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New developments and therapies in Paediatric Endocrinology

Participating journal: European Journal of Pediatrics
The field of Paediatric Endocrinology has moved forward fast during the last decade. The advances in genomics have increased our knowledge of genetic causes of endocrine diseases such as thyroid disease, growth, pituitary and adrenal disorders and disorders of sexual differentiation. Subsequently, it helped to identify proteins and pathways for drug targeting. During the last decade new drugs have been developed for many endocrine conditions such as achondroplasia, hypophophataemic rickets, obesitas, adrenal insufficiency, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. This series will give an update of knowledge and management in several areas of Paediatric Endocrinology. The peer review process for these articles is the same as the peer review process of the journal in general. Additionally, if the guest editor(s) authors an article in their special issue, they will not handle the peer review process.

Participating journal

Submit your manuscript to this collection through the participating journal.


  • Dr. Evelien Gevers

    Dr. Evelien Gevers

    Queen Mary University of London, William Harvey Research Institute, Centre for Endocrinology Barts Health NHS Trust – The Royal London Children’s Hospital, Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes.
  • Peter de Winter, MD, PhD

    Peter de Winter, MD, PhD

    Spaarne Gasthuis, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands and Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium


Showing 1-11 of 11 articles
