
1 Introduction

(Nonce-Based) Authenticated Encryption. The goal of authenticated encryption (AE) schemes is to simultaneously protect authenticity and privacy of messages. AE schemes with support for Associated Data (AEAD) provide additional authentication for associated data. The standard security requirement for AE schemes is to prevent leakage of any information about secured messages except for their respective lengths. However, stateless encryption schemes would enable adversaries to detect whether the same associated data and message has been encrypted before under the current key. Thus, Rogaway proposed nonce-based encryption [44], where the user must provide an additional nonce for every message it wants to process – a number used once (nonce). AE schemes that require a nonce input are called nonce-based authenticated encryption (nAE) schemes.

Reforgeability. In the cryptographic sense, reforgeability refers to the complexity of finding subsequent forgeries once a first forgery has been found. Thus, it defines the hardness of forging a ciphertext after the first forgery succeeded. The first attack known was introduced in 2002 by Ferguson by showing collision attacks on OCB  [45] and a Ctr-CBC-like MAC [17]. He showed that finding a collision within the message processing of OCBleads to complete loss of an essential function” (referring to the loss of authenticity/integrity).

Later on, in 2005, the term multiple forgery attacks was formed and defined by McGrew and Fluhrer [35]. They introduced the measure of expected number of forgeries and conducted a thorough analysis of GCM  [34], HMAC  [6], and CBC-MAC  [8]. In 2008, Handschuh and Preneel [22] introduced key recovery and universal forgery attacks against several MAC algorithms. The term Reforgeability was first formally defined by Black and Cochran in 2009, where they examined common MACs regarding their security to this new measurement [13]. Further, they introduced WMAC, which they argue to be the “best fit for resource-limited devices”.

Relevance. For a reforgeability attack to work, an adversary must be provided with a verification oracle in addition to its authentication (and encryption) oracle. In practice, such a setting can, for example, be found when a client tries to authenticate itself to a server and has multiple tries to log in to a system. Thus, the server would be the verification oracle for the client.

Obviously, the same argument holds for the case when the data to be send is of sensitive nature, i.e., the data itself has to be encrypted. Thus, besides the resistance of MACs to reforgeability, also the resistance of AE schemes is of high practical relevance.

Since modern and cryptographically secure AE schemes should provide at least INT-CTXT security in terms of integrity, the first forgery is usually not trivially found and depends on the size of the tag or the internal state. For that reason, reforgeability becomes especially essential when considering resource-constrained devices limited by, e.g., radio power, bandwidth, area, or throughput. This is not uncommon in the area of low-end applications such as sensor networks, VoIP, streaming interfaces, or, for example, devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). In these domains, the tag size \(\tau \) of MACs and AE schemes is usually quite small, e.g., \(\tau = 64\) or \(\tau = 32\) bits, or even smaller (\(\tau = 8\) bits) as mentioned by Ferguson in regard to voice systems [18]. Therefore, even if the AE scheme is secure in the INT-CTXT setting up to \(\tau \) bits, it is not unreasonable for an adversary to find a forgery for such a scheme in general. Nevertheless, even if finding the first forgery requires a large amount of work, a rising question is, whether it can be exploited to find more forgeries with significantly less than \(2^\tau \) queries to an authentication oracle per forgery. For our analysis, we derive a new security notion \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\), which states that an adversary who finds the first forgery using \(t_1 \) queries, can generate j additional forgeries in polynomial time depending on j. In general, the best case would be to find j additional forgeries using \(t_1 + j\) queries. Nevertheless, for five schemes (AES-OTR  [37], GCM  [34], COLM  [3], CWC  [29], and OCB  [30]), there already exist forgery attacks in the literature (see [19] for details) leading to j forgeries using only \(t_1 \) queries (thus, the j additional authentication queries are not even required).

Due to the vast number of submissions to the CAESAR competition [10], cryptanalysis proceeds slowly for each individual scheme. For instance, forgery attacks on 3rd-round CAESAR candidates have only been published for AES-COPA  [4, 32, 39], which even might become obsolete since AES-COPA and ELmD  [14] have been merged to COLM  [3]. Besides looking at 3rd-round CAESAR candidates, we also analyze other existing and partially widely-used AE schemes, e.g., GCM, EAX  [9], CCM  [16], and CWC. Naturally, due to their longer existence, there exist a lot more cryptanalysis on those schemes in comparison to the CAESAR candidates (see [20, 27, 28, 36, 42, 46] for some examples). The hope is that an INT-CTXT-secure AE scheme does not lose its security when considering reforgeability, i.e., \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\).

We briefly introduce what we mean by resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\), whereby we assume the first forgery to be the results from an internal collision of the processing of the associated data and/or the nonce.

  • Nonce-Ignoring: We call an nAE scheme resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) if the required number of queries of a nonce-ignoring \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) adversary for finding \(1 + j\) forgeries (including the first) is greater than \(t_1 + j\), where \(t_1 \) denotes the number of queries for finding the first forgery.

  • Nonce-Respecting: We call an nAE scheme resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) if the required number of queries of a nonce-respecting \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) adversary for finding \(1 + j\) forgeries (including the first) is greater than \(t_1 \cdot j/2\), where \(t_1 \) denotes the number of queries for finding the first forgery.

Further, we say that an nAE scheme is semi-resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) if the internal state is of wide size and the scheme itself is not trivially insecure in terms of \(j\text {-IV-CA}\). Thereby, following a similar approach to the wide-pipe mode introduced for hash functions [33], the internal state of an nAE scheme is at least twice as big as the output, i.e., the tag value. Such a design is, for example, given by the widely used Sponge construction [11]. That would make the search for a generic collision significantly harder than the search for multiple forgeries. We denote the number of queries required for finding a collision within a wide internal state by \(t_2\). Finally, we call an nAE scheme vulnerable to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) if it is neither resistant nor semi-resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CA}\).

Contribution. This work classifies nonce-based AE schemes depending on the usage of their inputs to the initialization, encryption, and authentication process, and categorize the considered AE schemes regarding to that classification. To allow for a systematic analysis of the reforgeability of AE schemes, we introduce the \(j\text {-IV-Collision Attack}\) based on the introduced security definition \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\), providing us with expected upper bounds on the hardness of further forgeries (a summary of our results can be found in Table 1). For our attack, we pursue the idea of the message-block-collision attacks presented in [17, 45]. However, in contrast, we focus on an internal collision within the processing of the associated data and/or the nonce. In the last section, we provide two approaches to provide resistance in the sense of reforgeability and \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\). Moreover, in the full version of this work [19], for AES-OTR, COLM, and OCB, we describe three attacks making multi-forgery attacks more efficient than our generic approach.

Table 1. Expected #oracle queries required for j forgeries for IV/nonce-based classical schemes and 3rd-round CAESAR candidates. By \(t_1 \) and \(t_2 \), we denote the computational cost for obtaining the first forgery, where \(t_2 \) relates to wide-state designs. NR = nonce-respecting setting; NI = nonce-ignoring setting. Since we obtained the same results for Deoxys-I and Deoxys-II, we combine them to Deoxys in this table. NR-NORX (draft) means the nonce-misuse-resistant version of NORX.

Outline. Section 2 provides necessary preliminaries including our security notions. Section 3 introduces our classification of generic AE schemes. Section 4 presents the \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) and a generic security analysis. Section 5 contains possible remedies to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) and Sect. 6 concludes our work.

2 Preliminaries

We use lowercase letters x for indices and integers, uppercase letters XY for binary strings and functions, and calligraphic uppercase letters \(\mathcal {X}, \mathcal {Y} \) for sets and combined functions. We denote the concatenation of binary strings X and Y by \(X \,\Vert \, Y\) and the result of their bitwise XOR by \(X \oplus Y\). We indicate the length of X in bits by |X|, and write \(X_i\) for the i-th block (assuming that X can be split into blocks of, e.g., n bits). Furthermore, we denote by \(X \twoheadleftarrow \mathcal {X} \) that X is chosen uniformly at random from the set \(\mathcal {X} \). For an event E, we denote by \(\Pr [E]\) the probability of E.

Adversaries and Advantages. An adversary \(\mathbf {A} \) is an efficient Turing machine that interacts with a given set of oracles that appear as black boxes to \(\mathbf {A}\). We denote by \(\mathbf {A} ^{\mathcal {O} }\) the output of \(\mathbf {A}\) after interacting with some oracle \(\mathcal {O} \). We write \(\mathbf {{Adv}}^{X}_{F}(\mathbf {A})\) for the advantage \(\mathbf {A}\) against a security notion X on a function/scheme F. All probabilities are defined over the random coins of the oracles and those of the adversary, if any. We write \(\mathbf {{Adv}}^{X}_{F}(q, \ell , t) = \max _{\mathbf {A}}\{\mathbf {{Adv}}^{X}_{F}(\mathbf {A})\}\) to refer to the maximal advantage over all X-adversaries \(\mathbf {A}\) on a given scheme/function F that run in time at most t and pose at most q queries consisting of at most \(\ell \) blocks in total to the available oracles. Wlog., we assume that \(\mathbf {A}\) never asks queries to which it already knows the answer, and by \(\mathcal {O}_1 \hookrightarrow \mathcal {O}_2\) we denote that \(\mathbf {A}\) never queries \(\mathcal {O} _2\) with the output of \(\mathcal {O} _1\).

We define as \((q_E, q_D, \ell , t)\)-adversary \(\mathbf {A}\) an adversary that asks at most \(q_E\) queries to its first oracle, \(q_D\) queries to its second oracle, which consist of at most \(\ell \) blocks in sum, where \(\mathbf {A}\) runs in time at most t. We define a scheme \(\varPi \) to be \((q_E, q_D, \ell , t, \epsilon )\)-X-secure to a notion X if the maximal advantage of all \((q_E, q_D, \ell , t)\)-X-adversaries on \(\varPi \) is upper bounded by \(\epsilon \). During the query phase, we say that an adversary \(\mathbf {A}\) maintains a query history \(\mathcal {Q}\) collecting all requests together with their corresponding answer. We write \(\mathcal {Q} _{|X}\), if we refer only to all entries of type X in the query history. For example, \(N _i \notin \mathcal {Q} _{|N}\) denotes that the nonce \(N _i\) is not contained in the set of nonces already in the query history.

Nonce-Based AE Schemes. A nonce-based authenticated encryption (nAE) scheme (with associated data) [43] is a tuple \(\varPi = (\mathcal {E} , \mathcal {D} )\) of a deterministic encryption algorithm \(\mathcal {E} : \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {A} \times \mathcal {N} \times \mathcal {M} \rightarrow \mathcal {C} \times \mathcal {T} \), and a deterministic decryption algorithm \(\mathcal {D} : \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {A} \times \mathcal {N} \times \mathcal {C} \times \mathcal {T} \rightarrow \mathcal {M} \cup \{\bot \}\), with associated non-empty key space \(\mathcal {K} \), associated data space \(\mathcal {A} \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\), the non-empty nonce space \(\mathcal {N} \), and \(\mathcal {M} \), \(\mathcal {C} \) \(\subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\) denote the message and ciphertext space, respectively. We define a tag space \(\mathcal {T} = \{0,1\}^{\tau }\) for a fixed \(\tau \ge 0\). We write \(\mathcal {E} _K^{A,N}(M)\) and \(\mathcal {D} _K^{A,N}(C, T)\) as short forms of \(\mathcal {E} (K, A, N, M)\) and \(\mathcal {D} (K, A, N, C, T)\). If a given tuple (ANCT) is valid, \(\mathcal {D} _{K}^{A, N}(C, T)\) returns the corresponding plaintext M, and \(\bot \) otherwise. We assume that for all \(K \in \mathcal {K} \), \(A \in \mathcal {A} \), \(N \in \mathcal {N} \), and \(M \in \mathcal {M} \) holds stretch-preservation: if \(\mathcal {E} _K^{A,N}(M) = (C, T)\), then \(|C| = |M|\) and \(|T| = \tau \), correctness: if \(\mathcal {E} _{K}^{A,N}(M) = (C, T)\), then \(\mathcal {D} _K^{A,N}(C, T) = M\), and tidiness: if \(\mathcal {D} _{K}^{A,N}(C, T) = M \ne \bot \), then \(\mathcal {E} _K^{A,N}(M) = (C, T)\), for all \(C \in \mathcal {C} \) and \(T \in \mathcal {T} \).

figure a

Security Notions for Reforgeability. In 2004, Bellare et al. introduced the two security notions \(\textsc {Int-PTXT-M}\) and \(\textsc {Int-CTXT-M}\)  [7]; however, these notions capture the setting that an adversary can pose multiple verification queries for a single forgery. In contrast, we are interested in finding multiple (in general \(j \ge 1\)) forgeries based on multiple verification queries. In the scenario of INT-CTXT, an adversary wins if it can find any valid forgery, that is a tuple (ANCT) for which the decryption returns anything different from the invalid symbol \(\bot \) and which has not been previously obtained by \(\mathbf {A}\) as response of the encryption oracle. The \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\) security notion, as shown in Algorithm 1, is derived from INT-CTXT in the sense that \(\mathbf {A}\) now has to provide j distinct valid forgeries that all have not been obtained from the encryption oracle. In the following, we define the \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\) Advantage of an adversary.

Definition 1

( j -Int-CTXT Advantage). Let \(\varPi = (\mathcal {E} , \mathcal {D} )\) be a nonce-based AE scheme, \(K \twoheadleftarrow \mathcal {K} \), and \(\mathbf {A}\) be a computationally bounded adversary on \(\varPi \) with access to two oracles \(\mathcal {E} \) and \(\mathcal {D} \) such that \(\mathbf {A}\) never queries \(\mathcal {E} \hookrightarrow \mathcal {D} \). Then, the \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\) advantage of \(\mathbf {A}\) on \(\varPi \) defined as

$$ \mathbf {{Adv}}^{j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}}_{\varPi }(\mathbf {A}) := \Pr \left[ \mathbf {A} ^{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {D}}\text { forges}\ j \text { times}\right] , $$

where “forges” means that \(\mathcal {D} _K\) returns anything other than \(\bot \) for a query of \(\mathbf {A}\), and “forges j times” means that \(\mathbf {A}\) provides j distinct decryption queries \((A_i, N_i, C_i, T_i)\), \(1 \le i \le j\) such that \(\mathcal {D} _K(A_i, N_i, C_i, T_i) \ne \bot \) for all \(1 \le i \le j\).

We define \(\mathbf {{Adv}}^{j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}}_{\varPi }(q_E, q_D, \ell , t)\) for the maximal advantage over all adversaries \(\mathbf {A}\) on \(\varPi \) that ask at most \(q_E\) encryption queries, \(q_D\) decryption queries, which sum up to at most \(\ell \) blocks in total, and run in time at most t.

3 Classification of AE Schemes

In our work, we consider AE schemes from a general point of view. Therefore, in comparison to the classification of Namprempre, Rogaway, and Shrimpton [38], we introduce one additional optional input to the tag-generation step (a key-dependent chaining value) and further, we distinguish between the message and the ciphertext being input to the tag generation.

We classify AE schemes according to their inputs to an initialization function \(F_{IV}\) and a tag-generation function \(F_{T}\). Let \(\mathcal {K}, \mathcal {A}, \mathcal {N}, \mathcal {IV}, \mathcal {T}, \mathcal {M}, \mathcal {CV} \), and \(\mathcal {C} \) define the key, associated data, nonce, IV, tag, message, chaining-value, and ciphertext space, respectively. We define three functions \(F_{IV}\), \(\mathcal {E} \), and \(F_{T}\) as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{rll} F_{IV}: &{} \mathcal {K} [\times \mathcal {A} ] [\times \mathcal {N} ] [\times \mathcal {M} ] &{}\rightarrow \mathcal {IV},\\ \mathcal {E}: &{} \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {IV} \times \mathcal {M} &{}\rightarrow \mathcal {C} [\times \mathcal {CV} ],\\ F_{T}: &{} \mathcal {K} [\times \mathcal {CV} ] [\times \mathcal {M} ] [\times \mathcal {C} ] [\times \mathcal {A} ] [\times \mathcal {N} ] &{}\rightarrow \mathcal {T}, \end{array} $$

where \(\mathcal {A},\mathcal {N}, \mathcal {M}, \mathcal {CV}, \mathcal {C} \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\), \(\mathcal {T} \subseteq \{0,1\}^{\tau }\), and \(\mathcal {IV} \subseteq \{0,1\}^{*}\). The expressions (sets) given in brackets are optional inputs to the corresponding function, e.g., the function \(F_{IV}\) must be provided with at least one input (the key \(K \in \mathcal {K} \)), but is able to process up to four inputs (including associated data \(A \in \mathcal {A} \), nonce \(N \in \mathcal {N} \), and message \(M \in \mathcal {M} \)).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Generic AE scheme as considered in our analysis.

From this, we introduce a generic classification based on which input is used in \(F_{IV}\) and \(F_{T}\). Note that the encryption algorithm \(\mathcal {E} \) is equal for all classes described, i.e., it encrypts a message M under a key K and an \(IV \in \mathcal {IV} \), and outputs a ciphertext \(C \in \mathcal {C} \). However, the authors of [38] distinguished between IV-based (ivE) and nonce-based (nE) encryption schemes. Such a distinction is covered by our generalized approach since one can simply assume the only input to \(F_{IV}\) to be the nonce (and the key) and making \(F_{IV}\) itself the identity function, i.e., it forwards the nonce \(N \) to the encryption function \(\mathcal {E} \). Moreover, AE schemes built from generic composition can be modelled by setting \(x_3 = 0\) and assuming \(F_{T}\) to be a PRF-secure MAC (see below for the meaning of \(x_3\)).

In the following, we encode the combination of inputs as a sequence of eight bits \(x_0,\ldots ,x_7\), where each bit denotes whether an input is used (1) or not (0), resulting in a total of \(2^8 = 256\) possible classes. More detailed, the first three bits \(x_0,x_1,x_2\) denote whether the associated data \(A\), the nonce \(N\), or the message M is used as input to \(F_{IV}\), respectively. The bits \(x_3,\ldots ,x_7\) denote whether a key-dependent chaining value CV, M, C, \(A\), or \(N \) is used as input to \(F_{T}\), respectively (see Fig. 1 for a depiction of our generic AE scheme). For example, the string (11010011) represents \(F_{IV}: \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {A} \times \mathcal {N} \rightarrow \mathcal {IV} \) and \(F_{T}: \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {CV} \times \mathcal {A} \times \mathcal {N} \rightarrow \mathcal {T} \) as it would be the case for, e.g., POET  [2], CLOC, and SILC  [24]. Further, we mark a bit position by ‘*’ if we do not care about whether the specific input is available or not.

Our next step is to significantly reduce the number of possible classes by disregarding those that are trivially insecure. First, we can simply discard \(2^4 = 16\) classes of the form \((00****00)\), where neither the nonce \(N \) nor the associated data \(A \) is considered as input. Similarly, we can exclude \(6 \cdot 2^4 = 96\) classes which lack the use of either the nonce or the associated data, i.e., \(\{(01****00),(01****01),(10****00),(10****10),(00****01),(00****10)\}\). Finally, since a secure nonce-based AE scheme requires the nonce to influence at least the encryption step, we can further disregard the \(3 \cdot 2^4 = 48\) classes \(\{(00****11),(10****01),(10****11)\}\) which omit the nonce in the initialization function \(F_{IV}\). As a result, we reduced the number of relevant classes to 96. An overview can be found in Table 2.

Table 2. Overview of accepted classes. All excluded classes are trivially insecure.

4 \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\)-Analysis of nAE Schemes

In this section, we introduce a new attack type called j-IV-Collision Attack (j-IV-CA) as one possible way to analyze the security of a nonce-based AE scheme regarding to reforgeability. We provide two variants (1) for the nonce-ignoring (NI; also known as nonce misuse) and (2) the nonce-respecting (NR) setting.

4.1 \(j\text {-IV-Collision Attack}\)

The core idea of a \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) is to (1) assume a first forgery can be found caused by an internal collision within the processing of the associated data \(A \) and/or the nonce \(N \) and (2) to exploit this collision for efficiently constructing j further forgeries. Depending on the class of an AE scheme, such a collision can occur during the invocation of \(F_{IV}\), \(F_{T}\), or both.

Due to the character of the attacks presented in this section, we can derive a set of classes \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\) of nAE schemes for which those attacks are trivially applicable. For all schemes belonging to that class, it holds that neither the message M, a message/ciphertext-depending chaining CV, nor the ciphertext C influence the first collision found by our adversary, e.g., if an adversary tries to construct a collision for the outputs of \(F_{IV}\), the only possible inputs to \(F_{IV}\) are either the nonce \(N \), the associated data \(A \), or both. Therefore, the set \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\) contains the following 22 classes of AE schemes:

$$ \mathcal {C} _{0} = \{(110***0*), (01*0001*), (11000011), (11000010)\}. $$
figure b

Nonce-Ignoring Setting The attack for the nonce-ignoring setting is described in Algorithm 2. An adversary \(\mathbf {A}\) starts by choosing a fixed arbitrary message M and pairs \((A _i,N _i)\) not queried before (\((A _i,N _i) \notin \mathcal {Q} _{|A,N}\), see Line 4). That builds up a query \((A _i,N _i,M)\) resulting in an oracle answer \((C_i,T_i)\) which is stored by \(\mathbf {A}\) in the query history \(\mathcal {Q}\). Once a collision of two tag values \(T_i\) and \(T_k\) (implying a collision of two pairs \((A _i,N _i) \ne (A _k,N _k)\))Footnote 1 was found (Line 7 of Algorithm 2), \(\mathbf {A}\) starts to generate j additionally queries with an effort of \(\mathcal {O}(j)\) (Lines 10–14). In Lines 6 and 13, the adversary is collecting all tuples queried so far, where in Line 13 we are only interested in the values of \(M_\ell \), since these are not allowed to repeat (see Line 11) by the definition of \(\mathbf {A}\).

It is easy to observe that \(\mathbf {A}\) has to use the same nonce twice, i.e., \(N _i\) is chosen in Line 4 and reused in Line 12 of Algorithm 2. Independent from the number of queries of finding the j additional forgeries, \(\mathbf {A}\) always (in the nonce-ignoring as well as in the nonce-respecting setting) has to find a collision for two pairs \((A _i,N _i) \ne (A _k,N _k)\). That number of queries (denoted by \(t_1 \) in general, or by \(t_2\) if the scheme employs a wide state of \(\ge 2n\) bits (or \(\ge 2\tau \) bits, when referring to the size of the tag value), see Table 1) always depends on the concrete instantiation of our generic AE scheme and is usually bounded by at least \(\mathcal {O}(q^2/2^n)\) (birthday bound), where q denotes the number of queries and n the state size in bit. In Table 4 of Appendix B, the reader can find the security claims of the considered AE schemes provided by their respective designers.

Nonce-Respecting Setting. The second setting prohibits an adversary from repeating any value \(N _i\) during its encryption queries. Therefore, we introduce a modified version of the \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) as proposed above. Such an attack works for all schemes that allow to observe a collision of the outputs of the IV-generation step by just looking at the ciphertext blocks. Thus, during the first step, we do not care about finding the first forgery but only about the collision during \(F_{IV}\) as shown in Algorithm 3. This attacks works also for nAE schemes that consider the associated data \(A _i\) only as input to \(F_{T}\). In such a situation, \(\mathbf {A}\) would leave \(A _i\) constant (or empty when considering \(F_{IV}\)) and would vary only \(N _i\) to find a collision within \(F_{IV}\).

figure c

If the number of queries for finding a collision during the processing of the associated data is given by \(t_1 \), an adversary requires \(j \cdot t_1 \) queries in average to obtain \(2 \cdot j\) forgeries. Clearly, this attack is weaker than that in the nonce-misuse setting above, but still reduces the number of queries for finding j forgeries from \(j \cdot t_1 \) to \(1/2 \cdot (j \cdot t_1)\).

4.2 Security Analysis

For all nAE schemes which belong to \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\), there exist a straight-forward argument that they are insecure in the nonce-ignoring setting. A \(j\text {-IV-CA}\), as defined in Algorithm 2, requires an adversary \(\mathbf {A}\) to choose j pair-wise distinct messages \(M_1,\ldots ,M_j\). Beforehand, we assume \(\mathbf {A}\) to be successful in finding the first forgery for two distinct pairs \((A _i,N _i)\) and \((A _k,N _k)\) (Lines 3–9 of Algorithm 2) using \(t_1 \) queries.

Therefore, the \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) adversary \(\mathbf {A}\) queries \(t_1 \) distinct pairs \((A _i,N _i) \ne (A _k,N _k)\), together with a fixed message M, until an internal collision leads to the case \(T_i = T_k\). Since the event of that very first collision does not depend on the message, a chaining value, and/or the ciphertext (requirement for an nAE scheme to be placed in \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\)), we can always choose a new message and still can ensure the internal collision for the pairs \((A _i,N _i)\) and \((A _k,N _k)\). Then, \(\mathbf {A}\) only has to query \((A _i, N _i, M_\ell )\) for a fresh message \(M_\ell \) to the encryption oracle and receives \((C'_\ell , T'_\ell )\), where it is trivial to see that the pair \((C'_\ell , T'_\ell )\) will also be valid for \((A _k, N _k, M_\ell )\). \(\mathbf {A}\) then only has to repeat this process for j pairwise distinct messages \(M_\ell \).

In the case of a nonce-respecting adversary (see Algorithm 3), an internal collision of the processing of (\((A _i)\) and) \(N _i\) is detected by observing colliding ciphertext blocks (see Line 9). Since the attack requires an internal collision within the IV-generation step and the nonce \(N _i\) must not directly influence the tag-generation step \(F_{T}\), the nonce \(N _i\) must be given as input to \(F_{IV}\), but not to \(F_{T}\). The associated data \(A _i\) can be given as input to \(F_{IV}\), \(F_{T}\), or both. Therefore, the attack described in Algorithm 3 is applicable to all schemes belonging to the subset \(\{(11****00),(11****00),(01****10)\}\) of \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\).

All remaining 74 classes in the set \(\mathcal {C} _{1}\) provide resistance to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) from a theoretical point of view, i.e., with regard to our generalized AE scheme as shown in Fig. 1.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C} _{1} = \{&(01*0011*), (01*0101*), (01*0111*), (01*1001*), (01*1011*),\\&(01*1101*), (01*1111*), (1100011*), (1100101*). (1100111*),\\&(1101001*), (1101011*), (1101101*), (1101111*), (111*****)\} \end{aligned}$$

However, in practice, their security highly depends on the specific instantiation of \(F_{IV}\) and/or \(F_{T}\). Due to space constraints, the discussion of concrete instantiations from the class \(\mathcal {C} _{1}\) as well as from \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\) when considering classical nAE schemes and 3rd-round CAESAR candidates, is provided in Appendix C.

5 Countermeasures to \(j\text {-IV-C}\) Attacks

This section describes two possible approaches for providing resistance to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) in the nonce-respecting (NR) as well as in the nonce-ignoring (NI) setting.

Independence of \({F}_{IV}\) and \({F_{T}}\) . For realizing that approach, the pair (\(A _i,N _i\)) has to be processed twice. Let \(F_{IV} (A _i,N _i,*)\) be the IV-generation step of an nAE scheme processing the tuple \((A _i,N _i,*)\), where ‘\(*\)’ denotes that \(F_{IV}\) can optionally process the message M. Usually, it is proven that \(F_{IV}\) behaves like a PRF. Further, let \(F_{T} (*,*,*,A _i,N _i)\) be the tag-generation step of an AE scheme processing the tuple \((*,*,*,A _i,N _i)\), where the first three inputs can be the chaining value CV, the message M, and or the ciphertext C Footnote 2, and there exists a proof showing that \(F_{T}\) also behaves like a PRF. Hence, the corresponding scheme would have the class \((11****11)\) which belongs to \(\mathcal {C} _{1}\). If one can guarantee independence between \(F_{IV}\) and \(F_{T}\), we can say that the outputs of \(F_{IV} (A _i,N _i,*)\) and \(F_{T} (*,*,*,A _i,N _i)\) are independent random values. Based on that assumption, a simple collision of the form \(F_{IV} (A _i,N _i,*) = F_{IV} (A _k,N _k,*)\) (as required by the \(j\text {-IV-CA}\)) does not suffice to produce a forgery since it is highly likely that \(F_{T} (A _i,N _i,*) \ne F_{T} (*,*,*,A _k,N _k)\) and vice versa. Therefore, this two-pass processing realizes a domain separation between the IV-generation and the tag-generation step, providing resistance to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\). One way to achieve that goal can be to invoke the same PRF twice (for \(F_{IV}\) and \(F_{T}\)) but always guarantee distinct inputs, e.g., \(F_{IV} (A _i,N _i,*,1)\) and \(F_{T} (*,*,*,A _i,N _i,2)\). Another approach would be to just use two independent functions.

Wide-State IV. A second approach requires a PRF-processing of the associated data \(F_{IV}\) which produces a wide-state output \(\tau \leftarrow F_{IV} (A _i,N _i)\) with \(|\tau | > n\) bit. For example, for \(|\tau | = 2n\), a pair (\(A _i,N _i\)) would be processed to two independent n-bit values \(\tau _1\) and \(\tau _2\). Then, one could use \(\tau _1\) as initialization vector to the encryption step and \(\tau _2\) as initialization vector to the tag-generation step. Therefore, one can always guarantee domain separation between encryption and tag generation, while remaining a one-pass AE scheme. One possible instantiation for such a MAC (which can be utilized for the processing of the associated data) is PMAC2x [31].

6 Conclusion

In this work, we followed on the idea of multi-forgery attacks first described by Ferguson in 2002 and went on with introducing the \(j\text {-}\textsc {Int}\text {-}\textsc {CTXT}\) notion. Further on, we introduced a classification of nonce-based AE schemes depending of the usage of their inputs to the initialization, encryption, and authentication process, and categorize them regarding to that classification. To allow a systematic analysis of the reforgeability of nonce-based AE schemes, we introduced the \(j\text {-IV-Collision Attack}\), providing us with expected upper bounds on the hardness of further forgeries. During our analysis, we found that (1) no considered nAE schemes provides full resistance to \(j\text {-IV-CA}\), (2) ACORN, AES-OTR (serial), Ascon, COLM, JAMBU, Ketje, and NORX belong to the class \(\mathcal {C} _{0}\), rendering them implicitly vulnerable to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\), and (3) Ascon, Ketje, Keyak, MORUS, NORX, NR-NORX, and Tiaoxin are semi-resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) since all of them employ a wide state. This has no impact on the applicability of a \(j\text {-IV-CA}\) itself, but a wide state hardens the computation of the internal collision, e.g., if the internal state is of size 2n (wide state) instead of n, a generic collision can be found in \(2^n\) instead of \(2^{n/2}\). Finally, we briefly proposed two alternative approaches which would render an nAE scheme resistant to \(j\text {-IV-CAs}\) in the nonce-respecting as well as the nonce-ignoring setting.