
1 Introduction

Switzerland has a long history on direct participation of its citizens in decision making processes. Besides traditional elections where voters choose their representatives in the Federal Assembly, citizens can participate in several other voting events. Citizens can propose popular voting initiatives on their own (after having obtained enough popular support by collecting signatures), and then parties and governments themselves (at the communal, cantonal or federal level) can organize referendums in order to ask the citizens for their opinion on a new law or a modification of the Constitution, among others. At the end, Swiss citizens have the chance to participate in 3–4 voting processes a year in average.

Remote electronic voting was first introduced in Switzerland in three cantons: Geneva, Zurich and Neuchâtel [14]. The first binding trials were held in 2004. Nowadays 14 cantons offer the electronic voting channel to their electors, which until recently has been restricted to be used by up to 10 % of the eligible voters. In 2011 the Federal Council of Switzerland started a task force for studying the security issues of electronic voting. As a result, the Federal Council published, in 2013, a report with the requirements for extending the use of the electronic voting systems to a larger part of the electorate. This framework [11], which became binding in January 2014, provides requirements of functionality, security, verifiability and testing/certification which allow the electronic voting systems to be extended to 30 %, 50 % or up to 100 % of the electorate. More specifically, while current electronic voting systems may be allowed to be used for up to 30 % of the electorate provided that they fulfil a certain set of functional and security requirements, systems to be used for up to 100 % of the electorate are required to additionally provide verifiability features. Although the modality of electronic voting (DRE, remote, ...) is not specified in the report, it refers to electronic voting systems where the vote is cast electronically. In this paper, we will talk specifically of remote electronic voting systems.

Verifiability in remote electronic voting is traditionally divided in three types, which are related to the phase of the voting process which is verified [5]. The first step to audit is the vote preparation at the voting client application run in the voter’s device. This application is usually in charge of encrypting the selections made by the voter prior to casting them to a remote server so that their secrecy is ensured. Cast-as-intended verification methods provide the voters with means to audit that the vote prepared and encrypted by the voting client application contains what they selected, and that no changes have been performed. Recorded-as-cast verification methods provide voters with mechanisms to ensure that, once cast, their votes have been correctly received and stored at the remote voting server. Finally, counted-as-recorded verification allows voters, auditors and third party observers to check that the result of the tally corresponds to the votes which were received and stored at the remote voting server during the voting phase.

According to the report by the Federal Council, systems to be used for up to the 50 % of electors are required to provide methods for cast-as-intended verification, and systems for up to 100 % of the electorate are required to additionally provide methods for recorded-as-cast and counted-as-recorded verification, while also enforcing the separation of duties on operations impacting the privacy, integrity and verifiability of the system.

Our Contribution. In this paper we present a protocol which provides cast-as-intended verification, according to the requirements of the Federal Council for systems to be used by up to 50 % of the electorate. The protocol has the particularity of only allowing voters to cast one vote through the electronic channel, and therefore gives provisions for ensuring that such vote is considered to be cast only in case that it represents the voter intention, by means of a confirmation phase executed by the voter. The protocol is an evolution of the so-called Norwegian voting protocol [15, 16, 23] that was used in the Norwegian elections in 2011 and 2013. Importantly, it substantially improves the Norwegian scheme by not needing to rely on the strong assumption that two independent server-side entities do not collude to preserve voter privacy. Furthermore, the scheme also represents a great performance improvement of the voting client application compared with the original Puiggali-Guasch scheme [6], from which the Norwegian scheme was initially derived.

This protocol has been implemented and used for a binding election in the canton of Neuchâtel, in the federal referendum conducted on March 8th 2015. From 111,080 eligible voters, 23,927 were registered at the citizen electronic portal Guichet Unique [20] (from which the electronic voting application could be accessed) and 5,132 chose to cast their vote electronically using this protocol, which represents 21,45 % of the voters who had the chance to use the electronic voting channel. General participation in the referendum, all voting channels considered, was 41,24 %.

The paper is structured as follows: the related work and the main contributions are detailed in Sect. 2. The syntax and a formal description of the solution are provided in Sect. 3. The building blocks and the instantiation of the protocol implemented for the election in Neuchâtel are presented in Sects. 4 and 5. Then, some details on the usability and verifiability aspects are provided in Sect. 6. Finally, an informal analysis on the security aspects of the protocol is provided in Sect. 7 and the conclusions are shown in Sect. 8.

2 Related Work

There have been several proposals of cast-as-intended verification schemes during the last decade. In [9], Benaloh presents the Immediate decryption scheme, where the voter’s device encrypts a vote and the voter is allowed to challenge the encryption generated. In case they choose to challenge it, the device reveals the randomness which was used to perform the encryption of the voting options. Using this randomness, the voter can check that the encrypted vote was constructed correctly. After the audit, the voting options are encrypted again with fresh randomness prior to casting the vote, so that the voter cannot use the randomness provided for audit as a proof to a third party of how they voted. However, this approach presents several drawbacks, such as usability (this randomness is a rather large string, cumbersome to be typed by a voter), and the fact that it does not allow for simple verification (i.e. verification must be done using a secondary computing device, under the assumption that at least one of the two devices is not compromised). This approach is used by the Helios voting system [24] and in the Wombat system [24]. A similar approach is used in VoteBox [25], by disclosing audited votes in the poll station local network in order to allow them to be verified.

A different approach consists on using the so-called return codes, which are targeted against malicious voting clients while enjoying some degree of usability [6, 15, 18, 19, 23]. In these proposals the voter selects their voting options and the voting client sends an encrypted vote to the remote voting servers, where return codes are calculated from the encrypted vote and sent back to the voter for verification. Voters possess a verification card where return codes (pre-computed in a configuration phase) are shown against matching voting options, and verification can be made by rather simple visual inspection. The current proposals assume that the voter can cast multiple votes. If the return codes do not match the selected voting options, then voters can cast another vote that invalidates the previous one (typically, this would happen if the voting client is malicious and encrypts voting options independently of the voter). However, some countries do not allow voters to cast multiple votes (such as France or Switzerland [11, 22]), so it is important to provide a proposal for these cases. Still, multiple voting is also used as a countermeasure for vote selling and voter coercion in such schemes, so they have to be taken into account when single voting is usedFootnote 1.

One possible solution to support single vote casting is to add a confirmation phase to validate the vote after checking the return codes. In the first phase, the vote is encrypted and sent to the voting server, which calculates the return codes, stores the vote and communicates the return codes to the voter. In the second phase, the voter, after inspection of the return codes, sends a confirmation code to the voting server, that stores it together with the ballot as a proof that the vote has been confirmed by the voter. Only votes with a valid voter confirmation code will be taken into account during the tally phase.

The return codes are computed from the probabilistic encryption of voting options, but at the same time they have to be deterministic: during the voting phase, the values computed by the server-side from an encrypted vote have to match those computed during the verification card generation phase (which happens at election configuration time) for the same set of voting options. Therefore, the randomness from the voting options encryption has to be removed for computing the return codes, which poses a serious risk on the vote secrecy. This was solved in the Norwegian voting system [15, 16, 23] by splitting the generation of the return codes in two independent entities: a ballot box server and a code generation server, which were assumed not to collude. To prevent these components from colluding and compromising the election privacy [15, 16], both components were located in independent locations and managed by different companies. However, this approach is not always feasible to implement (the economic and organizational cost of setting up two different and independent environments are high).

In contrast, in the Puiggali-Guasch [6] scheme one of the previous independent entities is embedded in the voting client application. In their proposal there is no need of two separate components at the server-side of the voting platform, although then vote casting becomes computationally more expensive for the voting client (2,5 times more exponentiations than in the Norwegian protocol are required approximately). This is important considering the fact that the cryptographic operations done at the voting application level are often performed using web technologies such as Java Applets or Javascript, so the performance is slowed down when compared to a C/assembly implementation that uses lower level instructions. Naturally, ballot construction and casting needs to be executed in an acceptable time-frame to prevent voter disenfranchisement.

In this paper, we present a modification of the protocol [23] which, while very similar to [6] in the sense that it moves the operations of one of the server-side entities to the voting client application, reduces dramatically the number of operations to be performed at the voting client application (as it will be shown in Sect. 5, the cost of encryption and of proofs computation does not depend on the number of options anymore). Moreover, we add a confirmation phase in order to support single vote casting, so that it fulfils the requirements of the Swiss Federal Council [11].

3 Single Voting with Return Codes

We start by presenting a syntax for a voting scheme with return codes, which will be later used to describe the protocolFootnote 2. We build on existing definitions of single-pass voting schemes, such as [10], and enrich them by adding a second interaction of the voter with the system, in order to confirm a cast vote.

3.1 Syntax

The scheme has the following participants: Election Authorities, who are in charge of setting up the election, computing the tally and publishing the results; Voters, who participate in the election by choosing their preferred options; Registrars, who are responsible for providing to the voters all the information they need to vote and, in particular, the return codes that provide the cast-as-intended integrity property; the Voting Server, which receives, processes and stores the ballots cast by eligible voters in the Ballot Box, and may as well publish some information; the Voting Device, which is in charge of casting a ballot given the voting options selected by the voter; the Code Generator, which is in charge of generating return codes from the ballots cast by the voting device. Finally, Auditors, who are responsible for verifying the integrity of the procedures run in the counting phase.

We assume that non-cryptographic election specifications such as the sets of administrators and voter identities are fixed in advance. Furthermore we assume a counting function \(\rho :(V\cup \{\perp \})^n\rightarrow R\) is given, where Vs is the set of voting options, \(\perp \) denotes abstention, n is the number of voters and R is the set of results. Voters may use credentials in order to be able to cast their ballots. However, how the voters obtain and use such credentials is out of the scope of this presentation.

There exists a public bulletin board \(\mathtt {PBB}\) to which every algorithm in the voting scheme has read-only access to. As is common in the literature, some authorized parties have writing append-only access to it.

The voting scheme is characterized by the following protocols/algorithms:

  • \(\mathsf {Setup}(1^\lambda )\) is an interactive protocol run by the election authorities. On input a security parameter \(1^\lambda \), it generates and outputs an election public key \(pk_{e}\) and an election private key \(sk_{e}\). In addition, it generates a global code generation public/private key pair \((pk_{c},sk_{c})\), a signing public/private key pair \((pk_{s}, sk_{s})\), and the set of values which will represent the voting options: \(V=\{v_1, \dots , v_k\}\). The public keys \(pk_{e}\), \(pk_{c}\) and \(pk_{s}\), and the set of voting options V, are implicit inputs to the remaining algorithms.

  • \(\mathsf {Register}(\mathtt {id}, sk_{c}, sk_{s})\) is an interactive protocol run by the registrars. It takes as input a voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\), the global code generation private key \(sk_{c}\) and the signing private key \(sk_{s}\). It outputs a voter’s code generation public/private key pair \((pk_{\mathtt {id}}, sk_{\mathtt {id}})\), a set of voter return codes linked to voting options \(\{v_i, \mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\), a voter confirmation value \(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}\), a voter finalization value \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) and a validity proof for such finalization code, \(\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\). Additionally, the registrars publish a set of reference values \(\{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\) that are linked to the codes \(\{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\). We sometimes refer to the set \(\left\{ \{v_i, \mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k},\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}},\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\right\} \) as the Verification Card.

  • \(\mathsf {Vote}(\mathtt {id}, sk_{\mathtt {id}},\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_t}\})\) is a probabilistic algorithm run at the voting device. It receives as input a set of values \(\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_t}\}\), the voter identifier \(\mathtt {id}\in \) ID and the voter’s code generation private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\); outputs a ballot b.

  • \(\mathsf {ProcessBallot}(\mathtt {BB},b,\mathtt {id}, pk_{\mathtt {id}})\) is run by the voting server. It receives as input a ballot box \(\mathtt {BB}\), a ballot b, an identity \(\mathtt {id}\) and a voter’s code generation public key \(pk_{\mathtt {id}}\). It outputs 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

  • \(\mathsf {RCGen}(b, \mathtt {id}, sk_{c})\) is an algorithm run by the code generator. On input a ballot b, the voter identifier \(\mathtt {id}\) and the global code generation private key \(sk_{c}\), it outputs an (unordered) set of return codes \(\{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\}\) if the operation is successful, or \(\perp \) in case of error/rejection. Typically this algorithm will look-up at \(\mathtt {PBB}\) to check the list of legitimate reference values \(\left\{ \{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\right\} _{\mathtt {id}\in \mathtt {ID}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {RCVerif}(\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_t}\}, \{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\},\{v_i, \mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k})\) is an algorithm run by the voter. On input a set of voting options \(\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_t}\}\), a set of return codes \(\{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\}\) and a voting card \(\{v_i, \mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\), it outputs 1 if \(\{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_i}\}_{i=1}^{t}= \{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\}\) as sets, 0 otherwise.

  • \(\mathsf {Confirm}(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}, \mathtt {id}, sk_{\mathtt {id}})\) is a simple algorithm run by the voting device. On input a voter confirmation value \(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}\), the voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\), and the voter code generation private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\), it outputs a confirmation message \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {FCGen}(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}, \mathtt {id}, sk_{c}, \varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}})\) is an algorithm run by the code generator. It receives as input a confirmation message \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}\), a voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\), the global code generation private key \(sk_{c}\) and the proof \(\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\). It outputs a finalization code \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) if the operation is successful, or \(\perp \) in case of error/rejection.

  • \(\mathsf {Tally}(\mathtt {BB}, sk_{e}, \{\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\}_{\mathtt {id}\in \mathtt {ID}})\) is an interactive protocol run by the election authorities. It takes as input the ballot box \(\mathtt {BB}\), the election private key \(sk_{e}\) and the set of validity proofs \(\{\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\}_{\mathtt {id}\in \mathtt {ID}}\). It outputs a result \(r\in R\) and a proof \(\uppi \) of the tally correctness, or \(\perp \).

  • \(\mathsf {Verify}(\mathtt {PBB}, r, \uppi )\) is an interactive protocol run by the auditors/election observers. It takes as input the bulletin board \(\mathtt {PBB}\), the tally result r and the proof \(\uppi \) of correct tally. The output is 1 if their verification succeeds, 0 otherwise.

3.2 Workflow

Configuration Phase: Election authorities define the set \(\mathtt {ID}\) of voter identities participating in the election and run the \(\mathsf {Setup}\) algorithm. They publish the election public key \(pk_{e}\), the global code generation public key \(pk_{c}\), the set of voter identities \(\mathtt {ID}\), the signing public key \(pk_{s}\) and the set of voting options V in the bulletin board. They provide the global code generation private key \(sk_{c}\) to both the registrars and the code generator. Finally the signing private key \(sk_{s}\) is provided to the registrars.

Registration Phase: Voters register to participate in the election. To register, a voter first provides their identity \(id\in \mathtt {ID}\) to the registrars, who run the \(\mathsf {Register}\) algorithm. The outputs \((pk_{\mathtt {id}},sk_{\mathtt {id}}\)), \(\{v_i, \mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\), \(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}\), and \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) are provided to the voter, while the voter’s code generation public key \(pk_{\mathtt {id}}\), the proof \(\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\) and the reference values \(\{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\) are published in the bulletin board \(\mathtt {PBB}\).

Voting phase: This phase consists of several steps:

  1. 1.

    The voter authenticates through the voting device to the voting server. If the authentication is successful, the values \(\mathtt {id}, pk_{\mathtt {id}}\) are stored in the voting device. The voter chooses a set of voting options \(\{v_{j_1},\ldots ,v_{j_t}\} \in V\) and enters them into the voting device as her choices for the election, together with the private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\) Footnote 3. The voting device then runs the \(\mathsf {Vote}\) protocol and produces a ballot b. The ballot b and the voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\) are sent to the voting server.

  2. 2.

    Upon reception of \((b,\mathtt {id})\), the voting server calls the \(\mathsf {ProcessBallot}\) algorithm. In case the result of the execution is 1, the ballot box \(\mathtt {BB}\) is updated with the ballot b and the voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\), with the state ballot received. Otherwise, the voting device is notified of the error.

  3. 3.

    The code generator is notified of the new update in \(\mathtt {BB}\) and executes the \(\mathsf {RCGen}\) algorithm with the newly arrived ballot. In case the operation is successful, a set of return codes \(\{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\}\) is generated and sent to the voting server, which updates the status of the ballot in the \(\mathtt {BB}\) to \(return~code~generated \), and forwards the return codes to the voting device. In case the operation is not successful the voting device is notified accordingly.

  4. 4.

    The voting device shows the voter the set of generated return codes \(\{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\}\). The voter is then asked to confirm the ballot cast by providing the confirmation value \(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}\) to the voting device, which they will do only in case the \(\mathsf {RCVerif}\) algorithm accepts. The voting device then runs \(\mathsf {Confirm}\) and outputs a confirmation message \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}\), which is sent to the voting server together with the voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\).

  5. 5.

    The voting server forwards the confirmation message \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}\) to the code generator, which executes the \(\mathsf {FCGen}\) algorithm. If the operation is successful, the resulting finalization code \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) is sent back to the voting sever, which stores it together with the ballot, updates the ballot status to \(confirmed \) and forwards \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) to the voting device. In case the operation is not successful, the voter is notified accordingly.

  6. 6.

    Finally, the voter checks whether the displayed finalization code \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) matches the value \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) received during registration. In case of a successful verification, the received finalization code serves the voter as a confirmation of the correct submission and confirmation of their vote. Otherwise, they complain to the election administrators, and might need to cast their vote using a different channel (i.e. at a polling station).

Counting Phase: The election authorities run the interactive protocol \(\mathsf {Tally}\) on \(\mathtt {BB}\), obtaining and publishing in the bulletin board the result r and the proof \(\uppi \), or set \(r=\perp \) in case of error. The auditors run the \(\mathsf {Verify}\) protocol. In case their output is 1, the result r is announced to be fair. Otherwise, an investigation is opened to detect the reason of failure.

3.3 Trust Assumptions

The following conditions are assumed in order to provide cast-as-intended verification and voter privacy with the proposed protocol:

For cast-as-intended verifiability, it is assumed that the following entities, as pairs, are not simultaneously malicious: the voting device and (1) the code generator, (2) the registrar, or (3) the voting server; (4) the code generator and the registrar.

For privacy, the following conditions are necessary: (1) the voting device is not compromised; (2) the election authorities are honest; (3) the verification card contents are only known to the voter.

4 Building Blocks

Encryption scheme. Our protocol uses the ElGamal asymmetric encryption scheme [13], which consists of three algorithms: key generation, encryption and decryption \((\mathsf {KGen}, \mathsf {Enc}, \mathsf {Dec})\). The key generation algorithm \(\mathsf {KGen}\) takes on input a subgroup \(\mathbb {G}\) which has a generator g of order q of elements in \(\mathbb {Z}_p^*\), where p is a safe prime such that \(p=2q+1\) and q is a prime number. It outputs an ElGamal public/secret key pair (pksk), where \(pk\in \mathbb {G}\) such that \(pk=g^{sk} \mod p\) and \(sk\in \mathbb {Z}_q\). On input \(m\in \mathbb {G}\) and the public key pk, the \(\mathsf {Enc}\) algorithm chooses a random \(r \in \mathbb {Z}_q\) and computes \((c_1, c_2) = (g^r, pk^r \cdot m)\). The \(\mathsf {Dec}\) algorithm receives \((c_1, c_2)\) and the private key sk and outputs \(m = c_2 / c_1^{sk} \).

Voting options. The voting options \(V=\{v_1, \dots , v_k\}\) are chosen as small bit-length primes belonging to the group \(\mathbb {G}\). A vote is encoded as the product of voting options chosen by the voter (prior to encryption), and the individual voting options are recovered via factorisation after decryption. Therefore, it has to be ensured that the product of t of such primes, where t is the number of selections a voter can make, is not larger than p.

Pseudo-random function family. A function family is a map \(F: K \times D \rightarrow R\), where K is the set of keys, D is the domain and R is the range. A pseudorandom function family (PRF) is a family of efficiently computable functions, with the following property: a random instance of the family is computationally indistinguishable from a random function, as long as the key remains secret. We use the HMAC algorithm as a PRF [7], parametrized by the key K.

Signature scheme. A signature scheme is defined by three probabilistic algorithms \(\mathsf {SignKeyGen}, \mathsf {Sign}, \mathsf {SignVerify}\), that stand for key generation, signature generation and signature verification. Our protocol uses the RSA signature algorithm with the hash variant (or RSA Full Domain Hash signature scheme (RSA-FDH) [8]), therefore the key generation algorithm \(\mathsf {SignKeyGen}\) outputs a pair of keys (pkssks), for which \(pks=\{pk_{\mathtt {rsa}}, N_{\mathtt {rsa}}\}\), \(N_{\mathtt {rsa}} = p\cdot q\) where p and q are two distinct primes, and \( sks=sk_{\mathtt {rsa}}\). The signature algorithm \(\mathsf {Sign}\) takes as input a message m, which is not restricted to a specific space, and the private key sks, and outputs \(\sigma = H(m)^{sk_{\mathtt {rsa}}}\) mod \(N_{\mathtt {rsa}}\), where H denotes a hash function. The signature verification algorithm \(\mathsf {SignVerify}\) takes as input the public key pks, the message m and the signature \(\sigma \), and checks that \(H(m) = \sigma ^{pk_{\mathtt {rsa}}}\) mod \(N_{\mathtt {rsa}}\). It outputs 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

Non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. We use

$$\mathsf {EqDL}_G(g_1,\ldots ,g_n,h_1,\ldots ,h_n),$$

a generalization of the NIZK proof system [12], to prove in zero-knowledge that \(\log _{g_1} h_1 = \log _{g_2} h_2 = \ldots = \log _{g_n} h_n\) for \(g_1,\ldots ,g_n,h_1,\ldots ,h_n \in \mathbb {G}\) (with proof builder \(\mathsf {ProveEq}\) and proof verifier \(\mathsf {VerifyEq}\)); and the NIZK proof system [26] \(\mathsf {PrDL}_G(g,h)\) to prove in zero-knowledge the knowledge of \(\log _{g} h\) for \(g,h \in \mathbb {G}\) (with proof builder \(\mathsf {ProveDL}\) and proof verifier \(\mathsf {VerifyDL}\)). G is a hash function mapping strings to \(\mathbb {Z}_q\).

5 A Protocol for Cast-as-Intended Verification with Single Voting

The protocol implemented for the elections in Neuchâtel consists of the following algorithms:

  • \(\mathsf {Setup}(1^\lambda )\): the algorithm chooses a group \(\mathbb {G}\) and runs \(\mathsf {KGen}\) to generate an encryption key pair (pksk). As discussed before, the voting options \(V=\{v_1, \dots , v_k\}\) are chosen as small bit-length primes belonging to the group \(\mathbb {G}\). The algorithm then generates a random K to choose a pseudorandom function \(f_{K} \in F\), and chooses hash functions HG.

    The election public key is \(pk_{e}=(pk, \mathbb {G}, H, G)\), and the election private key is \(sk_{e}\), where \(sk_{e}=sk\) if there is only one trustee; alternatively \(sk_{e}\) consists of the shares of sk if there are several trustees (for instance, by using [21]). Finally, the global code generation key pair is set to \(pk_{c}=\perp \), \(sk_{c}=K\), and \(\mathsf {SignKeyGen}\) is run and the result is set to be the signing key pair \((pk_{s}, sk_{s})\) Footnote 4.

  • \(\mathsf {Register}(\mathtt {id}, sk_{c}, sk_{s})\): the algorithm runs \(\mathsf {KGen}\) with input \(\mathbb {G}\) to generate a keypair (pksk) which is set to be the voter public/private code generationFootnote 5 key pair \((pk_{\mathtt {id}}, sk_{\mathtt {id}})\in \mathbb {G}\times \mathbb {Z}_q\). Then it generates the voter confirmation value \(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}\) by selecting a random element from \(\mathbb {G}\). For each voting option \(v_i \in V\) it computes the corresponding return code \(\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i = f_{sk_{c}}(v_i^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\), and computes the finalization value \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}= f_{sk_{c}}((\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}})^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\). The validity proof for the finalization code \(\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\) is computed by running \(\mathsf {Sign}(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}, sk_{s})\). Finally, the set of reference values \(\{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\) is generated by computing \(\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i = H(\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i)\) for each return code.

  • \(\mathsf {Vote}(\mathtt {id}, sk_{\mathtt {id}}, \{v_{j_1}, \ldots ,v_{j_t}\})\): the algorithm receives the voting options selected by the voter as input, sets \(v=\prod _{l=1}^t v_{j_l}\) and encrypts them, obtaining \((c_1, c_2)=\mathsf {Enc}(pk,v)\). The algorithm then makes a partial computation of the return codes corresponding to such voting options using the voter private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\): \((v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, \dots , v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) Footnote 6. Finally, it also computes \((c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\). The following NIZK proofs are computed to prove the correct computation of these values:

    • A proof \(\uppi _{enc}\leftarrow \mathsf {ProveDL}(g,c_1)\), which proves knowledge of the randomness used for computing the encryption of v.

    Two proofs to demonstrate that the voting options in the ciphertext \((c_1, c_2)\) and the voting options used to for the partial computation of return codes are the same:

    • A proof \(\uppi _{exp}\leftarrow \mathsf {ProveEq}(g,c_1,c_2,pk_{\mathtt {id}},c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) which proves that \((c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) are computed by raising the ciphertext \((c_1, c_2)\) to the voter’s code generation private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\) corresponding to the public key \(pk_{\mathtt {id}}\).

    • A proof \(\uppi _{prod}\leftarrow \mathsf {ProveEq}\left( g,pk,c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}\cdot (v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, \dots , v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})^{-1}\right) \) which proves that the ciphertext \((c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) is the encryption of the product \((v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}\cdots v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) under the election public key \(pk_{e}\).

    The result of the above computations is a ballot b consisting of

    $$ b=\left( \mathtt {id},(c_1, c_2), (v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, \dots , v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}), (c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}),pk_{\mathtt {id}}, \uppi _{enc}, \uppi _{exp}, \uppi _{prod}\right) . $$
  • \(\mathsf {ProcessBallot}(\mathtt {BB},b)\): in the first place, the algorithm checks if there already exists a ballot for the voter identity \(\mathtt {id}\) in the ballot box \(\mathtt {BB}\); if this is the case, it outputs 0. Otherwise, it continues by validating the NIZK proofs \(\uppi _{enc}, \uppi _{exp}, \uppi _{prod}\). In case all the validations are successful, 1 is returned.

  • \(\mathsf {RCGen}(b, \mathtt {id}, sk_{c})\): the algorithm computes the set of return codes contained in ballot b as follows:

    • Computes the final return code value \(\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_l}}=f_{sk_{c}}(v_{j_l}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) for each of the partially computed return codes \((v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, \dots , v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) from b.

    • Checks that \(\left\{ \overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_1}},\ldots ,\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_t}}\right\} \) is a subset of \(\{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\). In a positive case, the set of return codes \(\{\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\} = \left\{ \overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_1}},\ldots ,\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_t}}\right\} \) is output. In a negative case, \(\perp \) is returned.

  • \(\mathsf {Confirm}(\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}}, \mathtt {id}, sk_{\mathtt {id}})\): the algorithm computes \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}= (\mathtt {CV}^{\mathtt {id}})^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {FCGen}(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}, \mathtt {id}, sk_{c}, \varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}})\): runs \(\mathsf {SignVerify}(pk_{s},\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}},\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}})\), where \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}} = f_{K}(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}})\). \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) is returned if the signature verification is successful, \(\perp \) otherwise.

  • \(\mathsf {Tally}(\mathtt {BB}, sk_{e}, \{\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}}\}_{\mathtt {id}\in \mathtt {ID}})\): for all the ballots in the ballot box which have a finalization code \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) stored together with the ballot, this algorithm runs \(\mathsf {SignVerify}(pk_{s},\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}},\varPi _{\mathtt {FC^\mathtt {id}}})\) to select the ones which have been confirmed by the voters. The resulting set is shuffled, and then for each ballot it runs \(\mathsf {Dec}(\{c_1, c_2\}, sk_{e})\) and obtains the cleartext v (in case \(sk_{e}\) was divided in shares, a secret reconstruction algorithm [21] is used to recover the private key previous to decryption). The cleartext v is factorized to recover from \(v=v_{1}^{\beta _1}\cdots v_{k}^{\beta _k}\) the factors \(v_i\) such that \(\beta _i =1\). The small primes representing the voting options \(v_i\) are then used to compute the final result r.

6 Usability and Vote Correctness Layers

The protocol described in the previous sections may pose significant usability problems to the voters. In order to cast a vote, the voter is asked to type in the voting device a series of secret values from their voting card, such as the confirmation value \(\mathtt {CM}^{\mathtt {id}}\) and the private key \(sk_{\mathtt {id}}\). In order to confirm their vote, the voter is asked to compare the return codes \(\overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\) shown by the voting device with those in their verification card. The same applies to the finalization code \(\overline{\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}}\).

The problem is that, according to current cryptographic key length recommendations [1], the aforementioned values have a length of 256 or 2048 bits, depending on whether they are the output of a symmetric or an asymmetric key cryptographic operation. To be more concrete, in case a Base32 encoding is used to represent such values, this implies 52 and 410 characters, respectively. It is clearly not realistic to ask a voter to perform such task.

Therefore, an additional layer for improving usability is required on top of the protocol from Sect. 5. This layer allows to reduce the length of the values in the verification card, and to provide the voter’s code generation key to the voting device in a way that is transparent to the voter. This usability layer was used in the referendum conducted in Neuchâtel.

6.1 Private Key Provision

Details about the authentication layer have been deliberately omitted in previous sections, for the sake of clarity. In Neuchâtel there are two layers of authentication: the first one is handled by the citizen portal Guichet Unique [20], and the second one is managed by the electronic voting system. This second layer consists on a username/PIN-based authentication. The PIN is generated during registration and printed onto the voter’s verification card, while the username is provided by the first layer of authentication, i.e. the Guichet Unique. The authentication layer managed by the electronic voting system is used not only to qualify a user as an authorized voter in the election, but also to transparently provide her with some cryptographic secrets, such as the voter’s code generation key pair \((pk_{\mathtt {id}}, sk_{\mathtt {id}})\).

6.2 Short Return Codes

The usability layer is in charge of generating short values \(\{\mathtt {sRC}^{\mathtt {id}}\}_{i=1}^{k}, \mathtt {sFC}^{\mathtt {id}}\), that are printed in the verification card. One key ingredient of this layer is the length of such values, which actually represents a neat trade-off between usability and security: the longer they are, the harder it is to guess them by a corrupted voting device, but the harder is to use them by the voter. Specifically, in Neuchâtel they are of 4 and 7 numeric digits respectivelyFootnote 7.

Additionally, the registrar secretly generates a table which relates each code \(\mathtt {sRC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\) or \(\mathtt {sFC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) to the corresponding long codes \(\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\) or \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\). We call this table the mapping table, and mapping to each one of the correspondences. During the voting phase, the code generator uses this table to obtain the corresponding short codes. The mapping table is designed to be an injective function from codes \(\{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}\}_{i=1}^{k}, \mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) to short codes \(\{\mathtt {sRC}^{\mathtt {id}}\}_{i=1}^{k}, \mathtt {sFC}^{\mathtt {id}}\).

Our implementation of the mapping table contains one entry for each (long) return code \(\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\) of the form: \([H(\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i), E_{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i}(\mathtt {sRC}^{\mathtt {id}}_i)]\), where H denotes a hash function, and \(E_k(m)\) denotes the encryption of the message m with a symmetric encryption algorithmFootnote 8 and a secret key k.

An additional entry is computed in the same way with the (long) finalization code \(\mathtt {FC}^{\mathtt {id}}\) and the short finalization code \(\mathtt {sFC}^{\mathtt {id}}\).

6.3 Vote Correctness

Additionally, we use the mapping table to ensure that a ballot that is accepted by the voting server, contains valid choices as per the election. For example, in case a ballot contains some \(v_j'\not \in V\), the (long) return code computed by the code generator as \(f_{sk_{c}}(v_{j}'^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}})\) will not find an entry on the mapping table described above (and the same happens for the reference values \(\{\mathtt {RF}^{\mathtt {id}}_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\) in the underlying protocol). Moreover, there is other information that can be checked: imagine the scenario where a voter can select one party list, and then can give some weight to individual candidates. Metadata can be added to the return code mechanism, so that it is verified that a vote contains voting options which fulfill this rule without breaking the voter privacy.

In the case of the Neuchâtel voting protocol, type identifiers such as \(\mathtt {'party'}\) or \(\mathtt {'candidate'}\) are added in the ballot cast by the voter, and then used to compute the return codes at the server. The ballot cast by the voter, then, has the following contents:

$$ b=\left( \mathtt {id},(c_1, c_2), (v_{j_1}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}} \text {-} \mathtt {'party'}, \dots , v_{j_t}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}} \text {-} \mathtt {'candidate'}), (c_1^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}, c_2^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}),pk_{\mathtt {id}}, \ldots \right) $$

In a first step the type identifiers are checked (in the example, that there is only one type identifier for party list and that the rest are for candidates). In the second step, these type identifiers are added to the computation of the return codes:

$$ \overline{\mathtt {RC}^{\mathtt {id}}_{j_l}} = f_{sk_{c}}(v_{j_l}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}v_{j_l}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}},\mathtt {'party'} \text { or } \mathtt {'candidate'}), $$

where ’,’ denotes a concatenation. The same is done in the configuration phase, when generating the mapping table. Therefore, an invalid combination of partial return code (\(v_{j_l}^{sk_{\mathtt {id}}}\)) and of type identifier will result on an entry of the table only with negligible probability, given the properties of cryptographic hash functions.

7 (Informal) Security Analysis

The protocol is focused on preventing a corrupt voting client from changing the voter intention without being detected, while maintaining the privacy of such voter in front of a malicious voting server/code generator. In this section we informally discuss how these security properties are fulfilled given the trust assumptions presented in Sect. 3.3.

7.1 Cast-as-Intended Verifiability

The voting device can try to modify the voter’s intention without detection in two ways: (i) by showing to the voter return codes which do not correspond to the maliciously modified contents of the vote (but that correspond with those of the voter’s choices); (ii) by confirming a vote without the participation of the voter.

For the first attack, the voting device could try to send a ballot where the encrypted options do not correspond to the partial computation of return codes. However, in that case the proofs \( \uppi _{exp}, \uppi _{prod}\) would not be successfully verified by the voting server. The collaboration of the code generator is needed to generate the return codes. However, the only way the code generator receives a ballot cast by the voting device is that the voting server verifies the proofs first. Therefore, the code generator and the voting device cannot collaborate in case of a honest voting server and the only strategy the voting device can follow is to guess the return codes the voter expects. A brute force attack cannot be done in this case, since the voter will detect consecutive attempts of displaying wrong return codes.

A possibility for the second attack is that the voting device generates a fake cofirmation message, so that the code generator computes a fake finalization value. Even in case the code generator does not verify the proof of validity of this finalization value (because it colludes with the voting device), the election authorities or the auditors would detect that it is fake at the counting or audit phases, so that the vote would not be counted. The alternative is that the voting device guesses a valid confirmation message. In order to limit the possibility of a brute force attack, the voting server allows a limited number of retries.

7.2 Privacy

Privacy in electronic voting is understood as the property of maintaining the intention of a voter unknown. Besides recovering the voter selections or the encryption randomness from the voting device (which we assume that cannot happen because for privacy the voting device is assumed to be honest), there are two ways to attack the voter privacy in this scheme.

The first one is to target the voting options encryption. This can be done by brute forcing the encryption, by decrypting the votes without shuffling them (so that they could be connected to the voter’s identities), or by recovering the shuffling permutation. However, according to the assumptions previously detailed and using a strong encryption algorithm, none of these attacks are feasible.

The second attack is to target the return code generation mechanism. The ballot cast by the voter includes some partial computations of the return codes, which consist on the voter selections raised to some exponent known by the voting device. As far as it does not reveal such secret exponent, neither the voting server nor the code generator (even in coalition) can compute back the voter’s original voting options (see [15] for the analysis). Given that the relation between return codes and voting options is only known to the voter, neither the voting server nor the code generator (or any third party who could have access to them) can use the generated return codes to infer which are the choices selected by the voter.

Finally, a voter cannot copy a vote of another voter and cast it as it was theirs, so that they receive return codes matching those in their voting card. In order to do that they need to compute the exponentiation the original selections to an exponent they know (while not knowing the selections themselves). Otherwise, they would get return codes that they would not be able to understand (because they would belong to another verification card).

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented a technique for cast-as-intended verification in the case of single voting. This mechanism improves on the performance and infrastructure requirements of previous proposals using return codes. Besides a syntax (that could be useful to design other return code-based voting protocols) and a formal description of the scheme, we have provided various details on the implementation of this mechanism for the new Internet voting platform of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, where it has already been used for a binding federal election in March 2015. These details include techniques applied to improve the usability of the system, and to check that the contents of an encrypted vote are correct before being added to the ballot box, without breaking vote privacy. Finally, an informal security analysis has been provided. As a future work we foresee the formalization of the security properties of the scheme and a rigorous study of their fulfillment, as well as further improvements with respect to usability and computational cost.