
1 Introduction

There has been a growing interest in using neural networks as controllers in areas of control and robotics, e.g., deep reinforcement learning  [13], imitation learning  [7, 14], and model predictive control (MPC) approximating  [3, 9]. We consider neural-network controlled systems (NNCSs) that are closed-loop sampled-data systems where a neural-network controller controls a continuous physical plant in a periodic manner. Given a sampling period \(\delta > 0\), the neural-network (NN) controller reads the state x of the plant at the time \(t = i\delta \) for \(i=0,1,2,\dots \), feeds it to a neural network to obtain the output u, and updates the control input in the plant’s dynamics to u. Our tool ReachNN* aims to solve the following reachability problem of NNCSs.

Problem 1

The reach-avoid problem of a NNCS is to decide whether from any state in an initial set \(X_0\), the system can reach a target set \(X_f\), while avoiding an unsafe set \(X_u\) within the time interval [0, T].

A major challenge facing reachability analysis for NNCSs is the presence of nonlinearity in the NN controllers. Existing reachability analysis tools for NNCSs typically target specific classes of NN controllers  [2, 5, 12, 15]. Sherlock  [5] and NNV  [15] for instance only consider neural networks with RELU activation functions, while Verisig  [12] requires the neural networks to have differentiable activation functions such as tanh/Sigmoid.

In this paper, we present our tool ReachNN*, which is a significantly extended implementation of our previous prototype ReachNN  [11]. ReachNN* provides two main features. First, it can verify an NNCS with any activation functions by Bernstein polynomial approximation [11]. Second, based on the proportionality relationship between approximation error estimation Lipschitz constant of the NN controller, ReachNN* can use knowledge distillation (KD)  [10] to retrain a verification-friendly NN controller that preserves the performance of the original network but has a smaller Lipschitz constant, as proposed in [6].

Another significant improvement in ReachNN* is the acceleration of the sampling-based error analysis in ReachNN by using GPU-based parallel computing. The sampling-based approach uniformly samples the input space for a given sample density and evaluates the neural network controller and the polynomial approximation at those sample points. We use the Lipschitz constant of the neural network and the samples to establish an upper bound on the true error (details in [11]). For networks with many inputs, this approach may require many sample points to avoid a blowup in the overapproximation. Here, we make the observation that the sampling-evaluation step is a single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) computation which is amenable to GPU-based acceleration. Experimental results across a set of benchmarks show \(7\times \) to \(422\times \) efficiency improvement over the previous prototype.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Structure of ReachNN*.

2 Tool Design

The architecture of ReachNN* is shown in Fig. 1. The input consists of three parts: (1) a file containing the plant dynamics and the (bounded) reach-avoid specification, (2) a file describing the NN controller, and (3) an optional target Lipschitz constant for controller retraining. The tool then works as follows. For every sampling step \([i\delta , (i+1)\delta ]\) for \(i=0,1,2\dots \), a polynomial approximation along with a guaranteed error bound for the NN controller output is computed and then used to update the plant’s continuous dynamics. The evolution of the plant is approximated by flowpipes using Flow*. During the flowpipe construction, it checks every computed flowpipe whether it lies entirely inside the target set \(X_f\) and outside the avoid set \(X_u\). The tool terminates when (1) the reachable set at some time \(t \le T\) lies inside the target set and all computed flowpipes do not intersect with the avoid set, i.e. the reach-avoid specification is satisfied; or (2) an unsafe flowpipe is detected, i.e. it enters the avoid set \(X_u\); or (3) the reachable set at some time t intersects with but is not entirely contained in \(X_f\), in which case the verification result is unknown. The tool also terminates if Flow* fails due to a blowup in the size of the flowpipes. Along with the verification result (Yes, No or Unknown), the tool generates a Gnuplot script for producing the visualization of the computed flowpipes relative to \(X_0\), \(X_f\) and \(X_u\).

When the tool returns Unknown, it is often caused by a large overapproximation of the reachable set. As noted before, the overapproximation error is directly tied to the Lipschitz constant of the network in our tool. In such cases, the user can enable the knowledge distillation option to retrain a new neural network. The retrained network has similar performance compared to the original network but a smaller Lipschitz constant. The tool will then perform reachability analysis on the retrained network. We describe the function of each model in ReachNN* in more detail below.

[Polynomial Approximation Generator]. We implement this module in Python. It generates the approximation function of a given neural network over a general hyper-rectangle, with respect to a given order bound for the Bernstein polynomials. The generated polynomial is represented as a list of monomials’ orders and the associated coefficients.

[Approximation Error Analyzer]. This module is implemented in Python. It first invokes a sub-module – Lipschitz constant analyzer, to compute a Lipschitz constant of the neural network using a layer-by-layer analysis (see Sect. 3.2 of [11] for details). Then, given the Lipschitz constant, this module estimates the approximation error between a given polynomial and a given neural network by uniformly sampling over the input space. To achieve a given precision, this sampling-based error estimation may result in a large number of samples. In ReachNN*, we leverage Tensorflow [1] to parallelize this step using GPUs.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Reachability analysis results: Red lines represent boundaries of the obstacles and form the avoid set. Green rectangle represents the target region. Blue rectangle represents the computed flowpipes. (Color figure online)

[Flow*]. We use the C++ APIs in Flow*  [4] to carry out the following tasks: (a) flowpipe construction under continuous dynamics using symbolic remainders, (b) checking whether a flowpipe intersects the given avoid set, (c) checking whether a flowpipe lies entirely in the given target set, and (d) generating a visualization file for the flowpipes.

[Knowledge Distillator]. This module is implemented in Python with GPU support for retraining. The inputs for this module are the original NN, a target Lipschitz constant number, and a user-specified tolerance of the training error between the new network and the original network. The output is a retrained network. Details of the distillation procedure can be found in [6]. We note that this module also supports distilling the original network into a new network with a different architecture, which can be specified as an additional input.

Table 1. Comparison with ReachNN. We use l to represent the number of layers in the neural network controller, n to represent the number of neurons in the hidden layers, and \(\bar{\varepsilon }\) for the error bound in sampling-based analysis. We use the same benchmarks from [11]. The dimensions of states are from 2 to 4 for these benchmarks. Time shows the runtime of the reachability analysis module. The After KD results do not include the runtime for knowledge distillation. The average runtime for knowledge distillation is 245 s (The runtime of the knowledge distillation module does not vary much across different benchmarks.). Acc (short for acceleration) denotes the ratio between the runtime of ReachNN and that of ReachNN* on the same NNCS without applying knowledge distillation.

Example 1

Consider the following nonlinear control system  [8]: \(\dot{x}_0=x_1, \dot{x}_1=ux_1^2-x_0\), where u is computed from a NN controller \(\kappa \) that has two hidden layers, twenty neurons in each layer, and ReLU and tanh as activation functions. Given a control stepsize \(\delta _c = 0.2\), we want to check if the system will reach \([0,0.2]\times [0.05,0.3]\) from the initial set \([0.8,0.9]\times [0.5,0.6]\) while avoiding \([0.3,0.8]\times [-0.1,0.4]\) over the time interval [0, 7].

The verification finished in 12718 s and the result is Unknown, which indicates the computed flowpipes intersect with (and are not contained entirely in) the avoid set or the target set. The flowpipes are shown in Fig. 2a. With KD enabled, we retrain a new NN controller with the same architecture, a target Lipschitz constant as 0 (0 means the knowledge distillator will try to minimize the Lipschitz constant) and a regression error tolerance of 0.4. The resulting flowpipes are shown in Fig. 2b. We can see that the new NN controller can be verified to satisfy the reach-avoid specification. In addition, the verification for the new NN controller is \(123\times \) faster compared to verifying the original NNCS.

3 Experiments

We provide a full comparison between ReachNN* and the prototype ReachNN on all the examples in  [11]. If the verification result is Unknown, we apply our verification-aware knowledge distillation framework to synthesize a new NN controller and check the resulting system with ReachNN*. All experiments are performed on a desktop with 12-core 3.60 GHz Intel Core i7 and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (ReachNN does not make use of GPU).

We highlight part of the results for Benchmark \(\#1\), \(\#2\) and \(\#6\) in Table 1 due to space constraint (results on all benchmarks can be found in ReachNN* achieves from \(7\times \) to \(422\times \) efficiency improvement on the same NNCSs (across all benchmarks also). In Benchmark \(\#1\) and \(\#2\) with Unknown results, we applied our knowledge distillation procedure to obtain new NN controllers and performed reachability analysis again on the resulting systems. Observe that ReachNN* produces a Yes answer for these systems. In addition, it took a shorter amount of time to compute the verification results compared to ReachNN. In Benchmark \(\#6\), ReachNN* took more than 1000 s to obtain a Yes result in two cases. We run knowledge distillation for these two cases to evaluate whether KD can be beneficial solely from an efficiency perspective. In both cases, ReachNN* with KD significantly improves runtime compared to ReachNN* without KD.