
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Performance evaluation is an effective and inexpensive method for assessing research results [13], and in some communities, like high-performance computingFootnote 1, transactional processing in databasesFootnote 2, natural-language requirements processingFootnote 3, and others, performance benchmarking is standardized. Tools for automatic verification, such as solvers and verifiers, are also evaluated using performance benchmarking [3], i.e., measuring execution time, memory consumption, and other performance characteristics. Benchmarking is necessary for comparing different tools of the same domain, evaluating and comparing different features or configurations of the same tool, or for finding out how a single tool performs on different inputs or during regression testing. The ability to limit resource usage (e.g., memory consumption) of a tool during benchmarking is also a requirement for reproducible experiments. To receive reproducible results from experiments, a benchmarking infrastructure should guarantee that the data are obtained by reliable and valid measurement. Also competitions, like SAT-COMP [1], SMT-COMP [2], and SV-COMP [3], require exact measuring of resource consumption, and, in order to guarantee fairness, need to enforce the agreed resource limits accurately. For example, in the International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP), all tools are limited to 15 min of CPU time and 15 GB of RAM [3]. Results from the tools are only counted if none of these limits exceeded.

Results are reproducible if it is guaranteed that the same results can be obtained later again (assuming a deterministic tool) by re-running the benchmarks on a machine with the same hardware and the same software versions. Reproducibility of experimental results requires reliable measurement. We call a measurement reliable, if the measurement method ensures accuracy (small systematic and random measurement error, i.e., no bias or “volatile” effects, resp.) and sufficient precision [7] (cf. also ISO 3534-2:2006). While it may appear that measuring execution time is trivial, a closer look reveals that quite the contrary is the case. In many circumstances, measuring the wall time, i.e., the elapsed time between start and end of a task, is not enough because this does not allow to compare the resource usage of multi-threaded tools, and may be inadvertently influenced by input/output operations (I/O). Measuring the CPU time is more meaningful but also more difficult, especially if child processes are involved. Furthermore, characteristics of the machine architecture such as hyper-threading or non-uniform memory access can non-deterministically affect results and need to be considered carefully in order to obtain reproducible results. Obtaining reliable measurement values on memory consumption is even harder, because the memory that is used by a process may increase or decrease at any point in time. Similarly, the limits on memory consumption must not be exceeded at any point in time during the execution of the tool. Again, child processes add further complications. Another important aspect is the potentially huge heterogeneity between different tools in a comparison: tools are written in different programming languages, require different libraries, may spawn child processes, write to storage media, or perform other I/O. All of this has to be considered in the design of a benchmarking environment, ideally in a way that does not exclude any tools from being benchmarked.

1.1 Contributions

In this work, we present the following contributions towards reproducible benchmarking for all scenarios that are described above:

  • A set of necessary requirements that need to be fulfilled for reliable measurement and reproducible benchmarking are identified (Sect. 2).

  • We show that some existing methods for resource measurements and limitations do not fulfill these requirements and lead to invalid experimental results in practice (Sect. 3).

  • We describe how to implement a benchmarking environment on a Linux system which fulfills all mentioned requirements (Sect. 4).

  • The open-source implementation BenchExec is provided, a set of ready-to-use tools that fulfill the requirements for reproducible benchmarking. The tools were already used successfully in practice by competitions (Sect. 5).

1.2 Restrictions

In order to guarantee reproducible benchmarking, we need to introduce a few restrictions. However, we argue that there are important classes of tools that need to be benchmarked and for which these restrictions are acceptable, for example automatic solvers, verifiers, and similar tools. We only consider the benchmarking of tools that adhere to the following restrictions: The tool (1) is CPU-bound, i.e., if compared to CPU usage, input and output operations from and to storage media are negligible, and input and output bandwidth does not need to be limited nor measured (this assumes the tool does not make heavy use of temporary files); (2) does not perform network communication during the execution; (3) does not spread across several machines during execution, but is limited to a single machine; and (4) does not require user interaction.

These restrictions are acceptable, because (1) reading from storage media, apart from the input file, is not expected from tools in the target domains. In case a tool produces much output (e.g., by creating large log files), this would primarily have a negative impact on the performance of the tool itself, and thus does not need to be restricted by the benchmarking environment. Sometimes, I/O cannot be avoided for communicating between several processes, however, for performance this should be done without any actual storage I/O anyway (e.g., using pipes). Not supporting network communication is acceptable, because (2) we expect tools not to use any network communication. While it is in principle possible for a tool to offload work to remote servers [4], this would mean to exclude the offloaded work from benchmarking. In contrast to other ways that are shown in this paper that may allow circumventing limits imposed by the benchmarking framework, using network communication does not occur accidentally. Benchmarking a distributed tool (3) is much more complex and out of scope. However, techniques and ideas from this paper as well as our tool can be used on each individual host as part of a distributed benchmarking framework.

We do not consider security concerns. We assume the executed tool to be trusted, i.e., it will not maliciously try to interfere with measurements or other running processes. This could be addressed by running our benchmarking framework and the tool under different user accounts, but then the benchmarking framework needs additional rights (usually root access) that may not be available in every environment. We also do not consider the task of providing the necessary execution environment to the tool, i.e., the system administrator of the machines has to ensure that all necessary packages and libraries needed to run a tool are available in the correct versions. Furthermore, we assume that enough memory is installed to handle the operating system (OS), the benchmarking environment, and the benchmarked process(es) without swapping, and that no CPU-intensive tasks are running outside the control of the benchmarking environment. All I/O is assumed to be local, because network shares can have unpredictable performance.

These are well-justified requirements, needed for safe operation of our benchmarking environment, and fulfilled by setups of competitions like SV-COMP.

2 Requirements for Reliable Benchmarking

There exist two major difficulties that we need to consider for benchmarking. The first problem is that a tool may arbitrarily spawn child processes, and a benchmarking framework needs to handle this. Using child processes is common practice. For example, verifiers might start preprocessors, such as CPP, or solvers, like an SMT-backend, as child processes. Some tools start several child processes, each with a different analysis or strategy, running in parallel, while some verifiers spawn a separate child process to analyze counterexamples. In general, a significant amount of the resource usage can happen in one or many child processes that run sequentially or in parallel. Even if a tool is assumed to not start child processes, for comparability of the results with other tools it is still favorable to use a generic benchmarking framework that handles child processes correctly.Footnote 4

The second problem occurs if the benchmarking framework should assign specific hardware resources to tool runs, especially if such runs are executed in parallel and the resources need to be divided between them. Today’s machine architectures can be complex and a sub-optimal resource allocation can negatively affect the performance and lead to non-deterministic and thus non-reproducible results. Examples for differing machine architectures can be seen on the supplementary web page.Footnote 5

In the following, we list five specific requirements that address these problems and need to be followed for reproducible benchmarking. This list should serve as a checklist not only for implementors of benchmarking frameworks, but also for assessing the quality of experimental results in research reports.

2.1 Measure and Limit Resources Accurately

Time. The CPU time of a tool must be measured and limited accurately, including the CPU time of all child processes started by the tool.

Memory. For benchmarking, we are interested in the peak resource consumption of a process, i.e., in the smallest amount of resources with which the tool could successfully be executed with the same result. Thus the memory usage of a process is defined as the peak size of all memory pages that occupy some system resources. This means, for example, that the size of the address space of a process should not be measured and limited, because it may be much larger than the actual memory usage, for example due to memory-mapped files or due to allocated but unused memory pages (which do not actually take up resources because the Linux kernel lazily allocates physical memory for a process only when a virtual memory page is first written to, not when it is allocated). The size of the heap, however, may be too low if data are stored on the stack, and the so-called resident set of a process (the memory that is currently kept in RAM) does not include pages that are in use but swapped out.

If a tool spawns several processes, these can use shared memory such that the total memory usage of a group of processes is less than the sum of their individual memory usages. Shared memory occupies system resources only once and thus needs to be counted only once by the benchmarking framework.

Setting a limit on the memory usage is important and should always be done, because otherwise the amount of memory available to the tool is the amount of free memory in the system, which varies over time and depends on lots of external factors, preventing reproducible results.

2.2 Terminate Processes Reliably

If a resource limit is violated, it is necessary to reliably terminate the tool including all of its child processes. Even if the tool terminates itself, the benchmarking environment needs to ensure that all child processes are also terminated. Otherwise a child process could keep running and occupy CPU and memory resources, which might influence later benchmarks on the same machine.

2.3 Assign Cores Deliberately

Special care is necessary for the selection of CPU cores that are assigned to one tool run. For the OS, a core is a processing unit that allows execution of one thread. This means that if the CPU supports hyper-threading (i.e., the execution of several threads at the same time in the same physical CPU core), each of the virtual cores is treated as a separate core (processing unit) by the OS, i.e., the OS does not distinguish between virtual cores and physical cores. However, because two threads on different virtual cores in the same physical CPU core can influence the performance of each other, there should never be two simultaneous tool executions on two virtual cores of one physical core (just like there should never be two simultaneous tool executions sharing one virtual core). To show that this is important, we executed benchmarks using the verifier

figure b

on a machine with hyper-threading, and on purpose forced two parallel executions of the verifier on the same physical core. This increased the used CPU time by 41 %. More details on this benchmark can be found in the appendix.

Another restriction that should be followed is that the cores for one run should not be split across several CPUs if the run does not need more cores than one CPU can provide, because communication between cores on the same CPU is faster than between different CPUs, and cores share certain caches.

2.4 Respect Non-uniform Memory Access

Systems with several CPUs often have an architecture with non-uniform memory access (NUMA), which also needs to be considered by a benchmarking environment. In a NUMA architecture, a single processor or a group of processors can access parts of the system memory locally, i.e., directly, while other parts of the system memory are remote, i.e., they can only be accessed indirectly via another CPU, which is slower. The effect is that once a processor has to access remote memory, this leads to a performance degradation depending on the load of the inter-CPU connection and the other CPU. Hence, a single run of a tool should be bound to memory that is local to its assigned CPU cores, in order to avoid non-deterministic delays stemming from remote memory access. To show that this is important, we executed benchmarks using the verifier

figure c

on a machine with two CPUs and NUMA, and on purpose assigned the cores of one CPU and the memory attached to the other CPU to each run of the tool, such that all memory accesses were indirect. This increased the used CPU time by 11 %. More details on this benchmark can be found in the appendix.

2.5 Avoid Swapping

Swapping out memory must be avoided during benchmarking, because it may degrade performance in a non-deterministic way. This is especially true for the benchmarked process(es), but even swapping of an unrelated process can negatively affect the benchmarking, if the benchmarked process has to wait for more free memory to become available. Absolutely preventing swapping can typically only be done by the system administrator by turning off all available swap space. In theory, it is not even enough to ensure that the OS, the benchmarking environment, and the benchmarked processes all fit into the available memory, because the OS can decide to start swapping even if there is still memory available, for example, if it decides to use some memory as cache for physical disks. However, for benchmarking CPU-bound tools, with high CPU and memory usage, and next to no I/O, this is unlikely to happen with modern OS. Thus, the main duty of the benchmarking environment is to ensure that there is no overbooking of memory, and that memory limits are enforced effectively. It is also helpful if the benchmarking environment monitors swap usage during benchmarking and warns the user of any swapping.

3 Limitations of Existing Methods

Some of the existing tools and methods available on Linux systems for measuring resource consumption and for enforcing resource limits of processes have several problems that make them unsuitable for benchmarking, especially if child processes are involved. Any benchmarking environment needs to be aware of these limitations and avoid using naive methods for resource measurements.

3.1 Measuring Resources May Fail

Time. Measuring wall time is simple with high precision using standard tools and methods that operating systems and most programming languages provide.

Measuring CPU time of the main process of a tool, for example using the tool time or a variant of the system call wait (which returns the CPU time after the given process terminated), does not reliably include the CPU time of child processes that were spawned by the main process. The Linux kernel only adds the CPU time used by child processes to that of the parent process after the child process has terminated and the parent process waited for the child’s termination with a variant of the system call wait. If the child process has not yet terminated or the parent did not explicitly wait for its termination, the CPU time of the child is lost. This is a typical situation that might happen for example if a verifier starts an SMT solver as a child process and communicates with the solver via stdin and stdout. When the analysis finishes, the verifier would terminate the solver process, but usually would not bother to wait for its termination. A tool that runs different analyses in parallel in child processes would also typically terminate as soon as the first analysis returns a valid result, without waiting for the other analyses’ termination.Footnote 6 In these cases, a large share of the total CPU time is spent by child processes but not included in the measurement.

Memory. Some Linux tools only provide a view on the current memory usage of individual processes, but we need to measure the peak usage of a group of processes. Calculating the peak usage by periodically sampling the memory usage and reporting the maximum is inaccurate, because it might miss peaks of memory usage. If the benchmarked process started child processes, one has to recursively iterate over all child processes and calculate the total memory usage. This contains several race conditions that can also lead to invalid measurements, for example, if a child process terminates before its memory usage could be read. In situations where several processes share memory pages (e.g., because each of them loaded the same library, or because they communicate via shared memory), we cannot sum up the memory usage of all processes. Thus, without keeping track of every memory page of each process, manually filtering out pages that do not occupy resources because of lazy allocation, and counting each remaining page exactly once, the calculated value for memory usage is invalid.

3.2 Enforcing Limits May Fail

For setting resource limits, some users apply the tool ulimit, which uses the system call setrlimit. A limit can be specified for CPU time as well as for memory, and the limited process is forcefully terminated by the kernel if one of these limits is violated. However, similar to measuring time with system call wait, limits imposed with this method affect only individual processes, i.e., a tool that starts n child processes could use n times more memory and CPU time than allowed. Limiting memory is especially problematic because either the size of the address space or the size of the data segment (the heap) can be limited, which do not necessarily correspond to the actual memory usage of the process, as described above. Limiting the resident-set size (RSS) is no longer supported.Footnote 7 Furthermore, if such a limit is violated, the kernel terminates only the one violating process, which might not be the main process of the tool. In this case it depends on the implementation of the tool how such a situation is handled: it might terminate itself, or crash, or even continuously re-spawn the terminated child process and continue. Thus, this method is not reliable.

It is possible to use a self-implemented limit enforcement with a process that samples CPU time and memory usage of a tool with all its child processes, terminating all processes if a limit is exceeded, but this is inaccurate and prone to the same race conditions described above for memory measurement.

3.3 Terminating Processes May Fail

In order to terminate a tool and all its child processes, one could try to (transitively) enumerate all its child processes and terminate each of them. However, finding and terminating all child processes of a process may not work reliably for two reasons. First, a process might start child processes faster than the benchmarking environment is able to terminate them. While this is known as a malicious technique (“fork bomb”), it may also happen accidentally, for example due to a flawed logic for restarting crashed child processes of a tool. The benchmarking environment should guard against this, otherwise the machine might become unusable. Second, it is possible to “detach” child processes such that they are no longer recognizable as child processes of the process that started them. This is commonly used for starting long-running daemons that should not retain any connection to the user that started them, but also might happen incidentally if a parent process is terminated before the child process. In this case, an incomplete benchmarking framework could miss to terminate child processes.

The process groups of the POSIX standard (established with the system call setpgid) are not reliable for tracking child processes. A process is free to change its process group, and tools using child processes often use this feature.

4 State-of-the-Art Benchmarking with Cgroups

We listed aspects that are mandatory for reproducible benchmarking, and explained flaws of existing methods. In the following, we present a technology that should be used to avoid these pitfalls.

Control groups (cgroups) are a feature of the Linux kernel for managing processes and their resource usage, which is available since 2007 [11]. Differently from all other interfaces for these tasks, cgroups provide mechanisms for managing groups of processes and their resources in an atomic and race-free manner, and are not limited to single processes. All running processes of a system are grouped in a hierarchical tree of cgroupsFootnote 8, and most actions affect all processes within a specific cgroup. Cgroups can be created dynamically and processes can be moved between them. There exists a set of so-called controllers in the kernel, each of which affects and measures the consumption of a specific resource by the processes within each cgroup. For example, there are controllers for measuring and limiting CPU time, memory consumption, and I/O bandwidth.

The cgroups hierarchy is made accessible to programs and users as a directory tree in a virtual file system, which is typically mounted at /sys/fs/cgroups. Usual file-system operations can be used to read and manipulate the cgroup hierarchy and to read resource measurements and configure limits for each of the controllers (via specific files in each cgroup directory). Thus, it is easy to use cgroups from any kind of tool, including shell scripts. Alternatively, one can use a library such as libcg Footnote 9, which provides an API for accessing and manipulating the cgroup hierarchy. Settings for file permission and ownership can be used to fine-tune who is able to manipulate the cgroup hierarchy.

When a new process is started, it inherits the current cgroup from its parent process. The only way to change the cgroup of a process is direct access to the cgroup virtual file system, which can be prevented using basic file-system permissions. Any other action of the process, whether changing the process group, detaching from its parent, etc., will not change the cgroup. Thus, cgroups can be used to reliably track the set of (transitive) child processes of any given process by putting this process into its own cgroup. We refer to the manual for details.Footnote 10

The following cgroup controllers are relevant for reliable benchmarking:

cpuacct measures the accumulated CPU time that is consumed by all processes in each cgroup. A time limit cannot be defined, but can be implemented in the benchmarking environment by periodically checking the accumulated time.

cpuset allows to restrict the processes in each cgroup to a subset of the available CPU cores. On systems with more than one CPU socket and NUMA, it allows to restrict the processes to specific parts of the physical memory.

freezer allows to freeze all processes of a cgroup in a single operation. This can be used for reliable termination of a group of processes by freezing them first, sending all of them the kill signal, and afterwards unfreezing (“thawing”) them. This way the processes do not have the chance to start other processes because between the time the first and the last process receive the kill signal none of them can execute anything.

memory allows to restrict maximum memory usage of all processes together in each cgroup, and to measure current and peak memory consumption. If the defined memory limit is reached by the processes in a cgroup, the kernel first tries to free some internal caches that it holds for these processes (for example disk caches), and then terminates at least one process. Alternatively, instead of terminating processes, the kernel can send an event to a registered process, which the benchmarking framework can use to terminate all processes within the cgroup. The kernel counts only actually used pages towards the memory usage, and because the accounting of memory is done per memory page, shared memory is handled correctly (every page the processes use is counted exactly once).

The memory controller allows to define two limits for memory usage, one on the amount of physical memory that the processes can use, and one on the amount of physical memory plus swap memory. If the system has swap, both limits need to be set to the same value. If only the former limit is set to a specific value, the processes could use so much memory plus all of the available swap memory (and the kernel would automatically start swapping out the processes if the limit on physical memory is reached). Similarly, for reading the peak memory consumption, the value of physical memory plus swap memory should be used. Sometimes, the current memory consumption of a cgroup is not zero even after all processes of the cgroup have been terminated, if the kernel decided to still keep some pages of these processes in its disk cache. To avoid influencing the measurements of other runs by this, a cgroup should be used only for a single run and deleted afterwards, with a new run getting a new, fresh cgroup.Footnote 11

The numbering system of the Linux kernel (which is also used for restricting CPU cores with the cpuset controller) for a system with n physical cores across all CPU sockets is as follows: The id i for \(i\in [0,\ldots ,n-1]\) is assigned to the first virtual core (processing unit) of the i-th physical core in the system, and, in case there are physical cores with more than one virtual core, the id \(i+n\) is assigned to the second virtual core of the i-th physical core, and so on. For example, consider a system with 2 CPU sockets with 8 physical cores each and 2 virtual cores per physical core. There are 16 physical cores in the system, so ids 0–15 refer to the first virtual core of each of the physical cores, and ids 16–31 refer to the other virtual cores. The ids belonging to the first CPU are 0–7 and 16–23, the ids 8–15 and 24–31 belong to the second CPU. The ids of a pair of processing units on the same physical core differ by 16 in this machine, e.g., (virtual) cores 0 and 16 belong to the same physical core and should be used together. This information can be extracted from certain files in the directories or from /proc/cpuinfo.

5 BenchExec: A Framework for Reliable Benchmarking

In the following, we describe our implementation of a cgroups-based benchmarking framework that fulfills the requirements from Sect. 2 by using the techniques from Sect. 4. It is available as open source under the Apache 2.0 License on GitHubFootnote 12.

figure d

consists of two parts, both written in Python. The first is responsible for benchmarking a single run of a given tool, including the reliable limitation and accurate measurement of resources. This part is also designed such that it is easy to use from within other benchmarking frameworks. The second part is responsible for benchmarking a whole set of runs, i.e., running one or more tools on a collection of input files by delegating each run execution to the first part, which is responsible for a single run, and then aggregating the results.

5.1 System Requirements

In order to use the cgroup-based benchmarking framework

figure e

, a few requirements are necessary that may demand for assistance by the administrator of the benchmarking machine. Apart from running a Linux kernel, cgroups including the four controllers listed in the previous section must be enabled and the account for the benchmarking user needs the permissions to manipulate (a part of) the cgroup hierarchy. Any Linux kernel version of the last years is acceptable, though there have been performance improvements for the memory controller in version 3.3Footnote 13, and cgroups in general are still getting improved, thus, using a recent kernel is recommended. If the benchmarking machine has swap, swap accounting must be enabled for the memory controller. For enabling cgroups and giving permissions, we refer to standard Linux documentation.

After these steps, no further root access is necessary and everything can be done with a normal user account. Thus, it is possible to use machines for benchmarking that are not under own administrative control. By creating a special cgroup for benchmarking and granting rights only for this cgroup, it is also possible for the administrator to prevent the user from interfering with other processes and to restrict the total amount of resources that the benchmarking may use. For example, one can specify that a user may use only a specific subset of CPU cores and amount of memory for benchmarking, or partition the resources of shared machines among several users.

5.2 Benchmarking a Single Run

We define a run as a single execution of a tool, with the following input:

  • the full command line, i.e., the path to the executable with all arguments, and optionally,

  • the content supplied to the tool via stdin,

  • the limits for CPU time, wall time, and memory, and

  • the list of CPU cores and memory banks to use.

Executing a run produces the following output:

  • the exit code of the main process,

  • output written to stdout and stderr by the tool, and

  • the CPU time, wall time, and peak memory consumption of the tool.

The program runexec executes a run with the given input, provides the output, and ensures (using cgroups) adherence to the specified resource limits, reliable cleanup of processes after execution (i.e., no process survives), and accurate measurement of the resource usage. This program is runnable stand-alone, in which case the inputs are passed as command-line parameters. Alternatively, runexec is usable as a Python module for a more convenient integration into other Python-based benchmarking frameworks.

An example command line for executing a tool on all 16 (virtual) cores of the first CPU of a dual-CPU system, with a memory limit of 16 GB on the first memory bank and a time limit of 100 s is:

figure f

The output of runexec then looks as follows (log on stderr, result on stdout):

figure g

In this case, the run took 1.5 s of wall time, and the tool used 2.5 s of CPU time and about 130 MB of RAM before returning successfully (exit code 0). The same could be achieved from within a Python program with three lines of code by importing runexec as a module as explained in the documentationFootnote 14.

5.3 Benchmarking a Collection of Runs

Benchmarking typically consists of processing tool runs on hundreds or thousands of input files, and there may be several different tools or several configurations of the same tool that run on the same input files.

The program benchexec executes a collection of runs. It receives as input

  • a collection of input files,

  • the name of the tool to use,

  • command-line arguments for the tool to specify the configuration,

  • any limits for CPU time, wall time, memory, and number of CPU cores, and

  • the number of runs that should be executed in parallel.

These inputs are given in XML format; an example can be seen in the tool documentation\(^{14}\). Additionally, a tool-specific Python module needs to be written that contains functions for creating a command-line string for a run (including input file and user-defined command-line arguments) and for determining the result from the exit code and any output of the tool. Such a module typically has under 50 lines of Python code, and needs to be written only once per tool. We are often also interested in classifying the result into expected and incorrect answers.

figure h

currently supports this for the domain of automatic software verification, where it gets as input a property to be verified in the format used by SV-COMP [3]Footnote 15.

As an extension, benchexec and its input format also allow to specify different configuration options for subsets of the input files, as well as several different tool configurations at once, each of which will be benchmarked against all input files.

The program benchexec first tries to find a suitable allocation of the available resources (CPU cores and memory) to the number of parallel runs. It checks whether there are enough CPU cores and memory in the system to satisfy the core and memory requirements for all parallel runs. Then it assigns cores to each parallel run such that a run is not spread over different CPU sockets and different runs do not use virtual cores that belong to the same physical core, if this is possible. For memory, it ensures that enough memory is available for all runs and that every run uses only memory that is directly connected to the CPU socket(s) on which the run is executed (to avoid measurement problems due to NUMA). Thus, benchexec automatically guarantees valid resource allocations.

Afterwards, benchexec uses runexec to execute the benchmarked tool on each input file with the appropriate command line, resource limits, etc. It also interprets the output of the tool and determines whether the result was correct. The result of benchexec is a table (in XML format) that contains all information from the executed runs: returned result, exit code, CPU time, wall time, and memory usage. The output of the tool for each run is available in separate files. Additional information such as current date and time, the host and its system information (CPU and RAM), and the effective resource limits are also recorded.

The program table-generator allows to produce tables from the results of one or more executions of benchexec. If several result sets are given, they are combined and presented one per column group in the table, allowing to easily compare the results, for example, across different configurations or revisions of a tool, or across different tools. Each line of the generated table contains the result for one input file. There are columns for the output of the tool, the CPU time, the wall time, the memory usage, etc. These tables are written in two formats. A CSV-based format allows further processing, such as with gnuplot or R for producing plots and statistical evaluations, a spreadsheet program, or

figure j

for producing a paper by using a package for CSV import. The second format is HTML, which allows the user to view the tables conveniently with nothing more than a browser. The HTML table is interactive and generates scatter and quantile plots for selected columns, allows columns and rows to be filtered, and provides access to the text output of the tool for each individual run. Examples of such tables can be seen on the supplementary webpage.Footnote 16

If a tool outputs more interesting data (e.g., time statistics for individual parts of the analysis, number of created abstract states, or SMT queries), those data can also be added to the generated tables if a function is added to the tool-specific Python module which extracts such data values from the output of the tool. All features of the table (such as generating plots) are immediately available for the columns with such data values as well.

5.4 Discussion

We would like to discuss a few of the design decisions and goals of

figure k


figure l

aims at not impacting the external validity of benchmarks by avoiding to use an overly artificial environment (such as a virtual machine) or influencing the benchmarked process in any way (except for the specified resource limits). Resource limitations and measurements are done using the respective kernel features that are present and active on a standard machine anyway.

We designed

figure m

with extensibility and flexibility in mind. Support for other tools and result classifications can be added with a few lines of Python code. The program runexec, which does the actual benchmark execution and resource measurement, can be used separately as a stand-alone tool or a Python module, for example within other benchmarking frameworks. Result data are present as CSV tables, which allows processing with standard software.Footnote 17

We choose not to base

figure p

on a container solution such as LXC or Docker because, while these provide resource limitation and isolation, they typically do not focus on benchmarking. With containers, a fine-grained controlling of resource allocation as well as measuring of resource consumption may be difficult or impossible. Furthermore, requiring a container solution to be installed would significantly limit the amount of machines on which

figure q

can be used, for example, because on many machines (especially in bigger HPC clusters) the Linux kernel is too old, or such an installation is not possible due to administrative restrictions. Using cgroups directly minimizes the necessary version requirements, the installation effort, and the necessary access rights.Footnote 18

We use XML as input and output format because it is a structured format that is readable and writable by both humans and tools, and it is self-documenting. Users can also use comments in the input file. We can store not only customized result data, but also additional meta data in the result file. This allows to document information about the benchmarking environment, which is important in scientific work because it increases the reproducibility and trust of the results.

Python was chosen as programming language because it is expected to be available on every relevant Linux machine, and it is easy to write the tool-specific module even for people that do not have much experience in programming.

6 Related Work

Besides the issues that we discussed, there are more sources of non-deterministic effects that may influence performance measurement, such as size of environment variables and order of objects during linking [9].

For computer networking, the

figure s

project [6] also advocates reproducible experiments in their community. In order to achieve resource isolation of processes that belong to different virtual hosts, the project relies on cgroups.

In the verification community, there exist several benchmarking tools that have the same intent and features as our benchmarking framework. However, as of April 2015, no tool we investigated fulfills all requirements for reliable benchmarking, which are presented in Sect. 2. In the following, we discuss several existing benchmarking tools in their latest versions as of April 2015. Our selection is not exhaustive, because there exist many such tools.

The tool

figure t

Footnote 19, in version 1.7, allows to benchmark another executable and limits both CPU time and memory. It does so by sampling time and memory consumption recursively for a process hierarchy, and thus cannot guarantee accurate measurements and limit enforcement. The tool cannot terminate a process hierarchy reliably, because it only terminates the main process with kill. The tool

figure u

Footnote 20, a port of

figure v

to the Python programming language, has a few more features, such as setting the CPU affinity of a process, and aims at killing process hierarchies more reliably. However, in the latest version 2.11, it does not use cgroups and also takes sample measurements recursively over process hierarchies, which —like all sampling-based methods— is not accurate.

The Satisfiability Modulo Theories Execution Service (SMT-Exec)Footnote 21 was a solver execution service provided by the SMT-LIB initiative. For enforcing resource limits, SMT-Exec used the tool

figure w

Footnote 22. It uses the system calls wait and setrlimit, and thus, is prone to the restrictions argued in Sect. 3.

StarExec [12], a web-based service developed at the Universities of Iowa and Miami, is the successor of SMT-Exec. The main goal of StarExec is to facilitate the execution of logic solvers. The Oracle Grid Engine takes care of queuing and scheduling runs. For measuring CPU time and memory consumption, as well as enforcing resource limits, StarExec delegates to

figure x

Footnote 23 [10], available in version 3.3.5, that also is prone to the limitations (Sect. 3).

The CProver Benchmarking Toolkit (

figure y

)Footnote 24, available in version 0.5, ships helpers for verification-task patch management and result evaluation, and also supports benchmarking. However, the limits for CPU time and memory are enforced by ulimit Footnote 25, and thus, the benchmarking is not accurate.

The Versioning Competition Workflow Compiler (

figure aa

) [5] is an effort to create a fault-tolerant competition platform that supports competition maintainers in order to minimize their amount of manual work. This project, in the latest development versionFootnote 26, defines its own benchmarking container, also relying on ulimit to enforce time limits. If the administrator of the benchmarking machine manually designed and created a cgroup hierarchy that enforces an appropriate partitioning of CPU cores and memory nodes, and defined a memory limit, the scripts of

figure ab

can execute runs within these existing cgroups, but they cannot automatically create the appropriate cgroups like

figure ac

. Furthermore, measurement of CPU time and memory, as well as termination of processes, is not implemented with cgroups, and hence, may fail.

The tool

figure ad

 [8], available in version \(\beta 2\), is also used for competitions, where participants submit a virtual-machine (VM) image with their tool and all necessary software.

figure ae

executes the tool within an instance of this VM and measures the resource usage of the tool and the OS in the VM together. Our framework executes all tools natively on the host system and allows precise measurement of the resource consumption of the tool in isolation, without influence from factors such as the VM’s OS.

figure af

measures CPU time and memory consumption of the VM using sampling with the performance monitoring tool sysstatFootnote 27.

figure ag

does not ensure that the CPU cores and the memory for a run are assigned such that hyper-threading and NUMA are respected. For each single run with

figure ah

, i.e., each pair of tool and input file, a new VM has to be booted, which on average takes 40 s to complete [8]. Execution of a tool inside a VM can also be slower than directly on the host machine. Our approach based on cgroups has a similar effect of isolating the resource usage of individual runs but comes at practically zero overhead. Our tool implementation was successfully used in SV-COMP’15, in which 54 000 runs were executed, consuming a total of 120 CPU days [3]. Using

figure ai

in this competition would have imposed an overhead of 25 CPU days for the 54 000 runs. When also counting runs that were executed by the competition organizers during the testing phase, the total increases to 170 000 runs and a prohibitive overhead.

7 Conclusion

The goal of this work is to establish a technological foundation for performance evaluation of tools that is based on modern technology and makes it possible to reliably measure and control resources in a reproducible way in order to obtain scientifically valid experimental data. First, we established reasons why there is a need for such a benchmarking technology in the area of automatic verification. Tool developers, as well as competitions, need reliable performance measurements to evaluate their research results. Second, we motivated and discussed several requirements that are indispensable for reproducible benchmarking and resource measurement, and also identified limitations and restrictions of existing methods. We demonstrate, using rather simple experiments on a large set of tool runs, the high risk of invalidating measurements if certain technical constraints are not taken care of. Such problems have been detected in practice, and nobody knows how often they went unnoticed, and how many wrong conclusions were drawn from flawed benchmarks. In order to overcome the existing deficits and establish a scientifically valid method, we presented our lightweight implementation BenchExec , which is built on the concept of Linux cgroups. The implementation fulfills all requirements for reproducible benchmarking, since it avoids the pitfalls that existing tools are prone to. This is a qualitative improvement over the state-of-the-art, because existing approaches may produce arbitrarily large (systematic and random) measurement errors, e.g., if sub-processes or NUMA are involved.

figure aj

is not just a prototypical implementation. The development of

figure ak

was driven by the demand for reproducible scientific experiments in our research projects (for the

figure al

project, we execute about 2 million tool runs per month in our research lab) and during the repeated organization of the International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP). Especially in the experiments of SV-COMP, we learned how difficult it can be to accurately measure resource consumption for a considerable zoo of tools that were developed using different technologies and strategies.

figure am

makes it easy to tame the wildest beast, and was successfully used to benchmark 22 tools in SV-COMP’15Footnote 28, with all results approved by the 77 authors of these tools.