1 Introduction

Cryptography, like most scientific fields, has a profound impact on our Society, and even more so as it touches upon one of the most basic human rights, the right to privacy. The threats to privacy posed by the increased reliance on electronic forms of communication has been very well identified (see, for example, [DL]) and there has been a very vigorous debate between technologists and politicians about the ways of limiting the power of encryption as a safeguard to privacy (see the discussion on escrow systems below). One of the beneficial effects of the debate has been the increased awareness of the need to protect our privacy; this is witnessed by the growing use of end to end encryption (E2E encryption) in, for example, messaging apps [MP16, Wha20].

Cryptography “rearranges power” [Rog15] and it obviously attracts the attention of the institutions and individuals that hold the same power that Cryptography threatens to rearrange. Among these power holding institutions, our main concerns involve the institutions that have the power to undermine the two assumptions on which Cryptography relies. As we argue below these assumptions, which have long gone overlooked (or implicit), are rather different in nature from the usual cryptographic assumptions (e.g., about the computing power of parties). More precisely, the security guarantees offered by Cryptography even for its most basic and classic setting, two-party private communication [Sha49], rely on two implicit and fundamental assumptions, one regarding the sender and one regarding the receiver, that can be challenged by exactly those parties whose power Cryptography threatens to limit. When these assumptions are challenged, all privacy guarantees are void (this holds for symmetric [Fei73] as well as for public key [DH76, RSA78, GM84] systems).

Concretely, it is assumed that the encryption and the decryption processes are conducted freely and privately by the sender and the receiver, respectively. Specifically, on the receiver’s side, a message, once encrypted, is considered private based on the assumption that the receiver’s (Bob’s) private key (regardless of where it resides) is not compromised. In fact, relying solely on the key not being compromised and not on other obscurities is known as the Kerckhoffs principle and was already formulated in 1883 [Ker83]. On the sender’s side, in turn, it is concretely assumed that the sender (Alice) is free to pick the message to be sent.

Indeed, if Alice is not free to pick the message to be sent, we can hardly talk of communication “from Alice to Bob.” Similarly, if Bob’s secret key is compromised (and the key is the only source of secrecy), we cannot consider the communication to be private. In other words, Cryptography currently implements private communication assuming that encryption takes as input a message freely chosen by Alice and that, among all other parties, only Bob has access to the key necessary for decryption. We call these two assumptions the sender-freedom assumption and the receiver-privacy assumption, respectively.

Both assumptions are realistic for normal settings, and thus, it is not a big surprise that the majority of symmetric and asymmetric encryption systems have been developed under them, and it is so natural that these are implicit in the modeling. Yet, these assumptions fail to exist in a dictator-led country where law enforcement agencies have the (legal) power to get the private key of citizens to be surrendered upon request (thus undermining the receiver-privacy assumption). Furthermore, in a dictatorship, individuals can be forced by the authorities to encrypt and send some adversary selected (e.g., wrong) statements (thus undermining the sender-freedom assumption). Note that while we characterize the above as a dictator-led country, it is quite prevalent around the world today for governments (of all types) to ask for at least some of the above powers when discussing encryption!

Let us now discuss the two assumptions more in depth.

The Receiver-Privacy Assumption. Achieving security without having to rely on this assumption asks us to consider the classical cryptographic problem of two parties that wish to privately communicate in the presence of an adversary that has the ability to eavesdrop on all communication between the two parties and the power to request the receiver’s secret keyFootnote 1. At first sight, achieving privacy against such an adversary seems like an impossible task since, by definition, the secret key allows for the decryption of any ciphertext and, once an adversary has gained access to the secret key, nothing can stop it from decrypting the ciphertexts.

Before giving an intuitive idea of how we plan to approach this seemingly impossible problem, we want to elaborate on the security threat that we address and how it puts further constraints on the solution space. As mentioned before, this setting models adversaries of the scale of a nation state whose government has the “legal” power to force citizens to reveal their secret keys. In such a setting, it is expected that a citizen would abide by the request as any refusal could be considered as evidence that the communication was unlawful (or be considered such in the eyes of the adversary/government); in fact, the citizens may wish (as an advantage in an hostile environment) to be able to prove the benign nature of their messages. As we shall see, addressing the needs of privacy in the presence of such a powerful adversary in an effective way cannot be achieved by introducing new constructions that would immediately be ruled as illegal, but rather by showing that existing constructions can be adapted to support the new need. Indeed, for its own nature, the deployment itself of countermeasures must be hidden from the adversary as a government has the legal means and the power to make it illegal.

The Sender-Freedom Assumption. This assumption posits that the sender Alice is free to choose which message to encrypt; without this assumption, the meaning of communication originating from Alice is lost. It is not difficult to imagine a setting in which someone is under duress to send a ciphertext with a fake message. Specifically, the sender might be forced to produce a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) for a given message m, the forced message, with respect to a given public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), the forced public key. In addition the adversary will want to see the coin tosses R used to produce \({\mathtt {ct}}\) so as to be able to check that \({\mathtt {ct}}={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}},m;R)\). Is there a way for the sender to satisfy the adversary but still send a message other than m to some other party? Clearly, if the adversary has the power to pick the message m and the randomness to be used, then the sender has no maneuvering space. This would be equivalent to the adversary holding Alice’s cellphone and using it to send messages on Alice’s behalf; clearly (with no freedom to choose anything) nothing can be done to prevent this (which is a, de facto, impersonation of Alice). Instead, we do not consider impersonation, but rather consider the setting in which the more remote adversary does select the message to be sent, lets Alice compute the ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) and later on Alice is required to exhibit the coin tosses used to compute \({\mathtt {ct}}\); i.e., the adversary does not completely control the cryptographic device as in an impersonation attack, it allows strong cryptography as well, but forces a valid explanation for the ciphertext for messages it chooses, including possibly some one-way hash post-processing of truly random bits to produce the random bits used in encryption, to prevent, e.g., some meaningful message being part of the randomness used for systems that encrypt over a message and randomness, and issues of this sort.

Again, in authoritarian regimes, under threats, dissidents are often forced to send false statements to public and international newspapers. In this situation, an international human rights organization (HR) that is not under the control of the dictator can release its public key. When dissidents in a country ruled by a dictator are forced by the authority to send false statements to an international newspaper, say AP News under the public key of AP News, dissidents can obey that request while being able to add hidden messages to HR, for example saying that what they are saying is false, as an additional protection.

Normative Prescriptions. One may ask: most of Cryptography is based on computational assumptions and this has not slowed down its deployment in real-world applications; why should we be worried by two extra assumptions? Let us pause and ask ourselves why we believe in the assumptions we use to design cryptographic schemes. The assumed hardness of computational problems reflects our current intuition about and understanding of Nature (and thus, its representation within mathematical models): randomness, one-way functions, and trapdoor functions do exist in our current understanding of Nature. On the other hand, let us look at the receiver-privacy assumption. Why do we believe that users will not be forced to reveal their private key? Essentially because there is a normative prescriptionFootnote 2 by which forcing someone to do something against its will is a punishable crime. In other words, society attaches a punishment to anybody who violates the receiver-privacy assumption. The same holds for the sender-freedom assumption. However normative prescriptions are not laws of Nature (not inherent to the way things are!) and they can be modified by a new social/normative re-order. And this is exactly what a dictator will do. On the other hand, quite obviously, no dictator will ever be able to make a one-way function efficiently invertible or will be able to predict a random bitFootnote 3.

Indeed Cryptography can be seen as an effort to replace assumptions based on normative prescriptions with milder assumptions leveraging our understanding of Nature and, more specifically, of Computational Complexity (combined with Information Theory) and/or of Computing Architectures. A primary example of this effort is the concept of Secure Multiparty Computation (aka Private Function Evaluation). If we accept assumptions based on normative prescriptions, then we can identify some individual to act as a trusted third party (TTP); that is, the TTP receives the private inputs and returns the value of the function to be computed. A law (a normative prescription) will describe the expected behavior of the TTP and identify the penalties for not following the prescription. On the other hand, the field of Secure multi-party computation [Yao86, GMW87] has shown how to achieve the same without relying on normative prescriptions regarding the TTP (replacing it with reliance on computational complexity assumptions and/or architectural separation and isolation of computing elements).

2 Related Works

Having presented the crux of our notion, let us examine related works and notions dealing with other aspects of violations of the two implicit normative assumptions above.

Key-Escrow. The availability and proliferation of E2E encryption for smartphone messaging applications (see [MP16, ACD19, Wha20] for two of the most widely used applications and for some of the formal treatment of the Cryptography on which they are based) has renewed the debate between law enforcement and government security agencies, and technologists. Actually, the debate goes back to at almost 30 years ago when the Internet became mainstream (early 1990s). The following quote is from [Dak96]:

Presently, anyone can obtain encryption devices for voice or data transmissions. Unfortunately, this group may include criminals, terrorists and drug dealers. Law enforcement groups believe this could soon create a devastating problem because these authorities commonly rely on electronic surveillance, also known as “wiretapping”, as a tool for fighting crime. That is, if criminals can use advanced encryption technology in their transmissions, electronic surveillance techniques could be rendered useless because of law enforcement’s inability to decode the message.

Much research in Cryptography has focused on methods to make the strong privacy guarantees offered by encryption ineffective under very specific and well identified situations. An early prototypical and pioneering example of this kind of work is the concept of a Fair Cryptosystem by Micali [Mic] that was one of the first to consider the possibility of targeted revocation of the privacy offered by encryption. Roughly speaking, this was achieved by sharing the secret key among a number of parties (the majority of which is assumed to be honest, say) and each would reveal its share, so as to allow reconstruction, only if a court order to that effect would be produced. In 1993 (essentially at the same time of Fair Cryptosystems), the US government put forth The Clipper proposal [Cli] by which all strong encryption systems had to retain a copy of keys necessary to decrypt information with a trusted third party who would turn over keys to law enforcement upon proper legal authorization. The Clipper chip was attempting to bind the ability to identify the key of the sender to facilitate government access and the ability to decrypt. The proposal had a flaws involving a too small authentication field [Bla94] and, actually, the binding was shown to be broken so as to bypass the mechanism [FY93]. All the above systems employed either trusted hardware or other trusted elements (trustees) added to the Public-Key Infrastructure setting. An open question at the time was to construct a “software only” escrow, employing the existing trusted point of the certification authority within the existing public key infrastructure as a handle (see [YY98]).

Given general security concerns, the report by Abelson et al. [AAB+97] (see also [AAB+15]) identifies the major threats of such a key-escrow system (primarily, the availability of an access method to the user’s encrypted data which is not under the user own responsibility). The possibility that a key-escrow system could be abused by law-enforcement agency to violate the privacy of the users and to conduct large scale surveillance, which is our main concern in this paper, and was identified in the first report [AAB+97] that looked into the privacy issues arising from the Clipper chip and from other key-escrow mechanisms. We note that, obviously, the same concerns and more hold if weak Cryptography, which can be broken with enough feasible resources, is mandated in our modern time and with available public computational resources, such Cryptography simply does not work.

The main approach taken by cryptographers to address the above important point regarding escrow has been to construct systems relying on cryptographic tools (mathematical assumptions) that will make it impossible for governments to infringe on the privacy of the individuals and the guarantees made relying on a combination of normative assumptions as well as on cryptographic primitives. For example, the guarantee offered by a Fair Cryptosystem rely on the cryptographic strength of the secret-sharing primitives and on the normative prescription that the majority of shareholders will only act upon a request from the recognized authority, which, in turn, relies on the assumption that share holder are honest and uncoercible. From our point of view it is natural to ask: What if the authority is a dictator, and thus normative prescriptions have no effect?

Along these lines, the very recent work of Green et al. [GKVL] offers the most complete approach by formally defining the desired properties for a law enforcement access system and putting forth the notion of an abuse-resistant law enforcement access system (ARLEAS). In addition, they gave a feasibility result using standard cryptographic techniques. Most systems, including ARLEAS [GKVL], consider three types of parties: users, that employ encryption to exchange messages; law enforcement, that need to access encrypted messages produced by users; judiciary, that grants or denies authorizations to the access requests of the law enforcement. Note that such a system does not offer any protection against dictatorial states. First of all, in most dictatorships the judiciary is not an independent power thus making the abuse-resistant property nothing more than a wish. Actually, a key-escrow system makes it even easier for a dictator to violate the privacy of the users as it is enough to nominate themselves, as dictators tend to do, to be the judiciary and law enforcement. Even more importantly, note that all such systems still rely on the receiver-privacy and sender-freedom assumptions.

The main technical objective of our work is to show that one can achieve privacy in communication using existing cryptographic systems even in the presence of a dictator without relying on any normative prescription.

Deniable Encryption. The concept of Deniable Encryption, put forth by Canetti et al. [CDNO97], might seem to be relevant to our setting. A deniable encryption scheme allows the sender to generate fake coin tosses that make the ciphertext looks like an encryption of another, innocent, cleartext. So whenever the sender is requested to open a ciphertext by surrendering the coin tosses, he can just generate fake coin tosses and thus effectively conceal the real plaintext. However, an assumption in deniable encryption is that the adversary has the power to approach the sender after the ciphertext was transmitted. It was mentioned in [CDNO97] that deniability is impossible in the context of direct physical access, where “Eve [the adversary] approaches Alice [the sender] before the transmission and requires Alice [the sender] to send specific messages”. It was clearly stated in the original paper [CDNO97] that “Certainly, if Alice [the sender] must hand Eve [the adversary] the real cleartext and random bits then no protection is possible”. Hence, while deniability is an important property, it does not solve the issue of facing a dictator.

Kleptography. The concept of having a cryptosystem inside another cryptosystem was used in Kleptography [YYa, YY97, YYb]. However, the goal in Kleptography is to attack the cryptosystem owner by using inside an implementation (or a specification) a method to leak exclusively to an adversary. This goal is in fact, not to help against an adversary, but to covertly introduce an adversary, and is a tool to help a dictator!. In some sense it can be used as an implicit key escrow, and in some formal sense it negated the US government plan to distribute cryptography in black-box hardware devices. Due to Snowden revelations, in fact, an Elliptic Curve variant of the repeated DH kleptogram in the above works was deployed in the Dual-EC pseudorandom generator standard, as was verified in [CNE+14]. As a response, nowadays, the cryptographic community is working on systems and architectures which can mitigate such system subversion attacks (see [BPR, RTYZ, RTYZ17]).

Steganography and “Chaffing and Winnowing”. The other tool to send secret messages with is steganography, where a message is concealed within another message (exploiting some redundancy in the message structure and style). This is always possible, but systems of this nature are hard to deploy widely and systematically as part of an established large scale computing base in a situation it is not allowed (by the dictator).

In a response to the US government possibly restricting encryption systems while allowing authentication method as part of its cryptographic export control, Rivest proposed in 1998 the “chaffing and winnowing” system [Riv]. This system shows how sharing a MAC key for authentication is turned into a method for sending concealed message (in some steganographic sense). This clearly demonstrated that the separation of cryptography for authentication and cryptography for confidentiality, proposed by the possible export regulation, is quite artificial, and gave a way to bypass key escrow using authentication keys which were not proposed to be part of escrow encryption schemes at the time. Note that in our scenario of the dictator, the dictator can certainly ask for a MAC (authentication) key as well and get the concealed message itself.

PublicKey Steganography and Subvertable Backdoored Encryption. von Ahn and Hopper [vAH04] were the first to study steganographic public key and key exchange. Their constructions rely on the existence of a public random string that cannot be tampered or chosen by the dictator. The work of Horel et al. [HPRV19] removes this assumptions by showing that steganographic key exchange can be achieved without resorting to public information. The key exchange is used then in conjunction with the rejection sampling technique (see Sect. 5.1).

Comparing our model with the one of [HPRV19], we note that our model assumes the parties have originally shared (private and thus un-tampered by dictator) information. This, importantly, allows for zero-latency communication hidden from the dictator. In Sect. 5.3 nevertheless, we show how to combine [HPRV19] with our construction thus sacrificing zero-latency and dispensing with the need of shared information. Comparing, in turn, one of our main solutions (see Sect. 5.3) with the one of Horel et al. [HPRV19] we note that, for a ciphertext carrying \(\lambda \) bits, rejection sampling allows to transmit \(O(\log \lambda )\) extra bits whereas our construction carries \(\lambda \) thus achieving bandwidth rate of 1 (as opposed to \((\log \lambda )/\lambda )\). Such a bandwidth rate is rare in steganographic systems in general. Our second result in Sect. 6 also achieves zero latency, and does not need the parties to share a private key.

3 Our Approach

In this section, we would like to give a taste of our approach, and present a generic but limited solution that shows its feasibility. For concreteness, we consider the receiver’s side.

As we have already observed, there is no hope for preventing an adversary that is in possession of the secret key from decrypting a ciphertext. In turn, one might think of ciphertexts that carry two messages and a different key is needed for each of them. When asked for the secret key, the receiver might release only one of the two keys, thus protecting one of the messages. But then, if the adversary knows that there are two keys, why should he be happy to receive just one key? Because we will make sure that the adversary believes that there is no second key! Roughly speaking, we would like to have an encryption scheme for which it is possible to generate a public key with one secret key or, alternatively, to generate a public key that has two associated secret keys. More precisely, the technical core of our proposed solution consists of the concept of an Anamorphic Encryption scheme, a special encryption scheme whose public keys can be generated in one of two possible modes: normal or anamorphic.

  • A Normal public key is associated with a Normal secret key and it can be used for the normal encryption functionality: the sender encrypts the message m using the public key, and the receiver decrypts the ciphertext using the secret key. An adversarial authority (i.e., the dictator) that is in possession of a ciphertext can (legally) force the receiver to surrender the secret key and thus gain access to the message.

  • An AnamorphicFootnote 4 public key instead is associated with two secret keys: a normal secret key and a double secret key. A ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) produced with an anamorphic public key carries two messages: the normal message \(m_0\), that can be obtained by decrypting \({\mathtt {ct}}\) using the normal secret key; and the anamorphic message \(m_1\), only visible to parties that have the double secret key. When requested to surrender his secret key to allow inspection of the ciphertexts, the owner of an anamorphic public key will pretend that the key is normal and reveal the normal secret key. Thus, the dictator will gain access only to the normal message \(m_0\) and the special message \(m_1\) is kept private.

Normal public keys can be used by receivers who do not expect their secret keys to be requested by the adversarial authority. Actually, these users need not even know about anamorphic public keys and their operations will not be affected in any way. Anamorphic public keys could instead be generated by someone who has reasons to believe that the dictator will want to get the information he has received; for example, an investigative reporter or an opposition leader. As an example, consider an investigative reporter Bob who wants to communicate in a private way with his informant, Alice. Bob sets up his public key as an anamorphic key and gives Alice the double secret key. Note that Bob publishes his anamorphic public key for everybody to use. However, when Alice has some sensitive information for Bob, she uses the double key obtained from Bob to produce an anamorphic ciphertext carrying two messages: \(m_0\) is set equal to some innocent looking message (for example, a general question about the work of the reporter; recall that in a dictatorship Alice does not even have a free choice of this message), and message \(m_1\) will instead contain the sensitive information that Alice wishes to communicate to Bob. Should Bob be requested to surrender his secret key, he will pretend that his public key is just a normal public key and will reveal the normal secret key. In this way the adversary will be able to read message \(m_0\) (the innocent message containing no sensitive information) and will gain no access to the potentially incriminating message \(m_1\).

Clearly, for this to work the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • a pair of anamorphic public and secret keys must be indistinguishable from a normal corresponding pair; and

  • the ciphertexts produced using an anamorphic public key must be indistinguishable from those produced by a normal public key.

In addition, we are interested in performance parameters: We would like the system to have zero-latency in the sense that the anamorphic system is ready to be used whenever the normal system is ready. Additionally, we are interested in system where the anamorphic bandwidth rate (i.e., number of anomorphic bit transmitted divided by the number of normal bits transmitted) is high (whenever and as much as possible).

A Simple Solution that Does Not Work. At first, one might think that constructing an Anamorphic Encryption scheme is not difficult and indeed it is possible to turn any encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}\) into a Anamorphic Encryption \(\mathsf {AME}\) in the following rather straightforward way by adding redundancy to the ciphertext. The normal encryption process of \(\mathsf {AME}\) consists of computing a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) according to \(\mathcal {E}\) and then outputting \(({\mathtt {ct}},R)\), where R is a randomly selected string. During the decryption process of \(\mathsf {AME}\) with the normal secret key, the random string R is ignored and the message is obtained by decrypting \({\mathtt {ct}}\) according to \(\mathcal {E}\). Thus, a normal pair of public and secret key for \(\mathsf {AME}\) is simply a pair of keys from \(\mathcal {E}\). An anamorphic public key instead is associated also with the secret key K of a symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}'\) with pseudorandom ciphertexts (e.g., it is a pseudorandom permutation). During the anamorphic encryption process, ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is an encryption of \(m_0\) according to \(\mathcal {E}\) and the random string R that is appended to \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is an encryption of \(m_1\) with respect to \(\mathcal {E}'\) computed using key K that, thus, plays the role of the double key. Note that the public keys are identical and, by the pseudorandomness properties of the ciphertexts of \(\mathcal {E}'\), a normal ciphertext, in which R is truly random, is indistinguishable from an anamorphic ciphertext in which R is a ciphertext of \(\mathcal {E}'\).

So, the question is: do we have a satisfactory solutions? Hardly so! The mere fact of using a standard encryption scheme and augmenting each ciphertext with a random string is suspicious and, moreover, a user not interested in sending hidden messages has no incentive to append a random string to the ciphertext just to attract the attention of the dictator. Rather we are interested in showing that existing encryption schemes can be used, in the form in which they have been originally designed, to provide a second channel that is secure also with respect to an adversary that has access to the secret key of the receiver. In practice, this will not raise any suspicion since all ciphertexts will be from a standard encryption scheme or will be indistinguishable from them. In addition, no extra action (like generating and appending a random string to each ciphertext) is required from the normal users who can actually be completely unaware of the special mode of operation.

In other words the question we ask is not

Can we construct an Anamorphic Encryption scheme?

but rather:

Is any of the existing encryption schemes also Anamorphic?

A positive answer to this question will constitute technical evidence of the futility of the efforts of governments around the world (dictatorships and democracies) to control encryption.

Our Main Technical Contributions. The rest of this paper consists of identifying encryption schemes that appear in the literature which address the two limitations we identified above.

  • Receiver’s side. We show that the Naor-Yung paradigm for CCA secure encryption from CPA secure encryption gives receiver-Anamorphic Encryption schemes (see Definition 1) with a bandwidth rate of 1. That is, each ciphertext for \(\lambda \) plaintext bits carries \(\lambda \) additional bits that are hidden from the dictator. Moreover, as in the public key model, communication hidden from the dictator can start with zero latency.

  • Sender’s side. We show that a lattice based cryptosystems from the literature [Reg05, GPV08] are sender-Anamorphic Encryption (see Definition 3) and they also achieve hidden communication with zero latency. In addition, they do not require the sender and receiver to share any secret (just that there is an additional receiver in the system), thus, enhancing their practicality.

Given these, one can conclude that the “Crypto Wars” which consists of attacks on the free use of strong cryptography (involving requirements to give keys of such cryptographic schemes to the dictator) are possibly futile. One may then conclude that dictators should mandate only weak cryptography! But, due to earlier battles, we are already know that disallowing strong Cryptography is totally unhelpful to and imposes limits on the development of advanced information technology systems, implying dire consequences to the economy and to society.

Roadmap. In Sect. 4, we put forth the concept of a Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption and give a formal notion of security. In Sect. 5.3, we show that the Naor-Yung paradigm [NY90] gives Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption with zero latency and bandwidth rate 1. In Sect. 6, we define the concept of an Sender-Anamorphic Encryption that can be used to obtain private communication when the sender-freedom assumption does not hold. We show that lattice-based cryptosystems have this property (and give some evidence that other public key cryptosystems are not Sender-Anamorphic Encryption). The scheme is zero-latency as well.

4 Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption

In this section we present the concept of a Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption scheme that provides private communication without relying on the receiver-privacy assumption (while in Sect. 6 we will present the concept of a Sender-Anamorphic Encryption scheme).

A Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption scheme (a Receiver-AM scheme) consists of two encryption schemes: the normal scheme \(({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) and the anamorphic scheme \(({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}})\). It can be deployed as normal scheme in which case Bob runs the (real) key generation algorithm \({\mathsf {KG}}\) to obtain a pair of keys \(({\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {SK}})\) and, as usual, publishes \({\mathtt {PK}}\). When Alice wishes to send message m, she produces ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) by running the (real) encryption algorithm \({\mathsf {Enc}}\) by using \({\mathtt {PK}}\) and m. When \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is received by Bob, it is decrypted by running the (real) decryption algorithm \({\mathsf {Dec}}\) and using \({\mathtt {SK}}\). Thus, when deployed as normal a Receiver-AM is just a regular public-key encryption scheme. If the dictator comes for the secret key, Bob surrenders \({\mathtt {SK}}\). We are interested in Receiver-AM schemes in which the normal scheme is an established and already used cryptosystem.

Bob deploys the scheme as anamorphic when he wants to protect the confidentiality of the communication with Alice even in the event that he is forced to surrender his secret decryption key to the dictator. In this case, Bob runs the anamorphic key generation algorithm \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) that returns a pair of anamorphic public-secret keys \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\) along with a special key, \({\mathtt {dkey}}\), called the double key. As usual, Bob publishes \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) and keeps \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\) private but \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) is shared with Alice. If asked, Bob will surrender \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\) to the dictator. The pair \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\) is a fully functional pair of keys: if a message m is encrypted by using \({\mathsf {Enc}}\) and \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), it can be decrypted by \({\mathsf {Dec}}\) on input \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\). Key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) is instead used by Alice to send Bob messages that remain confidential even if \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\) is compromised. Specifically, whenever Alice has a message \(m_1\) that must remain confidential, she picks an innocent looking message \(m_0\) and encrypts \((m_0,m_1)\) using the anamorphic encryption algorithm \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) with \({\mathtt {dkey}}\). The ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) produced by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) has the property that it returns \(m_0\) when decrypted with the normal decryption algorithm \({\mathsf {Dec}}\) and with key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\); whereas it returns \(m_1\) when decrypted by running the anamorphic decryption algorithm \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}}\) on input the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\). In other words, the authority will obtain \(m_0\) and Bob will obtain \(m_1\). Clearly, the ciphertext produced by Alice must indistinguishable from a ciphertext of \(m_1\) produced using \({\mathsf {Enc}}\) even to an adversary that has access to \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\).

We stress again that Alice and Bob share a key, \({\mathtt {dkey}}\), in order to achieve privacy without having to rely on the secret-key assumption.

4.1 Syntax

In this section we formally define the concept of a Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption scheme. Then in Sect. 4.3 we will present the corresponding security notion.

Definition 1

An encryption scheme \(\mathsf {AME}=(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {KG}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Enc}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) is a Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption (or, simply, a Receiver-AM) if there exists an anamorphic triplet \(\mathsf {a}\mathsf {AME}=(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) with the following syntax

  • \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) takes as input the security parameter \(1^\lambda \) and returns an anamorphic public key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), an anamorphic secret key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\) and a double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) takes as input the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) and two messages \({\mathtt {m}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {m}}_1\) and returns an anamorphic ciphertext \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}}\) takes as input the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) and an anamorphic ciphertext \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\), computed by running \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) on input \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) and messages \({\mathtt {m}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {m}}_1\), and returns message \({\mathtt {m}}_1\).

As we have seen previously, a Receiver-AM scheme can be deployed as normal or as anamorphic. When Bob deploys the Receiver-AM scheme as anamorphic, Alice (or any other user that has received \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) from Bob) can use \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) to produce ciphertexts. However, Bob cannot instruct all users to use \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) as that would be like admitting that he has deployed the scheme as anamorphic; in other words users that are unaware that the scheme has been deployed as anamorphic will use \({\mathsf {Enc}}\). It is thus crucial that the encryption-decryption functionality does not break for these users, despite using the normal encryption algorithm with an anamorphic public key. Indeed, the fact that ciphertexts generated by the normal encryption algorithm cannot be decrypted could be a strong evidence, if not a proof, that the public key is anamorphic.

Next, we formally identify the four different modes of operations that arise from mixing normal, and anamorphic algorithms and keys and then in Sect. 4.3 we present our security notion.

4.2 Modes of Operation

A Receiver-AM scheme \(\mathsf {AME}\) naturally defines the following four modes of operation, each corresponding to a different scenario. Of these four modes, one uses the normal keys and three use anamorphic keys. The security definition (see Definition 4) will require that, roughly speaking, the the normal and the fully anamorphic mode be indistinguishable. This is sufficient to prove that all of them are indeed pairwise indistinguishable.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The four modes of operation of an anamorphic encryption scheme. The fully anamorphic mode is used by Bob to communicate privately with Alice. The anamorphic mode with normal decryption is used by Bob when the dictator requests the decryption of an anamorphic ciphertext sent by Alice. The anamorphic mode with normal encryption is used by Charlie, unaware that Bob has an anamorphic key, to send a message to Bob. The normal mode is used by Charlie that sets up his key in normal mode to receive messages from other users. The normal mode offers no privacy guarantee against the dictator.

  1. 1.

    The fully ana morphic encryption mode is used when Bob deploys the scheme as anamorphic and Alice uses \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) to send Bob a private message. This mode is associated with the triplet of algorithms \(\mathsf {f}\mathsf {AME}_{\hat{m}}=(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_3,\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{1,\hat{m}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) where, for every message \(\hat{m}\),

    • \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_3(1^\lambda )\) is the algorithm that runs \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}(1^\lambda )\) obtaining \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}},{\mathtt {dkey}})\) and returns \({\mathtt {dkey}}\). Note that the index in \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_{3}\) denotes the components of the triplet generated by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) that is selected to appear in the output.

    • \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{1,\hat{m}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},m)\) is the algorithm that returns \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m},m).\) Note that index 1 in \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{1,\hat{m}}\) denotes that message \(\hat{m}\) will be passed as first message to algorithm \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\).

    Note that \(\mathsf {f}\mathsf {AME}{\hat{m}}\) is, for every \(\hat{m}\), a symmetric encryption scheme (Fig. 1).

  2. 2.

    The anamorphic with normal decryption mode is used when Bob deploys the scheme as anamorphic (and thus the public key is generated using algorithm \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\)), the ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is produced by Alice by running the anamorphic encryption algorithm \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) on input \((m_0,m_1)\) and the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}\), and the ciphertext is decrypted by the dictator by running the normal encryption algorithm \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Dec}}\) on input \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\).

    More formally, the mode is associated with the triplet \(\mathsf {and}\mathsf {AME}_{\hat{m}}=({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_{1,2},{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{2,\hat{m}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\), where, for every \(\hat{m}\),

    • \(\mathsf {and}\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{2,\hat{m}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},m)\) is the algorithm that returns \(\mathsf {AME}.{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},m,\hat{m}).\) Note that the index 2 in \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}_{2,\hat{m}}\) denotes that message \(\hat{m}\) will be passed as second message to algorithm \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\).

  3. 3.

    The anamorphic with normal encryption mode is used when Bob deploys the scheme as anamorphic (and thus the anamorphic public key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) is used as public key) and a sender encrypts messages using the normal encryption algorithm \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Enc}}\). The ciphertexts produced in this way can be read by the dictator that has the secret key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}\) associated with \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) by running the normal decryption algorithm \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Dec}}\).

    More formally, the mode is associated with the triplet \(\mathsf {ane}\mathsf {AME}=({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_{1,2},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\), where

    • \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_{1,2}(1^\lambda )\) is the algorithm that runs \(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}(1^\lambda )\), obtaining \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}},{\mathtt {dkey}})\), and returns the pair \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\). Note that the indices in \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}_{1,2}\) denote the components of the triplet generated by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) that are selected to appear in the output.

  4. 4.

    The normal mode of operation is associated to the triple of algorithms \(\mathsf {n}\mathsf {AME}=(\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {KG}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Enc}},\mathsf {AME}\text {.}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) and it corresponds to the scenario in which the scheme is deployed and used in normal mode; that is, the keys are generated by running \({\mathsf {KG}}\), the ciphertexts are constructed by running \({\mathsf {Enc}}\) and decrypted by running \({\mathsf {Dec}}\).

4.3 Security Notion

We are now ready to define the notion of a Secure Receiver-AM scheme. As we shall see, the security notion posits that no PPT dictator can distinguish whether the Receiver-AM scheme is in normal mode or in fully anamorphic mode. In other words, it is indistinguishable whether \(\mathsf {n}\mathsf {AME}\) or \(\mathsf {f}\mathsf {AME}{\hat{m}}\), for message \(\hat{m}\), is being used. We first make two interesting remarks:

  • No explicit security requirement is made for the security of the fully anamorphic mode; in other words, it is not explicitly required that Alice’s secret message \(m_1\) is actually secret.

  • No explicit security and functional requirement regarding the partial anamorphic modes of operation, anamorphic with normal encryption and anamorphic with normal decryption, is made.

The requirements in both bullets above are clearly desirable: first, we would like Alice’s secret message to be kept secure from the authorities; and we do not want the authority to be able to distinguish whether the normal mode or one of the other anamorphic modes is being used. As we shall see, the security notion of Definition 2 is sufficient for the requirements in the two bullets above. Let us now proceed more formally and define the following two games involving a dictator \(\mathcal {D}\).

figure a

Note that in \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) the key is normal (that is, output by \({\mathsf {KG}}\)) and the i-th ciphertext is an encryption of \(m_0^i\) computed using \({\mathsf {Enc}}\). In other words, \(\mathcal {D}\) interacts with the scheme in normal mode. On the other hand, in \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) the key is output by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) and the i-th ciphertext carries both messages \(m_0^i\) and \(m_1^i\). In other words, \(\mathcal {D}\) with the scheme in fully anamorphic mode. Note that in both cases, \(\mathcal {D}\) is given the public key and the associated secret key.

More formally, we denote by \(p^{{\mathsf {NormalGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda )\) (respectively, \(p^{{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda )\)) the probability that \({{\mathsf {NormalGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda )\) (respectively, \({{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda )\)) outputs 1 and we introduce the following definition.

Definition 2

A Receiver-AM scheme \(\mathsf {AME}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) with anamorphic triplet \(({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) is a Secure Receiver-AM scheme if

  1. 1.

    \(\mathsf {AME}\) is an IND-CPA scheme;

  2. 2.

    for every message \(\hat{m}\), \(\mathsf {f}\mathsf {AME}_{\hat{m}}\) is a symmetric encryption scheme;

  3. 3.

    for all PPT dictators \(\mathcal {D}\),

    $$\left| p^{{\mathsf {NormalGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda )- p^{{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {D}}(\lambda ) \right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$

In the rest of this section, we prove that the fully anamorphic mode (used by Alice and Bob to communicate privately) is an IND-CPA private key encryption scheme, thus addressing the observation in the first bullet above. We start in Sect. 4.4 by proving that the anamorphic modes with normal encryption is indistinguishable from the fully anamorphic mode and from the normal mode. We then build on this to prove the security of the fully anamorphic mode in Sect. 4.5. We will address the observation in the second bullet in the final version of the paper.

4.4 Properties of the Anamorphic Mode with Normal Encryption

We start by defining game \({\mathsf {aneGame}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}\), for a Secure Receiver-AM \(\mathsf {AME}\) and a PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\). As usual, we denote by \(p^{{\mathsf {aneGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )\) the probability that \({\mathsf {aneGame}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )\) outputs 1. Game \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) describes the Anamorphic Mode with Normal Encryption.

figure b

We note that \(\mathcal {A}\) issues encryption queries \((m^i_0,m^i_1)\) and that, clearly, \(\mathcal {A}\) can also use the keys in its possession to encrypt and decrypt ciphertexts of its choice. The next lemma proves that \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) is indistinguishable from \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) thus yielding that the Normal Mode is indistinguishable from the Anamorphic Mode with Normal Encryption.

Lemma 1

Let \(\mathsf {AME}\) be a Secure Receiver-AM scheme. Then for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), we have

$$\left| p^{{\mathsf {NormalGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )- p^{{\mathsf {aneGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda ) \right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$


Suppose that there exists an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) that distinguishes \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) from \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\). We will use \(\mathcal {A}\) to construct a dictator \(\mathcal {D}\) that distinguishes \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) from \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\), thus violating the security of \(\mathsf {AME}\). \(\mathcal {D}\) receives the challenge pair of keys \(({\mathtt {PK}}^\star ,{\mathtt {SK}}^\star )\) and runs \(\mathcal {A}\) on input \(({\mathtt {PK}}^\star ,{\mathtt {SK}}^\star )\). For each query \((m_0^i,m_1^i)\) issued by \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {D}\) replies by returning \({\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}^\star ,m_0^i)\). When \(\mathcal {A}\) stops and returns b, \(\mathcal {D}\) outputs b. This terminates the description of \(\mathcal {D}\). Note that \(\mathcal {D}\) issues no encryption query.

Now observe that if \(\mathcal {D}\) is playing \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) then \(({\mathtt {PK}}^\star ,{\mathtt {SK}}^\star )\) are output by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) and thus \(\mathcal {D}\) is simulating \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) for \(\mathcal {A}\). On the other hand, if \(\mathcal {D}\) is playing \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) then \(({\mathtt {PK}}^\star ,{\mathtt {SK}}^\star )\) are output by \({\mathsf {KG}}\) and thus \(\mathcal {D}\) is simulating \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) for \(\mathcal {A}\). This concludes the proof.    \(\square \)

Transitivity of indistinguishability gives the following lemma.

Lemma 2

Let \(\mathsf {AME}\) be a Secure Receiver-AM scheme. Then for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), we have

$$\left| p^{{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )- p^{{\mathsf {aneGame}}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda ) \right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$

4.5 Security of the Fully Anamorphic Mode

We are now ready to prove that the fully anamorphic mode of a Secure Receiver-AM scheme is IND-CPA even for an adversary that has access to \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\) but not to \({\mathtt {dkey}}\).

Let us start by formally defining the notion of IND-CPA security of the fully anamorphic mode of a Secure Receiver-AM scheme. For \(\eta =0,1\), message \(\hat{m}\), and stateful PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), we define game \({\mathsf {IndCPA}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}^\eta \) as follows.

figure c

We denote by \(\mathsf {pcpa}^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}\) the probability that, in game \({\mathsf {IndCPA}}_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}^\eta \), adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs 1 . We will prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1

If \(\mathsf {AME}\) is a Secure Receiver-AM scheme, then, for every message \(\hat{m}\), \(\mathsf {f}\mathsf {AME}_{\hat{m}}\) is IND-CPA secure. That is, for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) and every \(\hat{m}\)

$$\left| \mathsf {pcpa}^0_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )- \mathsf {pcpa}^1_{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )\right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$

To prove the theorem above, we consider, for \(\eta =0,1\), the hybrid game \(H^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}\), in which all \(\mathcal {A}\)’s oracle calls to \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {dkey}},\hat{m},\cdot )\) in \({\mathsf {IndCPA}}^\eta \) are replaced with calls to \({\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m})\) and the challenge ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) at Line 3 of \({\mathsf {IndCPA}}^\eta \) is computed as \({\mathtt {ct}}\leftarrow {\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m})\). We denote by \(\mathsf {hcpa}^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )\) the probability that \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs 1 in \(H^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}\) with security parameter \(\lambda \).

We have the following lemma whose proof relies on Lemma 2 above.

Lemma 3

If \(\mathsf {AME}\) is a Secure Receiver-AM then, for \(\eta =0,1\), we have

$$\left| \mathsf {pcpa}^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )- \mathsf {hcpa}^\eta _{\mathsf {AME},\mathcal {A},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )\right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$


For the sake of contradiction, assume there exists an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) that violates the lemma. We then construct an efficient dictator \(\mathcal {D}\) that distinguishes \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) and \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) thus contradicting Lemma 2.

\(\mathcal {D}\) receives the pair \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\) computed by \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) and has access to an encryption oracle \(\mathcal {O}(\cdot ,\cdot )\). \(\mathcal {D}\) runs \(\mathcal {A}\) on input \(({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}})\) and when \(\mathcal {A}\) issues a query for m, \(\mathcal {D}\) returns \(\mathcal {O}(\hat{m},m)\). Similarly, when \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs the pair of messages \((m_1^0,m_1^1)\), \(\mathcal {D}\) returns \(\mathcal {O}(\hat{m},m_1^\eta )\). At the end, \(\mathcal {D}\) returns \(\mathcal {A}\)’s output.

If \(\mathcal {D}\) is playing game \({\mathsf {aneGame}}\) then \(\mathcal {O}(\hat{m},m)\) returns \({\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m})\). Therefore \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is computed as \({\mathtt {ct}}\leftarrow {\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m})\). This implies that \(\mathcal {D}\) simulates \(H^\eta _{\mathcal {A},\mathsf {AME},\hat{m}}\) for \(\mathcal {A}\). On the other hand, if \(\mathcal {D}\) is playing \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) then \(\mathcal {O}(\hat{m},m)\) returns \({\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {dkey}},\hat{m}, m)\). Therefore \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is computed as \({\mathtt {ct}}\leftarrow {\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}},\hat{m},m_1^\eta )\) and \(\mathcal {D}\) simulates \({\mathsf {IndCPA}}^\eta _{\mathcal {A},\mathsf {AME},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda )\) for \(\mathcal {A}\). This concludes the proof of the lemma.    \(\square \)

We are now ready to prove Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1. The theorem follows from Lemma 3 and from the observation that game \(H^\eta _{\mathcal {A},\mathsf {AME},\hat{m}}\) is independent from \(\eta \) and thus

$$\mathsf {hcpa}^0_{\mathcal {A},\mathsf {AME},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda ) = \mathsf {hcpa}^1_{\mathcal {A},\mathsf {AME},\hat{m}}(1^\lambda ).$$

   \(\square \)

5 Constructions

In this section we present two constructions of AM schemes. We first review the simple construction for a \((\log \lambda )\)-bit AM scheme discussed in the Introduction and then, in Sect. 5.2, we present a construction for \(\mathtt {poly}(\lambda )\) bits.

5.1 Rejection Sampling

In this section we present our first construction \({\mathsf {1bit}}\), a simple cryptosystem that gives guarantees even if the secret-key assumption and the sender-freedom assumption do not hold. It is based on the rejection sampling technique inspired by the biased-ciphertext attack of [BPR] and it is used also by Horel et al. [HPRV19]. We review it here just to give a first example of a Receiver-Anamorphic Encryption. We note that the objective of the biased-ciphertext attack is to subvert an encryption scheme so that the private key can be leaked without the legitimate owner noticing any abnormal behaviour and it is interesting to note that this technique can be used to setup a dictator setting, as shown in [BPR], as well as for the opposite of objective, as we show below.

The normal triplet of \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) is any IND-CPA secure encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) and the anamorphic triplet is defined as follows:

  • \({\mathsf {1bit}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\), on input the security parameter \(1^\lambda \), runs the key generation algorithm \({\mathsf {KG}}\) of \(\mathcal {E}\) obtaining \(({\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {SK}})\) and random seed K for PRF F. The anamorphic public key is \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}={\mathtt {PK}}\), the anamorphic secret key is \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}={\mathtt {SK}}\) and the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}=({\mathtt {PK}},K).\)

  • \({\mathsf {1bit}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) takes as input the double key \({\mathtt {dkey}}=({\mathtt {PK}},K)\) and two messages \(m_0\) and \(m_1\in \{0,1\}.\) Algorithm \({\mathsf {1bit}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) samples ciphertexts \({\mathtt {ct}}{\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}},m_0)\) and the anamorphic ciphertext \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\) is set equal to the first \({\mathtt {ct}}\) such that \(F(K,{\mathtt {ct}})=m_1.\)

  • \({\mathsf {1bit}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}}\) takes as input \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\) and \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) and returns \(m_1=F(K,{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}).\)

Note that \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) can be extended to l-bit of hidden plaintexts at the cost of pushing the expect encryption time to \(O(2^l)\). Therefore \(l=O(\log \lambda )\) hidden bits per ciphertext will keep encryption polynomial and it gives a bandwidth rate of \(O((\log \lambda )/\lambda )\). To prove that \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) is a Secure Anamorphic Encryption we observe that the anamorphic keys have the same distribution as the normal keys. In addition the only difference between the normal ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) and the anamorphic ciphertext \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\) is that the former is randomly distributed over the set of ciphertexts for \({\mathtt {PK}}\) and \(m_0\) whereas \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}\) is randomly chosen over the set of ciphertexts for \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}={\mathtt {PK}}\) and \(m_0\) such that \(F(K,{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}})=m_1\). From the pseudorandomness of F and the fact that K is randomly chosen and hidden from the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), we can conclude that \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) is secure.

Theorem 2

If F is a PRF and \(\mathcal {E}\) is an IND-CPA Encryption scheme then \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) is a Secure Anamorphic Encryption.

We also observe that the sender of \({\mathsf {1bit}}\), should she be forced to encrypt a given message \({\mathtt {m}}\) and reveal the coin tosses used, can still send a secret bit of her choice to Bob. In other words, the security of \({\mathsf {1bit}}\) does not rely on the sender-freedom assumption. In Sect. 6, we will show that this can be achieved by encryption schemes based on lattice hardness assumptions without the sender and receiver having to share a key beforehand.

5.2 The Naor-Yung Transform

In this section we describe the Naor-Yung transform [NY90] (see also [Sah99]) that, when applied to an IND-CPA public-key cryptosystem \(\mathcal {E}\) and a simulation sound NIZK \(\varPi \) for a specific polynomial-time relation \(\mathsf {EqMsg}_\mathcal {E}\), gives a CCA public-key cryptosystem \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\). The formal definitions of the concepts used in the construction (IND-CPA, simulation sound NIK) are omitted in this version and can be found in the extended version.

The polynomial time relation \(\mathsf {EqMsg}_\mathcal {E}\) is defined by setting the witness for instance \((({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_0),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {ct}}_1))\) to be the triplet \((r_0,r_1,m)\) of two coin tosses and one message m such that

$${\mathtt {ct}}_0={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m;r_0)\text { and } {\mathtt {ct}}_1={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m;r_1).$$

The key generation algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {KG}}\) constructs the public key \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathtt {PK}}=({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,\varSigma )\) as consisting of two random and independently chosen public keys \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {PK}}_1\) of \(\mathcal {E}\) and of a random string \(\varSigma \). The secret key \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathtt {SK}}=({\mathtt {SK}}_0)\) associated with \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathtt {PK}}\) consists solely of the secret key \({\mathtt {SK}}_0\) associated with \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\).

To encrypt message m, the encryption algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) first computes ciphertexts \({\mathtt {ct}}_0={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m;r_0)\) and \({\mathtt {ct}}_1={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_1,m;r_1)\), using random and independent coin tosses \(r_0\) and \(r_1\). Then, it runs the prover’s algorithm of \(\varPi \) to produce a proof \(\pi \) that \({\mathtt {ct}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {ct}}_1\) encrypt the same message. More precisely, the prover’s algorithm of \(\varPi \) is run on input instance \((({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_0),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {ct}}_1))\) and witness \((r_0,r_1,m)\) using \(\varSigma \) found in \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathtt {PK}}\) as reference string. The ciphertext \({\mathtt {PK}}\) is finally set to \(({\mathtt {ct}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_1,\pi )\).

The decryption algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}.{\mathsf {Dec}}\), on input ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}=({\mathtt {ct}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_1,\pi )\), runs the verifier algorithm of \(\varPi \) to check \(\pi \) and, if successful, outputs m obtained by decrypting \({\mathtt {ct}}_0\) using \({\mathtt {SK}}_0\).

5.3 The \({\mathsf {NY}}\) Transform Gives Receive-AM Encryption

In this section we describe \(Receiver-AM\) scheme \({\mathsf {NY}}\) with bandwidth rate 1 that is derived from \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\). The normal triplet of \({\mathsf {NY}}\) consists of the triple \(({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {Dec}})\) described in the previous section. Next we define the anamorphic triplet \(({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}{.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}})\).

  • The anamorphic key generation algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {KG}}\) constructs the anamorphic public key \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {PK}}=({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,\varSigma )\) as consisting of two random and independently chosen public keys \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {PK}}_1\) of \(\mathcal {E}\); the string \(\varSigma \) instead is obtained by running simulator \(S_0(1^\lambda )\) that returns the pair \((\varSigma ,{\mathsf {aux}})\). The secret key \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {SK}}=({\mathtt {SK}}_0)\) is set equal to the secret key associated with \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) whereas the double key is set equal to \({\mathtt {dkey}}=({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {SK}}_1,{\mathsf {aux}})\).

  • The anamorphic encryption algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Enc}}\) takes as input the \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) and two messages \(m_0\) and \(m_1\) and starts constructing the anamorphic ciphertext by computing \({\mathtt {ct}}_0={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m_0)\) and \({\mathtt {ct}}_1={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_1,m_1)\). The proof \(\pi \) is constructed by running the simulator \(S_1\) on input instance \((({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_0),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {ct}}_1))\) and auxiliary information \({\mathsf {aux}}\). Note that \(m_0\) and \(m_1\) are two messages of the same length and thus the construction has a bandwidth rate of 1

  • The anamorphic decryption algorithm \({\mathsf {NY}}{\mathsf {E}}\text {.}{\mathsf {a}}{\mathsf {Dec}}\) takes an anamorphic ciphertext \({\mathtt {a}}{\mathtt {ct}}=({\mathtt {ct}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_1,\pi )\) and uses \({\mathtt {SK}}_1\) found in \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) to decrypt \({\mathtt {ct}}_1\) to obtain \(m_1\).

We next prove that the anamorphic encryption scheme \({\mathsf {NY}}\) is secure according to Definition 4; that is, that games \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) and \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) are indistinguishable. To do so, we consider the hybrid game \({\mathsf {aneG}}\) and will show that \({\mathsf {aneG}}\) and \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) are indistinguishable by the security properties of the NIZK and that \({\mathsf {aneG}}\) and \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) are indistinguishable by the security of the encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}\). This implies that that \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) and \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}\) are indistinguishable thus satisfying Definition 4. Let us now proceed more formally by instantiating game \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}_{{\mathsf {NY}}}\). We remind the reader that \(p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {NormalGame}}(\lambda )\) denote the probability that adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs 1 in game \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}\). Next we define game \({\mathsf {aneG}}_{{\mathsf {NY}}}\) that differs from \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}_{{\mathsf {NY}}}\) in the way in which the public key and ciphertexts \({\mathtt {ct}}_i\), replies to \(\mathcal {A}\)’s queries, are computed. Specifically, the reference string \(\varSigma \), that is part of the public key, and the proof \(\pi ^i\), that is part of the i-th ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}^i\), are computed by running the simulator. We define \(p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {aneG}}(\lambda )\) to be the probability that adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs 1 in game \({\mathsf {aneG}}_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}\).

figure d
figure e

Lemma 4

If \(\varPi =({\mathsf {Prover}},{\mathsf {Verifier}})\) is a NIZK then for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\)

$$ \left| p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {aneG}}(\lambda )- p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {NormalGame}}(\lambda )\right| <{\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ). $$


Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there exists a PPT \(\mathcal {A}\) for which

$$ \left| p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {aneG}}(\lambda )- p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {NormalGame}}(\lambda )\right| \ge 1/{\mathsf {poly}}(\lambda ). $$

Then we construct an adversary \(\mathcal {B}\) that receives a string \(\varSigma \) and has access to an oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) that returns proofs and that breaks the zero-knowledge property of \(\varPi \).

  1. 1.

    \(\mathcal {B}(\varSigma )\) sets \(({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {SK}}_0),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {SK}}_1)\leftarrow \mathcal {E}.{\mathsf {KG}}(1^\lambda )\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal {B}\) receives \(\varSigma \) and starts \(\mathcal {A}\) on input \({\mathtt {PK}}=({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,\varSigma )\) and \({\mathtt {SK}}=({\mathtt {SK}}_0)\).

  3. 3.

    For \(i=1,\ldots ,{\mathsf {poly}}(\lambda )\)

    1. (a)

      \(\mathcal {B}\) receives query \((m_0^i,m_1^i)\) from \(\mathcal {A}\).

    2. (b)

      \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \({\mathtt {ct}}_0^i={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m_0^i;r_0^i)\).

    3. (c)

      \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \({\mathtt {ct}}_1^i={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_1,m_0^i;r_1^i)\).

    4. (d)

      \(\mathcal {B}\) invokes the oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) on input instance \((({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_0^i),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {ct}}_1^i))\) and witness \((r_0^i,r_1^)\) and receives proof \(\pi ^i\).

    5. (e)

      \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \({\mathtt {ct}}^i=({\mathtt {ct}}^i_0,{\mathtt {ct}}^i_1,\pi ^i)\) to \(\mathcal {A}\).

  4. 4.

    \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \(\mathcal {A}\)’s output.

Now observe that if \(\mathcal {B}\) is playing experiment \(\mathsf {RealZK}\), then \(\varSigma \) is randomly chosen from \(\{0,1\}^\lambda \) and \(\mathcal {O}={\mathsf {Prover}}\) and therefore \(\mathcal {A}\)’s view is the same as in \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\). On the other hand, if \(\mathcal {B}\) is playing experiment \(\mathsf {IdealZK}\) then \(\varSigma \) is output by \(S_0\) and \(\mathcal {O}={\mathsf {Oracle}}\) and therefore \(\mathcal {A}\)’s view is the same as in \({\mathsf {aneG}}\). Since we assumed that \(\mathcal {A}\) distinguishes between \({\mathsf {NormalGame}}\) and \({\mathsf {aneG}}\) then we can conclude that \(\mathcal {B}\) breaks the Zero-Knowledge property of \(\varPi \).    \(\square \)

Next we instantiate the anamorphic security game \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}_{\mathsf {NY}}\). We remind the reader that \(p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}(\lambda )\) denote the probability that adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs 1 in game \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}\).

figure f

We have the following lemma.

Lemma 5

If \(\mathcal {E}\) is an IND-CPA secure encryption scheme then for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\)

$$ \left| p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {aneG}}(\lambda )- p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}(\lambda )\right| <{\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ). $$


Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there exists a PPT \(\mathcal {A}\) for which

$$ \left| p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {aneG}}(\lambda )- p_{{\mathsf {NY}},\mathcal {A}}^{\mathsf {FullyAGame}}(\lambda )\right| \ge 1/{\mathsf {poly}}(\lambda ). $$

Then we construct an adversary \(\mathcal {B}\) that receives a public key \({\mathtt {PK}}\) and has an encryption oracle \(\mathcal {O}({\mathtt {PK}},\cdot ,\cdot )\) that returns a ciphertext.

  1. 1.

    \(\mathcal {B}({\mathtt {PK}})\) sets \(({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {SK}}_0)\) and \({\mathtt {PK}}_1={\mathtt {PK}}\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \((\varSigma ,{\mathsf {aux}})\leftarrow S_0(1^\lambda )\) and runs \(\mathcal {A}\) on input \({\mathtt {PK}}=({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,\varSigma )\) and \({\mathtt {SK}}=({\mathtt {SK}}_0)\).

  3. 3.

    For \(i=1,\ldots ,{\mathsf {poly}}(\lambda )\): \(\mathcal {A}\) issues query \((m^i_0,m^i_1)\) and receives \({\mathtt {ct}}^i\) computed as follows:

    • \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \({\mathtt {ct}}_0^i={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_0,m_0^i;r_0^i)\);

    • \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \({\mathtt {ct}}_1^1=\mathcal {O}({\mathtt {PK}},m_0^i,m_1^i)\);

    • \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \(\pi ^i\leftarrow S_1((({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {ct}}_0^i),({\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {ct}}_1^i)),{\mathsf {aux}})\).

    • \(\mathcal {B}\) sets \({\mathtt {ct}}^i=({\mathtt {ct}}_0^i,{\mathtt {ct}}_1^i,\pi ^i)\).

  4. 4.

    \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \(\mathcal {A}\)’s output.

Now observe that if \(\mathcal {B}\) is playing the \(\mathsf {IndCPA}_\mathcal {E}^0\) game then \(\mathcal {O}({\mathtt {PK}},m_0,m_1)={\mathsf {Oracle}}^0({\mathtt {PK}},m_0,m_1)\) returns an encryption of \(m_0\) and therefore \(\mathcal {A}\)’s view is exactly as in \({\mathsf {aneG}}_{\mathsf {NY}}\). On the other hand, if \(\mathcal {B}\) is playing the \(\mathsf {IndCPA}_\mathcal {E}^0\) game then \(\mathcal {O}({\mathtt {PK}},m_0,m_1)={\mathsf {Oracle}}^1({\mathtt {PK}},m_0,m_1)\) returns an encryption of \(m_1\) and therefore \(\mathcal {A}\)’s view is exactly as in \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}_{\mathsf {NY}}\). Since we assumed that \(\mathcal {A}\) distinguishes between \({\mathsf {aneG}}_{\mathsf {NY}}\) and \({\mathsf {FullyAGame}}_{\mathsf {NY}}\), we can conclude that \(\mathcal {B}\) breaks the IND-CPA security of \(\mathcal {E}\).    \(\square \)

Bootstrapping the \({\mathsf {NY}}\) Construction. In the description of the anamorphic triplet for the \({\mathsf {NY}}\) construction we have assumed that the sender and the receiver have a safe way to exchange \({\mathtt {dkey}}\). This is a reasonable assumption for most applications as it is expected that the dictator is able to monitor online communication but it will be difficult to monitor a physical exchange. We next briefly note how to use the bootstrap technique of Horel et al. [HPRV19] in combination with the \({\mathsf {NY}}\) construction. Note that the result scheme does not enjoy the zero-latency property. Observe that \({\mathtt {dkey}}\) consists of \(({\mathtt {PK}}_0,{\mathtt {PK}}_1,{\mathtt {SK}}1,{\mathsf {aux}}).\) However \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {PK}}_1\) are public and \({\mathtt {SK}}_1\) is not used by the sender and it is only used by the receiver to decrypt the message. Therefore, it is enough for the two parties to share the random string used by simulator \(S_0\) to generate \({\mathsf {aux}}\) and this can be achieved by using the two-step bootstrap procedure of Horel et al. [HPRV19].

6 Sender-Anamorphic Encryption

In this section we address the sender-freedom assumption. In the introduction, and more formally in Sect. 5.1, we presented a simple cryptosystem whose security does not rely on the sender-freedom assumption. Specifically, Alice, fearing that she might be forced by the authorities to send a fake message, sets up a private shared key K with Bob that allows to produce, for every adversarially chosen message \({\mathtt {m}}_0\), a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) carrying \({\mathtt {m}}_0\) and the coin tosses used to produce \({\mathtt {ct}}\) such that, when decrypted with K, \({\mathtt {ct}}\) gives a one-bit message \({\mathtt {m}}_1\) for Bob to receive privately. The main drawback of this setting is that Alice and Bob must interact in advance to share the key K and this is not always possible: Alice might not know of Bob when she first sets up her public key or might not have a way of securely sending K to Bob.

Next, we show that prior communication between Alice and Bob is not necessary and formalize the concept of a Sender-Anamorphic Encryption in this context. It seems again impossible (seems like decryption is not well defined?). However, the existence of other receivers and public channels save the day!

Specifically, when Alice is forced by the authorities to send the forced message \({\mathtt {m}}_0\) to Carol using Carol’s public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) as the forced receiving public key, Alice might decide to embed a duplicate message \({\mathtt {m}}_1\) in the ciphertext that is revealed when the ciphertext is decrypted with Bob’s key; that is, the secret key associated with the duplicate public key \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\). We stress again that \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), Bob’s public key, is generated by Bob without even knowing that one day he might receive a message from Alice and no secret is shared between Alice and Bob. To do so, we equip Alice with a special coin-toss faking algorithm \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) that on input the forced public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), the duplicate public key \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), the forced message \({\mathtt {m}}_0\), and the duplicate message \({\mathtt {m}}_1\) outputs coin tosses to produce a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) that gives \({\mathtt {m}}_0\) or \({\mathtt {m}}_1\) depending on whether it is decrypted with the secret key associated with the forced public key or with the secret key associated with the duplicate public key.

We next present formal definition for Sender-Anamorphic Encryption. Our definition is tailored for the no-shared secret setting that we have described. Similarly to the receiver side, it could be possible to define the notion of Sender-Anamorphic Encryption also for the case in which sender and receiver share a secret.

Definition 3

We say that a public-key encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) is a Sender-Anamorphic Encryption scheme (Sender-AM) if there exists a coin-toss faking algorithm \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) that, on input the forced public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), and the forced message \({\mathtt {m}}_0\), and the duplicate public key \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) and the duplicate message \({\mathtt {m}}_1\), outputs the faking coin tosses \(R^\star ={\mathsf {fRandom}}({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {m}}_0,{\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {m}}_1)\) such that

  • Let \({\mathtt {ct}}={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {m}}_0;R^\star )\) be the ciphertext computed using the faking coin tosses; then \({\mathsf {Dec}}({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {SK}},{\mathtt {ct}})={\mathtt {m}}_1\), except with negligible probability. The probability is taken over the coin tosses of \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) and the coin tosses used to generate \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) and \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\).

To define the concept of a Secure Sender-Anamorphic Encryption we introduce two experiments. In both experiments, the adversary receives one public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) and gives polynomially many pairs of forced and duplicate message and for each pair receives as a reply a ciphertext for the first message and the random coin tosses used to produce it. In the real experiment, the ciphertext is produced by Alice that uses random coin tosses output by \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) with respect to randomly chosen duplicate key. We require the real experiment to be indistinguishable from the ideal experiment in which there is only one public key and the forced message is encrypted by using truly random coin tosses.

figure g

We denote by \(p^{{\mathsf {Ideal}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )\) (respectively, \(p^{{\mathsf {Real}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )\)) the probability that \({{\mathsf {Ideal}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}\) (respectively, \({{\mathsf {Real}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}\)) outputs 1 and present the following definition.

Definition 4

A Sender-AM scheme \(\mathcal {E}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) with coin-toss faking algorithm \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) is a SSender-AM scheme if

  1. 1.

    \(\mathcal {E}\) is an IND-CPA scheme;

  2. 2.

    for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\),

    $$\left| p^{{\mathsf {Ideal}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda )- p^{{\mathsf {Real}}}_{\mathcal {E},\mathcal {A}}(\lambda ) \right| \le {\mathsf {negl}}(\lambda ).$$

Difficulties in Achieving Sender-AM with No Shared Key. Not every standard encryption can be used as AM with no shared key. In order to embed a secret message in a ciphertext for public key \({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) a valid ciphertext for Bob’s public key \({\mathtt {PK}}\), it must be the case that the ciphertext is a valid ciphertext for both keys. From this point of view, the schemes with redundancy (in particular, with validity check in the decryption) seem difficult to employ because a ciphertext for Bob should probably be an invalid ciphertext to Carlos. Almost all known CCA encryption with redundancy (like the one based on the Naor-Yung transform) cannot be used in this context.

But the lack of redundancy is not sufficient for a scheme to be used as AM with no shared key. For the schemes that do not have the property of common randomness, we do not know how to add secret messages to ciphertexts. For example, in Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem [GM84], the very first semantically secure encryption, two users generate two independent moduli \(N_0\) and \(N_1\) and the secret key of one system is independent of the other one. Therefore, given a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) for \(N_0\), without the knowledge of the factorization of \(N_1\), it is hard to decide whether this ciphertext is a quadratic residue modulo \(N_1\). As a result, Alice does not know the underlying plaintext for the ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) with respect to Bob’s key. Consequently, this gives evidence that it seems impossible for Alice, in the no-shared-key model, to embed a secret message to a ciphertext in the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem. We next identify a set of sufficient conditions for AM with no shared key and then we describe some encryption schemes from the literature that satisfy the conditions.

6.1 Sufficient Conditions for Sender-AM with No Shared Key

In this section, we introduce three sufficient conditions for a one-bit cryptosystem \(\mathcal {E}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) to be Sender-AM with no shared key.

  1. 1.

    Common randomness property. Public key encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}\) satisfies the common randomness property if:

    for every two public keys \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) and \({\mathtt {PK}}_1\) output by \({\mathsf {KG}}\) and for every ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) produced using public key \({\mathtt {PK}}_0\) and coin tosses R there exists a message m such that \({\mathtt {ct}}={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {PK}}_1,m;R)\); that is, \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is a ciphertext also for public key \({\mathtt {PK}}_1\) with the same coin tosses R.

    For example, the Elgamal encryption-s over a public group satisfies this common randomness property.

  2. 2.

    Message recovery from randomness. A public key encryption scheme \(\mathcal {E}\) satisfies the common randomness property if:

    it is possible to recover the plaintext carried by a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) from the randomness R used to produce it and the public key \({\mathtt {PK}}.\)

  3. 3.

    Equal Distribution of Plaintexts. A one-bit public key encryption scheme satisfies the property of equal distribution of plaintexts if the following properties are verified:

    • all public keys share the same ciphertext space;

    • for a ciphertext \({\mathtt {ct}}\) in the common ciphertext space and for a random key pair \(({\mathtt {PK}},{\mathtt {SK}})\) as sampled by the key generation algorithm, \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is the ciphertext of the bit 0 with a probability \(\frac{1}{2}\).

We now show that, if a one-bit public key encryption satisfies the above three properties, it is a Sender-AM with no shared key.

Theorem 3

If an IND-CPA secure one-bit public key encryption scheme satisfies the three properties of common randomness, message recovery from randomness, and equal distribution of plaintexts, then it is a Sender-AM scheme with no shared key.


Let \(\mathcal {E}=({\mathsf {KG}},{\mathsf {Enc}},{\mathsf {Dec}})\) be an IND-CPA secure scheme and define \({\mathsf {fRandom}}({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}},m_0,{\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}},m_1)\) as follows:

  1. 1.

    Randomly choose coin tosses R;

  2. 2.

    Compute \({\mathtt {ct}}={\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {f}}{\mathtt {PK}},m_0;R)\);

  3. 3.

    By the property of common randomness, \({\mathtt {ct}}\) is also a ciphertext according to \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) and it is computed using the same coin tosses R.

  4. 4.

    By the property of message recovery from randomness, message \(m'\) carried by \({\mathtt {ct}}\) w.r.t. to \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) can be computed; that is \({\mathsf {Enc}}({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}},m';R)\) is equal to \({\mathtt {ct}}\).

  5. 5.

    If \(m'=m_1\) then return \(({\mathtt {ct}},R)\) and halt; otherwise, go back to Step 1.

The \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) defined above satisfies Definition 3. Indeed, the correctness is directly verified. Now observe that the coin tosses R selected at step 1 of \({\mathsf {fRandom}}\) have probability 1/2 of being the output in the last step, over the choices of random \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\), by the equal distribution of plaintexts. As \({\mathtt {d}}{\mathtt {PK}}\) is uniformly distributed (and unknown) to the adversary, the adversary cannot distinguish the outputted coin tosses with a real randomness.    \(\square \)

6.2 Constructions Based on LWE Encryption Schemes

Theorem 4

The LWE Encryption and the Dual LWE Encryption are each a Sender-AM scheme with no shared key.


A detailed exposition of LWE Encryption, Dual LWE Encryption can be found in [Reg05, GPV08]. We recall here a quick description of these schemes and their properties assuring that they are AM schemes with no shared key.

We first recall the LWE encryption [Reg05] in Fig. 2. It is parameterized by some \(r \le \omega (\sqrt{\log m}))\), which specifies the discrete Gaussian distribution \(D_{\mathbb {Z}^m,r}\) over the integer lattice \(\mathbb {Z}^m\) from which the secret keys are chosen.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

LWE public-key encryption

  • From the ciphertext \(({\mathbf {a}},b)\), we see that, for any user, the implicit random input is the same. This satisfies the property of common randomness.

  • From the random input and the public-key, one can get the plaintext. This satisfies the property of message recovery from randomness.

  • For a ciphertext \(({\mathbf {a}},b)\), with a public key that is returned from the key generation, the vector \(\mathbf {b}\) is indistinguishable from a randomly chosen vector in \(\mathbb {Z}_q^n\), the underlying plaintext is thus 0 with probability \(\frac{1}{2}\). This satisfies the property of equal distribution of plaintexts.

We now recall the Dual LWE encryption [GPV08] in Fig. 3. It is parameterized by two integers mq and a probability distribution \(\chi \) on \(\mathbb {Z}_q\). We show that it supports AM in the similar way as in the case of the LWE encryption:

  • From the ciphertext \(({\mathbf {p}},c)\), we see that, for any user, the implicit random input is the same. This gives the property of common randomness.

  • From the random input and the public-key, one can get the plaintext. This satisfies the property of message recovery from randomness.

  • For a ciphertext \(({\mathbf {p}},c)\), with a public key that is returned from the key generation, the vector \({\mathbf {u}}^T{\mathbf {s}}\) is indistinguishable from a randomly chosen vector in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\), the underlying plaintext is thus 0 with probability \(\frac{1}{2}\). This satisfies the property of equal distribution of plaintexts.    \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Dual LWE public-key encryption

7 Conclusion

This is the first and most likely not the last work on Anamorphic Encryption as our framework does not cover all the schemes. In this first work, we have shown the anamorphic property for some standard encryptions with specific properties. This does not mean that it is impossible for schemes without these properties. It is also reasonable to wonder what would happen if the dictator can ban these schemes from being used. However, in this way, the dictator will always need to run after our research and this will force the dictator to assure that his children will get a PhD in Cryptography.

Of course, we leave it to others to determine, based on policy, law, and other societal aspects beyond pure technology, whether our results are aiming toward being the final nail in the coffin of governments control of the use of strong cryptographic systems. Our meta-conjecture (and induced policy implication) is that for any standard scheme, there is a technical demonstration (perhaps employing Anamorphism+stego+klepto) of the futility of the dictator’s demands.