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Immunotherapy for Breast Cancer

Participating journal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
The collection of papers on the broad theme of immunotherapy for breast cancer provides a wonderful overview of some of the many areas of active research. Currently immunotherapy has proven a very effective therapy for a fraction of patient with breast cancer, particularly those with TNBC. Preoperative use of I/O therapy along with chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant/adjuvant setting as well as in select patients in the metastatic setting has clearly improved outcome of patients based on recent large randomized clinical trials. Fundamental questions include the need for identifying better predictive biomarkers other than PD-L1 status and identifying earlier in the course of treatment those patients who will respond to I/O and those who will not ( Chic et al, Liu et al, Deng et al). A better understanding of resistance mechanism may also provide insights and strategies for new therapeutic approaches and allow for more patients to benefit from I/O therapy alone or in combination with other therapies (Williams et al, Hu et al, Hanna et al) The scope of investigational strategies for treating TNBC is immense and several of the highlighted papers discuss ongoing trials that are investigating novel agents, combinations with radiation therapy, vaccines, intratumoral treatment, cellular therapy and combinations of I/O agents or I/O with other novel agents that target stimulatory or inhibitory pathyways (Hernandez-Calvo et al, Torres et al, Kearney et al, Huppert et al, Ho et al). This collection of papers provides an excellent primer on the state of the art understanding of biology and therapeutics for immunotherapy in breast cancer.

Participating journal

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment is a comprehensive forum dedicated to all aspects of breast cancer research.


Showing 1-15 of 15 articles
