
1 Introduction

Fault Attacks (FA) are considered strong implementation threats rendering many ciphers vulnerable. Unlike classical cryptanalysis, which assumes no interference with the internal operations of a cipher, in the case of FA the attacker has more control over the device where the cipher is currently being executed. As a result, among other options, he is able to suddenly alter an external input to the device (such as voltage level, EM radiation, heat, etc.), forcing it to run under sub-optimal condition. This type of condition can result in incorrect (faulty) output from the device. This faulty output may then help the attacker to gain information about the secret key. FA gained much popularity among the security/cryptography researchers and has been deployed to analyze a variety of ciphers.

When it comes to analyzing symmetric key cryptographic primitives, the most popular choice for FA is generally the Differential Fault Analysis or Differential Fault Attack (DFA) [15]. DFA is very powerful: almost all (if not all) block ciphers which are considered secure with respect to classical attacks have been shown to be vulnerable to DFA. Note that, to the best of our knowledge, no cipher has yet been designed to have a natural DFA immunity, although there were no shortage of new cipher proposals or new DFA countermeasures in recent years.

The crux of this situation is, as we observe, a lack of theoretical results towards designing DFA-resistant primitives, akin to its classical counterpart, the Differential Analysis (DA). Cipher designers have been very careful to design DA resistant ciphers, but not much attention has been given to design a DFA-resistant cipher. Indeed, designing a DFA-resistant cipher looks like a very difficult task as the attacker has enormous power in this setting.

The usual DFA protections lie outside the domain of cipher design. At one end, some device/protocol level technique is used, while at the other end, duplication based protection is used (see Sect. 2.2 for more details). Duplication based countermeasures assume that the fault can alter the execution within a predesignated boundary. Thereafter, a comparison (which can be direct or with an error-detection code) between the two executions is used to detect a fault. Since device/protocol level solutions are beyond the control of the cipher designer, the best option to ensure DFA protection is duplicationFootnote 1. Given this scenario, our work analyzes this problem and proposes a new type of solution, which is able to ensure a non-trivial search complexity for the attack when using DFA, solely based on the cipher construction itself. We use the basic design strategy and components of the lightweight block cipher  GIFT-128 [11] and thus manage to keep our design within low-cost performance figures. Note that the DFA protection mechanism could be costly and that our design does not need duplication or any protocol level countermeasure, we believe our work opens up a new genre of low-cost DFA countermeasure.

Our Contributions. In this work, in order to offer natural DFA protection, we explore the potential offered by the SBox, one of the basic building blocks of symmetric-key cryptography algorithms. As the SBox is generally the only non-linear component in a cipher, it is naturally vulnerable to DFA (as DFA does not work on a linear component, whereas it works very well on a non-linear one). In a nutshell, strong linearity makes it hard to attack a cipher with DFA, but too much linearity will of course render a cipher either insecure or not efficient. The designer’s goal is therefore to try to find a good trade-off.

Since a secure cipher cannot be constructed by using only linear components, we naturally focus on finding a building block that is somewhat in the middle ground between an SBox and a linear function. Unsurprisingly, the middle ground lies in a weak class of SBoxes, whose members behave like a linear function in some aspects, more precisely by allowing the presence of so-called Linear Structures (LS). Such SBoxes have properties which are generally considered undesirable for a cipher construction, which leads to a paradoxical situation: an SBox which is more resistant against differential attacks is weaker against DFA, while those which are more resistant against DFA are considered weaker against differential attacks.

To circumvent this situation, we propose to maintain the main cipher to be protected (which is presumably secure against classical attacks) untouched, but to add two keyed permutations as additional layers before and after it, respectively. These keyed permutations present a special structure that renders DFA non-trivial on them, naturally allowing the entire construction to be DFA resistant. Indeed, assuming a certain fault model for DFA, the attacker has to attack the first or last rounds of the overall cipher to make the attack work. At the same time, the classical security of the construction, which is guaranteed by the main cipher, will not be hampered.

To validate our claims, we propose an SPN-based construction of a 128-bit keyed permutation L, DEFAULT-LAYER, using a \(4\times 4\) SBox that contains 3 LS. We show that this keyed permutation can provide safeguard against DFA up to a non-trivial search complexity (\(2^{n/2}\) for an n-bit block cipher). DEFAULT-LAYER is hardware/software friendly and any variant of L with a multiple of 16-bit can be constructed (we recommend it to be at least 128-bit). As the DFA security scales up with the size of L (which does not happen for classical ciphers), if a 256-bit variant of L is used it will effectively provide a DFA security of (at least) \(2^{128}\) computations. In fact, by playing with the number of LS in the SBox chosen, it is even possible to find trade-offs that go beyond \(2^{n/2}\) security.

The idea of our keyed permutation is then extended to a complete SPN-based cipher DEFAULT. It uses a specially crafted component DEFAULT-CORE (which does not have security against DFA) between two DEFAULT-LAYER instances (to provide DFA security), in a hope of overall improved performances compared to a full-fledged cipher sandwiched between two DEFAULT-LAYER blocks. Indeed, DEFAULT-CORE will provide the extra classical security that is lacking with only two DEFAULT-LAYER instances.

Using duplication on GIFT-128 cipher, either in the spatial or the temporal domain, as a reference countermeasure for benchmarking (as duplication is a widely adopted fault protection method in commercial products), we note that DEFAULT incurs similar overheads, both in hardware and software. Yet, DEFAULT has the advantage of resisting a higher number of faults when compared to duplication. In retrospect, our solution can be considered lightweight compared to more sophisticated duplication countermeasures (such as infection or error-detecting codes). Infective countermeasures can have \(\approx 3\times \) cost increase when compared to the basic implementation [10]. Moreover, we note that the recent block cipher CRAFT [14] and FRIET  [39] based on error detection codes, leads to a \(2.45\times \) overhead when protecting against single bit faults at the output and scales even higher for protecting against more faults. CRAFT is proposed as a block cipher with fault protection as a prime target, designed with carefully chosen components that incur lower overhead when protected with error detection codes. FRIET is proposed as a permutation with built-in fault detection based on error-detection code (like parity-check). DEFAULT, on the other hand, explores an alternative methodology to design a cipher with natural DFA resistance and is not limited to a specific number of faults.

As an independent contribution, we also study how to model a cipher which has an SBox with linear structures when searching for differential and linear bounds using automated tools.

Outline. We give some background on DFA, explain our fault model and provide preliminaries on SBoxes properties and notations in Sect. 2. Then, we explain how SBoxes with linear structures can provide some DFA resistance in Sect. 3. We describe our DFA protection component DEFAULT-LAYER and our entire cipher proposal DEFAULT (based on DEFAULT-CORE) in Sect. 4. The rationale behind the cipher structure and components is provided in Sect. 5, while detailed DFA and classical cryptanalysis is performed in Sect. 6, MILP modeling in Sect. 7. Finally, implementations and benchmarks of our designs are given in Sect. 8 and we conclude in Sect. 9.

2 Background and Preliminaries

2.1 Differential Fault Attacks in a Nutshell

As already mentioned, DFA is closely related to DA. In a classical DA, a difference is introduced in plaintexts (resp., ciphertexts) at the beginning of the cipher encryption (resp. decryption). Detecting the expected output difference requires large amount of data, where the data complexity is inversely proportional to the differential probability. Cipher designers often prove security against DA by showing that the probability of any differential trail is too low for launching a DA.

In comparison, in DFA the input difference is inserted in the form of a transient fault and can be applied anytime during the course of the encryption/decryption. In practice, faults are injected near the end of the cipher execution, effectively bypassing most of the rounds designed to resist DA when compounded. This difference propagates through only a handful of non-linear components, and based on the output differential value, the adversary is able to reduce the key search space significantly.

The cryptanalysis procedure in DFA consists of two orthogonal terms, namely, fault complexity (the number of faulty encryptions) and search complexity (computational/memory complexity required). The general trend is to reduce the fault complexity while keeping the search complexity within an acceptable limit.

2.2 Differential Fault Attack Protections

The state-of-the-art DFA countermeasures can be broadly classified into the following categories [6]:

  1. 1.

    A separate, dedicated device that detects (and takes precaution) [25] or a shield that blocks any potential source of a fault.

  2. 2.

    The underlying communication protocol between Alice and Bob ensures that a fault does not occur with a significant probability. This can be ensured, e.g., by assuming a small portion of the circuit is protected by other means [7].

  3. 3.

    Duplicate the cipher execution followed by implicit/explicit check for the equality of the executions, so-called duplicated computations. One may refer to [10] for a study of such countermeasures. Redundancy at the component level may also be introduced, possibly with error detection/correction codes [2].

  4. 4.

    Use mathematical solutions to render DFA ineffective/inefficient.

One may notice that the countermeasures in above-mentioned categories 1 and 2 are basically engineering solutions and generally outside the scope of cryptography design. In a slight contrast, category 3 is somewhat close to what a cipher designer can specify. Yet, identical faults in the duplicated computations will result in no differences between the outputs and treated as if no fault is injected. This tricks the countermeasure to release the faulty output, and works against state-of-the-art countermeasures like infection [10]. Although relatively hard to achieve in practice, this type of attack was shown to be feasible in [38] and we refer to it as duplicate fault. While the device could be protected by using different encodings for the two executions of the cipher, such methods usually add additional performance cost. We also mention that sophisticated duplication countermeasures may require additional components as well as an external source of randomness [10].

Our work falls under category 4, together with countermeasures like impeccable circuits [2]/CRAFT  [14] and FRIET  [39]. The authors of [2] proposed an efficient DFA protection mechanism based on error detection codes and this idea was later extended to a block cipher, named CRAFT. CRAFT employs error detection codes, which have different performance figures and fault coverage depending on the underlying code. Any fault injection that successfully alters the output beyond the detectable bound will make the DFA protection of CRAFT ineffective. In comparison, our construction is free from such limitation (more details in Sect. 6.4).

2.3 Our Claim

Novel Idea Against DFA. At a higher level, most of the countermeasures, including CRAFT, FRIET and duplicated computation, aim at fault detection which could be fooled by stronger equipment that makes the faults go undetected. In comparison, we aim at fault resilienceFootnote 2, meaning we allow the faults to propagate and even output faulty ciphertexts, but the amount of information that an adversary can learn from them is limited: we impose a lower bound on the search complexity of DFA. Even with stronger equipment access, an adversary cannot overcome the lower bound of the search complexity. In addition, our design is completely at the algorithmic level, scalable, can be applied to existing ciphers and does not require an additional source of randomness. These features make our proposal different from infection-like countermeasures [10] which further corrupt the injected faults and need a source of randomness for a provable security [12].

Analysis Methods. Instead of enumerating the various fault models and fault attacks, we consider how an attack gains sensitive information, i.e., the analysis method. We can broadly categorise the analysis methods into two types:

  1. 1.

    Deduce information from the differential values of the executions.

  2. 2.

    Deduce information from the statistical bias of the executions.

The fundamental reason why our design increases the search complexity of DFA is due to the larger number of solutions for any given differential (details in Sect. 3). Hence, for attacks that gain information from the differential values (analysis method 1), it is not going to be as effective. We believe that our design could actually provide protection beyond DFA. In a broader sense:

Our design can protect against DFA and any form of FA that deduces information from the differential values of the executions.

Other attacks that exploit information leakages from statistical biases under analysis method 2 are beyond our focus. We provide more discussions in Sect. 6.5.

2.4 Difference Distribution Table and Related Properties

A Difference Distribution Table (DDT) is an analysis table used in DA. For an \(n \times n\) SBox S, it is basically the \(2^n \times 2^n\) matrix, where the row \(\delta ~(={0},1,\ldots ,2^n-1)\) and column \(\varDelta ~(=0,1,\ldots ,2^n-1)\), denoted as \(\text {DDT}_S [\delta ,\varDelta ]\), stores the number of solution(s) x for \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta \). Notice that \(\text {DDT}_S [0,0] = 2^n\) as \(S(x) \oplus S(x\oplus 0) = 0\) holds for all x. The maximum entry at the DDT of S, except the case \(\delta = \varDelta = 0\), is called the Differential Uniformity (DU).

In order for an SBox to be better resistant against DA, the (non-zero) maximal values in the DDT have to be small, otherwise DA will be more effective. Thus, symmetric-key cryptography designers almost exclusively look for SBoxes which have smaller values in the DDT. However, the situation for DFA is completely opposite. Here, if the (non-zero) DDT values are small, then the attacker has fewer solutions for the unknown input when collecting faulty outputs. Thus, she is able to narrow down the search space more efficiently: a DDT with smaller (non-zero) values will make the DFA easier. Hence, we see that the strategy to thwart DA is exactly opposite to that of DFA. This paradoxical situation is among the challenges to build a cipher level DFA protection.

We call SBoxes \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) Affine Equivalent (AE) if there exist two affine permutations \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) such that \(S_2 = A_1 \circ S_1 \circ A_2\). AE SBoxes have the same DDT up to a permutation. Therefore, differential uniformity is invariant under affine equivalence, so are the other cryptographic properties like non-linearity, algebraic degree, etc. It is to be noted that the affine equivalence classification of all \(4 \times 4\) SBoxes has been completed already—there are 302 such classes. We follow the class representative SBoxes given in [19, Chapter 5.4.2]. For a more compact representation, an element \(\alpha \in \mathbb {F}^n_2\) will be denoted by its corresponding integer value from \([0, 2^n-1]\).

Definition 1

(\(S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle \)). For the SBox S, the fault \(\delta \) and the value \(\alpha \), the set of solutions of the equation \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = S(\alpha ) \oplus S(\alpha \oplus \delta )\) is the set \(S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle \).

Notice that, both \(\alpha \) and \(\alpha \oplus \delta \in S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle \). Basically, the cardinality of \(S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle \) gives the entry of the DDT at the \(\delta \)th row which contains \(\alpha \), which is at the column \(\varDelta = S(\alpha )\oplus S(\alpha \oplus \delta )\). By applying fault \(\delta \), the attacker cannot identify \(\alpha \) from other elements which belong to \(S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle \).

Definition 2

(MinF\(_S(\alpha )\)). For an \(n \times n\) SBox S with input \(\alpha \),

$$ \text {MinF}_S(\alpha ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -1 &{} \text {if }\bigcap _{\delta ={1}}^{{2^n-1}} {S_{\alpha }\langle \delta \rangle } \ne \{\alpha \};\\ t &{} \text {where } t = \min {k} \text { such that } \bigcap \nolimits _{i=1}^{k} {S_{\alpha }\langle \delta _i\rangle } = \{\alpha \}. \end{array}\right. } $$

Hence \(\text {MinF}_S(\alpha ) =-1\) means, no matter what fault values that an attacker chooses, she will be left with more than one choice for \(\alpha \). Also notice that, if \(\text {MinF}_S(\alpha ) \ne -1\), then it must be \(\ge 2\).

Definition 3

(MinF\(_S\)). Given an \(n\times n\) SBox S, \(\text {MinF}_S\) is defined as:

$$\text {MinF}_S = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \max \nolimits _{{ 0} \le \alpha \le { 2^n-1}}\text {MinF}_S(\alpha ) &{} \text { if } \text {MinF}_S(\alpha ) \ne -1, ~\forall \alpha \in \{{ 0}, {1}\ldots , {2^n-1}\}; \\ -1 &{} \text {otherwise}.\\ \end{array}\right. }$$

The subscript S is dropped if understood from context.

The interpretation of \(\text {MinF}_S \) can be stated as: given an SBox S, it is the lower bound on the number of faults required to uniquely solve any input.

Definition 4 (Linear Structure)

For \(F : \mathbb {F}_2^n \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2^n\), an element \(a \in \mathbb {F}_2^n\) is called a linear structure of F if for some constant \(c \in \mathbb {F}_2^n\), \(F(x) \oplus F(x \oplus a) = c\) holds \(\forall x \in \mathbb {F}_2^n\).

Note that the set of all linear structures of F denoted as \(\mathcal{{L}}(F)\) forms a subspace of \(\mathbb {F}_2^n\) and is termed as the linear space of F. If \(F : \mathbb {F}_2^n \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2^n\) has a (non-zero) linear structure then \(2^n\) becomes an entry in the corresponding DDT. In that case \(\text {DU} = 2^n\), thus F performs worst against differential attacks compared to all F’s that do not have a (non-zero) linear structure.

Definition 5 (Coordinate Function and Component Function)

Suppose \(F : \mathbb {F}^n_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {F}^n_2\) is defined as \(F(x) = (f_0(x), \ldots , f_{n-1}(x))\) for all \(x \in \mathbb {F}^n_2\), where \(f_i : \mathbb {F}^n_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2\) for \(i=0,\ldots ,n-1\). Then each \(f_i\) is called a coordinate function of F. Furthermore, the linear combinations of \(f_i\)’s are called the component functions of F.

Definition 6 (Non-linearity)

The non-linearity of the Boolean function \(f : \mathbb {F}^n_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2\) is the minimum distance of f to the set of all affine functions. Furthermore, the non-linearity of \(F : \mathbb {F}^n_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {F}^n_2\) is the minimum of the non-linearities of all the component functions of F.

3 Characterizing SBoxes in View of DFA

From now on, we implicitly assume that neither \(\delta \) or \(\varDelta \) is 0 and that an SBox S is a permutation. We denote \(\varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\) the output difference for input value \(\alpha \) and input difference \(\delta \).

Theorem 1

Let \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\) have a solution \(x=\alpha \). Further, let a be a (non-zero) linear structure of S. Then, \((\alpha \oplus a)\) is also a solution of \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\), i.e., the coset \(\alpha \oplus \mathcal{{L}}(S)\) is a subset of solutions of \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\). So, \(\text {MinF}_S\) \(=-1\).


As a is a linear structure of S, we have that \(S(x) \oplus S(x\oplus a)\) is constant. Taking derivative with respect to \(\delta \), \(\forall x\) we get \(S(x) \oplus S(x\oplus a) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) \oplus S(x \oplus a \oplus \delta ) = {0}\). Using \(x=\alpha \), \( S(\alpha )\oplus S(\alpha \oplus \delta )\oplus S(\alpha \oplus a)\oplus S(\alpha \oplus a\oplus \delta ) = {0}\) \(\implies S(\alpha \oplus a) \oplus S(\alpha \oplus a \oplus \delta ) = S(\alpha ) \oplus S(\alpha \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\). Hence, \((\alpha \oplus a)\) is also a solution of \(S(x) \oplus S(x \oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 1 gives an interesting insight regarding DFA resistance in SBoxes. If an SBox has a (non-trivial) linear structure, then it is not possible to find the input to the SBox just by analyzing the effect of faults, no matter how many faults are injected. In such cases, the attacker has to search exhaustively among the set of solutions to find the proper input. This increases the search complexity associated with DFA.

Lemma 1

(Converse of Theorem 1). For the input \(\alpha \) to S, if \(\alpha \oplus a\) is a solution of \(S(x)\oplus S(x\oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha ,\delta )\) for all input differences \(\delta \), then a (\(\ne 0\)) is a linear structure of S.

Remark 1

Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 are valid for all (non-trivial) linear structure(s) of S. In other words, the larger the number of (non-trivial) linear structures, the larger the number of candidates that will be in the intersection of solution sets of all faults.

Lemma 2

Suppose \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) are two \(n \times n\) SBoxes having \(\ell _1\) and \(\ell _2\) linear structures (including the trivial linear structure 0) respectively, then the \(2n \times 2n\) SBox \((S_1, S_2)\) will have \(\ell _1 \ell _2\) linear structures (including the trivial linear structure (0, 0)).

Lemma 3

Suppose \(F : \mathbb {F}_2^n \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2^n\) to be any function and \(L : \mathbb {F}_2^n \rightarrow \mathbb {F}_2^n\) to be linear. Then \(L\circ F\) and F have the same number of linear structures.

Theorem 2

Assume that the SBox S does not have any (non-zero) linear structure and that \(S(x) \oplus S(x\oplus \delta ) = \varDelta (\alpha , \delta )\) has exactly \(2m+2\) solutions. Then there exist \(m+2\) faults \(\{\delta , \delta ^\prime , \delta _1, \ldots , \delta _m\}\) such that the system of equations

figure a

has a unique solution. Hence, \(\text {MinF}_S (\alpha )\le m+2\).

From Theorem 2, we see that it is possible to uniquely recover the input/output value of each SBox with no more than \(\text {DU}_S/2+1\) faults (unless there is a linear structure) when attacking the last round. This gives a provable upper bound on the number of faults the attacker needs per SBox (if faults values are judiciously chosen) in order the find out its input uniquely, given that the SBox does not have a linear structure.

Corollary 1

(From Theorem 2). \(\text {MinF}_S \le \dfrac{\text {DU}_S}{2}+1\).

Remark 2

Although it is theoretically possible, we could not find any 4-bit SBox with \(\text {MinF}_S = 3\) (refer to Corollary 1). Whether or not this is a tight bound is left open for future research.

The proof for the Lemmas and Theorems can be found in the long version of this article [8], together with other relevant results and examples.

Remark 3

Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 give another interesting view-point: if an unkeyed SPN permutation is constructed by repeating an SBox with l LS m times (in each round), then the total number of linear structures for the super SBox (which is the round function) is \(l^m\).

In order to better visualize the effect of DFA security with respect to the number of linear structures for SPN ciphers (for a given SBox size), we present detailed information in Table 1 for varying state sizesFootnote 3. Note that the last cases (i.e., a \(4 \times 4\) SBox with 4 and an \(8 \times 8\) SBox with 128 linear structures) is the theoretical limit for DFA protection (as any more LS would imply that the SBox is linear). Hence, in theory we can achieve DFA security up to \(2^{64}\) (for a 128-bit state) or \(2^{128}\) (for a 256-bit state) using 4-bit SBoxes; and \(2^{112}\) (for a 128-bit state) or \(2^{224}\) (for a 256-bit state) using 8-bit SBoxes. As a proof of concept, our instantiation of this DFA protection layer will use a 4-bit SBox with 4 LS (which can provide DFA security of \(2^{64}\) computations) and it is described in Sect. 4.

4 Construction of DFA Resistant Layer and Cipher

With the background given in Sect. 2, we first look at the problem of maximizing the fault complexity. Note that fault complexity is the highest when the fault is injected at the last round. Usually, for an SPN block cipher, three faults per SBox are sufficient as most block ciphers use an SBox with DU \(= 4\) (except for GIFT SBox [11], where DU is 6). In fact, in many cases, only two faults are needed to solve for any input. For example, for the SBoxes chosen in AES  [33], PRESENT [16], SKINNY-64 [13] and GIFT [11], the fault values \(\{\mathtt{1}, \mathtt{6}\}\) are sufficient to retrieve all inputs uniquely. Thus, it seems hard to force the fault complexity to increase significantly.

Table 1. DFA security for SPN ciphers depending on the number of linear structures in the SBox. Our design DEFAULT-LAYER will use a \(4 \times 4\) SBox with 4 linear structures for a state size of 128 bits, hence ensuring a \(2^{64}\) DFA security.

4.1 Ad-hoc DFA Protection Layer (DEFAULT-LAYER)

Our approach is to tackle the problem of increasing the search complexity instead. This means that we give the attacker the power to apply as many faults as she wants in total, but the search space for the analysis should remain very large. As we already pointed out (Theorem 1), if an SBox S has non-zero linear structure(s), then the attacker will not be able to uniquely identify the input. Thus, she has to enumerate the remaining key candidates from the input difference – output difference relation.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Main cipher augmented by DEFAULT-LAYER to resist DFA

Now, using an SBox with a linear structure is generally considered undesirable for a block cipher design, as it makes the classical differential attacks easier (as explained in Sect. 2.4). Hence, we arrive at a paradoxical situation: if we want to design a cipher with better resistance against DFA, it becomes weak against classical attacks; and vice-versa. In order to find a middle ground, where the cipher is strong against both DFA and classical attacks, we propose the concept of prepending/appending an extra layer (that uses SBoxes with linear structures) to the underlying cipher (henceforth referred to as “main cipher”). Figure 1 visually represents the idea. The layer L, which we name as DEFAULT-LAYER and describe in Sect. 4.3, is prepended and appended to the main cipher E, as in Fig. 1(a). For decryption, \(L^{-1}\) is both prepended and appended to the main cipher inverse (shown in Fig. 1(b)), since the ciphertext \(C = L\circ E \circ L (P)\), and the decryption \(L^{-1}\circ E^{-1} \circ L^{-1} (C) = (L^{-1}\circ E^{-1} \circ L^{-1})\circ (L\circ E \circ L) (P) = P\). The idea is that the underlying cipher E will have desirable protection against classical attacks, while the additional layer L will be used to thwart DFA. Since for DFA the attacker has to slowly peel off the outer rounds of the cipher, we only have to protect these rounds against DFA, while the inner cipher will provide all the security we expect from a block cipher in the black-box model (adding a layer L will not weaken its security).

As we assume the attacker can target both the encryption and decryption processes, the model described here can thwart DFA on both. If we assume a constrained model for the attacker, for example where the decryption is done at a server which is physically protected such that it cannot be accessed (as in [7, Section III]), then the prepended layer L in Fig. 1(a) and the appended layer \(L^{-1}\) in Fig. 1(b) can be removed, which will result in better performance.

4.2 Extension to a Full-Fledged Cipher (DEFAULT)

Aside from an ad-hoc layer which is able to protect any cipher from DFA, it is also possible to construct a full-fledged block cipher. This is done by sandwiching the so-called DEFAULT-CORE (this is another keyed permutation described in Sect. 4.4) with DEFAULT-LAYER. The DEFAULT-CORE contains an SBox that is especially resistant to classical linear attacks, and DEFAULT-LAYER uses an SBox that contains linear structures to resist DFA and its variants. Hence DEFAULT consists of 2 components (for both the encryption and decryption), as can be seen in Fig. 1(a), replacing E with DEFAULT-CORE.

DEFAULT-CORE also follows a construction similar to GIFT-128, but we do not reuse GIFT-128 permutation exactly as core permutation because we want to maximize the security against linear attacks, even if that results in relatively low security against differential attacks (which will be partially provided by the DEFAULT-LAYER layers anyway). Thus, we do not use LS SBox, but in contrary we will use an SBox with excellent linear approximation table (LAT) properties.

Therefore, the advantage of using DEFAULT instead of simply a classical cipher protected with DEFAULT-LAYER layers, is that since DEFAULT-CORE has been designed to be especially strong against linear attacks, we can reduce the number of cryptographic operations globally. In other words, we believe DEFAULT strikes a better balance in terms of security/efficiency, while using a classical cipher with DEFAULT-LAYER probably comes with some performance overkill (DEFAULT-LAYER will provide extra differential attack resistance on top of the main cipher, which was not needed since the cipher is assumed to be secure already).

4.3 Construction of DEFAULT-LAYER

We detail the 128-bit version of our proposed DFA protecting layer (DEFAULT-LAYER). It can be used to protect 128-bit block ciphers, but we emphasize that it can be adapted to any block size that is a multiple of 16.

DEFAULT-LAYER is a 28-round keyed permutationFootnote 4 that receives a 128-bit message as the state \(X = b_{127}b_{126}\dots b_{0}\), where \(b_{0}\) is the least significant bit, and a 128-bit key. The state can also be expressed as \(X=w_{31}\Vert w_{30}\Vert ...\Vert w_{0}\), where \(w_i\) is a 4-bit nibble word. We do not describe the inverse layer here for the sake of brevity, but it can be trivially derived. The round function (denoted by \(\mathcal{R}\) henceforth) of DEFAULT-LAYER consists of 4 steps (in order): SubCells—applying a 4-bit SBox to the state, PermBits—permute the bits of the state (same as in GIFT-128 [11]), AddRoundConstants—XORing a 6-bit constant as well as another bit to the state (same as in GIFT-128), and AddRoundKey—XORing the round key to the state.

SubCells. It uses the 4-bit LS SBox \(S=\mathtt {037ED4A9CF18B265}.\) This SBox is applied to every nibble of the state: \( w_i \leftarrow S(w_i),\) \(\forall i \in \{0,\ldots ,31\} \).

PermBits. The bit-permutation is the same as the permutation \(P_{128}\) in GIFT-128, which maps bits from bit position i of the internal state to bit position \(P_{128}(i)\): \( b_{P_{128}(i)} \leftarrow b_{i},\ \forall i \in \{0,...,127\} \).

AddRoundConstants. A single bit “1” and a 6-bit round constant C = \(c_5c_4c_3c_2c_1c_0\) are XORed into the cipher state at bit position 127, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7 and 3 respectively: \(w_{127} = w_{127} \oplus 1\), \(w_{23} = w_{23} \oplus c_5\), \(w_{19} = w_{19} \oplus c_4\), \(w_{15} = w_{15} \oplus c_3\). Table 2 shows the round constants (6-bit) for DEFAULT-CORE and DEFAULT-LAYER. At each round the value is encoded into a 6-bit word and XORed to the cipher state, with \(c_0\) being the least significant bit.

Table 2. Round constants for DEFAULT

AddRoundKey. A round key k is bitwise XORed to the state: \( b_{i} \leftarrow b_{i} \oplus k_{i}^{j}, \forall i \in \{0,...,127\} \).

Key Schedule. The 128-bit master key K is used to generate four 128-bit subkeys \(K_0\), \(K_1\), \(K_2\) and \(K_3\) as follows: \(K_0=K\) and \(K_{i+1}=\mathcal {R}'(\mathcal {R}'(\mathcal {R}'(\mathcal {R}' ( K_i ))))\) for \(i\in [0,1,2]\), where \(\mathcal {R}'\) denotes the \(\mathcal R\) round function with no AddRoundKey layer and with the AddRoundConstants layer changed to only XORing a single bit “1” at bit position 127. Alternatively, \(\mathcal R'\) can be seen as the \(\mathcal R\) function with an all-zero round key and an all-zero round constant. Then, these four subkeys are used to generate the round keys as follows: for round i with \(i\ge 0\), the subkey \(K_{i \ \bmod \ 4}\) is used as round key input for AddRoundKey.

4.4 Construction of DEFAULT-CORE (and DEFAULT)

In order to design the full-fledged cipher, we need to describe the middle part of the cipher (DEFAULT-CORE), for which the SBox does not have any (non-zero) linear structure. The design of the core is much alike to the DEFAULT-LAYER (hence omitted here for the sake of brevity), except for the SBox, and it has 24 rounds. The SBox of choice here is 196F7C82AED043B5, based on its very desirable cryptographic properties against linear attacks (see Sect. 7.2 for details). In a nutshell, the overall design of DEFAULT consists of: DEFAULT-LAYER (28 rounds), followed by DEFAULT-CORE (24 rounds), followed by another DEFAULT-LAYER (28 rounds). Hence DEFAULT is an SPN block cipher with heterogeneous round structure, consisting of 80 rounds. Therefore, in comparison with time-duplicated GIFT-128 (which contains 80 rounds in total), DEFAULT has the same number of rounds. As for the round counter, we use the same from GIFT-128, which is refreshed at the beginning of DEFAULT-LAYER/DEFAULT-CORE.

5 Design Rationale

The goals of our DEFAULT-CORE/DEFAULT-LAYER designs are clear: (1) to protect against DFA, (2) applicable to different state sizes as well as to wide variety of symmetric key ciphers, and (3) simple and lightweight. During its design, various choices have been made and we discuss those here.

5.1 Design Philosophy

SPN vs Feistel Network. Our first decision was to choose between SPN and Feistel network. Although implementing the inverse of Feistel construction is simple and does not require the inverse of its f-function, the non-linearity is introduced to only half of its state in each round and hence usually requires more rounds (though lighter rounds) to achieve the desired security margin. On the other hand, SPN introduces non-linearity to the entire state and thus requires lesser rounds in general. Study is also simpler, so we chose to start with SPN.

Bit Permutation vs Rotational-XOR Diffusion vs Word-Mixing Diffusion. For SPN constructions, the diffusion layer is usually either a bit permutation (like in PRESENT and GIFT), a rotational-XOR layer (like in SMS4 [20], ASCON  [22]), or a word-mixing diffusion (like in AES and SKINNY). Although the latter two provide a stronger diffusion, they can be costly in hardware and non-trivial to adopt to different block sizes as it might lead to quite different descriptions. In hardware, the bit permutation is basically free to implement as it consists simply of circuit wiring. Moreover, from the design strategy of GIFT, we see that a bit permutation can be adjusted to various state sizes. Therefore, we choose bit permutation over other choices of diffusion layer.

5.2 Structure of the DEFAULT PermBits

We recall here the structure of the PRESENT and GIFT bit permutations as this will be useful later to understand our security guarantees. There are essentially two levels of permutation within the PRESENT or GIFT bit permutation: the group mapping and the SBox grouping.

Group Mapping. The mapping of the output bits from a group of 4 SBoxes to another group of 4 SBoxes in the next round. This is the main difference between the PRESENT and GIFT permutation. For 4-bit SBoxes, we denote the 4 bits as bit 0, 1, 2 and 3, where bit 0 is the least significant bit. Within a group, the PRESENT permutation sends the 4 output bits from the ith SBox (index from 0) to bit i of the 4 SBoxes in the next round, forming a symmetrical structure. Due to this symmetrical structure, PRESENT has many symmetrical differential characteristics for a given fixed input and output differences, which results in a higher differential probability (similar situation for the linear cryptanalysis case). On the other hand, the GIFT permutation sends bit i from the output of the jth SBox (index from 0) to the bit i of the lth SBox in the next round, where \(l = i-j \mod 4\). Since bit i of an SBox output is always mapped to bit i of another SBox, it makes the analysis on the propagation of the differences easier and breaks the symmetry. Therefore, we choose GIFT group mapping.

SBox Grouping. The partitioning of the SBoxes into the groups of 4 SBoxes. The SBox grouping for the 64-bit block ciphers PRESENT and GIFT-64 are the same, and the designers of GIFT extended the idea to construct SBox grouping for 128-bit block size. Similar to [11], we denote the SBoxes in round i as \(S_0^{i}, S_1^{i}, \dots , S_{g-1}^{i}\), where \(g=n/4\) for block size n. These SBoxes can be grouped in 2 different ways - the Quotient Q and Remainder R groups, defined as \(Qx = \{ S_{4x}, S_{4x+1}, S_{4x+2}, S_{4x+3} \}\) and \(Rx = \{ S_{x}, S_{q+x}, S_{2q+x}, S_{3q+x} \}\), where \(q = g/4\), \(0 \le x \le q-1\). The SBox grouping simply maps SBoxes from \(Qx^{i}\) to \(Rx^{i+1}\), where within this group the 16-bit mapping is defined as the group mapping described above. This is the adaptable component of the bit permutation, as one can see that the SBox grouping is well-defined as long as n is a multiple of 16.

5.3 Selection of the DEFAULT SBoxes

Here we describe the selection process of the LS SBox (used in DEFAULT-LAYER) and the non-LS SBox (used in DEFAULT-CORE) providing high resistance against linear attacks. A summary of various properties of our chosen SBoxes together with SBoxes from other lightweight ciphers (PRESENT, SKINNY-64 and GIFT) are shown in Table 3.

As for the size of the SBox, we decided to choose 4-bit. Although there are better (in terms of DFA security) 8-bit SBoxes (see Table 1), we chose the 4-bit SBoxes for the following main reasons: (1) to lower the cost (similar to GIFT [11]), (2) making the MILP modelling (described in Sect. 7) more efficient as generating the same for 8-bit SBoxes could be costly [41].

Table 3. Properties of the DEFAULT (LS, Non-LS), PRESENT, SKINNY-64 and GIFT 4-bit SBoxes. DBN is differential branch number, LBN is linear branch number, LS are the linear structures, DU is the differential uniformity, AD is the algebraic degree of the coordinate functions and NL is the non-linearity.

LS SBox. From the list of 302 affine equivalence (AE) classes of SBoxes by De Cannière [19], there are 10 AE classes with non-zero linear structures. Among these 10 AE classes, 8 of them (#293—#300) have only one non-zero linear structure, AE class #301 has three non-zero linear structures and the last AE class #302 is fully linear (contains the identity permutation). To maximize the number of linear structures and yet to use a non-linear permutation, we chose the AE class #301 (the representative for this AE class in [19] is 1032456789ABCDEF).

Within this class, we chose an SBox with the following criteria (HW denoting Hamming weight):

  1. 1.

    Both differential and linear branch number 3.

  2. 2.

    Zero diagonal in the DDT and LAT (except (0, 0)).

  3. 3.

    In the DDT, \(\forall \delta _{i}\in \mathbb {F}^4_2\setminus \{0\}\), if \((\delta _{i},\delta _{o}) = 16\), then \(HW(\delta _{i})\ge 2\), \(HW(\delta _{o})\ge 2\).

  4. 4.

    In the LAT, \(\forall \alpha _{i}\in \mathbb {F}^4_2\setminus \{0\}\), if \((\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o}) = 8\), then \(HW(\alpha _{i}) + HW(\alpha _{o})\ge 4\).

In other words, first we try to optimize the differential and linear diffusion with branch number 3. Next, we avoid enabling 1-round iterative differential or linear patterns (hence we look for empty diagonals). Then, for any probability 1 differential transition, we make sure that the input and output difference Hamming weight is at least 2 (we could not find an SBox for which such transitions necessarily happen with \(HW(\delta _{i}) \ge 3\), or \(HW(\delta _{o}) \ge 3\), or \(HW(\delta _{i}) + HW(\delta _{o})\ge 5\)). Lastly, for any full linear transition, we select an SBox that will maximize the Hamming weight of the input and output values. The two last criteria are basically trying to maximize the number of active SBoxes before and after a probability 1 differential or a full linear transition. In total, we found 240 SBoxes candidates that satisfy our selection criteria and we ended up choosing SBox \(\mathtt{037ED4A9CF18B265}\).

Any of these 240 SBoxes, combined with our DEFAULT-LAYER bit permutation, ensures the following properties: for any 5-round differential characteristic,

  • (P1) there are at least 10 active SBoxes,

  • (P2) if there are exactly 10 active SBoxes, then each of these active SBoxes has differential probability \(2^{-1}\) (which totals to \(2^{-10}\)),

  • (P3) if there exists one active SBox with differential probability 1, then there are at least 12 other active SBoxes with differential probability \(2^{-1}\) each (which totals to \(2^{-12}\)).

We give a general intuition on how the selection criteria facilitates these properties (we actually do not really need to prove these properties, since we will later be using automated tools to guarantee bounds on the differential characteristics probability in Sect. 7). First, observe that all the 240 SBoxes will ensure that \(\forall \delta , \varDelta \in \mathbb {F}_2^4\setminus \{0\}\),

  • (C1) if \(\text {DDT}_S [\delta ,\varDelta ]>0\), then \(HW(\delta )+HW(\varDelta )\ge 3\),

  • (C2) if \(\text {DDT}_S [\delta ,\varDelta ]=16\), then \(HW(\delta )+HW(\varDelta )\ge 4\),

  • (C3) if \(\text {DDT}_S [\delta ,\varDelta ]=16\), then \(HW(\delta )\ge 2\) and \(HW(\varDelta )\ge 2\).

Then, from (C1) one can prove that there will be at least 10 active SBoxes over 5 rounds (P1) (in Fig. 2(a)), which is basically Theorem 1 in [16]. By (C2) and the first case in the proof of Theorem 1 in [16], one can show that for such a 10-active SBoxes differential characteristic, none of these SBoxes (in Fig. 2(a)) can have a differential probability 1 (P2). If there exists an SBox with differential probability 1, again by (C1) and (C2), there are at least 13 active SBoxes (see Fig. 2(b)). Criterion (C3) enforces that only 1 of these 13 active SBoxes can potentially have differential probability 1 (P3).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

5-round differential characteristics (solid lines are active bits, white boxes are active SBoxes and red box is SBox with differential probability 1) (Color figure online)

From these properties, we can (conservatively) estimate that the probability of any differential characteristic drops by at least a factor of \(2^{2}\) for every additional round.

Non-LS SBox. For this SBox candidate, we focused on the linearity of the SBox as linear attacks will be the most difficult part to protect. Among the 33 AE classes with the lowest maximum linear bias \(2^{-2}\), the AE classes #32 (represented by \(\mathtt{C0A23547691B8DEF}\)) and #33 (represented by \(\mathtt{D0A23547691BC8EF}\)) have the least number of non-zero entries in the LAT. Statistically speaking, this gives us a higher chance of finding linear branch number 3 SBoxes. However, every \(4\times 4\) SBox with linear branch number 3 has at least one non-trivial linear structure (belonging to the AE classes #294, #297, #298, #300, #301, #302 of [19]). Hence, we tried several of those SBoxes and obtained the corresponding linear bias bounds using the automated technique described in Sect. 7. However, the bounds we obtained were not good enough. Thus, our next strategy was to select an SBox with the following linear properties:

  1. 1.

    \(\sharp \{ ((\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o})) \mid HW(\alpha _{i})=HW(\alpha _{o})=1,(\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o}) \ne 0 \} = 1\).

  2. 2.

    Zero diagonal in the LAT (except (0, 0)).

  3. 3.

    \(\sharp \{ ((\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o})) \mid HW(\alpha _{i})+HW(\alpha _{o})=3,(\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o}) = \pm 4 \} = 13\).

  4. 4.

    \(\sharp \{ ((\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o})) \mid HW(\alpha _{i})+HW(\alpha _{o})=3,(\alpha _{i},\alpha _{o}) = \pm 2 \} = 6\).

In other words, first we limit the number of Hamming weight \(1 \rightarrow 1\) transitions to 1Footnote 5. Next, we avoid having a 1-round iterative linear pattern. Lastly, we minimize the number of possible Hamming weight \(1 \rightarrow 2\) and \(2 \rightarrow 1\) transitions. This is to encourage faster and wider propagation of the linear trail. We finally choose the SBox \(\mathtt{196F7C82AED043B5}\) from the AE class #32.

We note that other considerations could be incorporated in addition to the ones mentioned in this section, such as side-channel attacks resilient criteria [27], but we believe this falls out of the scope of our research that tries to focus on natural immunity to DFA.

5.4 Unbiased Linear Structures

We need an extra security criterion: each bit of the linear structures of S as well as \(S^{-1}\) must be unbiased. This is to avoid certain undesirable property of the linear layer. If we assume that the linear structures for S are \(\{\mathtt{0},\mathtt{1},\mathtt{2},\mathtt{3}\}\), the two MSBs are always 0. One such SBox is 1032456789ABCDEF (the representative for class #301 in [19]). It has the property that if the first two bits of its input are known uniquely, then the first two bits of its output are also known uniquely. The attacker may be able to leverage this property by attacking the penultimate round of the cipher/protection layer, with attacking the last round. This issue does not arise when each bit of the linear structures is unbiased (in which case the attacker is not able to find any bit uniquely). In our chosen LS SBox, the linear structures being \(\{\mathtt{0}, \mathtt{6}, \mathtt{9}, \mathtt{f}\}\), and that of the inverse SBox being \(\{\mathtt{0}, \mathtt{5}, \mathtt{a}, \mathtt{f}\}\), this criterion is indeed satisfied.

6 Security Analysis

Conducting security analysis on DEFAULT is quite different from conducting security analysis on block ciphers, despite having similar structure. This is because DEFAULT-LAYER is built on top of an existing (and presumably secure against classical attacks) cipher and only assists in providing the desired security against DFA, while DEFAULT-CORE is used in conjunction with two instances of DEFAULT-LAYER. Although classical attacks do not pose any threat against DEFAULT-LAYER, some cryptanalytic techniques could still be applied to DEFAULT through DFA. For instance, suppose an attacker injects faults to the output of the main cipher, this difference will only propagate through the DEFAULT-LAYER and not the entire cipher, creating some form of differential attack on the DEFAULT-LAYER itself. Thus, we need to ensure that DEFAULT-LAYER is not vulnerable to classical attacks that could bypass the main cipher using DFA and target DEFAULT-LAYER directly. The desired security for the classical attacks are summarized in Table 4 and security evaluation against such attacks are done subsequently in Sect. 6.2. Detailed discussion on the classical attacks are omitted here for brevity, but interested readers may find it for example in [11, Section 4]. It may be noted that more precise differential and linear bounds are presented in Sect. 7. The security against DFA and side-channel attacks are evaluated subsequently (Sect. 6.1 and Sect. 6.3, respectively).

Table 4. Security requirement of DEFAULT against classical attacks

As DEFAULT comprises of DEFAULT-CORE and (two layers of) DEFAULT-LAYER, we specify which component we are analyzing and for which cryptanalysis technique. The analysis is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. Security analysis of DEFAULT

6.1 Differential Fault Attacks

First, we look at DFA on DEFAULT-LAYER, when it is used as a protection layer for other block ciphers. Next, we look at DFA on DEFAULT-CORE or other block ciphers with DEFAULT-LAYER as protection layer.

DFA on DEFAULT-LAYER . Our chosen SBox has 3 non-trivial linear structures: \(\mathtt{6}, \mathtt{9}, \mathtt{f}\). Hence, for any input \(\alpha \in \{\mathtt{0}, \ldots , \mathtt{f}\}\), the attacker cannot uniquely identify which among \(\{\alpha , \alpha \oplus \mathtt{6}, \alpha \oplus \mathtt{9}, \alpha \oplus \mathtt{f}\}\) is the actual input to the SBox. In other words, the attacker will be able to identify one partition of the input: \(\{\{\mathtt{0}, \mathtt{6}, \mathtt{9}, \mathtt{f}\},\) \(\{\mathtt{1}, \mathtt{7}, \mathtt{8}, \mathtt{e}\},\) \(\{\mathtt{2}, \mathtt{4}, \mathtt{b}, \mathtt{d}\},\) \(\{\mathtt{3}, \mathtt{5}, \mathtt{a}, \mathtt{c}\}\}\), but will not be able to identify which particular input is correct. Similarly for the output of the SBox, due to the linear structures, the attacker will only able to identify the partition to be one of these \(\{\{\mathtt{0},\mathtt{5},\mathtt{a},\mathtt{f}\},\{\mathtt{1},\mathtt{4},\mathtt{b},\mathtt{e}\},\{\mathtt{2},\mathtt{7},\mathtt{8},\mathtt{d}\},\{\mathtt{3},\mathtt{6},\mathtt{9},\mathtt{c}\}\}\) and not a particular output.

In the last round attack of DEFAULT-LAYER, the attacker has to inject faults and analyze each of the 32 SBoxes independently. That means, for each SBox she has to do a brute-force search of 4, leading to a total search complexity of \(4^{32} = 2^{64}\).

DFA on DEFAULT-CORE  or other block ciphers with DEFAULT-LAYER . Alternatively, the adversary could still try to launch DFA on the main cipher by injecting fault(s) to the last round of it and hope that it will propagate nicely through DEFAULT-LAYER. If so, it boils down to whether the adversary can distinguish the output difference from the main cipher with less than \(2^{64}\) effort, otherwise it is better off attacking DEFAULT-LAYER directly (\(2^{64}\)). Using MILP, we found that the maximum differential probability of DEFAULT-LAYER is upper bounded by \(2^{-64}\) (details in Sect. 7.2). Thus, the attack complexity is too high and this alternative strategy is not worthwhile.

Information-Combining DFA on DEFAULT-LAYER . An attacker could apply DFA on multiple rounds and hope to combine these learnt information to further reduce the number of key candidates. For instance, targeting the last two rounds of DEFAULT, or the first and last round of DEFAULT through DFA on both the encryption and decryption processes. Such a possibility was first identified for a previous version of DEFAULT by a reviewer from CRYPTO 2021 and ASIACRYPT 2021 and later confirmed independently by a team of researchers [31]. In order to avoid this attack vector, we have designed a special key schedule for DEFAULT.

First, assume an idealized DEFAULT-LAYER variant where all round keys are independent, which can basically be seen as defining a new component DEFAULT-LAYER with a much larger key input size (128-bit of key material per round). In this variant, since a fresh new round key is added at every round, the information-combining attack becomes useless for the attacker.

The goal of the key schedule in DEFAULT is therefore to mimic the behaviour of this idealized variant for a reasonable performance cost. Namely, we use 4 entire DEFAULT rounds to generate the next round key, which is chosen to ensure full diffusion. Then, we limit the number of distinct round keys to 4 (for performance), since our analysis shows that combining information throughout 4 rounds is very difficult.

We note that more conservative options could be selected for the key schedule, with an obvious performance cost during the round key precomputation: for example one could have 8 distinct rounds keys (instead of 4) and/or use more entire DEFAULT rounds to generate the next round key.

6.2 Classical Cryptanalysis

In the following, we apply classical cryptanalysis techniques on DEFAULT. Recall that DEFAULT has a sandwich structure with two DEFAULT-LAYER layers and a DEFAULT-CORE layer in the middle. For most of the cryptanalysis considered, it will be sufficient to show that DEFAULT-CORE is resistant against the attack.

Differential Cryptanalysis. Using MILP, we found that the maximum differential probability of DEFAULT-LAYER is upper bounded by \(2^{-64}\) (details in Sect. 7.2). Since there are two layers of DEFAULT-LAYER, we already show that there is no meaningful differential characteristic tracing across two layers of DEFAULT with differential probability more than \(2^{-128}\). In addition, DEFAULT-CORE has 24 rounds and any differential characteristic will involve at least 1 active SBox per round. Thus, this trivially adds an additional factor of \(2^{-24}\) to any differential characteristic. In summary, DEFAULT is not susceptible to differential cryptanalysis.

Linear Cryptanalysis. Using MILP, we found that the absolute linear bias of 11-round DEFAULT-CORE is upper bounded by \(2^{-33}\) (details in Sect. 7.2). Thus, with a simple concatenation of two 11-round linear characteristics, we can show that there is no meaningful 22-round linear characteristic in DEFAULT-CORE. In addition, there are two layers of DEFAULT-LAYER, which will only make the linear cryptanalysis even harder to realise (even though linear structures are present in the SBox). In summary, DEFAULT is not susceptible to linear cryptanalysis.

Impossible Differential Attacks. We considered the possible effect of impossible differential attacks against DEFAULT-CORE. As proposed in [37], we generated MILP instances (Sect. 7) for all \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}128\\ 1\end{array}}\right) \times \left( {\begin{array}{c}128\\ 1\end{array}}\right) =16384\) differentials with both the input and output differences of Hamming weight 1 on DEFAULT-CORE and check if any of these instances were infeasible, which implies impossible differential. For the \(7\)th round, we observe all instances are feasible (i.e., no impossible differential exists). Therefore, following the philosophy of [37], we believe the full-round DEFAULT-CORE is secure against impossible differential attacks.

Invariant Subspace Attacks. In order to simplify the analysis of invariant subspace attacks, we assume that any (affine) subspaces are preserved over the entire DEFAULT-LAYER, the PermBits and AddRoundConstants step. Thus, we focus on subspace transition over the SubCells step in DEFAULT-CORE, namely the non-LS SBoxes layer.

There is no dimension 3 (affine) subspace transition, and among the dimension 2 transitions most of them can only propagate up to 3 rounds, except one: \(\mathtt{5\oplus \{0,2,c,e\} \rightarrow 0\oplus \{0,2,c,e\}}\). Notice that this affine subspace will be preserved over the AddRoundKey step if each nibble of the round key belongs to \(\mathtt{\{5,7,9,b\}}\).

Suppose each nibble of \(K_i\) belongs to \(\mathtt{\{5,7,9,b\}}\). During the key schedule update (again we assume that the subspace is preserved over PermBits and AddRoundConstants), we have \((\mathcal {R}')^4(\mathtt{\{5,7,9,b\}}) \rightarrow \mathtt{\{7,4,d,8\}}\). \(K_{i+1}\) will break the subspace structure unless all nibbles of \(K_i\) are \(\mathtt{5}\), resulting in all nibbles of \(K_{i+1}\) to be \(\mathtt{7}\). However in the next update, all nibbles of \(K_{i+2}\) will be \(\mathtt{4}\not \in \mathtt{\{5,7,9,b\}}\). Thus, we believe that no (affine) subspace can be preserved for more than 3 rounds and DEFAULT is not vulnerable to invariant subspace attacks.

Algebraic Attacks. In order to evaluate the security of DEFAULT-CORE against algebraic attacks, we checked its algebraic properties using SageFootnote 6. We are able to represent DEFAULT-CORE as Boolean expressions up to 4-rounds. We have observed that the minimum number of monomials is 11101, at least 97 variables (out of 128) are involved and the minimum algebraic degree is 8. Furthermore, computing bounds on the maximum algebraic degree for different number of rounds according to the degree estimate given in [17], we can hope to reach maximum degree 127 after 8 rounds.

Integral Attacks. Suppose an attacker repeats the encryption multiple times and injects all possible differential fault values to a specific word in the output of the main cipher. This is similar to collecting a set of inputs (more precisely the output from the main cipher) with specific structure to launch an integral attack. Such model is reported in [34] and [35, Chapter 6.3].

This model is a special case of DFA where all possible faults are considered. Since the attacker does not get any extra information by using all possible faults, DEFAULT-LAYER (and hence DEFAULT) is resistant against it.

As for DEFAULT-CORE, we could reuse some of the security analysis of GIFT-128 for our design. In particular, the designers of GIFT evaluated the longest integral distinguisher for GIFT-128 using the (bit-based) division property [42] to be 11 rounds, and concluded that GIFT-128 is secure against integral attacks. Since DEFAULT-CORE has 28 rounds, we believe that DEFAULT-CORE is secure against integral attacks.

Using the SOLVATORE tool [23], we could find a distinguisher for DEFAULT-LAYER till 12 rounds. Beyond this, no solution is returned in a reasonable time.

6.3 Protection Against Side-Channel Attacks

In essence, DEFAULT-LAYER/DEFAULT is simply a bit permutation based SPN block cipher and, as such, usual side-channels attacks might apply on it. Usual countermeasures such as masking can of course be applied on DEFAULT.

We point out that protecting DEFAULT against side-channels attacks should not make DFA easier. An additional feature of the DEFAULT-LAYER SBox is that it has lower number of AND operations compared to the usual SBoxes used in other cipher designs, hence making it easier to mask [29]. One might argue that the large number of rounds of DEFAULT or DEFAULT-LAYER would be problematic, but implementation trade-offs would partially avoid this issue (implementing 2 or 4 rounds per clock cycle would greatly improve the throughput while moderately increase the area).

6.4 Comparison with CRAFT, FRIET and Duplicated Computation

As stated earlier, CRAFT, FRIET and duplication are the most relevant countermeasures when comparing with DEFAULT. Under a single fault adversary, duplication and DEFAULT are all secure against DFA. CRAFT in itself does not protect against DFA but is designed with a consideration to make it cost effective when integrating error detection codes. CRAFT only protects against faults that are detectable by the deployed error detection code and remains vulnerable to faults outside the detection capability. For an error detection codes with minimum distance d (i.e. minimum distance between distinct codewords), CRAFT can detect faults altering up to \(t (=d-1)\) cellsFootnote 7 at once (within one cycle). Note that for low cost equipment where injected faults are often random, the probability of getting a fault which is beyond the detection limit of error detection code is non-negligible. With precise fault injection equipment, an adversary could inject specific difference large enough (\(\ge t\) cells) to change the code to another valid code and fool the error detection mechanism trivially. On the contrary, DEFAULT is not bounded by any such t.

FRIET adopts a parity check code to detect a single-limbFootnote 8 fault in the computation. Similar to CRAFT, for faults that alter more than one limb are beyond the detection limit. Again, DEFAULT is not bounded by any such limb.

Regarding duplicate faults, CRAFT claims no security. Duplicated computation was demonstrated to be broken by injecting two identical faults in the redundant execution using state of the art fault injection equipment [38]. DEFAULT is not vulnerable to DFA under duplicate faults as it does not rely on redundancy.

6.5 Other Fault Attacks

Although we do not claim security against attacks that uses analysis method 2, for completeness we discuss the security of our design against some of such attacks.

Fault Altering Control/Algorithm Flow. Since our solution is at algorithm level and does not rely on any engineering solutions, it is natural that our security claim holds under the assumption of the correctness of our algorithm. Therefore, we do not claim security against faults that alter the execution sequence of the algorithm. An accomplished attacker could hypothetically skip the execution of DEFAULT-LAYER completely with a control flow fault and can target the main cipher with standard DFA.

Hypothetical Multiple Precision Fault Attacks. Consider a multiple precision fault attack where the adversary injects a fault to introduce a specific difference just before an SBox and another difference right after the same SBox in an attempt to precisely cancel the difference. When the cancellation is successful, it will result in the same output as a fault-free execution, and the adversary can obtain the possible solutions for that SBox. While this is not effective against our LS SBoxes, it could still target the main cipher which typically does not have any LS. Feasibility of such precise multiple faults have never been demonstrated. In addition, this attack falls under analysis method 2 which is outside of our fault model.

Precise Bit Flipping Attacks. A single bit flip on a specific bit, though much harder to achieve, has been reported in practice by lasers [3]. Despite its precision, bit precision DFA (equivalent to injecting a Hamming weight 1 difference) will still be ineffective against our design. As described in Sect. 6.1, any input \(\alpha \) will still lead to multiple solutions thanks to our LS SBox.

Assume that the adversary can target the logic gate component of the SBox, there could be a statistical attack, but again, we do not make claims against attacks that fall under analysis method 2.

Other Non-DFA Models. The Safe Error Attack (SEA) [26, 43, 44] model has been proposed which utilizes the cases where the faulty and non-faulty outputs are the same. Among the SEA models, one particular model is known as Ineffective Fault Attack (IFA) [18]. Another type of fault attack uses statistical information on the output distribution as it has become biased because of fault injection [32, 45]. Such analysis often are based upon hostile fault models like stuck-at, permanent or persistent faults which assume a stronger attacker, specially stuck-at faults which are widely used in the fault analysis literature [21, 32]. Stuck-at faults in electronic devices are generally related to defects in devices either at manufacturing or due to high-energy radiation in space electronics. Injecting stuck-at fault intentionally for malicious purpose requires expensive equipment like precise lasers, ion beams, etc. and thus considered under strong adversary capability . In comparison, bit flips or random faults are relatively easier to realise with simple fault injection equipment. A hybrid model – Statistical Ineffective Fault Attack (SIFA) [21] is proposed. It relies on both ineffective fault and statistical information of the computation. All these attacks exploit information leakages from statistical biases under analysis method 2, which is beyond our focus. If needed, specialized countermeasures can be used [5, 9].

7 Automated Bounds for Differential and Linear Attacks

In [30], the authors present a method to find optimal differential and linear characteristics based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), which is then tuned to work with bit permutation based block ciphers in [41].

Indeed, our special SBox with linear structures has probability 1 differential transitions (resp., \(\pm 1/2\) linear bias). For the differential case, the above mentioned approach will always yield an MEDP bound of \(\epsilon _d =1\) (1 is raised to the power of an integer), which naturally signifies the smallest possible protection against differential attacks (the attack succeeds with only one chosen input difference or two chosen inputs). In case of linear cryptanalysis, it can be shown that the overall bias \(\epsilon _l\), considering only \(\pm 1/2\) biases (and assuming mutual independence of the biases), is 1/2. This is obtained by substituting \(\epsilon _i= 1/2\) \(\forall i\) in [40, Lemma 3.1]. Similar to the differential case, this also leads to the smallest protection against linear attack (the attack succeeds with roughly \(1/\epsilon _l^2 = 4\) known inputs). Naturally, we need to devise a way to count precisely the number of probability 1/2 differential transitions and \(\pm 1/4\) linear biases.

To overcome this problem, we devise a new strategy which is inspired from the concept of indicator constraint used in linear programming (also known as the big M method), where a large constant M is chosen.

The details of our strategy and description of the MILP modeling can be found in the long version of this article [8].

7.1 Optimizations

Using the idea described in previous section, we construct the MILP problems and attempt to solve them using the GurobiFootnote 9 solver. Being inspired from [28], we use redundancy in the MILP constraints. Using redundant constraints together with the usual constraints does not change the problem description, but could make the execution faster. As for the choice of the heuristics, we use the idea of Convex Hull (CH) [41].

For the differential case, we use the complete set of the CH inequalities, while for the linear case we use the greedy algorithm to select a subset of the complete set of the CH inequalities. The details on generation of the CH inequalities and the greedy algorithm can be found in [41]. We observe that using the heuristics the solution time can be improved by almost a factor of 10 compared to the respective cases where no heuristic was used. For more details on the heuristics, refer to [4].

7.2 Results

For the LS SBox (used in DEFAULT-LAYER), the bounds obtained from the corresponding MILP programs are: \(2^{-4}\) at the \(5\)th round for linear, and \(2^{-20}\) at the \(7\)th round for differential. This translates to around \(2^{8}\) computations for 5 rounds against classical linear attacks and around \(2^{20}\) computations against differential attacks. Hence, we believe 28 rounds of DEFAULT-LAYER is enough to provide a security level of \(2^{64}\) computations against classical differential attacks and of \(2^{32}\) computations against classical linear attacks.

As explained in Sect. 6.2, we only consider the security against the classical linear attack against DEFAULT-CORE. For the non-LS SBox (used in DEFAULT-CORE) 196F7C82AED043B5, the bound obtained from the MILP program for the linear case is 33.00 at the \(11\)th round. Hence, the linear cryptanalysis security at 11 rounds of DEFAULT-CORE is around \(2^{66}\) computations. Hence, we conclude DEFAULT ensures the required DFA security (of \(2^{64}\) computations) and also the required classical security (of \(2^{128}\) computations).

Table 6. Differential and linear bounds (in \(-\log _2\) notation) for LS and non-LS SBoxes

More results regarding this can be found in Table 6 (Table 6(a) for differential and linear bounds for the LS SBox 037ED4A9CF18B265 and Table 6(b) for linear bounds for the non-LS SBox 196F7C82AED043B5), as obtained from the MILP instances. Those results are obtained from a workstation with \(16\times \) Intel Xeon E7-8880 physical cores (shared among multiple users), running Gurobi 8.1 on 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04. Due to the time taken by the solver, it would be difficult to compute the bounds beyond the ones given in Table 6, at least with the current modelling (and with our computing resource).

8 Performance

In this part we state benchmarks for hardware and software implementations of DEFAULT. Comparison is done with GIFT-128 and a duplication-protected GIFT-128 which runs the same computation twice (in space or time) and compares the output. The output is released only if both computations produce same ciphertext, otherwise it is suppressed. This is the so-called detective countermeasure [10]. As a side note, it can be mentioned that the current academic researches have drifted away from the simple detective countermeasure towards more sophisticated error detection code-based or infection-based countermeasures, which would incur higher overheads. If such a sophisticated countermeasure is taken into account, DEFAULT provides much better performance.

8.1 Hardware Benchmark

The area and throughput for DEFAULT, GIFT-128 and AES are given in Table 7. We also provide the same for GIFT-128 and AES when protected with spatial or temporal duplication, or with DEFAULT-LAYER. The code is written in Verilog, and synthesized on Synopsys Design Compiler J-2019 on the TSMC 65nm standard cell library using \(\mathtt {compile\_ultra}\). The area is given in gate equivalents. The throughput is computed for 2 GHz clock frequency. We assume the round keys are precomputed for all implementations. The implementations of DEFAULT and the protected ciphers are available onlineFootnote 10. For GIFT-128 with DEFAULT-LAYER, we implemented two versions. The first (v1) is a simple combination of DEFAULT-LAYER with main cipher, while the second one (v2) takes advantage of the structural similarities between GIFT-128 and DEFAULT-LAYER. For AES, we noticed that the area required to implement DEFAULT-LAYER is small compared to the size of the AES circuit. Besides, the AES circuit is the bottleneck for clock frequency. Hence, we experimented with 3 different architectures for DEFAULT-LAYER i.e. one round (\(\times 1\)), two round (\(\times 2\)) and four rounds (\(\times 4\)) unrolled per clock cycle. In order to put our results into perspective, we implemented two versions of the simple duplication countermeasure for AES and GIFT-128. The first version is temporal duplication, where the cipher is implemented once and called twice, then the outputs are compared. The second version is spatial duplication, where two instances of cipher are computed in parallel followed by final comparison.

Table 7. ASIC Synthesis Results on the TSMC 65 nm library.

Our results show that for GIFT-128, the area needed to add the DEFAULT-LAYER is small, where the area needed for the full design is similar to that of DEFAULT, while the throughput drops by a factor of \(2.4\times \). The area of our design is significantly smaller than both types of duplication. This takes advantage of the similarities between GIFT-128 and DEFAULT, where they share the linear layer and storage, while differing in only the sbox.

For AES, the cost for adding DEFAULT-LAYER (\(\times 1\)) to AES is also small, while the DEFAULT-LAYER (\(\times 4\)) architecture leads to the highest throughput. Unlike GIFT-128, the differences between AES and DEFAULT-LAYER lead to a smaller advantage over duplication. Temporal duplication behaves better than AES +DEFAULT-LAYER, while spatial duplication have much higher throughput but at the cost 55% larger area. While the AES duplication countermeasure is competitive in terms of performance, the drawbacks of simple duplications were discussed in details in Sect. 6.4, which we believe justifies the cost of our countermeasure.

We have also synthesized our implementations for the Xilinx Kintex 7 FPGA. We fixed the clock frequency to 200 MHz. Due to the nature of FPGA look-up tables (LUTs), they are sometimes under-utilized. This makes it possible to add extra functionality or extra flip-flops to the design for almost no cost. The results are given in Table 8. Our results show that the DEFAULT-LAYER can be added to GIFT-128 for no extra LUTs or flip-flops. The throughput drops by a factor of \(2.4\times \). Both types of duplication lead to drop in throughput and increase in both LUTs and flip-flops.

Table 8. FPGA Synthesis Results on Kintex 7.

In the case of duplication for AES, the \(\times 1\), \(\times 2\) and \(\times 4\) unrolled architectures of DEFAULT-LAYER have larger overhead compared to duplication. While duplication is about twice as efficient as our solution when it comes to AES, this is only specific to AES as its base line cost is relatively reduced on FPGAs, taking advantage of the large LUTs available. Moreover, the security features of DEFAULT compared to duplication still makes it interesting for AES on FPGAs.

8.2 Software Benchmark

The software benchmarks for GIFT-128, duplicated GIFT-128 (in time) and DEFAULT are given in Table 9. The relative overheads compared to GIFT-128 are shown within parenthesis. The clock cycles were measured by utilizing time() function from time.h library in C, by averaging over multiple executions. Program was running on a single core. Compiler optimizations were disabled to produce a consistent result. Note that the main purpose of this benchmark is to show the relative performance compared to GIFT in the same setting. It can be seen that the code size for DEFAULT is slightly more compared to duplicated GIFT-128, but at the same time DEFAULT is faster. We would also like to note that a new efficient software representation of GIFT was published recently [1], called the fixslicing technique, drastically reducing the cycles needed for encryption on ARM Cortex-M family of microcontrollers. The fixsliced implementation of DEFAULT would have very similar per-round performances as GIFT-128, as the permutation is the same (which is what the fixslicing technique is trying to optimize), while the Sboxes have similar cost. Overall, we expect the overheads to be similar as it scales accordingly to the number of rounds. Generally, this scaling would apply to other optimizations as well.

Table 9. Software benchmarking for DEFAULT and GIFT-128 with/without duplication

9 Conclusion and Future Works

In this paper, we presented the first theoretical study on SBoxes with respect to their properties against differential fault attacks. We observe that DFA works as a simplified model of differential attacks, yet the properties of an SBox which makes DFA harder, will make DA easier, and vice-versa. Our findings enabled us to propose the first cipher-level countermeasure against DFA. Our construction does not incur too much overhead and is competitive with state-of-the-art in terms of performances, while protecting against a larger spectrum of faults. The core idea is to use a special SBox with linear structures, so that when trying all possible fault values, the attacker is not able to narrow down the search space below square root bound. This work opens up a new paradigm of symmetric-key cipher design, by studying SBoxes with LS, which has not been explored much yet.

Below we summarize the advantages and limitations of our proposal.

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) First cipher-level protection. This solves the concern raised against existing DFA countermeasures (Sect. 2.2). In particular, we remove the DFA protection from the hand of the cipher implementer to the cipher designer.

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) Scalable to (almost) all symmetric-key primitives as an ad-hoc layer. Using DEFAULT-LAYER, the basic concept we propose can be scaled to ensure a non-trivial DFA security on any symmetric-key primitive. We give a proof of concept for 128-bit state size, but it can be easily adapted to handle any state size that is multiple of 16 bits (by adjusting the number of rounds).

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) Possibility to get a non-trivial DFA security. The particular instantiation we propose offers up to \(2^{n/2}\) DFA security where \(n \ge 128\) is the state size of a block cipher (without jeopardizing its classical security). However, this is not a maximum limit as can be seen from Table 1. Note that, attack complexity of \(2^{n/2}\) can be considered impractical for fault attacks.

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) Protected against duplicate faults . DEFAULT is not vulnerable to duplicate faults, unlike duplication based countermeasure. This remains true regardless of the number of faults, unlike some error detection based protection where faults are not detected beyond a certain coverage.

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) Extension to any FA that uses differential analysis method. The use of LS Sboxes increases the number of solutions for any given differential, which makes any attack under analysis method 1 harder.

  • \(\mathbf {+}\) No need for external randomness/protected device. The commonly referred infective countermeasure [10] uses an external source of randomness. For the protocol level countermeasures, such as [7], a part of the device is assumed to be off limit to the attacker due some device level protection. In our case, there is neither a need for an external source of entropy nor a specially protected device.

  • \(\mathbf {-}\) Not full DFA security. It is technically possible to achieve almost full DFA security (such as \(2^{112}\) for a 128-bit state, see Table 1). However, it does not seem possible to achieve a full state-size DFA security by this methodology.

We believe our work opens up a new research direction for ciphers that are resilient against fault attacks, here are a few potential open problems that would be interesting to explore in the future. One can look for a self-inverse SBox that fits our criteria to reduce the hardware cost when both the layer and its inverse are implemented in the same circuit. As the LS SBox has fewer AND operations, future ciphers could be designed while leveraging this. Finally, a solution that would combine fault protection with side-channel resistance would be extremely valuable. On the attack side, it would be interesting to study how far one could go with a combined side-channel analysis/DFA against DEFAULT.