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Microporous and Mesoporous Materials from Natural and Inexpensive Sources

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Handbook of Ecomaterials


This chapter will attempt to describe microporous and mesoporous materials, such as zeolites, and ordered mesoporous materials, which are versatile solids that are used for the environmental remediation and energetic efficiency and the applications in wastewater treatment and nuclear waste, purification and separation, medicine and catalysis. These materials are constructed from tetrahedral units, TO4 (where T is silicon and aluminum, usually), which are usually obtained from commercial sources. Furthermore, strategies and green approaches are described to contribute to the reduction of the cost production using cheaper and renewable raw materials such as rice husk, diatoms, coal ash, and clay minerals, which are potential and attractive sources of silicon and aluminum for the synthesis of zeolite and ordered mesoporous materials.

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Schwanke, A.J., Balzer, R., Pergher, S. (2017). Microporous and Mesoporous Materials from Natural and Inexpensive Sources. In: Martínez, L., Kharissova, O., Kharisov, B. (eds) Handbook of Ecomaterials. Springer, Cham.

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