1 Introduction

Urban Train Systems (UTS) play an increasing role in modern cities: they provide connections from work to residential areas, and have become a key element for economical and environmental concerns. Usually, UTS are operated by private or semi-public companies, whose role is to provide services with contractualized performance. A typical demand of local authorities is to guarantee departures with a high pace (for instance one train every two minutes) during peak hours to avoid networks congestion, and then ensure punctual/regular departures at lower pace for the rest of the day. Form a contractual point of view, performance is often specified in terms of Key Performance Indicators [12] (or KPIs for short). KPIs are measures for trains punctuality, passenger comfort, average trip times, etc. They are evaluated a posteriori from weekly or monthly logs recorded during operation of the network. Failing to meet fixed quality objectives may result in financial penalties.

A normal behavior of a train in a metro network is a succession of arrivals at stations and departures, usually scheduled at precise dates, or cadenced according to chosen departure rates at each station. Operators often rely on an a priori schedule called a timetable, that fulfills the KPI objectives if realized properly. Now, even during a normal day of operation, departures and arrivals of trains cannot match exactly such a precise schedule: trains are frequently delayed, due to passenger misbehavior, weather conditions, incidents on tracks, etc. Further, incidents are not independent: as trains have to maintain security distances, a primary delay on a train rapidly propagates to the following trains. To recover from delays and eventually meet quality objectives, UTS are equipped with regulation algorithms. Regulation algorithms consider the state of the network (train positions, delays w.r.t. a timetable, etc.), and compute advices to adapt trains dwell times or speeds. Several strategies such as trying to recover delays, sticking to existing timetables, or trying to equalize distances between trains.

It is well known that there is no universal and optimal regulation algorithm: efficiency of a particular regulation depends on the targeted KPI objective, on the topology of a line, on the number of trains in the network, and even on passenger behavior. It is hence important to evaluate and compare performance of several algorithms to provide the most adapted solution in a given situation. Evaluation of regulation is hence often seen as a performance evaluation question.

In this work, we use the probabilistic model checker PRISM [10] to evaluate the performance of regulation schemes. We model UTS as Markov decision processes (MDPs for short) [5], and regulation algorithms as controllers that make decisions in MDPs (i.e. implement a strategy). The approach is the following: a metro network is seen as a finite number of discrete locations. The behaviors of trains are modeled as processes which maintain discrete variables memorizing their positions, and have probabilistic guarded transitions, that randomly increment the position of a train. Regulation is also specified as a process whose decisions synchronize with the rest of the system to allow or prevent some transitions of trains. The overall behavior of the network is a form of product between processes, with safety constraints (trains shall not collide), which gives a Markov Decision Process. The accuracy of the model is chosen by appropriately discretizing time and space, and choosing probabilities to define models with sensible distributions of trips durations. We then study performance of regulation in a ring network equipped with a simple regulation algorithm with PRISM. More precisely, we initialize the system in a highly perturbed state (some significant delays have occurred), and compute the probability to get back to a stable situation (i.e. a situation in which the network has recovered from delay) in less that d time units, letting d vary in a significant time interval. Getting back to a normal situation in less than d time units is encoded with a PCTL formula [6].

The results obtained show that one can obtain the exact values of probabilities for fleets of 4 trains with a reasonable discretization factor. For larger fleets and larger discretization factors, one has to rely on statistical model checking techniques. Another lesson learned is that without regulation, the probability to recover from a delay by chance is close to zero.

Model checking of railway systems has already been addressed in a Boolean setting, mainly with safety objectives (see for instance [7]). Verification of railway crossing, for instance, is a standard case study for model-checkers (see for instance [3]). Boolean verification mainly addresses safety issues (critical sections must not be violated), but usually cannot address quantitative properties, such as the time needed to recover from a primary delay. These quantitative notions are often addressed using simulation tools dedicated to performance evaluation. To evaluate a regulation policy, one can design a model of an UTS, and simulate a large sample of runs representing operation days with incidents, and derive statistics. Dedicated tools address railway systems modeling at a microscopic or macroscopic level. Macroscopic tools such as NEMO [8] use abstract models (a graph representing the network), and do not consider details such as adherence of trains to tracks, passenger flows. They are mainly used by infrastructure managers. On the other hand, tools working at microscopic level (e.g. Opentrack [11]) consider every detail of rail systems: characteristics of rolling stocks and tracks, weather conditions... Then, simulation steps compute the evolution of the network during a fixed time period (typically, one second). However, micro-steps simulation is time and space consuming. Microscopic and macroscopic approaches used for mainline trains can be adapted for metros, but metro networks have two characteristics that need to be considered: first they embed regulation algorithm, and second, decisions have to be made in a few seconds to avoid delays and their propagation. This makes a big difference, for instance, with macroscopic models of mainlines, where track occupancy schedules can be easily maintained in case of short delay impacting only a few trains. The SimMETRO tool [9] is specialized for simulation of metro systems. It includes regulation schemes, and was used to simulate performance of regulation in the Boston Metro network. The work in [2] uses a macroscopic simulation approach based on a Petri Net variants to model metro system equipped with regulation. The approach presented in this paper is a quantitative and macroscopic one, based on model checking. When the considered model is of reasonable size, the values computed are exact values, and hence provide strong performance guarantees. However, as subway systems are complex, their state space can rapidly exceed the limits of standard model-checkers that compute exact probabilities of properties from an explicit representation of the state space of the system. Even in this case, Statistical Model Checking can be used to obtain these probabilities, but only with a confidence interval.

This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the Glasgow metro network, that will be used as a case study to illustrate our approach. Section 3 defines the formal material used later in the paper, namely Markov Decision Processes and PCTL properties, and shows how to use them to evaluate Performance in a regulated metro network. Section 4 gives experimental results, and comments them these results. Section 5 concludes this work and gives some perspectives. Due to lack of space, some technical elements are not detailed in this paper, but can be found in an extended version available at [4].

2 A Case Study: A Metro Network in Glasgow

The usual behavior of metros is the following. A metro travels at a given speed between two stations, and then dwells in station for a predetermined duration. Commercial speed of metros usually lies between 30 and 40 km/h. When the dwell time has expired, the doors close, and the train leaves for the next station. This is where some incident may delay a train: doors may not close well, usually when passengers try to alight while doors are closing. This can result in delays of several seconds w.r.t. the expected departure date.

We consider the metro line of Glasgow [1], a bi-directional ring of 10.5 km with 15 stations, depicted in Fig. 1. Train can travel both clockwise and counterclockwise, using distinct tracks in separate tunnels; therefore, we only study a unidirectional line. The ring has no intersection with other lines. Completing a full round trip takes approximately 24 min. Several trains are used to provide optimal service: if 4 trains are in use, then a metro leaves a station every 6 min. The planned service is one metro every 4 min at peak hours and every 6 to 8 min otherwise. The average dwell time in stations is around 30 s.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A schema of the subway line of Glasgow

Ideally, providing a high quality service requires to maintain the network in a stable configuration, i.e. a situation where distances between consecutive trains are approximately equal (up to some small deviations appearing when trains stop or suffer delays of a few seconds). Such situations are ideal to enforce arrivals and departures at a regular pace. As in the Glasgow network the expected service is one train every 6 min, maintaining such balanced situations is a good way to fulfill the fixed quality objectives. However, networks do not remain in stable configurations without external help. As delays tend to accumulate, one may face the following situation: a train that is delayed arrives late at the next station, which increase the size of the crowd, and results in new door incidents, and penalizes the late train with an additional delay. Usually, as people tend to rush in trains as soon as they arrive in station, fewer passengers will enter the next train alighting at this station. This situation repeats all along the line, causing delays. As trains cannot overtake, accumulation of delays results in a bunching phenomenon, i.e. in a situation where a crowded train is followed closely by almost empty trains. Regulation should avoid such situation and improve KPIs.

A regulation is an algorithm that gives advice to trains: these pieces of advice can be about changing the speed between two stations or the dwell time at a station, depending on the global state of the network. The range of values that can be returned by a regulation algorithm are of course bounded: there is a minimal and maximal running speed for trains, and similarly, a minimal dwell time allowing a sufficient number of passengers to leave trains or alight. In complex line topologies, a standard way to address regulation is to build precomputed timetables, and to try to stick as much as possible to these schedules. Of course, timetables are never realized exactly as specified, they are simply idealized schedules. A standard regulation called hold-on technique tries to return to this schedule by reducing dwell times and increasing trains speeds when a delay is measured. In the case of rings such as Glasgow network, the most relevant objective is to maintain a constant duration between arrivals at each station. Considering that characteristics of rolling stocks allow all trains to have the same speed ranges, this pace objective can be addressed as a distance objective, by requiring trains to maintain equal spacing among them. In practice, as distances between stations in metro networks are short, changing train speeds has little impact on delay recovery. We will hence consider regulation policies that change dwell times in stations in order to equilibrate distances among trains.

For the Glasgow network, we will build a stochastic model encompassing train behaviors, the possible perturbations, a regulation algorithm, then study the performance of this algorithm with a probabilistic model checker. To achieve this objective, we will compute the probability to reach a stable situation from an unstable one in less than d minute, letting d vary in interval [0; 250].

3 Models

Unpredictable external events can affect the durations of dwelling and of trips from one station to the next one: it is natural to model them using probabilities. These events delay trains, and as explained in Sect. 2, regulation policies are then used to recover from primary delays and avoid their propagation to the whole network. Given the current state of the system, an appropriate regulation decision is chosen from a set of possible options and given as instructions to the trains. To represent a metro system, we thus need a model that combines probabilities (for the unpredictable events) and non-determinism (for the choice of regulation decisions), hence we choose Markov decision processes (MDP). In this section, we first define the mathematical model of MDP. Then we provide a model of a generic ring metro line with several trains as an MDP with parameters. We explain how to tune the values of the parameters for the Glasgow case study, to reflect the number of trains in the network and the average trip durations. Finally, we define properties on this instantiated MDP model, that are of particular interest to evaluate the performances of regulation policies.

3.1 Markov Decision Processes

Definition 1

A Markov decision process (MDP) is a tuple \(\mathcal M=(S,s_0,\textsf {Act},\delta ,\textsf {AP},\ell )\), where S is a set of states, \(s_0\) is the initial state, \(\textsf {Act}\) is a finite set of actions, \(\delta : S\times \textsf {Act}\times S \rightarrow [0,1]\) is the probabilistic transition function such that for every \(s\in S\) and \(\alpha \in \textsf {Act}\), \(\sum _{s'\in S}\delta (s,\alpha ,s') \in \{0,1\}\), \(\textsf {AP}\) is a set of atomic propositions, and \(\ell :S\rightarrow 2^{AP}\) is the labeling function.

An action \(\alpha \in \textsf {Act}\) is enabled in state s if \(\sum _{s'\in S} \delta (s,\alpha ,s') = 1\). The semantics of a Markov decision process \(\mathcal M=(S,s_0,\textsf {Act},\delta ,\textsf {AP},\ell )\) operates in discrete time as follows: from some state \(s \in S\), when an enabled action \(\alpha \) is chosen, the probability to be in \(s'\) at the next time instant is \(\delta (s,\alpha ,s')\). Actions in \(\mathcal M\) thus model the possible choices one has to guide the system. A path in an MDP is a finite or infinite alternating sequence of the form \(s_0.\alpha _0.s_1 \alpha _1.s_2 \dots \) such that, for every \(i \ge 0\), \(\delta (s_i,\alpha _i,s_{i+1})>0\), that is, the probability to reach \(s_{i+1}\) from \(s_i\) when choosing action \(\alpha _i\) is positive. We denote by \(\mathcal Path^\mathcal M\) (resp. \(\mathcal Path_{\textsf {fin}}^\mathcal M\)) the set of all paths (resp. all finite paths) of \(\mathcal M\). Figure 2 is an example MDP, with \(S=\{s_a,s_1,s_2, s_\textsf {goal}\}\), \(s_0=s_a\), \(\textsf {Act}=\{\alpha ,\beta \}\), and \(AP=\{a, goal\}\), and \(\ell (s_a)=\{a\}\), \(\ell (s_1)=\ell (s_2)=\emptyset \) and \(\ell (s_\textsf {goal}) = \{goal\}\). The transition relation of this MDP is given by: \(\delta (s_a,\alpha ,s_1)=1 \), \(\delta (s_1,\alpha ,s_2)=0.3\), \(\delta (s_1,\alpha ,s_a)=0.7\), \(\delta (s_2,\alpha ,s_a)=0.5\), \(\delta (s_2,\alpha ,s_2)=0.5\), \(\delta (s_1,\beta ,s_1)=0.5\), \(\delta (s_1,\beta ,s_2)=0.1\), \(\delta (s_1,\beta ,s_\textsf {goal})=0.4\), \(\delta (s_2,\beta ,s_a)=0.9\), \(\delta (s_2,\beta ,s_\textsf {goal})=0.1\), \(\delta (s_\textsf {goal},\beta ,s_\textsf {goal})=1\) and \(\delta (s,\gamma ,s')=0\) for all other states \(s, s'\) and action \(\gamma \in \textsf {Act}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example MDP

Given an MDP, a policy resolves the non-determinism by choosing an enabled action after each history of states and actions seen so far, that is for every finite path of \(\mathcal M\). Formally,

Definition 2

A policy for the MDP \(\mathcal M= (S,s_0,\textsf {Act},\delta ,\textsf {AP},\ell )\) is a function \(\sigma :\mathcal Path_{\textsf {fin}}^\mathcal M\rightarrow \textsf {Act}\).

Given an MDP \(\mathcal M\), each policy \(\sigma \) defines a probability measure on infinite paths of \(\mathcal M\) originating from initial state \(s_0\), that we write \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^\sigma \). Reasonable sets of paths A are measurable: one can write \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^\sigma (A)\) for the probability that a sampled path of \(\mathcal M\) starting from \(s_0\) and following \(\sigma \) belongs to A.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Part of the MDP model for a train, representing the journey between stations \(S_0\) and \(S_1\) and with two intermediate locations.

3.2 An MDP Model for the Glasgow Network

As argued earlier, MDPs are well suited to model random events occurring in a metro, as well as non-determinism for the choice of the regulation decision. However, MDPs are discrete models, whereas metro networks are continuous systems, both in space and time. We thus propose to approximate their behavior with a fine enough discretization of space and time. In this discrete model, each state of the MDP will indicate the trains positions, and if some trains are stopped their remaining dwell time. Each discrete step in the MDP model corresponds to changes (in the positions and remaining dwell times) occurring during a fixed delay. To obtain a relevant model, we associate a position to each station, but we also consider intermediate positions between two stations, i.e. we discretize the distance between two stations by adding k intermediate positions between two consecutive stations of the network. The number of intermediate positions is one of the parameters of the model that need to be fixed a priori. We will call location either a station or one of these intermediate positions.

As for regulation policies, the interesting elements to consider are arrival and departure dates, and train positions. The behavior of each train \(T_i\) traveling in the network can then be seen as an individual MDP \(\mathcal M_i\), in which states are locations of the network, and actions are regulation decisions. In this MDP, train \(T_i\) applies an action \(\alpha \in \textsf {Act}_{\mathcal M_i}\) (that represents a regulation decision), and moves to the next location in the network with some probability \(p_\alpha \), or stays at its current position with probability \(1-p_\alpha \).

Figure 3 represents the MDP model of the individual behavior of a train between two stations \(S_0\) and \(S_1\), with two intermediate points. At each location (that correspond to states of the MDP), there are three possible actions, representing the three different target speeds. Action \(\alpha \), labeling green transitions represents the behavior of the trains when running at their standard speed, action \(\beta \) (blue transitions) symbolizes the reduced speed mode, and action \(\gamma \) (red transitions) the stopped mode.

In the following, we will restrict to train models with the three possible running modes \(\alpha , \beta ,\gamma \) illustrated in Fig. 3: one mode in which the train is running at its standard commercial speed, one mode in which it travels at reduced speed, and a last mode where the train is stopped. Intuitively, the intermediary mode will be used if some other train is too close ahead, and the stopped mode will be used to avoid collisions. However, the model easily extends to an arbitrary number of target speeds, but at the cost of an increased the number of actions and transitions in the model.

The overall behavior of the metro network is also an MDP, obtained as a product \(\bigotimes \mathcal M_i \otimes \mathcal M_R\) of all individual MDP models for each train and of regulation, with safety constraints. An important constraint is that the product forbids two trains (or more) to be at the same location at the same moment. This safety requirement can be easily be implemented as a constraint on the enabled transitions in each state of the product MDP. For example, if a train \(T_i\) is in location x and at the same instant another train \(T_j\) is in the next location, i.e. \(x+1\), then all transitions that send \(T_i\) in location \(x+1\) are forbidden. This restriction guarantees that trains never collide.

In our MDP model for each train, probabilities attached to transitions allow one to reflect the time a train will take to travel from a station \(S_i\) to the next station \(S_{i+1}\). For each action \(\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma \), at each step, a train can stay at its current location with probabilities \(p_\alpha ,p_\beta ,p_\gamma \), respectively, or go to the next location with probabilities \(1-p_\alpha ,1-p_\beta ,1-p_\gamma \). The parameters \(p_\alpha ,p_\beta ,p_\gamma \) must be adjusted to reflect the speed instructions (normal, reduced, 0). To simplify our model, we will assume that the distance between two consecutive stations is the same in the whole network. The distance \(\varDelta _d\) between two consecutive locations is hence also uniform, and depends on the number k of intermediate positions. Each step in the execution of a MDP symbolizes elapsing of a fixed duration \(\varDelta _t\). We will explain how to choose \(\varDelta _t\) once the probability parameters are fixed.

First of all, let us consider the speed induced by the choice of a particular action by regulation. In our model, we want the speed induced by action \(\alpha \) to be the usual speed of trains, and the speed corresponding to action \(\beta \) to be a lower speed occurring when trains slow down for safety reasons (if the next train is too close), finally \(\gamma \) corresponds to stopping the train. Start for example with action \(\alpha \). The probability of going to the next location in one step under action \(\alpha \) is set to \(p_{\alpha } = 0.8\). In every location of the network, the probability to stay in there under action \(\alpha \) during m steps is thus \((1-p_\alpha )^m\), and the probability to move to the next location exactly at the \(m^{th}\) step is \((1 - p_\alpha )^{m-1} \times p_\alpha \). More generally, the number of steps needed to move to the next location follows a geometric law, whose expected value is \(\mathbb {E}_{\alpha } = \dfrac{1}{p_{\alpha }}\). With the parameters of Fig. 3, \(\mathbb {E}_{\alpha } =\dfrac{1}{0.8} = 1.25\), so that in average, it takes 1.25 steps to go from a location to the next one, assuming the regulation decision is always \(\alpha \).

The standard speed \(v_\alpha \) of a train traveling at speed given by regulation instruction \(\alpha \) is obtained by dividing the distance \(\varDelta _d\) between two successive locations by the average time needed to go from a location to the next one under action \(\alpha \). The first parameter \(\varDelta _d\) can be easily computed as soon as k, the number of intermediary locations, is fixed. In the Glasgow line, the total length of the network is 10.5 km, and there are 15 stations. So the distance between two consecutive stations is \(\varDelta _d = 10500/15 \cdot k\). Similarly, for a geometric law of parameter \(p_\alpha \), the expected number of discrete steps to move from one station to the next one is \(\mathbb {E}_\alpha \cdot k\). We know that the total duration of a round trip in the Glasgow line is 1440 s, including a dwell time of 30 s at each station. Hence the total running time in seconds is \(t_{tot}=1440-(30\times 15)=990\). The time needed to move from a station to another, in seconds, is thus \(t_{stat}=990/15=66\). Fixing parameter k, we should have \(\mathbb {E}_\alpha .k.\varDelta _t=66\). If we choose to have \(k=5\) locations between two stations, we obtain \(\varDelta _d = 140\) m and \(\varDelta _t=10.56\) s. We finally obtain the commercial speed \(v_\alpha = \dfrac{\varDelta _d}{E_{\alpha } \times \varDelta _t} =p_\alpha .\dfrac{\varDelta _d}{\varDelta _t} \approx 10.6\) m\(\cdot \)s\(^{-1} \approx 38.2\) km\(\cdot \)h\(^{-1}\).

In a similar way, we can compute the average speed of trains when their behavior is dictated by regulation instruction \(\beta \). The expected number of steps needed to go from a location to the next one is now \(\mathbb {E}_\beta =1/p_\beta \). We hence have \(v_{\beta } = p_{\beta } \cdot \dfrac{\varDelta d}{\varDelta t}\). If \(p_\beta =0.6\) as in the model of Fig. 3, we obtain a reduced speed \(v_\beta \approx 7.95\) m\(\cdot \)s\(^{-1} \approx 28.6\) km\(\cdot \)h\(^{-1}\). Finally, for action \(\gamma \) that represents the instruction not to move, the speed is obviously \(v_{\gamma } = 0\). All in all, using three types of actions, associated each with a probability to move one location forward in the next step, we were able to model three regulation instructions for the speed of trains.

Notice that as soon as the discretization constant k is known, the value of \(\varDelta _d\) follows from the length of the line. Similarly, considering that the dwell time in stations, the total duration of a round trip are known, it suffices to choose the value of \(p_\alpha \) to obtain the value of \(\varDelta _t\). As we had no data on round trip durations in Glasgow, we have chosen a value for \(p_\alpha \) such that the distribution of trip durations in our model matches statistics recorded for a track portion in another line with similar characteristics. We refer interested reader to the extended version of this paper [4] to see how this fitting was performed, and how value \(p_\alpha =0.8\) was chosen to model duration of trips from a station to the next one at standard commercial speed.

3.3 Integrating a Regulation Policy in the Model

Regulation policies decide which instruction to give to the trains, given their positions (and possibly other useful data). In this work, we assume that a signaling system is used to determine the safe speed of running trains at every step. We also consider that trains run at their usual commercial speed whenever this speed is allowed. We thus consider regulation policies that only choose the dwell times at stations, that is, determining whether a given train should leave the station early or continue waiting.

The signaling system works as follows. Between two stations, trains travel at their commercial speed (following \(\alpha \)-transitions) if there is no train too close ahead, at reduced speed (\(\beta \)-transitions) if the train ahead is close, and stop moving to prevent collision or if they have to stay longer in a station.

A regulation policy aims at avoiding delays or recovering from them. In a train networks, delay can be interpreted as a difference between an arrival/departure date and the expected date of realization of this event in a pre-computed timetable. However, in metros like Glasgow, emphasis is put on regularity of departures, not on precise schedules. To formalize delays, we compute, for each state q of the MDP representing the whole network, a function that measures whether time intervals between trains are similar or not in state q. In a state q, let us call \(pos(q,i)\) a number between 0 and \(k.15-1\) denoting the position of train i in sate q. Then, for a particular train i, we define: where \(d_q(i,j)\) measures the difference between the position of trains \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) in sate q. It has to be noted that cannot be equal to 0 nor 1 since two trains cannot be in the same location.

An ideal situation is when \(\alpha _q(i)= 0.5\) for every train \(T_i\) in the network, which means that each train is positioned precisely in the middle of the space delimited by its predecessor and its successor. Maintaining this equilibrium is a way to guarantee regularity of service. However, it cannot be achieved unless the movements of trains are quasi synchronous, which is too much requiring, as distances between trains always vary due to dwell in stations. We will say that the position of train \(T_i\) is balanced in state q if \(\alpha _q(i) \in [0.4,0.6]\), and unbalanced otherwise. We say that the current state of the network is balanced if all train positions are balanced. As this definition only depends on the current state, one can attach an atomic proposition \(\mathsf {balanced}\) to every balanced state of the global MDP. Similarly, we can associate a tag \(\mathsf {collision}\) to a state if \(pos(q,i)=pos(q,j)\) for some \(i\ne j \in 1..\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}\), that is to represent that a collision occurs.

We can now define our regulation policy as a linear function \(\mathsf {Dwell} : [0,1] \rightarrow [20,40]\) applies from the value for every train \(T_i\). In each state of the system, when a train \(T_i\) arrives in station, the regulation algorithm imposes a dwell time of to train \(T_i\). If is close to 1, the train has to leave the station early, and if it is close to 0, it has to dwell in station for a longer duration than the nominal dwell time. Due to the discretization of time, the dwell duration in station depends on the interval to which belongs and not the exact value of . For instance, with \(\varDelta _t \simeq 5 \ s\), the dwell time was set as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Dwell}(v) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 4 \times \varDelta _t &{} \text {if } v \in [0.875,1]\\ 5 \times \varDelta _t &{} \text {if } v \in [0.625,875]\\ 6 \times \varDelta _t &{} \text {if } v \in [0.375,0.625]\\ 7 \times \varDelta _t &{} \text {if } v \in [0.125,375]\\ 8 \times \varDelta _t &{} \text {if } v \in [0,0.125] \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, if \(\varDelta _t=10s\), we have set \(\mathsf {Dwell}(v) = 2 \times \varDelta _t\) if \(v \in [0.667,1]\), \(\mathsf {Dwell}(v) = 3 \times \varDelta _t\) if \(v \in [0.334,0.666]\) and \(\mathsf {Dwell}(v) = 4 \times \varDelta _t\) if \(v \in [0, 0.333]\).

3.4 Logical Properties for MDP

The overall objective of our experiment is to assess the performances of regulation policies from a metro model. To do so, we use relevant quantitative properties. For example, we evaluate the probability of a regulation policy to recover from a delay in less than 30 min. This can be done by writing “from initial state, the MDP reaches a balanced state within 30 min” as a property \(\varphi \) in logics, and then computing the probability of this event in the MDP given the policy \(\sigma \) corresponding to the regulation at hand. One can also evaluate the maximum probability for this event when \(\sigma \) ranges over all possible regulation policies. Such an optimal policy \(\sigma \) can be computed: we have \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^\sigma (\varphi ) = \max _{\tau } \mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^\tau (\varphi )\) where \(\tau \) ranges over a finite number of policies (see the extended version [4] for details). Typically, we will denote this value by \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\max }(\varphi )\).

The mentioned property \(\varphi \) is usually written using a formula \(F^{\le 30} \mathsf {balanced}\) in linear temporal logics [13]. Such a property \(\varphi \) is a bounded reachability property: the aim is to reach a given set of states (here the balanced ones) within a given number of steps (or seconds). We are also interested in (unbounded) reachability properties, such as \(F\, \mathsf {collision}\) that expresses that eventually a collision occurs, yet with no time bound. For our metro system, we aim at proving that under all regulation policies the probability of \(F\, \mathsf {collision}\) is 0, showing that collisions are impossible. This constraint can be expressed as \(\max _\tau \mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^\tau (F\, \mathsf {collision})=0\), or in a more compact way \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\max }(F\, \mathsf {collision})=0\).

To compute such optimal probabilities, we use the probabilistic model checker PRISM [10]. We describe our metro model as processes in the PRISM language: each train is a process, whose state encodes the position of the train in the network. Regulation is also a process. The underlying semantics of these processes is the MDP depicted in Sect. 3.2. A first sanity check for our PRISM model is thus to verify that the safety requirement is met, i.e. that the resulting MDP \(\mathcal M\) for the network behavior (obtained as the product of processes for trains) satisfies the formula \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\max }(F \, \mathsf {collision})=0\). Then to evaluate the efficiency of a regulation algorithm, we will compute values such a \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\max } (F^{\le q}\, \mathsf {balanced})\) for q a given number of steps. This value is the maximal probability, among all regulation policies, i.e. considering choices of actions that are not decided by regulation, that the system recovers a balanced situation within q steps (or equivalently within \(q\times \varDelta _t\) seconds). We will also measure \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\sigma } (F^{\le q}\, \mathsf {balanced})\) to evaluate efficiency of a policy \(\sigma \). Letting the system start from an unbalanced state, we can compute this probability for different values of q and obtain performance measures for a regulation algorithm.

4 Experimental Results

We performed several experiments with PRISM on the MDP models we constructed for the Glasgow metro. The objective was to evaluate the value of quantitative formulas given in Sect. 3.4 to study performances of the simple regulation algorithm (balancing of trains positions on the ring) defined in Sect. 3.3. Usually, PRISM explicitly builds the MDP resulting from the processes description, and then computes the values for the properties to check by value iteration (see [5] for a description of the algorithms). As an alternative to the explicit MDP construction, in case the model is too large (in terms of state space, and transition table) to be stored, PRISM can perform statistical model checking (SMC), i.e., generate on the fly a set of sample runs, to approximate, with a given confidence, the values one aims at computing.

For our case-study, the size of the MDP depends on the discretization factor k, and on the number of trains running in the system. The tests we performed were conducted for two discretization values (\(k=5\) and \(k=10\)) and two possible number of trains (\(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=4\) and \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=6\)). As described in Sect. 3.2, all processes representing trains were designed with three distinct possible speeds \(\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma \), corresponding respectively to standard commercial speed, reduced speed, and train stopped. These speeds were modeled using intermediary locations as in Fig. 3, with probabilities \(p_\alpha =0.8, p_\beta =0.6, p_\gamma =0\).

As initial state of our MDP, we chose a very unbalanced configuration, in which trains occupy consecutive stations, with no free location between them. This configuration is certainly the worst for the network. We then computed three probabilities, for increasing values of q, the bound on the number of steps to recover a balanced configuration. We first consider the policy \(\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}\) defined in Sect. 3.3, which chooses dwell times for each train in order to move the train to the middle of the previous and the next train. This probability is thus denoted \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}} (F^{\le q}\, \mathsf {balanced})\). Second, we computed the maximum probability when the policy ranges over all possible ones. This is written as \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\max } (F^{\le q}\, \mathsf {balanced})\). Note that when computing this probability, PRISM also determines how to optimize this value, and returns a policy. Third, we defined a fixed regulation policy \(\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}\) which always picks the dwell time of 30 s regardless of the current state. This probability is thus denoted \(\mathbb {P}_{\mathcal M}^{\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}} (F^{\le q}\, \mathsf {balanced})\). This choice corresponds to an absence of regulation policy. We expect that \(\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}\) should perform worse than \(\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}\) since the latter makes clever choices to equilibrate distances.

Obviously, the size of the models increases with the discretization factor k and with the number of trains. With the smallest values \(k = 5\) and \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}} = 4\), PRISM was not able to build the complete state space of the model, and hence could not compute that optimal policy. A standard technique to overcome this limit is to use abstraction. Abstraction allows to consider some states as equivalent, and then perform model checking on a quotient (w.r.t. equivalence classes) of the original MDP (which is then smaller). We have used a sound abstraction of states up to a rotation of positions in the network. Indeed, in the Glasgow ring, the dwell time decided for a train only depends on the distance to the predecessor and successor, and not on the visited station. This abstraction allowed to reduce the state space of the original MDP, while preserving values of the formulas (as behaviors of trains and the balanced property of states are equivalent up to rotation). We do not detail here the formal definition of abstraction up to rotation, and refer interested readers to the extended version [4] for details.

The Table 1 below shows the effect of abstraction on the size of the MDP computed by PRISM, for a discretization \(k=5\), with and without abstraction. Abstraction up to rotation reduces the number of states by a factor 1000 for 3 trains, and allows PRISM to compute explicitly and MDP for 4 trains, which is not possible without abstraction. However, even with abstraction, taking as discretization factor \(k=10\) or a fleet of 6 trains exceeded the size of models for which PRISM can return an exact value for a simple property. With these parameters, one necessarily have to rely on SMC.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Probability to recover from a delay with \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=4\) and \(k=5\)

Table 1. Size of the MDP models in terms of number of states and transitions (\(k = 5\))

We can now show the results obtained from our experiment. Figure 4 shows the probability to return to a balanced state in x minutes when starting from a very unbalanced situation. Absiscae represents time elapsed, and ordinates the probability. The green curve is the exact value of the probability computed from the MDP (an MDP - quotiented by the rotation abstraction- was explicitly built by PRISM) when an optimal policy is used to regulate trains. The red curve is the result obtained with our simple regulation policy \(\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}\), and the blue curve the results obtained when constant time regulation \(\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}\) is used. For the red and blue series of measures, statistical model checking had to be used. Indeed, introducing a particular regulation scheme may require the use of additional information in states and increases the size of the underlying MDP. Note that on the figure, as the results are obtained with statistical model checking, the probabilities in the red and blue curse are not given as a single point but as an interval. This figure shows that the best possible choices when doing regulation cannot do better than returning to a balanced state with probability 0.5 in 52 min, and with probability 0.8 in 58 min. The regulation policy \(\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}\) needs respectively 129 min and 161 min to reach probabilities 0.5 and 0.8. One can however notice that this regulation improves the performance of the metro network, as the regulation \(\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}\) that sticks to standard dwell times of 30 s in stations has a probability to return to a balanced state that stays close to 0.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Probability to recover from a delay with \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=4\) and \(k=10\)

Let us now compare these results with the curves obtained for \(k=10\) and \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=4\) (Fig. 5) and for \(k=10\) and \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=6\) (Fig. 6). As explained before, these values do not allow PRISM to compute and store the whole state space of the MDP and hence to obtain the green curve representing results achieved with an optimal policy. However, measures for regulation \(\sigma _{\mathsf {bal}}\) or \(\sigma _{\mathsf {fix}}\) can still be obtained with statistical model checking. We can now discuss the effect of discretization by comparing the red curve in Figs. 4 and 5. One can notice that the global shape of the curve is the same, but that with a discretization factor of 10, it takes 120 min (instead of 129) to return to a balanced state with probability 0.5. Similarly, it takes a slightly smaller time (140 min instead of 161) to get back to a balanced state with probability 0.8. This can be explained by several facts. First, when choosing a rough discretization, one gives regulation the ability to take fewer choices, and starting from less precise information than with a finer discretization. A second aspect is that trains reduce their speed when they approach their predecessor (i.e. the number of locations between the two trains is low), and stop when moving to the next location would cause a collision. So, with a coarse discretization, trains will slow down and stop more frequently, which will delay the date of recovery.

Let us compare the curves of Figs. 5 and 6, respectively obtained with values \((k=10, \mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=4)\) and \((k=10, \mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=6)\). Returning to a balanced situation take a longer time with 6 trains than with 4: the network needs 142 min instead of 120 to get back to a balanced state with probability 0.5, and 167 min instead of 140 to return to a balanced state with probability 0.8. Indeed, each train introduces randomness in the system, and increasing the number of trains increases the probability to move to an unbalanced state.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Probability to recover from a delay with \(\mathsf {nb}_{\mathsf {trains}}=6\) and \(k=10\)

Let us now address the time needed by PRISM to compute the curves. We recall that the green curve in Fig. 4 is the exact probability to reach a stable configuration in x steps achievable with an optimal regulation scheme, for \(k=5\) and \(nb_{trains}=4\). Each point in this curve took less than 1 hour to compute on an average laptop. For statistical model checking, with a confidence level of \(99\%\), the time needed to compute each interval in the red curves of Figs. 4, 5 and 6 (i.e., the probability to return to an equilibrate situation in x minutes with our regulation algorithm) is less than 2 min per interval.

5 Conclusions

We have proposed a quantitative evaluation scheme for metro networks with simple ring topologies. This experiment showed interesting results. First, for a coarse discretization and a small number of trains, we can compute the exact value of properties probabilities. The size of the MDP rapidly exceeds the model-checker’s limits, but SMC still works for finer discretization and larger number of trains. The parameters used to model the network of Glasgow are bounded in terms of discretization (\(k\le 10\)) and number of trains. Regarding the number of trains, as far as the Glasgow network is concerned, the limits allow to model the activity of the network at peak hours. For discretization, it has to be noted that the state space of the MDP is greater than \((K\times k)^{\textsf {nb}_{\textsf {trains}}}\) where K is the number of stations and k the discretization factor. Overall, appropriately chosen parameters allow to obtain a fair estimation of the distribution of time needed to return to normal situations. The durations obtained may seem rather high (on the average 150 min), but the initial state of simulation is the worst possible situation for the network. A natural extension of this work is to consider the time needed to recover from less severe perturbations (e.g. when a single train is delayed).

One advantage when working with explicitly built MDP models in PRISM, is that computing the optimal value for a formula also gives a finite memory strategy to reach this optimal. However, these strategies are state-based, and cannot be interpreted immediately as a regulation algorithm. An interesting issue is hence to understand better the output of quantitative model checkers to be able to synthesize efficient strategies in terms of user-understandable rules. Another possible extension for this work is to consider more complex topologies, and more complex regulation techniques, for instance network topologies with forks and joins where trains complete distinct trips, networks with parking locations allowing to remove a train from the network or insert it at the most appropriate moment to improve performance of the network...

This work also helped to discover strengths and weaknesses of generic model-checking techniques. Undoubtedly, generic model checking tools such as PRISM have flexible enough input languages to model complex systems such as regulated metro networks. They also build on solid theory to obtains values for probabilistic properties. However, they also have some weaknesses. First of all, as already mentioned in the paper, the MDP of a metro network, even for a simple topology such as the Glasgow ring is huge. This has an impact on the applicability of exact techniques such as value iteration, that need to build a complete state space to obtain results. With respect to this drawback, abstraction techniques can help reducing the size of MDPs. In this paper, the reduction used is a symmetry, and is an exact abstraction: the value of a property checked on the abstract model is exactly the value of the property on the original model. Exact reductions via symmetries work mainly for ring-like lines, but should be more difficult to obtain, and less efficient for other topologies. Then, one can rely on other techniques that group sets of states into equivalence classes, but at the cost of an approximation in the obtained results.

Discretization is a factor that increases a lot the state space considered by model-checkers. The choice of the discretization levels chosen for the experiment were mainly guided by the will to model accurately the distributions of transit times between stations. Hence, shapes of network topologies do not impact too much the discretization level of a model. However, the discretization level is an important parameter of our models: when discretization increases, the distribution of transit times that can be obtained approach a Gaussian distribution. Further, if discretization is too coarse, the space between two intermediate locations may cover more than one block. As a consequence, information about block occupation ahead a train is pessimistic, and trains may have to brake more often in the simulated model that in the real network, which decreases the performances of the simulated system. Hence, a rather high level of discretization is preferable to model realistic train movements (at least intermediate locations should not cover several blocks). It should be noted, however, that improving discretization by a factor c results is a blowup of \(c^{nb_{trains}}\) of the size of the MDP.

We hence face several generic difficulties that are inherent to model-checking tools (and not only to PRISM): a very precise model leads to a state space explosion, which disallows computation of exact values for probabilities. To overcome this problem, one can reduce the discretization level of the model, and obtain pessimistic results for the performance of regulation. The other possibility is to find a good abstraction, but as long as an abstraction is not exact, this leads to a loss of precision in the results. The other possibility is to use statistical model checking. As shown in this paper, SMC allows to deal with models of larger sizes (in our case 6 trains and a discretization factor of 10, i.e., a system with more than \(10^{13}\) states), but computes a confidence interval. It shall be noted that the precision of the confidence interval can be set in most SMC tool by choosing a confidence level. Of course, the computation time needed to obtain small confidence intervals increase with the required confidence, but the loss of precision when using SMC for performance evaluation from a faithful model can be controlled. All these consideration advocate for the use of SMC for evaluation of regulation in metro networks. Another possible approach is to use SMC with continuous representations of train trajectories instead of discrete positions. This is the approach followed in [2]. The price to pay here is that evolution of the system over time is not discretized and one has to compute the next occurrence date of events (arrival, departure, braking...). This calculus can also become costly when the size of the model grows.