
1 Introduction

SARS-CoV-2 is a highly infectious respiratory illness caused by the virus. COVID-19 was originally identified in China in December 2019  [2]. In China animals exhibitted COVID-19 from where it proliferated globally corresponding to a pandemic  [4]. When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, saliva droplets or discharge from the nose are the main ways the virus is disseminated. In those who are afflicted, Covid 19 mainly affects the lungs, and in extreme cases, it can lead to ARDS and pneumonia, which can be fatal. 80% of the time, relatively moderate symptoms will be present, while 14% will develop pneumonia, 5% will experience septic shock and organ failure (most commonly respiratory failure), and 2% will experience fatalities. The main signs of Covid 19 infection include fever, light headedness, dyspnea, headaches, dry coughs that eventually produce phlegm, and in rare cases, loss of taste and smell. Diarrhoea and weariness have also been mentioned in a few occasions. The most important rule for preventing the spread is to maintain social distance and wear a mask when outside. Avoiding crowded places and huge gatherings of people helps to limit the transmission of COVID-19. Furthermore, wearing a mask keeps the coronavirus from spreading. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), masks are one of our most useful tactics. However, it is challenging in crowded areas and marginal communities (i.e. among Bangladeshi garment worker communities) to maintain social distancing and facemasks. As a result, technological intervention for controlling the outspread of the infection is necessary  [3]. In this research, a deep learning approach is taken into account to detect facemask as well as measure the distance between two people. In order to, build the face-mask detection model model MoblieNet V2 is emplyed in training the dataset collected from Kaggle. This dataset is further testes using testing dataset as well as real-time dataset. To monitor social distancing YOLOV3-tiny is used because of its high speed processing ability of video image datasets. To distinguish the performance of the proposed models, it is compared with CNN, CNN-LSTM and other CNN state-of-the-art modelsutilized in previous studies.

2 Literature Review

In [7] three significant changes has been made to the Viola-Jones (VJ) framework used for object detection. Multi-dimensional (SURF) features, logistic regression and AUC are the changes added to the prior VJ framework. As a result, the convergence rate is faster than that in the previous model. However, this solution cannot beat OpenCV detectors which work in real-time.

In [8] a face mask detection model combining both deep learning methods and classical machine learning is proposed. A CNN pre-trained model ResNet50 is used for feature extraction while decision tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used for the purpose of classification. Inspite of the higher accuracy achieved through machine learning models, the computational speed was slower.

In [5], a deep learning model which uses VGG-16 is proposed for detection of facial emotion and recognition. Using VGG-16 an accuracy of 88% is achieved. However, VGG16 is more than 533MB due to its depth and quantity of completely connected nodes, as a result, deployment of VGG-16 is a challenging task.

  [9] uses a SSDMNV2 technique, which is very light and can even be utilized in embedded devices (like the NVIDIA Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi) to conduct real-time mask detection, employs the Single Shot Multibox Detector as a face detector and MobilenetV2 architecture as a framework for the classifier. The accuracy derived from the method is 0.9264.

In [12] implements the model on a Raspberry Pi 4 to monitor activities and detect violations using camera. When a breach is discovered, the raspberry pi4 notifies the state police control center and the general public of the situation. However, installing the set up can be expensive, moreover the processing power of raspberry pi 4 is much slower.

 [10] proposed a system called Covid Vision to assist individuals in relying less on employees while adhering to COVID-19 standards and constraints. Covid Vision is developed using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for a face mask detector, a social distance tracker, and a face recognition model. The accuracy of the system was found to be 96.49%. The YOLO V3 model performs better than prior models, although good video is crucial.

 [11] developed a Face Mask and Social Distancing Detection model as an embedded vision system to help combat the Covid-19 pandemic with the benefits of social distancing and face masks. The pretrained models such as MobileNet, ResNet Classifier, and VGG were employed. Following the implementation and deployment of the models, the chosen one received a confidence score of 100%.

3 Methodology

3.1 System Architecture

Since this research focuses on building a Hybrid Deep Learning system, two different system architectures are used. Figure 1 demonstrates the system architecture for face-mask detection. Initially, the dataset is pre-processed and labeled into categories namely, “no-mask" and “mask". The dataset is then divided into two parts: testing and training. The training set is augmented to expand the size of the image set. This training set is then trained using the Mobile Net V2 in order to develop a learning model. This learning model is then tested to classify whether the images are masked or unmasked against the test dataset. Figure 2 depicts the system architecture which is used to recognize social distancing. To achieve this the input video is trained by applying the YOLOV3 model. The distance between centroids is measured to calculate the distance between two people standing side by side.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

System architecture of face mask detection

3.2 Data Collection

An open-source platform named kaggle is used to acquire the dataset. This dataset [1].

3.3 Data Pre-processing

Grayscale conversion, normalization, resize and data augmentation is performed to pre-process the dataset. Grayscale is merely the conversion of colorful images to black and white. It is commonly used in deep learning techniques to minimize computing complexity. Normalization is the process of projecting image data pixels (intensity) to a preset range (typically (0, 1) or (–1, 1), also known as data re-scaling. This is widely used on many data formats, and you want to normalize them all so that you may apply the same techniques to them. The images are resized into a size of 224 by 224. Afterward, data augmentation is performed in order to make small changes to current data to promote variety without gathering new data. It is a strategy for increasing the size of a dataset. Horizontal and vertical flipping, rotation, cropping, shearing, and other data augmentation techniques are common which are applied to the dataset.

3.4 System Architecture

3.4.1 MobileNet Architecture for Face-Mask Detection

Depthwise separable convolutions are an essential component of many efficient neural network architecture . An efficient neural network can be developed by using Depthwise Seperable Convolutions as they are an fruitful replacement for standard convolutions. The basic concept is to replace a factorized version of a complete convolutional operator with one that separates convolution into two different layers. In the first layer, a single convolutional filter, known as a depthwise convolution, is applied to each input channel to perform light filtering. The second layer, a 1\(\,\times \,\)1 convolution known as a pointwise convolution, creates additional features by computing linear combinations of the input channels. Empirically Depthwise Seperable Convolutions work similarly to those regular convolutions, however, the cost is only \(\mathrm {hi \cdot wi \cdot di(k 2 + dj )}\) (1) This cost is recognised as the dephwise and 1 \(\times \) 1 pointwise convolutions sums. In mobile net the value of k = 3 (3 \(\times \) 3 depthwise separable convolutions), corresponding to a s 8 to 9 times smaller computational cost and reduction accuracy than that of standard convolutions.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

System architecture of social distancing

3.4.2 YoLoV3 System Architecture

The compact version of YOLOv3 is called YOLOv3-tiny. Compared to YOLOv3, it has fewer layers, making it more deployable on devices with constrained resources. Precision in object detection is sacrificed in favor of processing overhead and inference time reduction due to the fewer layers. YOLOv3-tiny takes in RGB picture with a resolution of 416\(\,\times \,\)416 as input. YOLOv3-tiny only predicts bounding boxes at two different scales, in contrast to YOLOv3. The input image is splited into 13\(\,\times \,\)13 grids by the first scale, and 26\(\,\times \,\)26 grids by the second scale. In each grid, the framework generates three bounding boxes. The network generates a 3D tensor with class predictions, object class confidence, and bounding box information. The network is made up of five different types of layer categories: convoluted layers, routes, maxpooling, upsamples, and YOLO layer. Up sampling is used in route layers, which are responsible for establishing various flows in the network, to provide a variety of detection scales. The Yolo layer is in charge of generating the output vector.

3.4.3 Measurement of Distance

The Euclidean distance is used to calculate the distance between two centroids (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Sample of images with and without Face mask

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The flow of data in YOLOV3



where, \(P=[p_1,p_2]\) and \(Q=[q_1,q_2]\) are ground point sets. Every \(D_{ij}\) distance matrix D is computed.

3.5 System Implementation

The training module is built using Google Collab. The Goggle drive is used as an external storage device in Collab to retrieve files. This platform enables real-time application execution as well as deep learning libraries (Tensor Processing Unit) by offering access to a powerful GPU and TPU. The darknet GitHub repository is used to clone the whole repository to the root address. Some of the libraries utilized to create models in this work are OpenCV, SKlearn, Tensor Keras, and Matplotlib. The model is ready to train after separating the data into training and testing portions of 80% and 20%, respectively.

4 Result and Desicussion

4.1 Training the Dataset Using MobileNet Model

Figure 5 shows the Training and Validation Accuracy curve of the pre-trained MobileNetV2 model used in the detection of the face-mask. The red line represents the accuracy, while the blue line represents the validation accuracy. There is little to no difference in accuracy between training and testing. Furthermore, it can be deduced that both the line dramatically rises from approximately 5 epochs, after which it remains constant with little change. For evaluation of the performance, there is need some performance evaluate the performance for the models MobileNet and YOLOV3, performance matrieces namely, precision, recall, F1-score are used [8].

Accuracy = (TP+TN)/((TP+FP)+(TN+FN))

Precision = TP/((TP+FP) )

Recall = TP/((TP+FN))

F1Score = 2 (PrecisionRecall)/(Precision+Recall)

According to Table 1 it is observed that the Precision, Recall and f1-Score is 0.99.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Training and validation accuracy

Table 1. The proposed model’s classification report
Fig. 6.
figure 6

Training and validation accuracy

4.2 Social Monitoring System

The YOLO V3 models are used to detect social distance between objects. Figure 6 illustrates not only pedestrians.

4.3 Face Mask Recognition in Real Time

The dataset is trained using MobileNetV2. The aforementioned model simultaneously detects multiple individuals in real-time. Figure 8 shows the real time detection generated by the model (Fig. 7).

4.4 The Comparison of Performance for Face-Mask Detection

As shown in Table 2, the proposed model is compared to other existing work.The proposed model MobileNetV2 outperforms the models used in other research works.CNN has the lowest performance of any of the models.

Table 2. Comparison of performance for face mask detection

4.5 The Comparison of Performance for Monitoring Social Distancing

As shown in Table 3, the proposed model outperforms the YOLO-V4 Modelby a difference of 9%.

Table 3. Comparison of performance for monitoring social distance
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Face mask recognition in real time

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Social distance monitoring from real time video

5 Conclusion

This research focuses on providing a cost efficient and computationally cheap deep learning based system which will not only detect face mask but also monitor social distancing among people. Here two systems are developed, the face-mask dataset is trained by using MObileNetV2 model, resulting in an accuracy of 0.99%. Real-Time testing is also carried out, through which the presence of face-mask is detected. Further, YOLOV3-tiny is used to monitor the social distancing among individuals from video footage. The distance among two individuals are measured using the Euclidean distance formula. Further, the Mobilenet is compared with other pre-trained models used in previous studies and CNN models developed solely for the purpose of comparison in this research. It is observed that MobileNet V2 outperforms YOLO algorithm, ResNet 50, ResNet 80, VGG-16 as well as proposed CNN and CNN-LSTM models. In addition, to distinguish the performance of YOLOV3-tiny it is compared to that of YOLOV4. In terms of speed and accuracy YOLOV3-tiny exhibited better performance.

As for future work, this model can be embedded with android application which utilizing mobile cameras. Moreover, we aim to extend our study to include and experiment with people detection by utilizing 3-D dimensions with three parameters (x, y, and z), in which we can feel uniform distribution distance throughout the entire image and do away with the perspective effect.