
1 Introduction

Along with the maturity of mobile cloud computing, mobile cloud offloading is becoming a promising method to reduce task execution time and prolong battery life of mobile devices. Its main idea is to improve execution by migrating heavy computation from mobile devices to resourceful cloud servers and then receiving the results from them via wireless networks. Offloading is an effective way to overcome constraints in resources and functionalities of mobile devices since it can release them from intensive processing.

Offloading all computation components of an application to the remote cloud is not always necessary or effective. Especially for some complex applications (e.g., QR-code recognition [1], online social applications [2], health monitoring using body sensor networks [3]) that can be divided into a set of independent parts, a mobile device should judiciously determine whether to offload computation and which portion of the application should be offloaded to the cloud. Offloading decisions [4, 5] must be taken for all parts, and the decision made for one part may depend on the one for other parts. As mobile computing increasingly interacts with the cloud, a number of approaches have been proposed, e.g., MAUI [6] and CloneCloud [7], aiming at offloading some parts of the mobile application execution to the cloud. To achieve good performance, they particularly focus on a specific application partitioning problem, i.e., to decide which parts of an application should be offloaded to powerful servers in a remote cloud and which parts should be executed locally on mobile devices such that the total execution cost is minimized. Through partitioning, a mobile device can benefit most from offloading. Thus, partitioning algorithms play a critical role in high-performance offloading systems.

The main costs for mobile offloading systems are the computational cost for local and remote execution, respectively, and the communication cost due to the extra communication between the mobile device and the remote cloud. Program execution can naturally be described as a graph in which vertices represent computation that are labelled with the computation costs and edges reflect the sequence of computation labelled with communication costs [8] where computation is carried out in different places. By partitioning the vertices of a graph, the calculation can be divided among processors of local mobile devices and remote cloud servers. Traditional graph partitioning algorithms (e.g., [911]) cannot be applied directly to the mobile offloading systems, because they only consider the weights on the edges of the graph, neglecting the weight of each node. Our research is situated in the context of resource-constrained mobile devices, in which there are often multi-objective partitioning cost functions subject to variable vertex cost, such as minimizing the total response time or energy consumption on mobile devices by offloading partial workloads to a cloud server through links with fluctuating reliability.

The problem of whether or not to offload certain parts of an application to the cloud depends on the following factors: CPU speed of mobile device, speed of the cloud server [12], network bandwidth and reliability, and transmission data size. In this paper, we improve the performance of static partitioning by taking unstable network and cloud conditions into consideration. We explore methods of how to deploy such an offloadable application in a more suitable way by dynamically and automatically determining which parts of the application should be computed on the cloud server and which parts should be left on the mobile device to achieve a particular performance and dependability target (low latency, minimization of energy consumption, low response time, in the presence of unreliable links etc.) [13]. We study how to disintegrate and distribute modules of an application between the mobile side and cloud side, and effectively utilize the cloud resources. We construct a weighted consumption graph (WCG) according to estimated computation and communication costs, and further derive a novel min-cost offloading partitioning (MCOP) algorithm designed especially for mobile offloading systems. The MCOP algorithm aims at finding the optimal partitioning plan that minimizes a given objective function (response time, energy consumption or the weighted sum of time and energy) and can be applied to WCGs of arbitrary topology.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the partitioning models. An optimal partitioning algorithm for arbitrary topology is proposed and investigated in Sect. 3. Section 4 gives some evaluation and simulation results. Finally, the paper is summarized in Sect. 5.

2 Partitioning Models

2.1 Classification of Application Tasks

Applications in a mobile device normally consist of several tasks. Since not all the application tasks are suitable for remote execution, they need to be weighed and distinguished as:

  • Unoffloadable Tasks: some tasks should be unconditionally executed locally on the mobile device, either because transferring relevant information would use too much time and energy or because these tasks must access local components (camera, GPS, user interface, accelerometer or other sensors etc.) [6]. Tasks that might cause security issues when executed in a different place should not be offloaded either (such as e-commerce). Local processing consumes battery power of the mobile device, but there are no communication costs or delays.

  • Offloadable Tasks: some application components are flexible tasks that can be processed either locally on the processor of the mobile device, or remotely in a cloud infrastructure. Many tasks fall into this category, and the offloading decision depends on whether the communication costs outweigh the difference between local and remote costs or not [14].

For unoffloadable components no offloading decisions must be taken. However, as for offloadable ones, since offloading all the application tasks to the remote cloud is not necessary or effective under all circumstances, it is worth considering what should be executed locally on the mobile device and what should be offloaded to the remote cloud for execution based on available networks, response time or energy consumption. The mobile device has to take an offloading decision based on the result of a dynamic optimization problem.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Construction of Consumption Graph (CG) and Weighted Consumption Graph (WCG). (Color figure online)

2.2 Construction of Consumption Graphs

There are two types of cost in offloading systems: one is computational cost of running an application tasks locally or remotely (including memory cost, processing time cost etc.) and the other is communication cost for the application tasks’ interaction (associated with movement of data and requisite messages). Even the same task can have different cost on the mobile device and in the cloud in terms of execution time and energy consumption. As cloud servers usually process much faster than mobile devices having a powerful configuration, energy can be saved and performance improved when offloading part of the computation to remote servers [15]. However, when vertices are assigned to different sides, the interaction between them leads to extra communication costs. Therefore, we try to find the optimal assignment of vertices for graph partitioning and computation offloading by trading off the computational cost against the communication cost.

Call graphs are widely used to describe data dependencies within a computation, where each vertex represents a task and each edge represents the calling relationship from the caller to the callee. Figure 1(a) shows a CG example consisting of six tasks [16]. The computation costs are represented by vertices, while the communication costs are expressed by edges. We depict the dependency of application tasks and their corresponding costs as a directed acyclic graph \(G =(V, E)\), where the set of vertices \(V=(v_1, v_2, \cdots , v_N)\) denotes N application tasks and an edge \(e{(v_i,v_j)}\in E\) represents the frequency of invocation and data access between nodes \(v_i\) and \(v_j\), where vertices \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are neighbors. Each task \(v_i\) is characterized by five parameters:

  • type: offloadable or unoffloadable task.

  • \(m_i\): the memory consumption of \(v_i\) on a mobile device platform,

  • \(c_i\): the size of the compiled code of \(v_i\),

  • \(in_{ij}\): the data size of input from \(v_i\) to \(v_j\),

  • \(out_{ji}\): the data size of output from \(v_j\) to \(v_i\).

We further construct a WCG as depicted in Fig. 1(b). Each vertex \(v\in V\) is annotated with two cost weights: \(\varvec{w}(v)=<w^\text {local}(v), w^\text {cloud}(v)>\), where \(w^\text {local}(v)\) and \(w^\text {cloud}(v)\) represent the computation cost of executing the task v locally on the mobile device and remotely on the cloud, respectively. Each vertex is assigned one of the values in the tuple depending on the partitioning result of the resulting application graph [17]. The edge set \(E\subset V\times V\) represents the communication cost amongst tasks. The weight of an edge \(w(e{(v_i,v_j)})\) is denoted as:

$$\begin{aligned} w(e{(v_i,v_j)})=\frac{in_{ij}}{B_\text {upload}}+\frac{out_{ij}}{B_\text {download}}, \end{aligned}$$

which is the communication cost of transferring the input and return states when the tasks \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are executed on different sides, and it closely depends on the network bandwidth (upload \(B_\text {upload}\) and download \(B_\text {download}\)) and reliability as well as the amount of transferred data.

A candidate offloading decision is described by one cut in the WCG, which separates the vertices into two disjoint sets, one representing tasks that are executed on the mobile device and the other one implying tasks that are offloaded to the remote server [18]. Hence, taking the optimal offloading decision is equivalent to partitioning the WCG into those two sets such that an objective function is minimized.

The red dotted line in Fig. 1(b) is one possible partitioning cut, indicating the partitioning of computational workload in the application between the mobile side and the cloud side. \(V_l\) and \(V_c\) are sets of vertices, where \(V_l\) is the local set in which tasks are executed locally at the mobile side and \(V_c\) is the cloud set in which tasks are directly offloaded to the cloud. We have \(V_l \cap V_c=\emptyset \) and \(V_l \cup V_c=V\). Further, \(E_\text {cut} \) is the edge set in which the graph is cut into two parts.

2.3 Cost Models

Mobile application partitioning aims at finding the optimal partitioning solution that leads to the minimum execution cost, in order to make the best tradeoff between time/energy savings and transmission costs/delay.

The optimal partitioning decision depends on user requirements/expectations, device information, network bandwidth and reliability, and the application itself. Device information includes the execution speed of the device and the workloads on it when the application is launched. For a slow device where the aim is to reduce execution time, it is better to offload more computation to the cloud. Network bandwidth and reliability affects data transmission for remote execution. If the bandwidth and reliability is very high, the cost in terms of data transmission will be low. In this case, it is better to offload more computation to the cloud.

The partitioning decision is made based on a cost estimate (computation and communication costs) before program execution. On the basis of Fig. 1(b), the overall cost can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} C_\text {total}\!=\!\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}I_v\cdot w^\text {local}(v)}_\text {local}+\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}(1-I_v)\cdot w^\text {cloud}(v)}_\text {remote}+\underbrace{\sum _{e{(v_i,v_j)}\in E}I_e\cdot w(e{(v_i,v_j)})}_\text {communication}, ~~ \end{aligned}$$

where \(C_\text {total}\) is the sum of computation costs (local and remote) and communication costs of cut affected edges.

The cloud server node and the mobile device node must belong to different partitions. One possible solution for this partitioning problem will give us an arbitrary tuple of partitions from the set of vertices \(<V_l, V_c>\) and the cut of edge set \(E_\text {cut} \) in the following way:

$$\begin{aligned} I_v=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, &{} \text {if}~v\in V_l\\ 0, &{} \text {if}~v\in V_c \end{array} \right. \; \text {and} \;\; I_e=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, &{} \text {if}~e\in E_\text {cut}\\ 0, &{} \text {if}~e\notin E_\text {cut} \end{array}. \right. \end{aligned}$$

We seek to find an optimal cut: \(\varvec{I}_\text {min}=\big \{I_v, I_e | I_v, I_e\in {\{ 0, 1 \}}\big \}\) in the WCG such that some application tasks are executed on the mobile side and the remaining ones on the cloud side, while satisfying the general goal of a partition: \(\varvec{I}_\text {min}= \mathop {{{\mathrm{arg\,min}}}}\nolimits _{\varvec{I}}\;C_\text {total}(\varvec{I})\). The dynamic execution configuration of an elastic application can be decided based on different saving objectives with respect to response time and energy consumption. Since the communication time and energy cost for the mobile device will vary according to the amount of data to be transmitted and the wireless network conditions. A task’s offloading goals may change due to a change in environmental conditions.

Minimum Response Time. The communication cost depends on the size of data transfer and the network bandwidth, while the computation time has an impact on its cost. If the minimum response time is selected as objective function, we can calculate the total time spent due to offloading as:

$$\begin{aligned} T_\text {total}(\varvec{I})=\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}I_v\cdot T_v^l}_\text {local}+\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}(1-I_v)\cdot T_v^c}_\text {remote}+\underbrace{\sum _{e\in E}I_e\cdot T_e^{tr}}_\text {communication}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_v^l=F\cdot T_v^c\) is the computation time of task v on the mobile device when it is executed locally; F is the speedup factor, the ratio of the cloud server’s processing speed compared to that of the mobile device. \(T_v^c\) is the computation time of task v on the cloud server when it is offloaded; \(T_e^{tr}=D_e^{tr}/B\) is the communication time between the mobile device and the cloud; \(D_e^{tr}\) is the amount of data that is transmitted and received; finally, B is the current wireless bandwidth weighed with the reliability of the network.

Minimum Energy Consumption. If the minimum energy consumption is chosen as the objective function, we can calculate the total energy consumed due to offloading as:

$$\begin{aligned} E_\text {total}(\varvec{I})=\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}I_v\cdot E_v^l}_\text {local}+\underbrace{\sum _{v\in V}(1-I_v)\cdot E_v^i}_\text {idle}+\underbrace{\sum _{e\in E}I_e\cdot E_e^{tr}}_\text {communication}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(E_v^l=p_m\cdot T_v^l\) is the energy consumed by task v on the mobile device when it is executed locally; \(E_v^i=p_i\cdot T_v^c\) is the energy consumed by task v on the mobile device when it is offloaded to the cloud; \(E_e=p_{tr}\cdot T_e^{tr}\) is the energy spent on the communication between the mobile device and the cloud including possibly necessary retransmissions; \(p_m\), \(p_i\) and \(p_{tr}\) are the powers of the mobile device for computing, while being idle and for data transfer, respectively.

Minimum of the Weighted Sum of Time and Energy. If we combine both the response time and energy consumption, we can design a cost model for partitioning as follows [19]:

$$\begin{aligned} W_\text {total}(\varvec{I})=\omega \cdot \frac{T_\text {total}(\varvec{I})}{T_\text {local}} +(1-\omega )\cdot \frac{E_\text {total}(\varvec{I})}{E_\text {local}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(0\le \omega \le 1\) is a weighting parameter used to share relative importance between the response time and energy consumption. Large \(\omega \) favors response time while small \(\omega \) favors energy consumption [20, 21]. Performance can be traded for power consumption and vice versa [22, 23], therefore we can use \(\omega \) to express preferences for different applications. If \(T_\text {total}(\varvec{I})/T_\text {local}\) is less than 1, the partitioning will improve the application’s performance. Similarly, if \(E_\text {total}(\varvec{I})/E_\text {local}\) is less than 1, it will reduce the energy consumption.

We only perform the partitioning when it is beneficial. Not all applications can benefit from partitioning because of application-specific properties. A pre-calibration of the computation cost on each device is necessary. Offloading is beneficial only if the speedup of the cloud server outweighs the extra communication cost. We compare the partitioning results with two other intuitive strategies without partitioning and, for ease of reference, we list all three kinds of offloading techniques:

  • No Offloading (Local Execution): all computation tasks of an application are running locally on the mobile device and there is no communication cost. This may be costly since the mobile device is limited in processing speed and battery life as compared to the powerful computing capability at the cloud side.

  • Full Offloading: all computation tasks of mobile applications (except the unoffloadable tasks) are moved from the local mobile device to the remote cloud for execution. This may significantly reduce the implementation complexity, which makes the mobile devices lighter and smaller. However, full offloading is not always the optimal choice since different application tasks may have different characteristics that make them more or less suitable for offloading [24].

  • Partial Offloading (With Partitioning): with the help of the MCOP algorithm, all tasks including unoffloadable and offloadable ones are partitioned into two sets, one for local execution on the mobile device and the other for remote execution on a cloud server node. Before a task is executed, it may require a certain amount of data from other tasks. Thus, data migration via wireless networks is needed between tasks that are executed at different sides.

We define the saved cost in the partial offloading scheme compared to that in the no offloading scheme as Offloading Gain, which can be formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} Offloading\,Gain=1-\frac{{Partial~{ Offloading}~Cost}}{No~{ Offloading}~Cost}\cdot 100\,\%. \end{aligned}$$

3 Partitioning Algorithm for Offloading

In this section, we introduce the min-cost offloading partitioning (MCOP) algorithm for WCGs of arbitrary topology. The MCOP algorithm takes a WCG as input in which an application’s operations/calculations are represented as the nodes and the communication between them as the edges. Each node has two costs: first the cost of performing the operation locally (e.g., on the mobile device) and second the cost of performing it elsewhere (e.g., in the cloud). The weight of the edges is the communication cost to the offloaded computation. We assume that the communication cost between tasks in the same location is negligible. The result contains information about the cost and reports which operations should be performed locally and which should be offloaded.

3.1 Steps

The MCOP algorithm can be divided into two steps as follows:

  1. 1.

    Unoffloadable Vertices Merging: An unoffloadable vertex is the one that has special features making it unable to be migrated outside of the mobile device and thus it is located only in the unoffloadable partition. Apart from this, we can choose any task to be executed locally according to our preferences or other reasons. Then all vertices that are not going to be migrated to the cloud are merged into one that is selected as the source vertex. By ‘merging’, we mean that these nodes are coalesced into one, whose weight is the sum of the weights of all merged nodes. Let G represent the original graph after all the unoffloadable vertices are merged.

  2. 2.

    Coarse Partitioning: The target of this step is to coarsen G to the coarsest graph \(G_{|V|}\). To coarsen means to merge two nodes and reduce the node count by one. Therefore, the algorithm has \(|V|-1\) phases. In each phase i (for \(1\le i\le |V|-1\)), the cut value, i.e. the partitioning cost in a graph \(G_i=(V_i, E_i)\) is calculated. \(G_{i+1}\) arises from \(G_i\) by merging “suitable nodes", where \(G_1 = G\). The partitioning results are the minimum cut among all the cuts in an individual phase i and the corresponding group lists for local and cloud execution. Furthermore, in each phase i of the coarse partitioning we still have five steps:

    1. (a)

      Start with A={a}, where a is usually an unoffloadable node in \(G_i\).

    2. (b)

      Iteratively add the vertex to A that is the most tightly connected to A.

    3. (c)

      Let s, t be the last two vertices (in order) added to A.

    4. (d)

      The graph cut of the phase i is (\(V_i \backslash \{t\}, \{t\}\)).

    5. (e)

      \(G_{i +1}\) arises from \(G_i\) by merging vertices s and t.

3.2 Algorithmic Process

The algorithmic process is illustrated as the MinCut function in Algorithm 2, and in each phase i, it calls the MinCutPhase function as described in Algorithm 3. Since some tasks have to be executed locally, we need to merge them into one node.

The merging function is used to merge two vertices into one new vertex, which is implemented as in Algorithm 1. If nodes \(s, t\in V\) (\(s\ne t\)), then they can be merged as follows:

  1. 1.

    Nodes s and t are chosen.

  2. 2.

    Nodes s and t are replaced by a new node \(x_{s,t}\). All edges that were previously incident to s or t are now incident to \(x_{s,t}\) (except the edge between nodes s and t when they are connected).

  3. 3.

    Multiple edges are resolved by adding edge weights. The weights of the node \(x_{s,t}\) are resolved by adding the weights of s and t.

For example, we can merge nodes 2 and 4 as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of merging two nodes

figure a
figure b

The core of this algorithm is to make it easy to select the next vertex to be added to the local set A. We have the following definition.

Definition 1

\(\exists v\in V\backslash A\), if the potential benefit from offloading once v is offloaded:

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta (v)=[w^{local}(v)-w^{cloud}(v)]-w(e(A,v)) \end{aligned}$$

is the minimum, then task v has the most chance to be executed locally, and the vertex v is called Most Tightly Connected Vertex (MTCV).

Further, we have the total cost from partitioning:

$$\begin{aligned} C_{cut(A-t,t)}=C^\text {local}-\Big [w^\text {local}(t)-w^\text {cloud}(t)\Big ]+\sum _{v\in A\backslash t}w(e(t,v)), \end{aligned}$$

where the cut value \(C_{cut(A-t,t)}\) is the partitioning cost, \(C^\text {local}=\sum _{v\in V} w^\text {local}(v)\) is the total of local costs, \(w^\text {local}(t)-w^\text {cloud}(t)\) is the gain of node t from offloading, and \(\sum _{v\in A\backslash t}w(e(t,v))\) is the total of extra communication costs due to offloading.

figure c

Theorem 1

\(cut(A-t, t)\) is always a minimum \(s-t\) cut in the current graph, where s and t are the last two vertices added in the phase, the \(s-t\) cut separates nodes s and t on two different sides.

The run of each MinCutPhase function orders the vertices of the current graph linearly, starting with a and ending with s and t, according to the order of addition into A. We want to show that \(C_{cut(A-t, t)} \le C_{cut(H)} \) for any arbitrary \(s-t\) cut H.

Lemma 1

We define H as an arbitrary \(s-t\) cut, \(A_v\) as a set of vertices added to A before v, and \(H_v\) as a cut of \(A_v\cup \{v\}\) induced by H. For all active vertices v, we have \(C_{cut}(A_v, v) \le C_{cut}(H_v)\).


As shown in Fig. 3, we use induction on the number of active vertices, k.

  1. 1.

    When \(k = 1\), the claim is true,

  2. 2.

    Assume the inequality holds true up to u, that is \(C_{cut}(A_u, u) \le C_{cut}(H_u)\),

  3. 3.

    Suppose v is the first active vertex after u, according to the assumption that \(C_{cut}(A_u, u) \le C_{cut}(H_u)\), then we have:

    $$\begin{aligned} C_{cut}(A_v, v)= & {} C_{cut}(A_u, v) +C_{cut}(A_v-A_u, v) \\\le & {} C_{cut}(A_u, u)+C_{cut}(A_v-A_u, v) \;\; (u \text { is } MTCV)\\\le & {} C_{cut}(H_u)+C_{cut}(A_v-A_u, v)\\\le & {} C_{cut}(H_v).{} \end{aligned}$$

Since t is always an active vertex with respect to H, by Lemma 1, we can conclude that \(C_{cut(A-t, t)}\le C_{cut(H)}\) which says exactly that the cost of \(cut(A- t, t)\) is at most as heavy as the cost of cut(H). This proves Theorem 1.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The illustration for the proof of Lemma 1

3.3 Computational Complexity

As the running time of the algorithm MinCut is essentially equal to the added running time of the \(|V|-1\) runs of MinCutPhase, which is called on graphs with decreasing number of vertices and edges, it suffices to show that a single MinCutPhase needs at most \(O(|V|\log |V|+|E|)\) time yielding an overall running time. The computational complexity of the MCOP algorithm can be noted as \(O(|V|^2\log |V|+|V||E|)\).

As a comparison, Linear Programming (LP) solvers are widely used in schemes like MAUI [6] and CloneCloud [7]. An LP solver is based on branch and bound, which is an algorithm design paradigm for discrete and combinatorial optimization problems, as well as general real valued problems. The number of its optional solutions grows exponentially with the number of tasks, which means higher time complexity \(O\left( 2^{|V|}\right) \).

While the partitioning e.g., MAUI has exponential time complexity by using LP, our algorithm only has low-order polynomial run time in the number of tasks. Therefore, the MCOP algorithm can handler larger call graphs, which shows its advantage over simple partitioning models as used in MAUI: it can group tasks that process large amounts of data on one side, either the Cloud or the mobile, depending on the network condition.

4 Performance Evaluation

Comparing the execution time spent on the mobile device and the one on the cloud, the speedup factor F is obtained. In practice, we will first access to the cloud server to estimate the remote execution time. We use the average value, since the mobile device might assign more computation resources to a process at different moments of its execution. Therefore, during runtime of an application the link and node cost is constantly updated (the updated value will be an average of the past values and the newly obtained one).

The construction of WCG closely depends on profiling, i.e., the process of gathering the information required to make offloading decisions. Such information may consist of the computation and communication costs of the execution units (program profiler), the network status (network profiler), and the mobile device specific characteristics such as energy consumption (energy profiler). Since the focus of this paper is on the partitioning algorithm we will not enter into the details of profiling techniques, which can be found in many existing references [6, 25].

We take a face recognition applicationFootnote 1 as an example. By analyzing this application with Soot [26], the call graph could be built as a tree-based topology shown in Fig. 4(a). We further construct weighted consumption graph under the condition of the speedup factor \(F=2\) and the bandwidth \(B=1\) MB/s with reliability = 1, where the main and checkAgainst methods are assumed as unoffloadable nodes.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

An optimal partitioning result of the face recognition application

We then implement the MCOP algorithm in JavaFootnote 2. The optimal partitioning result is depicted in Fig. 4(b), where red nodes represent the application tasks that should be offloaded to the remote cloud and the blue nodes are the tasks that are supposed to be executed locally on the mobile device.

We do a simple simulation with the WCG as predicted in Fig. 2. We have received different results under the different parameters of speedup factor F and reliable wireless bandwidth B. The partitioning results will change as B or F vary.

In Fig. 5 the speedup factor is set to \(F=3\). Since the low bandwidth results in much higher cost for data transmission, the full offloading scheme can not benefit from offloading. Given a relatively large bandwidth and stable network, the response time or energy consumption obtained by the full offloading scheme slowly approaches the partial offloading scheme because the optimal partition includes more and more tasks running on the cloud side until all offloadable tasks are offloaded to the cloud. With higher bandwidth and more stable network, they begin to coincide with each other and only decrease because all possible nodes are offloaded and the transmissions become faster. Both, response time and energy consumption have the same trend as the wireless bandwidth increases. Therefore, bandwidth and network reliability is a crucial element for offloading since the mobile system could benefit a lot from offloading in stable, high bandwidth environments, while with low bandwidth and fragile network, the no offloading scheme is preferred.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparisons of different schemes under different wireless bandwidths when the speedup factor \(F = 3\)

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Comparisons of different schemes under different speedup factors when the bandwidth \(B = 3\) MB/s

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Offloading gains under different environment conditions when \(\omega =0.5\)

In Fig. 6 the bandwidth is fixed at \(B=3\) MB/s. It can be seen that offloading benefits from higher speedup factors. When F is very small, the full offloading scheme can reduce energy consumption of the mobile device. However, it takes much longer than without offloading. The partial offloading scheme that adopts the MCOP algorithm can effectively reduce execution time and energy consumption, while adapting to environmental changes.

From Figs. 5 and 6, we can tell that the full offloading scheme performs much better than the no offloading scheme under certain adequate wireless network conditions, because the execution cost of running methods on the cloud server is significantly lower than on the mobile device when the speedup factor F is high. The partial offloading scheme outperforms the no offloading and full offloading schemes and significantly improves the application performance, since it effectively avoids offloading tasks in the case of large communication cost between consecutive tasks compared to the full offloading scheme, and offloads more appropriate tasks to the cloud server. In other words, neither running all tasks locally on the mobile terminal nor always offloading their execution to a remote server can offer an efficient solution, but our partial offloading scheme can do.

In Fig. 7(a) when the bandwidth is low, the offloading gain for all three cost models is very small and almost identical. That is because more time/energy will be spent in transferring the same amount of data due to the poor network and low bandwidth, resulting in increased execution cost. As the bandwidth increases, the offloading gain first rises drastically and then the increase becomes slower. It can be concluded that the optimal partitioning plan includes more and more tasks running on the cloud side until all the tasks are offloaded to the cloud when the network condition and bandwidth increases. In Fig. 7(b) when F is small, the offloading gain for all three cost models is very low since a small value means very little computational cost reduction from remote execution. As F increases, the offloading gain first rises drastically and then approaches the same value. That is because the benefits from offloading cannot neglect the extra communication cost. From Fig. 7, the proposed MCOP algorithm is able to effectively reduce the application’s energy consumption as well as its execution time. Further, it can adapt to environmental changes to some extent and avoids a sharp decline in application performance once the network deteriorates and the bandwidth decreases.

5 Conclusion

To tackle the problem of dynamic partitioning in a mobile environment, we have proposed a novel offloading partitioning algorithm (MCOP algorithm) that finds the optimal application partitioning under different cost models to arrive at the best tradeoff between saving time/energy and transmission costs/delay. Contrary to the traditional graph partitioning problem, our algorithm is not restricted to balanced partitions but takes the infrastructure heterogeneity into account.

The MCOP algorithm provides a stably quadratic runtime complexity for determining which parts of application tasks should be offloaded to the cloud server and which parts should be executed locally, in order to save energy of the mobile device and to reduce the execution time of an application. Since the reliability of wireless bandwidth can vary due to mobility and interference, it strongly affects the application’s optimal partitioning result. When the network is poor, high communication cost will be incurred, and the MCOP algorithm will include more application tasks for local execution. Experimental results show that according to environmental changes (e.g., network bandwidth and cloud server performance), the proposed algorithm can effectively achieve the optimal partitioning result in terms of time and energy saving. Offloading benefits a lot from high bandwidths and large speedup factors, while low bandwidth favors the no offloading scheme.

The concept of optimal application partitioning under constraints generalises to many scenarios in distributed computing where should be explored further.