter. Let n be the size of the key for a particular scheme where \(i^{th}\) bit of the key is denoted as \(k_i\), \(0\le i\le n\). The 96 LSB bits of \(\mathcal {L}\) is initialized with IV, \(s_i=IV_i,0\le i \le 95\). The rest of the bits are set at 1. This ensures that \(\mathcal {L}\) cannot be initialized with all in case of a chosen IV attack. Similarly, the first n bits of \(\mathcal {N}\) is filled with k, \(b_i=k_i,0\le i \le n\) and the remaining bits (if any) are set to 1. Next the cipher is clocked for 128 cycles without producing any keystream and the keystream is XORed with both the MSB of \(\mathcal {L}\) and \(\mathcal {N}\) as shown in Fig. 3.

5 Security

The principal design criteria of a stream cipher is to be secured against all existing cryptanalysis techniques. The best possible algorithm to recover the secret key is to be no less than exhaustive search of the key space. In this section we discuss some possible attacks and the corresponding design criteria in our cipher against them.

5.1 Linear Cryptanalysis

Linear cryptanalysis tries to formulate a linear approximation of the cipher. High nonlinear value of the cipher protects the cipher against this attack. Table 4a shows the nonlinear values of the tap points with each iteration. After a few initial rounds the nonlinearity reaches a high value. So the cipher is expected to be secured against linear cryptanalysis techniques (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Nonlinearity of the tap bits. a Nonlineartiy with iteration. b Nonlineartiy graph

5.2 Algebraic Attacks

Algebraic cryptanalysis techniques are very efficient in terms of finding loopholes in the design. Weak or careless design principal can cause such kinds of attacks. In our design, the \(\mathcal {H}\) function provides a boolean function of degree three. With each iteration this degree increases if the output bit is expressed as a function of only the initial state bits. Hence, solving algebraic equations to cryptanalyze the system is computationally infeasible.

5.3 Correlation Attacks

Correlation immunity is an important aspect of designing stream ciphers which prevents the chosen IV attacks. The idea of the attack is to find any correlation between the IV and the output stream. Unbalanced output helps an adversary to find a correlation. Using only bent functions in \(\mathcal {H}\) may cause vulnerability for finding correlation. Thus a linear function \(h_l\) is needed. The \(\mathcal {H}\) function has correlation immunity 3 and nonlinearity 1664. It is a balanced function, so it is also a 3 resilient function. If the input bits of \(\mathcal {H}\) are represented as functions of the initial state bits, then with each iteration the nonlinearity as well as resiliency increases very fast. So correlation attack against CASca will not be faster than a brute force attack.

5.4 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis of the cipher is carried out using NIST Randomness Test Suite and Table 1 summarizes the result. The tests are performed by taking 10,000 bit keystream from a fixed 128 bit key and IV pair.

Table 1 Results of NIST statistical test suite

5.5 Fault Attacks

Fault attacks are the most powerful and popular cryptanalysis techniques. The easier way to inject fault into the cryptographic devices makes it highly feasible. Designing a cryptographic scheme that is fault attack resistant is a challenging task for researchers. Initially, an attacker injects single or multibit fault into the state of the cipher. The output difference of the fault-free and faulty ciphertext leaks some information about the state of the cipher. This leakage is indicated with some equation. This method is repeated multiple times until a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm can recover the secret key (or the state of the cipher). The fault locations are chosen by the attacker in such a fashion that the set of equation can be solved easily. In our design, the state of the cipher is implemented as CA. The high diffusion property of CA infects the state with the fault within a very few iteration. Hence, the algebraic degree and the number of unknown variables in the set of equations becomes so high that it is a hard problem to solve. Moreover, a fault attack based on the decomposition of the final combiner function in Grain v1 is discussed in [2]. This attack was possible as the combiner function can be decomposed into a form of \(s.u+v\) where u is a function of only the nonlinear state bits and v is a function of the linear state bits. In our design, the \(h_{bent}\) function is a rotational symmetric bent function. This function hardly reveals any information about the fault positions for their symmetric property and cannot be decomposed like the above-mentioned attack. Thus the design is expected to be robust against fault attacks.

6 Conclusion

A new stream cipher CASca is proposed in this paper. The choice of design rationale of the cipher considers the existing cryptanalysis techniques. The size of IV is 96 bits but the key length has been kept as a variable one. The reason behind this is to provide scalability for the applications where the security parameter can vary. The design of CASca is very hardware efficient. It suitable for applications where low power consumption and low area overhead are required, such as mobile devices.