1 Introduction

Few formal language research results have greater practical reach than regular expressions. As a result the practical implementations [5] have in many ways surged ahead of research, with new features which require underpinnings different from the original theory. Practical implementations perform matching as a form of parsing, using capturing groups, outputting what subexpression matched which substring. A popular implementation strategy, still very common [2], is a worst-case EXPTIME depth-first search for such parses. A more formal approach suggests using finite transducers, outputting annotations on the string to signify the nature of the match [9]. This is complicated by the matching semantics dictating a single output string for each input string, using rules to determine a “highest priority” match among the potentially exponentially many possible ones (for contrast e.g. [3] discusses non-deterministic capturing groups).

The pNFA (prioritized non-deterministic finite automaton) model of [2] (similar results were also published mere weeks later in [7]) provides the right level of abstraction to model the matching time behavior of regular expression matchers. However, for matchers based on an input directed depth first search, it does not provide an understanding of why practical regular expression matchers often (indirectly) use the pNFA model, and in particular, there is no notion of when one pNFA is equivalent to another. By adding output to pNFA to obtain pTr (prioritized transducers), we obtain a better understanding of the usefulness of the prioritized automata/transducer model, and we also have the notion of equivalence of pTr, which is defined in terms of equality of the underlying functions represented by the pTr. A regular expression to transducer construction is done in [9], but it is remarked that translating regular expression matching directly into transducers is highly non-trivial. In Sect. 3, where we discuss conversion from regular expression to pTr, it will become clear that pTr are a perfect fit when converting regular expressions to transducers. We also discuss a linear-time matching algorithm for pTr (i.e. determining the image of input strings), generalizing e.g. [6] which operates directly on expressions, and mirroring work by Russ Cox [4] which is to a great extent not formally published.

The outline of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we define prioritized automata and transducers. After that, we show how to adapt the standard Thompson construction, from [10], for converting regular expressions to non-deterministic finite automata, to the more general setting of converting regular expressions to prioritized transducers. This is followed by a normal form for prioritized transducers, so called flattened prioritized transducers, that simplifies the following discussions on deciding equivalence of and parsing with pTr.

2 Definitions

Let \({\text {dom}}(f)\) and \({\text {range}}(f)\) denote the domain and range of a function f respectively. When unambiguous let a function f with \({\text {dom}}(f) = S\) generalize to \(S^*\) and \(\mathcal {P}(S)\) element-wise. By \(\mathcal {P}(S)\), we denote the power set of a set S. The cardinality of a (finite) set S is denoted by |S|. We denote by \({\mathbb {N}}\) the set of natural numbers, i.e. the set \(\{1,2,3,\ldots \}\). The empty string is denoted \({\varepsilon }\). An alphabet \({\varSigma }\) is a finite set of symbols with \({\varepsilon }\notin {\varSigma }\). We denote \({\varSigma }\cup \{{\varepsilon }\}\) by \({\varSigma }^{\varepsilon }\). For any string w let \(\pi _S(w)\) be the maximal subsequence of w containing only symbols from S (e.g. \(\pi _{\{a,b\}}(abcdab) = abab\)). For sequences \(s=(z_{1,1},\ldots ,z_{1,n})\ldots (z_{m,1},\ldots ,z_{m,n})\in (Z_1\times \ldots \times Z_n)^*\), we denote by \(\sigma _i(s)\) the subsequence of tuples obtained from s by deleting duplicates of tuples in s and only keeping the first occurrence of each tuple, where equality of tuples are based only on the value of the ith component of a tuple (e.g. \(\sigma _1((1,a) (2,a) (1,b) (3,b) (2,c)) = (1,a) (2,a) (3,b)\)). For each \(k>1\), we denote by \(B_k\) the alphabet of k types of brackets, which will be represented as \(\{ [_1, ]_1, [_2, ]_2,\ldots [_k, ]_k\}.\) The Dyck language \(D_k\) over the alphabet \(B_k\) is the set of strings representing well balanced sequences of brackets over \(B_k\).

As usual, a regular expression over an alphabet \({\varSigma }\) (where \({\varepsilon },\emptyset \notin {\varSigma }\)) is either an element of \({\varSigma }\cup \{\varepsilon ,\emptyset \}\) or an expression of one of the forms \((E\mathop |E')\), \((E\cdot E')\), or \((E^*)\), where E and \(E'\) are regular expressions. Some parentheses can be dropped with the rule that \({}^*\) (Kleene closure) takes precedence over \(\cdot \) (concatenation), which takes precedence over \(\mid \) (union). Further, outermost parentheses can be dropped, and \(E\cdot E'\) can be written as \(EE'\). The language of a regular expression E, denoted \(\mathcal {L}(E)\), is obtained by evaluating E as usual, where \(\emptyset \) stands for the empty language and \(a\in {\varSigma }\cup \{\varepsilon \}\) for \(\{a\}\). The size of E, denoted |E|, is the number of symbols appearing in E. A capturing group is any parenthesized subexpression, e.g. (E). The matching procedure will also produce information about which substring(s) are matched by each capturing group. Thus brackets in regular expressions are used both for precedence and capturing, and in JavaFootnote 1 a non-capturing subexpression E is indicated by \((?\!\!:\!E)\). The precise matching and capturing semantics follow from Sect. 3. When we say that E matches a string w we mean that all of w is read by E, as opposed to \(vwv' \in \mathcal {L}(E)\), for \(v,v'\in {\varSigma }^*\), as some implementations do. This substring matching can be simulated in our model with the expression \(.^{*?}(R).^*\), where \(E^{*?}\) and \(E^*\) denotes respectively the lazy and greedy (both to be defined in Sect. 3) Kleene closure of E.

For later constructions we require a few different kinds of automata and transducers. First (non-)deterministic finite automata (and runs for them), followed by the prioritized finite automata from [2], which are used to model the regular expression matching behaviors exhibited by typical software implementations.

Definition 1

A non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) is a tuple \(A = (Q,{\varSigma },q_0,\delta ,F)\) where: (i) Q is a finite set of states; (ii) \({\varSigma }\) is the input alphabet; (iii) \(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial state; (iv) \(\delta : Q \times {\varSigma }^{\varepsilon }\rightarrow \mathcal {P}(Q)\) is the transition function; and (v) \(F\subseteq Q\) is the set of final states.

A is \({\varepsilon }\) -free if \(\delta (q,{\varepsilon }) = \emptyset \) for all q. A is deterministic if it is \({\varepsilon }\) -free and \(|\delta (q,\alpha )|\le 1\) for all q and \(\alpha \). The state size of A is denoted by \(|A|_Q\), and defined to be |Q|.

Definition 2

For a NFA \(A=(Q, {\varSigma }, q_0, \delta ,F)\) and \(w\in {\varSigma }^*\), a run for w is a string \(r=s_0\alpha _1 s_1\cdots s_{n-1}\alpha _ns_n\in (Q \cup {\varSigma })^*\), with \(s_0=q_0\), \(s_i \in Q\) and \(\alpha _i\in {\varSigma }^{\varepsilon }\) such that \(s_{i+1}\in \delta (s_i,\alpha _{i+1})\) for \(0\le i<n\), and \(\pi _{\varSigma }(r)=w\). A run is accepting if \(s_n \in F\). The language accepted by A, denoted by \(\mathcal {L}(A)\), is the subset \(\{ \pi _{\varSigma }(r) \mid \) r is an accepting run in \(A \}\) of \({\varSigma }^*\).

Now for the prioritized NFA variant, as defined in [2].

Definition 3

A prioritized non-deterministic finite automaton (pNFA) is a tuple \(A=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2, F)\), where if \(Q:=Q_1\cup Q_2\), we have: (i) \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) are disjoint finite sets of states; (ii) \({\varSigma }\) is the input alphabet; (iii) \(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial state; (iv) \(\delta _1: Q_1 \times {\varSigma }\rightarrow Q\) is the deterministic, but not necessarily total, transition function; (v) \(\delta _2:Q_2 \rightarrow Q^*\) is the non-deterministic prioritized transition function; and (vi) \(F \subseteq Q_1\) are the final states.

Remark 4

For a pNFA \(A = (Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2, F)\) the corresponding finite automaton \({\text {nfa}}(A)\) is given by \({\text {nfa}}(A) = (Q_1\cup Q_2,{\varSigma }, q_0, \bar{\delta },F)\), where \( \bar{\delta }(q,\alpha ) = \{ \delta _1(q,\alpha )\}\) if \(q\in Q_1\), and \(\bar{\delta }(q,{\varepsilon }) = \{q_1,\dots ,q_n\}\) if \(q\in Q_2\) with \(\delta _2(q) = q_1 \ldots q_n\).

Next we define runs for pNFA. An accepting run for a string w in a pNFA A, is defined to be the highest priority accepting run of w in \({\text {nfa}}(A)\), not repeating the same \({\varepsilon }\)-transition in a subsequence of consecutive \({\varepsilon }\)-transitions. Prioritized NFA are thus on a conceptual level closely related to unambiguous NFA, since in an pNFA there is at most one accepting run for an input string. The repeated \({\varepsilon }\)-transition restriction is made to ensure that we consider only finitely many of the runs in \({\text {nfa}}(A)\) for a given input string w, when determining the highest priority path (referred to as a run in A) for w, and also to ensure that regular expression matchers based on pNFA/pTr do not end up in an infinite loop during (attempted) matching.

Definition 5

For a pNFA \(A=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2,F)\), a path of \(w\in {\varSigma }^*\) in A, is a run \(s_0 \alpha _1 s_1 \cdots s_{n-1}\alpha _ns_n\) of w in \({\text {nfa}}(A)\), such that if \(\alpha _i=\alpha _{i+1}=\ldots =\alpha _{j-1}=\alpha _{j}={\varepsilon }\), with \(i\le j\), then \((s_{k-1},s_{k})=(s_{l-1},s_{l})\), with \(i\le k,l \le j\), implies \(k=l\) – i.e. a path is not allowed to repeat the same transition in a sequence of \({\varepsilon }\)-transitions. For two paths \(p=s_0 \alpha _1 s_1 \cdots s_{n-1} \alpha _n s_n\) and \(p'=s_0' \alpha _1' s_1' \cdots s_{m-1}' \alpha _m' s_m'\) we say that p is of higher priority than \(p'\), \(p>p'\), if \(p\ne p'\), \(\pi _{{\varSigma }}(p) = \pi _{{\varSigma }}(p')\) and either \(p'\) is a proper prefix of p, or if j is the first index such that \(s_j\not = s'_j\), then \(\delta _2(s_{j-1})=\cdots s_j \cdots s'_j\cdots \). An accepting run for A on w is the highest-priority path \(p=s_0 \alpha _1 s_1 \cdots \alpha _n s_n\) such that \(\pi _{{\varSigma }}(p)=w\) and \(s_n \in F\). The language accepted by A, denoted by \(\mathcal {L}(A)\), is the subset of \({\varSigma }^*\) defined by \(\{ \pi _{\varSigma }(r) \mid \) r is an accepting run in \(A \}\) . Note that \(\mathcal {L}(A)=\mathcal {L}({\text {nfa}}(A))\).

Our definition of pNFA, compared to the one in [2], is slightly less general, since we assume that \(F\subseteq Q_1\), instead of \(F\subseteq Q\). This restriction was introduced to simplify our definitions, and the more general pNFA can be converted to pNFA with \(F\subseteq Q_1\), by introducing one new state \(q_F\in Q_1\) and \(\delta _2\) transitions from the old accepting states \(q\in Q_2\) to \(q_F\), where we give the new \(\delta _2\) transitions for example the highest priority of all \(\delta _2\) transitions at q. In [7], an ordered NFA, very similar to our definition of pNFA, is defined, with a single set of states Q and a transition function \(\delta : Q\times {\varSigma }\rightarrow Q^*\). We can simulate this with our pNFA, by decomposing \(q\mapsto \delta (q,a)\) into \(q\mapsto ^{\delta _1(\_,a)} q_a \mapsto ^{\delta _2(\_)}\delta (q,a)\), where \(q\in Q_1\) and \(q_a\in Q_2\). Note that we introduced pNFA (and runs in pNFA in Definition 5) mainly as an aid in defining runs in prioritized transducers in Definition 9 below.

Example 6

In Fig. 1(a), a Java based pNFA A for the regular expression \((a^*)^*\), constructed as described in [2], is given. The accepting run for the string \(a^n\), in A, is \(q_0q_1(q_2 a q_1)^nq_0q_3\). Since there are for the input strings \(a^n\), \(n\ge 0\), exponentially many paths in A, a regular expression matcher using an input directed depth first search (without memoization as in Perl), such as the Java implementation, will take exponential time to attempt to match the strings \(a^nx\), for \(n\ge 0\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) Java based pNFA for the regular expression \((a^*)^*\), i.e., the pNFA \(A=(\{q_2,q_3\},\{q_0,q_1\},\{a\}, q_0,\{(q_2,a,q_1)\}, \{[q_0,(q_1,q_3)], [q_1,(q_2,q_0)]\}, q_3).\) (b) Java based pTr with \({\varSigma }_1 = \{ a\}\) and \({\varSigma }_2 = \{[_1 ,]_1 \}\), for \((a^*)^*\). Lower priority transitions are indicated by dashed edges.

Recall that a transducer T (see for example [11], Definition 3.1) is a tuple \((Q,{\varSigma }_1,{\varSigma }_2,q_0,\delta ,F)\), where Q is a finite set of states, \({\varSigma }_1\) and \({\varSigma }_2\) the input and output alphabets respectively, \(\delta \subseteq Q\times {\varSigma }_1^{\varepsilon }\times {\varSigma }_2^*\times Q\) the set of transitions, \(q_0\) the initial state and F the set of final states. Accepting runs are defined as for NFA, but in a run when moving from state q to \(q'\) while reading input x and using the transition \((q,x,y,q')\), the string y is also produced as output. The state size of T, denote by \(|T|_Q\), is the number of states in T, the transition size, \(|T|_\delta \), is the sum of \((1+|y|)\) over all transitions \((q,x,y,q')\), and the size of T, denoted by |T|, is \(|T|_Q+|T|_\delta \). A transducer T defines a relation \(\mathcal{R}(T)\subseteq {\varSigma }_1^*\times {\varSigma }_2^*\), containing all pairs (vw) for which there is an accepting run reading input v and producing w as output while moving from the first to last state in the accepting run (i.e. v and w are the concatenation of the input symbols and output strings respectively, of all the transitions taken in the accepting run). As usual, we denote by \({\text {dom}}(T)\) the set \(\{ v\in {\varSigma }_1^*\mid (v,w)\in \mathcal{R}(T)\}\), and by \({\text {range}}(T)\) the set \(\{ w\in {\varSigma }_2^*\mid (v,w)\in \mathcal{R}(T)\}\). For functional transducers (see [8], Chapter 5), the relation \(\mathcal{R}(T)\) is a function, and we write \(T(v)=w\) if \((v,w)\in \mathcal{R}(T)\). Prioritized string transducers, defined next, also define relations, in this case contained in \({\varSigma }_1^*\times ({\varSigma }_1\cup {\varSigma }_2)^*\), which are in fact functions, and the notation \(\mathcal{R}(T)\), \({\text {dom}}(T)\), \({\text {range}}(T)\), and \(T(v)=w\) if \((v,w)\in \mathcal{R}(T)\), will thus also be used.

Definition 7

A prioritized non-deterministic finite transducer (pTr) is a tuple \(T=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, {\varSigma }_2, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2, F)\), where if \(Q:=Q_1\cup Q_2\), we have: (i)\(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) are disjoint finite sets of states; (ii) \({\varSigma }_1\) is the input alphabet; (iii)\({\varSigma }_2\), disjoint from \({\varSigma }_1\), is the group identifier or output alphabet; (iv)\(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial state; (v)\(\delta _1: Q_1 \times {\varSigma }_1 \rightarrow Q\) is the deterministic, but not necessarily total, transition function; (vi)\(\delta _2:Q_2 \rightarrow ({\varSigma }_2 ^* \times Q)^*\) is the non-deterministic prioritized transition and output function; and (vii)\(F \subseteq Q_1\) are the final states.

The state size of T is \(|T|_Q:= |Q_1|+|Q_2|\), the \(\delta _1\) transitions size \(|T|_{\delta _1}:=\sum _{q\in Q_1,a\in {\varSigma }_1}|\delta _1(q,a)|\) where \(|\delta _1(q,a)|=1\) if \(\delta _1(q,a)\) is defined and 0 otherwise, the \(\delta _2\) transitions size \(|T|_{\delta _2}:=\sum _{q\in Q_2}|\delta _2(q)|\) where \(|\delta _2(q)|\) equals \(\sum _i(1+|w_i|)\) if \(\delta _2(q)=(w_1,q_1)\ldots (w_n,q_n)\) (and \(|\delta _2(q)|=0\) if \(\delta _2(q)={\varepsilon }\)), the transitions size \(|T|_{\delta }:=|T|_{\delta _1}|+|T|_{\delta _2}\), and finally, the size of T is \(|T|:=|T|_Q+|T|_\delta \).

Remark 8

It is only in Sect. 3, when we construct pTr from regular expressions, where the assumption \({\varSigma }_1\cap {\varSigma }_2=\emptyset \) is required.

Going forward, when discussing a pTr T without being specific on the tuple, we assume that \(T=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, {\varSigma }_2, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2, F)\).

Next we define the semantics of pTr, which make them define partial functions from \({\varSigma }_1^* \) to \(({\varSigma }_1\cup {\varSigma }_2)^*\). The pTr are viewed as devices which consume strings in their domain, which is a subset of \({\varSigma }_1^*\), to produce output by decorating the input string with symbols from \({\varSigma }_2\). For a pTr \(T=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, {\varSigma }_2, q_0, \delta _1, \delta _2, F)\), \({\text {pnfa}}(T)\) is the pNFA \((Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, q_0, \delta _1, \delta '_2,F)\) obtained from T with \(\delta '_2(q)=q_1\ldots q_n\) if \(\delta _2(q)=(w_1,q_1)\ldots (w_n,q_n)\) for some \(w_i\in {\varSigma }_2 ^*\). For a pTr T, the runs in \({\text {pnfa}}(T)\) determine the decorated output string, in \(({\varSigma }_1\cup {\varSigma }_2)^*\), produced from a given input string in \({\varSigma }_1^*\). When applying the function \(\delta _1\) on \((q,\alpha )\), T produces \(\alpha \) as output, where when using \(\delta _2\) on q with \(\delta _2(q)=(w_1,q_1)\ldots (w_n,q_n)\), one of the \(w_i\)’s is produced as output.

Definition 9

Let \(T=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, {\varSigma }_2, q_0, \delta _1,\delta _2, F)\) be a pTr, and let Q denote \(Q_1\cup Q_2\) and \({\varSigma }\) the set \({\varSigma }_1\cup {\varSigma }_2\). An accepting run for \(v\in {\varSigma }_1^*\) in T is a string \(r=s_0\alpha _1 s_1\cdots s_{n-1}\alpha _ns_n\in (Q \cup {\varSigma }^{\varepsilon })^*\), \(s_i \in Q\) and \(\alpha _i\in ({\varSigma }_1\cup {\varSigma }_2)^*\), such that \(\pi _{Q \cup {\varSigma }_1}(r)\) is an accepting run of v in \({\text {pnfa}}(T)\), and if \(s_{i}\in Q_2\), with \(i<n\), then the sequence of tuples defined by \(\delta _2(s_i)\) contains \((\alpha _{i+1},s_{i+1})\) (and not necessarily at position \((i+1)\) of \(\delta _2(s_i)\)). The pTr T defines a partial function from \({\varSigma }_1^*\) to \({\varSigma }^*\) by \(T(v)=w\), if there is an accepting run r for v in T with \(\pi _{{\varSigma }}(r)=w\).

Remark 10

Note that for pTr we may assume that \(\delta _2(q)=(w_1,q_1)\ldots (w_n,q_n)\) implies that the states \(q_1,\ldots ,q_n\) are pairwise distinct, since if \(q_i=q_j\) with \(i<j\), then if the remainder of the input is not accepted from \(q_i\), it will also not be accepted from \(q_j\), and thus \((w_j,q_j)\) may be removed from \(\delta _2(q)\).

Example 11

In Fig. 1(b), a pTr T for the regular expressions \((a^*)^*\), constructed by the procedure described in the next section, is given. In this case, only the substrings matched by the subexpression \(a^*\), are captured, and the captured substrings are enclosed by the pair of brackets in \(B_1 =\{[_1 ,]_1 \}\). Also, \({\text {dom}}(T)\) is \(a^*\), and \(T(a^n)=[_1a^n]_1\) for \(n\ge 0\). It should be pointed out that the Java regular expression matcher in fact only prohibits duplicates of the \({\varepsilon }\) transitions \(q_1\rightarrow q_2\) and \(q_3\rightarrow q_4\) (in Fig. 1(b)) in a sequence of \({\varepsilon }\) transitions, and thus in the Java case we have \(T(a^n)=[_1a^n]_1[_1]_1\) for \(n\ge 1\). In general, the Java matcher only prohibits duplicates of the \({\varepsilon }\) transitions \(f_1\rightarrow q_1\) in the lazy and greedy Kleene closure in Figs. 2(c) and (d) in the next section. For the regular expressions \(R=(a)(a^*)\) and \(R'=(a^*)(a)\), we have \(\mathcal {L}(R)=\mathcal {L}(R')\), but the corresponding pTr T and \(T'\) are not equivalent, since \(T(a^n)=[_1a]_1[_2a^{n-1}]_2\not = [_1a^{n-1}]_1[_2a]_2 =T'(a^n)\), for \(n = 1\), or \(n\ge 3\). Note that the same subexpression in a regular expression may capture more than one substring, for example, if \(T''\) is a pTr for \((a^* |\,b)^*\), then \(T''(a^pb^qa^r)=[_1a^p]_1[_1b]_1\ldots [_1b]_1[_1a^r]_1\), for \(p,q,r > 0\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Java based regular expression to pTr constructions for (a) \((F_1F_2)\) (b) \((F_1\,|\,F_2)\) (c) \((F_1^*)\) and (d) \((F_1^{*?})\). Lower priority transitions are indicated by dashed edges. The pair of brackets \([\,,\ ]\) are used to indicate the substring or substrings captured by each of \(F_1F_2\), \(F_1\,|\,F_2\), \(F_1^*\), and \(F_1^{*?}\) respectively.

3 Converting Regular Expressions into pTr

Next we give a Java based construction to turn a regular expression E into an equivalent pTr \(\bar{J}^p(E)\) (refer to Fig. 2 for reference). If for a pTr T, we denote by u(T) the string transducer obtained by ignoring the priorities in T, then for \(w\in \mathcal {L}(E)\), \(u(\bar{J}^p(E))(w)\) gives all possible ways in which E can match w with capturing information indicated, while \(\bar{J}^p(E)(w)\) selects the highest priority match from \(u(\bar{J}^p(E)(w))\). Due to space limitations, it is not possible to describe the matching semantics of regular expression with capturing groups in terms of a non-deterministic parser or other means, and show that the constructed pTr produces equivalent output, but we hope that it will at least be intuitively clear that this can be done. See also [2] for a thorough argument for the pNFA case, which may be extended to pTr with some effort. As indicated in Example 11, we opt to deviate from the Java matching semantics (and follow RE2 matching semantics [4]) in cases where the Java matcher follows a non-empty capture of a subexpression F (with F being part of a larger subexpression \(F^*\)), by an empty capture with F. Our construction is similar to the Java based regular expression to pNFA constructions given in [2] (and the classical Thompson construction [10]), with the additional detail of adding a group opening symbol on the transition leaving the initial state, and a group closing symbol on the transition incoming to the final state, for the pTr constructed for each subexpression of E. Where required, a new initial state and/or final state is added to the constructions from [2], so that there is only a single \(\delta _2\) transition from the initial state, and similarly, only a single incoming \(\delta _2\) transition to the final state of a pTr.

We denote the set of subexpressions of E by \({\text {SUB}}(E)\). Assume \(F_1,\ldots ,F_k\) are the subexpressions in \({\text {SUB}}(E)\), with the order obtained from a preorder traversal of the parse tree of E, or equivalently, ordered from left to right, based on the starting position of each subexpression in the overall regular expression. Note if the same subexpression appears more than once in E, we regard these occurrences as distinct elements in \({\text {SUB}}(E)\). Also, let \(t:{\text {SUB}}(E)\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) be defined by \(t(F_i)=i\). To simplify our exposition of the regular expression to pTr construction procedure, we assume that matches by all subexpressions are captured, and that the pair of brackets \([_i,]_i\in B_k\) indicates matches by the i-th subexpression. The more general case of placing brackets only around the substrings matched by subexpressions that is marked as capturing subexpressions, is obtained by replacing some of the pairs of brackets by \({\varepsilon }\) (in our pTr constructions) and renumbering the remaining brackets appropriately.

For a regular expression E we define a prioritized transducer \(T:=\bar{J}^p(E)\) such that \({\text {dom}}(T)=\mathcal {L}(E)\), and \({\text {range}}(T)\) is contained in the shuffle of \({\text {dom}}(T)\) and the Dyck language \(D_k\). In fact, taking some F which is a subexpression of E, and \(v\in {\text {dom}}(T)\), if T(v) contains the substring \([_{t(F)} w ]_{t(F)}\), where \([_{t(F)}\) and \(]_{t(F)}\) are matching brackets, then \(\pi _{{\varSigma }_1}(w)\in \mathcal {L}(F)\) (recall that \(\pi _{{\varSigma }_1}(w)\) is obtained from w by deleting all brackets). Also, all output symbols from \({\varSigma }_1\) in T(v), are between matching brackets.

The classical Thompson construction converts the parse tree T of a regular expression E into an NFA, which we denote by \({\textit{Th}}(E)\), by doing a postorder traversal on T. An NFA is constructed for each subtree \(T'\) of T, equivalent to the regular expression represented by \(T'\). In [2] it was shown how to modify this construction to obtain a Java based pNFA denoted by \(J^p\!(E)\), instead of the NFA \({\textit{Th}}(E)\), from E. Here we take it one step further, and modify the construction of \(J^p\!(E)\) to return a pTr, denoted by \(\bar{J}^p(E)\), from E. Just as in the case of the constructions for \({\textit{Th}}(E)\) and \(J^p\!(E)\), we define \(\bar{J}^p(E)\) recursively on the parse tree for E. For each subexpression F of E, \(\bar{J}^p(F)\) has a single initial state with no incoming transitions and a single outgoing \(\delta _2\) transition, and a single final state with a single incoming \(\delta _2\) transition and no outgoing transitions. The constructions of \(\bar{J}^p(\emptyset )\), \(\bar{J}^p({\varepsilon })\), \(\bar{J}^p(a)\), and \(\bar{J}^p(F_1\cdot F_2)\), given that \(\bar{J}^p(F_1)\) and \(\bar{J}^p(F_2)\) are already constructed, are defined as for \({\textit{Th}}(E)\), splitting the state set into \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) in the obvious way. We also place the symbol \([_{t(F)}\in \varSigma _2\) on the \(\delta _2\) transition leaving the initial state of \(\bar{J}^p(F)\) and \(]_{t(F)}\) on the transition incoming to the final state of \(\bar{J}^p(F)\) (adding a new initial and/or final state if required).

When we construct \(\bar{J}^p(F_1 | F_2)\) from \(\bar{J}^p(F_1)\) and \(\bar{J}^p(F_2)\), and \(\bar{J}^p(F_1^*)\) from \(\bar{J}^p(F_1)\), the priorities of newly introduced \(\delta _2\)-transitions require attention. We also consider the lazy Kleene closure \(F_1^{*?}\). In the constructions (i) and (ii) below, we assume \(\bar{J}^p(F_i)\) (\(i\in \{1,2\}\)) has initial state \(q_i\) and the final state \(f_i\). Furthermore, \(\delta _2\) denotes the prioritized transition function in the newly constructed pTr \(\bar{J}^p(F)\). All non-final states in \(\bar{J}^p(F)\) that are in \(\bar{J}^p(F_i)\) inherit their outgoing transitions from \(\bar{J}^p(F_i)\). (i) If \(F = F_1|F_2\) then \(\bar{J}^p(F)\) is constructed by introducing new initial and final states \(q_0\in Q_2\) and \(f_0\in Q_1\), an additional new state \(q'\in Q_2\), merging the states \(f_1,f_2\in Q_1\) into a state denoted by \(f\in Q_2\), and defining \(\delta _2(q_0)=([_{t(F)},q')\), \(\delta _2(q')=({\varepsilon },q_1)({\varepsilon },q_2)\) and \(\delta _2(f)=(]_{t(F)},f_0)\). (ii) If \(F = F_1^*\) then we add new initial and final states \(q_0\in Q_2\) and \(f_0\) to \(Q_1\), and change \(f_1\) from being a state in \(Q_1\), to be in \(Q_2\). We define \(\delta _2(q_0)=([_{t(F)},f_1)\) and \(\delta _2(f_1)=({\varepsilon },q_1)(]_{t(F)},f_0)\). The case \(F=F_1^{*?}\) is the same, except that \(\delta _2(f_1)=(]_{t(F)},f_0)({\varepsilon },q_1)\). Thus \(\bar{J}^p(F^*)\) tries F as often as possible whereas \(\bar{J}^p(F^{*?})\) does the opposite.

Example 12

In Fig. 3(a), a pTr T for the regular expression \(({\varepsilon }\,|\,b )^*(b^*)\) is given. This regular expression has a subexpression \(F^*\), such that F matches \({\varepsilon }\). This is the so called problematic case in regular expressions matching, briefly discussed in [9]. In this example, the subexpression \(({\varepsilon }\,|\,b )^*\) will first match only \({\varepsilon }\), and will attempt to match more of the input string only if an overall match can not be achieved. Thus for the given pTr T, we have that \(T(b)=[_1]_1[_2 b]_2\). Regular expression matchers, such as RE2 [4], uses different matching semantics in the problematic case. The problematic case is also present in regular expressions with no explicit \({\varepsilon }\) symbols, such as \((a^*\, |\, b )^* (b^*)\). In Fig. 3(c) a pTr is given again for \(({\varepsilon }\,|\,b )^*(b^*)\), but this time obtained by using the modified greedy Kleene closure construction in Fig. 3(b). Note that \(T'(b)=[_1b]_1[_2 ]_2\), corresponding to how RE2 only matches non-empty words with F in a subexpression \(F^*\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) Java based pTr for \(({\varepsilon }|\,b)^*(b^*)\), (b) alternative \(F^*\) construction, and (c) pTr for \(({\varepsilon }|\,b)^*(b^*)\) using alternative \(F^*\) construction. Lower priority transitions are indicated by dashed edges.

4 A Normal Form for Prioritized Transducers

To simplify later constructions, we introduce flattening for pTr in this section. The main simplification obtained by flattening is that \(\delta _2\) loops such as \(q_1\rightarrow q_2 \rightarrow q_3 \rightarrow q_1\) in Example 11 are removed, making it unnecessary to require that there are no repetition of the same \(\delta _2\) transition in a subsequence of transitions without \(\delta _1\) transitions, as in Definition 5. These \(\delta _2\) loops are found in pTr obtained from problematic regular expressions, as discussed in Examples 11 and 12.

Definition 13

A pTr \(T=(Q_1, Q_2, {\varSigma }_1, {\varSigma }_2, q_0, \delta _1,\delta _2, F)\) is flattened if \(\delta _2(q)\in (\varSigma _2^*\times Q_1)^*\) for all \(q\in Q_2\).

We denote by \(r_T(Q_2)\) the subset of \(Q_2\) defined by \(Q_2 \cap (\{q_0\} \cup \{\delta (q,\alpha ) \mid q\in Q_1, \alpha \in {\varSigma }_1\})\), i.e. all \(Q_2\) states reachable from a \(Q_1\) state in one transition, and also the state \(q_0\) if it is in \(Q_2\). We denote the flattened pTr constructed in the proof of the next theorem, and equivalent to T, by \({\text {flat}}(T)\).

Theorem 14

\({\text {flat}}(T)\) can be constructed in time \({\mathcal O}(|Q_1||{\varSigma }_1|+|r_T(Q_2)||T|_{\delta _2})\).


We start with some preliminaries required to define \({\text {flat}}(T)\). For a pTr T, a sequence \(p_1\cdots p_n\) is a \(\delta _2\) -path if \(\delta _2(p_i) = \cdots (w_{i+1}, p_{i+1}) \cdots \) for all \(1\le i < n\) and \((p_i,p_{i+1}) = (p_j,p_{j+1})\) only if \(i=j\). The string \(w_2\cdots w_{n}\), obtained from the definition of a \(\delta _2\)-path, is denoted by \(o_T(p_1\cdots p_n)\). Let \(P_T\) be the set of \(\delta _2\)- paths. For \(p_1 \cdots p_n, p_1' \cdots p_m' \in P_T\) having \(p_1=p_1'\), we define \(p_1 \cdots p_n > p_1' \cdots p_m'\) if and only if either (i) \(p_1' \cdots p_m'\) is a proper prefix of \(p_1 \cdots p_n\), or (ii) the least i such that \(p_i\ne p_i'\) is such that \(\delta _2(p_{i-1}) = \cdots p_i \cdots p_i' \cdots \). Note this is similar to the definition of priorities of paths in Definition 5, but in this case restricted to \(\delta _2\)-paths, and allowing any starting state in \(Q_2\). Let \(P_{q,q'} = \max \{ p_1 \cdots p_n \in P_T \mid p_1=q,p_n = q'\}\), that is, the highest priority \(\delta _2\)-path from q to \(q'\) (if it exists).

We let \({\text {flat}}(T)\) be \((Q_1,r_T(Q_2),{\varSigma }_1,{\varSigma }_2,q_0,\delta _1,\delta _2',F)\), where \(\delta _2'\) is defined as follows. For \(q\in Q'_2\), let \(P_{q,q_1} < \cdots < P_{q,q_n}\) be all highest-priority \(\delta _2\)-paths which end in a state \(q_i \in Q_1\), ordered according to priority. We define \(\delta '_2(q):=(o_T(P_{q,q_1}),q_1)\cdots (o_T(P_{q,q_n}),q_n)\). To compute \(\delta '_2\), with duplicate tuples removed as in Remark 10, in time \(O(|r_T(Q_2)||T|_{\delta _2})\), repeat the following procedure for each \(q\in r_T(Q_2)\): Determine the highest priority \(\delta _2\)-path starting at q and ending in a state in \(Q_1\). If the ending state is \(q_1\in Q_1\) (determining \(P_{q,q_1}\)), remove \(q_1\) and all transitions going to or coming from \(q_1\) from T, to obtain the pTr \(T_{q_1}\). Repeat the procedure in \(T_{q_1}\), successively finding all \(P_{q,q'}\) with q fixed, in order. Note that computing \(r_T(Q_2)\) takes \({\mathcal O}(|Q_1||{\varSigma }_1|)\) time.    \(\Box \)

Example 15

For the pTr T corresponding to the regular expression \((a^*)^*\) and discussed in Example 11, the pTr \({\text {flat}}(T)\) is given in Fig. 4. Note that the flattening procedure removed the \(\delta _2\) loop \(q_1\rightarrow q_2 \rightarrow q_3 \rightarrow q_1\) from T. As noted in Example 11, Java matchers do not keep track of all \(\delta _2\) transitions in order to avoid repeated \(\delta _2\) transitions. When using this Java way of determining which paths are legal and which not, the flattened procedure in the proof of Theorem 14 can be modified, and when applied to T, we obtain an almost identical flattened pTr, but with output \(]_1\ [_1\ ]_1\) on the transition from \(q_5\) to \(q_7\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

\({\text {flat}}(T)\) for T in Fig. 1(b). The dashed edges are lower priority.

Remark 16

Note that \(|{\text {flat}}(T)|_Q\le |T|_Q\), \(|{\text {flat}}(T)|_{\delta _1}=|T|_{\delta _1}\) and \(|{\text {flat}}(T)|_{\delta _2}\le |T|_{\delta _2}\), i.e. \({\text {flat}}(T)\) is of the same size or smaller than T.

Remark 17

All \(Q_2\) states, with the exception of \(q_0\) when \(q_0\in Q_2\), can be removed from a flattened pTr. To see this, redefine \(\delta _2\) to be the identity on \(Q_1\) and let \(\delta =\delta _2\circ \delta _1\). Thus we can redefine a pTr to have a single transition function \(\delta : Q_1\times {\varSigma }_1 \rightarrow (Q_1\times {\varSigma }_2^*)^*\) (except for the transitions from \(q_0\) if \(q_0\in Q_2\)), if we are willing to allow prioritized non-determinism on input from \({\varSigma }_1\).

5 Equivalence and Parsing with Prioritized Transducers

Regular expressions R and \(R'\) are equivalent if the pTr \(\bar{J}^p(R)\) and \(\bar{J}^p(R')\) are equivalent. In general, deciding equivalence of string transducers is undecidable, but in [8] it is shown that equivalence of functional transducers is decidable, but PSPACE-complete. In [9], the equivalence of regular expressions through transducers, is approached by first formulating the semantics of regular expression matching as a non-deterministic parser, then transforming the parser into first a transducer with regular lookahead, and then into a functional transducer without lookahead. For non-problematic regular expressions R, a functional transducer of size \(2^{\mathcal {O}(|R|)}\) is obtained. Thus to decide equivalence of regular expressions with capturing groups, equivalence is decided on the corresponding functional transducers. We obtain a similar result for a larger class of regular expressions and regular expression matching semantics, through equivalence of pTr.

Theorem 18

A pTr T can be converted into an equivalent functional transducer \(T_F\) with \(|T_F|_Q=|T|_Q2^{|T|_Q}\), and \(|T_F|\) in \(\mathcal {O}(|T|\,2^{|T|_Q})\).


(Sketch). Let \(T=(Q_1,Q_2,{\varSigma }_1,{\varSigma }_2,q_0,\delta _1,\delta _2, F)\) and A the NFA obtained from T by ignoring output and priorities of T. Let \(Q_A\) be the states of A, which is of course just \((Q_1\cup Q_2)\). The set of states of \(T_F\) is \((Q_1 \cup Q_2) \times 2^{Q_A}\). On the \((Q_1\cup Q_2)\) part of the states of \(T_F\), \(T_F\) behaves like T with priorities ignored, and the subsets of \(Q_A\), which form the 2nd component of the states of \(T_F\), is used to take priorities of \(\delta _2\) transitions in T into account. Each time we are at a state \(q\in Q_2\) in T with \(\delta _2(q)=(w_1,q_1)\cdots (w_k,q_k)\), \(T_F\) chooses non-deterministically a transition \(q\rightarrow q_i\) (with output \(w_i\)) in the first component of states of \(T_F\), and keep track with subsets from \(Q_A\), that the input would not have been accepted if we took \(q\rightarrow q_j\) for \(j< i\). Note as we reach the next state on a path taken in T, we keep on tracking, in the 2nd component of the states of \(T_F\), all states of T that could be reached, on the given input, from higher priority transitions we did not take at previous \(Q_2\) states encountered. The accept states of \(T_F\) are the states (qX) with \(q\in F\) and \(X \cap F =\emptyset \). Note \(T_F\) is a functional transducer, since the relation defined by T is a function.    \(\Box \)

Corollary 19

(a) For prioritized transducers \(T_1\) and \(T_2\), equivalence can be decided in time \(\mathcal {O}(\,(|T_1|2^{|T_1|_Q}+|T_2|2^{|T_2|_Q})^2\,)\). (b) Equivalence of regular expressions \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) with capturing groups, can be decided in time \(2^{\mathcal {O}(|R_1|+|R_2|)}\).


(a) For pTr \(T_1\) and \(T_2\), first check that \({\text {dom}}(T_1)={\text {dom}}(T_2)\), which can obviously be done in the stated time complexity bound. Now convert \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) into functional transducers \(T_{F_1}\) and \(T_{F_2}\), and use Theorem 1.1 in [8] that states that the complexity of deciding if the transducer \(T_1\cup T_2\) is functional (and thus that \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are equivalent, since \({\text {dom}}(T_1)={\text {dom}}(T_2)\)), is quadratic in the number of transitions in \(T_1\cup T_2\). For (b) use (a) and the fact that for a regular expression R, \(|\bar{J}^p(R)|\le c|R|\), for some constant c.   \(\Box \)

Remark 20

Note that deciding equivalence of pTr and regular expressions with capturing groups is at least PSPACE-hard, since it is PSPACE-complete already to check if the domains of pTr are equal.

Remark 21

The transducer construction in the proof of Theorem 18 must be close to ideal, as the worst-case state complexity of a transducer \(T_F\) equivalent to a pTr T is bounded from below by \(2^{|T|_Q}\). This is so since one can for any NFA A, construct a pTr T, with \({\varSigma }_2 = \{\beta , \beta '\}\), having \(T(w) = \beta w\) for \(w\in \mathcal {L}(A)\) and \(T(w) = \beta ' w\) for all \(w\notin \mathcal {L}(A)\) (a similar example is obtained by constructing a pTr for the regular expression \((R)|({\varSigma }_1^*)\), with R corresponding to A). Simply let \(\delta _2(q_0) = (\beta ,q_{A}) (\beta ',q_{{\varSigma }_1^*})\), with \(q_0\) the initial state of T, \(q_A\) the initial state of A, and \(q_{{\varSigma }_1^*}\) a sink accept state. Now consider the class of NFA A, for which the complement of \(\mathcal {L}(A)\) can only be recognized by NFA with at least \(2^{|A|_Q}\) states. Then if \(T'_F\) is obtained from \(T_F\) by removing transitions having \(\beta \) as output, \({\text {dom}}(T'_F)\) will be equal to the complement of \(\mathcal {L}(A)\). Thus \(T'_F\) and also \(T_F\), will require at least \(2^{|A|_Q}\) states.

Some specifics of real-world matchers can be generalized away, such as the \({\varSigma }_2\) subsequences a real-world pTr outputs always forming a Dyck language (as in Sect. 3). One which we need to consider however, as including it saves memory in the parsing algorithm, is that the strings in \({\text {range}}(T)\) are not output in practice, but rather matchers will walk through a string w in \({\text {dom}}(T)\), and will once the string has been accepted, output for each symbol in \(\alpha \in {\varSigma }_2\) in T(w), the index of the last occurrence of \(\alpha \) in T(w). This limits the possible memory usage, notably it means that the amount of data output by a matching an input string w with T is bounded by \(|\varSigma _2|\log (|w|)\).

Definition 22

For a pTr T with \(w \in {\text {dom}}(T)\), let \(T(w) = v_0 \alpha _1 \cdots v_{n-1} \alpha _{n} v_{n}\), where \(v_i \in {\varSigma }_2^*\) and \(\alpha _i \in {\varSigma }_1\) for each i. Then the slim parse output of T on w is a function \(s^T: {\varSigma }_2 \rightarrow \{\bot , 0,\ldots ,n\}\) such that for each \(\beta \in {\varSigma }_2\) we have \(\beta \in v_{f(\beta )}\), but \(\beta \notin v_{f(\beta )+j}\) for any \(j\in {\mathbb {N}}\). If \(\beta \notin v_1\cdots v_n\), \(s^T(\beta )=\bot \).

For a pTr T and a string \(w=\alpha _1 \cdots \alpha _n\in {\text {dom}}(T)\), we next describe a linear (in the length of the input string) algorithm to compute the slim parse output of T, where T is flattened. Let \(f,f',f_{\bot }:{\varSigma }_2\rightarrow {\mathbb {N}}\cup \{\bot \}\). For \(v\in {\varSigma }_2^*\) and \(k\in {\mathbb {N}}\), define \(f' := U(f,v,k)\) by letting \(f'(\beta )=k\) for \(\beta \in v\), and \(f'(\beta )=f(\beta )\) otherwise. Also, \(f_{\bot }(\beta )=\bot \) for all \(\beta \in {\varSigma }_2\). Define \(\varDelta (q,f,i) = (q_1,U(f,\beta _1,i)) \cdots (q_n,U(f,\beta _n,i))\) when \(q\in Q_2\) and \(\delta _2(q) = (\beta _1,q_1) \cdots (\beta _n,q_n)\), and \(\varDelta (q,f,i) = (q,f)\) for \(q\in Q_1\). Now for the steps in the algorithm. (i) Let \(S_0 = \varDelta (q_0, f_{\bot }, 0)\). (ii) Given \(S_i = (q_1,f_1) \cdots (q_m,f_m)\), where \(i<n\), then \(S_{i+1}= \sigma _1(\varDelta (q_1',f_1,i) \cdots \varDelta (q_m',f_m,i))\), where \(q_j' = \delta _1(q_j,\alpha _{i+1})\) for each j. (iii) If \(S_n = (q_1,f_1) \ldots (q_m,f_m)\) and i is the smallest index such that \(q_i \in F\), then \(s^T(w)=f_i\). If no state \(q_i\) is in F, the string w is rejected.

Theorem 23

The slim parsing algorithm runs in linear time in the length of the input string, and is correct, i.e. with input a pTr T and \(w\in {\text {dom}}(T)\), it returns the slim parse for T on w, and if \(w\not \in {\text {dom}}(T)\), it rejects the input w.


(Sketch). Since highest priority paths in a flattened pTr may be determined by DFS, a pTr can be translated into a deterministic stack machine with output. Each \(S_i\) can be associated with the stack content at a particular stage of the DFS, with the left-most tuple being the top element of the stack. It follows from the argument in Remark 10 that duplicates of tuples with the same state can be removed from the stack. In contrast to a stack machine, the given algorithm simply processes all stack elements in parallel. Clearly, from the description of the slim parsing algorithm, it runs in linear time in the length of the input string.    \(\Box \)

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we brought together several different angles on regular expressions into one formal framework. This enables us to talk both about the matching behaviors of less than ideal real-world matchers as in [2], while allowing a modelling of the special features of those matchers without being tied to their algorithmic choices. Still, there is ample room for continued work. For example, there are a lot of additional operators in regex libraries that should be analyzed. A special example is pruning operators, such as atomic subgroups, and the cut operator of [1], which interact deeply with the matching procedure. From a theoretical perspective, the next step should be to determine the precise complexity class for equivalence in Corollary 19.