
1 Introduction

Model-driven development is rigorously applied in automotive systems in which the software controllers interact with physical environments. The continuous time behaviors (evolved with various energy rates) of those systems often rely on complex dynamics as well as on stochastic behaviors. Formal verification and validation (V&V) technologies are indispensable and highly recommended for development of safe and reliable automotive systems [3, 4]. Conventional V&V, i.e., testing and model checking have limitations in terms of assessing the reliability of hybrid systems due to both the stochastic and non-linear dynamical features. To ensure the reliability of safety critical hybrid dynamic systems, statistical model checking (SMC) techniques have been proposed [11, 12, 25]. These techniques for fully stochastic models validate probabilistic performance properties of given deterministic (or stochastic) controllers in given stochastic environments.

Conventional formal analysis of timing models addresses worst case designs, typically used for hard deadlines in safety critical systems, however, there is great incentive to include “less-than-worst-case” designs to improve efficiency but without affecting the quality of timing analysis in the systems. The challenge is the definition of suitable model semantics that provide reliable predictions of system timing, given the timing of individual components and their compositions. While the standard worst case models are well understood in this respect, the behavior and the expressiveness of “less-than-worst-case” models is far less investigated. In most cases, a bounded number of violations of timing constraints in systems would not lead to system failures when the results of the violations are negligible, called Weakly-Hard (WH) [8, 29]. In this paper, we propose a formal probabilistic modeling and analysis technique by extending the known concept of WH constraints to what is called “typical” worst case model and analysis.

East-adl (Electronics Architecture and Software Technology - Architecture Description Language) [5, 14], aligned with AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) standard [1], is a concrete example of the MBD approach for the architectural modeling of safety-critical automotive embedded systems. A system in East-adl is described by Functional Architectures (FA) at different abstraction levels. The FA are composed of a number of interconnected functionprototypes (\(f_p\)), and the \(f_p\)s have ports and connectors for communication. East-adl relies on external tools for the analysis of specifications related to requirements. For example, behavioral description in East-adl is captured in external tools, i.e., Simulink/Stateflow[32]. The latest release of East-adl has adopted the time model proposed in the Timing Augmented Description Language (Tadl2) [9]. Tadl2 expresses and composes the basic timing constraints, i.e., repetition rates, end-to-end delays, and synchronization constraints. The time model of Tadl2 specializes the time model of MARTE, the UML profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems [30]. MARTE provides Ccsl, a time model and a Clock Constraint Specification Language, that supports specification of both logical and dense timing constraints for MARTE models, as well as functional causality constraints [27].

We have previously specified non-functional properties (timing and energy constraints) of automotive systems specified in East-adl and MARTE/Ccsl, and proved the correctness of specification by mapping the semantics of the constraints into Uppaal models for model checking [23]. Previous work is extended in this paper by including support for probabilistic analysis of timing constraints of automotive systems in the context WH: 1. Probabilistic extension of Ccsl, called PrCcsl, is defined and the East-adl/Tadl2 timing constraints with stochastic properties are specified in PrCcsl; 2. The semantics of the extended constraints in PrCcsl is translated into verifiable Uppaal-SMC [2] models for formal verification; 3. A set of mapping rules is proposed to facilitate guarantee of translation. Our approach is demonstrated on an autonomous traffic sign recognition vehicle (AV) case study.

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents an overview of Ccsl and Uppaal-SMC. The AV is introduced as a running example in Sect. 3. Section 4 presents the formal definition of PrCcsl. Section 5 describes a set of translation patterns from Ccsl/PrCcsl to Uppaal-SMC models and how our approaches provide support for formal analysis at the design level. The applicability of our method is demonstrated by performing verification on the AV case study in Sect. 6. Sections 7 and 8 present related work and the conclusion.

2 Preliminary

In our framework, we consider a subset of Ccsl and its extension with stochastic properties that is sufficient to specify East-adl timing constraints in the context of WH. Formal Modeling and V&V of the East-adl timing constraints specified in Ccsl are performed using Uppaal-SMC.

Clock Constraint Specification Language (Ccsl) [6, 27] is a UML profile for modeling and analysis of real-time systems (MARTE) [7, 26]. In Ccsl, a clock represents a sequence of (possibly infinite) instants. An event is a clock and the occurrences of an event correspond to a set of ticks of the clock. Ccsl provides a set of clock constraints that specifies evolution of clocks’ ticks. The physical time is represented by a dense clock with a base unit. A dense clock can be discretized into a discrete/logical clock. idealClock is a predefined dense clock whose unit is second. We define a universal clock ms based on idealClock: ms = idealClock discretizedBy 0.001. ms representing a periodic clock that ticks every 1 ms in this paper. A step is a tick of the universal clock. Hence the length of one step is 1 ms.

Ccsl provides two types of clock constraints, relation and expression: A relation limits the occurrences among different events/clocks. Let C be a set of clocks, \(c1, c2 \in C\), coincidence relation (c1 \(\equiv \) c2) specifies that two clocks must tick simultaneously. Precedence relation (\(c1 \prec c2\)) delimits that c1 runs faster than c2, i.e., \(\forall k \in \mathbb {N^{+}}\), where \(\mathbb {N^{+}}\) is the set of positive natural numbers, the \(k^{th}\) tick of c1 must occur prior to the \(k^{th}\) tick of c2. Causality relation (\(c1 \preceq c2\)) represents a relaxed version of precedence, allowing the two clocks to tick at the same time. Subclock (c1 \(\subseteq \) c2) indicates the relation between two clocks, superclock (c1) and subclock (c2), s.t. each tick of the subclock must correspond to a tick of its superclock at the same step. Exclusion (c1 # c2) prevents the instants of two clocks from being coincident. An expression derives new clocks from the already defined clocks: periodicOn builds a new clock based on a base clock and a period parameter, s.t., the instants of the new clocks are separated by a number of instants of the base clock. The number is given as period. DelayFor results in a clock by delaying the base clock for a given number of ticks of a reference clock. Infimum, denoted inf, is defined as the slowest clock that is faster than both c1 and c2. Supremum, denoted sup, is defined as the fastest clock that is slower than c1 and c2.

UPPAAL-SMC performs the probabilistic analysis of properties by monitoring simulations of complex hybrid systems in a given stochastic environment and using results from the statistics to determine whether the system satisfies the property with some degree of confidence. Its clocks evolve with various rates, which are specified with ordinary differential equations (ODE). Uppaal-SMC provides a number of queries related to the stochastic interpretation of Timed Automata (STA) [12] and they are as follows, where N and bound indicate the number of simulations to be performed and the time bound on the simulations respectively:

  1. 1.

    Probability Estimation estimates the probability of a requirement property \(\phi \) being satisfied for a given STA model within the time bound: \(Pr[bound]\ \phi \).

  2. 2.

    Hypothesis Testing checks if the probability of \(\phi \) being satisfied is larger than or equal to a certain probability \(P_0\): \(Pr[bound]\ \phi \ \geqslant \ P_0\).

  3. 3.

    Probability Comparison compares the probabilities of two properties being satisfied in certain time bounds: \(Pr[bound_1]\) \(\phi _1\) \(\geqslant \) \(Pr[bound_2]\) \(\phi _2\).

  4. 4.

    Expected Value evaluates the minimal or maximal value of a clock or an integer value while Uppaal-SMC checks the STA model: \(E[bound; N](min:\phi )\) or \(E[bound; N](max:\phi )\).

  5. 5.

    Simulations: Uppaal-SMC runs N simulations on the STA model and monitors k (state-based) properties/expressions \(\phi _1,..., \phi _k\) along the simulations within simulation bound bound: simulate N \([\leqslant \) \(bound]\{\phi _1,..., \phi _k\}\).

3 Running Example: Traffic Sign Recognition Vehicle

An autonomous vehicle (AV) [21, 22] application using Traffic Sign Recognition is adopted to illustrate our approach. The AV reads the road signs, e.g., “speed limit” or “right/left turn”, and adjusts speed and movement accordingly. The functionality of AV, augmented with timing constraints and viewed as Functional Design Architecture (FDA) (designFunctionTypes), consists of the following \(f_p\)s in Fig. 1: System function type contains four \(f_p\)s, i.e., the Camera captures sign images and relays the images to SignRecognition periodically. Sign Recognition analyzes each frame of the detected images and computes the desired images (sign types). Controller determines how the speed of the vehicle is adjusted based on the sign types and the current speed of the vehicle. VehicleDynamic specifies the kinematics behaviors of the vehicle. Environment function type consists of three \(f_p\)s, i.e., the information of traffic signs, random obstacles, and speed changes caused by environmental influence described in TrafficSign, Obstacle, and Speed \(f_p\)s respectively.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

AV in East-adl augmented with Tadl2 constraints (R. IDs) specified in PrCcsl (Spec. R. IDs)

We consider the Periodic, Execution, End-to-End, Synchronization, Sporadic, and Comparison timing constraints on top of the AV East-adl model, which are sufficient to capture the constraints described in Fig. 1. Furthermore, we extend East-adl/Tadl2 with an Exclusion timing constraint (R8 in Fig. 1) that integrates relevant concepts from the Ccsl constraint, i.e., two events cannot occur simultaneously.

R1. The camera must capture an image every 50 ms. In other words, a Periodic acquisition of Camera must be carried out every 50 ms.

R2. The captured image must be recognized by an AV every 200 ms, i.e., a Periodic constraint on SignRecognition \(f_p\).

R3. The detected image should be computed within [100, 150] ms in order to generate the desired sign type, the SignRecognition must complete its execution within [100, 150] ms.

R4. When a traffic sign is recognized, the speed of AV should be updated within [150, 250] ms. An End-to-End constraint on Controller and VehicleDynamic, i.e., the time interval from the input of Controller to the output of VehicleDynamic must be within a certain time.

R5. The required environmental information should arrive to the controller within 40 ms. Input signals (speed, signType, direct, gear and torque ports) must be detected by Controller within a given time window, i.e., the tolerated maximum constraint is 40 ms.

R6. If the mode of AV switches to “emergency stop” due to a certain obstacle, it should not revert back to “automatic running” mode within a specific time period. It is interpreted as a Sporadic constraint, i.e., the mode of AV is changed to Stop because of encountering an obstacle, it should not revert back to Run mode within 500 ms.

R7. The execution time interval from Controller to VehicleDynamic must be less than or equal to the sum of the worst case execution time interval of each \(f_p\).

R8. While AV turns left, the “turning right” mode should not be activated. The events of turning left and right considered as exclusive and specified as an Exclusion constraint.

Delay constraint gives duration bounds (minimum and maximum) between two events source and target. This is specified using lower, upper values given as either Execution constraint (R3) or End-to-End constraint (R4). Synchronization constraint describes how tightly the occurrences of a group of events follow each other. All events must occur within a sliding window, specified by the tolerance attribute, i.e., the maximum time interval allowed between events (R5). Periodic constraint states that the period of successive occurrences of a single event must have a time interval (R1–R2). Sporadic constraint states that events can arrive at arbitrary points in time, but with defined minimum inter-arrival times between two consecutive occurrences (R6). Comparison constraint delimits that two consecutive occurrences of an event should have a minimum inter-arrival time (R7). Exclusion constraint refers that two events must not occur at the same time (R8).

Those timing constraints are formally specified (see as R. IDs in Fig. 1) using the subset of clock relations and expressions (see Sect. 2) in the context of WH. The timing constraints are then verified utilizing Uppaal-SMC and are described further in the following sections.

4 Probabilistic Extension of Relation in CCSL

To perform the formal specification and probabilistic verification of East-adl timing constraints (R1–R8 in Sect. 3.), Ccsl relations are augmented with probabilistic properties, called PrCcsl, based on WH [8]. More specifically, in order to describe the bound on the number of permitted timing constraint violations in WH, we extend Ccsl relations with a probabilistic parameter p, where p is the probability threshold. PrCcsl is satisfied if and only if the probability of relation constraint being satisfied is greater than or equal to p. As illustrated in Fig. 1, East-adl/Tadl2 timing constraints (R. IDs in Fig. 1) can be specified (Spec. R. IDs) using the PrCcsl relations and the conventional Ccsl expressions.

A time system is specified by a set of clocks and clock constraints. An execution of the time system is a run where the occurrences of events are clock ticks.

Definition 1

( Run ). A run R consists of a finite set of consecutive steps where a set of clocks tick at each step i. The set of clocks ticking at step i is denoted as R(i), i.e., for all i, 0 \(\leqslant \) i \(\leqslant \) n, \(R(i) \in R\), where n is the number of steps of R.

Figure 2 presents a run R consisting of 10 steps and three clocks c1, c2 and c3. The ticks of the three clocks along with steps are shown as “cross” symbols (x). For instance, c1, c2 and c3 tick at the first step, hence R(1) = {\(c1,\ c2,\ c3 \)}.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of a Run

The history of a clock c presents the number of times the clock c has ticked prior to the current step.

Definition 2

( History ). For c \(\in \) C, the history of c in a run R is a function: \(H_{R}^c\): \(\mathbb {N} \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\). For all instances of step i, \(i \in \mathbb {N}\), \(H_{R}^c(i)\) indicates the number of times the clock c has ticked prior to step i in run R, which is initialized as 0 at step 0. It is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} H_{R}^c(i) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} 0, &{} i = 0 \\ H_{R}^c(i-1), &{} c \notin {R}(i) \wedge i> 0\\ H_{R}^c(i-1)+1, &{} c \in {R}(i) \wedge i > 0 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Definition 3

( PrCCSL ). Let c1, c2 and R be two logical clocks and a run. The probabilistic extension of relation constraints, denoted , is satisfied if the following condition holds:

where is the probability of the relation being satisfied, and p is the probability threshold.

The five Ccsl relations, subclock, coincidence, exclusion, causality and precedence, are considered and their probabilistic extensions are defined.

Definition 4

( Probabilistic Subclock ). Let c1, c2 and \(\mathcal {M}\) be two logical clocks and a system model. Given k runs \(=\) \(\{R_1, \ldots , R_k \}\), the probabilistic extension of subclock relation between c1 and c2, denoted , is satisfied if the following condition holds:

where \(=\) \(\frac{1}{k}\) \(\sum \limits _{j=1}^{k}\) , \(R_j\) \(\in \) \(\{R_1, \ldots , R_k \}\), i.e., the ratio of runs that satisfies the subclock relation out of k runs.

A run \(R_j\) satisfies the subclock relation between c1 and c2 “if c1 ticks, c2 must tick” holds at every step i in \(R_j\), s.t., \(0 \leqslant i \leqslant n,\ c1 \in {R}(i)\implies c2 \in {R}(i))\). “” returns 1 if \(R_j\) satisfies , otherwise it returns 0.

Coincidence relation delimits that two clocks must always tick at the same step, i.e., if c1 and c2 are coincident, then c1 and c2 are subclocks of each other.

Definition 5

( Probabilistic Coincidence ). The probabilistic coincidence relation between c1 and c2, denoted , is satisfied over \(\mathcal {M}\) if the following condition holds:

where \(=\) \(\frac{1}{k}\) \(\sum \limits _{j=1}^{k}\) is determined by the number of runs satisfying the coincidence relation out of k runs.

A run, \(R_j\) satisfies the coincidence relation on c1 and c2 if the assertion holds: \(\forall i\), \(0 \leqslant i \leqslant n\), \((c1 \in {R}(i)\implies c2 \in {R}(i)) \wedge \ (c2 \in {R}(i)\implies c1 \in {R}(i))\). In other words, the satisfaction of coincidence relation is established when the two conditions “if c1 ticks, c2 must tick” and “if c2 ticks, c1 must tick” hold at every step.

The inverse of coincidence relation is exclusion, which specifies two clocks cannot tick at the same step.

Definition 6

( Probabilistic Exclusion ). For all k runs over \(\mathcal {M}\), the probabilistic exclusion relation between c1 and c2, denoted , is satisfied if the following condition holds:

where \(=\) \(\frac{1}{k}\) is the ratio of the runs satisfying the exclusion relation out of k runs.

A run, \(R_j\), satisfies the exclusion relation on c1 and c2 if \(\forall i\), \(0 \leqslant i \leqslant n\), \((c1 \in {R}(i)\implies c2 \notin {R}(i)) \wedge \ (c2 \in {R}(i)\implies c1 \notin {R}(i))\), i.e., for every step, if c1 ticks, c2 must not tick and vice versa.

The probabilistic extension of causality and precedence relations are defined based on the history of clocks.

Definition 7

( Probabilistic Causality ). The probabilistic causality relation between c1 and c2 (c1 is the cause and c2 is the effect), denoted , is satisfied if the following condition holds:

where \(=\) \(\frac{1}{k}\) , i.e., the ratio of runs satisfying the causality relation among the total number of k runs.

A run \(R_j\) satisfies the causality relation on c1 and c2 if the condition holds: \(\forall i\), \(0 \leqslant i \leqslant n\), \(H^{c1}_{R}(i) \geqslant H^{c2}_{R}(i)\). A tick of c1 satisfies causality relation if c2 does not occur prior to c1, i.e., the history of c2 is less than or equal to the history of c1 at the current step i.

The strict causality, called precedence, constrains that one clock must always tick faster than the other.

Definition 8

( Probabilistic Precedence ). The probabilistic precedence relation between c1 and c2, denoted , is satisfied if the following condition holds:

where \(=\) \(\frac{1}{k}\) is determined by the number of runs satisfying the precedence relation out of the k runs.

A run \(R_j\) satisfies the precedence relation if the condition (expressed as \((1) \wedge (2)\)) holds: \(\forall i\), \(0 \leqslant i \leqslant n\),

$$ \underbrace{(H^{c1}_{R}(i) \geqslant H^{c2}_{R}(i))}_\text {(1)} \wedge \underbrace{(H^{c2}_{R}(i)=H^{c1}_{R}(i)) \implies (c2 \notin \ {R}(i))}_\text {(2)} $$

(1) The history of c1 is greater than or equal to the history of c2; (2) c1 and c2 must not be coincident, i.e., when the history of c1 and c2 are equal, c2 must not tick.

5 Translating CCSL and PrCCSL into UPPAAL-SMC

To formally verify the East-adl timing constraints given in Sect. 3 using Uppaal-SMC, we investigate how those constraints, specified in Ccsl expressions and PrCcsl relations, can be translated into STA and probabilistic Uppaal-SMC queries [12]. Ccsl expressions construct new clocks and the relations between the new clocks are specified using PrCcsl. We first provide strategies that represent Ccsl expressions as STA. We then present how the East-adl timing constraints defined in PrCcsl can be translated into the corresponding STAs and Uppaal-SMC queries based on the strategies.

5.1 Mapping CCSL to UPPAAL-SMC

We first describe how the universal clock (TimeUnit ms), tick and history of Ccsl can be mapped to the corresponding STAs. Using the mapping, we then demonstrate that Ccsl expressions can be modeled as STAs. The TimeUnit is implicitly represented as a single step of time progress in Uppaal-SMC’s clock [23]. The STA of TimeUnit (universal time defined as ms) consists of one location and one outgoing transition whereby the physical time and the duration of TimeUnit ms are represented by the clock variable t in Fig. 3(a). clock resets every time a transition is taken. The duration of TimeUnit is expressed by the invariant \(t\leqslant 1\), and guard \(t\geqslant 1\), i.e., a single step of the discrete time progress (tick) of universal time.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Uppaal-SMC model of clock tick and history

A clock c, considered as an event in Uppaal-SMC, and its tick, i.e., an occurrence of the event, is represented by the synchronization channel c!. Since Uppaal-SMC runs in chronometric semantics, in order to describe the discretized steps of runs (Rs), we consider if c ticks in the time range of \([i, i+1)\) (\(i+1\) is excluded), c ticks at step i. The STA of tick and history is shown in Fig. 3(b). hc is the history of c, and tc indicates whether c ticks at the current step. A function upper() rounds the time instant (real number) up to the nearest greater integer. When c ticks via c? at the current time step, tc is set to 1 prior to the time of the next step (\(t<u\)). hc is then increased by 1 (hc++) at the successive step (i.e., when \(t=u\)). For example, when c ticks at \(time = 1.5\) (see Fig. 3(c)), upper() returns the value of 2 and tc becomes 1 during the time interval [1.5, 2), followed by hc being increased by 1 at \(t=2\).

Based on the mapping patterns of ms, tick and history, we present how periodicOn, delayFor, infimum and supremum expressions can be represented as Uppaal-SMC models.

PeriodicOn: \(c \ \triangleq \ \ { \texttt {periodicOn}}\ ms\ {\texttt {period}}\ q\), where \(\triangleq \) means “is defined as”. PeriodicOn builds a new clock c based on ms and a period parameter q, i.e., c ticks at every \(q^{th}\) tick of ms. The STA of periodicOn is illustrated in Fig. 4(a). This STA initially stays in the loop location to detect q occurrences (ticks) of ms. The value x counts the number of ms ticks. When ms occurs (ms?), the STA takes the outgoing transition and increases x by 1. It “iterates” until ms ticks q times (\(x==q\)), then it activates the tick of c (via c!). At the successive step (ms?), it updates the history of c (hc++) and sets \(x=1\). The STA then returns to loop and repeats the calculation. This periodicOn STA can be used for the translation of East-adl Periodic timing constraint (R1 in Fig. 1) into its Uppaal-SMC model.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

STA of Ccsl expressions

DelayFor: \(c \ \triangleq \ c1\ { \texttt {delayFor}}\ d\ {\texttt {on}}\ c2\). delayFor defines a new clock c based on c1 (base clock) and c2 (reference clock), i.e., each time c1 ticks, at the \(d^{th}\) tick of c2, c ticks (each tick of c corresponds to a tick of c1). Kang et al. [23] and Suryadevara et al. [33] presented translation rules of delayFor into Uppaal models. However, their approaches are not applicable in the case after c1 ticks, and c1 ticks again before the \(d^{th}\) tick of c2 occurs. For example (see Fig. 2), assume that d is 3. After the \(1^{st}\) tick of c1 (at step 0) happens, if c1 ticks again (at step 2) before the \(3^{rd}\) tick of c2 occurs (at step 4), the \(2^{nd}\) tick of c1 is discarded in their approaches. To alleviate the restriction, we utilize spawnable STA [12] as semantics denotation of delayFor expression and the STA of delayFor is shown in Fig. 4(c). As presented in Fig. 4(b), when the \(v^{th}\) tick of c1 occurs (c1[v]?), its delayFor STA is spawned by source STA. The spawned STA stays in the wait location until c2 ticks d times. When c2 ticks d times (\(x==d\)), it transits to the tick location and triggers c (c!). At the next step (ms?), the STA increases hc by 1 and moves to finish location and then becomes inactive, i.e., calculation of the \(v^{th}\) tick of c is completed. This delayFor STA can be utilized to construct the Uppaal-SMC models of East-adl timing requirements R3 – R7 in Sect. 3.

Given two clocks c1 and c2, their infimum (resp. supremum) is informally defined as the slowest (resp. fastest) clock faster (resp. slower) than both c1 and c2. infimum and supremum are useful in order to group events occurring at the same time and decide which one occurs first and which one occurs last. The representative STAs for both expressions are utilized for the translation of East-adl Synchronization timing constraint (R5 in Sect. 3) into the Uppaal-SMC model.

Infimum creates a new clock c, which is the slowest clock faster than c1 and c2. The STA of infimum is illustrated in Fig. 4(d). When c1 (c2) ticks via c1? (c2?), the STA transits to the s1 (s2) location and compares the history of the two clocks (h1 and h2) to check whether the current ticking clock c1 (c2) is faster than c2 (c1). If so, i.e., the condition “h1 \(\geqslant \) h2 (h2 \(\geqslant \) h1)” holds, the STA takes a transition to the tick location and activates the tick of c (c!). After updating the history (hc++), it returns to the init location and repeats the calculation.

Supremum builds a new clock c, which is the fastest clock slower than c1 and c2. It states that if c1 ticks at the current step and c1 is slower than c2, then c ticks. The STA of supremum is shown in Fig. 4(e). When c1 (c2) ticks via c1? (c2?), the STA transits to the s1 (s2) location and compares the history of the two clocks and decides whether c1 (c2) is slower than c2 (c1). If c1 (c2) ticks slower than c2 (c1), i.e., \(h1<h2\) (\(h2<h1\)), or c1 and c2 tick at the same rate, i.e., “\(h1==h2\)&& \(t_2==1\) (\(h1==h2\)&& \(t_1==1\))” holds, the tick of c is triggered. The STA then updates the history of c and goes back to init and repeats the process.

5.2 Representation of PrCCSL in UPPAAL-SMC

In this section, the translation of East-adl timing constraints specified in PrCcsl into STA and Hypothesis Testing query (refer to Sect. 2) is provided from the view point of the analysis engine Uppaal-SMC.

Recall the definition of PrCcsl in Sect. 4. The probability of a relation being satisfied is interpreted as a ratio of runs that satisfies the relation among all runs. It is specified as Hypothesis Testing queries in Uppaal-SMC, \(H_0\): \(\frac{m}{k} \geqslant P\) against \(H_1\): \(\frac{m}{k} < P\), where m is the number of runs satisfying the given relation out of all k runs. k is decided by strength parameters \(\alpha \) (the probability of false positives, i.e., accepting \(H_1\) when \(H_0\) holds) and \(\beta \) (probability of false negatives, i.e., accepting \(H_0\) when \(H_1\) holds), respectively [10].

Based on the mapping patterns of tick and history in Sect. 5.1, the probabilistic extension of exclusion, causality and precedence relations are expressed as Hypothesis Testing queries straightforwardly.

Probabilistic Exclusion is employed to specify East-adl Exclusion timing constraint, (Spec. R8 in Fig. 1). It states that the two events, turnLeft and rightOn (the vehicle is turning left and right), must be exclusive. The ticks of turnLeft and rightOn events are modeled using the STA in Fig. 3(b). Based on the definition of probabilistic exclusion (Sect. 4), R8 is expressed in Hypothesis Testing query: Pr[bound] \(([\ ]\) \(((t_{turnLeft}\) \(\implies \) \(\lnot \) \(t_{rightOn})\) \(\wedge \) \((t_{rightOn}\) \(\implies \) \(\lnot \) \(t_{turnLeft})))\) \(\geqslant \) P, where \(t_{turnLeft}\) and \(t_{rightOn}\) indicate the ticks of turnLeft and rightOn, respectively. bound is the time bound of simulation, in our setting \(bound = 3000\).

Probabilistic Causality is used to specify East-adl Synchronization timing constraint, (Spec. R5 in Fig. 1), where sup (inf) is the fastest (slowest) event slower (faster) than five input events, speed, signType, direct, gear and torque. Let \(\texttt {SUP}\) and \(\texttt {INF}\) denote the supremum and infimum operator, i.e., \(\texttt {SUP}(c1,\ c2)\) (resp. \(\texttt {INF}(c1,\ c2)\)) returns the supremum (resp. infimum) of clock c1 and c2. sup and inf can now be expressed with the nested operators (where \(\triangleq \) means “is defined as”):

$$\begin{aligned} sup\ \triangleq \ \texttt {SUP}({{speed}},\ \texttt {SUP}(\texttt {SUP}({{signType}},\ {{direct}}),\ \texttt {SUP}({{gear}},\ {{torque}}))) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} inf\ \triangleq \ \texttt {INF}({{speed}},\ \texttt {INF}(\texttt {INF}({{signType}},\ {{direct}}),\ \texttt {INF}({{gear}},\ {{torque}}))) \end{aligned}$$

For the translation of sup (inf) into Uppaal-SMC model, we employ the STA of supremum (resp. infimum) (Fig. 4(d) and (e)) for each \(\texttt {SUP}\) (\(\texttt {INF}\)) operator. A new clock dinf is generated by delaying inf for 40 ticks of ms: \(dinf \triangleq \{inf\ { \texttt {delayFor}}\ 40\ {\texttt {on}}\ ms\}\). The Uppaal-SMC model of dinf is achieved by adapting the spawnable DelayFor STA (Fig. 4). Based on the probabilistic causality definition, R5 is interpreted as: \(Pr[\leqslant bound]([\ ]\ h_{sup}\ \geqslant h_{dinf})\ \geqslant \ P\), where \(h_{sup}\) and \(h_{dinf}\) are the history of sup and dinf respectively. Similarly, Execution (R3) and Comparison (R7) timing constraints specified in probabilistic causality using delayFor can be translated into Hypothesis Testing queries. For further details, refer to the technical report [20].

Probabilistic Precedence is utilized to specify East-adl End-to-End timing constraint (R4). It states that the time duration between the source event signIn (input signal on the signType port of Controller) and the target event spOut (output signal on the speed port of VehicleDynamic) must be within a time bound of [150, 250], and that is specified as Uppaal-SMC queries (1) and (2):


Two clocks, lower and upper, are defined by delaying signIn for 150 and 250 ticks of ms respectively: \(lower \triangleq \{signIn\ {\texttt {delayFor}}\ 150\ {\texttt {on}}\ ms\}\), and \(upper \triangleq \{signIn\ {\texttt {delayFor}}\ 250\ {\texttt {on}}\ ms\}\). The corresponding Uppaal-SMC models of lower and upper are constructed based on the delayFor STA (shown in Fig. 4). Finally, R4 specified in PrCcsl is expressed as Uppaal-SMC queries (3) and (4), where \(h_{{\texttt {lower}}}\), \(h_{{\texttt {upper}}}\) and \(h_{{\texttt {spOut}}}\) are the history of lower, upper and spOut. \(t_{{\texttt {spOut}}}\) and \(t_{{\texttt {upper}}}\) represent the tick of upper and spOut respectively:

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[ \leqslant bound]([\ ] h_{{\texttt {lower}}} \geqslant h_{{\texttt {spOut}}} \wedge ((h_{{\texttt {lower}}}==h_{{\texttt {spOut}}})\implies \ t_{{\texttt {spOut}}} ==0)) \geqslant P \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Pr[ \leqslant bound]([\ ] h_{{\texttt {spOut}}} \geqslant h_{{\texttt {upper}}} \wedge ((h_{{\texttt {spOut}}}==h_{{\texttt {upper}}})\implies \ t_{{\texttt {upper}}} ==0)) \geqslant P \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, East-adl Sporadic timing constraint (R6) specified in probabilistic precedence can be translated into Hypothesis Testing query [20].

In the case of properties specified in either probabilistic subclock or probabilistic coincidence, such properties cannot be directly expressed as Uppaal-SMC queries. Therefore, we construct observer STA that capture the semantics of standard subclock and coincidence relations. The observer STA are composed to the system STA (namely a network STA, NSTA) in parallel. Then, the probabilistic analysis is performed over the NSTA which enables us to verify the East-adl timing constraints specified in probabilistic subclock and probabilistic coincidence of the entire system using Uppaal-SMC. Further details are given below.

Probabilistic Subclock is employed to specify East-adl Periodic timing constraint, given as signRecTrig cTrig (Spec. R2 in Fig. 1). The standard subclock relation states that superclock must tick at the same step where subclock ticks. Its corresponding STA is shown in Fig. 5(a). When signRevTrig ticks (signRecTrig?), the STA transits to the wait location and detects the occurrence of cTrig until the time point of the subsequent step (u). If cTrig occurs prior to the next step (\(tcTrig==1\)), the STA moves to the success location, i.e., the subclock relation is satisfied at the current step. Otherwise, it transits to the fail location. R2 specified in probabilistic subclock is expressed as: \(Pr[bound] ([\ ] \lnot \ \geqslant P\). Uppaal-SMC analyzes if the fail location is never reachable from the system NSTA, and whether the probability of R2 being satisfied is greater than or equal to P.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Observer STA of Subclock and Coincidence

Probabilistic Coincidence is adapted to specify East-adl Periodic timing constraint, given as cTrig \(\{{\texttt {periodicOn}}\) ms \({\texttt {period}}\) \(50\}\) (Spec. R1 in Fig. 1). To express R1 in Uppaal-SMC, first, a periodic clock prdClk ticking every \(50^{th}\) tick of ms is defined: prdClk \(\triangleq \) \({\texttt {periodicOn}}\) ms \({\texttt {period}}\) 50. The corresponding Uppaal-SMC model of prdClk is generated based on the periodicOn STA shown in Fig. 4(a) by setting q as 50. Then, we check if cTrig and prdClk are coincident by employing the coincidence STA shown in Fig. 5(b). When cTrig (prdClk) ticks via cTrig? (prdClk?), the STA checks if the other clock, prdClk (cTrig), ticks prior to the next step, i.e., whether \(tprdClk==1\) (\(tcTrig==1\)) holds or not when \(t \leqslant u\). The STA then transits to either the success or fail location based on the judgement. R1 specified in probabilistic coincidence is expressed as: \(Pr[bound] ([\ ] \lnot \ \geqslant P\). Uppaal-SMC analyzes if the probability of R1 being satisfied is greater than or equal to P.

Table 1. Verification results in Uppaal-SMC

6 Experiments: Verification and Validation

We have formally analyzed over 30 properties (associated with timing constraints) of the system including deadlock freedom [20]. A list of selected properties (Sect. 3) are verified using Uppaal-SMC and the results are listed in Table.1. Five types of Uppaal-SMC queries are employed to specify R1–R8, Hypothesis Testing (HT), Probability Estimation (PE), Probability Comparison (PC), Expected Value (EV) and Simulations (SI).

1. Hypothesis Testing: All properties are established as valid with 95% level of confidence; 2. Probability Estimation: The probability of each property being satisfied is computed and its approximate interval is given as [0.902, 1]; 3. Expected Value: The expected values of time durations of timing constraints (R1 – R7) are evaluated. For example, during the analysis of R1, the time interval between two consecutive triggerings of the Camera is evaluated as 50 and that validates R1. Furthermore, Uppaal-SMC evaluates the expected maximum duration bound of End-to-End timing constraint by checking R4 and generates the frequency histogram of the expected bound (see Fig. 7). It illustrates that the expected bound is always less than 250 ms and 90% of the duration is within the range of [207, 249]; 4. Probability Comparison: is applied to confirm that the probability of SignRecognition \(f_p\) completing its execution within [100, 125] ms is greater than the probability of completion within [125, 150] ms (R3). The query results in a comparison probability ratio greater than or equal to 1.1, i.e., the execution time of SignRecognition \(f_p\) is most likely less than 125 ms. 5. Simulation: The simulation result of Synchronization timing constraint (R5) is demonstrated in Fig. 6. \(h_{inf}\), \(h_{sup}\) and \(h_{dinf}\) are history of inf, sup and dinf respectively. Recall Spec. R5 (see Fig. 1), the causality relation between dinf and sup is satisfied. As the simulation of R6 shows (Fig. 6), the rising edge of \(h_{sup}\) (in blue) always occurs prior to \(h_{dinf}\) (in red). It indicates that sup always runs faster than dinf, thus the causality relation is validated.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Simulation result of R6. (Color figure online)

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Frequency histogram of End-to-End timing constraint (R4)

7 Related Work

In the context of East-adl, efforts on the integration of East-adl and formal techniques based on timing constraints were investigated in several works [15, 17, 24, 31], which are however, limited to the executional aspects of system functions without addressing stochastic behaviors. Kang [23] and Suryadevara [33, 34] defined the execution semantics of both the controller and the environment of industrial systems in Ccsl which are also given as mapping to Uppaal models amenable to model checking. In contrast to our current work, those approaches lack precise stochastic annotations specifying continuous dynamics in particular regarding different clock rates during execution. Ling [35] transformed a subset of Ccsl constraints to PROMELA models to perform formal verification using SPIN. Zhang [36] transformed Ccsl into first order logics that are verifiable using SMT solver. However, their works are limited to functional properties, and no timing constraints are addressed. Though, Kang et al. [16, 19] and Marinescu et al. [28] present both simulation and model checking approaches of Simulink and Uppaal-SMC on East-adl models, neither formal specification nor verification of extended East-adl timing constraints with probability were conducted. Our approach is a first application on the integration of East-adl and formal V&V techniques based on probabilistic extension of East-adl/Tadl2 constraints using PrCcsl and Uppaal-SMC. An earlier study [18, 21, 22] defined a probabilistic extension of East-adl timing constraints and presented model checking approaches on East-adl models, which inspires our current work. Specifically, the techniques provided in this paper define new operators of Ccsl with stochastic extensions (PrCcsl) and verify the extended East-adl timing constraints of CPS (specified in PrCcsl) with statistical model checking. Du et al. [13] proposed the use of Ccsl with probabilistic logical clocks to enable stochastic analysis of hybrid systems by limiting the possible solutions of clock ticks. Whereas, our work is based on the probabilistic extension of East-adl timing constraints with a focus on probabilistic verification of the extended constraints, particularly, in the context of WH.

8 Conclusion

We present an approach to perform probabilistic verification on East-adl timing constraints of automotive systems based on WH at the early design phase: 1. Probabilistic extension of Ccsl, called PrCcsl, is defined and the East-adl/Tadl2 timing constraints with stochastic properties are specified in PrCcsl; 2. The semantics of the extended constraints in PrCcsl is translated into verifiable Uppaal-SMC models for formal verification; 3. A set of mapping rules is proposed to facilitate guarantee of translation. Our approach is demonstrated on an autonomous traffic sign recognition vehicle (AV) case study. Although, we have shown that defining and translating a subset of Ccsl with probabilistic extension into Uppaal-SMC models is sufficient to verify East-adl timing constraints, as ongoing work, advanced techniques covering a full set of Ccsl constraints are further studied. Despite the fact that Uppaal-SMC supports probabilistic analysis of the timing constraints of AV, the computational cost of verification in terms of time is rather expensive. Thus, we continue to investigate complexity-reducing design/mapping patterns for CPS to improve effectiveness and scalability of system design and verification.