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SDG4 Highlights: Quality Education in the Journal of Community Genetics

Participating journal: Journal of Community Genetics
In this collection we present highlighted articles that relate to SDG4-Quality Education. The Journal of Community Genetics serves as a forum for community genetics worldwide. With its content related to various SDGs, the journal contributes to at least not exacerbating global problems and challenges, but perhaps even improving them. This collection is supposed to grow and will be updated regularly. If you would like to submit your SDG related content to this journal, feel free to contact the Chief Editor, Professor Martina C. Cornel before submission. Find more information on Springer Nature's SDG Programme here.

Participating journal

Submit your manuscript to this collection through the participating journal.

The Journal of Community Genetics is an international focal point for research in the ever-expanding field of community genetics, the art and science of applying medical genetics to...


  • Martina C. Cornel, PhD, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

    Martina C. Cornel, PhD, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

    Professor Martina Cornel is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Community Genetics. She works at Amsterdam University Medical Centre. Many of her activities relate to the responsible implementation of genetic testing.


Showing 1-10 of 10 articles
