
Special Issue on "Sustainability in business models in the network economy"

This article collection sets out to address the trend that the network economy is increasingly assessed form the perspective of the Circular Economy. The topics discussed in this collection on ‘Sustainability in business models in the network economy’ confirm these trends in the concept of sustainability, especially in the context of applying it to the design and use of business models with specific pro-socio-environmental features. The subject of this collection is then to analyze how to incorporate sustainability into business and e-business models. A basic question is whether this integration will allow companies to gain competitive advantage in a just way while helping organizations thrive.


  • Marek Jabłoński

    Faculty in Chorzów, WSB University in Poznan, Chorzów, Poland,

  • Paul Timmers

    Centre for Technology and Global, University of Oxford, Affairs Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UQ, UK

  • Joseph Sarkis

    Foisie Business School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA, and Hanken School of Economics, Humlog Institute, Helsinki, Finland

Articles (4 in this collection)