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Pacific APA 2020-2021

Participating journal: Philosophical Studies

This special issue includes eleven papers developed from presentations at the American Philosophical Association's 2021 Pacific Division Meeting. The global COVID-19 pandemic caused the 2020 Pacific APA conference to be canceled, and the 2021 conference at which these papers were first presented was the first fully remote Pacific APA. The 2021 conference featured work accepted for presentation in Fall 2020, as well as the work of presenters who had been scheduled to speak at the canceled 2020 conference. The papers in this volume were nominated by members of the 2020 and 2021 program committees as among the most interesting and innovative work at the conference, and the papers subsequently underwent rigorous development and peer review processes. The authors in this volume are overwhelmingly more junior scholars, and the topics illustrate the depth and diversity of philosophical questions and concerns. The events from which these papers are drawn, and the publication of this subsequent volume, not only demonstrate the resilience and perseverance of our intellectual community but also suggest directions for how we may continue to grow, moving forward.

Participating journal

Philosophical Studies is a dedicated periodical devoted to the publication of papers in exclusively analytic philosophy.


  • Elizabeth Brake,

    Elizabeth Brake is a Professor of Philosophy at Rice Univ, Texas and EiC of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. Holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Univ. of St. Andrews. Her research is primarily in feminist ethics and political philosophy. Author of Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law and has published in journals such as Ethics, Jnl of Moral Philosophy, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Social Theory and Practice, Kantian Review, & Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. Currently working on two new projects: one on the state’s role in disaster response, and one on wrongful behavior in intimate personal relationships.
  • Clair Morrissey,

    Clair Morrissey is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Occidental College, US where she is also the Faculty Director of the Undergraduate Research Center. She holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research is primarily in practical ethics and political philosophy, especially bioethics, environmental ethics, and the relationship between ethics and aesthetics. She is currently working on two new projects. The first is an account of wit as a virtue, and the second an interdisciplinary collaboration with cognitive scientist, Aleksandra Sherman, on the value of arts engagement for living well.


Showing 1-11 of 11 articles
  1. Dilemmatic gaslighting

    • Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini
    S.I. : Pacific APA 2020 & 2021 15 September 2022 Pages: 745 - 772
  2. Maladjustment

    • Michaela McSweeney
    OriginalPaper 21 July 2022 Pages: 843 - 869
