
1 Introduction

The increase in supply and demand of on-line courses [2, 6] evidences a new educational paradigm, which relies on digital information and communication technologies (DICT) [4]. However, this new paradigm poses some issues for teachers. One issue is the high number of dropouts (85%, on average) [8, 11]. Learners blame the “Lack of Instructor Support” [11], but such support demands educational data analysis to guide educational decision-making [3, 7, 13]. Learning Analytics (LA), pedagogical Data Mining (EDM) and Data Visualization (DataViz) are a set of tools to do that, but teachers are not, normally, trained nor receive appropriate technological support to use them [10, 13]. Thus, the need to assist teachers using technology to guide pedagogical decision-making is latent. This aid should process learners’ educational data is search for relevant information, showing the characteristics of the issues, guiding teachers on what they should do [3, 9, 12, 13]. For that, we created 3 visualizations to: (1) measure the amount of interactions, from a group of students, with each educational resource (called segmented bar chart and coded as Viz1); (2) show the most impactful interactions on students’ performance (ordered weights, Viz2); and (3) show the most impactful combination of interactions on students’ performance (combined interactions, Viz3).

2 Proposal

We used data visualization to help teachers understand the output from the application of data mining and learning analytics on educational data from 196 students (an on-line high-school math course), consisting of the amount of: (1) problems solved correctly, incorrectly and in total; (2) accesses to the learning environment; (3) videos watched; (4) points earned (gamification); (5) badges/trophies achieved (gamification); and (6) level (gamification). For that, we created 3 visualizations associated with the “RAG Colors” technique [1], to analyze students as groups, based on their performanceFootnote 1. The visualizations are explained below:

Visualization 1 - Segmented Bar Graph. In this visualization, the interactions are counted and compared to the mean of all interactions of the same kind. Learners with scores below -1 standard deviation, were in the inadequate class; those with scores between −1 and +1 standard deviation, were in the insufficient class; and those with scores above +1 standard deviation, were in the adequate class. The aim was to isolate the interactions and facilitate comparison (Fig. 1 - Top).

Visualization 2 - Ordered Weights. In this visualization, we ran the SimpleLogisticFootnote 2 algorithm on the data to build a linear regression model [14]. The output is not “teacher-friendly”. Thus, we transformed the textual output, considering the weights of each variable and the 3 classes of results: 0 = inadequate, 1 = insufficient and 2 = adequate. Variables with negative weights repel learners from the class. We ordered interactions that repelled students from the inadequate class (class 0) and attracted the adequate class (class 2), see (Fig. 1 - Middle).

Visualization 3 - Combined Interactions. In this visualization, we ran the JRip algorithm to infer association rules [5] based on frequent and relevant patterns in the data. The output shows some combinations of interactions leading to a particular class of results. Teachers can identify sequences of interactions that affect learning, which is potentially informative for the teachers. We calculated the “importance score”, adding a point for the occurrence of a resource in the rules returned and subtracted a point for each non-occurrence. The result was the combination of the four resources with highest (green) and four resources with the lowest (red) scores (Fig. 1 - Bottom).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The 3 Visualizations Created: Segmented Bar Graph (top), Ordered Weights (middle) and Combined Interactions (bottom). (Color figure onlne)

3 Design of the Experiment

The experiment was operationalized as an on-line questionnaire. We invited instructors (professors, teachers and tutors) to evaluate the visualizations, answering some questions to check if they understood the information displayed. We also asked them their perceptions on the visualizations, considering the: (1) perceived utility - PUFootnote 3; (2) perceived ease of use - PEUFootnote 4; (3) attitude towards use - ATUFootnote 5; (4) intention to use - IUFootnote 6; (5) perception about the aesthetics - AESFootnote 7; (6) perception about the color scheme used (RAG Colours) - RCFootnote 8; (7) perception about the terms used (inadequate, insufficient, adequate) to classify students’ results - TUFootnote 9, all following a Likert scale from 0 to 6Footnote 10.

4 Results and Discussion

The questionnaire was available for one month and we had 116 valid records. First, we evaluated the answers about the visualizations. We called the metric Understandability and the results showed high values for all visualizations, indicating teachers understood the information they provided. After that, we compared the visualizations among themselves, testing for statistically significant differences regarding the understandability (Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison between visualizations.

As displayed in Table 1 Viz1 provided greater understandability to teachers. The order was: Viz1 > Viz2 \(=\) Viz3. One explanation is that Viz1 is resembles a bar graph, which is a traditional kind of graph so it was more familiar to the participants.

The median result of the participants’ perceptions, for all metrics, was around 4, meaning the participants “slightly agree” that the visualizations were easy to use (ease of use), interesting (attitude towards use), they would use them if they were available (intention to use), beautiful/attractive (aesthetics) and the color scheme was appropriate (color scheme used). Regarding the perceived utility, participants “neither agree nor disagree” the visualizations would increase their productivity. Regarding the vocabulary, the participants “neither agree nor disagree” the vocabulary was appropriate (vocabulary used), signaling a need for improve these last two metrics.

5 Conclusion

We created 3 visualizations to help teachers understand the output from data analysis techniques, using the RAG Colors technique to group learners according to their class of results. We asked highly competent and experienced instructors to evaluate them. The participants, overall, perceived the visualizations as easy to use, interesting, attractive and that they would use it, if they were available. For the perceived utility and the vocabulary used, the results show that these metrics need improvement.

The visualizations were effective (about 84% of all answers were correct) in making teachers understand the information extracted from the outputs of educational data mining and analytics (understandability), suggesting the visualizations are an objective and simple way for teachers to interpret what is going on with their groups. This is important to assist teachers’ daily decision-making tasks, making it evidence-based.

Some topics that need further research: (1) how can we improve the visualizations’ utility? (2) what kind of vocabulary is appropriate to be used? (3) are there algorithms that are easier to visualize than others? (4) what are the other algorithms we can visualize? (5) how can we visualize different information from a single educational data mining/analytics’ output?