
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

All social groups evolve through time. When two social groups merge, new relations need to be set up. Take, as an example, a merger between two companies. The success of mergers and acquisitions of companies often hinges on whether firms can socialize employees effectively into the merged new entity [1]. Therefore a big challenge faced by the top managers of both companies is how to integrate the two companies to ensure coherence and efficient communication. This paper approaches this challenge from a computational perspective. To motivate our formal framework, we make three assumptions: (1) the integration takes place assuming equipotency of nodes; (2) creating weak ties between the networks can be encouraged and forced; and (3) structural properties such as distance provide a measure of effective communication and resource accessibility.

The first condition assumes the networks follow peer-to-peer relational dynamic, which refers to social structures where information and resources are distributed. In such a social structure, as discussed by Baker in [3], members have no formal authority over each other, and have equal privileges regardless their roles [5]. Examples of such social groups include volunteer organizations, teams of scientists, and companies that embrace a holacracy management style [16]. Baker claims that in order for such a peer-to-peer network to operate efficiently, there must be clear and open communication; moreover each individual should be aware of the resources available from other nodes.

The second condition arises from the nature of interpersonal relations. Social networks are usually the result of complex interactions among autonomous individuals whose relationships cannot be simply controlled and forced. Ties between people differ by strength; while strong ties denote frequent interactions which form a basis for trust, weak ties plays an important role in information flow. In business networks, although a firm is seldom in control of strong relationships among its employees [15], it can normally prepare the ground for future weak ties: conferences and meetings, group assignments, special promotions etc. can be instruments of bringing people together.

The third condition discusses how the integrated network provides members with appropriate access to resource and information. Distance is an important factor of information dissemination in a network [8]: a network with a small diameter means that members are in general close to each other and information could be passed from one person to any others within a small number of steps [17]. This argument has been used to explain how small-world property – the property that any node is reachable from others via only a few hops – becomes a common feature of most real-world social networks [2].

Extending these ideas, we define network integration as the process when one or more edges are established across two existing networks in such a way that the integrated network has a bounded diameter \(\varDelta \). Furthermore, a new edge always costs effort and time to establish and maintain. Thus, we also want to minimize the number of new edges to be created during the integration process. We propose two heuristics to perform network integration. The first is a naive greedy method that iteratively creates edges to minimize the diameter of the resulting network. The second method separately discusses two cases: (1) When \(\varDelta \) is at least the diameter of the original networks, we create edges by considering center and peripheral nodes in the networks. (2) When \(\varDelta \) is smaller than the original diameter of the original networks, we first reduce the distance between nodes in the respective networks and then apply the procedure in case (1). The experiments verify that, our second heuristic significantly outperforms the first, both in terms of running time, and in terms of the output edge set.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the formal framework of network integration and shows that it is a computationally hard problem. Section 3 presents a naive greedy heuristic \(\mathsf {Naive}\). Section 4 discusses our \(\mathsf {Integrate}\) algorithm. Section 5 presents experimental results on our algorithms using both generated and real-world data. Section 6 discusses related works before conclusion in Sect. 7.

2 Preliminaries and Problem Setup

We define a network as an undirected unweighted connected graph \(G = (V, E)\) where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of (undirected) edges on V. We write an edge \(\{u,v\}\) as uv. A path (of length k) is a sequence of nodes \(u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_k\) where \(u_iu_{i+1}\!\in \!E\) for any \(0\!\le \!i\!<\!k\). The distance between u and v, denoted by \(\mathsf {dist}(u,v)\), is the length of a shortest path from u to v. The eccentricity of u is \(\mathsf {ecc}(u)=\max _{v\in V} \mathsf {dist}(u,v)\). The diameter of the network G is \(\mathsf {diam}\,(G)=\max _{u\in V} \mathsf {ecc}(u)\). The radius \(\mathsf {rad}(G)\) of G is \(\min _{u\in V} \mathsf {ecc}(u)\). For two sets \(V_1,V_2\), we use \(V_1\otimes V_2\) to denote the set of all edges \(\{uv\mid u\in V_1,v\in V_2\}\).

Definition 1

Let \(G_1 =(V_1,E_1)\) and \(G_2 =(V_2,E_2)\) be two networks. Fix a set of edges \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\). We define the integrated network of \(G_1,G_2\) with edge set E as the graph \(G_1\oplus _E G_2 = (V_1\cup V_2, E_1\cup E_2\cup E)\).

When integrating two organizations, each person normally has constraints over who he or she may connect to; this is determined largely by privilege, i.e., the type of social inequality created from difference in positions, titles, ranks, etc. [5]. In this paper we focus on the simpler case of social networks with equipotent nodes, and therefore assume all nodes have unbounded and equal privilege. Take an integer \(\varDelta \ge 1\), we propose the network integration problem \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\):

INPUT. Two networks \(G_1=(V_1,E_1), G_2=(V_2,E_2)\) where \(V_1\cap V_2=\varnothing \).

OUTPUT. A set \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) such that \(\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1\oplus _E G_2)\le \varDelta \).

In the rest of the paper we investigate \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) on two networks \(G_1=(V_1,E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V_2,E_2)\) where \(V_1\cap V_2=\varnothing \). The problem naturally depends on the value of \(\varDelta \). When \(\varDelta =1\), it is easy to see that \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) has a solution if and only if both networks \(G_1,G_2\) are complete. When \(\varDelta \ge 2\), since \(G_1\oplus _{V_1\otimes V_2} G_2\) has diameter 2, \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) guarantees to have a solution.

Throughout, we assume \(\varDelta \ge 2\). We are interested in a solution E to the problem \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) that contains the least number of edges; such an E is called an optimal solution. The brute-force way of finding optimal solutions for \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) examines all possible sets of edges until it finds a required solution set E. This will take time \(2^{O\left( |V_1|\cdot |V_2|\right) }\). In fact, obtaining optimal solutions is computationally-hard; the following theorem implies that this problem is unlikely to be polynomial-time solvable.

Theorem 2

The problem of deciding, given two graph \(G_1,G_2\) and an integer \(k>0\), whether \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) has a solution set E with cardinality \(\le k\), is hard for \(\mathsf {W}[2]\), the second level of the \(\mathsf {W}\)-hierarchy.


Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a graph. A distance- r dominating set of G is a set S of nodes such that for all \(u\in V\), there is some \(v\in S\) with \(\mathsf {dist}(u,v)\le r\). As shown in [11], finding the smallest distance-r dominating set in G with diameter \(r+1\) is complete for \(\mathsf {W}[2]\) (for any fixed r). In fact, the \(\mathsf {W}[2]\)-hardness also holds if G is diametrically uniform, i.e., if all nodes have the same eccentricity.

Now let \(G_1=(V_1,E_1)\) be a diametrically uniform graph with diameter \(\varDelta \ge 2\) and let \(G_2\) be a graph that contains only a single node \(\{u\}\). For any distance-\((\varDelta -1)\) dominating set \(S\subseteq V_1\), the set of edge \(S\otimes \{u\}\) is a solution of \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\). Conversely, suppose \(S\subseteq V_1\) is not distance-\((\varDelta -1)\) dominating. Then there is a node \(w\in V_1\) that is at distance at least \(\varDelta \) away from any node \(v\in S\). This means that \(\mathsf {dist}(w,u)\) in the integrated network is at least \(\varDelta +1\) and S is not a solution of \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\). Thus \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) has a size-k solution if and only if \(G_1\) has a size-k distance-\((\varDelta -1)\) dominating set.    \(\square \)

3 The Naive Greedy Method

We thus turn to heuristics for finding small solution sets of \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\). As a first step we introduce a greedy heuristic that approximates a solution.

Definition 3

A set of edges \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) is called a naive greedy set if we can write it as \(\{e_1,\ldots , e_\ell \}\) such that for all \(1\le i\le \ell \), and \(e'\in \left( V_1\otimes V_2\right) {\setminus } \{e_1,\ldots ,e_{i-1}\}\), \(\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1\oplus _{\{e_1,\ldots ,e_{i}\}} G_2) \le \mathsf {diam}\,(G_1\oplus _{\{e_1,\ldots ,e_{i-1},e'\}} G_2)\). A naive greedy solution to \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) is a solution that is a naive greedy set.

As its name suggests, a naive greedy set can be constructed incrementally using a greedy strategy that locally optimizes diameter in the integrated network. Naive greedy solutions to \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) are not necessarily optimal, and vice versa:

Example. Let both \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) be paths of length 5, i.e., \(G_1\) contains nodes \(a_1,\ldots ,a_5\) while \(G_2\) contains nodes \(b_1,\ldots ,b_5\) with edges \(a_ia_{i+1}\), \(b_ib_{i+1}\) for any \(1\le i<5\). Suppose \(\varDelta =3\). The only optimal solution E contains four edges, i.e., \(E=\{a_1b_3,a_3b_1,a_3b_5,a_5b_3\}\). However, for any edge \(e\in E\), \(\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _{\{e\}}G_2\right) =7\), while \(\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _{\{a_3b_3\}}G_2\right) =5\). Thus E is not a naive greedy solution, nor will any naive greedy solution be optimal.

Theorem 4

There exists an algorithm \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) that runs in time \(O(n^6)\) and computes a naive greedy solution for \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) where \(n=|V_1\cup V_2|\).


The algorithm \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) iteratively adds edges \(e_1,e_2,\ldots \) to the solution set E. It also computes a matrix D: \((V_1\cup V_2)^2\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) that represents the distance between nodes in the current integrated graph. See Procedure 1

Since \(\varDelta \ge 2\), the algorithm will terminate. Furthermore, the set of edges created by the algorithm is a naive greedy solution. At each iteration, computing each matrix \(D_{e}\) takes time \(O(n^2)\); computing F takes \(O(n^2)\). Since there are \(O(n^2)\) edges in \(\left( V_1\otimes V_2\right) {\setminus } E_i\), this iteration runs in \(O(n^4)\). Since there are at most \(n^2\) iterations, the algorithm takes times \(O(n^6)\).   \(\square \)

figure a

We remark that when \(\varDelta >2\), the maximum number of edges required is O(n), and hence \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) will take \(O(n^5)\). The algorithm \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) is still too inefficient in most practical cases and hence in subsequent sections we discuss more efficient heuristics for \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\).

4 Efficient Algorithms for \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\)

We separately discuss two cases: (1) when the integrated network’s diameter is at least the diameters of the given networks, i.e. \(\varDelta \ge \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1), \mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\); and (2) when we improve the diameter, i.e. \(\varDelta < \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1), \mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\).

4.1 The Case When \(\varDelta \ge \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1),\mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\)

Firstly, when integrating two networks, it makes sense to establish a link between the most central persons in the networks, as they have the closest proximity to other nodes. Furthermore, if xy are nodes that are furthest apart in the integrated network, they are unlikely to communicate effectively thanks to their shear distance; this, in a certain sense, represents a form of structural hole [4]. Hence in integrating these two networks, it makes sense to connect xy by an edge. Formally, the center C(G) of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is the set of all nodes that have the least eccentricity, i.e., \(C(G)=\{v\in V\mid \mathsf {ecc}(v)=\mathsf {rad}(G)\}\). A pair of nodes (xy) in G forms a peripheral pair, denoted by \((x,y)\!\in \!\mathsf {P}(G)\), if \(\mathsf {dist}(x,y)\!=\!\mathsf {diam}\,(G)\). Our heuristic first creates an edge between two nodes that are in \(C(G_1)\) and \(C(G_2)\) respectively, and then iteratively “bridges” peripheral pairs.

Definition 5

A set \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) is called a center-periphery set if we can write it as \(\{e_0,\ldots ,e_\ell \}\) such that (1) \(e_0\in C(G_1)\otimes C(G_2)\); and (2) for all \(1\!\le \!i\!\le \!\ell \), \(e_i\in \mathsf {P}\left( G_1\oplus _{\{e_0,e_1,\ldots ,e_{i-1}\}}G_2\right) \). A center-periphery solution is a solution to \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) that is also a center-periphery set.

Clearly, if \(\varDelta > \mathsf {rad}(G_1) + \mathsf {rad}(G_2)\), then for any \(uv\in C(G_1)\otimes C(G_2)\), we have \(\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _{\{uv\}}G_2\right) \le \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1),\mathsf {diam}\,(G_2),\mathsf {rad}(G_1)+\mathsf {rad}(G_2)+1\}\le \varDelta \). Thus \(\{uv\}\) forms a solution of \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\). In this case, center-periphery solutions coincide with optimal solutions.

Theorem 6

There exists an algorithm \(\mathsf {CtrPer}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) that has \(O(n^4)\) running time and computes a center-periphery solution for \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) assuming \(\varDelta \ge \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1), \mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\), where \(n=|V_1\cup V_2|\).


The \(\mathsf {CtrPer}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm also maintains a matrix D: \((V_1\cup V_2)^2\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) such that D(uv) is the distance between uv. The eccentricity of each node can be easily extracted from D allowing the algorithm to identify the centers \(C(G_1)\) and \(C(G_2)\), respectively. The algorithm then iteratively adds edges that connect peripheral pairs in the integrated graph until its diameter becomes at most \(\varDelta \). See Procedure 2.

Suppose the algorithm creates a set \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) and \(\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _E G_2\right) >\varDelta \). The algorithm will update the matrix D and then picks (uv) with the largest D(uv). By definition of D, (uv) forms a peripheral pair in \(G_1\oplus _E G_2\). We need to show that uv is a valid edge to add, that is, uv cannot both lie in one of \(V_1\) and \(V_2\). Indeed, if \(\{u,v\}\subseteq V_1\) or \(\{u,v\}\subseteq V_2\), then \(\mathsf {dist}(u,v)\le \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1),\mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\le \varDelta <\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _{E}G_2\right) \). Thus \(uv\in V_1\otimes V_2\). Now either \(E\cup \{uv\}\) is a solution, or \(\mathsf {diam}\,\left( G_1\oplus _{E\cup \{uv\}} G_2\right) >\varDelta \). In the latter case the algorithm repeats the iteration to find another peripheral pair. Thus the algorithm will terminate and produce a center-periphery solution to \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\).

It takes \(O(n^3)\) to initialize the matrix D using Floyd-Warshall algorithm. At each iteration, the algorithm takes \(O(n^2)\) to update D and finds a peripheral pair. Since there are at most \(n^2\) iterations, the algorithm takes time \(O(n^4)\).   \(\square \)

figure b

4.2 The Case When \(\varDelta < \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1),\mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\)

When the diameter bound \(\varDelta \) is less than the diameters of the two component networks \(G_1,G_2\), the goal is to improve the connectivity of each original network through integration. In other words, the integration should “bring people closer”. In this case \(\mathsf {CtrPer}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) no longer applies as it is possible for both nodes in a peripheral pair to lie in the same component graph \(G_1\) or \(G_2\), forbidding us to create the edge xy. We therefore need to first decrease the distance between nodes in each \(G_1\) and \(G_2\). Suppose ab are two people in an organization with large distance. When their organization merges with another organization, a and b can be brought closer if they both know a ‘third person’ c in the other organization, i.e., the ties ac and bc allows ab to be only 2 steps away.

Definition 7

Let \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) be a set of edges and \(i\in \{1,2\}\). The diameter of \(G_i\) relative to E is the maximum distance between any two nodes in \(V_i\) in the integrated network \(G_1\oplus _E G_2\); we denote this by \(\mathsf {diam}\,_E(G_i)\). A set of edges \(E\subseteq V_1\otimes V_2\) is a \(\varDelta \) -bridge if \(\mathsf {diam}\,_E(G_i)\le \varDelta \) for both \(i\in \{1,2\}\).

Theorem 8

For any \(\varDelta \ge 2\), there exists an algorithm \(\mathsf {Bridge}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) that runs in time \(O(n^4)\) and computes a \(\varDelta \)-bridge E, where \(n=|V_1\cup V_2|\).


The algorithm has two phases. In phase \(i\in \{1,2\}\), it makes \(\mathsf {diam}\,_E(G_i)\le \varDelta \). Phase i consists of several iterations; at each iteration, the algorithm takes a pair \((u,v)\in V_i\) with maximum distance and a node \(w\in V_{3-i}\), and builds two edges uw and vw. See Procedure 3. Throughout, the algorithm computes and maintains a matrix D: \((V_1\cup V_2)^2\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) such that D(uv) is the current distance between nodes uv. When a pair of new edges uwvw are added, the new distance \(D'(x,y)\) between any pair of nodes \((x,y)\in V^2_i\) is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} D'(x,y)&=\min \{D(x,y), D(x,u)+D(w,y)+1, D(x,u)+D(v,y)+2, \nonumber \\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \quad D(x,v)+D(w,y)+1, D(x,v)+D(u,y)+2\} \end{aligned}$$

In the worst case, the algorithm adds edges uwvw for any pair \((u,v)\in V^2_i\) where \(i\in \{1,2\}\). Thus the algorithm terminates in at most \(n^2\) iterations. Finding nodes uvw and updating the matrix D at each iteration takes time \(O(n^2)\). Therefore the total running time is \(O(n^4)\).    \(\square \)

figure c

Remark. Suppose the \(\mathsf {Bridge}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm adds edges uwvw. Here w plays the role as a bridging node that links u and v. Naturally, the choice of w affects the performance of the algorithm: by carefully choosing the bridging node w, we may reduce the number of new ties that need to be created. Imagine that \(G_1,G_2\) represent two organizations.

  1. 1.

    To allow smooth flow of information between the two organizations and avoid information gate keepers, we should have many bridging nodes in \(G_2\).

  2. 2.

    A node with a higher degree means it has better access to resource and information, and thus is a more appropriate bridging nodes.

Therefore, we introduce the following heuristics to \(\mathsf {Bridge}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\): Suppose the algorithm has selected a set E of edges and picked \((u,v)\in V_i\) where \(i\in \{1,2\}\) with the largest D(uv). To pick a bridging node w:

  • Heuristic 1. For any node \(w\in V_{3-i}\), let \(b(w)=|\{v\mid wv\in E\}|\). The chosen bridging node w is taken from \(B_i=\{w\in V_{3-i}\mid b(w)\le b(w') \text { for all } w'\in V_{3-i}\}\).

  • Heuristic 2. The chosen bridging node w has the highest degree in \(B_i\).

We now extend \(\mathsf {Bridge}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) to an algorithm that solves \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\).

figure d

Theorem 9

The \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm runs in time \(O(n^4)\) and computes a solution to \(\mathsf {NI}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) for any networks \(G_1,G_2\) and \(\varDelta \ge 2\), where \(n=|V_1\cup V_2|\).

5 Experiments and Case Studies

To test the algorithms, we generate two types of random graphs: the first (\(\mathsf {NWS}\)) is Newman-Watts-Strogatz’s small-world networks, which have small average path lengths and high clustering coefficients [13]. The second \((\mathsf {BA})\) is Barabasi-Albert’s preferential attachment model which produces scale-free graphs whose degree distribution of nodes follows a power law [2]. In Figs. 1 and 2, we integrate two graphs of each type using the \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm. The statistics for each graph is shown in the table below. For the \(\mathsf {NWS}\) graphs, \(\varDelta \) ranges from 6 to 11, while for the \(\mathsf {BA}\) graphs, \(\varDelta \) ranges from 4 to 7. The figures show how the two networks dissolve into each other with decreasing \(\varDelta \): when very few edges link the two networks, the network exhibits a clear community structure; this, however, becomes less clear as more edges are created.


\(\mathsf {NWS}\) Graph 1

\(\mathsf {NWS}\) Graph 2

\(\mathsf {BA}\) Graph 1

\(\mathsf {BA}\) Graph 2

Number of nodes/edges










Fig. 1.
figure 1

Integrating two \(\mathsf {NWS}\) networks with different \(\varDelta \)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Integrating two \(\mathsf {BA}\) networks with different \(\varDelta \)

Experiment 1 (Running times). We implement both algorithms and record their running times on 300 generated \(\mathsf {NWS}\) and \(\mathsf {BA}\) networks. The results indicate that \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) outperforms \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) significantly, with the former runs more than 3000 times faster on networks with 1000 nodes to add a single edge in the solution set. Figure 3 plots how much longer (on average) \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) takes to add a single edge to the solution set compared to \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\), against the number of nodes in the networks.

Experiment 2 (Solution size). We compare the output of \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) against the \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm. While \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) may output smaller solutions when \(\varDelta \) is large, \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) is more likely to produce smaller solutions as \(\varDelta \) decreases. Figure 4 plots the percentage of the cases where \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) returns smaller sets. Note that \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) almost always returns smaller sets whenever \(\varDelta < \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1), \mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\). Figure 5 plots the average output size of \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) and \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\), against absolute and relative values of \(\varDelta \). Here, each graph consists of 100 nodes. Even though \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) may outperform \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) when \(\varDelta \) is large, the difference is not very significant; as \(\varDelta \) decreases, the advantage of \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) becomes increasingly significant.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The number of times \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) runs slower than \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) (Color figure online)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The probability that \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) outputs smaller sets with varying \(\varDelta \in \{d-2,\ldots ,d+5\}\) where \(d = \max \{\mathsf {diam}\,(G_1), \mathsf {diam}\,(G_2)\}\) (Color figure online)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparing the \(\mathsf {Integrate}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm and the \(\mathsf {Naive}_\varDelta (G_1,G_2)\) algorithm: average number of edges with different parameter \(\varDelta \) (Color figure online)

6 Related Works

This paper studies the integration between two social networks of equipotent nodes. This problem relates to several established topics in network science:

Firstly, strategic network formation aims to explain how a network evolves in time [7]. A well known example along this line is on the rise of the Medici Family in the XV century [14], which explains how inter-family ties shape political structures. In a certain sense, the network integration problem can be regarded as network formation between two established networks. However, the network formation models are typically about the transformation within a single network, while this paper initiates the perspective of integrating several different networks.

Secondly, the topic of interdependent networks aims to model a complex environment where multiple networks interact and form a type of network of networks [6]. The networks in such a complex environment are non-homogeneous, i.e., the networks are of different types. For example, one may be interested in the interdependence between a telecommunication network and a transportation networks and how such interaction affects robustness of the entire infrastructure. The focus here is on robustness of the combined structure: how does a failure in one network affects the other network. Compared to interdependent networks, the problem in this paper involves homogeneous networks and concerns a type of dynamic that ‘dissolves’ the two networks into one. This is more suitable for the social context discussed in this paper.

A third related area is link prediction, which aims to infer potential ties between nodes of a network [9]. Here, most approaches take into account surrounding contexts such as homophily and maximum likelihood.

7 Conclusion and Future Works

This paper amounts to our effort to study integration of social networks from a computational perspective, and is a continuation of our earlier work on network socialization [12], where we study how an individual joins an established network, in order to take an advantageous position in the network.

The simple formulation of the problem means that several natural limitations exist: Firstly, the equipotency assumption restricts us to a special class of social networks. In practice, individuals may have different constraints (e.g. titles, roles, positions, etc.) forbidding certain ties to be created. Hence as a future work we plan to enrich our framework by introducing privileges to nodes and study how networks are integrated with privileged-based constraints on new edges to be forged. Secondly, the paper focuses on optimising the number of new edges between networks, which may not be the most crucial factor when merging social groups. Indeed, every edge is established with certain cost; it may thus be an interesting future work to develop a cost model for the establishment of ties in a social network. Thirdly, the paper concerns with diameter of the integrated network, which is a strong measure on access to resources and information; it may make sense to consider other weaker notions. For example, a more relevant measure of integration may be the distance from any node in one network to any node in the other network, or the average distance between nodes. Lastly, we would like to extend our notion of network integration to more elaborated forms of networks. For example, in [10], a framework of hierarchical networks is defined which incorporates both formal ties in an organization and information ties. This framework allows the definition of a notion of power in a hierarchical network. It is then natural to ask how power is affected during integration of two hierarchical networks.