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Groundwater quality and contamination and the application of GIS

Participating journal: Environmental Earth Sciences
The aim of this special issue on “Groundwater quality and contamination and the application of GIS” is to identify the groundwater quality zones and sources of contaminants in groundwater and focus on the present state of the knowledge concerning the links between groundwater contamination and its quality for various uses. Proposed topics include, but are not limited to: Groundwater geochemistry, source of ions and spatial distribution; Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes; Novel techniques for assessing risks to human populations consuming contaminated groundwater; Groundwater quality monitoring in arid and semiarid regions; Application of GIS to groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation; Effects of groundwater pollution and contamination source identification using multivariate statistical techniques; Impact of urbanization on groundwater quality and contamination process; Geospatial distribution and approaches to identify the groundwater contamination process.

Both research papers and review papers are welcome.

Participating journal

Environmental Earth Sciences is an international journal focused on the study of anthropogenically altered interactions within the geosphere and between the geosphere–biosphere.


  • Narsimha Adimalla

    Guest Editor


Showing 1-37 of 37 articles
