
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a design methodology that focuses on the composition of autonomous entities in a system, called services. SOC abstracts from the implementation details of services by imposing a standard communication mechanism between the entities in an SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). For instance, the Web Services specifications [1] impose the use of the SOAP protocol [2], which builds on XML as a data format and HTTP as the transport. Applying such a restriction, it is possible to have SOAs where each service is potentially implemented in a different technology, such as Java, C, or C#.

SOC is widely adopted in many different settings; here we list some notable examples. Web Services are widespread and supported by many industrial technologies, such as Java and .NET; they are especially used in enterprise software development. Applications in modern Linux distributions, e.g., hardware information services and desktop environment components as in the KDE SC [3] and GNOME [4], communicate locally using the D-Bus technology [5]; in the Windows operating system, DCOM was created to address the same issue. Many web applications expose REST APIs to allow external applications to interact with them. All of the aforementioned technologies make it possible for applications to communicate by means of loosely coupled messaging systems. The adoption of SOC, however, has led to a problem of fragmentation. Many different service-oriented technologies and specifications, such as the ones listed above, target specific requirements and cannot be integrated without ad-hoc interventions, which usually imply the writing of some adapters for the message formats and the communication semantics. In other words, there are many technologies and applications based on common conceptual ground that are unable to interoperate without ad-hoc interventions, which can be very costly, hard to maintain, and prone to breaking wrt future system modifications.

From the perspective of the methodologies and tools for composing SOAs the situation is less fragmented, but there is a marked separation between behavioural and architectural composition. Behavioural composition deals with the specific series of interactions (message exchanges) to be performed in order to reach a goal. For example, an E-Commerce service supporting the purchase of some products may offer a buy functionality implemented by composing a  warehouse service for sending the product to the client and a bank service for handling the payment. Services that behaviourally compose other services are usually called orchestrators. The most renowned technology for performing behavioural composition is WS-BPEL [6], a language based on the Web Services specifications. Architectural composition, on the other hand, deals with the topological structure of an SOA, managing its execution and integration. For example, an application server may manage the execution of multiple applications in the same environment; or, a proxy may be used to bridge two SOAs that run in separate networks. A more generic approach to bridging is represented by mediators. These may work on different levels, e.g., by allowing a service available on Bluetooth or a LAN to communicate with another service on the Internet, or by performing data format conversion. Notable examples of mediators are all the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) technologies [7] and the aforementioned D-Bus [5]. Differently from the case of behavioural composition, we are not aware of programming languages supporting architectural composition: the latter is usually obtained through tools that are specific to some architectural patterns.

To the best of our knowledge, the literature lacks proposals of languages that enable SOA designers to deal effectively with both behavioural and architectural aspects, by providing a satisfactory support for solving the technological fragmentation problem reported above. We argue that offering such a language would simplify greatly the design of SOAs, since designers would have to deal with a single and homogeneous set of concepts instead of many different tools.

In this chapter we present the Jolie programming language [8], our proposal for filling this gap. Jolie is the result of our attempt to obtain a common denominator that coherently offers the main features of SOC and their integration with existing technologies. We aim at offering a programming language for defining the base services, their organization in an SOA, and the behaviour of the orchestrators responsible for the supervision of the interactions among the services, possibly using different communication technologies. In our opinion, Jolie is the first language that positively responds to the problems of heterogeneity of both service communication technologies and compositional aspects.

A Jolie program defines a service and is a composition of two parts, called behaviour and deployment. A behaviour defines the implementation of the functionalities offered by a service; behavioural primitives include communication and computation constructs. However, these do not deal with how communications are supported: they abstractly refer to communication ports, which are assumed to be correctly defined in the deployment part. The latter deals with the actual definition of the necessary information for supporting communications. Therefore, communication ports establish a notion of compatibility between the behaviour and deployment parts of a program. This separation of concerns addresses the first form of heterogeneity mentioned above: a behaviour can be deployed using various communication media and data protocol combinations.

The deployment part can also make use of architectural primitives for handling the structure of an SOA. For instance, Jolie supports embedding and aggregation. Embedding deals with the structure of the execution contexts in which services operate, establishing a hierarchy of services. It allows a service to run another one as a sub-service. An embedder can communicate with an embedded service through an ordinary communication port: its behaviour abstracts from embedding, so if the programmer decides in the future not to embed a service and instead to refer to an external one, the behaviour does not need to be changed. Embedding has also some performance benefits. Aggregation, on the other hand, deals with the architecture of the connections in an SOA. It allows for the creation of proxy services that can forward invocations to other services. Aggregation is purely related to deployment, since it takes only communication ports as parameters and creates bridges between them. The flexible aggregation and embedding mechanisms are examples of how Jolie addresses the second form of heterogeneity mentioned above. Remarkably, their design also elicits that the behavioural and architectural composition mechanisms can abstractly interact through the shared concept of communication ports.

Structure of the chapter. Sect. 4.2 presents the basic constructs of the language; Sect. 4.3 shows how Jolie handles complex behavioural composition by supporting stateful sessions and error recovery; Sect. 4.4 introduces architectural composition with embedding and aggregation; we show a practical example that uses our main composition primitives in Sect. 4.5; Sect. 4.6 discusses related work; Sect. 4.7 reports conclusions, references to additional resources, and future work.

2 Language Basics: Behaviour and Deployment

A Jolie program defines an entity in an SOA (a service). Programs are run by the Jolie interpreter, and are usually stored inside files with the .ol extension.Footnote 1 A program is made by two parts, called behaviour and deployment.

The behavioural part defines the actions to be performed by the service, such as internal computations and input/output communications. This part abstracts from how communications will actually be supported. For example, a behavioural primitive may express the action “ask the calculator service to add the numbers 2 and 6 and then get a result back”, without knowing exactly how to reach this calculator service (or which kind of communication protocol it uses).

The deployment part complements the behavioural part, introducing the necessary information for establishing communication links between services. It can also be used to define the structure of an SOA, as we will show later.

The structure of a Jolie \(Program\) is thus given by the following syntax:

$$\begin{aligned} Program \qquad {:\!:}= \qquad D \quad \mathtt{{main}} \;\{ B\} \end{aligned}$$

where \(D\) represents the deployment part and \(B\) the behavioural part. The main procedure is the execution entry point.

2.1 Behaviours

The syntax for expressing service behaviours in Jolie combines the message-passing and the imperative programming styles. The former models composition of the behaviours of other services, whereas the latter enables internal computation. Fig. 4.1 reports a selection of the syntax for behaviours.

Communications. Rules (input), (output), and (input choice) implement communications. An input \(\eta \) can either be a one-way or a request-response. Statement (one-way) receives a message for operation o and stores its content in variable x. (request-response) receives a message for operation o in variable x, executes behaviour \(B\) (called the body of the request-response input), and then sends the value of the evaluation of expression \(e\) to the invoker. (notification) and (solicit-response) dually implement the outputs towards the input primitives. (notification) sends a message containing the value of the evaluation of expression \(e\). (solicit-response) sends a message with the evaluation of \(e\) and then waits for a response from the invoked service; the response value will be assigned to variable y. In the output statements, OP is an output port name. This name acts as a reference to an output port (cf. Sect. 4.2.2) specified in the deployment definition \(D\) of the same service in which the behaviour is defined. Output port OP will contain the information (e.g., a URL) for contacting the target service. Finally, (input choice) implements input-guarded choice. Namely, it supports the receiving of a message for any of the operations in the inputs in the choice. When a message for an input \(\eta _{i}\) can be received, then all the other branches are deactivated and \(\eta _{i}\) is executed. Afterwards, the related branch behaviour \(B_{i}\) is also executed. A static check enforces all the \(\eta _{i}\) in an input choice to have different operations, so to avoid ambiguity.

Statement compositions. Rules (cond) and (while) implement the standard conditional and iteration constructs. In (cond), the else block is optional (denoted by its enclosure in square brackets). Rule (seq) enables the sequential composition of behaviours: \(B\) is executed, waited for termination, and then \(B'\) is executed. Rule (par) runs \(B\) and \(B'\) in parallel. The sequential operator ; binds tighter than the parallel operator |. Operator precedence can be overridden using the (block) construct.

Fig. 4.1
figure 1

Jolie behavioural syntax (selected rules)

Assignments and empty behaviour. Rule (assign) evaluates expression \(e\) and assigns its value to variable x. Term nullProcess denotes the empty behaviour.

Remark 4.1

(Sequence-Parallel interaction). Despite its C/Java-like syntax, it is interesting to observe that the constructs for behaviour composition in Jolie follow the workflow tradition. For instance, it is easy to program the fork-join pattern, as in { \(B_1\) | \(B_2\) }; \(B_3\), which is not natively supported, e.g., by Java.\(\square \)

Example 4.1

(Store service). We give an implementation example of the behaviour of a store service. The service allows for retrieving information about a product (available quantity and price) and then placing an order for buying it.

figure a

The behaviour starts with a request-response input on operation getProductInfo. When it is invoked, its body is executed. First, the latter invokes services Warehouse and PriceList to retrieve the information about the product. Then, it concatenates a string with the retrieved information and stores it in variable info. After the body is executed, the original invoker of getProductInfo is sent the content of variable info. The behaviour now enters into a choice, waiting for an input from the same invoker for either operation order or cancel. In the first case the behaviour will handle the order, received on variable orderDesc (we leave the handling code unspecified); instead, if cancel is invoked the behaviour simply terminates.\(\square \)

Handling data. Jolie supports classic basic data types such as integers, strings, and booleans. More generally, variables and expressions can handle structured data trees using a concise and powerful syntax.

The variable state of a Jolie program is organised as a data tree. A variable then is simply a path for traversing the state and obtaining a subtree. Variables are dynamically allocated at runtime. It is easy to understand how this works by making a comparison to XML trees.Footnote 2 Consider the following behaviour:

figure b

Executing the code above would yield a state with two subnodes, x and y, respectively containing the integers 5 and 10. An XML representation would be:

figure c

Executing now the statement z = y / x would yield the following state:

figure d

State traversing is obtained through the dot operator ., which can be used to specify paths. For instance, we can store information on a person:

figure e

The code above shows two features. The first is nesting: email is a subnode of contact which is a subnode of person. The second is vectors, obtained with the usual square bracket notation. An XML representation would be:

figure f

Jolie also comes with some native operators for manipulating data trees. In the following we show the deep copy operator \(\mathtt << \) and the vector size operator #. Assume that the following code is run with the state represented above:

figure g

In the resulting state x would then contain a copy of the tree pointed by and numbers the size of the vector phoneNumber inside that tree.

In the rest of the chapter, we will simply refer to paths as variables.

2.2 Deploying Services

We introduce now the syntax for deployment. The basic deployment primitives are input ports and output ports, which support input and output communications with other services. Ports are based on interfaces and data types.

A deployment \(D\) is simply a list of deployment instructions among which we can have input and output ports, type definitions, and interfaces:

$$\begin{aligned} D \qquad {:\!:}=\qquad D \ D \quad | \quad IP \quad | \quad OP \quad | \quad T_\mathsf{def } \quad | \quad I \quad | \quad \ldots \end{aligned}$$

We leave this definition open with \(\ldots \) as it will be extended in the next sections.

Communication ports. Communication ports define how communications with other services are supported. There are two kinds of ports. Input ports deal with exposing input operations to other services. Output ports, instead, define how to invoke the operations of other services. Input and output ports are dual concepts and their syntaxes are quite similar. Ports are based upon the three fundamental concepts of location, protocol and interface. The former two define the concrete binding information between a Jolie program and other services. The last, instead, defines type information that is expected to be satisfied by the behaviour that uses the ports.

A location expresses the communication medium, along with its configuration parameters, that a service uses for exposing its interface (in the case of an input port) or contacting another service (in the case of an output port). A protocol defines how data to be sent or received should be, respectively, encoded or decoded following an isomorphism. Finally, a port must specify the interface that is accessible through it. The syntax for input and output ports is in Fig. 4.2 where \(URI\) is a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), defining the location of the port; id, p, and iface \(_i\) are identifiers representing, respectively, the name of the port, the data protocol to use, and the interfaces accessible through the port

Fig. 4.2
figure 2

Input and output ports syntax

A location must indicate the communication medium the port has to use and its related parameters, in this form: medium \([\) : parameters \(]\), where medium is a medium identifier and the optional parameters is a medium-specific string. Jolie currently supports four mediums: btl2cap (Bluetooth L2CAP), localsocket (Unix local sockets), rmi (Java RMI), and socket (TCP/IP sockets). An example of a valid location is: "socket://", where socket is the medium and the following part represents the parameters.

Protocols are referred to by name. Examples of valid protocol names are http, https, soap, sodep [9] (a binary protocol specifically developed for Jolie), and xmlrpc. The HTTP protocol implementation, http, can dynamically detect client invocations using different formats (e.g., GWT-RPC [10] and JSON [11]).

Data types and interfaces. Communication ports require interfaces to be defined. An interface is a collection of operation types. The latter define the data types of the values that can be communicated over each specified operation.

We start from data types. We remind that Jolie values are data trees. A data type specifies (i) the structure of a data tree, (ii) the type of the content of its nodes, and (iii) the allowed number of occurences of each node. Let us see an example first. We write a type for the data tree pointed by person in Listing 4.1.

figure h

A value of type Person must not contain anything in its root node (it is void). It must have the subnodes name (which must contain a string) and age (an integer). It may have a subnode contact (this is specified by the notation [0,1], to be read as “from zero to one occurrences”). If it does, subnode contact must not contain anything in its root node (void), but it must have an email subnode and any number of phoneNumber subnodes (specified by the * notation).

The syntax for data types \(T_\mathsf{{def}}\) is as follows:

\(T_\mathsf{def }\)


type id \(T\)



: \(BT\) [ { .id \(_1\)  \(R_1\)  \(T_1\)   ...   .id \(_n\)  \(R_n\)  \(T_n\)}]\(|\) undefined



[ min, max] \(|\) * \(|\) ?    \(BT\) : := int \(|\) string \(|\) void ...

Type definitions assign a type \(T\) to a name id. Each type \(T\) comprehends a basic type \(BT\) and (optionally) a list of named subnode types or the undefined keyword, which makes the type accepting any subtree. Each subtype comes with a range \(R\), which specifies the allowed number of occurences of the subnode in a value. A range \(R\) can be an interval from min (an integer major or equal than zero) to max (an integer major or equal than its associated min), or *, meaning any number of occurences. ? is a shortcut for [0,1].

The syntax for interfaces \(I\) is:



interface id { \([\) OneWay: \(OW^+\) \(]\) \([\) RequestResponse: \(RR^+\) \(]\) }



id ( \(OT\) )



id ( \(OT_\mathsf{req }\) ) ( \(OT_\mathsf{resp }\) )



\(BT\) \(|\) type

An interface \(I\) is a list of one-way and request-response operation declarations, respectively \(OW\) and \(RR\). \(OW\) maps an operation id to an operation type \(OT\), which can be either a basic type \(BT\) or a reference to a user-defined type. \(RR\) is similar, but it distinguishes between the type for the request \(OT_\mathsf{{req}}\) and the response \(OT_{\mathsf{{resp}}}\).

Remarkably, it is possible to define multiple input ports that expose the same interface through different communication technologies. This way, for example, a Jolie program may expose the same set of functionalities through a web interface and over Bluetooth, retaining simplicity in the behaviour.

Deployment introduces runtime type checking to behaviours. Whenever a message is sent or received through a port, its type is checked against that specified for its operation in the port’s interface. An invoker sending a message with a wrong type receives a TypeMismatch fault. Also, an output statement may throw the same fault when trying to send a message with wrong type.

2.3 Putting it All Together

We can finally use the syntax shown so far to implement working Jolie programs, defining their behavioural and deployment parts. The following examples are complete, and therefore executable. The next listing defines a service that offers an operation for performing the summation of some numbers.

figure i

The code above implements a service that exposes an operation sum that takes at least two number nodes in its request message and then replies with the sum of the numbers. The service is deployed accepting socket connections at TCP port 8000 and uses the soap protocol. Let us see a program that invokes the service above. Below, we use the include primitive for importing the output port Console from the Jolie standard library unit console.iol and print the result.

figure j

We can already see how the separation between behaviour and deployment helps in addressing the heterogeneity of communication technologies. For example, if we want to invoke our service from a web browser it is sufficient to change its communication protocol to http, without considering the behaviour:

figure k

Now we can sum numbers from a web browser by opening a URL such as: http://localhost:8000/sum?number=10&number=2&number=4

Remark 4.2

(Automatic Type Casting) In the example above, we pass some integer parameters to our service through a query string in an HTTP URL, which does not carry data typing. In this case, Jolie is actually casting such string parameters to integers, referring to the operation type. Automatic type casting for untyped data also allows for rejecting immediately messages with a wrong type. For example, browsing the following URL would get and display a TypeMismatch error: http://localhost:8000/sum?number=wrong \(\square \)

3 Sessions and Error Recovery

Until now we have presented services that run their behaviours only once. We also never accounted for errors in their executions. However, in service-oriented computing, services should be available multiple times and engage in sessions, i.e. stateful conversations with other entities with a shared goal. For example, a web browser, an E-Commerce service, and a bank service may start a session to perform a payment. Then, they would need to handle possible errors in such an activity. In this section, we introduce the Jolie primitives for programming sessions and error recovery.

3.1 Behaviour Instances

A service participates in a session by executing an instance of its behaviour. So far we have executed behaviours a single time; e.g., the sum service in Sect. 4.2.3 supports a single session with a client for receiving some numbers and replying with their summation. The service must be executed again manually if it is needed again.

Jolie allows to reuse behavioural definition multiple times with the execution modality deployment primitive [12]:



\(\ \ldots \quad | \quad \) execution { \(M\) }




single \(|\) sequential \(|\) concurrent

single is the default execution modality (so the execution construct may be omitted in this case), which runs the program behaviour once. sequential, instead, causes the program behaviour to be made available again after the current instance has terminated. This is useful, for instance, for modelling services that need to guarantee exclusive access to a resource. Finally, concurrent causes a program behaviour to be instantiated and executed whenever its first input statement can receive a message. Jolie also supports special procedures for initialising a service before it makes its behaviour available, omitted here. The interested reader may refer to [13].

In the sequential and concurrent cases, the behavioural definition inside the main procedure must be an input statement (an input \(\eta \) or an input choice, cf. Sect. 4.2, Fig. 4.1); we refer to the operations in such input statements as starting operations.

Variable state. A crucial aspect of behaviour instances is that each instance has its own private state, determining variable scoping. This lifts programmers from worrying about race conditions in most cases. For instance, we could simply add the deployment instruction execution { concurrent } to the sum service in Sect. 4.2.3 to make it supporting multiple clients at the same time. Access to variables would be safe since each behaviour instance would have its private state.

Jolie also provides global variables to support sharing of data among different behaviour instances. These can be accessed using the global prefix:

figure l

Concurrent access to global variables can be restricted through synchronized blocks, similarly to Java:\(B {::}= \ldots | \mathtt synchronized \mathtt ( \mathsf id \mathtt ) \mathtt \{ B \mathtt \} \) which allows only one process at a time to enter any synchronized block sharing the same id.

Dynamic binding. Jolie allows output ports to be dynamically bound, i.e., their locations and protocols (called binding information) can change at runtime. Changes to the binding information of an output port is local to a behaviour instance: output ports are considered part of the local state of each instance. Dynamic binding is obtained by treating output ports as variables. For instance, the following would print the location and protocol name of output port Printer

figure m

where the file Printer.iol contains the interface:

figure n

Binding information may be entered at runtime by making simple assignments:

figure o

Example 4.2

(Binding registry). We show a usage example of dynamic binding and binding transmission by implementing a binding registry, i.e., a service that shares binding information. The registry offers a request-response operation, getBinding, that returns the binding information for contacting a service. We identify services by simple names. The interface of the registry is thus:

figure p

where Binding is the type of port bindings defined in the standard Jolie library. Below we implement the registry behaviour, which supplies binding information for an inkjet printer and a laser printer (whose services we leave unspecified).

figure q

Finally, we define a client that calls \(\mathtt getBinding \) for discovering the laser printer:

figure r

3.2 Message Routing with Correlation Sets

Having multiple instances of a behaviour running in a service introduces the problem of routing incoming messages to the right instances. Let us clarify with an example. Assume that an E-Commerce service has two behaviour instances opened for buying two products, respectively product \(A\) and product \(B\). If a message for performing a payment comes from the network, how can we determine if the payment is for \(A\) or it is for \(B\)? Supposedly, we should require that the payment message contains some information that allows us to relate it to the correct behaviour instance, e.g., a serial number. In common web application frameworks this issue is covered by the sid session identifier, a unique key usually stored as a browser cookie.

Jolie supports incoming message routing to behaviour instances by means of correlation sets [14]. Correlation sets are a generalisation of session identifiers: instead of referring to a single variable for identifying behaviour instances, a correlation set allows the programmer to refer to the combination of multiple variables, called correlation variables. Correlation set programming deals both with the deployment and behavioural parts. The former must declare the correlation sets, instructing the interpreter on how to relate incoming messages to internal behaviour instances. The latter instead has to assign the concrete values to the correlation variables.

Correlation set declaration. Correlation sets are declared in the deployment part of a program using the following syntax:



\(\ldots \ |\ C\)





cset { \(C_\mathsf{Var }^{+}\) }


\(C_\mathsf{Var }\)


x : \(\mathsf T_{path} ^{+}\)


A correlation set declaration \(C\) is a list of correlation variable declarations. A correlation variable declaration \(C_\mathsf{Var }\) links a correlation variable x to a list of aliases. A correlation alias \(\mathsf T_{path} \) is a path (using the same syntax for variable paths) starting with a message type name, indicating where the value for comparing the correlation variable can be retrieved within the message. Aliases ensure loose coupling between the names of the correlation variables and the data structures of incoming messages.

The fact that correlation aliases are defined on message types makes correlation definitions statically strongly typed. A static checker verifies that each alias points to a node that will surely be present in every incoming message of the referenced type; technically, this means that the node itself and all its ancestor nodes are not optional in the type. As an example, the following is an invalid correlation set definition:

figure s

because node b is optional under a in type MyType. Hereafter we refer to a path such as a.b, i.e., the path that follows after the type name, as the aliasing path for the correlation variable for the relative type (MyType above).

Jolie performs many other static checks for ensuring correctness of correlation set declarations (see [14]). Here we highlight that, for services using sequential or concurrent execution modalities, for each operation used in an input statement in the behaviour there is exactly one correlation set that links all its variables to the type of the operation. Since there is exactly one correlation set referring to an operation, we can unambiguosly call it the correlation set for the operation. We can now define how correlation works (see [14] for a formal definition).

Let o be an operation and \(C\) be the correlation set for o. We say that an incoming message for o correlates with a behaviour instance if, for every variable x with y as aliasing path for the input type of o in \(C\), we have that the value of x in the state of the behaviour instance is the same as the value of y in the message.

Whenever a service receives a message through an input port (and the message is correctly typed wrt the port’s interface) there are three possibilities, defined below.

  • The message correlates with a behaviour instance. In this case the message is received and given to the behaviour instance, which will be able to consume it through an input statement for the related operation of the message.

  • The message does not correlate with any behaviour instance and its operation is a starting operation in the behavioural definition. In this case, a new behaviour instance is created and the message is assigned to it. If the starting operation has an associated correlation set, all the correlation variables in the correlation set are atomically assigned (from the values of the aliases in the message) to the behaviour instance before starting its executing.

  • The message does not correlate with any behaviour instance of its operation is not a starting operation in the behavioural definition. In this case, the message is rejected and a CorrelationError fault is sent back to the invoker.

Correlation values. In the behavioural part of a program, correlation variables must be explicitly prefixed with the csets keyword. So, for instance, assigning the value "MyValue" to the correlation variable myVar looks like:

figure t

It is often useful to assign a fresh value to a correlation variable, to ensure unambiguity between behaviour instances. The primitive new addresses this point:

figure u

We observe that a programmer can make mistakes when programming correlation. As an example, assume that in the following code snippet operation close (for closing a behaviour instance) has input type CloseType:

figure v

The code above is wrong because x is not instantiated before the input statement close(). This would case a deadlock since no input message would be able to correlate for that input. Jolie comes with a static checker that can detect some common problems in correlation programming [14], such as this one.

Example 4.3

(Distributed authentication). We report an example from [14] inspired by the OpenID Authentication specifications [15], a largely adopted decentralised Single Sign-On protocol that allows a service, called relying party, to authenticate a user, the client, by relying on another external service that is responsible for handling identities, the identity provider. Therefore, OpenID specifies a multiparty session. When the client requests access to the relying party, the latter starts an authentication session with the identity provider and redirects the client to it. The client then sends its authentication credentials to the identity provider, which will inform the relying party on the result of the authentication attempt. The example can be downloaded at [16]. Here, we show an implementation sketch for the relying party.

figure w

The service receives a request on the starting operation login from the client for initiating the protocol. The body of login generates two fresh correlation tokens, clientToken and secureToken, and also stores them under the openRequest variable. We will use clientToken for receiving messages from the client and secureToken for receiving messages from the identity provider. The client is not informed about secureToken, preventing it to maliciously act as the identity provider. The body of login performs a call to the identity provider, starting an authentication session and communicating secureToken. The reply will redirect the client to the identity provider. The relying party will then wait for a notification about the result of the authentication attempt, hence the input choice on authSucceeded and authFailed, which correlate through secureToken. \(\square \)

3.3 Fault Handling

Fault handling in Jolie involves four basic concepts: scope, fault, termination and compensation. We now describe the first three concepts: the reader interested in compensation handling can refer to [17]. A scope is a behaviour container denoted by a unique name and able to manage faults. A fault is a signal raised by a behaviour towards the enclosing scope when an error state is reached, in order to allow for its recovery. Termination is a mechanism used to recover from errors: it is automatically triggered when a scope is unexpectedly terminated from a parallel behaviour and must be smoothly stopped. We say that a scope terminates successfully if it does not raise any fault signal; a scope obtains this by handling all the faults thrown by its internal behaviour. Recovery mechanisms are implemented by exploiting handlers, which contain the code to execute when faults or terminations are triggered.

We extend the syntax of behaviours with the primitives for fault handling:


::= \(\ldots \) \(|\)

scope( s ) { \(B\) }




install( h \(_1\) => \(B_1\) , ..., h \(_n\) => \(B_n\) )








throw( f \([\) , x \(]\) )


Above, (scope) defines a scope with a unique scope name s and a behaviour \(B\). (inst) dynamically installs the handlers \(B_i\) for their respective names h \(_i\) in the enclosing scope, where h can be either a fault name or one of the special keywords this and default. If it is a fault name, then the handler is installed as a fault handler; if it is this, then the handler is installed as a termination handler for the enclosing scope; if, finally, it is default, then the handler is installed as a fallback fault handler for all faults that do not have a specific fault handler. Installing a handler overwrites the previous one for the same fault or scope name; however, handlers can be composed by using the cH placeholder, which is replaced by the code of the previously installed handler. Finally, (throw) throws a fault f with some optional data x.

Automatic fault transmission. Uncaught fault signals in a request-response body are automatically sent to the invoker. Hence, invokers are always notified of unhandled faults. We update the syntax for request-response operation types (cf. Sect. 4.2.2) to declare the faults f \(_i\) that could be sent back to invokers with data of type \(OT_i\):



id ( \(OT_\mathsf{req }\) ) ( \(OT_\mathsf{resp }\) ) \([\) throws f \(_1\) ( \(OT_1\) )   ...  f \(_n\) ( \(OT_n\) ) \(]\)

It follows from the fact that request-response operations may return a fault, that now the solicit-response output statement may throw the received fault.

Handler composition. The cH element allows for the dynamic composition of behavioural code. Consider the following example:

figure x

The second install uses cH in its handler. At runtime, cH will be replaced with the previously installed handler. So the second install instruction is equivalent to:

figure y

Install statement priority. An install statement may execute in parallel to other behaviours that may throw a fault. This introduces a problem of nondeterminism: how can the programmer ensure that the correct handlers are installed regardless of the scheduling of the parallel activities? Jolie solves this issue by giving priority to the install primitive wrt fault processing, making handler installation predictable. As an example, consider the following code:

figure z

where, inside the scope s, we have a parallel composition of a throw statement for fault f and an installation of a handler for the same fault. The priority given to the install primitive guarantees that the handler will be installed before the fault signal for f reaches the scope construct and its handler is searched for.

4 Architectural Composition

Until now we have shown how a behaviour can compose other behaviours abstracting from its deployment. In this section we show how composition can be obtained from the opposite perspective. Namely, we present architectural composition, a different kind of composition that a deployment definition can obtain abstracting from the specific behavioural definitions of the involved services.

Architectural composition can be roughly divided in two main categories. The first deals with the structuring of the execution contexts in which services operate. For instance, a service may execute other sub-services in the same execution engine, in order to gain advantages in terms of resource control. Other examples can be the wrapping and hiding of an entity in an SOA. The second category deals with the topology of the connections between services in an SOA. Jolie supports mechanisms for both categories [13, 18]. Here we introduce two representatives, respectively embedding [13] and aggregation [13, 19].

4.1 Embedding

Embedding is a mechanism for executing multiple services in the same virtual machine. A service, called embedder, can embed another service, called embedded service, by targetting it with the embedded primitive. The syntax for embedding is:



\(\ldots \quad | \quad E\)



embedded { \(E_\mathsf{type }\) : path \([\) in OP \(]\) }

\(E_\mathsf{type }\)


Jolie \(|\) Java \(|\) JavaScript

where \(E\) is the embedding construct, \(E_\mathsf{type }\) specifies the type (technology) of the service to embed, and path is a URL (possibly in simple form) pointing to the definition of the service to embed. Jolie currently supports the embedding of Jolie, Java, and JavaScript service definitions; this support can be modularly extended [13]. Embedding may optionally specify an output port OP; in this case, as soon as the service is loaded, the output port OP is bound to the “local” communication input port of the embedded service. The meaning of local communication input port is dependent on the embedding type; we will show examples for Jolie and Java services. This makes embedding a cross-technology mechanism: it can load services defined using different languages. Embedding produces a hierarchy of services where the embedder is the parent service of the embedded ones; this hierarchy handles termination: whenever a service terminates all its embedded services are recursively terminated. The hierarchy is also useful for enhancing performance: services in the same virtual machines may communicate using fast local memory communication channels.

When embedding a Jolie service, the path URL must point to a file containing a Jolie program (provided as source code or in binary form). Command line parameters can also be passed. Local in-memory communication between embedder and embedded is enabled by means of the local communication medium, which must be specified by the embedded service. In this case no protocol definition is needed.

Example 4.4

(Embedded Jolie service). We embed the sum service from Sect. 4.2.3. First, we add the following input port to allow for local communications:

figure aa

Now we can design a modified version of the client program in Sect. 4.2.3 to embed the sum service (whose definition we assume to be stored in file sum_service.ol) and call it using an output port bound by embedding. We omit interfaces.

figure ab

\(\square \)

When embedding a Java service, the path URL must unambiguously identify a Java class, which can also be in the Java classpath of the Jolie interpreter. The class must extend the JavaService abstract class, offered by the Jolie Java library for supporting the automatic conversion between Java values and their Jolie representations. Each method of the embedded class is seen as an operation from the embedder, which will instantiate an object using the class and bind it to the output port. Embedding Java services is particularly useful for interacting with existing Java code, or perform some task where computational performance is important. Many services of the Jolie standard library (like Console) are Java services.

Example 4.5

(Java service embedding). We embed a simple Java service that offers a length Request-Response operation that takes a string as request and replies with the length of the string. Consider the following Java code:

figure ac

We can embed and use the code above from a Jolie program such as the following:

figure ad

\(\square \)

We end our presentation of embedding by showing how to use it at runtime. Dynamic embedding can be used to implement features such as code mobility (an important aspect in cloud computing middleware) and service adaptation.

Example 4.6

(Platform-as-a-service). We report a sketch, from [13], of a simple platform-as-a-service solution, where customers can load services by service mobility. Each customer has a certain amount of allowed execution time: a loaded service cannot run for more than the customer’s allowed time, and when the service terminates the allowed time is decreased. We use the MetaService service from the Jolie standard library, which can dynamically embed and unload services respectively through the loadEmbeddedService and unloadEmbeddedService operations.

figure ae

The service supports multiple sessions (execution{concurrent}). First, the customer is required to login, creating a behaviour instance. An AccountManager service is composed for handling authentication; if auth fails, we rely on automatic fault transmission (cf. Sect. 4.3.3) to send the fault to the customer through login. If auth succeeds, we assign a fresh token to the correlation variable sid and send it back to the customer. The startService operation is then made available, which can be called to start a new service; the latter is loaded by composing MetaService. After the service is embedded, a Time service is used to start a timer set to the customer’s allowed time. The timer is used in the following input choice, where either the timeout occurs or the stop operation gets called first. In any case the service gets unloaded and, concurrently, the account allowed time gets updated. \(\square \)

4.2 Aggregation

Aggregation is a generalisation of network proxies that allows a service to expose operations without implementing them in its behaviour, but instead delegating them to other services. Aggregation can also be used for programming various architectural patterns—such as load balancers, reverse proxies, and adapters—omitted here (see [13, 19]). The syntax for aggregation extends that for input ports, by introducing an Aggregates primitive that expects a list of output port names:



inputPort id { Location: \(URI\) Protocol: p


                              Interfaces: \(\mathsf iface _1\), ..., \(\mathsf iface _n\) [Aggregates: \(\mathtt OP ^+\)] {}

The interfaces of the output ports must not share any operation name. We can now define how aggregation works. Let \(\textit{IP}\) be an input port. Whenever a message for operation o is received through \(\textit{IP}\) we have the three following possibilities.

  • o is an operation declared in one of the interfaces of \(\textit{IP}\). In this case, the message is normally received by the program as described in Sect. 4.3.2.

  • o is not declared in one of the interfaces of \(\textit{IP}\) and is declared in the interface of an output port \(\textit{IP}\) aggregated by \(\textit{IP}\). In this case, the message is forwarded to \(\textit{OP}\) as an output from the aggregator.

  • o is not declared in any interface of \(\textit{IP}\) or of its aggregated output ports. Then, the message is rejected and an IOException fault is sent to the caller.

From the second item above, we can observe that aggregation merges the interfaces of the aggregated output ports and makes them accessible through a single input port. Thus, an invoker would see all the aggregated services as a single one.

Remarkably, aggregation handles the request-response pattern seamlessly: when forwarding a request-response invocation to an aggregated service, the aggregator will automatically also take care of relaying the response to the original invoker.

Example 4.7

(Forwarder). Aggregation can be used for system integration, e.g. bridging services that use different communication technologies or protocols [13]. The deployment snippet below creates a service that forwards incoming SODEP calls on TCP port 8000 to the output port MyOP, converting the received messages to SOAP.

figure af

\(\square \)

Example 4.8

(Aggregation and embedding). We give an example where three services—A, B, and C—are aggregated by a service M, which also embeds C. The code follows, where we have an output port for each service with the same name:

figure ag

Observe that the code for aggregating service C abstracts from the fact that it is actually embedded and not external; this abstraction is given by using output ports for aggregating, creating a dependency only on the interface instead of the implementation and location of the target service. The obtained architecture is graphically represented in Fig. 4.3, where we assume that the aggregated interfaces are singletons.

Fig. 4.3
figure 3

The aggregator M exposes the union of all the interfaces of the services it aggregates (A, B, C). Service C executes inside the virtual machine of M, by embedding. Interfaces are represented with dotted rectangles

The grey arrows represent how the messages will be forwarded. E.g., an incoming message for operation op3 will be forwarded to the embedded service C. \(\square \)

5 Example: An Automotive Case Study

We present a Jolie implementation of the automotive case study in the EU project SENSORIA [20]. We describe the main aspects of the implementation. A complete description and executable source code can be found at [21].

In the automotive case study a car experiments a failure during a travel. An onboard computer helps the driver in finding and booking some services for handling the situation: a garage for receiving the car, a tow truck for towing the car to the garage, and a car rental for renting a replacement car. We describe the execution flow of the system. All entities are coded in Jolie, unless otherwise stated.

Getting assistance after a failure. When the Jolie program running in the car onboard computer (called car service) detects a failure, it sends the failure description to the assistance service of the car manufacturer. The latter analyses the description and sends back to the car service a Jolie program, called local assistant, that is specific for the kind of failure. The car service now dynamically embeds the local assistant (similarly to Example 4.6), and starts interacting with it. Both the car service and the local assistant implement predefined static interfaces that define the operations they will use to interact. The mechanism is depicted in Fig. 4.4.

Fig. 4.4
figure 4

(Local assistant retrieval). The car service C calls the assistance service A (1), which selects the appropriate local assistance code LA (2) and sends it back to C (3). C can now dynamically embed and run LA (4)

Local assistant behaviour. The behaviour of the local assistant depends on the kind of failure. For instance, we distinguish between failures that make the car unable to move or not. Here we describe only the case in which the car is unable to move, where we need to find a garage, a tow truck, and a car rental to handle the situation. First, the local assistant asks the car service for the GPS coordinates of the car. The car service actually aggregates a secondary service, the sensors service, for making some read-only instrumentation data transparently available to the local assistant. Then, it will use such information for building an ordered list of suitable garage, tow truck, and car rental services, which are dynamically discovered through a registry provided on the public network. The assistant asks now the car service to display the list to the user, which also contains price information. The list is shown through an embedded Java User Interface. The assistant is then notified of the user’s selection.

Bookings and payments. The local assistant has now to book and pay for the selected garage, tow truck, and car rental services. For each service, we perform the booking and then the payment. Here we exploit dynamic fault handling for elegantly adapting our error recovery strategy based on the reached point of execution. Consider for instance the following (simplified) code sketch:

figure ah

Above, scope s takes care of the bookings and payments. Whenever one of those is successfully carried out, we update the fault handler for the scope by adding the code for reverting it (in parallel, for efficiency). So, for example, if the booking of the tow truck fails we would revert both booking and payment for the garage.

Fig. 4.5
figure 5

(Payment workflow). The local assistant LA inside the car service C calls the garage G (1), which opens a bank transaction T inside its bank \(\mathsf B_G \) (2) and obtains a transaction identifier (3), forwarded to LA (4). LA then asks C to send the identifier to the user’s bank \(\mathsf B_U \) (5), which finally closes the money transfer correlating with T (6)

Bank transactions. There are different bank services that could be involved in the payments. Here we describe the case for garage payment, depicted in Fig. 4.5. Let us call \(\mathsf B_U \) the bank service handling the user’s bank account and \(\mathsf B_G \) the bank service handling the bank account of the garage. When the local assistant books the garage, the latter opens a behaviour instance in \(\mathsf B_G \) for handling the bank transaction, gets back a transaction identifier (which is a correlation value for the behaviour instance in \(\mathsf B_G \)) and returns it to the assistant. The assistant now delegates the payment to the car service, which handles the user’s private data. In order to perform the payment, the car service contacts \(\mathsf B_U \) passing the user’s account data, the binding information to \(\mathsf B_G \), and the transaction identifier. \(\mathsf B_U \) can now close the transaction by contacting \(\mathsf B_G \), using the binding information for reaching its input port and the transaction identifier for correlating with the right behaviour instance. All the provided bank implementations use SQL-based DBMSs through the Jolie standard library.

6 Related Work

Related work can be found in orchestration languages and integration middleware for SOAs. Our deployment language allows Jolie to apply the service-oriented paradigm also to other domains; here we briefly consider the programming of web applications. Table 4.1 gives a systematic overview of our discussion.

Table 4.1 Comparison of natively supported features in Jolie and related technologies

WS-BPEL [6] is the reference orchestration language for Web Services. Jolie takes inspiration from concepts present in WS-BPEL and WSDL, such as one-way and request-response operations, communication ports, correlation sets, and termination handling. Nevertheless, Jolie significantly extends them. For instance, (i) we have developed static analysis techniques for correlation-based message delivery [14], and (ii) in Jolie we consider dynamic handler installation to guarantee the execution of the right fault recovery policy [17]. Another significant difference is that Jolie uses a programmer-friendly C/Java-like syntax instead of the XML-based syntax of WS-BPEL; although some of our examples (e.g., Example 4.1) may be encoded as WS-BPEL programs, the latter would be much longer and complex due to the verbose XML syntax and additional declarative parts. Furthermore, WS-BPEL does not come with formal semantics, making it ambiguous in some cases and leading to different execution behaviour in different implementations [22]. Jolie, on the other hand, is a formally specified language (see Sect. 4.7) and offers a reference implementation. Some other orchestration languages in the literature come equipped with a formal semantics. Blite [22] is a language that formally captures a subset of WS-BPEL. Differently from Jolie, Blite does not have its own interpreter but compiles its programs to WS-BPEL. HomeBPEL [23] is an extension of WS-BPEL for handling stateful code mobility. Differently, Jolie supports stateless service mobility through dynamic embedding (state mobility can be obtained, but it must be coded manually by the programmer). PiDuce [24] is an implementation of a pi-like process language equipped with powerful pattern-based primitives used to deconstruct XML documents. Finally, Orc [25] is an orchestration language that follows a data-flow oriented approach. The pruning operator found in Orc elegantly captures the “speculative parallelism” pattern, which invokes several services in parallel and considers only the first reply. An initial study of how this can be obtained in Jolie is presented in [26].

We now move to integration middlewares for SOAs, which cover architectural composition. In this context the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) framework [27] is often used, along with the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) model [7]. These solutions cover a similar role to that of aggregation, as reported in [19] (where a more powerful version of aggregation is also presented). Embedding, on the other hand, is usually supported through specific application servers which can, in practice, be difficult to compose. In Jolie, instead, embedder services can be seamlessly re-embedded by others to form a hierarchy. Finally, differently from our approach all these tools are specific to some application domain (e.g., Web Services) and are thus less general.

Jolie can be used as a self-contained web server through its http protocol [28], making it an alternative to other web server technologies (e.g., Apache Tomcat) and programming frameworks (e.g. PHP, JSP, Ruby on Rails). Noteworthingly, Jolie natively supports structured behaviours and multiparty sessions (cf. Sect. 4.3, Example 4.3), which are usually encoded manually with bookkeeping code in web applications.

7 Conclusions

We have introduced Jolie, a programming language that synthesises a coherent programming paradigm from the technologies and practices that emerged in service-oriented computing in the recent years. It deals with both the heterogeneity of communication technologies and that of composition mechanisms. We addressed the former by separating the behavioural and deployment definitions of Jolie programs and reducing their coupling to communication ports. We covered composition mechanisms by offering behavioural composition primitives for managing complex workflows and more high-level architectural primitives that build system topologies.

Jolie comes with formal specifications (in terms of a process calculus) of its semantics, omitted in this chapter [13, 29, 30]. This formal approach has been instrumental for reasoning on the underlying model of many constructs of the language. For instance, correlation sets and their properties are formalised in [14]. Dynamic fault handling has been developed purposefully for Jolie; its formalisation is reported in [17]. A formal account of aggregation can be found in [19].

Jolie has also been a source of inspiration for other work. For example, dynamic fault handling has been proven to be more expressive than classic static fault handling [31]. Montesi and Sangiorgi [32] reports some programming patterns for component-based systems that can be implemented in Jolie [13]. Guidi and Montesi [18] presents some engineering concepts that have been generalised from practical experience in Jolie programming.

Applications. The design of Jolie has been validated (and influenced) by covering a broad spectrum of applications, from low-level software tightly combined with hardware to enterprise SOAs. Jorba [33] is a framework for context-aware distributed applications, based on dynamic embedding. Leonardo [28] is a Web Server written in pure Jolie. Vision [34] is a push-enabled peer-to-peer application for sharing slides during presentations. Anedda et al. [35] presents a distributed architecture for the management of virtual machines written in Jolie. Jolie is also used in industrial development. SAP Connector is a tool for the seamless integration of SAP ECC installations with Jolie programs; it exploits the Jolie deployment language to integrate with numerous third-party information systems. Web Catalogue is an enterprise catalogue with web and smartphone frontends, based on Leonardo. Central Watcher is a software for managing and monitoring phone centrals, which uses embedding to integrate with native hardware management libraries. SAP Connector, Web Catalogue, and Central Watcher are some of the proprietary products of italianaSoftware s.r.l. [36], a software development company that uses Jolie as main development language and contributes to its code base regularly. A survey of the performance of the Jolie interpreter goes out of the scope of this chapter (which concentrates on the language). Roughly, it can be outlined as appropriate for many industrial deployments. For instance, stable deployments of SAP Connector have processed hundreds of thousands of transactions. Or, Web Catalogue uses embedding and aggregation heavily to compose a system of more than 30 SOAs, and a set of about 400 services dynamically run for various tasks; e.g., user access, pictures, news, and localisation are all handled by different inner SOAs.

Tool support. Jolie comes with many supporting tools (see [8]). Examples are: joliedoc, a documentation generator; jolie2dummy, a tool for the quick prototyping of Jolie code with “dummy” data generated from an interface; jolie2java, a converter from Jolie data types to Java class definitions; jolie2wsdl, which generates WSDL [37] documents from Jolie interfaces; vice versa, wsdl2jolie generates a Jolie output port for calling a Web Service from its WSDL descriptor. Joliepse is a prototype IDE for Jolie. jEye [38] is a graphical editor for Jolie programs. Finally, QtJolie is a C++ integration library for Jolie services, developed in the KDE SC [3].

Future Work. We plan to implement a type system for dynamic binding to guarantee that output ports are always bound to the expected interfaces. A similar study is planned for dynamic embedding. Another future work is to develop a static analysis for verifying the absence of “dangling bindings”, i.e., a service should never bind an output port to a location where there is no available service.

We will investigate how Jolie can be combined with techniques for the specification of protocols such as those based on session types, contracts, and choreographies [3941]. Our aim is to produce tools for supporting the verification and sound implementation of SOAs wrt global descriptions of system behaviour. The granularity introduced by embedding in SOAs make it interesting to consider analysis techniques where services can play multiple roles, like [42]. More generally, we intend to explore how the architectural primitives of Jolie may influence the design of protocol specification languages, e.g. by considering network topologies.