
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

SPARK is a safety critical language subset of Ada developed by Altran and used by industry in the aviation, commercial, medical, space, and military domains. Applications range from programming jet engines (Lockheed Martin) to military aviation (EuroFighter), UK’s air traffic control system (Altran), cross-domain guards (Rockwell Collins), smart card OS (MULTOS), biometrics software (NSA), and multi-level security systems (Secunet) [42].

SPARK 2014. A recent major overhaul of SPARK has led to SPARK 2014 [44], a language and accompanying tools for developing safe and secure software. To aid security verification, a flow analysis is integrated in the compiler to track information flow in SPARK programs and is used in applications like separation kernels [29] and multi-level workstations [39].

Information Flow Security. The security model of SPARK programs draws on information flow tracking. The goal is to track the propagation of data from sources (inputs) to sinks (output) as information is manipulated by programs. For systems whose sources and sinks are classified into secret and public (or more complex classifications [18]), the baseline policy is noninterference [16, 21] that prevents secret inputs from affecting public outputs.

There are different ways in which noninterference can be broken, corresponding to different information flow channels. An explicit flow results from a data flow from the right-hand side to the left-hand side in an assignment. An implicit [19] flow is via control flow: for example, branching on a secret and outputting different public values in the branches is an implicit flow that leaks information about the secret without any explicit leaks. The termination channel [48] is another source of potential leaks: a program that loops on a secret and outputs a public value on exiting the loop reveals whether the loop has terminated and therefore leaks information about the secret guard. A generalization of this channel is the progress channel [7] that can be used to leak information about secrets via the progress of public outputs. In contrast to the one-bit termination channel, this channel allows leaking secrets in their entirety by brute force attacks [7]. Other channels of interest are resource exhaustion and timing [37], which allow the attacker to learn secret information by observing abnormal behavior and time variation, respectively.

SPARK Security Examined. Usage of the SPARK flow analysis in industry is encouraging. It makes the following questions important. What attacks does it prevent? How can it be extended to achieve security against more powerful attackers? Can it lead to a general methodology applicable to similar analyses?

This paper puts a spotlight on the flow analysis in SPARK GPL 2015. Released April 28 2015, it is, as of January 1 2016, the latest GPL edition of SPARK 2014. To articulate the boundaries of what it can achieve, we demonstrate that the analysis successfully tracks explicit and implicit flows and spell out attacks to exploit termination, progress, resource exhaustion, and timing channels.

SPARK Security Improved. With the goal to harden the analysis against stronger attackers, we set our baseline at the progress-sensitive security policy [8, 12, 31, 32]. This policy is a natural generalization of noninterference to programs with output, in contrast to its progress-insensitive counterpart [7, 8, 12] that needs to carve out leaks due to computation progress. Further, as mentioned earlier, ignoring the progress channel implies opening up brute force leaks that may extract secrets in their entirety. Our key goal is to design a general approach that allows leveraging existing analysis and tools for explicit and implicit flows, such as SPARK flow analysis to enforce the stronger progress-sensitive security. This goal is particularly important given the state of the art where the vast majority of the information flow tools in addition to SPARK (e.g. FlowFox [22], JSFlow [24] and IFC4BC [10] for JavaScript, Jif [30], Paragon [14] and JOANA [23] for Java, FlowCaml [40] for Caml, all discussed in Sect. 8) are currently only able to enforce progress-insensitive security.

Achieving Progress-Sensitive Security. With this main goal at hand, the core idea for enforcement is as follows. We set out to leverage two independent components: graph-based analysis for explicit/implicit flows and termination analysis. There have been many successful efforts on developing such components, with the above-mentioned information flow tools for the former and much encouraging progress on the latter [17, 27, 45]. Facilitated by the latter, Moore et al. [28] show how to use termination oracles for termination-sensitive information flow analysis. Similarly, we parametrize our approach in the termination analysis to determine which loops terminate and perform a graph transform on the program dependence graph where we represent termination and progress flows by injecting additional edges going out of potentially diverging loops. This lets us reuse graph-based analyses, e.g. the one by Horwitz [26] that is behind the SPARK flow analysis, since we can simply apply it to the transformed graph. The elegance of this approach is that even if a trivial termination analysis (“all loops might diverge”) is plugged into the framework, we get a sound and meaningful enforcement of progress-sensitive noninterference corresponding to Smith’s and Boudol and Castellani’s canonical restrictions for the termination channel [13, 41].

We establish the soundness of this approach for a core language and demonstrate that it can be applied as a source-to-source transform of SPARK code when modifying the compiler is undesirable. We apply the source-to-source transformation on a case study with a control unit of a missile, loosely based on publicly available code by Hilton [25]. We formulate desired properties, such as “the orientation sensors may not affect self-destruction”, in terms of information-flow policies and demonstrate how our enforcement verifies these properties.

Contributions. The paper’s major contributions are (i) the attacks on the SPARK flow analysis to demarcate its boundaries, (ii) leveraging a progress-insensitive SPARK flow analysis (by changing the analyzer conservatively, or through source-to-source transformation) to enforce progress-sensitive noninterference, and (iii) a case study with a missile code controller to demonstrate the usefulness of the approach. While our work is motivated by improving the SPARK flow analysis, we believe the overall idea is portable to other approaches and tools. Thus, we present our results more generally. For example, our framework is graph-based, which opens up possibilities for natural adoption to other graph-based tools such as JOANA [23]. Combining the major and minor contributions, the paper contributes the following:

  • Attacks illustrating the boundary of what SPARK’s flow analysis can achieve, leaking via termination, progress, resource exhaustion, and timing (Sect. 2);

  • A policy framework for expressing progress-(in)sensitive security conditions (Sect. 4) for an imperative language (Sect. 3) at the heart of SPARK;

  • A general graph-based approach for dependency analysis using termination oracles to achieve progress-sensitive security (Sect. 5);

  • A general graph-based framework for dependency analysis of reactive programs, also distinguishing output content from output presence (Sect. 5);

  • Soundness of the graph-based enforcement for the core language (Sect. 5);

  • Source-to-source transform leveraging existing graph-based flow analyses in a modular fashion (Sect. 6) to achieve progress-sensitive security; and

  • Case study with a control unit of a missile that verifies desired security properties (Sect. 7).

Our code compiles with GNAT GPL 2015. Released April 28 2015, it is, as of January 1 2015, the latest GPL edition of the Ada 2012 compiler. Our code can be found online [49].

Scope. While resource exhaustion and timing channels are important, we leave their consideration and exploration of more sophisticated attacks on the SPARK security analysis for future work. Typically, attacks on these channels require more efforts from the attacker and result in attacks with lower bandwidth [37]. For similar reasons, we leave declassification [38] out of the scope of the present work. Although important and wished for by the SPARK developers [35], the flow analysis in SPARK is useful even without declassification, as indicated by its deployments by Secunet [29, 39] and as highlighted by our case study.

2 Attacks

We begin by providing evidence that SPARK’s flow analysis is termination-, progress-, and timing-insensitive. We do this by providing minimal example programs which pass analysis yet leak information. Since SPARK’s flow analysis implementation has no proof of soundness, this helps us identify the property it is meant to enforce, and thus how to improve it.

All our examples share the same structure: a Main file that reads a byte from standard input, and invokes a procedure Leak on said byte.

figure afigure a

This specification states that Leak performs I/O on its parameter H and the global Standard_Output, and that output on Standard_Output only depends on Standard_Output. That last bit is the flow policy of Leak. Our attacks, which differ only in how they implement Leak, aim to violate this flow policy while passing analysis, by making output on Standard_Output depend on H.

The source code for our attacks is in the appendix. In this section, we focus on the two attacks most relevant to our technical contributions (termination and progress), and summarize the other attacks when closing the section.

Fig. 1.
figure 1figure 1

Termination leaks (left) and progress leaks (right) in SPARK

Termination. A flow analysis is termination sensitive when it tracks whether a value can affect termination behavior. To gauge whether SPARK’s flow analysis is termination sensitive, we design Leak on the left of Fig. 1 such that the presence of output on standard output depends on whether the program enters an infinite loop, which depends on H. Main passes analysis with this implemetation of Leak. However, invoking Leak on input values 1 and 2 produces different observable behavior: with input 1, we see ‘!’ on the standard output; with input 2, Main diverges. Thus, SPARK’s flow analysis is termination insenstive.

Progress. A termination insensitive flow analysis permits one bit to leak through termination observations. Programs that pass such an analysis can leak much more when a value can affect the progress the program makes on producing its intermediate output [7]. A flow analysis that tracks such flows is progress sensitive. The right panel of Fig. 1 shows the brute force attack by Askarov et al. [7] modelled in SPARK. Here, Leak outputs on standard output all characters in their ASCII number order up to the character numbered H, and diverges, thus leaking all of H. Again, this program passes SPARK’s flow analysis, indicating that the flow analysis is progress insensitive.

Summary. We studied SPARK’s flow analysis under three additional attacks:

  • Resource Exhaustion: We replace nontermination in the progress attack with abnormal termination (a stack overflow). We give two examples; one allocates an array too large to fit on the stack, the other creates infinitely many stack frames through infinite mutual recursion. Both pass analysis.

  • Timing: A flow analysis is timing sensitive when it tracks whether a value can affect the time an effect occurs. We replace nontermination in the termination attack with a computation which takes considerable time (selection-sorting \(2^{16}\) bytes). The attack passes analysis.

  • Explicit and Implicit flows: As a sanity check, we provide two implementations of Leak: one creates an explicit flow from H to Standard_Output, the other an implicit flow. The attacks do not pass analysis.

Since SPARK detected the explicit and implicit flows, but failed to detect our other attacks, it appears that SPARK enforces progress-insensitive security. As demonstrated above, whole secrets can leak through progress. In this paper, we harden SPARK’s flow analysis to detect progress leaks, to enforce progress sensitive security. Addressing the other attacks is out of scope of this paper.

3 Programs and Policies

We explain our ideas and results using a simple while language with flow annotations, inputs, outputs, and arrays, which is a stripped down version of SPARK. For a formal semantics and illustrative examples, see the appendix.

Programs. The syntax for our language is given in Fig. 2. Let \( {p}\) range over programs, \( b \) over blocks, \( x \) over array names, \( e \) over expressions, \( n \) over integers, \( c \) over channels, and \(\odot \) over (total) binary integer operators. Here, \( x \texttt {[} e \texttt {]}\) denotes index \( e \) in array \( x \). To model non-array variables, we write \( x \) as syntactic sugar for \( x \texttt {[}0\texttt {]}\). Statement outputs integer \( e \) to channel \( c \), and inputs an integer on \( c \) and stores it in \( x \texttt {[} e \texttt {]}\). The rest is standard.

Fig. 2.
figure 2figure 2

Program syntax (left) and CFG (right)

Control Flow Graphs. A control flow graph (CFG) represents a program as a directed graph. The CFG of a program \( {p}\) is defined by \(\rightarrow \) in Fig. 2; \( {p}'\) is a node iff \( {p}\rightarrow ^{*} {p}'\), and \(( {p}', {p}'')\) is an edge iff \( {p}'\) and \( {p}''\) are nodes and \( {p}' \rightarrow {p}''\). We distinguish two nodes in the CFG of program \( {p}\): the \(\mathsf {START}\) node \( {p}\) and the \(\mathsf {END}\) node \(\texttt {skip}\). \(\mathsf {START}\) is defined as the root of the graph. \(\mathsf {END}\) has no outgoing edges. Conventionally, CFG nodes are blocks, \( b \). This representation is obtained by dropping \( {p}\) from nodes of the form \( b \texttt {;}\ {p}\) and replacing and nodes with \(\texttt {branch}\ e \). See the appendix for an illustrative CFG.

Semantics. A program executes in a memory m \(: \mathbb {X}\times \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}\), which provides a (mutable) binding for every location of every array (initially all set to 0 in the initial memory \(m_0\)), and an environment \({\varvec{e}}: \mathbb {C}\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}^\omega \), which provides an infinite stream of input values on every channel. We use a small-step reduction relation \(({\varvec{e}}, m, {p}) {\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{ o }} ({\varvec{e}}', m', p')\). Here, is the output of the reduction step; if , then where \( v \) is the value \( e \) evaluates to; otherwise, \( o = {\bullet }\). The full definition of \({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{ o }}\) is shown in the appendix. Let \(\bar{ o } = o _1 \ldots o _n\) denote a finite sequence of outputs, and let \({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\! \bar{ o }}}\) = (\({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\!\bullet }}\))* \({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{ o _1}}\) (\({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\!\bullet }}\))* ...(\({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\!\bullet }}\))* \({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{ o _n}}\), (\({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\!\bullet }}\))*.

Our environments are total [32], i.e., never block output, and always provide input on request. This is a natural fit for SPARK, as safety-critical systems typically perform nonblocking I/O (e.g. on files and POSIX shared memory using read() and write() from the Single UNIX Specification). The endpoints of channels thus, in general, form a collective store which can change independently of the program, and provide input that depends on past output. However, Clark and Hunt [15] have shown that when reasoning about security of deterministic programs (as in our case), environments can be simplified to streams. We use this simplification here. Programs can be composed securely under these environments as long as their scheduler is secure and deterministic. For a more complete and general treatment of composition, see [32, 33].

Fig. 3.
figure 3figure 3

Syntax of flow policies

Flow Policies. A flow policy expresses permitted flows between input and output channels. We are interested in two kinds of dependencies: where input affects the presence (i.e. occurrence) resp. content (i.e. value) of an output. The syntax of our flow policy language is given in Fig. 3. Let \( f \) range over flow policy specifications, and \( d \) over dependencies. The syntax (resp. ) means that content (resp. presence) of output on \( c \) is allowed to depend on input on \( c '\). For instance, a flow policy stating that (only) the presence of output on StdErr (standard error) is allowed to depend on input on StdIn (standard input) can be written as . Every flow policy \( f \) straightforwardly yields a pair of functions \((\pi , \kappa )\) where \(\pi ( c )\) (resp. \(\kappa ( c )\)) is the set of input channels on which the presence (resp. content) of output on \( c \) may depend. We lift these functions to sets of channels: \(\pi ( C ) = \bigcup _{ c \in C } \pi ( c )\) and \(\kappa ( C ) = \bigcup _{ c \in C } \kappa ( c )\).

4 Security Property

Consider a fixed policy (\(\pi , \kappa \)). Our attackers observe all outputs on some output channels. An attacker or observer \(\omega = (\omega _{\pi }, \omega _{\kappa })\) is a pair where \(\omega _{\pi }\) (resp. \(\omega _{\kappa }\)) is the set of channels on which the presence (resp. content) of outputs is observed. If an observer sees the content of outputs on a channel, it can certainly detect the presence of outputs on the channel, so we require \(\omega _{\kappa }\subseteq \omega _{\pi }\). Two environments are equivalent to an observer \(\omega \) if the environments agree on all input channels that may flow to outputs visible to \(\omega \).

Definition 1

(\(\omega \)-equivalence of \({\varvec{e}}\)). \({\varvec{e}}\) and \({\varvec{e}}'\) are \(\omega \)-equivalent, \({\varvec{e}}\sim _\omega {\varvec{e}}'\), iff .

The observables in an output are defined as follows: if , if , and \({\bullet }\) otherwise (here \(\mathtt {d}\) is a default output, like null or 0). We remove the unobservables of a sequence of outputs \(\bar{o}\) follows: \(\epsilon {\upharpoonright }_{\omega } = \epsilon \), \(( o .\bar{ o }){\upharpoonright }_{\omega } = \bar{ o }{\upharpoonright }_{\omega }\) if \( o {\upharpoonright }_{\omega } = {\bullet }\), and \(( o {\upharpoonright }_{\omega }).(\bar{ o }{\upharpoonright }_{\omega })\) otherwise.

Definition 2

(\(\omega \)-equivalence of \(\bar{ o }\)). \(\bar{ o }\) and \(\bar{ o }'\) are \(\omega \)-equivalent, \(\bar{ o }\sim _\omega \bar{ o }'\), iff   \(\bar{ o }{\upharpoonright }_{\omega } = \bar{ o }'{\upharpoonright }_{\omega }\).

Our security property, progress-sensitive noninterference (\(\textsc {psni}\)), requires that under observably equivalent environments, a program must be able to componentwise observably-equivalently match observable outputs in its behaviors [8, 12, 31, 32]. For an example involving \(\textsc {psni}\), see the appendix.

Definition 3

(Progress-sensitive Noninterference). \( {p}\) satisfies \(\textsc {psni}\) iff \(\forall \omega , {\varvec{e}}, {\varvec{e}}'\centerdot {\varvec{e}}\sim _\omega {\varvec{e}}' \implies \) \(\forall \bar{ o } \centerdot {({\varvec{e}}, m_0, {p})} {\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\! \bar{ o }}} \implies \exists \bar{ o }' \centerdot {(e', m_0, {p})}\) \({\mathop \rightarrow \limits ^{\!\ \bar{ o }'}} \,\wedge \, \bar{ o }\sim _\omega \bar{ o }'\).

5 Enforcement

SPARK implements a dependency analysis on control flow graphs that prevents all explicit and implicit information leaks, but does not prevent leaks due to progress and termination. In this section, we explain how to augment such a dependency analysis with a loop termination oracle to enforce the stronger property progress-sensitive noninteference (\(\textsc {psni}\), Definition 3). While loop termination oracles have been combined with type sytems to enforce \(\textsc {psni}\) in prior work (e.g., [28]), our technical development makes three novel contributions: (1) We use a graph-based analysis to enforce \(\textsc {psni}\) (2) Our dependency analysis handles reactive programs, and (3) Our dependency analysis accounts for the difference between output content and output presence. In the following, we describe our analysis for the core language from Sect. 3 and prove that it enforces \(\textsc {psni}\). The core language captures all essential features of SPARK, so generalizing the analysis to all of SPARK should not be difficult.

Standard Data- and Control-Dependency Analysis. SPARK’s flow analysis uses standard dependency analysis [20, 26], which we review briefly. We say that a node \( b \) in a CFG reads array \( x \) if \( b \) contains \( x \) in at least one location other than \( x \texttt {[}\ldots \texttt {]}\ \texttt {:=}\ \ldots \). Dually, \( b \) writes to array \( x \) if \( b = ( x \texttt {[} e \texttt {]}\ \texttt {:=}\ e ')\). Node \( b \) reads a channel \( c \) if . Dependency analysis outputs all the nodes of the CFG on which a given node is data dependent or control dependent. Data dependence arises due to data flow. E.g., in x = 1; y = 3; z = x + 2; a = z, the statements z = x + 2 and a = z are data dependent on the statement x = 1, but not on y = 3. Similarly, in the example of Fig. 1 (right), the statements on lines 5 and 6 (output and branch , respectively) are data dependent on the statement K := K + 1 on line 11.

Definition 4

(Data Dependence). A node \( b \) is data dependent on node \( b '\) in a CFG G, written \({dd}_G( b ', b )\), if there is a path \( b ' \rightarrow ^{*} b \in G\) and there is an array that \( b '\) writes and \( b \) reads, or there is a channel that both \( b \) and \( b '\) read.

Note that the statement in \( b \) does not have to be an assignment; the definition implies a data dependence from x = y to in program . Also, as commonly assumed by flow analyses in prior work, e.g. Jif [30] and Paragon [14], our definition of data dependence is flow-insensitive. This means it ignores the effects of writes in nodes strictly between \( b '\) and \( b \) ; in program x = y; x = 0; z = x, node z = x is data dependent on the node x = y by our definition, even though x is overwritten by a constant between the nodes. (We use some lemmas from [1] in our proofs, but this difference does not impact those lemmas.) For clues on how to make this definition flow-sensitive, see [23].

Control dependence captures influence due to branches. In the program , both the nodes y = 1 and y = 2 are control dependent on the branch node . However, the node z = 1 is not control dependent on because it executes irrespective of the outcome of the test . There are many different definitions of control dependence in literature (see [34] for a survey). We define here the most standard notion of control dependence, which suffices for our purposes. We say that node \( b \) post-dominates \( b '\) if every path from \( b '\) to \(\mathsf {END}\) passes through \( b \).

Definition 5

(Control Dependence [1]). A node \( b \) is control dependent on node \( b '\) in a CFG G, written \({cd}_G( b ', b )\), if the following hold: (1) Either \( b = b '\) or \( b \) does not post-dominate \( b '\) in \(G\), and (2) There is a nontrivial path \( b _1 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow b _k \in G\) with \( b _1 = b '\), \( b _k = b \) such that for all \(i \in 2 \ldots k-1\), \( b \) post-dominates \( b _i\).

For block-structured languages such as SPARK and the core calculus of Sect. 3, a node \( b \) is control dependent on node \( b '\) iff \( b \) is a branch or loop condition and \( b '\) lies within that branch or loop. However, control dependence is defined on arbitrary CFGs, even those without block structure (we exploit this generality later). Combining data- and control-dependency analysis, we define dependence as the reflexive-transitive closure of the data- and control-dependence relations. For example, in the program of Fig. 1 (right), the while loop on line 7 is dependent on the statement K := K + 1 on line 11 because the condition on line 6 is data-dependent on line 11, and line 7 is control-dependent on line 6. The set of all nodes on which a node \( b \) depends is called \( b \)’s backward slice.

Definition 6

(Dependence and Backward Slice). The dependence relation \(\text{ dep }_G\) for CFG G is defined as \((\text{ dd }_G \cup \text{ cd }_G)^{*}\). The backward slice of node b, \(\text{ BS }_G( b ) = \{ b ' ~|~ \text{ dep }_G( b ', b ) \}\), is the set of all nodes on which \( b \) is dependent.

Information Flow Control Using Dependency Analysis. The dependence relation \(\text{ dep }_G\) captures all explicit and implicit flows, and, hence, can be used for enforcement of information flow policies. There are well-known algorithms to compute dependencies and backward slices efficiently, e.g., [26]. This analysis is already implemented in SPARK. However, noninterference enforced this way is progress-insensitive because the dependency analysis described above does not take into account nonterminating loops. For instance, the program of Fig. 1 (right) passes SPARK’s dependency analysis, even though it leaks H to a progress-sensitive adversary who can observe K. Additionally, the method so far has been limited to sequential programs where the adversary makes only one observation at the end of the program. We explain how the method can be adapted to enforce progress-sensitive noninterference on reactive programs, additionally accounting separately for output content and output presence.

Progress-sensitive Dependence. A leak due to progress happens when an attacker-visible output is pre-empted due to the nontermination of a branch with a secret branch condition. Our simple insight is that such leaks can be detected by a dependence analysis if we ensure the following:

Requirement 1

An output that can be reached after the end of a branch is dependent on the branch point if some loop in the branch may diverge.

To implement Requirement 1, we use a static termination analysis, often called a termination oracle [17, 27, 45]. This oracle determines which loops in the program may diverge. We add an edge from every node in such a loop to the \(\mathsf {END}\) node of the CFG. It is easy to check that the modified CFG satisfies Requirement 1 if the termination oracle is sound, i.e., it flags all loops that diverge on some input. A trivial, sound termination oracle marks every loop as potentially non-terminating. The use of this oracle in our analysis causes every program that contains an attacker-visible output after a loop with a secret loop condition to be marked as leaky, irrespective of whether or not the loop diverges, which may result in false positives. This corresponds exactly to termination-sensitive analyses developed by Smith [41] and Boudol and Castellani [13]. False positives can be reduced using a more precise termination oracle. For example, the program does not have a flow (via progress or otherwise) from the input variable h to the output variable l, but the trivial oracle above will cause this program to be marked leaky by the analysis. On the other hand, a slightly better oracle that uses symbolic analysis to infer that is always false will cause the program to be accepted. In general, fewer false positives in the termination oracle translate to fewer false positives in our dependence analysis. Consequently, we present our analysis parametrically in the termination oracle, leaving it to the specific implementation to decide how many resources to devote to the oracle (and, hence, how much precision to obtain).

Definition 7

(Termination Oracle). A termination oracle T is a function that maps a CFG to a subset of the CFG’s nodes. T is sound if for every CFG \(G\) and every node \( b \in G\), \( b \in T(G)\) if there is a memory m and environment e such that b appears infinitely often in the reduction sequence starting from the state \((e, m, \mathsf {START})\).

Definition 8

(Progress-sensitive Graph). Given a control flow graph \(G\) and a termination oracle T, the progress-sensitive CFG \(\text{ ps }_T(G)\) is defined by adding to \(G\) the edges \(\{( b , \mathsf {END}) ~|~ b \in T(G) \}\).

For the program of Fig. 1 (right), a sound termination oracle T will say that the while loop on line 7 is nonterminating and, hence, \(\text{ ps }_T(G)\) will contain an edge from the branch condition of the loop to the end of the program. This makes the output statement on line 5 dependent on the branch condition and, hence, a dependency analysis will discover the progress leak in the program. Note that \(\text{ ps }_T(G)\) may not correspond to any block-structured program.

Enforcing PSNI with Content and Presence Distinction. Our analysis takes as input a policy \( f \) and a program \( {p}\). It works as follows. Let G be \( {p}\)’s CFG. We compute the progress-sensitive CFG \(G' = \text{ ps }_T(G)\). Then, for each node \( b \in G'\) that outputs to some channel \( c \), we compute the backward slice of \( b \) in \(G'\), and check that the policy relation \(\kappa \) allows a flow to \( c \) from any channel \( c '\) on which an input is made in the backward slice. This ensures that information flows to the content of messages on \( c \) only in accordance with the policy. To account for flows due to presence of outputs on \( c \), we compute a second backward slice from the same node \( b \), but after erasing the payload of the output in \( b \). We check that the policy relation \(\pi \) (not \(\kappa \)) allows a flow to \( c \) from any channel \( c '\) on which an input is made in this backward slice. Thus, by computing two backward slices per output node, we capture separate observations of content and presence. In the sequel, we assume a fixed policy \(f = (\kappa , \pi )\).

Definition 9

(Enforcement of PSNI). Let \( {p}\) be a program with CFG \(G\). Let \(G' = \text{ ps }_T(G)\). We say \( {p}\) passes the \(\textsc {psni}\) enforcement, written \(\mathsf {check}_T( {p})\), if the following hold for any node \( b \) of the form in \(G'\):

  1. 1.

    If then \( c ' \in \kappa ( c )\).

  2. 2.

    If then \( c ' \in \pi ( c )\), where \(\hat{G}'\) is obtained by replacing \( b \) with in \(G'\).

Our main theorem is that the enforcement above is sound: If \(\mathsf {check}_T( {p})\), then \( {p}\) satisfies \(\textsc {psni}\). We prove the theorem using bisimulations on backward slices [1]. Our proof is inspired by a related proof for enforcement of progress-insensitive noninterference in a sequential language [50]. In contrast to that proof, our proof captures progress-sensitive noninterference for a reactive language. Handling reactivity is quite involved: With multiple outputs, we have to argue that the order of observable outputs (at different program points) is independent of secret inputs. To do this, we construct a hypothetical slice that is the union of slices from all outputs visible to a given adversary. See the appendix for details.

Theorem 1

(Soundness of Enforcement). If T is a sound termination oracle and \(\mathsf {check}_T( {p})\), then \( {p}\) satisfies \(\textsc {psni}\).

6 Source-to-Source Transform

The previous section describes a CFG transformation which ensures Requirement 1 – that any outputs after a potentially divergent branch depend on the branch’s condition, which is used to enforce \(\textsc {psni}\). In this section, we describe a source-to-source transform that also implies Requirement 1. The transform can be used to enforce \(\textsc {psni}\) using a standard, unmodified (and, hence, closed-source) dependency analysis of the kind that exists for SPARK.

The goal of our source-to-source transform, like the CFG transform, is to add a direct path from every potentially infinite loop to the end of the program. If the existing dependency analysis supports programmatic exceptions, then the transform is trivial: Just before every potentially infinite loop (identified by the oracle T), we add a statement to raise an unhandled exception, conditional on an unsatisfiable predicate. This has the effect of simulating an edge from the loop to the end of the program because the exception is not handled anywhere. It is quite easy to see that this has the same effect as the CFG transform. For example, the program in the right of Fig. 1 would be transformed to the program in the left of Fig. 4. Observe the new line 12 with the raise statement.

Fig. 4.
figure 4figure 4

Source-to-source transformation of the program in the left of Fig. 1, using exceptions (left) and using an emulation of exceptions (right)

If the flow analysis, like SPARK, does not track flows through exceptionsFootnote 1, then the source-to-source transform can emulate an exception by adding a new boolean variable, say E, initially set to 0. E is set to 1 where the exception is to be raised, and the program is transformed to check that E is still 0 before executing any statement or entering any branch of the original program. This ensures that once the exception is “raised” (E is set to 1), no statement from the original program executes and control propagates to the end of the program silently. This transform can be defined formally, but we only illustrate it for the progress leak in Fig. 1 in the right panel of Fig. 4. Observe that there is now a dependency between the branch condition and the output statement on line 10.

We note that to enforce \(\textsc {psni}\), the dependency analysis should be applied directly to the output of either of the two transforms described above, without any intervening compiler optimizations. Such optimizations can negate the effects of our transforms. For instance, constant propagation followed by dead code elimination would remove the two raise statements on lines 7 and 12 in the left panel of Fig. 4 and, hence, also remove the control dependencies introduced deliberately by the transform.

7 Case Study

We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach on a nontrivial application by implementing a control system for a cruise missile (derived from publicly available code by Hilton [25]), and applying our approach on the code to prove desired properties. The code steers the missile towards a target coordinate, and detonates a nuclear warhead once within range, or self-destructs in the event that a device fails. The code is intended to be an illustrative model native to the domain of SPARK. The code makes several simplifications (e.g. the missile flies in 2D space), and there are many safety- and mission-critical considerations for more realistic missile control systems that we have not considered. For details on such considerations, see Hilton [25]. We give an overview of our case study (all our code is online [49]).

The missile has three sensors: a failure detector, which reports when a device has failed; an intertial navigation system, which provides spatial orientation and displacement readings (via accelerometers and a ring laser gyroscope) for navigation by dead reckoning; and a clock, used to calculate orientation and displacement from accelerometer readings through integration. Using these readings, the code controls three actuators: a watchdog, which, if not actuated at regular intervals, triggers self-destruction (to avoid unwanted consequences of device or software failure); a nuclear warhead, which is detonated when the missile reaches its target; and steering, consisting of aerodynamic fins which the code actuates for trajectory corrections. Architecturally, our code draws inspiration from an existing case study on implementing a controller for a water boiler [43, Section 7]. The Main module consists of a sense-control-actuate loop, in which it commands the sensor modules to read from their device, uses these readings to compute values to control the actuators, and invokes the actuator modules to actuate their device. The inter-module information flows are given in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5figure 5

Inter-module information flows in the missile control system

To illustrate our approach, we aim to prove that orientation does not affect self-destruction. The body of the Main procedure, in the left of Fig. 6, is of primary concern. Without our approach, since SPARK assumes loops terminate, reaching “Watchdog.Actuate” in each iteration is deemed inevitable by SPARK, so SPARK (incorrectly) claims the presence of a destruct event does not depend on any input. However, if we instead apply the SPARK analysis on the code resulting from applying our source-to-source analysis from Sect. 6 on the missile control system source code, we get a different result: SPARK (correctly) infers that the presence of a destruct event depends only on device failure. This can be seen by inspecting the result of the transformation of the main loop, in the right of Fig. 6. Since both loops are of the form “while True loop”, any sound termination oracle would flag them both as possibly diverging. Hence we emulate a raised exception before both loops, and add a check on variable \(\texttt {E}\) to each branch. SPARK no longer deems that reaching “Watchdog.Actuate” is inevitable; it now depends on the value of E. SPARK deems that the value of E depends on Destruct, since there is an assignment to E under a branch on Destruct. Since Destruct depends only on device failure, and since the only other assignment to E branches only on E, self-destruction depends only on device failure.

8 Related Work

We focus on the three most closely related areas of work: information flow tools, progress-sensitive security, and information flow analysis for SPARK.

Information Flow Tools. As mentioned before, much progress has been made on enforcement of increasingly rich policies for increasingly expressive programming languages. This has resulted in tools for mainstream programming languages as FlowFox [22], JSFlow [24] and IFC4BC [10] for JavaScript, Jif [30], Paragon [14] and JOANA [23] for Java, FlowCaml [40] for Caml, LIO [47] for Haskell, and SPARK flow analysis [9] for SPARK. With the exception of the latest versions of LIO, these tools target progress-insensitive noninterference [7, 8, 12], allowing secrets to affect progress of public computation. With the focus on the termination and timing channels, Stefan et al. [46] introduced restrictions in LIO on side effects that follow secret branching, which help enforce stronger policies.

Fig. 6.
figure 6figure 6

Main loop, before (left) and after (right) transformation

Progress-sensitive Security. Progress-sensitive noninterference [6, 8, 12, 31, 32] (\(\textsc {psni}\)) disallows progress leaks. \(\textsc {psni}\) is not susceptible to laundering secrets by brute-force attacks [7] or re-running programs [11]. A typical approach to enforcing \(\textsc {psni}\) is to disallow loops with secret guards, going back to Volpano and Smith’s technique to deal with termination leaks [48], or to allow loops with secret guards but prohibit assignments to public variables that follow such loops [13, 41]. While the theory of progress-sensitive security has been explored [6, 8, 12, 31, 32], our work connects the theory with tools, showing how we can leverage a progress-insensitive tool (SPARK’s flow analysis) to achieve \(\textsc {psni}\). Related to our source-to-source transform, Russo et al. [36] discuss magnification patterns in the context of distinguishing flows in malicious and nonmalicious code. A magnification pattern in a control-flow graph consists of a branching on a secret guard inside of a loop. We note that in the absence of such patterns (as is sometimes the case in nonmalicious code [36]), progress-sensitive security and progress-insensitive security coincide. Moore et al. [28] use termination oracles for termination-sensitive tracking. Their prototype implementation utilizes an SMT solver to analyze examples in a simple imperative language. While related, there are several distinguishing features of our work: we focus on practical information flow control in SPARK and push the approach to the full SPARK language; our case study goes beyond code snippets to a suite for a missile controller; on the theoretical side, our framework is graph-based, which opens up possibilities for natural adoption to other graph-based tools such as JOANA [23].

Information flow Analysis in SPARK. A line of work by Amtoft et al. shares with our work the motivation to improve SPARK’s information flow analysis. Based on an expressive information logic [2], they enhance the information flow contract language to support compositional policies and conditional information flows [5]. They improve the precision of the analysis by breaking out of a limitation of the original analysis that treats arrays as indivisible entities and evaluate the approach on a collection of SPARK programs [4]. They extend the logical framework to produce machine-checkable formal certificates of correctness for verified code [3]. Extending the results by Amtoft et al. to guarantee progress-sensitive security is a promising direction for future work.

9 Conclusion

This paper puts a spotlight on the SPARK flow analysis. Articulating the boundaries of what is achievable by the analysis, we spell out the attacks to exploit such channels as termination, progress, resource exhaustion, and timing channels. We suggest how to harden the analysis to achieve security against stronger attackers, with the focus on progress-sensitive security as our baseline. Instead of redesigning and reimplementing the enforcement, we show how to leverage known flow analyses for weaker attackers by a transform on program dependence graphs. The graph transform represents termination and progress flows by injecting additional edges. We establish the soundness of this approach for a core language and demonstrate that it can be applied as a source-to-source transform of SPARK code when modifying the compiler is undesirable. A case study with a control unit of a missile written in SPARK 2014 indicates the usefulness of the approach. Future work is focused on enriching the policy and enforcement mechanisms with possibilities for declassification [38], a feature on the wish list of the SPARK developers [35]. We are also interested in extending the framework with treating resource exhaustion and timing leaks and exploring more sophisticated attacks.