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Russia’s War in Ukraine: When Barbarism Takes Over Civilization

Participating journal: Studies in East European Thought
This Special Issue provides a critical assessment of the current Russia/Ukraine war by putting it into the broader context of early and recent history of Russian events and ideas. The issue examines historical and ideological roots, as well as causes of the war, and discusses its short- and long-run consequences for Russia’s future and the global world. This Special Issue will be a valuable source of information for scholars in Slavic and East European studies, as well as for anyone interested in today’s world affairs.

Participating journal

Studies in East European Thought is a scholarly platform focusing on the philosophical thought and intellectual history of East and Central Europe, Russia, and post-Soviet states.


  • Marina F. Bykova

    Marina F. Bykova is Professor of Philosophy at North Carolina State University and the Editor-in-chief of Studies in East European Thought. Her main area of specialization is the history of the nineteenth century continental philosophy, with a focus on German idealism. She has also written on Russian philosophy and intellectual tradition. She has published 11 books and more than 250 scholarly articles. She is a recipient of numerous honors and awards, including Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship and European Fellowship. She has also been named a Lisa Meitner Fellow and a Aleksanteri Institute Visiting Fellow. Her e-mail address: mfbykova@ncsu.


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