1 Introduction

In the well-celebrated classical model of distributed computing by mobile robots, each robot is modeled as a point in the plane [11]. The robots are assumed to be autonomous (no external control), anonymous (no unique identifiers), indistinguishable (no external identifiers), and disoriented (no agreement on local coordinate systems and units of distance measures). They execute the same algorithm. Each robot proceeds in Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles: When a robot becomes active, it first gets a snapshot of its surroundings (Look), then computes a destination point based on the snapshot (Compute), and finally moves towards the destination point (Move). Moreover, the robots are oblivious, i.e., in each LCM cycle, each robot has no memory of its past LCM cycles [11]. Furthermore, the robots are silent because they do not communicate directly, and only vision and mobility enable them to coordinate their actions.

While silence has advantages, direct communication is preferred in many other situations, for example, hostile environments, which makes coordination efficient and relatively viable. One model that incorporates direct communication is the robots with lights model [9, 11, 15], where each robot has an externally visible light that can assume colors from a constant sized set, and hence robots can explicitly communicate with each other using these colors. The colors are persistent; i.e., the color is not erased at the end of a cycle. Except for lights, the robots are oblivious as in the classical model.

Di Luna et al. [13] gave the first algorithm for robots with lights to solve the fundamental Complete Visibility problem defined as follows: Given an arbitrary initial configuration of N autonomous mobile robots located in distinct points on a plane, they reach a configuration in which each robot is in a distinct position from which it can see all other robots. Initially, some robots may be obstructed from the view of other robots and the total number of robots, N, is not known to robots. The importance of this problem is that it makes it possible to solve many other robotic problems, including gathering, shape formation, and leader election, under obstructed visibility [12, 16]. Most importantly, it recovers unobstructed visibility configuration starting from an obstructed visibility configuration. Subsequently, several papers [12, 16] solved this problem minimizing number of colors. Recently, faster runtime algorithms [18,19,20] were studied for this problem in the lights model (details in Related Work). This problem is also called Mutual Visibility in some papers [12, 16].

In this paper, we are interested in the fault-tolerant algorithms for Complete Visibility in the robots with lights model. We study fault-tolerance with respect to failures on the mobility of robots. Therefore, any algorithm for Complete Visibility is required to provide visibility between all non-faulty robots, independently of the behavior of the faulty ones and the locations of the faulty robots. We model mobility failures as crash faults where each faulty robot is allowed to stop its movement at any moment of time and remains stationary indefinitely thereafter [2]. The only previous work that studied faults for this problem is [3] in which the authors solved the problem for a single faulty robot in the semi-synchronous setting under both-axis agreement. In this paper, we focus on solving this problem tolerating \(f>1\) faulty robots in the weakest fully asynchronous setting and under weaker one-axis agreement.

Contributions. We consider the same robot model as in [12, 13], namely, robots are oblivious except for a persistent light that can assume a constant number of colors. Visibility could be obstructed by other robots in the line of sight and N is not known. We assume that the setting is asynchronous where there is no notion of common time and robots perform their LCM cycles at arbitrary time. We also assume non-rigid moves – a robot in motion can be stopped (by an adversary) before it reaches its destination point with the only constraint that the robot moves at least distance \(\varDelta >0\), otherwise Complete Visibility cannot be solved [12]. As in [13], we assume that two robots cannot head to the same destination and their paths when they move cannot cross. This would constitute a collision. Furthermore, we assume one-axis agreement – all robots agree on either x-axis or y-axis [11]. In this paper, we prove the following result.

Theorem 1

For any input configuration of \(N\ge 3\) robots (with lights) in distinct positions in a plane, Complete Visibility can be solved tolerating (up to) N crash-faulty robots using 4 colors in \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) time without collisions in the asynchronous setting.

To the best of our knowledge, Theorem 1 is the first result for Complete Visibility that tolerates (up to) N faulty robots in the asynchronous setting. In the semi-synchronous (and also fully synchronous) setting, Theorem 1 only needs 2 colors, which is optimal with respect to the number of colors used [12]. One prominent feature of our algorithm is that each robot moves at most once during the execution and it has implications on energy efficiency of robots on solving Complete Visibility.

When the robots are fault-free, the idea used in the existing algorithms [12, 13, 16, 18,19,20] is to reposition the robots so that they all become corners of a N-corner convex hull. After that, a property of the convex hull guarantees that there is a line connecting each corner with all others of the hull without any third robot being collinear on those lines, i.e., a convex hull naturally solves Complete Visibility. However, when robots are faulty, the faulty robots may be in the interior of the convex hull and it is challenging to guarantee that all non-faulty robots see each other (that is, faulty robots do not block the view for the non-faulty robots to see each other). Since robots are oblivious and non-faulty robots do not know which robots are faulty, this task becomes quite challenging. Aljohani and Sharma [3] managed to address this challenge only when at most one robot in the interior of the hull experiences fault. In this paper, we develop a technique in which non-faulty robots do not need to be positioned on the corners of a hull to see other non-faulty robots and this gives the scalability on number of faults that can be tolerated. Our idea is to move the robots in a sequence starting from the Southmost robot and ending at the Northmost robot, and guarantee that, when a robot makes a move, it moves to a position in such a way that it sees from that position all robots that are positioned South of it (both faulty and non-faulty).

Related Work. Di Luna et al. [13] gave the first algorithm for Complete Visibility in the robots with lights model. They solved the problem using 6 colors in the semi-synchronous setting and 10 colors in the asynchronous setting under both rigid and non-rigid movements. Di Luna et al. [12] solved the problem using 2 colors in the semi-synchronous setting under rigid movements. They solved the problem using 3 colors in the semi-synchronous setting under non-rigid movements and in the asynchronous setting under rigid movements. They also provided a solution using 3 colors in the asynchronous setting under non-rigid movements under one-axis agreement. Sharma et al. [16] improved the number of colors in the solution of Di Luna et al. [12] from 3 to 2. In the classical oblivious model (with no lights), Bhagat et al. [5] solved Complete Visibility under one-axis agreement without the need of robots to be positioned on the corners of a convex hull. However, all these results provided no runtime analysis. Moreover, none of these results tolerate faults.

Vaidyanathan et al. [20] considered runtime for the very first time for Complete Visibility giving an algorithm that runs in \(\mathcal{O}(\log N)\) time using \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) colors in the fully synchronous setting under rigid movements. Later, Sharma et al. [18] provided an \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time algorithm using \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) colors in the semi-synchronous setting under rigid movements. Recently, Sharma et al. [17, 19] provided an \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time algorithm using \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) colors in the asynchronous setting under rigid movements. However, all these algorithms are not fault-tolerant. Aljohani and Sharma [3] provided an algorithm that tolerates one faulty robot when robots have both axis agreement in the semi-synchronous setting under rigid movements. The algorithm we present in this paper assumes one-axis agreement, handles non-rigid movements, and works in the fully asynchronous setting.

The computational power of the robots with lights model is studied in [9] while the robots are working on the Euclidean plane and in [10] while the robots are working on graphs.

The obstructed visibility, in general, is considered in the problem of uniformly spreading robots operating on a line [6] and also in the near-gathering problem [14] where collisions must be avoided among robots. It is also considered in the so-called fat robots model [1, 8] in which robots are not points, but non-transparent unit discs. However, these works do not consider faulty robots. The faults are considered for the gathering problem in the classical oblivious robots model [2, 4]. Our definition of crash faults is borrowed from [2].

Paper Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present the robot model and preliminaries in Sect. 2. We then present and analyze our fault-tolerant Complete Visibility algorithm in Sect. 3 and conclude in Sect. 4. Some proofs and pseudocodes are omitted due to space constraints.

2 Model and Preliminaries

Robots. We consider a distributed system of N autonomous robots from a set \(\mathcal{Q}=\{ r_{1},\ldots ,r_{N}\}\). Each robot \(r_i\in \mathcal{Q}\) is a (dimensionless) point that can move in the two-dimensional Euclidean plane \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\). Throughout the paper, we denote by \(r_{i}\) the robot \(r_i\) as well as its position \(p_i\) in \(\mathbb {R}^{2}\). We assume that each robot \(r_i\in \mathcal{Q}\) shares one coordinate axis with other robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\), i.e., they agree on either x-axis or y-axis (we use y-axis).

A robot \(r_i\) can see, and be visible to, another robot \(r_j\) if and only if there is no third robot \(r_k\) in the line segment \(\overline{r_ir_j}\) connecting \(r_i\) and \(r_j\). Each robot \(r_i\in \mathcal{Q}\) has a light that can assume a color at a time from a set of constant number of different colors. We denote the color of a robot \(r_i\in \mathcal{Q}\) at any time by variable \(r_i.light\). If \(r_i.light=\) Red, then it means that \(r_i\) has color Red. Moreover, the color Red of \(r_i\) is seen by all robots that can see \(r_i\) at that time (\(r_i\) also can see its current color). The execution starts at time \(t=0\) and at time \(t=0\) all robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) are stationary with each of them colored Off.

Look-Compute-Move. Each robot \(r_i\) is either active or inactive. When a robot \(r_i\) becomes active, it performs the “Look-Compute-Move” cycle as described below.

  • Look: For each robot \(r_j\) that is visible to it, \(r_i\) can observe the position of \(r_j\) on the plane and the color of the light of \(r_j\). Robot \(r_i\) can also observe its own color and position; that is, \(r_i\) is visible to itself. Each robot observes positions on its own frame of reference. That is, two different robots observing the position of the same point may produce different coordinates. However, a robot observes the positions of points accurately within its own reference frame.

  • Compute: In any LCM cycle, \(r_i\) may perform an arbitrary computation using only the colors and positions observed during the “look” portion of that LCM cycle. This includes determination of a (possibly) new position and color for \(r_i\) for the start of next LCM cycle. Robot \(r_i\) maintains this new color from that cycle to the next.

  • Move: At the end of the LCM cycle, \(r_i\) changes its light to the new color and moves to its new position.

Robot Activation. In the fully synchronous setting (\(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)), every robot is active in every LCM cycle. In the semi-synchronous setting (\(\mathcal{SSYNC}\)), at least one robot is active, and over an infinite number of LCM cycles, every robot is active infinitely often. In the asynchronous setting (\(\mathcal{ASYNC}\)), there is no common notion of time and no assumption is made on the number and frequency of LCM cycles in which a robot can be active. The only guarantee is that every robot is active infinitely often. The moves of the robots may be non-rigid – during the Move phase the robots move in a straight line but they may stop their movement before they reach to the destination point computed in the Compute phase, with the only exception that they move at least some distance \(\varDelta >0\). We assume that the faulty robot can crash at any moment of time. After the robot crashes, it does not move again (i.e., stays stationary indefinitely). However, even after the robot crashes, we assume that it does not have impact on the operations of its light. That is, the robot can correctly change its color to any color in the color set according to the algorithm. We will argue in Sect. 4 that it seems necessary to guarantee termination tolerating \(f>1\) robot faults even under one-axis agreement.

Runtime. For the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\) model, we measure time in rounds, where one round is one LCM cycle. As a robot in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) (and \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\)) model could stay inactive for an indeterminate number of cycles and (time), we use the notion of an epoch to measure runtime [7]. Let \(t_0\) denote the start time of the computation. Epoch i is time period from \(t_{i-1}\) to \(t_i\) where \(t_i\) is the earliest time after \(t_{i-1}\) when all robots have executed a complete LCM cycle at least once. In the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\) model, an epoch is one round (one LCM cycle). We will use the term “time” generically to mean rounds for the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\) model and epochs for the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) and \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) models.

Configuration. A configuration \({\mathbf {C}}_t=\{(r^t_1,col^t_1),\ldots ,(r^t_{N},col^t_{N})\}\) defines the positions of the robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) and their colors for any time \(t\ge 0\). A configuration for a robot \(r_i\in \mathcal{Q}\), \({\mathbf {C}}_t(r_i)\), defines the positions of the robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) that are visible to \(r_i\) (including \(r_i\)) and their colors, i.e., \({\mathbf {C}}_t(r_i)\subseteq {\mathbf {C}}_t\), at time t. For simplicity, we sometime write \({\mathbf {C}},{\mathbf {C}}(r_i)\) to denote \({\mathbf {C}}_t,{\mathbf {C}}_t(r_i)\), respectively.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Visible area

Visible Area. Let \(\mathcal{A}\) be a set of points (which are the current positions of the robots in \({\mathbb {R}}^2\)) and \({\mathbf {P}}\) be the convex hull of the points in \(\mathcal{A}\). \({\mathbf {P}}\) has the property that all the points of \(\mathcal{A}\) are either in the perimeter or in its interior. The points in the perimeter of \({\mathbf {P}}\) are either on corners of \({\mathbf {P}}\) or on the edges of \({\mathbf {P}}\), which we call corner and side points of \({\mathbf {P}}\), respectively. Let \(\mathcal{Q}_c,\mathcal{Q}_s,\mathcal{Q}_i\) be the set of points at corners, sides, and the interior of \({\mathbf {P}}\). Moreover, let \(c_i\) be a corner point of \({\mathbf {P}}\) and ab be the counterclockwise and clockwise neighbors of \(c_i\) in the perimeter of \({\mathbf {P}}\). The visible area for \(c_i\), denoted as \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\), is a polygonal subregion inside \({\mathbf {P}}\) within the triangle \(c_iuw\), where uw are the midpoints of edges \(\overline{c_ia},\overline{c_ib}\), respectively. According to this computation, the visible areas for any two corner points of \({\mathbf {P}}\) are disjoint. Due to obstructed visibility, \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) is computed based on \({\mathbf {C}}(c_i)\) and the corresponding hull \({\mathbf {P}}(c_i)\). This computation is used in Sect. 3.

We now outline how \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) is computed for any corner \(c_i\) of \({\mathbf {P}}\). The pseudocode is omitted due to space constraints. Initially, \(c_i\) sets the triangle \(c_iuw\) as its \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\). However, if \(c_i\) sees some point of \(\mathcal{A}\) inside \(c_iuw\), then it sets as \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) the triangle \(c_iyz\) such that there is no point inside \(c_iyz\). Note that \(\overline{yz}\) is parallel to \(\overline{ab}\). Let \(c'\) be a point in \({\mathbf {C}}(c_i)\). For every other point \(c''\in {\mathbf {C}}(c_i), c''\ne c', c''\ne c_i\), \(c_i\) computes a line, \(L'\), parallel to \(\overline{c_ic''}\) passing through \(c'\). Let HP be the half-plane divided by \(L'\) such that \(c_i\) is in HP. Corner \(c_i\) then updates its \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) by keeping only the portion of \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) that is in the half-plane HP. This process is repeated for all \(c'\in {\mathbf {C}}(c_i)\backslash \{c_i\}\) and \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) is updated in every iteration. Now from the area \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) that remains, \(c_i\) removes the points that are in the perimeter of \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) and also the points that are part of the lines \(\overleftrightarrow {c_ix}, x\in {\mathbf {C}}(c_i)\backslash \{a,b,c_i\}\), passing inside of \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\). This removal of points is crucial to guarantee that when \(c_i\) moves to a point in \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\), it does not become collinear with any robot in \(\mathcal{Q}_s,\mathcal{Q}_i\). Figure 1 illustrates the computation of \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\); the shaded area is \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) for corner \(c_i\) of \({\mathbf {P}}\) except the points on the lines inside it (e.g., the point of lines \(\overline{c_ic'}\) and \(\overline{c_ic''}\) inside \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\). We have the following lemma from [18].

Lemma 1

\(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) for each corner robot \(c_i\) in \({\mathbf {P}}\) is non-empty. Moreover, when \(c_i\) moves to a point inside \(Visible\_Area(c_i)\) and no other robot in \({\mathbf {P}}\) is moving simultaneously with \(c_i\), then \(c_i\) remains as a corner of \({\mathbf {P}}\) and all the other robots in \({\mathbf {P}}\) are visible to \(c_i\) (and vice-versa).

figure a

3 Algorithm

In this section, we present our Complete Visibility algorithm for \(N\ge 3\) robots with lights tolerating \(f\le N\) faulty robots, starting from any arbitrary initial configuration with robots being in the distinct positions in a plane. The algorithm works in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting handling non-rigid moves, under the assumption that robots have one-axis agreement. We first provide a high level overview and then give its details.

High Level Overview of the Algorithm. The goal is to make robots progress toward a configuration where no three non-faulty robots are collinear and no faulty robot is in a line connecting two non-faulty robots. When all (non-faulty) robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) satisfy this property, this solves Complete Visibility. All previous algorithms for Complete Visibility [12, 13, 16, 18,19,20] arrange robots on the corners of a convex hull. Although convex hull is not the required condition for Complete Visibility (i.e., it is a sufficient condition), the correctness analysis becomes easier. However, when faulty robots are in hull’s interior, it is difficult to arrange robots on the corners of a hull.

Our idea is to develop a technique which does not require robots to be positioned on the corners of a convex hull, and hence scales on the number of faults it can tolerate. Let \({\mathbf {C}}_0\) be any initial configuration of the robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) with robots being in the distinct positions on the plane. Let L be a vertical line (robots agree on y-axis). The robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) can be projected to L so that all the robots are between positions \(b_L\) and \(t_L\) on L, where \(b_L\) is bottommost position on L that the robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) are projected to and \(t_L\) is the topmost position on L that the robots on L are projected to. There can be at most N different points on L that the robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) can be projected to. The idea in our algorithm is to ask the robots whose positions were projected on \(b_L\) to move first. Those robots then terminate. Until this time, the robots that are not projected to \(b_L\) do nothing. After that, the robots that are projected to a point \(b^1_L\) (the neighboring point of \(b_L\) on L) move and terminate; the robots that are not projected to \(b^1_L\) do nothing. This process then repeats until the robots that are projected to \(t_L\) move and terminate. The algorithm then finishes. We show that this process guarantees that Complete Visibility is achieved for the non-faulty robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) even when (up to) \(f\le N\) robots experience faults.

At any time which robots of \(\mathcal{Q}\) move and which robots of \(\mathcal{Q}\) do not move is determined through the colors displayed on the lights. We need to be careful how the robots move when two or more robots are projected to the same position on L. We handle this issue by asking robots that are at the two extremal points on the horizontal line they are positioned on to move first and then their neighbors can move subsequently.

In \({\mathbf {C}}_0\), all robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) have color Off and are stationary. But, in the Complete Visibility configuration, all robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) have color Final. The algorithm uses four colors Final, Transit, Intermediate, and Off. The colors Intermediate and Transit are to synchronize the simultaneous moves of the (at most) two robots at any moment of time in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting to make sure that Complete Visibility is achieved satisfying Theorem 1. These two colors are not required in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) (and \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)) setting (details in Sect. 4). Moreover, robots do not know N and their termination decision is solely based on the color they assume. The robots work autonomously only having the information about the robots they see.

Details of the Algorithm. The pseudocode of the algorithm is given in Algorithm 1. Initially at \({\mathbf {C}}_0\), the lights of all robots are set to color Off and the robots are stationary. Let \(r_i\) be a robot in \(\mathcal{Q}\). Let \(Hor(r_i)\) be a horizontal line passing through the position of \(r_i\). We first discuss how \(r_i\) moves if it sees no robot South of \(Hor(r_i)\), i.e., \(r_i\) is the Southmost robot in the configuration. Robot \(r_i\) can determine whether it is a Southmost robot or not as it knows y-axis. Robot \(r_i\) simply changes its color to Final without moving if it sees no other robot on \(Hor(r_i)\). If \(r_i\) sees some other robot on \(Hor(r_i)\), it changes its color to Intermediate (without moving) if it is positioned on \(Hor(r_i)\) such that it sees robots on only one side on \(Hor(r_i)\). We call \(r_i\) the endpoint robot on \(Hor(r_i)\) if the above condition is satisfied. Otherwise, \(r_i\) is on \(Hor(r_i)\) with at least a robot on \(Hor(r_i)\) on its both sides and \(r_i\) does nothing until it either becomes the endpoint robot on \(Hor(r_i)\) (fault-free case) or the robot on at least one side of \(Hor(r_i)\) is colored Final (faulty case). After \(r_i\) is colored Intermediate, it assumes color Transit and moves distance 1 vertically South. If \(r_i\) is colored Transit, it assumes color Final if it sees no Intermediate colored robot. If \(r_i\) sees an Intermediate colored robot, they both were on \(Hor(r_i)\) before \(r_i\) moved, and the waiting makes sure that the Intermediate colored robot also moves before \(r_i\) terminates. This makes synchronization easier in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting. We will discuss in Sect. 4 this is not needed in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) (and \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)) setting.

We now discuss how \(r_i\) moves if it sees at least a robot South of \(Hor(r_i)\). Robot \(r_i\) does not move until it sees at least a Off, Intermediate, or Transit colored robot South of \(Hor(r_i)\). The idea here is for \(r_i\) to compute \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) considering the robots South of \(Hor(r_i)\) that it sees and move to a point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\). If \(r_i\) is the only robot on \(Hor(r_i)\), it assumes color Transit and moves to a point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\). If \(r_i\) is not the only robot on \(Hor(r_i)\) but an endpoint robot on \(Hor(r_i)\), then it first assumes color Intermediate from Off. After \(r_i\) colored Intermediate, it moves as follows: \(r_i\) computes \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) and moves to a point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) assuming color Transit. After colored Transit, it sets its light to Final if it does not see any Intermediate colored robot. If it sees an Intermediate colored robot \(r_j\), \(r_j\) must be North of \(Hor(r_i)\) and it waits until \(r_j\) assumes color Transit. After colored Final, \(r_i\) terminates its computation when it becomes active next time.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) \(Visible\_area(r_i)\) for \(r_i\) (black region) is computed by removing the part of it beyond \(\overline{r_kr}\) (red region) and (b) disjoint \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\) and \(Visible\_Area(r_k)\) for two robots \(r_i,r_k\) on \(Hor(r_i)\) (black regions) using the technique of (a). (Color figure online)

We restrict how a point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) is selected to avoid robot collisions. Suppose \(Hor(r_j)\) is the horizontal line passing through a robot \(r_j\) South of \(Hor(r_i)\) such that there is no robot between lines \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\). We restrict that \(r_i\) can not move to positions of \(Hor(r_j)\) or South of it. This will avoid collisions between robots of \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\). To avoid collisions between two robots of \(Hor(r_i)\) (that can move simultaneously) and also to make sure that the moves of those robots do not block the visibility of each other to see the robots South of \(Hor(r_i)\), we restrict \(r_i\) not to move on or beyond \(\overline{r_kr}\) (in addition to not moving beyond \(Hor(r_j)\)), where \(r_k\) is the neighboring robot of \(r_i\) on \(Hor(r_i)\) and r is the robot South of \(Hor(r_i)\) such that there is no robot in the cone area formed by lines \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(\overline{r_kr}\). Figure 2 illustrates these ideas.

Analysis of the Algorithm. We now analyze the correctness of the algorithm. Particularly, we show that the algorithm solves Complete Visibility starting from any initial configuration \({\mathbf {C}}_0\) with all robots in \(\mathcal{Q}\) being in the distinct positions in the plane and (up to) N robots become faulty. We further show that the algorithm terminates in \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) time and the execution is collision- and deadlock-free. We start with the following lemma.

Lemma 2

Let \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) be horizontal lines passing through robots \(r_i,r_j\) such that there is no robot in the area between lines \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) is in South of \(Hor(r_i)\). No robot on \(Hor(r_i)\) is colored Intermediate, Transit, or Final until all the robots on \(Hor(r_j)\) are colored Final.

Lemma 3

When a robot \(r_i\) on \(Hor(r_i)\) computes \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\), it is a corner of the convex hull \({\mathbf {P}}\) of the robots of \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\}\).


We have that \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\) consists of the robots South of \(Hor(r_i)\) that \(r_i\) sees. Therefore, when \(r_i\) computes a convex hull \({\mathbf {P}}(r_i)\) of the robots in \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\}\), it makes an angle of \({<}180^\circ \) with its two neighboring corners of \({\mathbf {P}}(r_i)\) since all the robots on \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\) are in one side of \(Hor(r_i)\).    \(\square \)

Lemma 4

When a (non-faulty) robot \(r_i\) moves once, it sees all robots (both faulty and non-faulty) South of \(Hor(r_i)\).


We have from Lemma 1 that when a corner \(r_i\) of a convex hull \({\mathbf {P}}\) moves to a point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) and no other robot is moving simultaneously with \(r_i\), \(r_i\) sees all other robots of \({\mathbf {P}}\) (corners, side, and interior). We have from Lemma 3 that \(r_i\) is a corner of a convex hull \({\mathbf {P}}\) formed by the robots in \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\}\). When \(r_i\) moves in Algorithm 1, no other robot of \({\mathbf {P}}\) formed from \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\}\) is moving, therefore \(r_i\) sees all the robots that are South of \(Hor(r_i)\). It only remains to show that, at most one other robot r on \(Hor(r_i)\) that is moving simultaneously with \(r_i\) is also visible to \(r_i\) and vice-versa. This is immediate from the visible areas \(Visible\_Area(r_i,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\})\) and \(Visible\_Area(r,{\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r)\cup \{r\})\) computed by \(r_i\) and r, respectively. Let ab be the left and right neighbors of \(r_i\) in \({\mathbf {P}}(r_i)\) among the robots in \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\cup \{r_i\}\). Moreover, let \(a',b'\) be the left and right neighbors of r in \({\mathbf {P}}(r)\) among the robots in \({\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r)\cup \{r\}\). We have that \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\) does not contain the area beyond line \(\overline{rb'}\) and \(Visible\_Area(r)\) does not contain the area beyond line \(\overline{r_ia}\) (Fig. 2). Therefore, even if \(r_i,r\) move simultaneously, \(r_i\) does not become collinear with r in line \(\overline{rx}\) connecting r with any robot \(x\in {\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r)\) and r does not become collinear with \(r_i\) in line \(\overline{r_ix}\) connecting \(r_i\) with any robot \(x\in {\mathbf {C}}_{Hor}(r_i)\). Moreover, even after \(r_i\) and r move simultaneously, \(r_i\) sees r and vice-versa follows immediately since they move in the area between \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) with \(r_j\) the same robot in the view of both \(r_i,r\) and there is no third robot in that area.    \(\square \)

Lemma 5

Each (non-faulty) robot does at most one move during entire execution.


Pick any robot \(r_i\). If it is a Southmost robot and there is no robot on \(Hor(r_i)\), it terminates without moving. If it picks color Intermediate, then it does so without moving. If it picks color Transit, then it moves. If \(r_i\) is already colored Transit, it changes its color to Final without moving. If \(r_i\) is colored Final, it terminates. Therefore, a robot \(r_i\) moves only once when it picks color Transit either from Off or from Intermediate. Therefore, each non-faulty robot moves at most once.    \(\square \)

Lemma 6

Algorithm 1 is collision-free.


Let \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) be two horizontal lines such that there is no robot in the area between \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\). Let \(Hor(r_j)\) be South of \(Hor(r_i)\). The robots on lines \(Hor(r_i)\) and \(Hor(r_j)\) do not collide since the robots on \(Hor(r_i)\) never reach to positions of \(Hor(r_j)\) and the robots on \(Hor(r_j)\) never move North of \(Hor(r_j)\). Therefore, it only remains to show that the robots on \(Hor(r_i)\) do not collide with each other. We have that at most 2 endpoint robots \(r_i,r_k\) on \(Hor(r_i)\) move simultaneously. The robots move in such a way that \(r_i\) does not cross line \(\overline{r_kr}\) and \(r_k\) does not cross line \(\overline{r_ia}\) (as defined in Fig. 2b) and hence this avoids collisions between them.    \(\square \)

Lemma 7

Algorithm 1 is deadlock-free.

Lemma 8

Algorithm 1 runs for \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) epochs.

Lemma 9

The non-rigid movements of robots do not impact the guarantees of the algorithm.


Let \(d_i\) be the point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\) that \(r_i\) moves under rigid movements. Let \(\overline{r_id_i}\) be the line segment connecting \(r_i\) with \(d_i\) before \(r_i\) moves to \(d_i\). Under non-rigid movements, \(r_i\) may stop anywhere between \(r_i\) and \(d_i\) (we know that it does not stop at \(r_i\) since it moves at least \(\varDelta >0\)). We have from \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\) that \(r_i\) is visible to all other non-moving robots if it moves to any point in \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\). According to the visible area construction, all points in line \(\overline{r_id_i}\) contain inside the visible area \(Visible\_Area(r_i)\). Therefore, even under non-rigid movements, the algorithm provides all guarantees we obtained under rigid movements.    \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 1 . We have Theorem 1 combining the results of Lemmas 49.

4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Improved Color Algorithm for the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) (and \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)) Model. In the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) setting (and the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\) setting), we need only two colors in Algorithm 1, which is optimal with respect to the number of colors when N is not known [12]. In particular, we do not need colors Intermediate and Transit. The colors Intermediate and Transit in Algorithm 1 are to synchronize the moves of the robots when there are two or more robots on a horizontal line \(Hor(r_i)\) in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting. However, in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) (and also in the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)) setting, this can be achieved without these colors since: (i) if only one robot \(r_i\) of \(Hor(r_i)\) moves at round k, at round \(k+1\), the other robot \(r_j\) already sees \(r_i\) South of \(Hor(r_i)\) and it can move in such a way that all the robots South of \(Hor(r_i)\) see it; (ii) if both robots \(r_i,r_j\) on \(Hor(r_i)\) move in round k, then at round \(k+1\) they will be on their final positions, all the robots South of \(Hor(r_i)\) see both of them, and \(r_i,r_j\) see each other. All these results can be proved extending the analysis of Sect. 3 and runtime is still \(\mathcal{O}(N)\).

Impact of Correctness of Lights after Faults. The tolerance to faults in our algorithm depends on the correctness of the colors of the lights even after robots experience (mobility) faults. I.e., even after robot becomes faulty, lights can be correctly set from Off to Final, possibly going through the changes to Intermediate and Transit (without moving). If the robot color stays as the color it has at the time of fault, then we cannot guarantee termination and also whether Complete Visibility is solved. This is because, it is difficult to determine for a robot \(r_i\) whether the (non-faulty) robots that are South of \(Hor(r_i)\) already moved once or not. Therefore, it is an open problem to solve Complete Visibility in this setting tolerating multiple faults. The algorithm in [3] handles a single fault even when the light stays at the color at the time of fault.

Concluding Remarks. We have presented, to our best knowledge, the first fault-tolerant algorithm for the Complete Visibility problem using 4 colors for robots with lights in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting under non-rigid movements and one-axis agreement, tolerating (up to) N faulty robots, not known a priori. The algorithm terminates in \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) time avoiding collisions. The previous work [3] was only able to handle one faulty robot in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) setting under rigid movements and both-axis agreement using 3 colors. We then showed that the number of colors can be improved from 4 to 2 in the \(\mathcal{SSYNC}\) setting (and also in the \(\mathcal{FSYNC}\)) setting.

Many questions remain for future work. It will be interesting to minimize the number of colors from 4 to 2 in our algorithm in the \(\mathcal{ASYNC}\) setting. Most importantly, it will be interesting to remove the one-axis agreement assumption and solve this problem tolerating multiple faults when lights can be faulty in addition to mobility faults.