
Engineering: Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithms

"Nature has always been the primary source of inspiration for the research and development carried out by the human. Biological diversity and their evolutionary process have a significant contribution in the latest research related to computational intelligence. It resulted in a new class of algorithms known as bio-inspired algorithms. The widely popular methods in the areas of evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, and artificial neural network systems are just to name few. This special issue serves as a forum for facilitating and enhancing information-sharing among researchers, ranging from algorithm developments to real-world applications in the area of Bio-Inspired Algorithms. This special issue is primarily based on the research papers presented during 8 th and 9 th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2018 -19) held at VIT Vellore, India and Liverpool Hope University UK, respectively."


Articles (12 in this collection)