
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Most books and articles on search tree data structures do not discuss functional correctness, which is taken to be obvious, but concentrate on non-obvious structural invariants like balancedness. This paper confirms that this is the right attitude by providing a framework for proving the functional correctness of eight different search tree data structures automatically (in Isabelle/HOL [19, 21]).

What is proved automatically? Functional correctness of insert, delete and isin together with the preservation of the search tree invariant, i.e. sortedness, by insert and delete. Structural invariants like balancedness are proved manually, depend on the specific data structure, and are not discussed here.

Which data structures are covered? Unbalanced binary trees, AVL trees, red-black trees, 2-3 and 2-3-4 trees, 1-2 brother trees, AA trees and splay trees.Footnote 1 As far as we know, these are the first formal proofs for 2-3 and 2-3-4 trees, 1-2 brother trees and AA trees, and the first automatic proofs for most of the eight data structures.

What does automatic mean? It means that all the required theorems are proved by induction followed by a single invocation of Isabelle’s auto proof method, parameterized with a fixed set of basic lemmas plus further lemmas about auxiliary functions. The lemmas to be proved about insert, delete and isin are fixed; lemmas about auxiliary functions need to be invented but (mostly) follow a simple pattern.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 3 presents two approaches to the specification and verification of set implementations: the standard approach and our new approach. Section 4 details the verification framework behind the new approach. In Sect. 5 eight different search tree implementations and their correctness proofs are discussed. In a final section it is shown how the framework can be generalized from sets to maps.

Related work is discussed in the body of the paper. With one exception, the proofs in previous work are not automatic. We refrain from stating this each time and we do not describe how far from automatic they are, although this varies significantly (from a few to more than a hundred lines).

2 Lists and Trees

Lists (type ) are constructed from the empty list via the infix cons-operator “\(\cdot \)”. The notation is short for . The infix concatenates two lists.

Binary trees are defined as the data type with two constructors: the empty tree or leaf and the node with subtrees and contents .

There is also a type of sets with their usual operations.

3 Set Implementations

We require that an implementation of sets provides some type (where is the element type) and the operations

figure a

In the rest of the paper we ignore empty because it is trivial.

In order to specify these operations we assume that there is also an abstraction function and a data type invariant . These are not part of the interface and need not be executable but have to be provided in order to prove an implementation correct w.r.t. the specification in Fig. 1. Specifications phrased in terms of abstraction functions that are required to be homomorphisms go back to Hoare [11] and became an integral part of the model-oriented specification language VDM [13]. In the first-order context of universal algebra it was shown that there are always fully abstract models such that any concrete implementation can be shown correct with a homomorphism [16]. In Isabelle, implementations that satisfy such specifications can automatically be plugged in for the abstract type by regarding the abstraction function as a constructor [9]. For example, turning the equation around tells us how to evaluate with the help of isin.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Specification of set implementations

From now on we assume that the element type is linearly ordered.

3.1 The Standard Approach

The most compact form of the standard approach to the verification of search tree implementations of sets consists of the following items:

  • An abstraction function set that extract the set of elements in a tree.

  • A recursively defined (binary) search tree invariant

  • Proof of the correctness conditions in Fig. 1 where invar is bst, possibly conjoined with additional structural invariants.

There are many variations of the above setup, some of which address two complications that arise when automating the proofs, the quantifiers and the non-free data type of sets:

  • In the definition of bst, quantifiers are replaced by auxiliary functions that check if all elements in a tree are less/greater than a given element.

  • Instead of extensional equality of sets, e.g. , pointwise equality is proved, e.g. .

  • The predicate bst is defined inductively rather than recursively.

We subsume all of these variations under the “standard approach”. Unless stated otherwise, all related work follows the standard approach.

3.2 The \({ inorder}\) Approach

Why is it perfectly obvious that the following equation (where R/B construct red/black nodes) preserves sortedness and the set of elements of a tree?

figure b

Because the sequence of subtrees and elements is the same on both sides! We merely need to make the machine see this as well as we do.

The key idea of our approach is to base it on the inorder traversal of trees. That is, we use lists as an intermediate data type between sets and trees. To this end we need four auxiliary functions on lists:

figure c
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Specification of set implementations over ordered types

A new specification of sets (over a linearly ordered type ) is shown in Fig. 2. The crucial ingredient is an additional specification function

figure d

As the name inorder suggests, you should now think of as a type of trees. We abbreviate by .

The fact that some t is a search tree, i.e. sorted, can now be expressed as . This invariant will be dealt with automatically. Of course search trees frequently have additional structural invariants. These can be supplied via yet another specification function . Both kinds of invariants are combined into invar:

figure e

The first three propositions in Fig. 2 demand the functional correctness of insert, delete and isin w.r.t. \(ins_{list}\), \(del_{list}\) and elems. The next two propositions demand that inv is invariant. If we interpret function set as it is easy to show that Fig. 2 implies Fig. 1 with the help of the following simple inductive lemmas:

figure f

In summary: the functional correctness of an implementation of insert, delete and isin on some data structure can be verified by proving the properties in Fig. 2 for some suitable definition of inorder and inv. In the following section we introduce a library of lemmas about , \(ins_{list}\) and \(del_{list}\) that allows us to automate the proofs of (1)–(3).

Note that although we equate (1)–(3) with “functional correctness”, it is more: (1)–(3) also imply that sortedness is an invariant.

4 The Verification Framework

We do not claim to provide a framework that can prove any implementation of sets by search trees automatically correct. Instead we provide lemmas that work in practice (they automate the correctness proofs for a list of benchmark implementations presented in Sect. 5) and are well motivated by general considerations concerning the shape of formulas that arise in the verification.

As a motivating example we consider ordinary unbalanced binary trees . The textbook definitions of insert, delete and isin are omitted. Let us examine how to prove

figure g

The proof is by induction on t and we consider the case such that . Ideally the proof looks like this:

figure h

The first and last step are by definition, the second step by induction hypothesis, but the third step requires two lemmas:

figure i

The first lemma rewrites the assumption to , thus allowing the second lemma to rewrite the term \(ins_{list}\) to \(ins_{list}\) .

It may seem that the two lemmas just shown are rather arbitrary, but we will see that in the context of trees, where each node is a tuple of subtrees \(s_i\) alternating with elements \(a_i\), there is an underlying principle. In the properties in Fig. 2 the following three terms are crucial: , \(ins_{list}\ x\ \lfloor t \rfloor \) and \(del_{list}\ x\ \lfloor t\rfloor \). Assuming that the properties are proved by induction, t will be some (possibly complicated) tree constructor term. Evaluating \(\lfloor t \rfloor \) will thus lead to a list of the following form where sublists and individual elements alternate:

figure j

Now we discuss a set of lemmas (see Fig. 3) that allow us to simplify the application of , \(ins_{list}\) and \(del_{list}\) to such terms.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Lemmas for , \(ins_{list}\), \(del_{list}\) and elems

Terms of the form are decomposed into the following basic formulas

figure k

by the rewrite rules (6)–(7). Lemmas (8)–(9) enable deductions from basic formulas.

Terms of the form \(ins_{list}\) are rewritten with equation (10) (and the defining equations for \(ins_{list}\)) to push \(ins_{list}\) inwards. Terms of the form \(del_{list}\) are rewritten with Eq. (11) (and the defining equations for \(del_{list}\)) to push \(del_{list}\) inwards.

Finally we need lemmas (12)–(14) about elems on sorted lists.

The lemmas in Fig. 3 form the complete set of basic lemmas on which the automatic proofs of almost all search trees in the paper rest; only splay trees need additional lemmas.

4.1 Proof Automation by Rewriting

The automatic proofs rely on conditional, contextual term rewriting with the following bells and whistles (which Isabelle’s simplifier provides):

  • Conjunctions in the context are split up into their conjuncts.

  • Conditionals and case-expressions can be split automatically.

  • A decision procedure for linear orders that can decide if some literal (a possibly negated atom \(a < b\) or \(a \le b\)) follows from a set of literals in the context.

  • Implications (8)–(9) lead to nontermination when used as conditional rewrite rules. It must be possible to direct the simplifier to solve the preconditions of those rules by assumptions in the context rather than a recursive simplifier invocation. In Isabelle there is a constant that can be wrapped around a precondition of a rewrite rule and prevents recursive applications of the simplifier to that precondition.

5 An Arboretum

In the rest of this section we focus on (1) and (2) when discussing the proofs of the properties in Fig. 2. This is because requirement (3) can always (except for splay trees) be proved automatically without further lemmas and (4) and (5) are specific to the individual data structures and not part of functional correctness.

Because there is not enough space to present all definitions and proofs, Table 1 gives an overview in terms of lines of code and numbers of functions needed for each data structure. Because isin is (almost) the same for all of them (except splay trees), it is excluded. The table shows that there is at most one lemma per function, except for splay trees.

Table 1. Code and proof statistics for insert + delete (l.o. = lines of)

The majority of lemmas about auxiliary functions follow a simple pattern. Typical examples are balancing functions, e.g. , or smart constructors, e.g. . We call these trivial lemmas. More complicated lemmas are discussed explicitly in the text; we call them non-trivial.

All our implementations compare elements with a comparison operator cmp that returns an element of the .

5.1 Unbalanced Trees

Function insert is trivial and (1) is proved directly. Function delete is more interesting because it is defined with the help of an auxiliary function:

figure l

The proof of (2) requires the following lemma about that the user has to formulate himself; the proof is again automatic.

figure m

This is one of the more “difficult” lemmas to invent.

5.2 AVL Trees

Our starting point was an existing formalization [20] which follows the standard approach. Functional correctness of AVL trees can be proved without assuming any structural (height) invariants. The only non-trivial lemma we require is

figure n

Related Work. Filliâtre and Letouzey [6] report on a verification of AVL trees in Coq. They follow the standard approach, except that the executable functions are extracted from constructive proofs. An updated version of their proofs in the Coq distribution gives the functions explicitly. Ralston [26] reports a proof with ACL2. The verification by Clochard [4] in Why3 is interesting because he also abstracts trees to their inorder traversal and reports that the proofs for AVL trees are automatic.

5.3 Red-Black Trees

Red-black trees were invented by Bayer [3]. Guibas and Sedgewick [8] introduced the red/black color convention. Red-black trees can be seen as an encoding of 2-3-4 trees as binary trees.

Our starting point was an existing formalization in the Isabelle distribution (in HOL/Library/RBT_Impl.thy, by Reiter and Krauss) which in turn is based on the code by Okasaki [22] (for insert) and Stefan Kahrs [14] (for delete see the URL given in the article). The original verification has a certain similarity to ours because it also involves an inorder listing of the tree (function entries), but a number of the proofs are distinctly long and manual. In contrast, the only non-trivial lemmas we require are the following ones that need to be proved simultaneously about three auxiliary functions:

figure o

Of course the proof is automatic, as usual.

Functional correctness of red-black trees can be proved without assuming any structural (red-black) invariants.

Related Work. Filliâtre and Letouzey [6] and Appel [2] verified red-black trees in Coq.

5.4 2-3 Trees

In a 2-3 tree (invented by Hopcroft in 1970 [5]), every non-leaf node has either two or three children: or where are trees and are elements. One can view as a more compact representation of (see AA trees). Their structural invariant is that they are balanced, i.e. all leaves occur at the same depth.

Our code is based on the lecture notes by Turbak [29], who presents the key transformations in a graphical format. We present the more complex delete function in Fig. 4. Function del descends into the tree until the element (or a leaf) is found. Modified subtrees are recombined with smart constructors nodeij that combines i subtrees where subtree j has been modified and is wrapped up in either \(T_d\) (if the height of the subtree is unchanged) or \(Up_d\) (if the height of the subtree has decreased). We only show the functions nodei1 because the other nodeij are symmetric.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Deletion in 2-3 trees

The lemmas required for the correctness proof are similar to what we have seen already, with one new complication: the balancedness invariant bal is frequently required as a precondition, e.g. here:

figure p

Our automatic framework can cope because bal and height are defined in a straightforward manner by primitive recursion.

Related Work. The existing formalization of 2-3 trees in the Isabelle distribution (in HOL/ex/Tree23.thy, by Huffman and Nipkow) proves invariants but not functional correctness. Hoffmann and O’Donnell [12] give an equational definition of insertion. Reade [27] gives a similar equational definition of insertion and adds deletion; Turbak’s version of deletion appears a bit simpler. Reade sketches (because there are too many cases) a pen-and-paper correctness proof and writes: “Mechanical support for such reasoning and the potential for partial automation of similar proofs are topics currently being investigated by the author”.

5.5 2-3-4 Trees

2-3-4 trees are an extension of 2-3 trees where nodes may also have 4 children: . Their structural invariant is that they are balanced, i.e. all leaves occur at the same depth. The code for 2-3-4 trees can also be viewed as an extension of that for 2-3 trees with additional cases. There are also new smart constructors node4j, e.g. node41:

figure q

Related Work. It appears that the only (partially) published functional implementations of 2-3-4 trees is one in Maude [15] where the full code is available online. No formal proofs are reported.

5.6 1-2 Brother Trees

A 1-2 brother tree [23, 24] is a binary tree with one further constructor from trees to trees for unary nodes. The structural invariant is that the tree is balanced (all leaves at the same depth) and that every unary node has a binary brother. Unary nodes allow us to balance any tree. There is a bijection between 1-2 brother trees and AVL trees: remove the unary nodes from a 1-2 brother tree and you obtain an AVL tree. Our formalization is based on the article by Hinze [10] where all code and invariants can be found. Hinze captures the invariant by two sets B h and U h, the sets of brother trees of height h that have a binary (or nullary) respectively unary root node. The actual brother trees are captured by B; U is an auxiliary notion. The correctness lemmas (1)–(3) for insert, delete and isin employ the abbreviation :

figure r

The non-trivial but automatic auxiliary lemmas are

figure s

5.7 AA Trees

Arne Anderson [1] invented a particularly simple form of balanced trees, named AA trees by Weiss [30]. They encode 2-3 trees as binary trees (with the help of an additional height field, although a single bit would suffice). Their main selling point is simplicity and compactness of the code. Our verification started from the functional version of AA trees published by Ragde [25] without proofs. The proofs for insertion were automatic as usual, but deletion posed problems.

The use of non-linear patterns in the Haskell code for delete was easily fixed. Then a failed correctness proof revealed that function dellrg goes down the wrong branch in the recursive case. After this bug was corrected the next complication was the fact that the definition of function adjust (which is supposed to restore the invariant after deletion) does not cover certain trees that cannot arise. Therefore I needed to introduce the following invariant corresponding to the textual invariants AA1–AA3 in [25]; function lvl returns the height field of a node:

figure t

Proving that insertion and deletion preserve the invariant was non-trivial, in particular because there were two more bugs:

  • Function dellrg fails to call adjust to restore the invariant. This is the correct code (we call dellrg ):

    figure u
  • The auxiliary function nlvl is incorrect. The correct version is as follows:

For the verification of functional correctness of deletion the domain of the partial adjust had to be characterized by a predicate (not in [25]). With its help we can formulate and prove the trivial inorder-lemma for adjust:

figure v

The main correctness theorem (2) requires a number of further lemmas:

figure w

As usual, the proofs of the inorder-lemmas and theorems are automatic. The last four lemmas and the pre- and post-conditions involved are part of the invariant proofs and are merely reused. Hence they are not included in Table 1.

5.8 Splay Trees

Splay trees [28] are self-adjusting binary search trees where query and update operations modify the tree by rotating the accessed element to the root of the tree. The logarithmic amortized complexity of splay trees has been verified before [18]. The functional correctness proofs [17] followed the standard approach. Starting from the same code we automated those proofs.

Splay trees are different from the other trees we cover. All operations are based on a function that rotates the given element (or an element close to it) to the root of the tree. For example, this is isin:

figure x

See elsewhere [17, 18] for insert and delete. Note that isin should return the new tree as well to achieve amortized logarithmic complexity. This is awkward in a functional language and gives the data structure an imperative flavour.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Lemmas for splay tree verification

The verification is more demanding than before and we present all the required lemmas in Fig. 5. Lemmas (15)–(20) extend our lemma library in Fig. 3 but are only required for splay trees. With the help of these lemmas, the proofs of (1)–(3) are automatic.

6 Maps

6.1 Specifications

Search trees can implement maps as well as sets. Although sets are a special case of maps, we presented sets first because their simplicity facilitates the explanation of the basic concepts. Now we present the modifications required for maps. An implementation of maps must provides a type (where are the keys and the values) with the operations

figure y

where is predefined. Function lookup also plays the role of the abstraction function. In addition there is a data type invariant . The specification of maps is shown in Fig. 6 (corresponding to Fig. 1). It uses the function update notation

figure z
Fig. 6.
figure 6

Specification of map implementations

Now we assume that the keys are linearly ordered. Search trees are abstracted to a list of key-value pairs sorted by their keys. The auxiliary functions , and are replaced by

figure aa
  • where .

  • \(upd_{list}\ a\ b\) updates a sorted (w.r.t. ) list by either inserting at the correct position (w.r.t. <) if no is in the list, or replacing the first by otherwise.

  • \(del_{list}\ a\) deletes the first occurrence of a pair from a list.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Specification of map implementations over ordered types

Our second specification of maps (over a linearly ordered type ) is shown in Fig. 7 (corresponding to Fig. 2). It is again based on an inorder function:

figure ab

Again, we abbreviate inorder t by .

The search tree invariant is now expressed as . Structural invariants can be added via the specification function and we define

figure ac

The first three propositions in Fig. 7 express functional correctness of update, delete and lookup w.r.t. \(upd_{list}\), \(del_{list}\) and . The latter is a predefined function on key-value lists:

figure ad

The next two propositions demand that inv is invariant. It is easy to show that Fig. 7 implies Fig. 6.

6.2 Proof Automation

Figure 8 (corresponding to Fig. 3) shows the set of lemmas used to automate the correctness proofs of implementations of maps. There are no lemmas about because its definition is simply unfolded and the lemmas (6)–(9) about apply.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Lemmas for \(upd_{list}\), \(del_{list}\) and

The litmus tests for the lemma collection are the correctness proofs for the map-variants of all the search trees discussed in Sect. 5. The code of the map-variants is structurally the same as their set-counterparts. The same is true for the lemmas required in the verification. In the end, the proofs of the map-variants are just as automatic as the ones of their set-counterparts.

7 Conclusion

Our proof method works well because all the trees we considered follow the same ordering principle: inorder traversal yields a sorted list. Two referees suspected that for Trie-like trees [7] it would not work so well. I formalized binary trees where nodes are addressed by bit lists indicating the path to the node. A direct correctness proof is easy. The methods of this paper can also be applied (the list of addresses of the nodes in a tree, in prefix order, is lexicographically ordered) but the proof is more complicated and less automatic. Our approach seems overkill and awkward for such search trees.