
Special Issue: Current advances in cell culture for cancer research

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the special issue of "Current advances in cell culture for cancer research" in In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal journal, guest-edited by Prof. Masakiyo Sakaguchi (Okayama University, Japan).

This special issue covers a wide range of original articles and review papers related to recent advances in cell culture for cancer research. Cells are fundamental and essential units of life in all living organisms. Studying the cells at a molecular level as a cell population and as an individual single cell enables an understanding of how diseases can be caused and developed. To do so, a roundtrip study between isolated cells/cultivated cells and their origin individual is critical. Therefore, this special issue draws cutting-edge cell culture science that broadly includes advanced cell/organoid culture, cell engineering, and cellular and molecular analysis toward draggable and regenerative study, mainly focusing on cancer diseases. The submission deadline is the end of March 2024.

We look forward to your contribution in this special issue.

Please submit your manuscript online.


Articles (8 in this collection)