
1 Introduction

High-level replacement (HLR) systems [2, 3] are a useful generalization for transforming various kinds of high-level structures, such as graphs, in a rule-based manner. Transformation processes consist of sequences of rule applications. These sequences effectively de-/construct and modify structures, yet, they also implicitly create dependency relationships: an earlier rule application may be the precondition for a later one. Often, these relationships prevent rule applications at the beginning of a sequence to be replaced by another one, as reverting the former would destruct preconditions used for transformations later in the sequence. A trivial solution would be to roll back all applications that depend on each other, until reaching the one that is to be replaced, and reapply them in a proper way. However, rolling back and recreating these sequences has the disadvantage of being computationally expensive and, furthermore, may cause the loss of information in the process. Thus, it would be highly beneficial to replace rule applications in a – preferably also rule-based – way that preserves the remaining sequence. Existing approaches to rule composition, namely the parallel, concurrent, and amalgamated rule constructions [1,2,3], are not apt to deal with that kind of dependency.

Hence, we introduce a novel kind of rule composition through short-cut rules whose applications serve as an alternative to possibly long chains of replacement actions. A short-cut rule composes the reversal of a monotonic rule, i.e., of a rule which only creates structure, with the application of a second one. Yet, doing this, the short-cut rule identifies elements, deleted by reverting the first rule, with elements, created by the second one, hereby preserving them. This preservation allows for applications of short-cut rules even in situations where the reversal of the first rule itself is impossible. We accomplish this by pair-wisely comparing the rules of a given HLR system searching for common substructures. Consequently, we exploit this information for creating short-cut rules that preserve those common substructures. While the approach is formalized for monotonic rules in HLR systems in general, we use Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) [10] as example for demonstration purposes. TGGs are an established formalism for the declarative description of complex consistency relationships between two modelling languages with graph-like representations. They are especially useful for efficiently checking and restoring the consistency of a given pair of models [9] or for generating possible combinations of consistent pairs of models; unfortunately, they do not offer adequate means for the specification of arbitrarily complex editing operations that directly transform one consistent pair of models into another consistent pair of models. With our contribution we are able to solve a common problem of TGGs by using our novel rule composition scheme to take a set of TGG rules as input and produce a set of short-cut rules as output. The rule composition scheme guarantees that any combination of inverse and normal applications of TGG rules can be replaced by short-cut rules and may even be executed in several situations where the inverse application is impossible. They have the additional advantage of preserving some graph elements which otherwise would be deleted by the corresponding inverse application of a TGG rule and be recreated by the corresponding normal application of a TGG rule.

The main contributions of this paper are as follows: We illustrate the use of short-cut rules in the context of TGGs (Sect. 2). We formalize the construction of short-cut rules and prove the Short-Cut Theorem (Theorem 7), settling the synthesizability of applications of monotonic rules into an application of a short-cut rule and the analysability of applications of a short-cut rule into applications of monotonic rules (Sect. 4). We formally compare our new kind of rule composition with existing ones (Sect. 5). Furthermore, in Sect. 3 we recall transformation rules and HLR systems. Section 6 concludes the paper and points to some future work. For most of the proofs we refer to a long version of this paper [4].

2 Introductory Example

The construction and use of short-cut rules is motivated at the example of consistency between a simplified class diagram and a custom documentation structure. It is an excerpt of, and based on the example provided by Leblebici et al. [8], yet, in a simplistic form to show the basic idea of our approach. Thus, it contains no (propagation of) attributes, which will be covered in future work. Our example is an excerpt from a consistency specification between a class diagram and a documentation structure using Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs). It thus consists a Package structure containing Classes on the one side and a Folder structure containing Doc-Files on the other.

TGGs [10] are a declarative, rule-based bidirectional transformation approach proposed by Schürr. Given two input meta-models, a TGG specification defines consistency between instances of both. To this end, it consists of a finite set of graph grammar rules that define how consistent pairs of both models co-evolve. In order to relate elements from both sides, TGGs introduce a third meta-model, which is referred to as the correspondence meta-model. It is used to connect elements of both sides such that they become correlated and thus traceable.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A TGG to co-evolve class diagram and documentation structure

Figure 1 shows the rule set for our example consisting of three TGG rules. The first rule depicts the base TGG rule of the given rule set. Since its left-hand side (LHS) L is empty, and thus no precondition exists, it can always and arbitrarily often create a root Package together with a root Folder and a correspondence link between both. Given the context from the LHS, the second rule creates a Package and Folder hierarchy where every sub-folder has a Doc-File that may contain the documentation of the corresponding Package. Finally, the third rule creates a Class together with a corresponding Doc-File analogously to the Package and Folder of the previous rule.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Two examples for consistent triples

Given these rules, one can create consistent graph triples, such as those shown in Fig. 2. The exemplary triple on the left consists of a hierarchy of three Packages on the left side which are correlated to a similar hierarchy of Folders via correspondence links. However, the Folders f and subF additionally contain their own Doc-File. Thus, the triple was created via four consecutive applications of TGG rules by applying first CreateRoot-Rule, followed by CreateSub-Rule twice and finally CreateLeaf-Rule.

An important point about this transformation sequence is that it creates entities for both the class diagram and the documentation structure simultaneously, but the resulting model does not contain any information about the contents of the created elements. This means that, in practical applications, the user may add data manually which is not correlated to the other side, like layout information for the class diagram or textual descriptions as the contents of Doc-Files. Due to this lack of correlation, one has to be careful on how to change models in order to avoid unnecessary data loss. Given the model on the left side of Fig. 2, a reasonable example for such a change would be the separation of the first two hierarchy levels making the former sub-elements p and f to be root elements by effectively deleting the connection to their former root elements (and the superfluous Doc-File) as is depicted on the right side of Fig. 2. However, no rule of the current grammar is able to perform such a change and to modify the triple by hand is a tedious and error-prone task that can create triples which do not longer comply with the TGG language. To solve this issue and to create a triple graph which contains Package p and Folder f as additional roots (and is unmodified otherwise) we have to proceed as follows: We have to roll back all rule applications except the first one (CreateRoot-Rule) and recreate the deleted parts of the graph triple from scratch again – despite the fact that the intended modification affects only a small portion of the graph triple. Executing this strategy with large hierarchies has two major disadvantages. First, it is tedious and might be computationally expensive for complex models. Second, one may loose a large amount of manually added data.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Two examples for short-cut rules (interface K of rules given implicitly as \(L \cap R\))

However, when studying the TGG rules of Fig. 1 in detail, we see that CreateRoot-Rule and CreateSub-Rule have common substructures, i.e., we can find nodes and edges of the same type arranged in the same way in left- and right-hand sides of both rules. In our example, such a common substructure of their right-hand sides (RHS) R stems from the fact that both rules create a Package and a Folder together with a correspondence link between those two elements. It consists of the Folders f and Packages p but does not include the Doc-File only contained by CreateSub-Rule.

Taking a closer look at our example in Fig. 2, one can see how this insight propagates to the model level and that the only difference between a root-Folder and a sub-Folder is that the latter one possesses an additional Doc-File and has an incoming hierarchy edge. Hence, one might want to exploit this knowledge by replacing a TGG rule application somewhere in a sequence of rule applications by another similar rule application such that formerly created elements are possibly preserved and the need to roll back sub-sequences does not arise. In the current case this would mean to preserve all elements that are contained in the root elements by changing the CreateSub-Rule-application to become a CreateRoot-Rule-application. Therefore, we have to use the common parts of both rules to create a new rule which directly transforms the left to the right graph triple depicted in Fig. 2, which again is an element of the language of the TGG of Fig. 1. Thus, the result of the application of such a ‘short-cut rule’ looks like the composition of the effects of the reverse application of CreateSub-Rule followed by the application of CreateRoot-Rule. Implicitly, the application of the short-cut rule operates as a kind of meta-rule on sequences of TGG rule applications as it replaces an occurrence of a rule with the occurrence of another rule in an arbitrarily long sequence of rule applications. Figure 3 depicts two short-cut rules that enable to replace CreateRoot-Rule with CreateSub-Rule and vice versa. In our example, Sub-To-Root-Short-Cut-Rule replaces an occurrence of CreateSub-Rule with an occurrence of CreateRoot-Rule as shown in Fig. 4. Note, however, that short-cut rules extend the set of rules rather than replace it.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Example: application of short-cut rule

It, thus, preserves the consistency of the graph triple of Fig. 2 by selecting the elements p and f as new root elements and by deleting the now superfluous d element associated with f as well as the edges connecting rootP and rootF to p and f, respectively. This singular application of one short-cut rule stands in contrast to the deletion and recreation of the affected triple graph from scratch.

3 Preliminaries

Since adhesive categories [6] provide a suitable formal framework generalizing many instances of rule-based rewriting of graph-like structures (including triple graphs), we present our work in that setting. This section shortly recalls the definition of rule-based transformation systems. For a short recapitulation of adhesive categories and some of their properties and most of the proofs, we refer to the long version of this paper [4].

Rules are a declarative way to define transformations of objects. They consist of a left-hand side (LHS) L, a right-hand side (RHS) R, and a common subobject K, the interface of the rule. In case of (typed) triple graphs, application of a rule p to a graph G amounts to choosing an image of the rule’s LHS L in G, deleting the image of \(L \setminus K\) and adding a copy of \(R \setminus K\). This procedure can be formalized, also in the more general setting of adhesive categories, by two pushouts. Rules and their application semantics are defined as follows.

Definition 1

(Rules and adhesive HLR systems). Given an adhesive category C, a rule (or production) p consists of three objects LK,  and R, called left-hand side, interface (or gluing object), and right-hand side, and two monomorphisms \(l: K \hookrightarrow L, r: K \hookrightarrow R\). Given a rule , the inverse rule \(p^{-1}\) is defined as . A rule is called monotonic (or non-deleting) if \(l: K \hookrightarrow L\) is an isomorphism. In that case we just write \(r: L \hookrightarrow R\).

A subrule \(p'\) of a rule is a rule with monomorphisms \(u: L' \hookrightarrow L,\, w: K' \hookrightarrow K,\, v: R' \hookrightarrow R\) such that both squares in the diagram to the right are pullbacks and a pushout complement for \(u \circ l'\) exists.

figure a

A common kernel rule p for rules \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) is a common subrule of both.

An adhesive high-level replacement system (or HLR system for short) consists of an adhesive category C and a set of rules P in that category.

Figure 3 and 1 depict rules in the category of triple graphs. The first are monotonic, the second set includes a general rule. Together they form an HLR system.

For the construction of short-cut rules, we are mainly interested in common kernel rules of monotonic rules, which we will denote by \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\). They are necessarily monotonic themselves. Note that, in adhesive categories with strict initial object, i.e., with initial object \(\emptyset \) where each morphism into \(\emptyset \) is an isomorphism, the trivial common kernel rule \(id_{\emptyset }: \emptyset \hookrightarrow \emptyset \) is a common kernel rule for any two monotonic rules \(r_1\) and \(r_2\). Such strict initial objects exist, e.g., in the categories of sets, graphs, and triple graphs.

The next definition determines the semantics of the application of a rule.

Definition 2


In an adhesive category C, given a rule , an object G, and a monomorphism \(m: L \hookrightarrow G\), called match, a (direct) transformation \(G \Rightarrow _{p,m} H\) from G to H via p at match m is given by the diagram to the right where both squares are pushouts.

figure b

A rule p is called applicable at match m if the first pushout square above exists, i.e., if \(m \circ l\) has a pushout complement. When applying a rule p to an object G, the arising object D is called the context object of the transformation.

4 Construction Process

In this section, we formalize the construction of short-cut rules. As explained in Sect. 2, a short-cut rule is a composition of a monotonic rule \(r_2\) with the inverse rule \(r_1^{-1}\) of a monotonic rule \(r_1\). The composition is done in such a way that the short-cut rule may preserve certain elements which an inverse application of \(r_1\) would delete and an application of \(r_2\) would recreate. The extent to which preservation of elements takes place is flexible, depending on a chosen common kernel rule of the two rules. In the following, we first present the construction of a short-cut rule given a common kernel rule. Afterwards, we prove the correctness of the construction and discuss its merits.

We use common kernel rules to construct short-cut rules. Given a common kernel rule k of monotonic rules \(r_1\) and \(r_2\), their short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) arises by gluing \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) along k. The LHS of k contains the information how to glue \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) to receive the LHS L and the RHS R of the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\). I.e., \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) is constructed in such a way, that a match for it consists of matches for \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) which intersect in the LHS of k. The RHS of k contains the information how to construct the interface K of the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\). In case of (triple) graphs, elements of \(R_{\cap }\setminus L_{\cap }\) are included in K, i.e., \(R_{\cap }\setminus L_{\cap }\) specifies exactly those elements that would have been deleted by \(r_1^{-1}\) and recreated by \(r_2\). Hence, they are to be preserved when applying the short-cut rule.

Definition 3

(Short-cut rule). In an adhesive category C, given two monotonic rules \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i = 1,2\), and a common kernel rule \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\) for them, the short-cut rule is computed by executing the following steps:

  1. 1.

    The union \(L_{\cup }\) of \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) along \(L_{\cap }\) is computed as pushout (2) in Fig. 5.

  2. 2.

    The LHS L of the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) is constructed as pushout (3a) in Fig. 5.

  3. 3.

    The RHS R of the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) is constructed as pushout (3b) in Fig. 5.

  4. 4.

    The interface K of the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) is constructed as pushout (4) in Fig. 6.

  5. 5.

    Morphisms \(l: K \rightarrow L\) and \(r: K \rightarrow R\) are obtained by the universal property of K.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Construction of LHS and RHS of short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\)

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Construction of interface K of \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\)

Example 4

We illustrate the construction of short-cut rules with a detailed example. First, CreateRoot-Rule is a (non-trivial) common kernel rule for CreateSub-Rule and itself, as depicted in Fig. 7. Here, and in the following figures, morphisms are indicated by the names of the nodes; the mapping of edges follows unambiguously. Hence, CreateRoot-Rule is embedded into itself via the identity morphism and its RHS is mapped to nodes p of type Package and f of type Folder in the RHS of CreateSub-Rule; the morphism between the LHSs is the unique empty map.

Next, computation of \(L_{\cup }\) and the LHS and RHS of the short-cut rule is done by computing the three pushouts as depicted in Fig. 8. It is a concrete instantiation of the lower part of the diagram depicted in Fig. 5. The two pushouts to the left and in the middle are pushouts along the empty triple graph, i.e., the respective objects are just copied next to each other. The pushout to the right is a pushout along an isomorphism, hence the resulting morphism to the very right is an isomorphism as well.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

CreateRoot-Rule as common kernel rule for CreateSub-Rule and itself

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Construction of LHS and RHS of a short-cut rule for CreateRoot-Rule and CreateSub-Rule

Lastly, the interface of the short-cut rule is calculated as pushout as depicted in Fig. 9. It is a concrete instantiation of the diagram depicted in Fig. 6. As pushout along the empty triple graph, again, the resulting triple graph consists of copies of the two triples at the lower left and the upper right. The monomorphisms from the interface into the LHS and RHS computed above, are, again, indicated by the names of the nodes. Thus, the resulting short-cut rule is Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule as displayed in Fig. 3 or in the upper part of Fig. 12.

The following lemma ensures that short-cut rules are rules in the sense of Definition 1, i.e., that the morphisms from the interface to the LHS and RHS are monomorphisms. (Such rules are also called linear rules.)

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Construction of the interface of a short-cut rule

Lemma 5

(Linearity of short-cut rule). In an adhesive category C, given two monotonic rules \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i = 1,2\), and a common kernel rule \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\) for them, the induced morphisms \(l: K \rightarrow L\) and \(r: K \rightarrow R\) in the short-cut rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) are monomorphisms.

The next definition relates common kernel rules for rules \(r_1, r_2\) with sequences of applications of \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\).

Definition 6


Given a sequence \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1},m_1} G \Rightarrow _{r_2,m_2} G_2\) of rule applications, where rules \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are monotonic, and a common kernel rule \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\) for these rules, then k is called compatible with the application sequence if the resulting square (5) in the diagram to the right is a pullback.

figure c

Compatibility as defined above ensures the existence of a unique morphism \(h: L_{\cup }\hookrightarrow G\) such that \(n_1 = h \circ j_{L_1}\) and \(m_2 = h \circ j_{L_2}\) (compare pushout square (2) in Fig. 5). Moreover, in adhesive categories h is a monomorphism. Note that, given a sequence of rule applications, a compatible common kernel rule can always be obtained by computing \(L_{\cap }\) and the corresponding embeddings into \(L_1, L_2\) as pullback and setting \(R_{\cap }= L_{\cap }\) (with the embedding being the identity).

The following Short-cut Theorem is our main result. Its synthesis part states that an inverse application of a monotonic rule followed by an application of a monotonic rule may indeed be replaced by an application of a short-cut rule. Its analysis part states that the application of a short-cut rule may be split into the reverse application of a monotonic rule followed by the application of a second one if the reverse application of the first rule is possible at all. Its proof makes use of a technical lemma, stating the equivalence of the existence of certain pushout complements, whose statement we postpone towards the end of this section. If analysis is possible then synthesis and analysis are inverse to each other.

Theorem 7

(Short-cut Theorem). In an adhesive category C, let \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i = 1,2\), be two monotonic rules, \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\) a common kernel rule for them, and \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) the corresponding short-cut rule. Then the following holds:

  1. 1.

    Synthesis: For each transformation sequence \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1},m_1} G \Rightarrow _{r_2,m_2} G_2\) compatible with k there exists a direct transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2,m_1'} G_2\) with context object \(G'\) and a monomorphism \(g: G \hookrightarrow G'\), s. t. \(m_1' \circ j_{R_1} = m_1\).

  2. 2.

    Conditional Analysis: Given a direct transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2,m_1'} G_2\) with context object \(G'\) such that a pushout complement for \(m_1 \circ r_1: L_1 \hookrightarrow G_1\) exists, where \(m_1 = m_1' \circ j_{R_1}\), then there exists a transformation sequence \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1},m_1} G \Rightarrow _{r_2,m_2} G_2\) compatible with k. Moreover, a monomorphism \(g: G \hookrightarrow G'\) exists.

  3. 3.

    Correspondence: In those cases, where the pushout complement necessary for the analysis construction exists, the synthesis and analysis constructions are inverse to each other (up to isomorphism).


  1. 1.

    Let a transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1},m_1} G \Rightarrow _{r_2,m_2} G_2\) be given. The outer square in Fig. 10 is the pushout given by the application of \(r_1^{-1}\) with match \(m_1\) and (3a) is the pushout used to define L. Since the transformation sequence is compatible with k, a unique monomorphism \(h: L_{\cup }\hookrightarrow G\) with \(n_1 = h \circ j_{L_1}\) exists. Since (3a) is a pushout, \(m_1': L \hookrightarrow G_1\) exists. In an adhesive category, it is a monomorphism since \(G \hookrightarrow G_1\) and \(m_1: R_1 \hookrightarrow G_1\) are monomorphisms. By pushout decomposition, the resulting square \((6)+(7a)\) is a pushout. Define (6) again by taking the pushout. Like above, the resulting map \(G' \hookrightarrow G_1\) is a monomorphism and square (7a) is a pushout by pushout decomposition. Thus, rule \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) is applicable at \(G_1\) with match \(m_1'\) and \(G'\) is the context object of the resulting transformation. Moreover, G embeds into \(G'\) by \(g: G \hookrightarrow G'\).

    Comparing Fig. 11, an analogous argument shows that \(G_2\) is the pushout of \(r: K \hookrightarrow R\) and \(n_1': K \hookrightarrow G'\). Altogether, the resulting transformation, applying \(r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2\) at match \(m_1'\), consists of (7a) and (7b).

  2. 2.

    Let a direct transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2,m_1'} G_2\) with context object \(G'\) be given. Defining \(m_1 = m_1' \circ j_{R_1}\) gives a match for \(r_1^{-1}\) in \(G_1\). By assumption, the rule \(r_1^{-1}\) is applicable at that match, i.e., a pushout complement for \(m_1 \circ r_1: L_1 \hookrightarrow G_1\) exists (compare again Fig. 10). Lemma 9 states that the existence of such a pushout complement is equivalent to the existence of a pushout complement for \(n_1' \circ z_{L_{\cup }}: L_{\cup }\hookrightarrow G'\) (with arising objects being isomorphic). Therefore, application of \(r_1^{-1}\) at match \(m_1\) results in an object G with morphism \(g: G \rightarrow G'\) to the context object of the transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2,m_1'} G_2\). The morphism g is a monomorphism, since pushout (6) is a pushout along the monomorphism \(z_{L_{\cup }}\).

    Define \(m_2 := h \circ j_{L_2}: L_2 \hookrightarrow G\) as match for \(r_2\) in G (compare again Fig. 11). Then, since (3b), (6), and (7b) are pushouts, the outer square is also a pushout, and hence \(G_2\) is the result of applying \(r_2\) with match \(m_2\) at G. Moreover, by definition of \(m_2\), the resulting transformation sequence is compatible to k.

  3. 3.

    If the analysis construction is possible, the synthesis and analysis constructions are inverse to each other because pushout complements along monomorphisms and pushouts are unique (up to isomorphism) in adhesive categories.    \(\square \)

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Synthesis and analysis: formation of context object \(G'\)

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Synthesis and analysis: result of rule application

The following lemma states that, generally, the monomorphism \(g: G \hookrightarrow G'\), arising in both the synthesis and the analysis construction above, is not an isomorphism. Thus, in case of (triple) graphs, applying a short-cut rule instead of the original rules actually preserves elements, namely the elements of \(G' \setminus G\).

Lemma 8

(Preservation). In an adhesive category C, let \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i = 1,2\), be two monotonic rules and \(k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\) a common kernel rule for them. Let \(g: G \hookrightarrow G'\) be a monomorphism arising by synthesis of a transformation sequence \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1},m_1} G \Rightarrow _{r_2,m_2} G_2\) or by analysis of a transformation \(G_1 \Rightarrow _{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2,m_1'} G_2\) (compare Theorem 7, especially Figs. 10 and 11). Then g is an isomorphism iff k is.

Before concluding this section with a discussion of the value of short-cut rules, we state the lemma used in the proof of Theorem 7.

Lemma 9

(Characterization of PO-complements). In any adhesive category with initial pushouts, given a commutative diagram like Fig. 10 where (3a) and (7a) are pushouts, a pushout complement object G for \(m_1 \circ r_1: L_1 \hookrightarrow G_1\) is a pushout complement object for \(n_1' \circ z_{L_{\cup }}: L_{\cup }\hookrightarrow G'\) and vice versa. Particularly, a pushout complement for \(m_1 \circ r_1: L_1 \hookrightarrow G_1\) exists iff a pushout complement for \(n_1' \circ z_{L_{\cup }}: L_{\cup }\hookrightarrow G'\) exists.

Benefits and Limitations of Short-Cut Rules. We motivated the use of short-cut rules twofold. (1) That the application of short-cut rules generally preserves elements instead of deleting and recreating them, as stated in Lemma 8. (2) That the application of a short-cut rule may actually amount to a ‘short-cut’ which is due to the asymmetry of synthesis and analysis in the Short-Cut Theorem. Applications of the short-cut rules Sub-To-Root-Short-Cut-Rule and Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule (Fig. 3) with the obvious matches transform between the two consistent triples depicted in Fig. 2. But in either case, dangling edges prevent the analysis of the short-cut rule’s application into a sequence of two rule applications. Thus, the subsequent applications of rules in the upper transformation chain in Fig. 4 would need to be revoked first, before a reverse application of the respective second rule application is possible in the first place.

However, not every application of a short-cut rule, that may not be analyzed, is a ‘short-cut’. For example, applying the short-cut rule Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule to the left instance in Fig. 2, but with nodes rootP and subP of type Package and rootF and subF of type Folder as match instead, creates additional container edges for nodes subP and subF and a second Doc-File inside of node subF. This instance is not an element of the language defined by the original TGG (Fig. 1). This stems from the fact that the short-cut rule Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule revokes an application of the rule CreateRoot, while the elements chosen to be revoked by the match have actually been created using the rule CreateSub.

A first possible strategy to resolve that issue is the development of application conditions [5] for short-cut rules ensuring that a short-cut rule is only applicable at matches on which it revokes the proper rule. For example, the short-cut rule Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule could be equipped with an application condition forbidding the existence of incoming edges to nodes p and f, respectively. Another possible strategy is the use of marked TGGs and trace information [7] to the same end, i.e., to only allow those matches for a short-cut rule where the rule that was actually used to create the structure is revoked. We plan to further elaborate and compare between both strategies as future work. Our aim is to arrive at short-cut rules whose application does not divert from the language defined by the HLR system from which the short-cut rules were derived.

5 Related Work: Comparison to Other Formalisms of Rule Composition

In the literature, there exist several formalisms for composition of rules, most importantly parallel, concurrent, and amalgamated rules [1,2,3]. We relate our construction of short-cut rules to these other formalisms. A common difference to short-cut rules is that the parallel, concurrent, and amalgamated rule constructions are defined for general rules, whereas our construction of short-cut rules is restricted to the case of monotonic rules for now. Therefore, in this section, we first recall the relevant constructions generally and then relate these to our construction of short-cut rules in the special case of monotonic rules.

The parallel rule of two rules combines their respective actions into one rule. Two independent direct transformations arising by applications of these rules may alternatively be replaced by an application of their parallel rule [2].

Definition 10

(Parallel rule). Given an adhesive category C with binary coproducts, the parallel rule \(p_1 + p_2\) of two rules , is defined by , where \(+\) denotes the coproduct or the induced morphism, respectively.

In categories with strict initial object (explained in Sect. 3) short-cut rules along the trivial common kernel rule are the same as parallel rules. This is, e.g., the case in the category of (triple) graphs, where the empty (triple) graph is the (only) strict initial object.

Proposition 11

(Relation to parallel rule). Let two monotonic rules \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i = 1,2\), in an adhesive category C with strict initial object \(\emptyset \) be given. Then, for the trivial common kernel rule \(id_{\emptyset }: \emptyset \hookrightarrow \emptyset \), the short-cut and the parallel rule coincide, i.e., \(r_1^{-1} + r_2 = r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{id_{\emptyset }} r_2\).

Like the parallel rule, a so-called E-concurrent rule combines the action of two rule applications into the application of one rule. But here, the rule applications may be sequentially dependent [2]. An E-dependency relation encodes this possible dependency. The definition of E-dependency relations and E-concurrent rules assumes a given class \(\mathcal {E}\) of pairs of morphisms with the same codomain.

Definition 12

(E -dependency relation and  E -concurrent rule). Given two rules \(p_i = (L_i \xleftarrow []{l_i} K_i \xrightarrow []{r_i} R_i),\, i = 1,2\), an object E with morphisms \(e_1: R_1 \,{\rightarrow }\, E\) and \(e_2:L_2 \rightarrow E\) is an E-dependency relation for \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) if \((e_1,e_2) \in \mathcal {E}\) and the pushout complements (8a) and (8a) over \(K_1 \xrightarrow []{r_1} R_1 \xrightarrow []{e_1} E\) and \(K_2 \xrightarrow []{l_2} L_2 \xrightarrow []{e_2} E\) as depicted below exist.

Given an E-dependency relation \((e_1,e_2) \in \mathcal {E}\) for rules \(p_1,p_2\), the E-concurrent rule \(p_1 *_E p_2\) is defined by \(p_1 *_E p_2 := (L \xleftarrow []{l \circ k_1} K \xrightarrow []{r \circ k_2} R)\) as shown below, where (9a) and (9b) are pushouts and (10) is a pullback.

figure d

The amalgamated rule combines the actions of two, maybe parallel dependent, rule applications into one rule [1, 3].

Definition 13

(Amalgamated rule).

Given a common subrule of rules , the amalgamated rule is constructed by taking the three pushouts depicted to the right, where morphisms \(l',r'\) are given by the universal property of pushout object \(K'\).

figure e

We now relate short-cut rules to E-concurrent and amalgamated rules of rules, where the first rule only deletes and the second rule only creates. Further, we take \(\mathcal {E}\) to be the class of pairs of morphisms which are jointly epimorphic and where both morphisms are monomorphisms, i.e., the following statements for concurrent rules hold under that assumption. To begin, both concurrent and amalgamated rules “degenerate” in that setting. They are merely constructed as sums over constant rules.

Lemma 14

(Degeneration). Let two monotonic rules \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i= 1,2\), in an adhesive category C be given. Then the classes of E-concurrent rules and amalgamated rules for \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) coincide. In particular, they both coincide with , i.e., the class of rules amalgamated along a common constant subrule of \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\).

As a consequence of the above lemma, in our context every E-concurrent or amalgamated rule can be constructed as a short-cut rule. On the contrary, concrete examples show that short-cut rules exist which cannot be constructed as E-concurrent or amalgamated rule (and hence neither as parallel rule).

Proposition 15

(Subsumption). Let two monotonic rules \(r_i: L_i \hookrightarrow R_i,\, i= 1,2\), in an adhesive category C be given. Then every E-concurrent or amalgamated rule for \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) coincides with a short-cut rule for them, but generally not the other way around, i.e., generally the class C of E-concurrent and amalgamated rules for \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) (Lemma 14) is properly contained in the class \(C' := \{r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{k} r_2 \, | \, k: L_{\cap }\hookrightarrow R_{\cap }\text { is a common kernel rule for } r_1,r_2\}\) of short-cut rules for \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\).

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Relating short-cut rule to other formalisms of rule composition

Idea of Proof.To show the containment relationship, it suffices to check that \(r_1^{-1} \oplus _p r_2 = r_1^{-1} \ltimes _{p} r_2\) for a common constant subrule p of \(r_1^{-1}\) and \(r_2\) (in particular, p is a common kernel rule for \(r_1\) and \(r_2\)).

As stated in Example 4, Root-To-Sub-Short-Cut-Rule is the short-cut rule for the inverse rule of CreateRoot-Rule and CreateSub-Rule along CreateRoot-Rule as common kernel rule. Their parallel rule and the only possibility for an amalgamated or E-concurrent rule is the second rule depicted in Fig. 12, which differs from the short-cut rule in its interface graph.    \(\square \)

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we formally introduced short-cut rules for monotonic rules in adhesive HLR systems, a novel kind of rule composition. We proved that short-cut rules preserve information instead of deleting elements and recreating them again, when revoking a transformation and applying another one instead. Additionally, we gave examples using a TGG where applying short-cut rules spares us rolling back whole chains of transformations, thus providing ‘short-cuts’ when revising those. Moreover, we proved short-cut rules to differ from the already established formalizations for composition of rules, i.e., the parallel, concurrent, and amalgamated rules.

Besides developing language-preserving short-cut rules (as already discussed at the end of Sect. 4), we plan to develop a construction of short-cut rules for general rules, also, and advance the theory of short-cut rules by respecting possible application conditions of the involved rules. On the practical side, we plan to operationalize short-cut rules stemming from TGGs to enhance model synchronization.