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1 Introduction

The Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem (Max TSP) is a classical variant of the famous Traveling Salesman Problem. In the problem we are given a complete undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\) with nonnegative weights on the edges and we aim to compute a traveling salesman tour of maximum weight. Max TSP, also informally known as the “taxicab ripoff problem”, is both of theoretical and practical interest.

Previous approximations of Max TSP have found applications in combinatorics and computational biology: the problem is useful in understanding RNA interactions [27] and providing algorithms for compressing the results of DNA sequencing [26]. It has also been applied to the problem of finding a maximum weight triangle cover of the graph [14] and to a combinatorial problem called bandpass-2 [7], where we are supposed to find the best permutation of rows in a boolean-valued matrix, so that the weighted sum of structures called bandpasses is maximised.

Previous Results. The first approximation algorithms for Max TSP were devised by Fisher et al. [10]. They showed several algorithms having approximation ratio \(\frac{1}{2}\) and one with a guarantee of \(\frac{2}{3}\). In [16] Kosaraju, Park and Stein presented an improved algorithm giving a ratio of \(\frac{19}{27}\) [4]. This was in turn improved by Hassin and Rubinstein, who gave a \(\frac{5}{7}\)- approximation [12]. In the meantime Serdyukov [25] presented (in Russian) a simple and elegant \(\frac{3}{4}\)-approximation algorithm. The algorithm is deterministic and runs in \(O(n^3)\), where n denotes the number of vertices in the graph. Afterwards, Hassin and Rubinstein gave [13] a randomized algorithm with expected approximation ratio of at least \(\frac{25(1-\epsilon )}{33-32\epsilon }\) and running in \(O(n^2(n+2^{1/\epsilon }))\), where \(\epsilon \) is an arbitrarily small constant. The first deterministic approximation algorithm with the ratio better than \(\frac{3}{4}\) was given in [6] by Chen et al. It is a \(\frac{61}{81}\)-approximation through a non-trivial derandomization of the algorithm from [13] that runs in \(O(n^3)\). The currently best known approximation given by Paluch et al. [22] achieves the ratio of \(\frac{7}{9}\). Its running time is also \(O(n^3)\).

Related Work. It is known that Max TSP is max-SNP-hard [3], so a constant \(\delta < 1\) exists, which is an upper bound on the approximation ratio of any algorithm for this problem. The geometric version of the problem, where all vertices are in \(R^d\) and the weight of each edge is defined as the Euclidean distance of its endpoints, was considered in [2] and shown to be solvable in polynomial time for \(d=2\) and NP-hard for \(d>2\). Other metrics are also considered in that paper.

Regarding the path version of Max TSP – Max TSPP (the Maximum Traveling Salesman Path Problem), the approximation algorithms with ratios correspondingly \(\frac{1}{2}\) and \(\frac{2}{3}\) have been given in [19]. The first one for the case when both endpoints of the path are specified and the other for the case when only one endpoint is given.

Another related problem is called the maximum scatter TSP (see [1]), where the goal is to find a TSP tour (or a path) maximizing the weight of the lightest edge selected in the solution. The problem is motivated by medical imaging and some manufacturing applications. In general there is no constant approximation for this problem, but if the weights of the edges obey the triangle inequality, it is possible to give a \(\frac{1}{2}\)-approximation algorithm. That paper also studies a more general version of the maximum scatter TSP – the max-min-m-neighbour TSP. The improved approximation results for the max-min-2-neighbour problem have been given in [8].

The maximum metric symmetric traveling salesman problem, in which the edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality - the best approximation factor is \(\frac{7}{8}\) [18]. For the maximum asymmetric traveling salesman problem with triangle inequality the best approximation ratio currently equals \(\frac{35}{44}\) [17].

In the Maximum Latency TSP problem we are given a complete undirected graph with vertices \(v_0, v_1, \ldots ,\) \(v_n\). Our task is to find a Hamiltonian path starting at a fixed vertex \(v_0\), which maximizes the total latency of the vertices. If in a given path P the weight of the i-th edge is \(w_i\), then the latency of the j-th vertex is \(L_j = \sum _{i = 1}^j w_i\) and the total latency is defined as \(L(P) = \sum _{j = 1}^n L_j\). A ratio \(\frac{1}{2}\)-approximation algorithm for the metric version of the problem is presented in [5]. Improved ratios for this and other versions (directed, nonmetric) of the problem are shown in [11].

Our Approach and Results. We begin with computing a maximum weight cycle cover \(C_{max}\) of G. A cycle cover of a graph G is a collection of cycles such that each vertex belongs to exactly one of them. The weight of a maximum weight cycle cover \(C_{max}\) is an upper bound on OPT, where by OPT we denote the weight of a maximum weight traveling salesman tour. By computing a maximum weight perfect matching M we get another, even simpler than \(C_{max}\), upper bound – on OPT/2. From \(C_{max}\) and M we build a multigraph \(G_1\) which consists of two copies of \(C_{max}\) and one copy of M, (for each edge e of G the multigraph \(G_1\) contains between zero and three copies of e). Thus the total weight of the edges of \(G_1\) is at least \(\frac{5}{2}\ OPT\). Next we would like to path-3-color \(G_1\), that is to color the edges of \(G_1\) with three colors, so that each color class contains only vertex-disjoint paths. The paths from the color class with maximum weight can then be patched in an arbitrary manner into a tour of weight at least \(\frac{5}{6}\ OPT\).

Technique of Eliminating Difficult Subgraphs via Half-edges. Not every multigraph \(G_1\) can, however, be path-3-colored. For example, a subgraph of \(G_1\) obtained from a triangle of \(C_{max}\) such that M contains one of the edges of (such triangle is called a 3-kite of \(G_1\)) cannot be path-3-colored as, clearly, it is impossible to color such seven edges with three colors and not create a monochromatic triangle. Similarly, a subgraph of \(G_1\) obtained from a square (i.e., a cycle of length four) of \(C_{max}\) such that M contains two edges connecting vertices of (such square is called a 4-kite) is not path-3-colorable. To find a way around this difficulty, we compute another cycle cover \(C_2\) improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M, which is a cycle cover that does not contain any 3-kite or 4-kite of \(G_1\) and whose weight is also at least OPT. An important feature of \(C_2\) is that it may contain half-edges. A half-edge of an edge e is, informally speaking, a half of the edge e that contains exactly one of its endpoints. Half-edges have already been introduced in [21]. Computing \(C_2\) is done via a tailored reduction to a maximum weight perfect matching. It is, to some degree, similar to computing a directed cycle cover without length-two cycles in [21], but for Max TSP we need much more complex gadgets.

From one copy of \(C_2\) and M we build another multigraph \(G_2\) with weight at least \(\frac{3}{2}\ OPT\). It turns out that \(G_2\) can always be path-2-colored. The multigraph \(G_1\) may be non-path-3-colorable – if it contains at least one kite. We notice, however, that if we remove one arbitrary edge from each kite, then \(G_1\) becomes path-3-colorable. The edges removed from \(G_1\) are added to \(G_2\). As a result, the modified \(G_2\) may cease to be path-2-colorable. To remedy this, we in turn remove some edges from \(G_2\) and add them to \(G_1\). In other words, we find two disjoint sets of edges – a set \(F_1 \subseteq G_1\) and a set \(F_2 \subseteq G_2\), called exchange sets, such that the multigraph \(G'_1 = G_1{\setminus }F_1 \cup F_2\) is path-3-colorable and the multigraph \(G'_2 = G_2{\setminus }F_2 \cup F_1\) is path-2-colorable. Since \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) have the total weight at least \(4\ OPT\), by path-3-coloring \(G'_1\) and path-2-coloring \(G'_2\) we obtain a \(\frac{4}{5}\)-approximate solution to Max TSP.

Edge Coloring. The presented algorithms for path-3-coloring and path-2-coloring are essentially based on a simple notion of a safe edge – an edge colored in such a way that it is guaranteed not to belong to any monochromatic cycle, used in an inductive way. The adopted approach may appear simple and straightforward. For comparison, let us point out that the method of path-3-coloring the multigraph obtained from two directed cycle covers described in [15] is rather convoluted.

Generally, the new techniques are somewhat similar to the ones used for the directed version of the problem – Max ATSP – in [20]. We are convinced that they will prove useful for other problems related with TSP, cycle covers or matchings.

The main result of the paper is

Theorem 1

There exists a \(\frac{4}{5}\)-approximation algorithm for Max TSP. Its running time is \(O(n^3)\) if the graph has an even number of vertices and \(O(n^5)\) otherwise.

figure a

All missing proofs are contained in the full version of this paper [9].

2 Path-3-Coloring of \(G_1\)

We compute a maximum weight cycle cover \(C_{max}\) of a given complete undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\) and a maximum weight perfect matching M of G. We are going to call cycles of length i, i.e., consisting of i edges i -cycles. Also sometimes 3-cycles will be called triangles and 4-cycles – squares. The multigraph \(G_1\) consists of two copies of \(C_{max}\) and one copy of M. We want to color each edge of \(G_1\) with one of three colors of \(\mathcal{K}_3=\{1,2,3\}\) so that each color class consists of vertex-disjoint paths. The graph \(G_1\) is a subgraph of the multigraph \(G_1\) that contains an edge (uv) iff the multigraph \(G_1\) contains an edge between u and v. The path-3-coloring of \(G_1\) can be equivalently defined as coloring each edge of (the graph) \(G_1\) with the number of colors equal to the number of copies contained in the multigraph \(G_1\). From this time on, unless stated otherwise, \(G_1\) denotes a graph and not a multigraph.

We say that a colored edge e of \(G_1\) is safe if no matter how we color the so far uncolored edges of \(G_1\) e is guaranteed not to belong to any monochromatic cycle of \(G_1\). An edge e of M is said to be external if its two endpoints belong to two different cycles of \(C_{max}\). Otherwise, e is internal. We say that an edge e is incident to a cycle c if it is incident to at least one vertex of c.

We prove the following useful lemma.

Lemma 1

Consider a partial coloring of \(G_1\). Let c be any cycle of \(C_{max}\) such that for each color \(k \in \mathcal{K}_3\) there exists an edge of M incident to c that is colored k. Then we can color c so that each edge of c and each edge incident to one of the edges of c is safe.


The proposed procedure of coloring c is as follows.

If there exists an edge of c that also belongs to M, we color it with all three colors of \(\mathcal{K}_3\). For each uncolored edge of M incident to c, we color it with an arbitrary color of \(\mathcal{K}_3\). Next, we orient the edges of c (in any of the two ways) so that c becomes a directed cycle c. Let \(e=(u,v)\) be any uncolored edge of c oriented from u to v. Then, there exists an edge \(e'\) of M incident to u. If \(e'\) is contained in c, then we color e with any two colors of \(\mathcal{K}_3\). Otherwise \(e'\) is colored with some color k of \(\mathcal{K}_3\). Then we color e with the two colors belonging to \(\mathcal{K}_3{\setminus }k\). First, no vertex of c has three incident edges colored with the same color, as for each vertex its outgoing edge is colored with different colors than an incident matching edge. Second, as for each color \(k \in \mathcal{K}_3\) there is a matching edge incident to c colored with k, there exists an edge of c that is not colored k, thus c does not belong to any color class, i.e. there exists no color \(k \in \mathcal{K}_3\) such that each edge of c is colored with k. Let us consider now any edge \(e=(u,v)\) of M incident to some edge of c and not belonging to c. The edge e is colored with some color k. Suppose also that vertex u belongs to c (v may or may not belong to c.) Let \(u'\) be any other vertex of c such that some edge of \(M{\setminus }C_{max}\) colored k is incident to it (\(u'\) may be equal to v if e is internal). To show that e is safe, it suffices to show that there exists no path consisting of edges of \(c \cup M\) that connects u and \(u'\) and whose every edge is colored k. However, by the way we color edges of c we know that the outgoing edges of u and \(u'\) are not colored with k because of the way we oriented the cycle, there is no path connecting u and \(u'\) contained in c that starts and ends with incoming edge. \(\Box \)

For each cycle c of \(C_{max}\) we define its degree of flexibility denoted as flex(c) and its colorfulness, denoted as col(c). The degree of flexibility of a cycle c is the number of internal edges of M incident to c and the colorfulness of c is the number of colors of \(\mathcal{K}_3\) that are used for coloring the external edges of M incident to c.

From Lemma 1 we can easily derive.

Lemma 2

If a cycle c of \(C_{max}\) is such that \(flex(c)+col(c) \ge 3\), then we can color c so that each edge of c and each edge incident to one of the edges of c is safe.

Sometimes, even if a cycle c of \(C_{max}\) is such that \(flex(c)+col(c) < 3\), we can color the edges of c so that each of them is safe. For example, suppose that c is a square consisting of edges \(e_1, \ldots , e_4\) and there are four external edges of M incident to c, all colored 1. Suppose also that each external edge incident to c is already safe. Then we can color \(e_1\) with 1 and 2, \(e_3\) with 1 and 3 and both \(e_2\) and \(e_4\) with 2 and 3. We can notice that \(e_1\) is guaranteed not to belong to a cycle colored 1 because external edges incident to \(e_1\) are colored 1 and are safe. Analogously, we can easily check that each other edge of c is safe. However, for example, a triangle t of \(C_{max}\) that has three external edges of M incident to it, all colored with the same color of \(\mathcal{K}_3\), cannot be colored in such a way that it does not contain a monochromatic cycle.

Consider a cycle c of \(C_{max}\) such that every external edge of M incident to c is colored. We say that c is nice if and only if (1) \(flex(c)+col(c) \ge 3\) or (2) c contains at least \(3 - flex(c)-col(c)\) vertex-disjoint edges, each of which has the property that it has exactly two incident external edges of M and the two external edges of M incident to it are colored with the same color of \(\mathcal{K}_3\) or (3) c is a square such that \(flex(c)=1\).

Otherwise we say that c is blocked. We can see that a cycle c of \(C_{max}\) is blocked if and only if

  • c is a triangle and all external edges of M incident to c are colored with the same color of \(\mathcal{K}_3\),

  • c is a square with two internal edges of M incident to it \((flex(c)=2)\),

  • c is a cycle of even length, \(flex(c)=0\) and there exist two colors \(k_1, k_2 \in \mathcal{K}_3\) such that external edges of M incident to c are colored alternately with \(k_1\) and \(k_2\).

Among blocked cycles we distinguish kites. We say that a cycle c is a kite if it is a triangle such that \(flex(c)=1\) and then we call it a 3-kite or it is a square, whose two edges belong to M (so \(flex(c)=2\)) - called a 4-kite. We can assume that a square with two diagonals in M will not occur, as diagonals are heavier than any two opposite edges in this square (as they are in M), so they would be included in \(C_{max}\). A cycle of \(C_{max}\) which is not a kite is said to be non-kite.

Now, we are ready to state the algorithm for path-3-coloring \(G_1\). It is presented as Algorithm 2.

figure b

Lemma 3

Let c be a non-kite cycle of \(C_{max}\) that at some step of Algorithm Color \(G_1\) has the fewest uncolored external edges incident to it. Then, it is always possible to color all uncolored external edges incident to c so that no non-kite cycle of \(C_{max}\) becomes blocked. Moreover, if c has at least two uncolored external edges incident to c then, additionally, it is always possible to do it in such a way that \(flex(c)+col(c) \ge 3\). If c has exactly one uncolored external edge e of M incident to it, then we can color e so that \(flex(c)+col(c) \ge 3\) or so that e is safe.

From the above lemma we get

Corollary 1

After all external edges are colored, each of them is incident to a cycle c of \(C_{max}\) such that \(flex(c)+col(c) \ge 3\) or is safe.

Lemma 4

Let c be a nice cycle of \(C_{max}\) whose all incident external edges of M are already colored and safe. Then it is always possible to color c and internal edges incident to c in such a way that each edge incident to c is safe.

3 A Cycle Cover Improving \(C_{max}\) with Respect to M

Since \(C_{max}\) may contain kites, we may not be able to path-3-color \(G_1\). Therefore, our next aim is to compute another cycle cover \(C_2\) of G such that it does not contain any kite of \(C_{max}\) and whose weight is an upper bound on OPT. Since computing such \(C_2\) may be hard, we relax the notion of a cycle cover and allow \(C_2\) to contain half-edges. A half-edge of the edge e is, informally speaking, a half of the edge e that contains exactly one of the endpoints of e. Let us also point out here that \(C_2\) may contain kites which do not belong to \(C_{max}\).

We say that an edge (uv) is a kite-edge if u and v belong to the same kite (so it can be a side of a kite, but also a diagonal of a 4-kite). Every kite-edge \(e=(u,v)\) is split into two half edges \((u, x_e)\) and \((x_e, v)\), each carrying half of the weight of e. The graph \(\tilde{G} = (\tilde{V}, \tilde{E})\) will be G with kite-edges replaced with half-edges.

Definition 1

A relaxed cycle cover improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M is a subset \(\tilde{C} \subseteq \tilde{E}\) such that

  1. (i)

    each vertex in V has exactly two incident edges in \(\tilde{C}\);

  2. (ii)

    for each 3-kite of \(C_{max}\) the number of half-edges of kite-edges of contained in \(\tilde{C}\) is even and not greater than four;

  3. (iii)

    for each 4-kite of \(C_{max}\) the number of half-edges of kite-edges of contained in \(\tilde{C}\) is even and not greater than six.

To compute a relaxed cycle cover \(C_2\) improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M we construct the following graph \(G'=(V',E')\) (by replacing kites with gadgets). The set of vertices \(V'\) is a superset of the set of verices V(G). For each kite-edge (uv) of G we add two vertices \(x_v^u, x_u^v\) to \(V'\) and edges \((u, x_v^u), (x_u^v,v)\) to \(E'\) (these represent the half-edges). For each kite-edge (uv) which is not a diagonal of a 4-kite or one of the non-matching edges in 3-kite (for each 3-kite we choose arbitrarily one of them) we add also an edge \((x_v^u, x_u^v)\). The edge \( (x_v^u, x_u^v)\) has weight 0 in \(G'\) and each of the edges \((u, x_v^u), (x_u^v,v)\) has weight equal to \(\frac{1}{2}w(u,v)\). Each of the vertices \(x_v^u, x_u^v\) is called a splitting vertex of the edge (uv).

For each 3-kite on vertices uvw we add two vertices to \(V'\). Let’s assume that u is incident to external edge of M and that \((x_w^u, x_u^w)\) was the side not added to \(G'\). The vertex is connected to the splitting vertices of edges of that are neighbors of u, i.e. to vertices \(x_v^u, x_w^u\) and to vertex \(x_w^v\). The vertex is connected to every other splitting vertex of . All edges incident to vertices have weight 0 in \(G'\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Gadgets for 3-kites (a) and 4-kites (b) of \(G_1\) in graph G. Half-edges corresponding to the original edges are thickened, the auxiliary edges are thin. Original vertices (thick dots) are connected with all the other original vertices of graph G. The auxiliary vertices have no connections outside of the gadget. The figures are subtitled with the specifications of b(v) values for different vertices. For a vertex t with \(b(t) = i\), the resulting b-matching will contain exactly i edges ending in t.

For each 4-kite of \(C_{max}\) on vertices uvwz we add five vertices to \(V'\). Vertex is connected to the splitting vertices of edges of that are neighbors of u, i.e. to vertices \(x_v^u, x_w^u, x_z^u\). Vertices are connected analogously. Vertex is connected to vertices . All edges incident to vertices have weight 0.

For each edge (uv) of G that is not a kite-edge we add it to \(E'\) with weight w(uv).

We reduce the problem of computing a relaxed cycle cover improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M, to the problem of computing a perfect b-matching in the graph \(G'\). We define the function \(b: V' \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) in the following way. For each vertex \(v \in V\) we set \(b(v)=2\). For each splitting vertex \(v'\) of some problematic edge we set \(b(v')=1\). For all vertices and , where denotes a 3-kite of \(C_{max}\) we have . For all vertices and , where denotes a 4-kite of \(C_{max}\) and u one of its vertices we have (Fig. 1).

Theorem 2

Any perfect b-matching of \(G'\) yields a relaxed cycle cover \(C_2\) improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M. A maximum weight perfect b-matching of \(G'\) yields a relaxed cycle cover \(C_2\) improving \(C_{max}\) with respect to M such that \(w(C_2) \ge OPT\).

4 Exchange Sets \(F_1, F_2\) and Path-2-Coloring of \(G'_2\)

The multigraph \(G_2\) is constructed from one copy of the relaxed cycle cover \(C_2\) and one copy of the maximum weight perfect matching M. Since \(C_2\) may contain half-edges and we want \(G_2\) to contain only edges of G, for each half-edge of edge (uv) contained in \(C_2\), we will either include the whole edge (uv) in \(G_2\) or not include it at all. While doing so we have to ensure that the total weight of the constructed multigraph \(G_2\) is at least \(\frac{3}{2} OPT\).

The main idea behind deciding which half-edges are extended to full edges and included in \(G_2\) is that we construct two sets \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\) – for each kite in \(G_1\) we distribute its edges corresponding to the half-edges so that half of them go into the set \(Z_1\) and the other half to \(Z_2\). (Note that by Definition 1 each kite in \(G_1\) contains an even number of half-edges in \(C_2\).) Let \(I(C_2)\) denote the set consisting of whole edges of G contained in \(C_2\). This way \(w(C_2)= w(I(C_2)) +\frac{1}{2} (w(Z_1)+w(Z_2))\). Next, let Z denote the one of the sets \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\) with larger weight. Then \(G_2\) is defined as a multiset consisting of edges of M, edges of \(I(C_2)\) and edges of Z. We reach the following

Fact 1

The total weight of the constructed multigraph \(G_2\) is at least \(\frac{3}{2} OPT\).


The weight of M is at least \(\frac{1}{2} OPT\). The weight of \(w(C_2)= w(I(C_2)) + \frac{1}{2} (w(Z_1)+w(Z_2))\) is at least OPT. Since \(w(Z) = \max \{w(Z_1), w(Z_2)\}\), we conclude that \(w(I(C_2))+ w(Z) \ge w(C_2)\).    \(\square \)

If \(C_{max}\) contains at least one kite, \(G_1\) is non-path-3-colorable. We can however notice, that if we remove one edge from each kite in the multigraph \(G_1\), then the obtained multigraph is path-3-colorable.

If we manage to construct a set \(F_1\) containing one edge from each kite, such that additionally the multigraph \(G_2 \cup F_1\) is path-2-colorable, then we have a \(\frac{4}{5}\)-approximation of Max TSP immediately. Since computing such \(F_1\) may be difficult, we allow, in turn, certain edges of \(C_2\) to be removed from \(G_2\) and added to \(G_1\). Thus, roughly, our goal is to compute such disjoint sets \(F_1, F_2\) that:

  1. 1.

    \(F_1 \subset C_{max}\) contains at least one edge of each kite;

  2. 2.

    \(F_2 \subset I(C_2)\) contains one edge per each kite ;

  3. 3.

    the multigraph \(G'_1=G_1{\setminus }F_1 \cup F_2\) is path-3-colorable;

  4. 4.

    the multigraph \(G'_2=G_2{\setminus }F_2 \cup F_1\) is path-2-colorable.

Let \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) be two sets of edges that satisfy properties 1. and 2. of the above. Then the set of edges \(C'_2=(I(C_2) \cup Z \cup F_1){\setminus }F_2\) can be partitioned into cycles and paths of \(G'_2\), where \(G'_2\) denotes the resulting multigraph \(G_2{\setminus }F_2 \cup F_1\). The partition of \(C'_2\) into cycles and paths is carried out in such a way that two incident edges of \(C'_2\) belonging to a common path or cycle of \(C_2\), belong also to a common path or cycle of \(C'_2\) (and \(G'_2\)). Also, the partition is maximal, i.e., we can’t add any edge e of \(C'_2\) to any path of \(G'_2\) so that is also a path or cycle of \(G'_2\).

We say that e is a double edge of \(G'_2\) if the multigraph \(G'_2\) contains two copies of e. In any path-2-coloring of \(G'_2\) every double edge must have both colors of \(\mathcal{K}_2\) assigned to it.

We observe that in order for \(G'_2\) to be path-2-colorable, we have to guarantee that there does not exist a cycle of \(G'_2\) of odd length l that has l incident double edges. When every two consecutive edges of are incident to some double edge, they must be assigned different colors of \(\mathcal{K}_2\) and if the length of is odd, this is clearly impossible. The way to avoid this is to choose one edge of each such potential cycle and add it to \(F_2\).

We say that a path of \(G'_2\) beginning at w and ending at v is amenable if

  1. (i)

    neither v nor w has degree 4 in \(G'_2\), or

  2. (ii)

    v has degree 4, w has degree smaller than 4 and ends with a double edge, the last-but-one edge of is a double edge or the last-but-one and the last-but-three vertices in are matched in M.

It turns out that \(G'_2\) that does not contain odd cycles described above and whose every path is amenable is path-2-colorable — we show it in the full version of the paper. To facilitate the construction of \(G'_2\), whose every path is amenable and to ensure that \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) have certain other useful properties we create two opposite orientations of \(I(C_2)\): \(D_1\) and \(D_2\). In each of these orientations \(I(C_2)\) contains directed cycles and paths and each kite has the same number of incoming and outgoing edges. This can be achieved by pairing the endpoints of paths ending at the same kite and combining them. For example, let us consider a 3-kite in Fig. 2. \(C_2\) contains half-edges \(h_1=(w, x_{\{u,w\}})\) and \(h_2=(v, x_{\{v,w\}})\) of a certain 3-kite , so for the purpose of orientation we replace \(h_1\) and \(h_2\) with an edge (vw). Then, if for example \(C_2\) contains edges \(e_1=(w',w), e_2=(v',v)\) in the orientation in which \(e_1\) is directed from \(w'\) to w, the edge \(e_2\) is directed from v to \(v'\) and vice versa.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of creating orientations \(D_1\) and \(D_2\)

Apart from the whole edges \(C_2\) also contains the half-edges. Let \(H(C_2)\) denote the set of the edges of G such that \(C_2\) contains exactly one half-edge of each of these edges. We would like to partition \(H(C_2)\) into two sets \(Z_1, Z_2\) so that for each kite c half of the edges of \(H(C_2)\) is contained in \(Z_1\) and the other half in \(Z_2\). We associate \(Z_1\) with orientation \(D_1\) and \(Z_2\) with orientation \(D_2\). Thus, we assume that \(D_1\) contains \(Z_1\), with the edges of \(Z_1\) being oriented in a consistent way with the edges of \(I(C_2)\) under orientation \(D_1\), and \(D_2\) contains \(Z_2\), with its edges being oriented accordingly. Depending on which of the sets \(Z_1, Z_2\) has bigger weight, we either choose the orientation \(D_1\) or \(D_2\). Hence, from now on, we assume that the edges of \(I(C_2) \cup Z\) are directed.

For example, for the triangle described above (and presented in Fig. 2), the partition may be as follows. If \(e_1\) is oriented from w to \(w'\) in \(D_1\), then we assume that \(h_1\) is in \(Z_1\) and \(h_2\) is in \(Z_2\). Therefore, we can guarantee, that if \(h_1\) is in Z, \(e_1\) is oriented from v to \(v'\).

The exact details of the construction of \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\) are given in the proof of Lemma 5.

Lemma 5

It is possible to compute the sets \(F_1, F_2\) such that they, and the resulting \(G'_2\) satisfy:

  1. 1.

    \(F_1 \subset C_{max}{\setminus }((Z \cup I(C_2))\cap M)\);

  2. 2.

    \(F_2 \subseteq I(C_2) \cup Z\);

  3. 3.

    for each kite , (i) the set \(F_1\) contains exactly one edge of and the set \(F_2\) contains zero edges of or (ii) (it can happen only for 4-kites) the set \(F_1\) contains exactly two edges of and the set \(F_2\) contains one edge of ;

  4. 4.

    for each kite the set \(F_2\) contains exactly one outgoing edge of ;

  5. 5.

    for each kite and each vertex v of the number of edges of \(F_2\) incident to v is at most greater by one than the number of edges of \(F_1\) incident to v;

  6. 6.

    there exists no cycle of \(G'_2\) of odd length l that has l double edges incident to it;

  7. 7.

    each path of \(G'_2\) is amenable.

The property 1 of this lemma guarantees that \(G'_2\) does not contain more than two copies of any edge. It is shown in the full version of the paper that properties 6. and 7. are essentially sufficient for the multigraph \(G'_2\) to be path-2-colorable. Properties 4 and 5 will be helpful in finding a path-3-coloring of \(G'_1\). Property 5 ensures that no vertex v has six incident edges in \(G'_1\).

5 Summary

After the construction and path-2-coloring of \(G'_2\) we are presented with the task of extending the partial path-3-coloring of \(G_1\) to the complete path-3-coloring of \(G'_1\). In particular, we have to color the edges of kites and edges of \(F_2\) that have been added during the construction of \(G'_2\). This part of the algorithm is described in the full version of the paper.

The presented algorithm works for graphs with an even number of vertices. If the number of vertices of a given graph is odd, we proceed as follows. We select a vertex \(v \in V\) arbitrarily. Then we guess its predecessor u and successor t in the optimal solution (\(O(n^2)\) guesses). For each guess we replace the vertex v with two new vertices \(v_1, v_2\) (so we have an even number of vertices). The edge \((u,v_1)\) has weight w(uv), the edge \((t,v_2)\) has weight w(tv) and all remaining edges incident to \(v_1\) or \(v_2\) have weight equal to 0. Then we run our Algorithm 1 on these instances. The approximation ratio of \(\frac{4}{5}\) holds, because the computed solution can be always transformed into a tour in the original graph of at least the same weight, and the optimal tour is certainly present among the guesses.