
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

With the prominent use of computers, tremendous amounts of data are available. For example, hospitals have massive amounts of medical data. This data is very precious as it can be used, for example, to learn important statistics about various diseases. This data is often too large to store locally, and thus is often stored on cloud platforms (or external servers). As a result, if a hospital (which has bounded storage and bounded computational power), wishes to perform some computation on its medical data, it would need to delegate this computation to the cloud. Since the cloud’s computation may be faulty, the party delegating the computation (say, the hospital), may want a proof that the computation was done correctly. It is important that this proof can be verified very efficiently, and that the prover’s running time is not much larger than the time it takes to perform the computation, since otherwise, the solution will not be practical.

This problem is closely related to the problem of computation delegation, where a weak client delegates a computation to a powerful server, and the server needs to provide the client with a proof that the computation was done correctly. In contrast to the current setting, in the setting of computation delegation, the input is thought of as being small and the computation is thought of as being large. The client (verifier) is required to run in time that is proportional to the input size (but much smaller than the time it takes to do the computation), and the powerful server (prover) runs in time polynomially related to the time it takes to do the computation. Indeed the problem of computation delegation is extremely important, and received a lot of attention (e.g., [GKR08, Mic94, Gro10, GGP10, CKV10, AIK10, GLR11, Lip12, BCCT12a, DFH12, BCCT12b, GGPR12, PRV12, KRR13a, KRR13b]).

In reality, however, the input (data) is often very large, and the client cannot even store the data. Hence, we seek a solution in which the client runs in time that is sub-linear in the input size. The question is:

If the client cannot read the data, how can he verify the correctness of a computation on the data?

The work of [CKLR11], on memory delegation, considers this setting where the input (thought of as the client’s memory) is large, and the client cannot store it locally. However, in memory delegation, it is assumed that the client (verifier) stores a short “commitment” of the input, and then can verify computations in sub-linear time. However, computing such a commitment takes time at least linear in the input length, which is infeasible in many settings.

Recently, Rothblum, Vadhan and Wigderson [RVW13], in their work on interactive proofs of proximity (\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\), a notion first studied by Ergün, Kumar and Rubinfeld [EKR04]), provide a solution where the verifier does not need to know such a commitment. Without such a commitment, the verifier cannot be sure that the computation is correct (since he cannot read the entire input), however they guarantee that the input is “close” to being correct. More specifically, they construct an interactive proof system for every language computable by a (log-space uniform) low depth circuit, where the verifier is given oracle access to the input (the data), and the verifier can check whether the input is close to being in the language in sub-linear time in the input (and linear time in the depth of the computation). We note that in many settings where the data is large (such as medical data) and the goal is to compute some statistics on this data, an approximate solution is acceptable. The work of [RVW13] is the starting point of our work.

1.1 Our Results in a Nutshell

We depart from the interactive proof of proximity setting, and consider arguments of proximity. In contrast to proofs of proximity, in an argument of proximity, soundness is required to hold only against computationally bounded cheating provers. Namely, the soundness guarantee is that any bounded cheating prover can convince the verifier to accept an input that is far from the language (in Hamming distance) only with small probability. By relaxing the power of the prover we obtain stronger results.

We construct one-round arguments of proximity for every deterministic language (without a dependency on the depth). Namely, fix any \(t=t(n)\) and any language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{DTIME}(t(n))\), we construct a one-round argument of proximity for \(\mathcal {L}\) where the verifier runs in time \(o(n)+\mathsf{polylog}(t)\), assuming the existence of a sub-exponentially secure fully homomorphic encryption (\(\mathsf{{FHE}}\)) scheme.

Our one-round argument of proximity is constructed in two steps, and follows the outline of the recent works of Kalai et al. [KRR13a, KRR13b]. These works first show how to construct an \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) for all deterministic languages, that is sound against no-signaling strategies. Such no-signaling soundness is stronger than the typical notion of soundness, and is inspired by quantum physics and by the principal that information cannot travel faster than light (see Sect. 3.2 for the definition, and [KRR13a, KRR13b] for more background on this notion). They then show how to convert these no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\)s into one-round arguments.

As our first step, we combine the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s of [RVW13], and the no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) construction of [KRR13b], to obtain a no-signaling multi-prover interactive proof of proximity (\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)). This construction combines techniques and results of [RVW13] and [KRR13b], and may be of independent interest.

Then, similarly to [KRR13a], we show how to convert any no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to a one-round argument of proximity. This transformation relies on a heuristic developed by Aiello et al. [ABOR00], which uses a (computational) \(\mathsf{{PIR}}\) scheme (or a fully homomorphic encryption scheme) to convert any \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) into a one-round argument. This heuristic was proven to be secure in [KRR13a] if the underlying \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) is secure against no-signaling strategies. We extend the result of [KRR13a] to the proximity setting.

Finally, we provide a negative result, which shows that the parameters we obtain for \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) and the parameters obtained in [RVW13], are somewhat tight. Proving such a lower bound was left as an open problem in [RVW13]. This part contains several new ideas, and is the main technical contribution of this work.

We also show that the parameters in our one-round argument of proximity are somewhat optimal, for arguments with adaptive soundness and are proven to be (adaptively) sound via a black-box reduction to a falsifiable assumption. See the full version for further details.

Linear-Time Delegation. We observe that both proofs and arguments of proximity, aside from being natural notions, can also be used as tools to obtain new results for delegating computation in the standard setting (i.e., where soundness is guaranteed for every \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\)). More specifically, using our results on arguments of proximity and the [RVW13] results on interactive proofs of proximity for low-depth circuits, we can construct (standard) one-round argument-systems for any deterministic computation, and interactive proof systems for low-depth circuits, where the verifier truly runs in linear-time. In contrast, the results of [GKR08] and [KRR13b] only give a quasi-linear time verifier.Footnote 1

1.2 Our Results in More Detail

Our main result is a construction of a one-round argument of proximity for any deterministic language. Here, and throughout this work, we use n to denote the input length. Let \(t=t(n)\), let \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{DTIME}(t)\) be a language. For a proximity parameter \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n) \in (0,1)\), we denote by \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) an interactive proof for testing \(\varepsilon \)-proximity to \(\mathcal {L}\).Footnote 2 Similarly we denote by \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) a multi-prover interactive proof for testing \(\varepsilon \)-proximity to \(\mathcal {L}\).

Theorem 1

(Informal). Suppose that there exists a sub-exponentially secure \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\). Fix a proximity parameter \(\varepsilon \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}n^{-(1-\beta )}\), for some sufficiently small \(\beta >0\), and a security parameter \(\tau \) (polynomially related to n).

There exists a 1-round argument of \(\varepsilon \)-proximity for \(\mathcal {L}\), where the verifier runs in time \(n^{1-\gamma } + \mathsf{polylog}(t) + \mathsf{poly}_{\mathsf{{FHE}}}(\tau )\), where \(\gamma >0\) is a constant and \(\mathsf{poly}_{\mathsf{{FHE}}}\) is a polynomial that depends only on the \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\) scheme, and makes \(n^{1-\gamma } + \mathsf{polylog}(t)\) oracle queries to the main input. The prover runs in time \(\mathsf{poly}(t)\). The total communication is of length \(\mathsf{poly}_{\mathsf{{FHE}}}(\tau )\).

Note that for languages in \(\mathsf{DTIME}\left( 2^{n^{\alpha }} \right) \) for sufficiently small \(\alpha >0\) (and in particular for languages in \(\mathsf{{P}}\)), the verifier in Theorem 1 runs in sub-linear time.

As mentioned previously, this result is obtained in two steps. We first construct an \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) that is sound against no-signaling strategies, and then show how to convert any such \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) into a one-round argument of proximity.

Theorem 2

(Informal). Fix a proximity parameter \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n) \in (0,1)\). There exists an \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) that is secure against no-signaling strategies, where the verifier makes \(q=\left( 1/\varepsilon \right) ^{1+o(1)}\) oracle queries to the input, the communication complexity \(c=(\varepsilon n)^2\cdot n^{o(1)} \cdot \mathsf{polylog}(t)\) and the running time of the verifier is \((\varepsilon n)^2\cdot \mathsf{polylog}(t)+\left( \frac{1}{\varepsilon }+\varepsilon n\right) ^{1+o(1)}\).

We then show how to convert any no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to a one-round argument of \(\varepsilon \)-proximity. In the following we say that a fully homomorphic encryption scheme (\(\mathsf{{FHE}}\)) is \((T,\delta )\) secure if every family of circuits of size T can break the semantic security of the \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\) with probability at most \(\delta \).

Theorem 3

(Informal). Fix a proximity parameter \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n) \in (0,1)\). Suppose that the language \(\mathcal {L}\) has an \(\ell \)-prover \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) that is sound against \(\delta \)-no-signaling strategies, with communication complexity c. Suppose that there exists a \((T,\delta /\ell )\)-secure \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\), where \(T \ge 2^{c}\). Then \(\mathcal {L}\) has a 1-round argument of \(\varepsilon \)-proximity where the running time of the prover and verifier and the communication complexity of the argument system, are proportional to those of the underlying \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) scheme.

We note that the parameters in Theorem 2 are somewhat similar to the parameters of the interactive proof of proximity (\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)) in [RVW13]. In particular, in both constructions it holds that \(c\cdot q=\varOmega (n)\). The work of [RVW13] shows that this lower bound of \(c\cdot q=\varOmega (n)\) is inherent for \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s with 2-messages (and that a weaker bound holds for \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s with a constant number of rounds), and left open the question of whether this lower bound is inherent for general (multi-round) \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s.

We resolve this question by showing that for every \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\), and every \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) that is sound against no-signaling strategies, it must be the case that \(c\cdot q=\varOmega (n)\). For this result we assume the existence of exponentially hard pseudorandom generators.

Theorem 4

(Informal). Assume the existence of exponentially hard pseudorandom generators. There exists a constant \(\varepsilon >0\) such that for every \(q=q(n)\le n\), there exists a language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) such that for every \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\) , and for every \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\) that sound against no-signaling adversaries, it holds that \(q\cdot c=\varOmega (n)\), where q is the query complexity and c is the communication complexity.

In fact, assuming a slightly stronger cryptographic assumption, we can replace \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) with \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf NC_1\) (which shows that the [RVW13] upper bound for log-space uniform \(\mathsf NC\) is essentially tight). See Sect. 4 for details.

We note that the [RVW13] lower bound for 2-message \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s is unconditional (and in particular they do not assume that the verifier is computationally bounded). It remains an interesting open problem to obtain an unconditional lower bound for multi-message \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s.

The parameters we obtain for the one-round argument also satisfy \(q\cdot c=\varOmega (n)\). We show that these parameters are close to optimal for arguments with adaptive soundness, that are proven sound via a black-box reduction to falsifiable assumptions. We refer the reader to the full version for details.

Finally, using the [RVW13] protocol or the protocol of Theorem 1 we construct delegation schemes in which the verifier runs in linear-time.

Theorem 5

(Informal). For every language in (logspace-uniform) \(\mathsf NC\) there exists an interactive proof system in which the verifier runs in time O(n) and the prover runs in time \(\mathsf{poly}(n)\).

Theorem 6

(Informal). Assume that there exists a sub-exponentially secure \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\). Then, for every language in \(\mathsf{{P}}\) there exists a 1-round argument-system in which the verifier runs in time O(n) and the prover runs in time \(\mathsf{poly}(n)\).

1.3 Related Work

As mentioned above, the work of [RVW13] and [KRR13a, KRR13b] are most related to ours. Both our work, and the work of [RVW13], lie in the intersection of property-testing and computation delegation. As opposed to property testing, where an algorithm is required to decide whether an input is close to the language on its own in sub-linear time, in our work the algorithm receives a proof, and only needs to verify correctness of the proof in sub-linear time. Thus, our task is significantly easier than the task in property testing. Indeed we get much stronger results. In particular, the works on property testing typically get sub-linear algorithms for specific languages, whereas our result holds for all deterministic languages.Footnote 3

Another very related problem is that of constructing a probabilistically checkable proof of proximity (\(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\)) [BSGH+06] (also known as assignment testers [DR06]). A \(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\) consists of a prover who publishes a long proof, and a verifier, who gets oracle access to this proof and to the instance x, and needs to decide whether x is close to the language in sub-linear time. The significant difference between \(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\) and proofs/argument of proximity is that in the \(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\) setting the proof is a fixed string (and cannot be modified adaptively based on the verifier’s messages).

The fundamental works of Kilian and Micali [Kil92, Mic94] show how to convert any probabilistically checkable proof (\(\mathsf{{PCP}}\)) into a 2-round (4-message) argument. As pointed out by [RVW13], their transformation can be also used to convert any \(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\) into a 2-round argument of proximity. Thus, obtaining a 2-round argument of proximity follows immediately by applying the transformation of [Kil92, Mic94] to any \(\mathsf{{PCPP}}\) construction. Moreover, the parameters of the resulting 2-round argument are optimal (up to logarithmic factors); i.e., the query complexity, the communication complexity and the runtime of the verifier is \(\mathsf{poly}(\log (t),\tau )\) where t is the time it takes to compute if x is in the language, and where \(\tau \) is the security parameter.

The focus of this work is on constructing one-round arguments of proximity. Unfortunately, our parameters do not match those of the two-round arguments of proximity outlined above. However, we show that using our techniques (i.e., of constructing one-round arguments of proximity from no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)s), our parameters are almost optimal.

Other works that are related to ours are the work of Gur and Rothblum [GR13] on non-interactive proofs of proximity, and of Fischer et al. [FGL14] on partial testing. The former studies an \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) version of property testing (which can be thought of as a 1-message variant of \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)), whereas the latter studies a model of property testing in which the tester needs to only accept a sub-property (we note that the two notions, which were developed independently, are tightly related, see [GR13, FGL14] for details).

Organization. In this extended abstract we give an overview of our techniques and only prove some of our results. In Sect. 2 we give a high level view of our techniques. In Sect. 3 we formally define arguments of proximity and the other central definitions that are used throughout this work. In Sect. 4 we show our lower bound for no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)s. See the full version for the missing proofs and formal theorem statements.

2 Our Techniques

2.1 Our Positive Results

To construct arguments of proximity for languages in \(\mathsf{DTIME}(t)\), we adapt the technique of [KRR13a] to the “proximity” setting. That is, we first construct an \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) that has soundness against no-signaling strategies and then employ the technique of Aiello et al. [ABOR00] to obtain an argument of proximity. We elaborate on these two steps below. In what follows, we focus for simplicity on languages in \(\mathsf{{P}}\), though everything extends to languages in \(\mathsf{DTIME}(t)\).

No-Signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) s for \(\mathsf{{P}}\) . Our first step (which is technically more involved) is a construction of \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)s that are sound against no-signaling strategies for any language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\). This construction is inspired by (and reminiscent of) the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) construction of [RVW13]. The starting point for the [RVW13] \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) is the “Muggles” protocol of Goldwasser et al. [GKR08], whereas our starting point is the no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) of [KRR13b].

The main technical difficulty in using both the [GKR08] and [KRR13b] protocols by a sublinear time verifier is that in both protocols, the verifier needs to compute an error corrected encoding of the input x. More specifically, the verifier needs to compute the low degree extension of x, denoted \(\mathsf {LDE}_x\). Since error-correcting codes are very sensitive to changes in the input, a sub-linear algorithm has no hope to compute \(\mathsf {LDE}_x\).

The key point is that in both the [GKR08] and the [KRR13b] protocols, it suffices for the verifier to check the value of \(\mathsf {LDE}_x\) at relatively few randomly selected points (this property was also used by [CKLR11] in their work on memory delegation). Hence, it will be useful for us to view both the [GKR08] and [KRR13b] protocols as protocols for producing a sequence of points J in the low degree extension of x and a sequence of corresponding values \({{\varvec{v}}}\) with the following properties:

  • If \(x \in \mathcal {L}\) and the prover(s) honestly follow the protocol then \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J)={{\varvec{v}}}\).

  • If \(x \notin \mathcal {L}\) then no matter what the cheating prover does (resp., no-signaling cheating prover do), with high probability the verifier outputs \(J,{{\varvec{v}}}\) such that \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J) \ne {{\varvec{v}}}\).

Hence, the verifiers in both protocols first run this subroutine to produce J and \({{\varvec{v}}}\) and then accept if and only if \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J)={{\varvec{v}}}\). Remarkably, in both cases, in the protocol that produces J and \({{\varvec{v}}}\), the verifier does not need to access x.

The next step in [RVW13] is a parallel repetition of the foregoing protocol in order to reduce the soundness error. Once the soundness error is sufficiently small, [RVW13] argue that for every x that is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\), no matter what the cheating prover does (in the parallel repetition of the base protocol), the verifier will output \(J,{{\varvec{v}}}\) such that not only \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J) \ne {{\varvec{v}}}\), but furthermore, x is far from any \(x'\) such that \(\mathsf {LDE}_{x'}(J) = {{\varvec{v}}}\). This steps simply follows by taking a union bound over all \(x'\) that are close to x.

We borrow this step almost as-is from [RVW13] except for the following technical difficulty - it is not known whether parallel repetition decreases the soundness error of no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) protocols.Footnote 4 However, we observe that the [KRR13b] protocol already allows for sufficient flexibility in choosing its soundness error so that the parallel repetition step can be avoided.

The last step of [RVW13] is designing an \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) protocol for a language that they call \(\mathsf{PVAL }_{J,{{\varvec{v}}}}\) (for “polynomial evaluation”). This language, parameterized by J and \({{\varvec{v}}}\), consists of all strings x such that \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J)={{\varvec{v}}}\). Using this \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) for \(\mathsf{PVAL }\), the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) verifier for a language \(\mathcal {L}\) first runs the (parallel repetition of the) [GKR08] protocol, to produce \(J,{{\varvec{v}}}\) as above. Then, the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) verifier runs the \(\mathsf{PVAL }_{J,{{\varvec{v}}}}\) protocol and accepts if and only if the \(\mathsf{PVAL }\)-verifier accepts. If \(x \in \mathcal {L}\) then we know that \(\mathsf {LDE}_x(J)={{\varvec{v}}}\) and therefore the \(\mathsf{PVAL }\)-verifier will accept, whereas if x is far from \(\mathcal {L}\) then x is far from \(\mathsf{PVAL }_{J,{{\varvec{v}}}}\) and therefore the \(\mathsf{PVAL }\)-verifier will reject. Hence the (parallel repetition of the) [GKR08] protocol is sequentially composed with the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) for \(\mathsf{PVAL }\).

For the no-signaling case, we also use the [RVW13] \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) protocol for \(\mathsf{PVAL }\). A technical difficulty that arises is that in contrast to the \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) setting in which sequential composition (of two interactive proofs) is trivial, here we need to compose a 1-round no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) with an \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) protocol, to produce a no-signalling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\). We indeed prove that such a composition holds thereby constructing a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) as we desire.

From No-Signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to Arguments of Proximity. The transformation from a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to an argument of proximity is based on the assumption that there exists a fully homomorphic encryption scheme (or alternatively, a computational private information retrieval scheme) and is practically identical to that in [KRR13a]. More specifically, the argument’s verifier uses the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier to generate a sequence of queries \(q_1,\dots ,q_\ell \) to the \(\ell \) provers. It encrypts each query using a fresh encryption key as follows: \(\hat{q_i} \leftarrow Enc_{k_i}(q_i)\). The argument’s verifier sends all the encrypted queries to the prover. Given \(\hat{q_1},\dots ,\hat{q_\ell }\), the prover uses the homomorphic evaluation algorithm to compute the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) answers “underneath” the encryption. It sends these answers back to the verifier, which can decrypt the encrypted answers and decide. As in [KRR13a] we show that if the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) is sound against no-signaling strategies then, assuming the semantic security of the \(\mathsf{{FHE}}\), the resulting protocol is sound against computationally bounded adversaries.

Linear-Time Delegation. We show that using the foregoing one-round argument of proximity for every language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) and good error-correcting codes, one can easily construct a one-round delegation protocol where the verifier runs in linear time (in contrast, the verifier in [KRR13b] runs in quasi-linear time). A similar observation, in the context of \(\mathsf{{PCP}}\)s, was previously pointed out by [EKR04].

Let \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) and consider \(\mathcal {L}'= \{ \mathsf{ECC}(x) \;:\; x \in \mathcal {L}\}\) where \(\mathsf{ECC}\) is an error correcting code with constant rate, constant relative distance, linear-time encoding and polynomial-time decodingFootnote 5. Then, \(\mathcal {L}' \in \mathsf{{P}}\) and so it has an argument of proximity with a sublinear-time verifier. We construct a delegation scheme for \(\mathcal {L}\) by having both the verifier and the prover compute \(x'=\mathsf{ECC}(x)\) and run the argument of proximity protocol with respect to \(x'\). Since the argument of proximity verifier runs in sublinear time, and \(\mathsf{ECC}(x)\) can be computed in linear-time, the resulting delegation verifier runs in linear-time. Soundness follows from the fact that a cheating prover that convinces the argument-system verifier to accept \(x \notin L\) can be used to convince the argument-of-proximity verifier to accept \(\mathsf{ECC }(x)\) which is indeed far from \(\mathcal {L}'\).

A similar result can be obtained for interactive proofs for low-depth computation based on the results of [RVW13] by using an error-correcting code that can be decoded in logarithmic-depth (such a code was constructed by Spielman [Spi96]).

2.2 Our Negative Results

We prove that assuming the existence of exponentially hard pseudorandom generators, there exists a constant \(\varepsilon >0\) for which there does not exist a no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for all of \(\mathsf{{P}}\) with query complexity q and communication complexity c such that \(q \cdot c = o(n)\) (where n is the input length). We also show a similar result for \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{IPP}}\).

We start by focusing on our lower bound for \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\). The high-level idea is the following: Suppose (towards contradiction) that every language in \(\mathsf{{P}}\) has a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) with query complexity q and communication complexity c where \(q\cdot c=o(n)\). The fact that \(q=o(n)\) implies that (for every language in \(\mathsf{{P}}\)), there is some set of coordinates \(S\subseteq [n]\) of size O(n / q) that with high (constant) probability the verifier does not query.

As a first step, suppose for the sake of simplicity that there is a fixed (universal) set of coordinates \(S\subseteq [n]\) such that with high probability the verifier never queries the coordinates in S, for every language in \(\mathsf{{P}}\) (for example, if the verifier’s queries are non-adaptive and are generated before it communicates with the prover, then such a set S must exist). We derive a contradiction by showing that one can use the no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to construct a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) for languages in \(\mathsf{{NP}}{\setminus }\mathsf{{P}}\) with communication \(c=o(n)\). The latter was shown to be impossible, assuming that \(\mathsf{{NP}}\nsubseteq \mathsf{DTIME}(2^{o(n)})\) [DLN+04] (see also [Ito10]).

The basic idea is the following: Take any language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{NP}}{\setminus }\mathsf{{P}}\) that is assumed to be hard to compute in time \(2^{o(n)}\), and convert it into the language \(\mathcal {L}'\in \mathsf{{P}}\), defined as follows: \(x'\in \mathcal {L}'\) if and only if \(x'_{S}\) is a valid witness of \(x'_{[n]\setminus S}\) in the underlying \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) language \(\mathcal {L}\). The no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\) will simply be the no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}'\), where the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier simulates the \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier with oracle access to \(x'\) where \(x'_{[n]\setminus S}=x\), and \(x'_S=0^{|S|}\). Note that the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier, which takes as input x (supposedly in \(\mathcal {L}\)), cannot (efficiently) generate a corresponding witness w and set \(x'_S=w\). But the point is that it does not need to, since S was chosen so that with high probability the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier for \(\mathcal {L}'\) will not query \(x'\) on coordinates in S.

There are several problems with this approach. First, the witness can be very long compared to x, and the set S may be very small compared to n. In this case we will not be able to fit the entire witness in the coordinate set S. Second, after running the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\), the verifier is convinced that \(x'\) is close to an instance in \(\mathcal {L}'\). However, this does not imply that x is in \(\mathcal {L}\) (and can only imply that x is close to \(\mathcal {L}\)).

One can fix these two problems with a single solution: Instead of setting \(x'_{[n]\setminus S}=x\) we set \(x'_{[n]\setminus S}=\mathsf{ECC }(x)\), where \(\mathsf{ECC }\) is a error-correcting code with efficient encoding, that is resilient to \(2\varepsilon \)-fraction of errors. Now, we can take \(\mathsf{ECC }(x)\) so that \(|\mathsf{ECC }(x)|\) is very large compared to |w|, so that we can fit all of the witness in the coordinate set S. Moreover, if \(|\mathsf{ECC }(x)|>|w|\) then if \(x'\) is \(\varepsilon \)-close to \(\mathcal {L}'\) then \(x'_{[n]\setminus S}\) is \(2\varepsilon \)-close to \(\mathcal {L}\). This, together with the fact that \(\mathsf{ECC }(x)\) is resilient to \(2\varepsilon \)-fraction of errors implies that the encoded element is indeed in \(\mathcal {L}\).

The foregoing idea indeed seems to work if there was a fixed (universal) set S that the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier does not query (with high probability). However, this is not necessarily the case, and this set S may be different for different languages in \(\mathsf{{P}}\). In particular, we cannot claim that for the language \(\mathcal {L}'\) the set S is exactly where the witness lies. Namely, it may be that the verifier in the underlying \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) always queries some coordinates in S.

We solve this problem by using repetitions. Namely, every element \(x'\in \mathcal {L}'\) will consist of many instances (encoded using an error-correcting code) along with many witnesses; i.e., \(x'=(\mathsf{ECC }(x_1,\ldots ,x_m),w_1,\ldots ,w_m)\), where each \(w_j\) is a witness for the \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) statement \(x_j \in \mathcal {L}\). Now, suppose that the verifier makes q queries to \(x'\) (where \(q=o(n)\)). Then if we take \(m=4q\) then we know that 3 / 4 of the \((x_j,w_j)\)’s are not queried.

As above, we derive a contradiction by showing that one can use the no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) to construct a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) for languages in \(\mathsf{{NP}}\setminus \mathsf{{P}}\) with o(n) communication, (which is known to be impossible for languages that cannot be computed in time \(2^{o(n)}\) [DLN+04, Ito10]). However, now the no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) construction will be different: Given an instance x (supposedly in \(\mathcal {L}\)), the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier will choose a random \(i^* \in _R [m]\), along with m random instance and witness pairs \((x_1,w_1),\ldots ,(x_m,w_m)\), where \(x_{i^*}=x\) and \(w_{i^*}\) can be arbitrary (assumed not to be queried).

We need to argue that with probability at least 3 / 4 the verifier will not query the coordinates of \(w_{i^*}\), and thus with probability at least 3 / 4 the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier will successfully simulate the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier. If the queries of the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier were chosen before interacting with the prover then this would follow immediately from the fact that \(i^*\in [m]\) is chosen at random. However, the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier may choose its oracle queries after interacting with the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) provers, and therefore we need to argue that the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) provers also do not know \(i^*\). Note that the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) provers see all of \(x_1,\ldots ,x_m\). Hence, in order to claim that the provers cannot guess \(i^*\) it needs to be the case that x is distributed identically to the other \(x_1,\ldots ,x_m\).

Hence, we seek a language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{NP}}\backslash \mathsf{{P}}\) for which there exists a distribution \(\mathcal {D}\) (distributed over \(\mathcal {L}\)) such that:

  1. 1.

    It is computationally hard to distinguish between \(x \in _R \mathcal {D}\) and \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\) (i.e., \(\mathcal {L}\) is hard on the average); and

  2. 2.

    \(x \in _R \mathcal {D}\) can be sampled together with a corresponding \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) witness.

We note that the first requirement is needed to obtain a contradiction (and replaces the weaker assumption that \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{NP}}\backslash \mathsf{{P}}\)) whereas the second assumption is required so that we can sample \(x_1,\dots ,x_m\) (together with the corresponding witnesses) so that \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) protocol cannot distinguish between x and any of the \(x_j\)’s (thereby hiding \(i^*\)). In can be easily verified that both requirement are met by considering \(\mathcal {D}\) which is the output of a cryptographic pseudorandom generator (\(\mathsf{PRG }\)). Hence the language \(\mathcal {L}\) that we use is precisely the output of such a \(\mathsf{PRG }\).

Indeed, we can only argue that our no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) has average-case completeness (with respect to the distribution \(\mathcal {D}\)), since if \(x\in \mathcal {L}\) is distributed differently from \((x_1,\ldots ,x_m)\) then the verifier of the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) may always query the coordinates where the witness of x is embedded, in which case the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier will fail to simulate. However, for random \(x\in _R\mathcal {L}\) the provers (and verifier) in the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) cannot guess \(i^*\) with any non-negligible advantage, and therefore the verifier will not query the coordinates of \(w_{i^*}\) with probability at least 3 / 4, in which case the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) verifier will succeed in simulating the underlying \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) verifier. We refer the reader to Sect. 4 for further details.

A Lower Bound for \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) . To obtain a multiplicative lower bound for \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\), we follow the same paradigm outlined above for \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)’s with no-signaling soundness. More specifically, we consider a language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{NP}}\) and the corresponding language

as above. We show that an \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) protocol for \(\mathcal {L}'\) implies a (standard) interactive-proof for \(\mathcal {L}\) with similar communication complexity. Here we obtain a contradiction by arguing that (assuming exponential hardness) there are languages in \(\mathsf{{NP}}\backslash \mathsf{{P}}\) for which every interactive proof require \(\varOmega (n)\) communication. The latter is based on the proof that \(\mathsf IP\subseteq \mathsf{{PSPACE}}\) (i.e., the “easy” direction in the \(\mathsf IP=\mathsf{{PSPACE}}\) theorem).

Given the [RVW13] positive result of \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) for low depth computations, we would like to show that our lower bound is not just for languages in \(\mathsf{{P}}\) but even for languages, say, in \(\mathsf NC_1\) (thereby showing that the [RVW13] result is tight). To do so we observe that if (1) the error correcting code that we use has an encoding procedure that can be computed by an \(\mathsf NC_1\) circuit and (2) the cryptographic \(\mathsf{PRG }\) can be computed in \(\mathsf NC_1\), then indeed \(\mathcal {L}' \in \mathsf NC_1\).

A Lower Bound for One-Round Arguments of Proximity. For one-round arguments of proximity, we show a similar lower-bound of \(q\cdot c=\varOmega (n)\), assuming the argument has adaptive soundness, and the proof of (adaptive) soundness is via a black-box reduction to some falsifiable cryptographic assumption.

Loosely speaking, a cryptographic assumption is falsifiable (a notion due to Naor [Nao03]) if there is an efficient way to “falsify it”, i.e., to demonstrate that it is false. We note that most standard cryptographic assumptions (e.g., one-way functions, public-key encryption, \(\mathsf{{LWE}}\) etc.) are falsifiable. A black-box reduction of one cryptographic primitive to another, is a reduction that, using black-box access to any (possibly inefficient) adversary for the first primitive, breaks the security of the second primitive.

Similarly to the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) and \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\) lower bounds, we consider the languages \(\mathcal {L}\) and \(\mathcal {L}'\), as above, where \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{NP}}\) is exponentially hard on average and \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\). We prove that if there exists an adaptively sound one-round argument of proximity for \(\mathcal {L}'\) with \(q\cdot c=o(n)\) then there exists an adaptively sound one-round argument for \(\mathcal {L}\) with o(n) communication (in the \(\mathsf{crs}\) model).

We then rely on a result of Gentry and Wichs [GW11], which shows that there does not exist a one-round argument for exponentially hard (on average) \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) languages, with adaptive soundness and black-box reduction to a falsifiable assumption.

We conclude that \(\mathsf{{P}}\) does not have an adaptively sound one-round argument of proximity with \(q\cdot c=o(n)\), and a black-box reduction to a falsifiable assumption. We refer the reader to the full version for details.

3 Definitions

In this section we define arguments of proximity and \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\)s of proximity (with soundness against no-signaling strategies). See the full version for additional standard definitions.

Notation. For \(x,y \in \{0,1\}^n\), we denote the Hamming distance of x and y by \(\Delta (x,y) \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}|\{ i \in [n] :x_i \ne y_i \}|\). We say that x is \(\varepsilon \)-close to y if \(\Delta (x,y) \le \delta \). We say that x is \(\varepsilon \)-close to a set \(S \subseteq \{0,1\}^n\) if there exists \(y \in S\) such that x is \(\varepsilon \)-close to y.

If A is an oracle machine, we denote by \(A^x(z)\) the output of A when given oracle access to x and explicit access to z.

For a vector \(a=(a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell )\) and a subset \(S \subseteq [\ell ]\), we denote by \(a_S\) the sequence of elements of a that are indexed by indices in S, that is, \(a_S = \left( {a}_i\right) _{i \in S}\).

For a distribution \(\mathcal {A}\), we denote by \(a \in _R \mathcal {A}\) a random variable distributed according to \(\mathcal {A}\) (independently of all other random variables). We will measure the distance between two distributions by their statistical distance, defined as half the \(l_1\)-distance between the distributions. We will say that two distributions are \(\delta \)-close if their statistical distance is at most \(\delta \).

3.1 Arguments of Proximity

An interactive argument of proximity for a language \(\mathcal {L}\) consists of a polynomial-time verifier that wishes to verify that x is close (in Hamming distance) to some \(x'\) such that \(x' \in \mathcal {L}\), and a prover that helps the verifier to decide. The verifier is given as input \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), a proximity parameter \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n)>0\) and oracle access to \(x \in \{0,1\}^n\) (and its oracle queries are counted). The prover gets as input \(\varepsilon \) and x. The two parties interact and at the end of the interaction the verifier either accepts or rejects. We require that if \(x \in \mathcal {L}\) then the verifier accepts with high probability but if x is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\), then no computationally bounded prover can convince the verifier to accept with non-negligible (in n) probability.

We focus on 1-round arguments of proximity systems. Such an argument-system consists of a single message sent from the verifier V to the prover P, followed by a single message sent from the prover to the verifier.

Let \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n) \in (0,1)\) be a proximity parameter. Let \(T : \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) and \(s : \mathbb {N}\rightarrow [0,1]\) be parameters. We say that (VP) is a one-round argument of \(\varepsilon \)-proximity for \(\mathcal {L}\), with soundness (Ts), if the following two properties are satisfied:

  1. 1.

    Completeness: For every \(x \in \mathcal {L}\), the verifier \(V^x(|x|,\varepsilon )\) accepts with overwhelming probability, after interacting with \(P(\varepsilon ,x)\).

  2. 2.

    Soundness: For every family of circuits \(\{P^*_{n}\}_{n \in \mathbb {N}}\) of size \(\mathsf{poly}(T(n))\) and for all sufficiently large \(x \notin \mathcal {L}\), the verifier \(V^x(|x|,\varepsilon )\) rejects with probability \(\ge 1-s(|x|)\), after interacting with \(P^*_{|x|}(\varepsilon ,x)\).

3.2 Multi-prover Interactive Proofs (\(\mathsf{{MIP}}\))

Let \(\mathcal {L}\) be a language and let x be an input of length n. In a one-round \(\ell \)-prover interactive proof, \(\ell \) computationally unbounded provers, \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \), try to convince a (probabilistic) \(\mathsf{poly}(n)\)-time verifier, V, that \(x \in \mathcal {L}\). The input x is known to all parties.

The proof consists of only one round. Given x and its random string, the verifier generates \(\ell \) queries, \(q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell \), one for each prover, and sends them to the \(\ell \) provers. Each prover responds with an answer that depends only on its own individual query. That is, the provers respond with answers \(a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell \), where for every i we have \(a_i = P_i(q_i)\). Finally, the verifier decides wether to accept or reject based on the answers that it receives (as well as the input x and its random string).

We say that \((V, P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )\) is a one-round multi-prover interactive proof system (\(\mathsf{{MIP}}\)) for \(\mathcal {L}\), with completeness \(c\in [0,1]\) and soundness \(s\in [0,1]\) (think of \(s<c\)) if the following two properties are satisfied:

  1. 1.

    Completeness: For every \(x \in \mathcal {L}\), the verifier V accepts with probability c, over the random coins of V, \(P_1,\dots ,P_\ell \), after interacting with \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \), where c is a parameter referred to as the completeness of the proof system.

  2. 2.

    Soundness: For every \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\), and any (computationally unbounded, possibly cheating) provers \(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell \), the verifier V rejects with probability \(\ge 1-s\), over the random coins of V, after interacting with \(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell \), where s is a parameter referred to as the error or soundness of the proof system.

Important parameters of an \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) are the number of provers, the length of queries, the length of answers, and the error. We say that the proof-system has perfect completeness If completeness hold with probability 1 (i.e. \(c=1\)).

No-Signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) . We will consider a variant of the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) model, where the cheating provers are more powerful. In the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) model, each prover answers its own query locally, without knowing the queries that were sent to the other provers. The no-signaling model allows each answer to depend on all the queries, as long as for any subset \(S \subset [\ell ]\), and any queries \(q_S\) for the provers in S, the distribution of the answers \(a_S\), conditioned on the queries \(q_S\), is independent of all the other queries.

Intuitively, this means that the answers \(a_S\) do not give the provers in S information about the queries of the provers outside S, except for information that they already have by seeing the queries \(q_S\).

Formally, denote by D the alphabet of the queries and denote by \(\varSigma \) the alphabet of the answers. For every \(q=(q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell ) \in D^\ell \), let \(\mathcal {A}_q\) be a distribution over \(\varSigma ^\ell \). We think of \(\mathcal {A}_q\) as the distribution of the answers for queries q.

We say that the family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\) is no-signaling if for every subset \(S \subset [\ell ]\) and every two sequences of queries \(q,q' \in D^\ell \), such that \(q_S=q'_S\), the following two random variables are identically distributed:

  • \(a_S\), where \(a \in _R \mathcal {A}_q\)

  • \(a'_S\) where \(a' \in _R \mathcal {A}_{q'}\)

If the two distributions are \(\delta \)-close, rather than identical, we say that the family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\) is \(\delta \)-no-signaling.

An \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) \((V, P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )\) for a language \(\mathcal {L}\) is said to have soundness s against no-signaling strategies (or provers) if the following (more general) soundness property is satisfied:

  1. 2.

    Soundness: For every \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\), and any no-signaling family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\), the verifier V rejects with probability \( \ge 1-s\), where on queries \(q=(q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell )\) the answers are given by \((a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell ) \in _R \mathcal {A}_q\), and s is the soundness parameter.

If the property is satisfied for any \(\delta \)-no-signaling family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\), we say that the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) has soundness s against \(\delta \)-no-signaling strategies (or provers).

\(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) of Proximity ( \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) ). Let \(\mathcal {L}\) be a language, let x be an input of length n (which we refer to as the main input) and let \(\varepsilon =\varepsilon (n) \in (0,1)\) be a proximity parameter. In a one-round \(\ell \)-prover interactive proof of proximity, \(\ell \) computationally unbounded provers, \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \), try to convince a (probabilistic) polynomial-time verifier, V, that the input x is \(\varepsilon \)-close (in relative Hamming distance) to some \(x' \in \mathcal {L}\). The provers have free access to n, \(\varepsilon \) and x. The verifier has free access to n and \(\varepsilon \) and oracle access to x (and the number of oracle queries is counted).

We say that \((V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )\) is a one-round multi-prover interactive proof system of \(\varepsilon \)-proximity (\(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)) for \(\mathcal {L}\), with completeness \(c\in [0,1]\) and soundness \(s\in [0,1]\), if the following properties are satisfied:

  1. 1.

    Running Time: The verifier runs in polynomial time, i.e., time polynomial in the communication complexity and the number of oracle queries.

  2. 2.

    Completeness: For every \(x \in \mathcal {L}\) the verifier V accepts with probability c, after interacting with \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \).

  3. 3.

    Soundness: For every x that is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\), and any (computationally unbounded, possibly cheating) provers \(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell \), the verifier V rejects with probability \(\ge 1-s\), after interacting with \(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell \).

We denote such a proof system by \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) (and omit the soundness and completeness parameters from the notation). We say that the proof-system has perfect completeness if completeness hold with probability 1 (i.e. \(c=1\)). The parameters we are mainly interested in are the query complexity and the communication complexity.

No-Signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) . An \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\), \((V, P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )\) for a language \(\mathcal {L}\) is said to have soundness s against no-signaling strategies (or provers) if the following (more general) soundness property is satisfied:

  1. 2.

    Soundness: For every x that is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\), and any no-signaling family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\), the verifier V rejects with probability \(\ge 1-s\), where on queries \(q=(q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell )\) the answers are given by \((a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell ) \in _R \mathcal {A}_q\), and s is the error parameter.

If the property is satisfied for any \(\delta \)-no-signaling family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_q\}_{q \in D^\ell }\), we say that the \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) has soundness s against \(\delta \)-no-signaling strategies (or provers).

4 Lower Bound for No-Signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\)

In this section we prove a lower bound, showing that there does not exist a no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for all of \(\mathsf{{P}}\) with query complexity q and communication complexity c such that \(q \cdot c = o(n)\) (where n is the input length). More specifically, for every q we construct a language \(\mathcal {L}\) in \(\mathsf{{P}}\) and prove that if exponentially hard pseudo-random generators exist then for any no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\) with query complexity q and communication complexity c, it must be the case that \(q \cdot c =\varOmega (n)\). In the full version we show how to extend the result to \(\mathsf{{IPP}}\)s and to arguments of proximity.

In what follows we denote by \(\tau \) the security parameter.

Definition 1

A pseudo-random generator \(G:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\ell (n)}\) (with stretch \(\ell (n) > n\)) is said to be exponentially hard if for every circuit family \(\{\mathcal {A}_\tau \}_\tau \) of size \(2^{o(\tau )}\),

$$ \left| \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{s\in _R \{0,1\}^\tau }[\mathcal {A}_\tau (1^\tau ,G(s))=1] - \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{y \in _R \{0,1\}^{\ell (\tau )}}[\mathcal {A}_\tau (1^\tau ,y)=1] \right| =\mathrm{{negl}}(\tau ). $$

Theorem 7

Assume the existence of exponentially hard pseudo-random generators. There exists a constant \(\varepsilon >0\) such that for every \(q=q(n)\le n\), there exists a language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) such that every \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for testing \(\varepsilon \)-proximity to \(\mathcal {L}\) with completeness 2 / 3, soundness 1 / 3, query complexity q and communication complexity c it holds that \(q\cdot c=\varOmega (n)\).

Remark 1. The above theorem holds with respect to any constant completeness parameter \(c>0\) and constant soundness parameter s such that \(s<c\), and we chose \(c=2/3\) and \(s=1/3\) only for the sake of concreteness.

Remark 2. The assumption in Theorem 7 can be reduced to sub-exponentially hard pseudo-random generators (i.e., it is infeasible for circuits of size \(2^{\tau ^\delta }\) to distinguish the output of the generator from uniform, for some \(\delta >0\)), rather than exponential hardness, at the cost of a weaker implication (i.e., \(q \cdot c = \varOmega (n^{\delta })\)).

Proof of Theorem 7 . We start by defining the notion of average-case no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) (in the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model), which is used in the proof of Theorem 7. We note that this average-case completeness seems too weak for applications and we define this weak notion only for the sake of the proof of Theorem 7.

Definition 2

An average-case no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) in the common random string (\(\mathsf{crs }\)) model, for a language \(\mathcal {L}\), with completeness c and soundness s, consists of \((V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell ,\mathsf{crs })\), where as before V is the verifier, \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \) are the provers, and \(\mathsf{crs }\) is a common random string of length \(\mathsf{poly}(n)\), chosen uniformly at random and given to all parties. In particular, V’s queries and decision may depend on the \(\mathsf{crs }\), and the answers generated by both honest and cheating provers may depend on the \(\mathsf{crs }\). The following completeness and soundness conditions are required:

  • Average-Case Completeness. For all sufficiently large \(n \in \mathbb {N}\),

    $$ \Pr \big [ (V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )(x,\mathsf{crs })=1 \big ]\ge c, $$

    where the probability is over uniformly distributed \(x\in _R \mathcal {L}\cap \{0,1\}^n\), over uniformly generated \(\mathsf{crs }\in _R\{0,1\}^{\mathsf{poly}(n)}\), and over the random coin tosses of the verifier V.

  • Soundness Against No-Signaling Provers. For every \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\), and every family of distributions \(\{\mathcal {A}_{q,\mathsf{crs }}\}_{q \in D^\ell , \mathsf{crs }\in \{0,1\}^{\mathsf{poly}(n)}}\) such that for every \(\mathsf{crs }\in \{0,1\}^{\mathsf{poly}(n)}\) the family of distributions \(\{A_{q,\mathsf{crs }}\}_{q \in D^\ell }\) is no-signaling, the verifier V rejects with probability \(\ge 1-s\), where the answers corresponding to \((q,\mathsf{crs })\) are given by \((a_1,\ldots ,a_\ell ) \in _R \mathcal {A}_{q,\mathsf{crs }}\).

The following proposition, which we use in the proof of Theorem 7, follows from [DLN+04] (see also [Ito10]).

Proposition 1

Suppose that a language \(\mathcal {L}\) has an average-case no-signaling \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) in the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model, communication complexity \(c=c(n)\) (where n is the instance length), and with constant completeness and soundness (where the soundness parameter is smaller than the completeness parameter). Then, there exists a randomized algorithm D that runs in time \(\mathsf{poly}(n,2^{c})\) such that:

  • For every \(n\in \mathbb {N}\),

    $$ \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{x \in _R \mathcal {L}\cap \{0,1\}^n}[D(x)=1] \ge 2/3 $$

    where the probability is also over the coin tosses of D.

  • For every \(x \not \in \mathcal {L}\) it holds that

    $$ \Pr [D(x)=1] \le 1/3 $$

    where the probability is over the coins tosses of D.

We note that [DLN+04, Ito10] did not consider the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model nor average-case completeness, but the claim extends readily to this setting as well.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 7.

Proof of Theorem 7 . Assume that there exists a pseudo-random generator (\(\mathsf{PRG }\)), denoted by \(G:\{0,1\}^\tau \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{2\tau }\), that is exponentially secure. Namely, every adversary of size \(2^{o(\tau )}\) cannot distinguish between uniformly distributed \(r\in _R\{0,1\}^{2\tau }\) and G(s) for uniformly distributed \(s\in _R\{0,1\}^\tau \), with non-negligible advantage. For sake of simplicity, we assume that G is injectiveFootnote 6.

Let \(\varepsilon >0\) be a constant for which there exists a (good) error-correcting-code, denoted by \(\mathsf{ECC }\), with constant rate and efficient encoding that is resilient to \((2\varepsilon )\)-fraction of adversarially chosen errors.

Fix any query complexity \(q=o(n)\).Footnote 7 We show that there exists a language \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\) such that for every no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\) with query complexity q and communication complexity c (and completeness \(\frac{2}{3}\) and soundness \(\frac{1}{3}\)) it must be the case that \(q\cdot c={\varOmega }{(n)}\).

Consider the following language:

$$ \mathcal {L}= \big \{(\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m): \forall i\in [m], G(s_i)=r_i \big \}, $$

where \(m=4q\) and \(\tau =|s_i|=\varTheta {(n/q)}\), where \(n=|(\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)|\). The fact that \(|s_i|=\varTheta {(n/q)}\) follows from the fact that \(\mathsf{ECC }\) has constant rate (i.e., \(|\mathsf{ECC }(z)|=O(|z|)\)).

The fact that \(\mathsf{ECC }\) is efficiently decodable and G is efficiently computable implies that \(\mathcal {L}\in \mathsf{{P}}\). Suppose for contradiction that there exists a no-signaling \(\varepsilon \)-\(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) for \(\mathcal {L}\), denoted by \((V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )\), with communication complexity c such that \(c={o}{(n/q)}\).

Consider the following \(\mathsf{{NP}}\) language

$$ \mathcal {L}_G=\{r:\exists s \text{ s.t. } G(s)=r\}. $$

Proposition 1, together with the fact that G is exponentially secure, implies that \(\mathcal {L}_G\) does not have an average-case \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) in the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model with soundness against no-signaling strategies, with communication complexity \(o(\tau )\) for instances of length \(\tau \).

We obtain a contradiction by constructing an average-case \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) in the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model with soundness against no-signaling strategies, with communication complexity \(o(\tau )\). To this end, consider the following \(\mathsf{{MIP}}\) in the \(\mathsf{crs }\) model for \(\mathcal {L}_G\), denoted by \((V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell ,\mathsf{crs })\).

  • The \(\mathsf{crs }\) consists of m uniformly distributed seeds \(s_1,\ldots ,s_m\in _R\{0,1\}^\tau \), and a random coordinate \(i\in _R[m]\).

  • The verifier \(V'\), on input \(r\in \{0,1\}^{2\tau }\), does the following:

    1. 1.

      Let \(r_i=r\), and for every \(j\in [m]\setminus \{i\}\), let \(r_j=G(s_j)\).

    2. 2.

      Emulate V with oracle access to \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\). (Note that with overwhelming probability \(r\ne G(s_i)\), and thus \(r_i\ne G(s_i)\). However V will not notice this unless it queries coordinates that belong to \(s_i\).)

  • The provers \(P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell \), emulate \(P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \) on input \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\), while setting \(r_i=r\) and setting \(s_i=s\) where \(r=G(s)\) (assuming that such s exists).Footnote 8 If such s does not exist then the provers \(P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell \) send a reject message, and abort.

Note that the communication complexity of \((V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell ,\mathsf{crs })\) is equal to the communication complexity of \((V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell ,\mathsf{crs })\), denoted by c. By our assumption, \(c=o(n/q)=o(\tau )\), as desired.

Average-Case Completeness. We need to prove that \( \Pr [(V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell )(r,\mathsf{crs })=1]\ge \frac{1}{2} \), where the probability is over uniformly distributed \(r\in _R (\mathcal {L}_G)_\tau \), over uniformly generated \(\mathsf{crs }=(s_1,\ldots ,s_m,i)\) where each \(s_j\in _R\{0,1\}^{\tau }\), \(i\in _R[m]\), and over the random coin tosses of the verifier V.

Let \(\mathsf{GOOD }\) denote the event that \(V'\) does not query any of the coordinates that belong to \(s_i\), where \(i\in [m]\) is the random coordinate chosen by \(V'\). Notice that for every \(r\in \mathcal {L}_G\),

$$\begin{aligned}&\Pr \big [(V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell )(r,\mathsf{crs })=1 \;\vert \; \mathsf{GOOD }\big ]=\\&\Pr \big [ (V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell )(\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)=1 \;\vert \;s_i \text{ is } \text{ not } \text{ queried }\big ] \ge \frac{2}{3} \end{aligned}$$

where the probabilities are over a uniformly distributed \(\mathsf{crs }\) and the random coin tosses of \(V'\) and V, and where in the second equation \(r_i=r\) and \(s_i=s\), where \(r=G(s)\). Recall that the fact that \(r\in \mathcal {L}_G\) implies that such s exists.

The fact that

$$ \Pr [(V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell )(r,\mathsf{crs })\!=\!1]\ge \Pr [(V',P'_1,\ldots ,P'_\ell )(r,\mathsf{crs })\!=\!1| \mathsf{GOOD }]\cdot \Pr [\mathsf{GOOD }] $$

implies that it suffices to prove that \(\Pr [\mathsf{GOOD }]\ge \frac{3}{4}\), where the probability is over uniformly distributed \(r\in _R\mathcal {L}_G\), uniformly distributed \(\mathsf{crs }\), and over the random coin tosses of \(V'\).

Note that \(r_1,\ldots ,r_m\) are all distributed identically to r, and thus \(V,P_1,\ldots ,P_\ell \), which all receive as input \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\), where \(r_i=r\), do not have any advantage in guessing i (here we crucially use the fact that the \(\mathsf{{MIPP}}\) provers are not given access to the \(\mathsf{crs }\)). Therefore, since V makes at most q queries, and since \(m=4q\), it follows from the union bound that V queries any location of \(s_i\) with probability at most \(\frac{q}{m}=\frac{1}{4}\). Hence, \(\Pr [\mathsf{GOOD }]\ge \frac{3}{4}\) and (average-case) completeness follows.

Soundness Against No-Signaling Strategies. We prove that for every \(r\notin \mathcal {L}_G\), every \(\mathsf{crs }=(s_1,\ldots ,s_m,i)\), and every no-signaling cheating strategy \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}=(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell )\), it holds that \( \Pr [(V',P^{\mathsf {NS}})(r,\mathsf{crs })=1]\le \frac{1}{3}\), where the probability is over the random coin tosses of \(V'\) and \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}\).

To this end, fix any \(r\notin \mathcal {L}_G\) and any \(\mathsf{crs }=(s_1,\ldots ,s_m,i)\) where each \(s_j\in \{0,1\}^\tau \) and \(i\in [m]\). Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a no-signaling cheating strategy \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}=(P^*_1,\ldots ,P^*_\ell )\) such that \( \Pr [(V',P^{\mathsf {NS}})(r,\mathsf{crs })=1]>\frac{1}{3} \), where the probability is over the random coin tosses of \(V'\) and \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}\).

Recall that \(V'\) runs V on input \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\), where \(r_i=r\) and where \(r_j=G(s_j)\) for every \(j\in [m]\setminus \{i\}\). We prove that there exists a no-signaling cheating strategy, denoted by \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\), such that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left[ \left( V,\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}} \right) \left( \mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m \right) =1 \right] > \frac{1}{3}, \end{aligned}$$

where the probability is over the random coin tosses of V and \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\).

The cheating strategy \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\) simply emulates \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}\). Namely, \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\), upon receiving queries \((q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell )\), will emulate \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}(r,\mathsf{crs })\) upon receiving \((q_1,\ldots ,q_\ell )\), where \(r=r_i\) and \(\mathsf{crs }=(s_1,\ldots ,s_m,i)\). Note that \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\) simulates \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}\) perfectly, and therefore indeed Equation (1) holds. Also note that the fact that \(P^{\mathsf {NS}}\) is a no-signaling strategy immediately implies that \(\hat{P}^{\mathsf {NS}}\) is also a no-signaling strategy.

To get a contradiction, it thus remains to show that \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\) is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\). Indeed, the fact that \({\mathsf{ECC }}\) is an error correcting code resilient to \(2\varepsilon \)-fraction of adversarial errors, together with the fact that \(r\notin \mathcal {L}_G\) implies that \((\mathsf{ECC }(r_1,\ldots ,r_m),s_1,\ldots ,s_m)\) is \(\varepsilon \)-far from \(\mathcal {L}\), as desired.    \(\square \)