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Formative Qualitative Evidence for Health Preference and Outcomes Research

A collection of papers reporting formative qualitative research that has been undertaken to inform the development of quantitative preference study protocols and survey instruments

Participating journal

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  • Ilene Hollin

    Ilene Hollin

    Ilene L. Hollin, PhD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Services Administration and Policy within the College of Public Health at Temple University. Dr. Hollin’s research interests include decision making, patient and caregiver preferences, patient-centered outcomes, and the value of pharmaceuticals. She is especially interested in the economics of complex patient populations, rare diseases, and children with special healthcare needs. She is also interested in bridging the gap between health research and policy analysis and aims to incorporate the patient perspective in many aspects of healthcare, research, and policy.


Showing 1-17 of 17 articles
