
1 Introduction

Secure messaging protocols have been widely adopted over the last few years. The privacy offered by encrypted communication seduces billions of users worldwide. A significant number of application providers have settled their security on the Double Ratchet Algorithm [37], often identified as Signal. This protocol provides End-to-End confidentiality, as well as Forward Secrecy (FS) and Post Compromise Secrecy (PCS). The Double Ratchet however is dedicated to one-to-one communications. MLS targets secure group messaging and is developed by the IETF. The goal is to obtain similar security properties as those in one-to-one protocols. The group keys are computed and regularly updated in a protocol called TreeKEM, based on a tree structure: each member of the group is represented by a tree leaf and the group secret is given by the tree root. To perform an update, a user sends to the other leaves secret information which depend on their position in the tree. In this paper, we are concerned with an open problem identified in the MLS draft: how to be sure that each user receives a valid update information? In other words: how to be sure that the updating user is not cheating? The current protocol provides verification elements for each user to check whether the update he received is valid, but it does not prevent a malicious updater to send misformed update information to all or part of the group. Such attacks would prevent the updating process, seriously damaging FS and PCS properties, that seduce the users. Consequently, we propose a solution in which the users only receive valid updates: the server which transmits the update messages can check their validity before forwarding them. The server is given a check-point role and has no more power to create an update, malicious or not, than in the original protocol. Hence we only add a layer of security, through the server, without modifying the core of MLS. A main building block of our solution is a ZK protocol, inspired from the recent multi party computation (MPC) in the head solutions [27, 30, 34].

Our Contribution. As a first contribution, we show how to combine a ZK protocol with a verifiable encryption solution to solve the open problem identified in the IETF draft for MLS, in a light version of the protocol. The idea is to enable an intermediate server to perform a blind verification (on encrypted and committed data) that each update information sent by the updater is correctly computed. The ZK proof is provided on a statement that mixes a circuit evaluation (an HKDF derivation, defined in [36]) and an algebraic commitment (typically a Pedersen commitment, described in [38]). The verifiable encryption scheme proves to the server (i.e. the verifier) that the encrypted data is the one that is committed to and verified in the proof.

As a second contribution, we propose two ZK protocols for statements that compose an algebraic commitment and the circuit computation of a pseudo-random function family (PRF) f. More precisely, we prove the knowledge of a secret witness x such that public commitments \(C_x, C_y\) are algebraic commitments of x and f(x), with f(x) remaining secret. Our approach is based on the MPC in the head paradigm, introduced in [30]. We consider the recent ZK proof system ZKBoo [27] and its improvements ZKBoo++ [18] as well as KKW [34]. Our first approach is directly inspired by a recent work of Backes et al. [6]. The first step is to provide commitments to the bits of the secret input and output. Then, we call the algebraic properties of the commitment scheme to link those bits with values used in the circuit proof. Our second approach consists in considering a Boolean circuit that computes a tag \(t = f(x)+ ax\). The proof on this circuit binds the secret input and output to the tag value. In a second step, we use the homomorphic properties of the commitment to show that the committed values are also bound by t. Finally, we invoke properties of the function f to show that their exists only one solution to the tag equation.

Previous works, in particular [19] and [1], have proposed solutions for such algebraic and circuit composition statements. However, the former is inherently interactive and the latter uses SNARKs, where the burden of the proof is mainly on the prover side, which does not fit our use case as smartphones have resources to be saved.

Related Work. Secure Messaging, and more particularly Ratcheted Key Exchange (RKE), have been widely studied (e.g. [3, 9, 31, 33, 39]) since the first analysis of the Signal protocol [22]. Literature for the group version is more limited. In [21] Cohn Gordon et al. introduced the notion of Asynchronous Ratcheted Trees (ART). These ART are Diffie Hellman based binary trees in which the update process of a node involves entropy coming from both its children. In MLS, the underlying TreeKEM protocol is inspired by ART. A main difference is that a single leaf can generate the update data for each of its ancestor nodes. TreeKEM has been initially formalized in the technical paper [11] and has then evolved to reach the actual description available on the prevailing draft 11 [7]. Alwen et al. formalize in [4] a Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA) derived from the two-party Continuous Key Agreement defined in [3]. They provide a security model for CGKA and show that TreeKem does not achieve optimal FS and PCS security, but prove that using updatable public key encryption can lead to a better security. Our solution is compatible with this improvement. In [2], Alwen et al. focus on the addition and revocation process. Finally, Brzuska et al. provide in [12] an analyse of the current draft 11, considering both TreeKem and the Key Schedule on top of it.

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs, have proved to be a powerful tool in cryptography, since their conception in the mid 1980s. It has been shown that ZK proofs exist for any NP language. However, efficient ZK protocols are designed for a small class of language and do not extend to any NP languages. Sigma protocols (\(\varSigma \)-protocols), clearly described in [23], are very efficient for proving algebraic relations, whereas other protocols have been designed for proving statements that can be expressed as a circuit. Among them, Garbled Circuits based schemes, as introduced in [32], which are inherently interactive, and SNARKs, as designed in [26, 28, 35]. SNARKs are non-interactive arguments (with computational soundness) of knowledge with small proofs and light verification: the burden of the proof is on the prover side. They are proven secure in the common reference string (CRS) model: a common trusted public input has to be shared by the prover and the verifier. Practical implementations based on pairings are in use in real life protocols such as cryptocurrencies. STARK proofs [10] remove the CRS requirement but the prover’s algebraic computations are still linear in the circuit size. The MPC in the head paradigm, introduced in [30], leads to very efficient proof system without CRS. The seminal paper [27] introducing ZKBoo proposes the first efficient ZK proof of a hash function computation. Further works significantly optimize the efficiency, such as Ligero [5], ZKBoo++ [18] and KKW [34] (developed for the post quantum signature scheme Picnic) or [29].

In real life however, many applications need to provide proofs on statements that mix algebraic and non algebraic parts. Expressing the algebraic part as a circuit would considerably increase the circuit size and reduce the efficiency. One could express each gate of a circuit as an algebraic relation that can be proven with a \(\varSigma \)-protocol, but this solution is clearly non desirable as circuits for hashing may have thousands of gates. Considering this, combining efficiently algebraic and non algebraic proofs has revealed to be an important challenge.

In [19], Chase et al. propose two constructions, based on Garbled Circuits, to provide a circuit proof on a committed input. Our solutions are close to theirs in the sense that their first proposal uses bit wise commitment on an secret input, and their second proposal includes a one-time mac computation in the circuit to be garbled. However, their proposal heavily relies on the garbling protocol and can not be transposed to the non interactive setting.

More recently, Agrawal et al. in [1] propose a solution for modular composition of algebraic and non algebraic proofs. Their solution is non interactive, based on Sigma protocols and QAP-based SNARKs. As explained in their work, the “key ingredient [they] need from a SNARK construction is that the proof contains a multi-exponentiation of the input/output”. They compose it with a proof that the exponents in a multi-exponentiation correspond to values committed to in a collection of commitments. From this result, they show how to obtain proofs for AND, OR and composition of two statements, either algebraic or circuit. The small proofs and the light verification step of SNARKS are desirable for privacy-preserving credentials or crypto-currencies proofs of solvency. But the prover’s high computational effort is not adapted to our application where the verifier turns out to have a larger computation power than the prover.

Finally, Backes et al. propose in [6] an extended version of ZKBoo++ that allows algebraic commitments on the secret input of the circuit. Their protocol is non interactive and the computational cost is balanced between the prover and the verifier. Their solution requires to commit to each bit of the secret input and to commit to internal values of the ZKBoo++ circuit proof. We extend their result to the case of a committed output in our first zero-knowledge solution. We focus on the MPC in the head paradigm in order to provide proofs in which the amount of work is balanced between both parties.

Organization of the Paper. In Sect. 2, we recall the definitions concerning ZK proofs, commitment schemes, and verifiable encryption. In Sect. 3, we present the protocol MLS, focusing on the process to update the group secret, and we describe our solution to improve the security of the update mechanism. The Sect. 4 is dedicated to our two protocols, \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\) and (bitwise) \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\), for proving knowledge of the preimage of a PRF function when only commitments of the input and the output are publicly available.

2 Backgrounds

Zero-Knowledge. Consider an NP relation \(\mathcal {R}\), i.e. given a witness w and an input x, \(\mathcal {R}(x,w)=1\) can be decided in polynomial time. Let \(\mathcal {L}\) be the language associated to \(\mathcal {R}\), \(\mathcal {L}= \{x|\exists w \text { such that } \mathcal {R}(x,w)=1\}\). A ZK proof of knowledge for \(\mathcal {L}\) allows a prover to convince a verifier, that he knows a witness w for x, without revealing w. It shall be correct (if the prover and the verifier are honest, the verifier always accepts), sound (an efficient extractor that interacts with a corrupted prover can exhibit a valid witness except with negligible probability), and zero-knowledge (no information on w leaks from the proof). Following the notation of [14], we write \(\mathsf {PK}\{w_1,\dots w_s : \mathcal {R}(w_1,\dots , w_s,x_1 \dots x_t)=1\}\) to denote the proof of knowledge of the secret witnesses \(w_1, \dots w_s\) that satisfy the relation \(\mathcal {R}\) with the public values \(x_1, \dots , x_t\).

\(\varSigma \)-Protocols. These are specific three moves proofs of knowledge. The prover first sends a commitment value q, receives a challenge e and answers with a value t. Given (xaet), the verifier accepts or not. Those protocol provide correctness, s-special soundness (given s transcripts with common commitments and distinct challenges, one can extract a witness) and honest-verifier ZK (the verifier is suppose to generate the challenge honestly). They can be turned into a non-interactive proof using Fiat-Shamir transformation [25]. In this case the special-honest verifier clause disappears and the verification step consists in reconstructing the challenge from the received data.

Commitment Schemes. A commitment scheme involves a Committer and a Receiver who share public parameters. On entrance a message x and an additional opening information r, the commitment protocol produces a value \(c = \mathsf {Com}(x,r)\) such that c shall not reveal any information about x; this is the hiding property. The Committer can open its commitment c by revealing r and x with the property that only the secret x shall produce a valid opening for c; this is the binding property. For our first ZK protocol, we will require an extra property, called equivocality. A commitment is equivocable if there exists a trapdoor T such that, given a commitment C, its opening information, and T, it is possible to open C to any value. Equivocality comes with a specific extractor that, given two different openings \((x_1, r_1)\), \((x_2, r_2)\) to a single commitment C, can extract the trapdoor T. The Pedersen commitment scheme [38] is an equivocable scheme with unconditional hiding and computational binding. It is routinely used because it interacts nicely with linear relations. This scheme is defined as follows: let \(\mathbb {G}\) be a cyclic group of prime order q, P a generator and \(Q \in \mathbb {G}\) such that the discrete log of Q in base P is unknown. Then, \(\mathsf {Com}(x) = xP+rQ\) where r is sampled at random in \(\mathbb {Z}_q\). Let \(C_{1}\), \(C_{2}\) be commitments to values \(x_1,x_2\). If \(a,b \in \mathbb {Z}_q\) are public values, then one can efficiently prove the following: \(PK\{x_1,x_2, r_1, r_2 : C_1 = x_1P+r_1Q \wedge C_2 = x_2P+r_2Q \wedge a x_1+ x_2 = b \mod q\}\). The trapdoor for equivocality is given by the discrete log of Q in base P.

MPC in the Head. Ishai et al. introduced in [30] a new paradigm for ZK proofs, called MPC in the head. This solution reveals to be very competitive in terms of efficiency for ZK proofs performed on circuits. The idea is that the prover performs a virtual MPC and obtains several views. He commits to these views and opens only a sub-part of them required by the verifier. ZKBoo [27] generalizes IKOS to any relation \(\mathcal {R}_\phi \) defined by a function \(\phi :X \rightarrow Y\) (\( \mathcal {R}_\phi (y,x) \leftrightarrow y=\phi (x)\)), as long as the function \(\phi \) can be computed in a specific manner identified as a (2,3)-decomposition. The prover first shares its secret input x into \((x_1, x_2, x_3)=\mathsf {Share}(x)\) such that \(x = x_1 \oplus x_2 \oplus x_3\). Then he runs the MPC and obtains three distinct views \(w_1, w_2, w_3\) and from each of this view he gets an output share \(y_i = \mathsf {Output}(w_i), i \in \{1,2,3\}\) such that \(y_1 \oplus y_2 \oplus y_3 = \phi (x)\).

Verifiable Encryption. Verifiable encryption aims at convincing a verifier that an encrypted data satisfies some properties without leaking any information about the data itself. In such 2-party protocol, a prover and a verifier share in a common input string a public key encryption scheme \(\mathsf {Enc}\), a public key pk for \(\mathsf {Enc}\), and a public value y. At the end, the verifier either accepts and obtains the encryption of a secret value x under pk such that x and y verify some relation \(\mathcal {R}\) or rejects. It is worth noticing that the prover does not need the secret key sk, that usually belongs to a third party. Verifiable encryption often appears in the domain of anonymous credentials, fair exchange signatures, or verifiable secret sharing [40]. In [13], Camenish and Damgård describe how to provide a proof that an encrypted value is a valid signature, using any semantically secure encryption scheme. The idea is to take advantage of the \(\varSigma \)-protocol for a relation \(\mathcal {R}(x,y)\), to prove that an encrypted value is the witness x for this relation. In our application, we need to prove that the data that is encrypted, x, is the one that is linked by a Pedersen commitment \(C_x = y\). As a Pedersen commitment comes with an associated \(\varSigma \)-protocol, the Camenish-Damgård scheme applies naturally. There are interesting ways towards more efficient schemes, e.g. [20] or [16]. However, the main benefit of the Camenish-Damgård solution is that we can still use the encryption scheme required in MLS specification. We denote by \(\mathsf {VerifEnc}_{\mathsf {Enc},pk}(m :r)\) the encryption of a message m (using randomness r) under the public key pk with the encryption scheme \(\mathsf {Enc}\) and the associated proof. We omit the randomness r when it is not necessary to explicitly mention it.

3 MLS Updates

We explain how the MLS update mechanism works and our more secure solution.

3.1 Message Layer Security

MLS is a protocol currently under development by the IETF to provide an End-to-End secure group messaging application. The idea is to enable a group of users to share a common secret that can be updated regularly by any member. One of the open issues in the IETF draft is that the validity of an update message can only be checked after it has been received. This open issue is clearly identified in the current draft 11 ([7], Sect. 15.5). However, to our knowledge, there is still no solution to this problem. Currently in MLS, the authors require an hybrid public key encryption (HPKE) scheme, as designed in [8], composed of a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) to transmit a symmetric key k and an AEAD encryption scheme that encrypts the data under k, as well as a key derivation function. In the rest of this work, we denote by \(\mathsf {Enc}_{pk}(m:r)\) the HPKE encryption of a message m under the public key pk using randomness r. The asymmetric part of \(\mathsf {Enc}\) is based on an elliptic curve E defined on a finite field \(\mathbb {Z}/p \mathbb {Z}\) with base point P of order a prime q. MLS also supposes the existence of a broadcast channel for each group, which distributes the messages to each group member, conserving the order.

TreeKem. MLS key exchange TreeKem is based on a binary tree structure (Fig. 1) where users correspond to leaves and each node is associated to a secret value. Each user U has a long term identity signing key and an initial key package for the encryption scheme \(\mathsf {Enc}\) (both certified by a PKI). We will simply represent the key package as a public/private key pair \((pk_U,sk_U)\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A view of the MLS tree. Nodes are implicitly numbered from left to right, independently from their height. Leaves are associated to a user represented as a letter. Each node i has a secret \(ps_i\). A leaf secret is indexed with its user name.

The group key is derived from the root secret. Each child node knows the secret of each of its ancestors and only of its ancestors. To each node i corresponds a path secret \(ps_i\) and a secret and public key \(sk_i,pk_i = \mathsf {deriveKeyPair}(ps_i)\) (in the original protocol the keys are derived from an intermediate node secret \(ns_i\) itself derived from \(ps_i\). We present a lighter version for the simplicity of the exposure but the complete version is compatible with our solution.)

The derivation depends on the elliptic curve (see Appendix A). We define, w.l.o.g, \((sk_i,pk_i) = \mathsf {deriveKeyPair}(ps_i) = (\mathsf {deriveSK}(ps_i), \mathsf {deriveSK}(ps_i)P)\) where \(\mathsf {deriveSK}\) is a PRF. A user knows the secrets \(ps_i\) and \(sk_i\) in his direct path, composed of himself and his direct ancestors. Moreover, each user keeps an up-to-date global view of the tree, as a hash value of each node’s public information.

Updates. To update the tree, a user B generates a new secret \(ps'_B\). The path secrets in the direct path will be successively derived from \(ps'_B\). We note \(\mathsf {H}_p(ps_i)\) for the function \(\mathsf {HKDF-expand}(ps_i, ``path\hbox {''}, `` \hbox {''}, Hash.length)\). The update mechanism is given in Fig. 2. When B updates its secret \(ps_B \rightarrow ps'_B\), he first computes the new node data for each node on his path:

  • \(ps'_{2} = \mathsf {H}_p(ps'_B)\), \(pk_2\) = \(\mathsf {deriveSK}(ps'_2)\cdot P\)

  • \(ps'_{4} = \mathsf {H}_p(ps'_2)\), \(pk_{4}\) = \(\mathsf {deriveSK}(ps'4)\cdot P\)

  • \(ps'_{root} = \mathsf {H}_p(ps'_4)\), \(pk_{root}\) = \(\mathsf {deriveSK}(ps'_{root})\cdot P\)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Update process. User B updates its secrets. Path secrets are updated along its direct path (in red). The update secrets are sent to its copath nodes (in green). (Color figure online)

Then he sends for each node on its copath the necessary secret material for the users under this node to perform the same update. Following our example in Fig. 2, B has to send \(ps'_2\) to A, \(ps'_4\) to nodes C and 6 and \(ps'_{root}\) to nodes E, 10, F, 12, G, 14, H. As a child knows the secret key \(sk_i\) for each of its ancestors, B will only have to encrypt \(ps'_2\) under \(pk_A\), \(ps'_4\) under \(pk_6\) and \(ps'_{root}\) under \(pk_{12}\).

From \(ps'_2\) (respectively \(ps'_4\)), A (resp. C) shall be able to compute the root secret. From this root secret is derived an epoch secret \(S_{E+1}\). Before sending his Commit, B computes \(S_{E+1}\) and uses it to produce a confirmation key. This value shall enable A and C to check that they have derived the correct root secret and so, that they received a correct update. Other mechanisms such as the transmission of the updated view of the tree, or of intermediate hash values are provided for a user to check that he received a correct update. All those mechanisms enable a verification after receiving the update information.

Hence, either the update is adopted only once some members have confirmed that they received a valid update - at least one member in the subtree of each node in the update copath, as recommended in draft 11. This can imply a huge latency, if some users are seldom online, and non valid updates can lead to a denial of service. Or the update is validated without feedback and the users that received non valid secret values are ejected from the group de facto. In both case, this seriously hampers with the security of the service provided by the protocol.

3.2 Securing MLS Updates

We now explain how to combine a ZK protocol and a verifiable encryption to secure the update process in MLS. We first focus on a single step of the update process (a user updates his direct parent) and then explain how this solution can be extended to the global tree.

Server-Checking in MLS. As described in Fig. 2, let assume that B generates a new secret \(ps_B'\) and computes:

  • \(\mathsf {deriveKeyPair}(ps_B')\) to obtain a new key package and \(C_B = \mathsf {Com}(ps_{B'}, r_{B'})\);

  • \(ps'_2 = \mathsf {H}_p(ps_B')\) the new secret for node 2 and \(C_2 = \mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_B), r_2)\);

  • \((sk_2', pk'_2) =\mathsf {deriveKeyPair}(ps_2')\) the new keys for node 2 and the corresponding \(C_{sk_2'}\) = \(\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {deriveSK}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_B)), r_{sk_2'})\).

Suppose there exists a ZK protocol which, given public values \(C_x\) and \(C_y\), provides the following proof: \(\mathsf {PK}\{x, r_x, r_y: C_x = \mathsf {Com}(x, r_x) \wedge C_y = \mathsf {Com}(f(x), r_y)\}\) for any PRF f. Then B can send to the server the public values \(C_B\), \(C_2\), \(C_{sk'_2}\), \(pk'_2\) together with a proof \(\varPi _2 = \mathsf {PK}\{ps'_B, r_{B'}, r_2, r_{sk_2'} : C_B\) = \(\mathsf {Com}(ps'_B, r_{B'})\wedge C_2\) = \(\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_B), r_2) \wedge C_{sk_2'}\) = \(\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {deriveSK}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_B)), r_{sk_2'})\wedge pk'_2\) = \(\mathsf {deriveSK}(ps'_2)P\}\) (the last part of the proof being a classic discrete log proof).

On another side, verifiable encryption (detailed in Sect. 2) allows to link the message encrypted with \(\mathsf {VerifEnc}\) with the data committed in \(C_2\). To sum up, B will send for a node update, the public values \(C_B\), \(C_2\), \(C_{sk_2'}\), and \(pk'_2\), the proof \(\varPi _2\) together with \(\mathsf {VerifEnc}_{\mathsf {Enc},pk_A}(ps'_2)\). If the server accepts the proof, then he transmits the public key \(pk'_2\) as well as \(\mathsf {VerifEnc}_{\mathsf {Enc}, pk_A}(ps'_2)\) to A.

To extend the proof to the complete tree, one has to repeat the above steps for each level. To certify the update value \(ps_4'\) corresponding to the parent node 4, B will send the server values \(C_4\), \(C_{sk'_4}\), \(pk'_4\), the proof \(\varPi _4\) = \(PK\{ps'_2\), \(r_2\), \(r_4\), \(r_{sk_4'}\): \(C_2 = \mathsf {Com}((ps'_2), r_2)\) \(\wedge \) \(C_4 = \mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_2), r_4)\) \(\wedge \) \(C_{sk_4} = \mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {deriveSK}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_2))\), \(r_{sk_4'})\) \(\wedge \) \(pk'_4 = \mathsf {deriveSK}(\mathsf {H}_p(ps'_2))P\}\) together with \(\mathsf {VerifEnc}_{\mathsf {Enc}, pk_6}(ps'_4)\). The crucial point is that, as the commitment \(C_2\) is linked with \(ps'_B\) in \(\varPi _2\), it can be used as a base value for \(\varPi _4\) and so on. Some special care must be taken as we commit, in a group of order q prime, to an element \(sk \in \{0,1\}^{256}\) that does not lie naturally in \(\mathbb {Z}/q \mathbb {Z}\). We explain how to handle with this in Appendix A.

About the Server. Several reasons appear for calling on a third party. Firstly, this central node with the largest computational power is the one that can discard invalid updates with the most efficiency. If one relies on users to check for the validity of the data they received, this means that one must wait for each user to process the update and to send back an acknowledgement. As a user can be off-line for a long time, this can be very inefficient. Another solution would be to allow users to adopt the update as soon as they are individually convinced it is correct, while providing a “backup solution”. This would probably imply keeping old keys and drastically impoverish FS.

Secondly, in MLS architecture, all the update encrypted messages are gathered and sent as one big message to all the users. It may be of interest to think of a solution where only the needed encryption is sent to a specific user. In this case, only the server will see all the messages together. He is then the only one able to perform a verification on a global proof to see whether all the updates are correctly generated from a single secret seed.

4 ZK for a PRF on Committed Input and Output

In this section, we provide two protocols to prove the knowledge of an input x and randoms \(r_x\), \(r_y\), such that, for a public values \(C_x\), \(C_y\), and a function f evaluated as a circuit, \(C_x = \mathsf {Com}(x, r_x)\) and \(C_y = \mathsf {Com}(f(x), r_y)\). Recall that efficient ZK proofs for a function evaluation are operated on a circuit, whereas efficient commitments are algebraic. Consequently, we want to achieve the best of both worlds by combining a proof on a circuit and algebraic commitments.

Our first solution, \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\) (Committed Input and Output ZK) is directly inspired from [6], which provides a proof of a circuit evaluation on a committed input and public output. We extend their work to a committed output.

Our second solution, \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\) (Commitment and PRF alternative ZK), requires some specific properties on the function f. We consider the circuit that computes \(f(x,m) +\alpha x\) where x is the key of the PRF and \(\alpha \) is determined by the commitment values. Calling some PRF-related properties, and the homomorphic properties of the commitment, we show that the values committed in \(C_x\) and \(C_y\) must be those that appear in the circuit evaluation.

We compare in Table 1 our two solutions with the SNARK based solution of [1]. \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\) adds a negligible number of algebraic operations. The prover performs 4 multiplications on the curve (public key operations) and 8 computations in \(\mathbb {Z}/q \mathbb {Z}\) (symmetric operations). For the verifier, 6 computations on the curve and 2 in \(\mathbb {Z}/q \mathbb {Z}\) are needed. Considering ZKBoo, the prover effort is \(\mathcal {O}(\sigma |F|)\) symmetric operations, where |F| is the number of AND gates of the circuit and \(\sigma \) the number of rounds. Our solution requires \(\mathcal {O}(\sigma (|F|+ |mod|))+ 8\) symmetric operations and 4 public key operations, where |mod| is the size of the circuit for a modular addition which is negligible compared to |F|. The computational cost is dominated by the symmetric part and finally, our solution requires on the prover side \((\mathcal {O}(\sigma |F|)\) symmetric operations. The size of the proof and the work on the verifier’s side are also dominated by the circuit part. One inconvenient is that the security proof requires non usual hypothesis on the function f.

On the opposite side, \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\) is valid for any circuit, only requires equivocality of the commitment scheme, which is a common hypothesis, and leaves the circuit evaluation untouched. But it requires a non negligible number of algebraic commitments. Considering |x| (respectively |y|) the bit size of the input (of the output), we obtain on the prover side \(\mathcal {O}(|x|+ |y|+ 2\sigma )\) public key operations and \(\mathcal {O}(\sigma |F|)\) symmetric operations. The verifier’s work is equivalent. The proof size of ZKBoo is augmented with \(\mathcal {O}(|x|+|y|+6\sigma )\) curve points which is asymptotically \(\mathcal {O}((|x|+|y|+\lambda )\lambda )\) as \(\sigma \) augments with \(\lambda \).

Table 1. Efficiency of the different solutions for circuit proof on committed input and output. pub stands for the cost of a public key operation (multiplication on the curve), while sym stands for the cost of a symmetric operation. |F| is the circuit size, |x| the input size and |y| the output size. In most applications, \(|F|\gg (|x|, |y|, \lambda )\).

On the Challenge Size. When we expose our solutions, in both case we mention a unique challenge, that is used for the algebraic \(\varSigma \)-protocol and for the ZKBoo proof. This means that the challenge space size for the \(\varSigma \)-protocol is 3 and that we shall perform \(\lambda /3\) rounds to obtain a soundness error in \(2^{-\lambda }\). The \(\varSigma \)-protocol can benefit from a larger challenge space, that allows for a single round. As explained in [6], it is possible to define distinct challenges \(e_\rho \in \{1,2, 3\}\) for each ZKBoo round and a global challenge \(e=\sum _{i=1}^{\sigma } 3^i e_i\) for the algebraic \(\varSigma \)-protocols, hence the algebraic part of the proof can be performed a single time.

4.1 \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\): A Bit-Wise Solution

In [6], the authors propose a non interactive proof \(PK\{x: C_x = Com(x,r_x) \wedge y = f(x)\}\) based on bit commitments and ZKBoo++. Their optimized solution increases the ZKBoo++ prover’s and verifier’s work with \(\mathcal {O}(|x|+ \sigma )\) exponentiations and multiplications on the group \(\mathbb {G}\) of order q chosen for the commitment, where |x| is the number of bits of the input x and \(\sigma \) is the number of rounds in ZKBoo++. The proof size grows by \(\mathcal {O}(|x|+ \sigma )\) group elements and \(\mathcal {O}(|x|+ \sigma )\) elements in \(\mathbb {Z}/q \mathbb {Z}\). We adapt this strategy in the case of a committed output. As the output of the circuit, y, shall remain secret, we will not be able to call ZKBoo++ as a full black box. This is of prime importance when we prove the zero-knowledge property.

The work of Backes et al. and our extension rely on a result given by the homomorphic property of a commitment scheme such as Pedersen scheme. For any scalar k, and any two commitments \(\mathsf {Com}(x,r_x)\), \(\mathsf {Com}(y,r_y)\), \(k\cdot \mathsf {Com}(x,r_x)+\mathsf {Com}(y,r_y) = \mathsf {Com}(kx+y, kr_x+r_y)\). For any commitment \(C_b = \mathsf {Com}(b,r_b)\) to a secret bit b and any public bit \(\beta \), one can easily compute the commitment of \(b\oplus \beta \) as follows: if \(\beta =0\), \(C_{b\oplus \beta } = C_b\) and if \(\beta =1\) then \(C_{b\oplus \beta } = \mathsf {Com}(1,0) - C_b = \mathsf {Com}(1-b, -r_b)\). For any \(x = \sum _{i=0}^{|x|-1}2^i x[i]\), denote \(C_{x[i]} = Com(x[i], r_{x[i]})\) a commitment to the i-th bit of x. Then \(\sum _{i=0}^{|x|-1}2^i C_{x[i]}\) is a valid commitment to x with opening randomness \(\sum _{i=0}^{|x|-1}2^i r_{x[i]}\). And one can easily compute a commitment to \(x \oplus \beta \) for an element \(\beta \) as \(C_{x \oplus \beta } = \sum _{i=0}^{|x|-1}2^i C_{x[i]\oplus \beta [i]}\), with opening randomness \(\sum _{i=0}^{|x|-1}2^i (-1)^{\beta [i]} r_{x[i]}\).

We describe in Fig. 3 the protocol on committed output only (\(\mathtt {ComOutZK}\)), for readability reasons. Combining Backes et al. protocol for committed input and ours for committed output leads to \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The \(\mathtt {ComOutZK}\) protocol. Combining this protocol with the same mechanism on the input given in [6] leads to \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\). The reconstruct step of the verification consists in computing the commitment a from the response data and check its validity with the challenge. Only the values in a that can not be reconstructed need being sent.

Let f be a function: \(\mathbb {Z}_2^\ell \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_2^\ell \), \(\mathbb {G}\) be a group of prime order q, such that \(2^\ell \le p\). There is a natural embedding \(\mathbb {Z}_2^\ell \hookrightarrow \mathbb {G}\). Let P be a generator for this group and Q an element of \(\mathbb {G}\) such that \(\log _P(Q)\) is unknown. We consider a hash function \(\mathsf {h} :\mathbb {Z}_2^* \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_2^{\ell *}\) and \(\mathsf {Com}\) be the Pedersen commitment scheme.

The Theorem 1 states the security of our bitwise solution.

Theorem 1

Given that ZKBoo and the \(\varPi _j\) are \(\varSigma \) protocols with 3-special soundness and honest verifier Zero Knowledge property, and \(\mathsf {Com}\) is a homomorphic and equivocal commitment scheme, then the protocol described in Fig. 3 is a \(\varSigma \)-protocol with 3-special soundness and honest verifier property.

Proof of the Security of \(\mathtt {ComInOutZK}\). We study separately the three properties a \(\varSigma \)-protocol should verify.

Correctness. Assuming the \( Prover \) and the \( Verifier \) execute the protocol as described, the \( Verifier \) never meets a rejection cause and then always accepts.

Soundness. Consider an algorithm \(\mathcal {E}xt\) that has access to three distinct accepting executions of the protocol on the same commit phase: \((a, e_1, p_1)\), \((a, e_2, p_2)\), and \((a, e_3, p_3)\), \(e_1 \ne e_2\ne e_3\), for a public statement \(C_y\). We show that \(\mathcal {E}xt\) can exhibit a witness \((x^*, r^*)\) such that \(C_y = \mathsf {Com}(f(x^*), r^*)\). We can not directly call the Extractor from ZKBoo++ as we do not exactly execute ZKBoo. In our protocol, the \( Verifier \) does not have access to the output of the circuit. However, we show that this difference does not prevent \(\mathcal {E}xt\) from succeeding. We describe in the following how \(\mathcal {E}xt\) works.

Firstly, from the distinct transcripts \(\mathcal {E}xt\) can obtain three pairs of shares \(x_{e_1}\), \(x_{e_1+1}\), \(x_{e_2}\), \(x_{e_2+1}\), \(x_{e_3}\), \(x_{e_3+1}\). He also gets three pairs of output values \(y_{e_1}\), \(y_{e_1+1}\), \(y_{e_2}\), \(y_{e_2+1}\), \(y_{e_3}\), \(y_{e_3+1}\) and the corresponding randomness \(r_{y_{e_1}}\), \(r_{y_{e_1+1}}\), \(r_{y_{e_2}}\), \(r_{y_{e_2}+1}\), \(r_{y_{e_3}}\), \(r_{y_{e_3}+1}\). From the common commitment a, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) gets \(C_{y_1}\), \(C_{y_2}\), \(C_{y_3}\). As the three transcripts are accepting, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) knows that (considering, w.l.o.g., \(e_1 = 1, e_2=2, e_3=3\)):

  • \(C_{y_1} = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_1}, r_{y_{e_1}}) = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_3+1},r_{y_{e_3}+1})\).

  • \(C_{y_2} = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_2}, r_{y_{e_2}}) = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_1+1},r_{y_{e_1}+1})\).

  • \(C_{y_3} = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_3}, r_{y_{e_3}}) = \mathsf {Com}(y_{e_2+1},r_{y_{e_2}+1})\).

Then, if one of this equality verifies with different openings, then, due to the equivocability of the commitment scheme, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) can extract the trapdoor. Then he can consider any value \(\tilde{x}\), compute \(\tilde{y} = f(\tilde{x})\) and compute the appropriate randomness to open \(C_y\) to \(\tilde{y}\).

Now we consider the case when the equalities on the commitments traduce equalities of the openings. \(\mathcal {E}xt\) thus obtains three values \(y_1 = y_{e_1} = y_{e_3+1}\), \(y_2 = y_{e_2} = y_{e_1+1}\), \(y_3 = y_{e_3} = y_{e_2+1}\) and a single \(y^* = y_1 \oplus y_2 \oplus y_3\). From then, as in the original ZKBoo proof he can execute back the MPC protocol and obtain three shares \(x_1 = x_{e_1} = x_{e_3+1}\), \(x_2 = x_{e_2} = x_{e_1+1}\), \(x_3 = x_{e_3} = x_{e_2+1}\) and a single \(x^* = x_1 \oplus x_2 \oplus x_3\) such that \(y^* = f(x^*)\).

Now \(\mathcal {E}xt\) needs to extract a randomness \(r^*\) that opens \(C_y\) to \(y^*\). Using as a subroutine the extractors for the proofs \(\varPi _j\), \(\mathcal {E}xt\) obtains couples \((y'[j], r_{y'[j]})\) for \(j \in [0, |y|-1]\). From the protocol, as the transcripts are accepting ones, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) knows that \(C_y = \sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1}2^i \mathsf {Com}(y'[i], r_{y'[i]})\). \(\mathcal {E}xt\) selects one transcript, for instance \(e_1\). He computes \(\beta = y_{e_1}\oplus y_{e_1+1}\) and \(C_z = \sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i C_{y'[i]\oplus \beta [i]} = \sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i \mathsf {Com}(y'[i]\oplus \beta [i], (-1)^{\beta [i]}r_{y'[i]})\). By the protocol, \(C_z = C_{y_{e_1+2}} -\mathsf {Com}(0,r_z)\). If \(\sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i (y'[i]\oplus \beta [i]) \ne y_{e_1+2}\) and/or \(\sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i (-1)^{\beta [i]}r_{y'[i]} \ne r_{y_{e_1}+2}-r_z\), then again, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) obtains the trapdoor of the commitment scheme and can open \(C_y\) to the value he wishes. Otherwise \(\sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i (y'[i]\oplus \beta [i]) = y_{e_1+2}\) and \(\sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1} 2^i (y'[i]) = y_{e_1+2}\oplus \beta = y_{e_1+2}\oplus y_{e_1}\oplus y_{e_1+1} = f(x^*)\). Finally, \(\sum _{i=0}^{|y'|-1}2^i r_{y'[i]}\) opens \(C_y\) to \(f(x^*)\) and the extractor is done. The running time of the extractor is bounded by the time of running back the MPC protocol (as for the ZKBoo extractor) + the running time of the extractors \(\mathcal {E}xt_{\varPi _j}\) + computing one XOR and one commitment. Considering that an extractor for ZKBoo and the extractor for the proofs \(\varPi _j\) run in polynomial time, \(\mathcal {E}xt\) also runs in polynomial time.

Zero-Knowledge. We consider a simulator \(\mathcal {S}im\) that, on input a public statement \(C_y\), shall produce a transcript (aep). As for the soundness, we cannot call directly the ZKBoo simulator, \(\mathcal {S}im_{ZKB}\), as the output of the circuit is not part of the statement. \(\mathcal {S}im\) runs as follows: he sets e and he samples random tapes \(k_e, k_{e+1}\) and random input shares \(x_e, x_{e+1}\). Then he runs the protocol as normal except that, when he meets a binary multiplication gate in the circuit, he cannot compute the real value of the view \(w_{e+1}\) (because it would depend on the third view that he cannot compute because he does not know x) so he samples it at random. This is indistinguishable form the real execution as binary multiplication gates are, in a correct execution, randomized with an element from \(k_{e+2}\) that the \( Verifier \) cannot compute. \(\mathcal {S}im\) obtains output values \(y_e, y_{e+1}\). He samples random \(r_e, r_{e+1}\), computes \(C_{y_e}=\mathsf {Com}(y_e, r_e)\) and \(C_{y_{e+1}}=\mathsf {Com}(y_{e+1}, r_{e+1})\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Our protocol \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\).

In a second step, he samples random \(|y|-1\) bit values y[j], \(j\in [1,|y|-1]\) and associated randomness \(r_y[j]\) and computes \(C_{y[j]} = \mathsf {Com}(y[j], r[j])\). He executes the proofs \(\varPi _j\) with challenge e. Then he evaluates \(C_y[0] = C_y-\sum _{j=1}^{|y|-1} C_{y[j]}\). Using the simulator for the proof \(\varPi _0\), \(\mathcal {S}im\) obtains a transcript for \(\varPi _0\) for a challenge \(e'\). If \(e' \ne e\) he runs \(\mathcal {S}im_{\varPi _0}\) again. Given that \(\varPi _0\) is honest verifier, there is a non negligible probability that \(e' = e\) within a polynomial time. Defining \(\beta = y_{e}\oplus y_{e+1}\), \(\mathcal {S}im\) can compute \(C_{y_[i]\oplus \beta [i]}\) only from the knowledge of \(\mathcal {C}_{y[i]}\) and \(\beta [i]\). Now \(\mathcal {S}im\) samples \(r_z \in \mathbb {Z}_p\) and computes \(C_{y_{e+2}} = \sum _{j=0}^{|y|-1} C_{y_[i]\oplus \beta [i]} + \mathsf {Com}(0,r_z)\). He now has all the elements to produce an accepting transcript.

The transcript of the ZKBoo part of the proof is indistinguishable form a real execution. The elements that \(\mathcal {S}im\) produces itself are commitments that will not be opened, hence, by the hiding property of the commitment, the complete simulated transcript is indistinguishable form a real execution of the protocol.

4.2 A Second Solution: \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\)

Let us denote by \(\mathsf {Func}(\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {R})\) the set of all functions from \(\mathcal {D}\) to \(\mathcal {R}\) and by \(\mathsf {FF}(\mathcal {K},\mathcal {D},\mathcal {R})\) the set of all function families with parameter (key) in \(\mathcal {K}\), domain \(\mathcal {D}\) and range \(\mathcal {R}\). We write \(f: \mathcal {K}\times \mathcal {D}\rightarrow \mathcal {R}\) for a function family in \(\mathsf {FF}(\mathcal {K}, \mathcal {D}, \mathcal {R})\) (and call it a function, by ease of language). Let f be a function: \(\mathbb {Z}_2^\ell \times \mathbb {Z}_2^* \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_2^\ell \) and m a public input, \(m \in \mathbb {Z}_2^*\). Let \(\mathbb {G}\) be a group of prime order q, such that \(2^\ell \le q\). Let P be a generator for this group and Q an element of \(\mathbb {G}\) such that \(\log _P(Q)\) is unknown. Let \(\mathsf {h}\) be a hash function \(\mathbb {Z}_2^* \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_2^{\ell *}\) and \(\mathsf {Com}\) be the Pedersen commitment scheme. They are the public parameters of the protocol.

Let \(C_x, C_y\) be public commitments, known to the verifier. The main idea is to consider the circuit that computes the tag \(t = f(x,m)+ \alpha x\) where \(\alpha \) is a public coefficient derived from the commitment values \(C_x\) and \(C_y\). A MPC in the head proof on this circuit ensures that t is correctly computed from a secret value x known to the prover. Considering Pedersen commitments, we complete the circuit proof with an algebraic proof that the committed values in \(C_x\) and \(C_y\) verify the relation t. This linear relation plus the properties of f defined below, bind the values of \(C_x\) and \(C_y\) such that the verifier can be convinced that the value committed in \(C_y\) is equal to the evaluation of f on the value committed in \(C_x\). A complete description is given in Fig. 4. We depict our protocol using ZKBoo for the circuit part, but the proof adapts to any circuit based ZK proof.

Theorem 2 states the security of \(\mathtt {CopraZK}\), that is settled on two properties of the family f. The correlation intractability [15] of its dual function \(\tilde{f}\) (when the role of the input and the key are switched) and a \(\mathsf {glider}\text {-}\mathsf {PRF}\) (general linear input deviation resistant PRF) security that states that an adversary gains no knowledge on x when given \(f(x,m)+\alpha x\). We provide more information on those properties and a sketch of proof in Appendix B.

Theorem 2

Given that ZKBoo and the \(\varPi _j\) are \(\varSigma \) protocols with 3 (respectively 2) special soundness and honest verifier Zero Knowledge property (in their interactive form), that \(\mathsf {Com}\) is a homomorphic commitment scheme, and that f is a \(\mathsf {glider}\text {-}\mathsf {PRF}\) function family such that \(\tilde{f}\) is correlation intractable relatively to relations \(\{\mathrm {R}_{a,b}:\{x,y: y=ax+b\}\}\), then the protocol described in Fig. 4 is a \(\varSigma \)-protocol with 3-special soundness and full Zero-Knowledge.

5 Conclusion

In this work we provide a concrete solution to a practical problem that appears in the MLS specification. We describe how existing cryptographic tools such as ZK proofs and verifiable encryption can be combined to secure the update process. As the regular update of the group secret is the key to obtain the FS and PCS properties, we think our solution may be of interest.

Additionally, we propose two protocols to obtain ZK proofs on circuit with committed input and output, such that our improvement proposal for MLS is settled on protocols as efficient as possible. Hence, an interesting way for future work is in the optimization of the verifiable encryption. The CL framework, introduced by Castagnos and Laguillaumie in [17] and enriched with Zero-Knowledge properties in [16], that considers a cyclic group \(\mathbb {G}\) where the DDH assumption holds together with a subgroup F of \(\mathbb {G}\) where the discrete logarithm problem is easy, may provide novel and efficient solutions.