
1 Introduction

Schnorr’s signature scheme [57] is an elegant digital signature scheme whose security is rooted in the hardness of computing discrete logarithms in a given group. Elliptic curve groups in particular have found favour in practical instantiations of Schnorr as they are secured by conservative well-studied assumptions, while simultaneously allowing for fast arithmetic. One such instantiation is the EdDSA signature scheme [10], which is deployed widely across the internet (in such protocols as TLS 1.3, SSH, Tor, GnuPGP, Signal and more).

However, the downside of cryptography based on older assumptions is that it lacks the functionality of modern tools. In this work, we are concerned with the ability to aggregate signatures without any prior interaction between the signers. Informally speaking, an aggregate signature scheme allows a set of signatures to be compressed into a smaller representative unit, which verifies only if all of the signatures used in its generation were valid. Importantly, this aggregation operation must not require any secret key material, so that any observer of a set of signatures may aggregate them. Quite famously, pairing-based signatures [12, 14] support compression of an arbitrary number of signatures into a constant sized aggregate. Thus far, it has remained unclear how to achieve any sort of non-trivial non-interactive compression for Schnorr signatures without relying on generic tools such as SNARKs.

In order to make headway in studying how to compress Schnorr signatures, we loosely cast this problem as an issue of information optimality. We first recap the structure of such a signature in order to frame the problem.

Structure of Schnorr signatures. Assume that we instantiate Schnorr’s signature scheme in a group \((\mathbb {G}, +)\) with generator \(B \in \mathbb {G} \) of prime order q. A signer possesses a secret key \(\textsf {sk}\in \mathbb {Z} _q \) for which the corresponding public key is \(\textsf {pk}=\textsf {sk}\cdot B\). In order to sign a message m, the signer samples \(r\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q \), and computes \(R = r \cdot B\) and \(S = \textsf {sk}\cdot H(R,\textsf {pk},m)+r\). The signature itself is \(\sigma = (R, S)\). This format of Schnorr signature is employed in EdDSA [10]. The original form of Schnorr signatures are slightly different: \(\sigma = (H(R, \textsf {pk}, m), S)\), the verification rederives R and verifies the hash. Schnorr signatures of this format can be shortened by a quarter via halving the output of the hash function [48, 57], but this format does not allow for half-aggregation, thus we are focusing on the Schnorr-type signatures in the (RS) format. We enumerate most of the popular Schnorr variants in Appendix A.3 discussing compatibility with our aggregation approach.

In practice, the groups that are used to instantiate Schnorr signatures are elliptic curves which are believed to be ‘optimally hard’, i.e. no attacks better than generic ones are known for computing discrete logarithms in these curves groups. As an example, the Ed25519 curve which requires 256 bits to represent a curve point is believed to instantiate an optimal 128-bit security level. Consequently, elliptic curve based Schnorr signatures are quite compact: at a \(\lambda \)-bit security level, instantiation with a \(2\lambda \)-bit curve yields signatures that comprise only \(4\lambda \) bits. Note that we ignore the few bits of overhead/security loss due to the specific representation of the curve.

Schnorr Signatures are Not Information Optimal. Given a fixed public key, a fresh Schnorr signature carries only \(2\lambda \) bits of information. Indeed for a \(2\lambda \)-bit curve, there are only \(2^{2\lambda }\) pairs of accepting (RS) tuples. It seems unlikely that we can achieve an information-optimal representation for a single signatureFootnote 1. However we can not rule out this possibility when transmitting a larger number of signatures. Transmitting n Schnorr signatures at a \(\lambda \)-bit security level naively requires \(4n\lambda \) bits, whereas they only convey \(2n\lambda \) bits of information. Therefore we ask:

How much information do we need to transmit in order to aggregate the effect of n Schnorr signatures?

We specify that we are only interested in aggregation methods that are agnostic to the curve and the hash function used for Schnorr - in particular aggregation must only make oracle use of these objects. This is not merely a theoretical concern, as proving statements that depend on the curve or code of the hash function can be quite involved in practice.

Related work is covered in Appendix A where we discuss existing security proofs for Schnorr signatures, multi-signatures, other variants of Schnorr and prior work on non-interactive aggregation of signatures.

1.1 Our Contributions

This works advances the study of non-interactive compression of Schnorr signatures.

Simple Half-Aggregation. We give an elegant construction to aggregate n Schnorr signatures over \(2\lambda \) bit curves by transmitting only \(2(n+1)\lambda \) bits of information - i.e. only half the size of a naive transmission. This effectively cuts down nearly all of the redundancies in naively transmitting Schnorr signatures. Our construction relies on the Forking Lemma for provable security and consequently suffers from a quadratic security loss similar to Schnorr signatures themselves. Fortunately, this gap between provably secure and actually used parameters in practice has thus far not been known to induce any attacks. We also show how this aggregation method leads to a deterministic way of verifying a batch of Schnorr signatures.

Almost Half-Aggregation with Provable Guarantees. In light of the lossy proof of our half-aggregation construction, we give a different aggregation scheme that permits a tight reduction to the unforgeability of Schnorr signatures. However this comes at higher cost, specifically \(2(n+\epsilon )\lambda \) bits to aggregate n signatures where \(\epsilon \in O(\lambda /\log \lambda )\) is independent of n. This construction is based on Fischlin’s transformation [28], and gives an uncompromising answer to the security question while still retaining reasonable practical efficiency. More concretely the compression rate of this construction passes \(40\%\) as soon as we aggregate 128 signatures, and tends towards the optimal \(50\%\) as n increases.

Implementations. We implement and comprehensively benchmark both constructions. We demonstrate that the simple half-aggregation construction is already practical for wide adoption, and we study the performance of our almost half-aggregation construction in order to better understand the overhead of provable security in this setting.

A Lower Bound. Finally, we give strong evidence that it is not possible to achieve non-trivial compression beyond \(2n\lambda \) bits without substantially higher computation costs, i.e. our half-aggregation construction is essentially optimal as far as generic methods go. In particular, we show that aggregating Schnorr signatures from different users (for which no special distribution is fixed ahead of time) at a rate non-trivially better than \(50\%\) must necessarily be non-blackbox in the hash function used to instantiate the scheme.

In summary, we propose a lightweight half-aggregation scheme for Schnorr signatures, a slightly worse performing scheme which settles the underlying theoretical question uncompromisingly, and finally strong evidence that achieving a better compression rate is likely to be substantially more computationally expensive.

2 Proof-of-knowledge for a Collection of Signatures

In this section we first briefly recall the Schnorr and EdDSA signatures. We then construct a three-move protocol for the proof of knowledge of a collection signatures, we then discuss two ways to make it non-interactive with different security/efficiency trade-offs.

2.1 Schnorr/EdDSA Signatures

We explore Schnorr signatures in the form that generalizes the EdDSA signatures [10]. We use EdDSA, in particular Ed25519, for the purpose of benchmarks as it is the most widely deployed variant of Schnorr today. The exact algorithm for EdDSA signatures can be found in the original paper or in the Appendix B. Appendix A provides more information on other forms of Schnorr signatures.

We assume the scheme to be defined for a group \(\mathbb {G} \) where the discrete log is hard with the scalar field \(\mathbb {Z}_q\), we will denote the designated base point of order q to be \(B \in \mathbb {G} \). We will use additive notation to represent the group operation.

figure a

2.2 Three-Move (Sigma) Protocol

The construction takes inspiration from the batching of Sigma protocols for Schnorr’s identification scheme [33].

A Sigma protocol is a three-move protocol run by a prover P and a verifier V for some relation \(R = \{(x, w)\}\), for \((x, w) \in R\), x is called an instance and w is called a witness. \(R \subseteq \{0, 1\}^* \times \{0, 1\}^*\), where there exists a polynomial p such that for any \((x, w) \in R\), the length of the witness is bounded \(|w| \le p(|x|)\). Often-times, x is a computational problem and w is a solution to that problem. In the Sigma protocol the prover convinces the verifier that it knows a witness of an instance x known to both of them. The protocol produces a transcript of the form (aez) which consists of (in the order of exchanged messages): the commitment a sent by P, the challenge e sent by V and the response z sent by P. The verifier accepts or rejects the transcript. A Sigma protocol for the relation R with n-special soundness guarantees the existence of an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) which when given valid transcripts (accepted by the verifier) with different challenges \((a,e_1,z_1)\), \((a,e_2,z_2), \ldots (a,e_n,z_n)\) for an instance x, produces (with certainty) a witness w for the statement, s.t. \((x, w)\in R\). We will not be concerned with the zero-knowledge property of the protocol for our application.

For a group \(\mathbb {G} \) with generator \(B \in \mathbb {G} \) of order \(q \in \mathbb {Z}\), define the relation \(R_{\mathsf {DL}} = \{(\textsf {pk},\textsf {sk}) \in (\mathbb {G}, \mathbb {Z}_q):\textsf {pk}= \textsf {sk}\cdot B\}\). Schnorr’s identification protocol [57] is a two-special sound Sigma protocol for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {DL}} \): given two transcripts with the same commitment and different challenges, the secret key (discrete logarithm of \(\textsf {pk}\)) can be extracted. It is known how to compress n instances of Schnorr’s protocol to produce an n-special sound Sigma protocol at essentially the same cost [33], we use similar ideas to derive a Sigma protocol for the aggregation of Schnorr signatures, i.e. for the following relation (with hash function \(H_0\)):

$$\begin{aligned}R_{\mathsf {aggr}} = \{(x, w)\;|\;&x = (\textsf {pk}_1, m_1, \ldots ,\textsf {pk}_n, m_n), w = (\sigma _1, \ldots , \sigma _n),\\&\mathsf {Verify}(m_i, \textsf {pk}_i, \sigma _i) = \mathsf {true} \text { for } \forall i \in [n]\} =\\ = \{(x, w)\;|\;&x = (A_1, m_1, \ldots , A_n, m_n), w = (R_1, S_1, \ldots , R_n, S_n),\\&S_i \cdot B = R_i + H_0(R_i, A_i, m_i) \cdot A_i\text { for } i = 1..n\} \end{aligned}$$
figure b

Theorem 1

Protocol 2 is an n-special sound Sigma protocol for \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \).


Completeness is easy to verify. Extraction is always successful due to the following: let \(F\in \mathbb {G} [X]\) be the degree \(n-1\) polynomial where the coefficient of \(x^{i-1}\) is given by \(R_i+H(R_i,\textsf {pk}_i,m_i)\cdot \textsf {pk}_i\) for each \(i\in [n]\). Define \(f\in \mathbb {Z} _q [X]\) as the isomorphic degree \(n-1\) polynomial over \(\mathbb {Z} _q \) such that the coefficient of \(x^{i-1}\) in f is \(S_i\) (the discrete logarithm of the corresponding coefficient in F). Observe that \(f(x)\cdot B=F(x)\) for each \(x\in \mathbb {Z} _q \). Given a transcript (aez), \(V_\varSigma \) accepts iff \(z\cdot B = F(e)\), which is true iff \(z=f(e)\). Therefore n valid transcripts \((a,e_1,z_1), \ldots , (a,e_n,z_n)\) define n distinct evaluations of f (which has degree \(n-1\)) allowing for recovery of coefficients \([S_i]_{i\in [n]}\) efficiently. This is precisely the operation carried out by \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \), expressed as a product of matrices. Note that \(E=[e_i^j]_{i,j\in [n]}\) is always invertible; each \(e_i\) is known to be distinct, and so E is always a Vandermonde matrix.    \(\square \)

2.3 Proof-of-knowledge

A proof-of-knowledge for a relation \(R = \{(x, w)\}\) is a protocol that realizes the following functionality:

$$ \mathcal {F}^R((x,w),x) = (\emptyset , R(x,w)) $$

i.e. the prover and verifier have inputs (xw) and x respectively, and receive outputs \(\emptyset \) and R(xw) respectively. This definition is taken from Hazay and Lindell [35, 36] who show it to be equivalent to the original definition of Bellare and Goldreich [5]. We additionally let a corrupt verifier learn \(\mathsf {aux}(w)\) for some auxiliary information function \(\mathsf {aux}\). As we do not care about zero-knowledge at all (only compression) this can simply be the identity function, i.e. \(\mathsf {aux}(w)=w\).

Proofs-of-knowledge allow for the drop-in replacement mechanism that we desire: instead of an instruction of the form “A sends n signatures to B” in a higher level protocol, one can simply specify that “A sends n signatures to \(\mathcal {F}^R\), and B checks that its output from \(\mathcal {F}^R\) is 1”.

Among the several landmark transformations of a Sigma protocol into a non-interactive proof [27, 28, 51], the most commonly used is the Fiat-Shamir transform [27]: for a relation R a valid transcript of the form (aez) can be transformed into a proof by hashing the commitment to generate the challenge non-interactively: \(\mathsf {proof} = (a, e = H_1(a, x), z)\). Unfortunately, this transformation induces a security loss, applied directly to the n-sound Sigma protocol for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \) from the previous section (Protocol 2), the prover will have to be rewinded n times to extract the witness. This transformation however gives a more efficient construction for non-interactive aggregation of signatures that we discuss in Sect. 3.

To achieve tighter security reduction, we look into the literature on proof-of-knowledge with online extractions [51]. There extractors can output the witness immediately without rewinding, in addition to the instance and the proof the extractors are given all the hash queries the prover made. We achieve a proof-of-knowledge for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \) which immediately gives an aggregate signature scheme whose security can be tightly reduced to unforgeability of Schnorr’s signatures as we discuss in Sect. 3.3. We present both protocols in this Section.

figure c

2.3.1 Fiat-Shamir Transformation

Theorem 2

For every prover P that produces an accepting proof with probability \(\epsilon \) and runtime T having made a list of queries \(\mathcal {Q}\) to \(\mathsf {RO}\), there is an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) that outputs a valid signature for each \(\textsf {pk}_i\in \textsf {pk}_\mathsf {aggr}\) in time \(nT+\mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\), with probability at least \(\epsilon -(n\cdot Q)^2 / 2^{h+1}\), where h is the bit-length of the \(H_1\)’s output. It follows that the scheme \((P,V,\mathsf {Ext})\) is a non-interactive proof-of-knowledge for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \) in the random oracle model.


The extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) runs the adversary n times programming the random oracle to output fresh random values on each run, giving n proofs that can be used to obtain n accepting transcripts \((a, e_i, z_i)\) for \(i \in [n]\) and invokes \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \) once they are found. \(\mathsf {Ext} \) runs in time nT, and additionally \(poly(\kappa )\) to run \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \). The extractor fails in case not all of the \(e_i\) are distinct which happens with probability at most \((n\cdot Q)^2 / 2^{h+1}\) by the birthday bound when we estimate the probability of at least one hash-collision between the queries of n runs of the adversary.    \(\square \)

Another form of the protocol with the challenges derived with independent hashes allows for extraction of any single signature with a single rewinding. This protocol is a foundation for the half-aggregation construction for Schnorr signatures described in Sect. 3.3. To construct an extractor we use a variant of the Forking Lemma. Originally the Forking Lemma was introduced in the work of Pointcheval and Stern [53]. We use a generalized version described in [7].

figure d

[7] Generalized Forking Lemma. Fix an integer \(q \ge 1\) and a set H of size \(h \ge 2\). Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be a randomized algorithm. The algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) is given an input \(in = (\textsf {pk}, h_1, \ldots , h_q)\) and randomness y, it returns a pair, the first element of which is an integer I and the second element of which is a side output \(\mathsf {proof}\):

$$\begin{aligned} (I, \mathsf {proof}) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}(in; y). \end{aligned}$$

We say that the algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) succeeds if \(I \ge 1\) and fails if \(I = 0\). Let \(\mathsf {IG}\) be a randomized input generator algorithm. We define the success probability of \(\mathcal {A}\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} acc = \Pr [I \ge 1 ; \mathsf {input} \xleftarrow {\$} \mathsf {IG}; (h_1, \ldots , h_q) \xleftarrow {\$} H; (I, \mathsf {proof}) \xleftarrow {\$} \mathcal {A}(\mathsf {input}, h_1, \ldots , h_q)]. \end{aligned}$$

We define a randomized generalized forking algorithm \(F_\mathcal {A}\) that depends on \(\mathcal {A}\):

forking algorithm:

  1. 1.

    Pick coins y for \(\mathcal {A}\) at random

  2. 2.

    \(h_1, \ldots , h_q \xleftarrow {\$} H\)

  3. 3.

    \((I, \mathsf {proof}) := \mathcal {A}(x, i, h_1, \ldots , h_q; y)\)

  4. 4.

    If \(I = 0\) then return \((0, \bot , \bot )\)

  5. 5.

    \(h'_1, \ldots , h'_q \xleftarrow {\$} H\)

  6. 6.

    \((I', \mathsf {proof}') := \mathcal {A}(x, i, h_1, \ldots , h_{I-1}, h'_I, \ldots , h'_q; y)\)

  7. 7.

    If (\(I = I'\) and \(h_I \ne h'_I\)) then return \((1, \mathsf {proof}, \mathsf {proof}')\)

  8. 8.

    Else return \((0, \bot , \bot )\).

Let \(\;\;frk = \Pr [b = 1; \mathsf {input} \xleftarrow {\$} \mathsf {IG}; (b, \mathsf {proof}, \mathsf {proof}') \xleftarrow {\$} F_\mathcal {A}(i, x)]\).

Then \(\;\;frk \ge acc \cdot \left( \frac{acc}{q} - \frac{1}{h}\right) \).

Theorem 3

For every prover P that produces an accepting proof for a collection of n signatures with probability \(\epsilon \) and runtime T having made a list of queries \(\mathcal {Q}\) to \(\mathsf {RO}\) (\(H_1\)), there is an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) that given \(i^* \in [n]\) outputs an \(i^*\)-th signature that is valid under \(\textsf {pk}_{i^*}\) for message \(m_{i^*}\) in time \(2T\cdot n\), with probability at least \(\epsilon \cdot (\epsilon /(n \cdot Q) - 1/2^h)\), where h is the bit-length of the \(H_1\)’s output.


The extractor will run the prover P for the same input twice to obtain two proofs that differ on the last component:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {proof} = [R_1, \ldots , R_n, S_\mathsf {aggr}] \text { and } \mathsf {proof}' = [R_1, \ldots , R_n, S_\mathsf {aggr}'] \end{aligned}$$

it will then be able to extract a signature on \(\textsf {pk}_{i^*}\).

We first wrap the prover P into an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) to be used in the Forking Lemma. The algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) takes input \(in = (\{(\textsf {pk}_i, m_i)\}_{i = 1}^n, i^*, h_1, \ldots , h_q)\), for \(q = (Q+1)\cdot n\), and a random tape y, it runs the prover P and programs its \(H_1\) random oracle outputs as follows: on the input that was already queried before, output the same value (we record all the past \(H_1\) queries). In case the query can not be parsed as \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, j) \in (G \times G \times \{0,1\}^*)^n \times [n]\) or in case the public key \(A_{i^*}\) does not match the one in the input: \(A_{i^*} \ne \textsf {pk}_{i^*}\), program the oracle to the next unused value of y. Otherwise, if \(A_{i^*} = \textsf {pk}_{i^*}\) and the query is of the form \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, j) \in (G \times G \times \{0,1\}^*)^n \times [n]\), do the following: (1) for each \(i \in [n]\backslash i^*\) program the oracle on index i, i.e. on input \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i)\), to the next unused value of y, (2) program the oracle on index \(i^*\), i.e. on input \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i^*)\), to the next unused value of h: \(h_t\) and (3) record the index into the table \(T[R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i^*] := t\).

Note that when the oracle is queried on some \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, j)\), all the related n queries are determined, those are queries of the form \((R_1, A_1, m_1,\ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i)\) for \(i \in [n]\), so we program all those n queries ahead of time, when a fresh tuple \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n)\) is queried to the \(H_1\) oracle (i.e. on one real query, we program n related queries). The index t recorded in the table T is the potential forking point, so we program the queries \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots ,R_n, A_n, m_n, i)\) for \(i \in [n]\backslash i^*\) first, to the values of y, making sure that those values of yFootnote 2 are read before the forking point (the positions of y that are used here are therefore the same between rewindings), we finally program \((R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots ,R_n, A_n, m_n, i^*)\) to the next value of h (the potential forking point, therefore an oracle query at this value may differ between rewindings). Note also that in the process of programming we ignore the index j where the real query has been asked, it is only being used to give back the correct programmed value.

When the prover outputs a \(\mathsf {proof} = [R_1, \ldots , R_n, S_\mathsf {aggr}]\), the algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) performs additional queries \(H_1(R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots ,R_n, A_n, m_n, j)\) for all \(j \in [n]\), making sure those are defined, and if the proof is valid, it outputs \(I = T[R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i^*]\) and \(\mathsf {proof}\), otherwise it outputs \((0, \bot )\).

Next we use the forking lemma to construct an algorithm \(F_\mathcal {A}\) that produces two valid proofs \(\mathsf {proof}\) and \(\mathsf {proof}'\) and an index I. Since the same randomness and the same oracle values were used until index I, it must be the case that two proofs satisfy:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathsf {proof} = [R_1, \ldots , R_n, S_\mathsf {aggr}],\; \sum _{i=1}^n e_i \left( R_i + H_0(R_i, A_i, m_i)\cdot A_i\right) = S_\mathsf {aggr}\cdot B,\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathsf {proof}' = [R_1, \ldots , R_n, S_\mathsf {aggr}'],\; \sum _{i=1}^n e'_i \left( R_i + H_0(R_i, A_i, m_i)\cdot A_i\right) = S_\mathsf {aggr}' \cdot B,\nonumber \\&\text {where } e_{i^*} \ne e'_{i^*} \text { and for } \forall i \ne i^* e_i = e'_i, \nonumber \\&\text {since the latter are programmed before the forking point } I. \end{aligned}$$

Subtracting the two equations (Eq. 1 and Eq. 2) we extracted a signature \((S = S_\mathsf {aggr}- S_\mathsf {aggr}', R_i)\) on message \(m_i\) under the public key \(A_i\).

The success probability of \(\mathcal {A}\) is \(\epsilon \), hence the probability of successful extraction according to the Forking Lemma is \(\epsilon \cdot (\epsilon /(n \cdot Q) - 1/2^h)\). The extractor runs the prover twice and on each one random oracle query programs at most \(n-1\) additional random oracle queries.    \(\square \)

Note that \(\mathsf {Ext} \) extracts a single signature at a specified position. To extract all of the n signatures, the prover needs to be rewinded n times.

Corollary 1

For every prover P that produces an accepting proof with probability \(\epsilon \) and runtime T having made a list of queries \(\mathcal {Q}\) to \(\mathsf {RO}\), there is an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) that outputs a full witness (i.e. all valid signatures for all \(\textsf {pk}_i\in \textsf {pk}_\mathsf {aggr}\)) in time \((n + 1)Tn\), with probability at least \(\left( \epsilon \cdot (\epsilon /(n \cdot Q) - 1/2^h)\right) ^n\), where h is the bit-length of the \(H_1\)’s output. It follows that the scheme \((P,V,\mathsf {Ext})\) is a non-interactive proof-of-knowledge for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \) in the random oracle model.

2.3.2 Fischlin’s Transformation

Pass [51] was the first to formalize the online extraction problem in the random oracle model and give a generic transformation from any 2-special sound sigma protocol to a non-interactive proof-of-knowledge with online extraction. Intuitively, Pass’s transformation is a cut-and-choose protocol where each challenge is limited to a logarithmic number of bits. The prover can therefore compute transcripts for all of the challenges (since there are a polynomial number of them), put the transcripts as leaves of the Merkle tree and compute the Merkle root. The extractor will see all of the transcripts on the leaves since it can examine random-oracle queries. The prover may construct an actual challenge by hashing the root of the tree and the original commitment, map the result to one of the leaves and reveal the Merkle path as a proof of correctness which induces a logarithmic communication overhead. Fischlin’s transformation [28] implements essentially the same idea (albeit for a specific class of Sigma protocols) where the transcripts for opening the cut-and-choose are selected at constant communication overhead, however at the expense of at least twice the number of hash queries in expectation. Roughly, the selection process works by repeatedly querying \((a,e_i,z_i)\) to \(\mathsf {RO}\) until one that satisfies \(\mathsf {RO} (a,e_i,z_i)=0^\ell \) is found.

A proof-of-knowledge that permits an online extractor is very easy to use in a larger protocol; it essentially implements an oracle that outputs 1 to the verifier iff the prover gives it a valid witness. A reduction that makes use of an adversary for a larger protocol simply receives the witness on behalf of this oracle, while incurring only an additive loss of security corresponding to the extraction error. This is the design principle of Universal Composability [17] and permits modular analysis for higher level protocols, which in this case means that invoking the aggregated proof oracle is “almost equivalent” to simply sending the signatures in the clear.

We construct a non-interactive version of our aggregation protocol with ideas inspired by Fischlin’s transformation, so that proofs produced by our protocol will permit online extraction. There are various subtle differences from Fischlin’s context, such as different soundness levels for the underlying and compiled protocols to permit compression, and the lack of zero-knowledge, and so we specify the non-interactive protocol directly in its entirety below, and prove it secure from scratch.

figure f

The parameters \(\ell ,r\) are set to achieve \(\lambda \) bits of security, and adjusted as a tradeoff between computation and communication cost. In particular, the scheme achieves \(r(\ell -\log _2(n))=\lambda \) bits of security, proofs are of size n curve points and r field elements, and take \(r\cdot 2^{\ell }\) hash queries to produce (in expectation).

Theorem 4

The scheme \((P,V,\mathsf {Ext})\) is a non-interactive proof-of-knowledge for the relation \(R_{\mathsf {aggr}} \) in the random oracle model. Furthermore for every prover \(P^*\) that produces an accepting proof with probability \(\epsilon \) and runtime T having made a list of queries \(\mathcal {Q}\) to \(\mathsf {RO}\), the extractor \(\mathsf {Ext} \) given \(\mathcal {Q}\) outputs a valid signature for each \(\textsf {pk}_i\in \textsf {pk}_\mathsf {aggr}\) in time \(T+\mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\), with probability at least \(\epsilon -T\cdot 2^{-\lambda }\).


Completeness. It is easy to verify that when P terminates by outputting a proof, V accepts this proof string. P terminates once it has found r independent pre-images of \(0^\ell \) per \(\mathsf {RO}\); in expectation, this takes \(r\cdot 2^{\ell }\) queries, which is polynomial in \(\lambda \) as \(\ell \in O(\log \lambda )\) and \(r\in O(\mathsf {poly} (\lambda ))\). The prover therefore runs in expected polynomial time.

Proof of Knowledge. The extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\) works by inspecting queries to \(\mathsf {RO}\) to find n accepting transcripts \((a,e_i,z_i)\) and invoking \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \) once they are found. First note that \(\mathsf {Ext}\) runs in at most \(|\mathcal {Q} |\le T\) steps to inspect queries to \(\mathsf {RO}\), and additionally \(\mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\) to run \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \). We now focus on bounding the extraction error. As \(\mathsf {Ext} _\varSigma \) works with certainty when given \((a,e_1,z_1),\ldots ,(a,e_n,z_n)\), it only remains to quantify the probability with which \(\mathsf {Ext} \) will succeed in finding at least n accepting transcripts in the list of \(\mathsf {RO}\) queries. The event that the extractor fails is equivalent to the event that \(P^*\) is able to output an accepting proof despite querying fewer than n valid transcripts (prefixed by the same a) to \(\mathsf {RO}\); call this event \(\mathsf {fail} \). Define the event \(\mathsf {fail} _a\) as the event that \(P^*\) is able to output an accepting proof despite querying fewer than n valid transcripts (prefixed specifically by a) to \(\mathsf {RO}\). Define \(\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}\) as the event that \(P^*\) queries fewer than n valid transcripts to \(\mathsf {RO}\) prefixed specifically by \(a,\mathsf {ind} \), for each \(\mathsf {ind} \in [r]\). Let \(Q_{\mathsf {ind},1},\ldots ,Q_{\mathsf {ind},m}\) index the valid transcripts queried to \(\mathsf {RO}\) with prefix \(a,\mathsf {ind} \). The event \(\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}\) occurs only when \(m<n\), and so the probability that \(\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}\) occurs for a given \(\mathsf {ind}\) can therefore be computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}]&= \Pr [\mathsf {RO} (Q_{\mathsf {ind},1})=0^\ell \vee \cdots \vee \mathsf {RO} (Q_{\mathsf {ind},m})=0^\ell ] \le \sum \limits _{j\in [m]} \Pr [\mathsf {RO} (Q_{\mathsf {ind},j})=0^\ell ] \\&\le \sum \limits _{j\in [n]} \Pr [\mathsf {RO} (Q_{\mathsf {ind},j})=0^\ell ] = \sum \limits _{j\in [n]} \frac{1}{2^\ell } = \frac{n}{2^\ell } = \frac{1}{2^{\ell -\log _2(n)} } \end{aligned}$$

Subsequently to bound \(\mathsf {fail} _a\) itself, we make the following observations:

  • For \(\mathsf {fail} _a\) to occur, it must be the case that \(\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}\) occurs for every \(\mathsf {ind} \in [r]\). This follows easily, because every transcript prefixed by \(a,\mathsf {ind} \) is of course prefixed by a.

  • Each event \(\mathsf {fail} _{a,\mathsf {ind}}\) is independent as the sets of queries they consider are prefixed by different \(\mathsf {ind} \) values and so are completely disjoint.

The probability that \(\mathsf {fail} _a\) occurs can hence be bounded as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\mathsf {fail} _a]&\le \Pr [\mathsf {fail} _{a,1}\wedge \cdots \wedge \mathsf {fail} _{a,r}] = \prod \limits _{i\in [r]}\Pr [\mathsf {fail} _{a,i}] \le \prod \limits _{i\in [r]}\frac{1}{2^{\ell -\log (n)}} = 2^{-r(\ell -\log (n))} \end{aligned}$$

The parameters \(r,\ell \) are set so that \(r(\ell -\log (n))\ge \lambda \) and so the above probability simplifies to \(2^{-\lambda }\). As \(P^*\) runs in time T, in order to derive the overall probability of the extractor’s failure (i.e. event \(\mathsf {fail}\)) we take a union bound over potentially T unique a values, finally giving us \(\Pr [\mathsf {fail} ] \le T\cdot 2^{-\lambda }\) which proves the theorem.    \(\square \)

3 Non-interactive Half-Aggregation of Schnorr/EdDSA Signatures

Following the definition of Boneh et al. [12], we say that a signature scheme supports aggregation if given n signatures on n messages from n public keys (that can be different or repeating) it is possible to compress all these signatures into a shorter signature non-interactively. Aggregate signatures are related to non-interactive multisignatures [38, 46] with independent key generations. In multisignatures, a set of signers collectively sign the same message, producing a single signature, while here we focus on compressing the signatures on distinct messages. Our aggregation could be used to compress certificate chains, signatures on transactions or consensus messages of a blockchain, and everywhere where a batch of signatures needs to be stored efficiently or transmitted over a low-bandwidth channel. The aggregation that we present here can in practice be done by any third-party, the party does not have to be trusted, it needs access to the messages, the public keys of the users and the signatures, but it does not need to have access to users’ secret keys.

The aggregate signature scheme consists of five algorithms: \(\mathsf {KeyGen}\), \(\mathsf {Sign}\), \(\mathsf {Verify}\), \(\mathsf {AggregateSig}\), \(\mathsf {AggregateVerify}\). The first three algorithms are the same as in the ordinary signature scheme:

  • \(\mathsf {KeyGen}(1^\lambda )\): given a security parameter output a secret-public key pair \((\textsf {sk}, \textsf {pk})\).

  • \(\mathsf {Sign}(\mathsf {sk}, m)\): given a secret key and a message output a signature \(\sigma \).

  • \(\mathsf {Verify}(m, \mathsf {pk}, \sigma )\): given a message, a public key and a signature output accept or reject.

  • \(\mathsf {AggregateSig}((m_1, \mathsf {pk}_1, \sigma _1), \ldots , (m_n, \mathsf {pk}_n, \sigma _n)) \rightarrow \sigma _{\mathsf {aggr}}\): for an input set of n triplets –message, public key, signature, output an aggregate signature \(\sigma _{\textsf {aggr}}\).

  • \(\mathsf {AggregateVerify}((m_1, \mathsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \mathsf {pk}_n), \sigma _{\mathsf {aggr}}) \rightarrow \{{\mathbf {\mathsf{{accept}}}}/{\mathbf {\mathsf{{reject}}}}\}\): for an input set of n pairs –message, public key– and an aggregate signature, output accept or reject.

Some schemes may allow an aggregation of the public keys as well, \(\mathsf {AggregatePK}\), but we do not focus on such schemes here.

We recall the EUF-CMA security and Strong Binding Security (SBS) of the single signature scheme in Appendix C. Intuitively, EUF-CMA (existential unforgeability under chosen message attacks) guarantees that any efficient adversary who has the public key \(\textsf {pk}\) of the signer and received an arbitrary number of signatures on messages of its choice: \(\{m_i, \sigma _i\}_{i = 1}^N\), cannot output a valid signature \(\sigma ^*\) for a new message \(m^* \notin \{m_i\}_{i=1}^N\) (except with negligible probability). An SBS guarantees that the signature is binding both to the message and to the public key, e.g. no efficient adversary may produce two public keys \(\textsf {pk}, \textsf {pk}'\), two signatures \(m, m'\), s.t. \((\textsf {pk}, m) \ne (\textsf {pk}', m')\) and a signature \(\sigma \) that verifies successfully under \((\textsf {pk}, m)\) and \((\textsf {pk}', m')\).

3.1 Aggregate Signature Security

Intuitively, the aggregate signature scheme is secure if no adversary can produce new aggregate signatures on a sequence of chosen keys where at least one of the keys is honest. We follow the definition of  [12], the attacker’s goal is to produce an existential forgery for an aggregate signature given access to the signing oracle on the honest key. An attacker \(\mathcal {A}\) plays the following game parameterized by n, that we call chosen-key aggregate existential forgery under chosen-message attacks (CK-AEUF-CMA).

security game:

  1. 1.

    \((\textsf {pk}^*, \textsf {sk}^*) \leftarrow \mathsf {KeyGen}()\)

  2. 2.

    \(((m_1, \textsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \textsf {pk}_n), \sigma _{\textsf {aggr}}) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}^{O_{\textsf {Sign}(\textsf {sk}^*, \cdot )}}(\textsf {pk}^*)\),

  3. 3.

    accept if \(\exists i \in [n]\text { s.t. } \textsf {pk}^* = \textsf {pk}_i\;\), and \(m_i \notin \mathcal {L}_{\textsf {Sign}}\), and \(\mathsf {AggregateVerify}((m_1, \textsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \textsf {pk}_n), \sigma _{\textsf {aggr}})\)

  constructs the set \(\mathcal {L}_{\textsf {Sign}}\):

\(\sigma \leftarrow \mathsf {Sign}(\textsf {sk}^*, m);\;\mathcal {L}_{\textsf {Sign}} \leftarrow \mathcal {L}_{\textsf {Sign}} \cup m;\;\text {return }\sigma \)

In this game an attacker is given an honestly generated challenge public key \(\textsf {pk}^*\), he can choose all of the rest public keys, except the challenge public key, and may ask any number of chosen message queries for signatures on this key, at the end the adversary should output a sequence of n public keys (including the challenge public key), a sequence of n messages and an aggregate signature where the message corresponding to the public key \(\textsf {pk}^*\) did not appear in the signing queries done by the adversary. The adversary wins if the forgery successfully verifies.

Definition 1

An attacker \(\mathcal {A}\), \((t, \epsilon )\)-breaks a CK-AEUF-CMA security of aggregate signature scheme if \(\mathcal {A}\) runs in time at most t and wins the CK-AEUF-CMA game with probability \(\epsilon \). An aggregate signature scheme is \((t, \epsilon )\)-CK-AEUF-CMA-secure if no forger \((t, \epsilon )\)-breaks it.

More broadly, we say that an aggregate signature scheme is CK-AEUF-CMA-secure if no polynomial-time (in the security parameter) adversary may break the scheme other than with the negligible probability. Nonetheless, to instantiate the scheme with some concrete parameters, we will use a more rigid definition stated above. If the scheme is \((t, \epsilon )\)-CK-AEUF-CMA-secure, we say that it provides \(\log _2(t/\epsilon )\)-bits of security.

Note that the adversary has the ability to derive the rest of the public keys from the honest key \(\textsf {pk}^*\) in hope to cancel out the unknown components in the aggregate verification. Our constructions naturally prevent these attacks, otherwise generic methods of proving the knowledge of the secret keys could be used [46]. Note also that the original definition of Boneh et al. [12] places the honest public key as the first key in the forged sequence, since their scheme is agnostic to the ordering of the keys, our case is different and thus we give an adversary the ability to choose the position for the honest public key in the sequence.

In our constructions of aggregate Schnorr signatures we show that a valid single-signature forgery can be extracted from any adversary on the aggregate scheme.

The SBS definition translates to the aggregate signature defined as follows.

  security game:

  1. 1.

    \(((m_1, \textsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \textsf {pk}_n), (m'_1, \textsf {pk}'_1), \ldots , (m'_n, \textsf {pk}'_n), \sigma _{\textsf {aggr}}) \leftarrow \mathcal {A}(n)\),

  2. 2.

    accept if \(\left[ (m_1, \textsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \textsf {pk}_n)\right] \ne \left[ (m'_1, \textsf {pk}'_1), \ldots , (m'_n, \textsf {pk}'_n)\right] \wedge \) \(\mathsf {AggregateVerify}((m_1, \textsf {pk}_1), \ldots , (m_n, \textsf {pk}_n), \sigma _{\textsf {aggr}}) \wedge \) \(\mathsf {AggregateVerify}((m'_1, \textsf {pk}'_1), \ldots , (m'_n, \textsf {pk}'_n), \sigma _{\textsf {aggr}})\)

Definition 2

An attacker \(\mathcal {A}\), \((t, \epsilon )\)-breaks a CK-ASBS security of aggregate signature scheme if \(\mathcal {A}\) runs in time at most t and wins the CK-ASBS game with probability \(\epsilon \). An aggregate signature scheme is \((t, \epsilon )\)-CK-ASBS-secure if no forger \((t, \epsilon )\)-breaks it.

3.2 Half-Aggregation

The half-aggregation scheme for Schnorr’s/EdDSA signatures runs the proof-of-knowledge protocol (Protocol 4 from Sect. 2) to obtain a proof that would serve as an aggregate signature. We present the construction for completeness here in Algorithm 6.

figure j

Note that the scheme of Algorithm 6 compresses n signatures by a factor of \(2 + O(1/n)\): it takes n signatures, where each of them is one group element and one scalar, it compresses the scalars into a single scalar, therefore the resulting aggregate signature is comprised of one scalar and n group elements, compared to n scalar and n group elements before aggregation.

Note that the set of R-s can be pre-published as part of the public key or part of previously signed messages, the aggregate signature becomes constant size, but signatures become stateful, as it should be recorded which R-s have already been used. Reuse of R leads to a complete leak of the secret key. Even small biasis in R weakens the security of the scheme [1]. This approach departs from the deterministic nature of deriving nonces in EdDSA, loosing its potential security benefits, though it will go unnoticed for the verifier.

Note also that for large messages the following optimized aggregation could be used to speed-up the verifier: each \(e_i\) could be computed as \(e_i = H_1(H_0(R_1, A_1, m_1),\ldots , H_0(R_n, A_n, m_n), i)\), since the verifier computes \(H_0(R_i, A_i, m_i)\) anyway, it can reuse those values to compute the coefficients for the aggregation, thus making the length of the input to \(H_1\) smaller. Though this optimization will only work for the form of Schnorr signature where the public key, \(A_i\), is hashed.

Theorem 5

If there is an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_1}\) that can \((t, \epsilon )\)-break the CK-AEUF-CMA security of the aggregate signature scheme in Algorithm 6, then this adversary can be transformed into an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_2}\) that can \((2tn, \epsilon \cdot (\epsilon /(nt) - 1/2^h))\)-break the EUF-CMA security of the underlying signature scheme, where h is the bit-length of the \(H_1\)’s output.

The proof of this Theorem is very similar to the proof of Theorem 3 and can be found in the full-version of this paper. The only caveat here is that to apply the extractor from Theorem 3, it is required to know the index of \(\textsf {pk}^*\) in a list of public keys, but this index can be obtained from examining the position of \(\textsf {pk}^*\) in the random oracle queries to \(H_1\).

Theorem 6

No adversary running in time t may break the CK-ASBS security of the aggregate signature scheme described in Algorithm 6, other than with probability at most \(t^2 / 2^{2\lambda + 1}\).

The proof of this Theorem can be found in Appendix D

Parameter selection and benchmarks. Theorem 5 has a quadratic security loss in its time-to-success ratio: assuming that EUF-CMA provides 128-bits of security (which is the case for example for Ed25519 signature scheme) the theorem guarantees only 64-bits security for CK-AEUF-CMA with 128-bits \(H_1\)-hashes; and assuming that EUF-CMA provides 224-bits of security (which is the case for example for Ed448 signature scheme) the theorem guarantees 112-bits security for CK-AEUF-CMA with 256-bits \(H_1\)-hashesFootnote 3. A similar loss in the reduction from single Schnorr/EdDSA signature security to a discrete logarithm problem was not deemed to require the increase in the hardness of the underlying problems (i.e. the discrete logarithm problem). The proof that reduces security of Schnorr/EdDSA to the discrete logarithm problem also uses the Forking Lemma, but no attacks were found to exploit the loss suggested by such proof. Research suggests that the loss given by the Forking Lemma is inevitable for the proof of security of Schnorr/EdDSA signatures [29, 58], whether it is likewise inevitable for non-interactive half-aggregation of Schnorr/EdDSA signatures remains an open question.

We benchmark [18] the scheme to understand the effect of using 128-bits of \(H_1\) output vs. 256-bits of \(H_1\) output and present the results in Table 1.Footnote 4 Note that the performance loss in aggregate signature’s verification between the two approaches is only about 15%, which might not justify the a use of smaller hashes. We also benchmark the use of 512-bits hashes of \(H_1\), same-size scalar are used in the EdDSA signature scheme, the advantage of this approach is that the scalars generated this way are distributed uniformly at random (within negligible statistical distance from uniform).

Table 1. For n individual signatures we compare batch-verification, aggregate-verification and aggregation with 128,256,512-bits output for \(H_1\), for Ed25519 signatures. SHA-256 cropped to 128-bits used for 128-bits \(H_1\), SHA-256 used for 256-bits \(H_1\), SHA-512 used for 512-bits \(H_1\). The benchmarks are run using the ed25519-dalek library.

3.3 Half+\(\varepsilon \)-Aggregation

The half+\(\varepsilon \)-aggregation scheme for EdDSA/Schnorr’s signatures runs the proof-of-knowledge protocol (Protocol 5 from Sect. 2) to obtain a proof that would serve as an aggregate signature. For completeness we present the constructions in Algorithm 7.

figure k

Theorem 7

If there is an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_1}\) that can \((t, \epsilon )\)-break the CK-AEUF-CMA security of the aggregate signature scheme defined in Algorithm 7 making Q oracle queries to \(H_1\), then this adversary can be transformed into an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_2}\) that can \((t + \mathsf {poly} (\lambda ), \epsilon -t\cdot 2^{-\lambda })\)-break the EUF-CMA security of the underlying signature scheme.

The theorem is a simple corollary of Theorem 4.

Theorem 8

If there is an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_1}\) that can \((t, \epsilon )\)-break the CK-ASBS-CMA security of the aggregate signature scheme defined in Algorithm 7 making Q oracle queries to \(H_1\), then this adversary can be transformed into an adversary \(\mathsf {Adv_2}\) that can \((t + \mathsf {poly} (\lambda ), (\epsilon -t\cdot 2^{-\lambda })^2)\)-break the EUF-CMA security of the underlying signature scheme.

The proof can be found in Appendix E

The security loss in this construction is much smaller, for example, the security remains at 128-bits for 128-bits output \(H_1\)-hash for Ed25519 signature scheme, and at 224-bits for 256-bits output \(H_1\) for Ed448 signature scheme. But the compression rate for this aggregate signature scheme here is worse than for the previous scheme: the aggregated signature has n group elements, r full scalars and r small scalars of length \(\ell \) in expectation, therefore the size of the signature is n group elements plus \(r \cdot \lambda + r \cdot \ell \) bits. If we set \(\lambda \) and r to be constants and increase n, set \(\ell = \log _2(n) + \lambda /r\), the size of the aggregate signature will be n group elements plus O(log(n)) bits, therefore the compression of the aggregation approaches 50% as n grows.

In Appendix F we explain a methodology for picking parameters to optimize for aggregator’s time. Table 2 shows a selection of values across different trade-offs. Note that despite the aggregation time being rather slow, as the aggregator has to do many oracle-queries, it is highly parallelizable which is not reflected in our benchmarks: given \(M \le r2^\ell \) processors it is straightforward to parallelize aggregation into M threads.

Table 2. The compression rate, the computation cost (for aggregation and aggregate-verification) for aggregating n Ed25519 signatures with SHA-256 hash function used for \(H_1\). The \(\ell \) is set to be \(\ell = \log _2(n) + 128/r\). The benchmarks are run using the ed25519-dalek library.

4 Deterministic Batch Verification of Schnorr Signatures

As another application of the proof-of-knowledge techniques we present deterministic batch verification. Batch verification is a technique that allows to verify a batch of signatures faster than verifying signatures one-by-one. Not all of the Schnorr’s signatures’ variants support batch verification, only those that transmit R instead of the hash H(..) do.

Bernstein et al. [10] built and benchmarked an optimized variant for batch verification for EdDSA signatures utilizing the state-of-the-art methods for scalar-multiplication methods. To batch-verify a set of signatures \((R_i, S_i)\) for \(i = 1..n\) corresponding to the set of messages \(\{m_i\}_{i=1..n}\) and the set of public keys \(A_i\), they propose to choose “independent uniform random 128-bit integers \(z_i\)” and verify the equation

$$\begin{aligned} (-\sum _i z_i S_i \;\textsf {mod}\; \ell ) B + \sum _i z_i R_i + \sum _i (z_i H_0(R_i, A_i, m_i) \;\textsf {mod}\; \ell )A_i = 0. \end{aligned}$$

As we explain in the next paragraph with many real-world examples, it is often dangerous to rely on randomness in cryptographic implementations, particularly so for deployments on a cloud. It would thus be desirable to make protocols not utilize randomness in secure-critical components, such as signature-verifications. We note that batch verification (Eq. 3) is a probabilistic version of the Algorithm 6 for verification of half-aggregation of EdDSA signatures. From the security proof of half-aggregation it therefore follows that batch verification can be made deterministic by deriving scalars with hashes as \(z_i = H_1(R_1, A_1, m_1, \ldots , R_n, A_n, m_n, i)\).

Note that particularly for Ed25519 signature scheme it is advised [19] to multiply by a cofactor 8 in single- and batch- verification equations (when batch verification is intended to be used).

Determinism’s Value in Blockchains The history of the flaws of widely-deployed, modern pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) has shown enough variety in root causes to warrant caution, exhibiting bugs [47, 61], probable tampering [20], and poor boot seeding [37]. Yet more recent work has observed correlated low entropy events in public block chains [15, 21], and attributed classes of these events to PRNG seeding.

When juxtaposed with the convenience of deployment afforded by public clouds, often used in the deployment of blockchains, this presents a new challenge. Indeed, deploying a cryptographic algorithm on cloud infrastructure often entails that its components will run as guest processes in a virtualized environment of some sort. Existing literature shows that such guests have a lower rate of acquiring entropy [26, 42], that their PRNG behaves deterministically on boot and reset [25, 55], and that they show coupled entropy in multi-tenancy situations [40].

We suspect the cloud’s virtualized deployment context worsen the biases observed in PRNG, and hence recommend the consideration of deterministic variants of both batch verification and aggregation.

The kind of aggregated signature verification in this paper may also be available to deterministic runtimes, which by design disable access to random generator apis. One such example is DJVM [22], where a special Java ClassLoader ensures that loaded classes cannot be influenced by factors such as hardware random number generators, system clocks, network packets or the contents of the local filesystem. Those runtimes are relevant for blockchains, which despise non-determinism including RNG invocations to avoid accidental or malicious misuse in smart contracts that would break consensus. Nonetheless, all blockchains support signature verification. A deterministic batch verifier would hence be very useful in these settings, especially as it applies to batching signatures on different messages too (i.e., independent blockchain transactions).

5 Impossibility of Non-interactive Compression by More Than a Half

Given that we have shown that it is possible to compress Schnorr signatures by a constant factor, it is natural to ask if we can do better. Indeed, the existence of succinct proof systems where the proofs are smaller than the witnesses themselves indicates that this is possible, even without extra assumptions or trusted setup if one were to use Bulletproofs [16] or IOP based proofs [8, 9] for instance. This rules out proving any non-trivial lower bound on the communication complexity of aggregating Schnorr’s signatures. However, one may wonder what overhead is incurred in using such generic SNARKs, given their excellent compression. Here we make progress towards answering this question, in particular we show that non-trivially improving on our aggregation scheme must rely on the hash function used in the instantiation of Schnorr’s signature scheme.

We show in Theorem 9 that if the hash function used by Schnorr’s signature scheme is modeled as a random oracle, then the verifier must query the nonces associated with each of the signatures to the random oracle. Given that each nonce has \(2\lambda \) bits of entropy, it is unlikely that an aggregate signature non-trivially smaller than \(2n\lambda \) can reliably induce the verifier to query all n nonces.

The implication is that an aggregation scheme that transmits fewer than \(2n\lambda \) bits must not be making oracle use of the hash function; in particular it depends on the code of the hash function used to instantiate Schnorr’s scheme. To our knowledge, there are no hash functions that are believed to securely instantiate Schnorr’s signature scheme while simultaneously allowing for succinct proofs better than applying generic SNARKs to their circuit representations. Note that the hash function must have powerful properties in order for Schnorr’s scheme to be proven secure, either believed to be instantiating a random oracle [54] or having strong concrete hardness [48]. Given that the only known techniques for making use of the code of the hash function in this context is by using SNARKs generically, we take this to be an indication that compressing Schnorr signatures with a rate better than 50% will incur the overhead of proving statements about complex hash functions. For instance compressing n Ed25519 signatures at a rate better than 50% may require proving n instances of SHA-512 via SNARKs.

For “self-verifying” objects such as signatures (aggregate or otherwise) one can generically achieve some notion of compression by simply omitting \(O(\log \lambda )\) bits of the signature string, and have the verifier try all possible assignments of these omitted bits along with the transmitted string, and accept if any of them verify. Conversely, one may instruct the signer to generate a signature such that the trailing \(O(\log \lambda )\) bits are always zero (similarly to blockchain mining) and need not be transmitted (this is achieved by repeatedly signing with different random tapes). There are two avenues to apply these optimizations:

  1. 1.

    Aggregating optimized Schnorr signatures. One could apply these optimizations to the underlying Schnorr signature itself, so that aggregating them even with our scheme produces an aggregate signature of size \(2n(\lambda -O(\log \lambda ))\) which in practice is considerably better than \(2n\lambda \) as n scales. In the rest of this section we only consider the aggregation of Schnorr signatures that are produced by the regular unoptimized signing algorithm, i.e. where nonces have the full \(2n\lambda \) bits of entropy. This quantifies the baseline for the most common use case, and has the benefit of a simpler proof. However, it is simple to adapt our proof technique to show that aggregation with compression rate non-trivially greater than 50% is infeasible with this optimized Schnorr as the baseline as well.

  2. 2.

    Aggregating unoptimized Schnorr signatures. One could apply this optimization to save \(O(\log \lambda )\) bits overall in the aggregated signature. In this case, \(O(\log \lambda )\) is an additive term in the aggregated signature size and its effect disappears as n increases, and so we categorize this a trivial improvement.

Proof Intuition. Our argument hinges on the fact that the verifier of a Fiat-Shamir transformed proof must query the random oracle on the ‘first message’ of the underlying sigma protocol. In Schnorr’s signature scheme, this represents that the nonce R must be queried by the verifier to the random oracle. It then follows that omitting this R value for a single signature in the aggregate signature with noticeable probability will directly result in an attack on unforgeability of the aggregate signature.

We give this question a formal treatment in Appendix G.