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Land reclamation and ecological restoration in mining areas

The exploitation of mineral resources often leads to the entire or partial degradation of ecological systems. Mining significantly alters both natural and anthropogenic systems, where these lands are not converted to a sustainable economic or urban after use, they must be reclaimed for agriculture or forestry or returned to nature, this applies to both surface and underground mining. Timely and reasonable land reclamation of damaged mine land is the basis for ensuring the sustainable development of mining activities. In view of that, the editors of this Special Issue encourage authors to submit new quality manuscripts on the matter, focusing on mine land monitoring, impact of mining on environment, subsidence land and surface mine reclamation, landscape planning and management, contaminated land remediation, soil reconstruction and revegetation, land reclamation related policies and regulation.

This special issue is also part of the International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration 2021, which will be held in Xuzhou, China in this coming October. The symposium held every 3 years, The first and second symposium were held in Beijing 2014 (LRER 2014) and Xi’an 2017(LRER 2017). The related special issues in JCST could be found at:

Participating journal

The International Journal of Coal Science & Technology is a peer-reviewed open access journal.


  • Professor Zhenqi Hu

    China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), China,
  • Dr. Robert G. Darmody

    American Society of Reclamation Sciences, USA,


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